itscaptainstark · 5 years
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Quintessential Peter Parker/Tom Holland part 2
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
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There you go. :)
I need someone to make a gif of Jon Snow saying "I don't want it" so I can use it in response to every piece of GoT merch HBO puts out.
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
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– Describe your ideal scenario to me. How would you like this chapter of your life to end ?  – What’s the point ?  – Humor me. 
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
Welcome !
Your clown costume is on its way, you should have it within 3 to 4 business days ! 🤡
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Welcome to the Denial Club, where, no matter what happened on the finale, we will always stan Queen Daenerys Targaryen.
Sign up for a lifetime membership by liking or reblogging this post and get a complementary clown costume !
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
I know. I know in my heart if Arianne had been on the show, her big reveal would have been like this belly dancing number. She’d have been played by an Italian actress. and Bronn would have had sex with her. I know in my heart that’s what d&d would have done with her. 
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
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The ratings for each episode (season 1-8) :
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
Emilia Clarke standing by the fictional, magical fantasy character she played who killed people with a dragon isn’t promoting mass murder. I know you guys all have to share custody of your one brain cell, but dragons don’t exist. Daenerys Targaryen doesn’t exist. King’s Landing and its thousands of peasants don’t exist. The fire-breathing dragon that killed them doesn’t exist and doesn’t encourage real-world war crimes.
Daenerys as a character over the past years ten years represented strength for Emilia when she was suffering with nearly fatal brain aneurysms. When she temporarily lost her memory and even her speech, playing Daenerys was a motivator in her recovery. And until the 71st episode of Game of Thrones, Daenerys was an iconic heroine in a male-dominated genre of storytelling. She was inspiring to Emilia, like she was to millions of other people, and for Emilia’s own emotional wellbeing, she stands by Dany. In doing so she is in no way, shape, or form supporting mass murder or any other type of violence or exploitation.
On the contrary she is a philanthropist and source of positivity, generosity, and goodness in our world. She is not the problem.
If you’ve attacked Emilia here or written some desperate analysis of how problematic she is, YOU are the problem. You’re bad people and you should feel bad. Emilia hasn’t done anything wrong, but by saying she should be shot you’re promoting violence against women, a real person. Unlike Daenerys and her dragons Emilia is a real, living human with feelings and emotions and a life. Wishing she would be shot because you don’t like Daenerys is dangerously unhinged and indisputably shitty and wrong. Even the milder posts in your anti Emilia tag are embarrassing and disgusting.
In the past month from your side of the fandom I have seen:
Racists saying Missandei got what she deserved for talking back to Sansa
People attacking Dany fans with anti-Muslim rhetoric
Racists telling an Indian woman she doesn’t deserve an opinion on the show simply because she’s Indian
People telling POC they’re not allowed to like Daenerys because in doing so they’re complicit in racism
People saying Daenerys’s death should have been worse, like Elia Martell’s. Elia Martell, who was raped and brutalized
And that’s just over the past couple weeks. In my time on tumblr I’ve been insulted in every way imaginable by angry J0nsa stans. I’ve gotten the “kill yourself” anons, been called ugly, stupid, a cunt, a dumbass, been told that my husband should leave me, and more. The people responsible for all of this are the reason the fandom has been hell for years and this behavior is nothing new. But it’s more frustrating than ever to see it directed at Emilia considering how hard she works, how much she cares, and what she’s been through.
Stop attacking her under the guise of progressive concern trolling. And I know some of you attack her directly, too, since she mentioned recently that she doesn’t even read any Instagram comments anymore because of people insulting her there. You’re the most hateful and unbearable people most of us have ever had the misfortune to encounter. You don’t have the moral high ground on anyone, especially not Emilia Clarke.
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
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Hey Game of Thrones fandom! 
I know it’s been a couple of interesting weeks with how the series has ended. Many of us had feelings ranging from disappointment to fucking enraged at how the story was told and how characters were treated. Fans have been very vocal about their opinions of the season, even going so far to create a petition demanding to have season 8 redone by competent creators. Pretty much all of the anger is directed to those responsible for the writing and dialogue (coff coff D&D coff coff), but thanks to the way it all has been portrayed by the media, some of the cast and production crew have reacted negatively feeling as if it was directed at them. 
But it wasn’t! We love the cast! And the crew! I have seen many many posts saying that they all deserved better, with particular focus on Emilia Clarke. She made her struggle with her health public before the season, and she has been vocal about her fear of the fans rejecting Daenerys for how it all ended. So the same group of people that kicked off the petition has also thought, what if we did something to show the cast and crew that we still love them. 
That’s where the idea of this fundraising came. ALL THE MONEY GOES TO CHARITY, the one created by Emilia to support people that are going through the same struggle as her but are not as fortunate with the care they receive. If Emilia is not your top choice, the fundraising also has links to the charities of choice of other actors. 
We are angry  (many of us are also broke) but this is a way to channel the anger and disappointment towards something that will actually be useful and good. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
I hate to be a party pooper, especially when it comes to bashing D&D and that shit show of a season but :
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Isn’t the episode where they kill dany the LOWEST rated episode of game of thrones EVER?
oh wait…
Isn’t the episode where they kill dany the LOWEST rated series finale EVER?
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
« – Grandma, what is the Great Game of Thrones Disaster ?
– Oh my sweet summer child, take a seat. The year was 2019 ... »
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
Jon was so dumb this season that Tyrion was legit surprised when he said something as simple as “Love is the death of duty”.
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
Watching the rating of episode 6 going down like
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
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Lmao who did that ?!
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
She didn’t even get to sit on the damn throne for fuck’s sake.
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itscaptainstark · 5 years
If this is what GRRM calls « bittersweet », I DO NOT want to try his honey lemon chicken.
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