invidianblog · 4 years
EA’s Online Issue
Okay, so it’s been a while since I posted. Hello all.
I recently got Star Wars: Battlefront 2 after a long “Wait and see” period after they removed the microtransactions. I had heard all the content that will be out is out, so I thought now would be the time to get the game for dirt cheap on Origin.
Low and behold, the game experience was actually enjoyable. As though, had they released the game in this state in the first place, this game would have been a critical success.
That, however, does come with one big caveat, and it’s one EA has become just as infamous for as Ubisoft: Connectivity issues.
The game is fun. There is no denying that, and playing through the major game mode, Supremecy is also very enjoyable. I’ve never been big into the “Hero” aspect of Battlefront games. It adds too many “BS” moments, in my honest opinion, but I’ll live with it if the experience is there, and they experience most definitely is there to make up for those moments.
However, these matches are long. 20-30 minutes at least, and through them I have gotten several rank ups for my classes, and various other unlocks. Progression is right where it needs to be. I recently hit rank 15 with my officer, so I just got new perk cards to use.
Or at least I should have...
The same issue I hit last night occurred today: You have been disconnected from the server due to networking issues. Please check your internet connection. Yadda Yadda Yadda. My internet is fine, btw. Perfect, if I do say so. I was watching youtube in the background with no issues. It’s a server-side issue that presented itself.
And that server-side issue... Fucked me.
So that progression I said I made was more levels for new perk cards, and progression toward a firearm for my Officer I don’t absolutely hate. All down the drain. Those 30-minute games just became a huge waste of time with no value whatsoever for the effort, all because any progression you gain, if you disconnect for any reason, even if it’s EA’s fault, you lose.So there goes my ranks, and any and all enjoyment I had been getting out of the game, twice in a row now. Thanks EA.
Star Wars Battlefront 2, two years removed from the pay to win lootbox gambling controversy: Still only a 5/10 experience, because EA’s server-side networking issues.
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invidianblog · 7 years
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Spelled out how exactly how EA is fucking over anyone who owns or wants to own Battllefront 2
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invidianblog · 8 years
“Grindfest” Games and What That Means.
So today I was enjoying a bit of Mechwarrior Online. I played a few matches, got involved, and generally enjoyed myself and the experience. I only started the game Two days prior to this posting, and have been enjoying playing it ever since, however, as I went through and played my matches, got my kills and assists, and died myself on occasion, I began to notice one almost painful aspect about this game:
It’s a Grindfest.
Now, what is a grindfest exactly? A grindfest, in this instance, is an artificially generated grind that pushes back rewards to a higher requirement to obtain in order to ‘encourage’ players to put real world money into shortening the trip to said reward.
Early on in the game, you earn Cadet Bonuses. These bonuses are basically credits that help you earn a lot of C-Bills (The in-game currency) right off the bat. This has it’s positives and negatives. The most obvious positives are, yay, you get a lot of money to buy, build, and customize whatever mechs you want (I estimate about three, if you don’t buy any of the hyper-expensive Clan Mechs, which are a lot more modular, and you fully kit out the ones you purchase). The obvious negative here, of course, is, you’re a noob, plain and simple. You don’t know what is and isn’t a good investment for you that early on.
And I see why they do it. It’s because if you let players run around exclusively with trial mechs (mechs with no customization options that you essentially ‘Try before buying’), then people would get bored very quickly. People like customization. One of the reasons Chromehounds and the Armored Core series by From Software were so popular was because they featured a diverse variety of customization. 
But we’re getting off-subject a little bit here, because it’s not the ealy-on cadet bonuses that are the problem, but what comes after. For you see, after you earn all 25 cadet bonuses, get your three battlemechs, and deck them out, you’re in for a barren wasteland of credit earning. Because in Mechwarrior Online, you go from earning roughly 500,000 C-Bills per match with the cadet bonus to anywhere between 75,000 to 120,000 after these bonuses expire. And when the game sells it’s mechs at base price for around 3 million C-bills each for standard, and between 10-17 million C-bills for clan mechs, you begin to realize exactly what you’re up against, and how big of a grind that really is. Because even earning the maximum possible reward per match that early on (I would say roughly 200,000 if you’re REALLY good), it will take you about 15 games to earn the mech alone, let alone the additional 1-2 million you’ll be investing in parts and components for it. That’s if you’re REALLY good. For everyone else, you’re looking at close to double the time and effort to make any real progress. And this not even factoring in to clan mechs, which are twice as much at base cost as a fully decked out standard mech.
