irlloviatan · 1 month
anya and freya talking about joey in a s1 interview
INTERVIEWER: Who, in the cast, do you believe is most like their character?
ANYA: Joey.
FREYA: Joey, you're right. Sorry, you are right, Joey wins.
ANYA: Joey 'cause he's one of the funniest man I've met.
FREYA: One of the funniest people on Earth. Literally even his text messages are just hilarious.
ANYA: He's also just so intelligent and, like, Jaskier— He's such an amazing friend. Like, he's, like, so... He's just great. And you'll— He just, like, touches your heart whenever you meet him and, like, that's what he's gonna do as Jaskier.
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irlloviatan · 2 months
Truth be told I enjoy airplane turbulence it's thrilling and my favorite time to contemplate the inevitability of death. But I'm a pervert so
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irlloviatan · 2 months
writing dialogue for Astarion in like a normal text editor is very difficult actually because it feels like all his dialogue should be created with WordArt
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irlloviatan · 2 months
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This absolutely would be Jaskier in a modern AU.
[credit to the twitter account!]
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irlloviatan · 2 months
note 1: i was going to put an option for no weapon, instead wielding magic but i feel like that option would be too appetising and i do want weapon stats!!!
note 2: i KNOW maces & morningstars are not the same (same with spear & javelin) but there's so many weapons and they are similar enough ok !!!
note 3: tell me what you would name your weapon >:0
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irlloviatan · 2 months
headcanon: "i have decided that this is true about the character, and it doesn't matter to me if the canon text supports my idea or not."
interpretation: "after considering elements present in the canon text, I have decided that this might be true about the character and here's why."
subtext: "I can show you strong evidence in the text and context of the work that this interpretation could be the actual authorial intent."
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irlloviatan · 2 months
Guys I realized you can’t compromise quality time on your core interests without compromising your own core self and fading away as a person . Did you know about this
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irlloviatan · 2 months
wow holy fuck.
did this rq for fun and got punted in the face by the accuracy of the results. my soul was wrenched out of me and examined.
did you know the name i created for myself - haeredh - was formed out of a word meaning "distance, remoteness, farness"? i wanted to capture that spirit of looking out into an endless distance. the horizon, the mountain peaks, the depths of the sea. it felt relevant enough to my nature that i made a name out of it. and now...
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Looks like I made a uquiz
Try it here
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irlloviatan · 2 months
Disgust has absolutely no ethical weight. If you are basing your ethical positions on the emotion of disgust you should stop, it is entirely unjustified and leads to a huge amount of harm.
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irlloviatan · 2 months
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irlloviatan · 2 months
Mad scientist horny and religion kink stuff can and should hold hands. Maybe some of us got captured and experimented on by the Divine and returned with fire in our veins, and maybe some of us pray at the altar of the person who imbued them with new life using scalpel and syringe. I think every concept in this world can and should hold hands
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irlloviatan · 3 months
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irlloviatan · 3 months
I'd hardly call Bane a good boss, but he is capable of being... lenient with some of his followers. It's not like Fzoul has a perfect record, but Bane kept him around as a demigod and later resurrected him after his death; he spared a follower who failed him for Blackthorne's sake; and Manshoon is a little Mystran bastard of a wizard who only pays lip service to Bane but there's still this being said:
'Though his fortunes have risen and fallen with Bane’s, ever since, the two have aided each other effectively. Bane’s return was rooted in creatures readied by Manshoon’s magic. In gratitude—and from a desire to maintain one of his most useful mortal pawns—Bane has rescued Manshoon time and time again.' - Elminster's Forgotten Realms
I mean last I heard Manshoon is... in pieces in several meanings of the word (clone fiascos and all), but still.
And then there's Gortash with - I think I recall - the scriptures in his private rooms/office with the spine permanently damaged from opening them to the self-punishment/absolution pages who Bane pretty much admits he's annoyed with (eternal punishment is not necessarily guaranteed, Bane is capable of forgiving and was clearly impressed enough by Gortash to make him Chosen originally).
Like where specifically did you start pissing the Dark One off, Enver? Was it maybe the Bhaalspawn. Do you lack faith, or does Bane lack faith in you? Is the root of that maybe the decidedly unhateful sentiments and the 'sharing power with an equal' thing?
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irlloviatan · 3 months
If you're struggling to write sex, write food. if you're struggling to write food, write gore. if you're struggling to write gore, write sex. They're all variations on the same themes.
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irlloviatan · 3 months
me remembering i have a name and body and people know me:
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irlloviatan · 3 months
Like, the Emperor is definitely laying it on rather thick when you explore his little hidey-hole underneath Elfsong Tavern. I've seen a few people claim it placed those items solely there to manipulate us which no, I think it is just genuinely that sentimental. If it were staged 1. when would it have time to set it up, it's stuck in the Prism, and 2. I really do not think it would so readily reminds us that it eats human brains by leaving the cages there. But yes, it is certainly doing its best to reinforce it's Just Like You Really so you can Trust It and Please Don't Murder It Maybe.
But I don't really... mind? Lots of people are acting like doing that is something totally unforgivable or makes it untrustworthy but if anything I find it relatable and sympathetic.
The Emperor is in a really vulnerable position here. It cannot leave the Prism. The only reason it has not been forced to return to the Netherbrain is because it's sucking the powers from Orpheus, a tenuous ability at best. Externally, it can doing nothing but try to get a group of traumatized adventurers to do this very important, difficult thing without dying or getting too distracted or siding with the enemy before the clock runs out and the Netherbrain wins. Also it's a mindflayer, a species of known mind manipulators who common knowledge says You Do Not Trust Under Any Circumstance that have already harmed the party.
The Emperor is either functionally helpless and at our mercy or refuses to exert what mental influence it has over the party outside of mundane manipulation regardless of how dire things get. It will do no harm to us beyond some threatening mental images which it never follows through on anyway, and only if you're a real asshole (until it's taken by the Netherbrain at least). YOU hold the majority of the power here since you can act outside the Prism and what little leverage the Emperor had by being the only thing stopping us from falling under the Absolute's control can be lost if you free Orpheus (and it's entirely reasonable for it to expect that Orpheus will kill the Emperor and the rest of the party for being infected as well). Every risk you take is also the Emperor's in practice and it can't do shit to stop you beyond getting a little angry and trying to reason with you. It's position in the party is incredibly fragile and can be easily lost if an alternative is found, at which point it could be discarded unless you decide you decide the Emperor is indeed a person who want to help and trust willingly. It's fate is entirely in your hands.
So like, it's behaviour here is totally understandable! If I were in that situation, even without the additional mindflayer hurdle, I'd probably be doing the exact same thing! Also just in general I'm kinda empathetic to someone doing an exaggerated This Is How Normal People Act Please Like Me act, or trying to lead someone to a realization about yourself that you know they'd reject if you just told them. Maybe it's just the neurodivergent in me, but I get it. Who hasn't done that dance before? I certainly have. So this isn't something I can hold against it.
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irlloviatan · 3 months
good boy but in the way you praise a hunting dog after you have it gore something
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