irisivyart · 5 years
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Hey everyone, I know its been pretty much radio silence but I have an excuse. Sort of. Been in my last year of university so that has been my number one priority. But its all finished now, animation has been top priorty of mmy life for the past year and art has been on the bench. But now I can finally draw again so right now I am doing watercolour to dust off the cobwebs. So heres BD1 from Jedi Fallen Order, a game I have just fallen in love with.
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irisivyart · 5 years
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“ I tried. In the end, I did.”
Red Dead Redemption 2 effected me in a way I have never experienced. I felt a raw grief and an emersion in a game like never before. I have always found it easy to lose myself in games, movies, tv and books. But this took it to another level. 
I was at a different position then most I didn’t know anything about RDR1 except the name.  I just so happened to be hooked on Deadwood at the time and had a month before University started again so one thing lead to another and here we are.
I connected with Arthur right from the start I could see myself in him quite easily and knew I had to do right by him, so it was high honour from the very start. Dutch on the other hand I still loved in a way even as I reached chapter 6 no matter how infuriated his decisions made me I couldn’t bring myself to hate him. Even as he left Arthur on that cliff there was no hate just a burn of betrayal. The bond Arthur had with the gang and had with Dutch was something special to me and I knew I wanted to show that bond. 
I could go on and on about this game about all the characters, score, missions, environments and tiny details but we don’t have that sort of time. I’ll let the painting speak to my experience with this game and show my appreciation and love for every single soul that worked on this game. 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irisivyart/?hl=en
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irisivyart · 5 years
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| Concept Design |
Hi all, sorry for the long quiet spell but when the semester starts my workload just piles to the roof and I want to be putting my best foot forward for my assignments. So, well life gets put on the back burner as do all my own projects, but I promise I have one in the works. 
But ignoring that excuse session I have work to post. That be it, work from my elective paper at university on concept design. We had to take The Dark Crystal and merge it with something to create a new interpretation on the story world. So I chose The Last Of Us. As I got into the semester I realised why that was a mistake because it meant a very high level of detail and me being the perfectionist, for about 2 weeks I was up to 3 or 4 am painting. My hand was not so happy with that so drawing will be getting a rest for a week. 
For this we had to do prop design, character design, environment design and a key frame design. A lot of work went into thumbnailing, and developing the designs before the rendered pictures above. I had a lot of frustration where some designs just weren't coming together several times I had to scrap it and start again. I just want you all to know that these pieces took seven weeks of exploring and thumbnailing ideas, I cant just pull a work like this in one go. 
I am rover the moon with my work and surprised that I did that but that could just be the lack of sleep. Anyway enough from me hope you all are doing well 
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irisivyart · 5 years
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Long time no see really. I do apologies for the lack of content but University does take up all my time and creativity so any free time i do get (Which is not a lot) I spend gaming. So fitting that my first break I do a watercolour of a Stormcloak from Skyrim. Hope you are all doing okay. Thinking I might do a watercolour for Imperials next. 
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irisivyart · 6 years
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First real attempt at watercolour. It’s odd to be back working traditionally will admit I did think control V when I made mistakes.
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irisivyart · 6 years
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Hello everyone. Hope the holiday season is treating you guys well.
So lately I have been watching a lot of Deadwood so lets just say have a drive to do a western piece. This year I have been driving myself to learn as much as I can about the fundamentals of art and well values are pretty big. So I tried out value painting. 
For those who don’t know what value painting is, Its when you paint your image in grey scale just focusing on the lighting and range of values for a material. Once you have a full greyscale painting you create another layer with overlay set as the layer style. (You may have to knock the opacity down slightly) Then you paint in colour and now you just focus on colour and not value. 
Got to admit I am loving this piece.  
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irisivyart · 6 years
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“For the Wolf was always her. What else would terrify her that much?”
Environments scare me. Like generally terrify me. It may be the fact that painting them is unknown territory or just that I am not really sure how to approach them. But I have a love for environment art and concepts, (Funny that). 
So I want to learn, so I took on a fairy tale that I knew something I was familiar with and had grounding with the ideas of imagery. I landed the quote above and off I went starting with basic thumbnails. 