So Mechwarrior Online is a grindfest. And in part, this is bearable. It’s okay, and it’s understandable. it’s not GOOD, by any means. I would never RECOMMEND a grindfest game to anyone, nor would I ever recommend a company to do it in the first place. There are a lot of good alternatives out there, after all, to a grindfest-style business practice in a game. I find grindfests in general (but especially mechwarrior online’s) a little ridiculous, personally. A bit overkill, but it’s a Free to Play game. Of course it’s going to be grindy. Free to Play games typically are. Just look at Blacklight Retribution just in general, trying to move past Tier IV in Star Conflict, Trying to move past Tier V in World of Tanks, Trying to gain literally any level in Pandora Saga: Weapons of Balance after you hit 20, or Star Wars The Old Republic after EA butchered it with so many Free to Play microtransactions that it’s completely not viable for a new player to get into, let alone have veteran players return with all PvP, Raid, and Legendary Gear restrictions.
But those are all Free to Play games. People have come to expect these from Free to Play games. Corporate sponsors have been trying for years to get Microtransactions changed in name to In-game purchases, but the gaming community as a whole keeps stonewalling them. Because we know what’s up, and we know what to expect. These games are made with an artificial grind in order to pressure players into investing money into the game. It’s business. That’s how business works. If no one paid for anything, the game would cease to exist. They need your money to survive. So I can’t complain too much about it....
That is...
That is until you see it in things like... Say... Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto Online feature for GTA V. GTA V was a $60 full purchase title that currently features a Free to play style artificial grind that makes titles like Mechwarrior Online look tame in comparison. The issue isn’t that the grind is there so much as it’s there in a full release $60 title. The game not only features such a massive grindfest, but it also holds an EXTREMELY anti-consumer and new player perspective. All subsequent updates to the game since the PC release, for example, have been exclusively based in high-end, high-cost items new players wouldn’t be able to afford without Microtransactions, which this game features, up to a $100 for $8,000,000 in-game investment, which, incidentally, is the lowest price you can currently pay for a yacht in-game, which came out with the latest update. The game even now features lowriders, which, unrealistically (as many things are in this game) cost nearly double many of the high-end supercars sold on the in-game stores. Aren’t low-riders popular in the first place because they’re NOT all that expensive? I would call into question whether or not Rockstar is just out of touch with it’s fanbase, but frankly, I really think they just don’t care.
In the end, a massive grindfest never feels like it’s a good thing. It never is a good thing. Don’t do it, as it’s not a good business practice, and more than likely won’t keep your game afloat, in today’s market, for very long. At least not without a huge niche following from the get-go. We get that your game and your company needs to survive, but there’s a big difference between surviving and money-grubbing, which far too many free to play titles are known for. If you need to know what kind of backlash microtransactions can cause in a game, you need look no further than SNOW or Payday 2 at the moment, as both feature vast scandals that have practically destroyed their fanbases for the worse. I can only take solace that there are still SOME good games out there that feature microtransactions, such as Guild Wars 2 and Warframe. These two are games that should serve as examples to other developers. Follow their trends, not the other guys, and you’ll have yourself a successful game, guaranteed (unless the game plays like Day One: Garry’s Incident, in which-case... That’s an entirely different can of worms).
