itsametommyo · 3 years
Would be nice to see a party type board game for Nintendo Switch similar to Mario Party but with developers who actually cared how the boards play.
Basically just copy the formula from the original Mario Party games where it’s $20 to buy the “star replacement item because copyright lol” and also after all 4 players finish their turn there’s a mini game.
Player with most “stars” wins but also add the bonus “stars” for most $ collected and various other things.
Finally add fun mini games that are actually winnable and don’t always require luck.
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itsametommyo · 3 years
Had a rough memory of my high school days come back to me today. I thought I was ready to put it all behind me, but seeing it right in front of me just gave me extreme anxiety.
Anyone else have a rough memory they’re trying to conquer?
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itsametommyo · 3 years
I wanted to take a moment to recognize all of us who pick our moments to let it all go in the shower. Those of us who drive and use it like therapy, turning the radio up loud to drowned everything out! Those of us who get up and go about our days swallowing every ounce of whatever it is that’s pulling us under. I see you... I see your struggles every single day! Depression is still smiling, depression is still being able to do your job. Depression is still having dinner with your family and playing with your kids. Depression isn’t weakness, depression isn’t attention seeking. Depression isn’t always walking around with a head down. Let’s normalize helping someone, your sister, your co-worker, neighbor or even the person pumping gas next to you. Tell them you see them!
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itsametommyo · 3 years
I just love getting off from a 9 hour shift only to go straight to bed and be up at 5:30am and go to work for another 8.5 hour shift. Clopens are my mortal enemy 😒
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itsametommyo · 3 years
Been running through Breath of the Wild on my iPhone with the Backbone One controller. You could say I have my own switch set up! 🥴
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itsametommyo · 3 years
I’m in this post and I don’t like it
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itsametommyo · 3 years
Anyone dream of an all in one device? Like a phone you use daily and when you get home you dock it and pull up a desktop like environment on the big screen. I’ve always wanted something I can play all my games on and use for productivity/media consumption.
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