it-s-alright · 4 years
Mickey Milkovich finding out about Ian going to jail. SHAMELESS 5X6 deleted scenes on dvd!
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it-s-alright · 4 years
“Mickey Milkovich (rivetingly played by Noel Fisher) first made his mark in an unexpected Season 1 sexual encounter with teenage Gallagher son Ian (Cameron Monaghan). Ian, established as gay early in the series, receives tacit support from the handful of family members and friends to whom he comes out. Mickey, by contrast, is a profoundly closeted neighborhood thug: a belligerent, grubby kid with the words “FUCK U-UP” tattooed on his knuckles … who also happens to be an exuberant bottom. However, instead of writing off this hook-up as another one-time moment of comedic outrageousness, Shameless has made Mickey’s arc a surprisingly sensitive one, examining the impact of poverty and family violence on the character’s life. Mickey has been raised in a household ruled by terror. The Milkovich brood is overseen by tyrannical father Terry, who is often out of sight (thanks to frequent incarceration), but never far out of mind. Mickey’s appearance is disheveled: at times visibly dirty. His speech is littered with wisecracks and put-downs. He’s cagey and mean and picks fights. All of these at-once repugnant qualities are undercut by viewers’ slow, sobering realization: This is how an abused child survives. Because, as we discover in both subtle clues and scenes of explicit brutality, Terry’s hairpin trigger rage is calibrated to fire at any mention of homosexuality. … In tiny increments since his first encounter with Ian, and at clear risk to his own safety, Mickey has pushed himself further and further past his fear. We are reminded of the time Mickey, returning from a stint in juvenile detention, greeted Ian with a deceptively terse, “Missed ya.” Of Mickey and Ian’s first kiss, hurried and nervous, long after they began meeting for sex. Of the futile, single-word plea – “Don’t” – when Ian told him he was enlisting in the Army. Of Mickey’s hesitant response to a stranger who asked, of his relationship with Ian, “Did you guys just meet last night, or are you together?” Finally, after a pause: “Together.” This, all of this, is what coming out looks like. And this is what Mickey Milkovich’s relevance truly hinges on: not only an acknowledgment of the suffering and self-denial that is still a reality in the lives of many LGBTQ people; but the validation that coming out is not irrelevant or passé or an all-or-nothing game. No matter how small and unwhole these acts of disclosure may seem, they are still brave.”
— Showtime’s Shameless has changed TV’s “coming out” scripts and led audiences through a winding, protracted, and ultimately triumphant coming out story from one of the most subversive queer characters on television. (via thetracyproject)
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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Happy 4/20 💨😝
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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okay i have to get this out there.
so i’ve been gradually watching shameless this quarantine and i am currently in the middle of season eight. now, i’ve known most of what happens in each season because i’ve been spoiling it for myself the whole time. coming into season eight, i expected to hate it. i thought this season would suck because i had read that ian (my favorite character) acted like a completely different person due to poor writing. but while season 8 may not be shameless’s best, from what i’ve seen, poor writing of ian’s character is not to blame.
i just finished episode 7 “occupy fiona”, in which ian basically harasses fiona the whole time. at first, i had to laugh at how ridiculous it was. but then they talked. then ian said something that changed my perspective entirely.
now, ian is my favorite character for a number of reasons. of course, everyone loves him because he’s always been one of the most complex characters on the show. but on top of that, i’ve always seen myself in a tiny part of ian. for most of my life, i’ve struggled with major mood swings, depression, and anxiety. though i don’t have bipolar disorder like ian does, i’ve shown signs of mild forms of ocd and i’ve had a history of poor anger management. because of these experiences in my life, i’ve been able to connect to ian in a way that i never have with a fictional character before.
so when ian said that he was “just fucking angry” ... idk man. i felt that. cause, shit, when i get angry, im fucking angry. it absorbs me and i become a completely different person; a person who is nothing but angry. and when someone gets mad at me for being angry? that only adds fuel to the fire. when im angry, im an asshole. i take shit too far. i lash out. i hurt people. and afterward, i hate myself for it. but i don’t want to admit that i’m wrong. so i try and channel it somewhere else. somewhere less harmful to others. sometimes it even works.
ian is the same way. when his mood changes, he changes. that’s part of why he’s so complex, why people love him so much. and yet when they add to his complexity a side of him that viewers don’t like, suddenly it’s “bad writing”. what these fans don’t get is that that is what makes ian ian. that is why he is able to give us the scenes and emotions that he does. because with every mood swing, his personality changes. but the second fans don’t like what they see, they want the “real ian” back.
well, fuck you. that is the real ian. that is who he is. and it breaks my heart that everyone suddenly hates him because in real life, that’s how people view me. when i’m angry, everyone fucking hates me. because im a different person. because im poorly written. because im not the “real me”.
maybe most people can’t understand it. maybe most people will continue to hate ian when he acts differently. because maybe most people can’t comprehend the fact that real people might actually be like this in real life.
but not me.
i could never hate ian, because sometimes, ian is me.
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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Two creatures from another realm descended into a universe where they were worshipped as gods. They saw two planets and laid a wager. which of them could bring a planet to destruction first?
The gods set to their game, sowing chaos through the populations. Wars began, between species, then between the planets themselves. The gods delighted in the carnage. It passed the time.
Doctor Who // 12.07 - Can You Hear Me?
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it-s-alright · 4 years
She looks at him the way I look at a fresh family-sized box of pop tarts.
Pietro Maximoff, about Wanta and Vision. (via mcu-incorrect-quotes)
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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it-s-alright · 4 years
Just Dozerman having a heart attack
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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I hated going home. I hated it. When I knew I couldn’t stay. When I knew I had to leave them, and they might never see me.
1917 (2020)
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it-s-alright · 4 years
I’m here to make sure that every single person in the Stranger Things fandom gets a chance to see this masterpiece
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it-s-alright · 4 years
Both groups give off dumb bitch energy
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it-s-alright · 4 years
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guys guys guys guys guys guys guys
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it-s-alright · 4 years
every season of stranger things steve harrington loses more brain cells and gains more children
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