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invidianblog · 9 years
Mad Max (game) review
As a budget gamer who can't really afford to pick up $60 titles all the time (I got Mad Max on G two(but the number 2)A (because the site's name is censored on steam. I wonder why) for $20, for instance), and I very much rate games based on a 'Is it worth the cost?' mindset, which I wish more critical reviewers would do, I rated Mad Max highly because there was simply a lot of content, interesting locations, and ambiguity that makes you pay attention to all those bonus bios and historical relics you pick up (especially if, like me, you've never watched a single Mad Max movie). Mad Max has a lot of features falling in like with Batman: Arkham series in terms of combat and Red Faction: Guerrilla in terms of open world objectives. And those were things I enjoyed about both games (Although I personally could argue that the most enjoyable part of batman for me were the stealth sections). One thing I personally like to focus on in games is immersion. Can I put myself into the shoes of this character? Can I relate to them? Can I roleplay the world? As an RPG-centric gamer these are important details to me that Max Mad delivers on. Mad Max has many different very unique very interesting locations - from established camps to scav locations with secret underground parts or cave networks. Max's character design is common and his backstory is relatable (For anyone who has asked the question of, how would I handle that kind of loss). To me, these are selling points. These are the reasons I say the singleplayer experience of Mad Max is worth the $20 I paid for it. I do personally think the customization is very lacking, and too quick to go through and unlock everything. This is ironic to me, because it's something the game is heavily praised for. I just think there's not enough visual customization, and the lack of visual customization really disappointed me. On top of this, I'm currently barely anywhere in the story, but I've already reached the second to last rank branch for Max and have nearly everything unlocked. It feels, where I'm at, like there really isn't a lot there to keep me going after I hit that point where I reach max rank (no pun intended). But that falls in line with another issue, doesn't it? I paid less for it than most people. I took a risk (That risk being not being eligible for a refund through steam if I hated it), and decided to get the title at a price $40 cheaper than it is on Steam. In the end, I would definitely say the game is worth $20. I would even say it's worth up to $35. I would not pay $60 for this game, however, for the same reasons I enjoy it. Ultimately, the game feels too short, and simply has a lot of busywork laying it down. For me to say a game is worth $60, it has to be a game that I can invest at least 70 hours into and find it enjoyable for at least 70% of the duration. Games like Fallout New Vegas, which I put over 300 hours in the Vanilla 360 version for Christ' Sake into, or Dark Souls 2, which I made it to New Game ++ on with over 100 hours invested before I grew tired of it. Mad Max is a game where I feel like I'll play for 40 hours and never go back to it because I'll have done everything. It just feels very shallow, and it's far too easy to blow through and clear all the areas, get all the upgrades, and progress. The massively open world actually feels very small when you put it into the perspective of content per square in-game mile. Mad Max simply isn't a game with a long shelf life. It's a play once until completion and be done with it kind of game, and with no season pass or talk of DLC (At least not that I personally have heard) it seems like the game is extremely finite. Overall, when looked at from this kind of regard, the game very clearly doesn't seem very good, and for that reason, I actually kind of have to side with more critical reviews like Jim Sterling that hound that busywork because it doesn't really bring anything to the table. However, my overall personal experience with the game so far has been positive, and while the game feels short, small, and lacking in depth, it's a game I've already invested 20 hours into, and a game that I enjoy playing through, even if I'll never go back to it again after I complete it, no doubt 100%, because it's way too easy and possesses no difficulty slider, but that's an issue for another day.
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invidianblog · 9 years
Fallout 4 Season Pass
So Bethesda announced their DLC season pass (like all AAA devs do) and people, like always, as whining about it. I normally agree that season passes tend to not be a good idea, however the big difference here is, Bethesda has almost always delivered on it's promises of quality expansion content. Just look at Point Lookout in Fallout 3, Shivering Isles in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, or Dragonborn in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There have been exceptions though, like Mothership Zeta, Hearthfire, or Horse Armor, but overall, the greater, epic scope outweighs the shitty expansions immensely. And for a $30 pricetag, I would say it's worth it.
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invidianblog · 9 years
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invidianblog · 9 years
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invidianblog · 9 years
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Just go and play Fallout.
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invidianblog · 9 years
Defining ‘Pay to Win’ to make it Easy for Everyone to Understand
Pay To Win: Anything that gives players a competitive advantage in matches or gameplay over other players that can be purchased for real currency, even if it unlocks through general in-game progression as well.