Then I tried attempt one and it failed, I felt pretty low believing that this really isn’t my thing. I nearly gave up on the piece. So I started again, this time with a sketch and then just painted with a loose brush stroke and a textured brush.
It turned out pretty well I think, starting to get the hang of environments. 
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irisivyart · 6 years
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| Bohemian Rhapsody |
Saw this movie a couple days ago and I was blown away. Every single person who worked on this film should be so dam proud. My inner film student was coming out while watching it and I was drooling over how beautiful the shots were.  Then there was the captivating performance by Rami Malek. I was watching the movie and would forget it was a movie I was fully within the story. I really could gush all day but I have never been the best with words so I guess my best expression is through a painting. So I hope you all enjoy oh and go see the movie if you haven’t.
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irisivyart · 6 years
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Top: Guardian of the Desert Middle: Guardian of the Forest Bottom: Guardian of the Sea
University is over for the year, so I finally got to finish painting this collection. Really happy with how these turned out, eventually these and other works I have done will be art prints for sale but lots of planning still to do around that. 
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irisivyart · 6 years
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Painting 4/4! The finale piece as I would put it . I really wanted to play with the idea of file corrupting with the type. Ironically my Connor piece file did corrupt (Thankfully I had it backed up ) Pretty dam proud of this collection of works. I absolutely loved the game and knew I wanted to do a piece. I was talking to my best friend about doing a piece and she wanted me to do a piece with all 3 of the protagonists, the rest is history XD . 
Check out the individual ones for Markus, Kara, Connor on my blog. You can also check out my instagram @irisivyart. Hope you guys like this final piece!!
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irisivyart · 6 years
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Painting 3/4! Markus is all done. Honestly he was the hardest to paint simply because of the excessive amount of dam stubble I had to paint. But I’m glad I did cause it turned out looking pretty good. Check out Kara and Connor on my blog. You can also check out my instagram @irisivyart. Hope you guys like it :D
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irisivyart · 6 years
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Finished Kara. I still can’t get over this game, honestly I am hooked. This is painting 2/ 4. My first one was of Connor check it out on my blog :D.
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irisivyart · 6 years
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Detroit: Become Human is such a beautiful game. I have fallen in love with all aspects from music, visuals, characters and story. I could gush all day about this game. But I think the best way to show my love is through my art so here is painting one of four. Stay tuned for more. :D
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irisivyart · 6 years
| Update |
So everything is pretty crazy at the moment , I have had no time to do any personal projects. There is only one week left of University and I am in desperate need of a break. This semester hasn’t been easy and definitely  drained me emotionally. So yay to nearly being on break.
Since I have no sketch updates I’ll tell you what competition I am planning on entering. It’s the Gwangmyeong Concept Design Competition. This will be a great opportunity to follow a brief and practice my skills. I am wanting to do more of these competitions, Art station seems to run them pretty regularly so I think doing more of them will be a real advantage in improving my skills while also putting my work out there. 
But other then that I should get back to doing my assignments.
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irisivyart · 6 years
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| Djinn |
Character design piece. Took me about a week to paint this, was experimenting with texture brushes and mixing that with a smooth brush. 
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irisivyart · 6 years
| Sketch Challenge Update |
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Week 4 was a bit more of a challenge just because of the assignments for University have really taken all my time. So I was painting this well into 12 am, which is naughty of me. But hey I need time to draw my own things.
Week 5: I am going to take a real step back this week, I am honestly exhausted. (I don’t want to burn myself out ) So instead of drawing everyday I am going to research and do quick sketches for a concept design.
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irisivyart · 6 years
| Sketch Challenge Update |
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Week 3 Completed! This week was a bit more of a challenge. I still find drawing on my Wacom almost like an out of body experience where my hand is not connected to my mind. But bizarrely It was better than I excepted.
Week 4 I am going to treat it differently, since University is becoming a tad bit insane (understatement). I am going to spend my 30 minutes drawing time on an individual piece , hopefully next week I will have a finished picture. 
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