invertedgender · 6 years
it’s crazy and downright scary how good men are at pretending that they’re happy. you could have a man living in an emotional pit that he doesn’t even believe there’s a way out of but to you and all around him, he’s a ball of sunshine. it’s terrifying.
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invertedgender · 6 years
I think women can be important for men's rights, but they have to recognize their privilege over men (trans included). People that identify as female automatically benefit from a society that prioritizes women over men. Even in countries like the United States, there is still no equality for women and men. In order for this equality to happen, women must be willing to listen to men and not talk over them when discussing female privilege. If a woman is a supporter of men's rights, it is a step in the right direction because they are taking necessary steps to eradicate their higher station in society and sacrificing it for equality. I hope that one day, everyone will become a men's rights activism because it benefits everyone. If everyone was an MRA, a lot of our problems would be solved. We need women to be supporters of men's rights as well, since they can help teach other women the proper way to treat those that identify as men.
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invertedgender · 6 years
There is a type of man who, in previous times, would marry and try to make one woman’s life miserable. Now, he does not marry but becomes an MRA and tries to make all women’s lives miserable.
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invertedgender · 6 years
Why is it that when a gay man says he hates vaginas everyone calls him transphobic but when a straight woman says that dicks are disgusting no one bats an eye?
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invertedgender · 6 years
when women hate men, they want to rape, hurt, control, abuse, humiliate, demean, dehumanize, and kill us
when men hate women, we want women to leave us alone, we don’t want to go near men, we don’t want to interact with them at all
misandry is inherently a violence of destroying boundaries. men’s responding anger is a reaction to boundary violation. it is the subsequent defense of boundaries, of building them to be stronger, harder to break down
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invertedgender · 6 years
To all of you who are shouting that we must always "believe men": what about when it's your wife falsely accused? Your mom? Your sister? Your daughter? Your best friend? The women in your life you know to be trustworthy and good. Will you believe the men then?
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invertedgender · 8 years
are you ever overwhelmed by how beautiful guys are like…..short guys, tall guys, muscular guys, silly guys, chubby guys, shy girls, outspoken guys, trans guys…they’re all so beautiful and i just can’t Deal………. 
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invertedgender · 8 years
Really though, white women should stay the fuck away from the term “girl” the day they turn 20 years old
Girl positivity is not for you
Really, why is there this infantilization of women I keep seeing? Why are 20-something grown women calling themselves girls and saying “it’s okay to love girls”?
No, it’s okay to love women. If you’re an adult, you’re a woman. Loving girls is disgusting if you’re a woman.
Make your own post with “woman” instead of “girl” if you want to participate in this positivity.
Remember that men don’t get the luxury of calling themselves boys; especially moc. They’re called men from the age of 12 up, sometimes younger.
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invertedgender · 8 years
I just need to stop looking for validation and attention from women bc nothing with them is reciprocal they just want to bleed us dry of affection and give nothing back in return
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invertedgender · 8 years
Anti fems who bully feminists aren't better than feminists bullying non feminists
I’m not sure if this is a submission for an inverted post or just a statement.
Let’s just go for the latter. I agree. It’s silly to bully people just because you don’t agree with them or don’t call yourselves the same thing. Particularly when the beliefs held by feminists and non-/anti-feminists can vary so wildly, and I suspect that there is often more common ground than people might think if they didn’t constantly try and put each other on the defensive.
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invertedgender · 8 years
i cannot stress this enough, young gentlemen.
find a slightly older male friend. like… two to ten years older than you. they will save your life, they will teach you so much, they will give you such great life lessons. they are so vital and helpful and important.
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invertedgender · 8 years
can’t wait for the generation of mlm directors/writers that just slaughter every straight white female against all probable odds
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invertedgender · 8 years
I'm happy and a little sad this blog exists. I wanted to do this exact thing lol Would you mind if I went ahead and made a blog like this but for inverting the Cis/Trans posts? Or would it just be easier to suggest adding those kinds of posts here?
In response to you making your own blog, and to anyone else who wants to do that kind of thing, then of course! I don’t own the concept, so according to my lawyers I can’t stop you.
There are some other blogs who do their own similar things, such as @inverted-race and @themodernmisandrist (and maybe more that I’ve forgotten), so there’s no need to ask for permission… it’s just a blog!
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invertedgender · 8 years
Ok, I gotta ask. Why do you never defend yourself whenever someone insults you? I'm not quite seeing the point in just reblogging it.
I like to see the types of criticisms (or sometimes, but tagged the same, insults) made about this blog: usually they’re “but it doesn’t mean the same when it’s inverted” or “it’s cissexist to say that male or female are opposite” (that second one isn’t as popular as it used to be, though).
And for the former, fair enough. The same for people who think that this blog is misogynistic- some of the posts certainly are, and maybe they think that’s the only reason someone would run this blog.
Alternatively, I reblog (and tag) the assumptions made about the kind of person who runs this blog, again for my own interest.
I don’t argue with people because it would take a long time, and I doubt I’d change their mind: it’s unlikely that saying “I’m not [bigoted]” to someone on here has actually convinced them!
And, more importantly, most of this blog isn’t my words or opinions. That means that someone insulting this blog, or a post, is filling in the blanks as to the kind of person that I am. The more incorrect they are, the more I know their assumptions don’t hold water. It’s the same reason I don’t answer questions about my background.
So I find the kinds of things that people say (and the arguments they make) interesting, and sometimes I see that they make good points, but even those who outright insult this blog and the person they think is behind it don’t bother me so much. We’re both strangers on the Internet, I don’t wish them anything bad, and I trust the judgements of someone who knows me far more
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invertedgender · 8 years
me: sees pics of veiny female hand gripping boys soft thigh me: leave him alone🔪🔪🔪
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invertedgender · 8 years
……anyways boys who love boys are amazing and pure and beautiful
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invertedgender · 8 years
Don’t humiliate him because he is shirtless. It’s hot outside. Instead of shaming boys for their bodies, teach girls that boys are not sexual objects.
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