It's because it's the difference between the extended duration it takes to unlock them (as games with Microtransactions tend to intentionally add to the grind to add the incentive for you to actually pay for it) and buying it right then and right there for an immediate advantage not everyone can afford, and not everyone will buy.
Hope that makes it easy for everyone.
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invidianblog · 9 years
What is an “Entitled” Fan?
Following the continuous controversy following the announcement of Metroid Prime: Federation Force, I’ve seen this phrasing thrown around a lot. But what exactly does it even mean? I want to get down into the nitty gritty, so to speak, of what many media outlets are claiming to be an “Entitled” perspective to have.
I’ll start by saying that I myself, being a huge Metroid fan, am not pleased by this decision either. It’s a title clearly aimed at kids for a rather Teen to Adult audience, so it’s hard to follow the rationality for the decision. However, while I personally think the game would be a flop solely because of what it represented, it didn’t give me enough of a reason to arbitrarily hate on it.
But this does lead rather deeply into the problem at hand: Gamers have waited YEARS for a new, decent Metroid Title. I personally would love for them to finally release a Fusion Sequel (Fusion depicting the most recent events in the Metroid series’ timeline), but it’s not something that appears to have even been discussed.
People aren’t livid because it’s a bad premise for a classic franchise that doesn’t even remotely represent the feel or grasp of the universe. People are pissed because after years of waiting for a new title, this is what they received instead of a beloved sequel or new chronological title entry featuring Samus.
Now, the main question is, how does this make people “Entitled”?
Let’s take a step back for a second and examine this very closely. Games, and their development, and most definitely their success, are all things that require a vast amount of fan support and appreciation. The developers produce the products, but if the product is not well received, the developers risk the same thing anyone in this situation would risk - The loss of a big financial investment that took many man-hours to complete. That being said, the developers have ultimate say in what they make, for better or worse, as it may or may not sell, and developers aren’t required to adhere to their fanbases, even if it winds up costing them a substantial amount of money as a result.
To Boycott the idea of a game because it doesn’t adhere to the fundamental aspects that made the series not only great, but iconic, isn’t really entitlement. It’s expectation. Expectation that a series that hasn’t fundamentally changed in over a decade will remain consistent in it’s design and characters - until said characters are no longer relevant. What we have here is a game that did not live up to that expectation, and with crushing expectations comes negative feedback - especially when considering the vastly severe extent that this title has been changed from the overall expectation. This isn’t entitlement. This is simply unmet expectation. And this case happens to be significantly more severe than any other title in the last decade.
But can this really be defined as fan’s “Entitlement”? Can the fans of a beloved series really be blamed for not being happy seeing the results of years of waiting?
Let’s take a step back and look at another example. Konami’s announcement of Singleplayer Microtransactions within the new Metal Gear Solid title. An issue that is extensively being covered by media sources with a very “Defeatist” tone. Konami is dropping overall tradition and the wonderful cheat system they are known for in order to replace it with a paywall in order to unlock something. NerdCubed discussed this best in his video: Soup with Nerd³ - Giving Konami and Inch, in which he describes in excellent detail things that I simply would fail to be able to cover properly.
I wanted to include this because it essentially falls under the same category of issue. Since when has having expectations and desires from a title been a showing of gamer “entitlement”? Are we not entitled to a quality product that meets or exceeds our expectations anymore? We’re not talking about overbearing expectations like full virtual brainmapping and injecting human consciousness into a gamespace. We’re just hoping the titles will remain consistent and have a good story that advances the chronology of the franchise while representing elements we’ve come to know and love from the series. In the case of Metroid, this is playing as Samus Aran, and discovering more about her story. Is this “Entitlement”? I guess it is, but is it necessarily a bad thing to want a popular franchise to represent elements that made that franchise popular? No. It’s expected. It’s an unwritten expectation that the consumer has in the developer, and it can make or break titles. In the case of Metroid Prime: Federation Force? I have no doubt that the blatant unwillingness by Nintendo (As stated in the below article) to meet the fan’s expectations will not pay off for the hard-working developers, who unfortunately only have themselves to blame...
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invidianblog · 10 years
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invidianblog · 10 years
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invidianblog · 10 years
Gaming Publishers: People haven't wised up yet?
Oh boy, all this trouble over the release of the new Ubisoft-published game, Watchdogs reminds me of the important rules of gaming and Publishers: 1) Don't buy a game from EA. Just ever. Just don't. 2) Don't buy a game at launch from Ubisoft, because you're NOT going to be able to play it.
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invidianblog · 10 years
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invidianblog · 10 years
Fourth Rule of Manga Panties: Panties must match the personality of their wearer.
Michael Invidian
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invidianblog · 10 years
Comprehensive List of Every Manga I've Read
1/2 Prince [O] http://mangawall.com/manga/1-2-prince 81 Diver [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/11044/81-diver.html A Girls [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/11723/a-girls.html Ai Yori Aoshi [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/ai_yori_aoshi/ Amagami - Love Goes On! [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/amagami_love_goes_on/ Ane Doki! [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/ane_doki/ Baka to Boin [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/baka_to_boin/ Bakuman [C] http://www.mangahere.com/manga/bakuman/ Bleach [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/1193/bleach.html Boku To Kanojo Renai Mokuroku [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/6155/boku-to-kanojo-no-renai-mokuroku.html Boku wa Hajikko ga Suki [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/12424/boku-wa-hajikko-ga-suki.html Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/boku_wa_tomodachi_ga_sukunai/ By Chance... We... And... [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/by_chance_we_and/ Can't See Can't Hear But Love [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/10276/cant-see-cant-hear-but-love.html Change 123 [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/change_123/ Choku! [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/2474/choku.html Chokottosister [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/chokotto_sister/ Denpa Kyoushi [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/7709/denpa-kyoushi.html Domina no Do! [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/domina_no_do/ Frogman [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/943/frogman.html Fushigi No Maria Kun [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/5757/fushigi-no-maria-kun.html Happy Negative Marriage [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/happy_negative_marriage/ Haruwaka [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/11008/haruwaka.html Himawari Youchien Monogatari Aiko Desho! [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/12299/himawari-youchien-monogatari-aiko-desho.html Hitorimi Haduki San To [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/33044/hitorimi-haduki-san-to.html Honeymoon Salad [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/honeymoon_salad/ I''s [C] http://manga.animea.net/i-s.html Iinari Aibration! [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/iinari_aibration/ Iris Zero [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/4778/iris-zero.html Itoshi no Kana [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/itoshi_no_kana/ Kanojo Wa Sore O Gaman Dekinai [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/13486/kanojo-wa-sore-o-gaman-dekinai.html Kimikiss: Various Heroines [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/kimikiss_various_heroines/ Kimi ni Todoke [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/2949/kimi-ni-todoke.html Kimi no Iru Machi [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/539/kimi-no-iru-machi.html Kiss x Sis [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/2948/kiss-x-sis.html Kodomo no Jikan [C] http://www.mangareader.net/544/kodomo-no-jikan.html Koharu no Hibi [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/905/koharu-no-hibi.html Koi Neko [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/1632/koi-neko.html Koi wa Misoji o Sugite Kara [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/koi_wa_misoji_wo_sugite_kara/ Koibana Onsen [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/koibana_onsen/ Kure nai [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/kure_nai/ L-DK [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/1834/l-dk.html Lets Lagoon [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/3309/lets-lagoon.html Love Comedy Style [C] http://manga.animea.net/love-comedy-style.html Love Hina [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/love_hina/ Love Lucky [C] http://manga.animea.net/love-lucky.html Mama wa Doukyuusei [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/mama_wa_doukyuusei/ Mayo Chiki! [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/839/mayo-chiki.html Midori no Hibi [C] http://manga.animea.net/midori-no-hibi.html Minamoto-kun Monogatari [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/6088/minamoto-kun-monogatari.html Moriguchi Orito no Teiougaku [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/moriguchi_orito_no_teiougaku/ Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/1109/nagato-yuki-chan-no-shoushitsu.html Naruto [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/746/naruto.html Nana to Kaoru [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/nana_to_kaoru/ Nana to Kaoru Arashi [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/nana_to_kaoru_arashi/ Nazo no Kanojo X [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/mysterious_girlfriend_x/ Okusama was Joshi Kousei [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/okusama_wa_joshi_kousei/ Orange Marmalade [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/4985/orange-marmalade.html Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wakegani [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/1194/my-little-sister-cant-be-this-cute.html Otomari Honey [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/otomari_honey/ Pastel [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/pastel/ Puppy Lovers [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/1000068/puppy-lovers.html Rika [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/6773/rika.html Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume [C] http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/shiawase_kissa_sanchoume/ Sora no Manimani [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/3579/sora-no-manimani/23.html Spas-Pa [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/10510/spas-pa.html Sukitte Ii Na Yo [O] http://mangafox.me/manga/sukitte_ii_na_yo/ Sundome [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/3081/sundome.html Suzuka [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/3209/suzuka.html Taiyou No Ie [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/6556/taiyou-no-ie.html The Hating Girl [C] http://www.mangachapter.net/1396/subete-ni-iya-girl.html Tonari no Kashiwagi-san [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/4415/tonari-no-kashiwagi-san.html Toshiue no Hito [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/toshiue_no_hito/ Umi no Misaki [C] http://mangafox.me/manga/umi_no_misaki/ Usotsuki Paradox [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/1678/usotsuki-paradox.html Yasashii Sekai no Tsukurikata [O] http://www.mangachapter.net/2021/yasashii-sekai-no-tsukurikata.html Yomeiro Choice [C] http://manga.animea.net/yomeiro-choice.html PLEASE NOTE: This list doesn't include manga I have started, but haven't gotten to the latest chapter. It is only a list of manga where I have GOTTEN to the latest chapter. Ongoing series that finished since I started reading manga: Koibana Onsen (It got tedious and repetitive, and jumped from character to character too much) Domina no Do! (It was entertaining, but I felt really bad for the protagonist) Koharu no Hibi (Oh my Gawd, she was creepy) Choku! (... Pretty good) Kodomo no Jikan (Be warned. It's loli. But it has a good story, at least. It's about the only reason I kept reading) Toshiue no Hito (From the person who made Nana to Kaoru, so you know it's good) Boku To Kanojo Renai Mokuroku (This one threw me for a loop, and is one I recommend) Kimi No Iru Machi (It was great! But not as good as Suzuka, written by the same author) Orange Marmalade (Vampires! Vampires!) List of manga likely to finish soon: 1/2 Prince (Epic climax point reached, and Prince is finally revealed to everyone) Nana to Kaoru: Ariashi (They finally had their night in the storm) Manga I fell out of reading over the updates: Kimi no Todoke (Expected to get back into it soon) Usotsuki Paradox (It's good, but not something I painstakingly wait for updates of) Sukitte Ii Na Yo (I can't even distinguish between half the characters anymore because they all practically look the same) Can't see, Can't hear, But Love (I just haven't been following it. No good excuse why) Lets Lagoon (I loved it, but then they added the worst antagonist ever...) L-DK (I'm seriously just one chapter behind. I just haven't bothered to read it yet) Top 5 recommendations to people looking to give Manga a try: 5. Denpa Kyoushi 4. L-DK 3. Ai Yori Aoshi 2. Bleach 1. Suzuka Top 5 personal favorite picks: 5. Honeymoon Salad 4. Love Hina 3. Suzuka 2. Sundome 1. Nazo no Kanojo X Top 5 most perverted picks: 5. Koibana Onsen 4. Kiss x Sis 3. Kodomo no Jikan 2. Iinari Aibration! 1. Sundome Number of Series I started but never finished: 12 (Roughly) -Envy661 PLEASE NOTE: This list does NOT contain hentai.... But it does have smut.
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invidianblog · 10 years
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