itskateak Ā· 1 month
Hey! I used to follow you, but ended up deleting my acount. Now after a few months I made a new one and was just wondering if you still write and post stuff. Lots of love and have a good day!
Itā€™s sweet you came back :)
I still write a little bit but have not posted a lot recently. I have been struggling with writerā€™s block, but Iā€™m hoping to at least finish the Bucky story at some point. I wonā€™t let it go unfinished but itā€™s finding motivation
If you want to see if I have any writing you havenā€™t seen yet, check my AO3!
If I post anything Iā€™ve written, itā€™s usually on AO3 and I donā€™t cross post a lot anymore.
0 notes
itskateak Ā· 8 months
Hey, not wanting to push you if youā€™ve already answered this but are there gonna be further updates to Mint Ice-cream and bubblegum kisses?
The writing is fantastic and Iā€™d love to see how it all ends
Hey, Anon! And everyone, really.
I want to finish that story. I really do. About once a week, I open the document and stare at it for an hour and then I just...close it. It's a bit of a writing slump, but there is another reason.
I've talked about my diagnosis with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome on my profile before. At least, I think I have. It might've been on a different blog. My memory is so bad these days.
EDS is a connective tissue disorder that heavily affects the joints. Usually, this is my knees, hips, and lower back. Anything from the waist down.
Early in January last year, I started noticing other places being affected. I was in makeup school at the time and I started to struggle with doing small detail work and repetitive things. I didn't see it as a big deal at the time, considering I was sculpting for eight hours, five days in a row.
About a year ago, I started college as a flute major. I've played flute for nine years by that point. School started September. I was told in early October that, medically, I had to stop playing flute.
It was...difficult, to say the least. Coming to terms with that kind of thing was a grieving process. It really was. And I can talk all day about what that's like and the thought process I had and how my last concert ever as a flutist really was, but I won't here. What this is all culminating to is: I *can't* write like I used to.My hands tire out and cramp up and they just don't work like they used to when I started the story. I have it lined out. I know how it ends. It's just...writing it. And when it comes down to it, at the end of the day, my own body is unreliable. I could type five words, I could type five thousand. I won't know until I start.
TL;DR version: I want to update it in the future, but it's all down to what my body will allow me to do.
6 notes Ā· View notes
itskateak Ā· 1 year
Mint Ice Cream & Bubblegum Kisses - Chapter Thirteen
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Chapter Summary: The winter season was usually slow and boring, but that has certainly changed now that they lived in the compound.
Word Count: 10.5K (Officially the LONGEST chapter)
Warnings: Fluff, Minor Angst, Major Pining, Alcohol Consumption, Winter Bashing
A/N: Heyyyyy sooo....it's been a while. November 2021, yeah? School took over and I lost motivation to write. So here we are after I've graduated and moved back home. Thank you for being so patient with me :)
This chapter was solely supposed to be just ice skating, but because of how long it has taken me, I've added some more things and it will be a long chapter.
Want to listen to Bucky's playlist? Find it here on Spotify:
(There will be a list of all the songs below so you can create your own playlist on your preferred platform and add anything you like. Some of the musical selections are brought to you by my Grandmother, who was born in the 40s.)
Finally, come find me on Twitter! @Writing_Raven_Ā 
You can harass me about my writing and receive updates here.Ā 
When I said I was coming back, I meant I'm feeding y'all what I wanted to feed y'all this whole time.Ā 
Taglist is open! PM me, send an ask, or @ me on a chapter to let me know youā€™d like to be tagged! Strikethrough means I couldnā€™t tag you, but I will send you a message with a link to the new chapter when I update. :)
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"I have absolutely no balance and IĀ Ā willĀ Ā fall on my ass," Y/N grumbled, tightening the laces on his ice skates. It was a sunny day and the temperature wasn't too cold. After days of begging and waiting, Angelica had finally gotten her wish to go ice skating on the lake. And here was her father, muttering curses under his breath about how bruised he was going to be by the end of the day.Ā 
"It'll beĀ Ā fineĀ , man. Just takes some getting used to." Sam called from the edge of the ice, hands on his waist. He was smiling, cheeks and nose just barely red from the cold. "Angelica, you ready?"
Angelica nodded and carefully picked her way down to the ice. She took Sam's hand and stepped out, wavering immediately. She squealed and grabbed onto his arms to keep from falling. "Sam!"
"I've got you, kiddo. Get your feet under you. There you go." Sam chuckled, leading her further onto the ice while skating backward. He started to instruct her, keeping a hand on her to make sure she wouldn't fall.
"He's got nephews," Natasha bumped Y/N's shoulder as she finished tying her skates. He wasn't worried about Sam with his daughter, but he was glad that he made sure her skates were tight. "Don't know where he learned to skate, though."
"Sam was a hockey player in high school. Pretty good, too, if his sister is to be believed." Bucky held a hand out to Nat and pulled her to her feet. She smiled and muttered a quickĀ Ā thanksĀ Ā before moving to the ice. He extended the same hand to Y/N when he straightened up.
"Thanks. I haven't been skating in years so I'll probably end up on my ass more than I'll be on my feet." Y/N tentatively stepped onto the ice, hands shooting out immediately to gain his balance. "Yeah. This is not gonna go well for me."
Bucky snorted and followed him. He took a couple of strides out before turning around, stopping gracefully in place. "I believe in you. And if you fall, I'll laugh before helping you up."
"Oh, so kind. What a gentleman of your time." Y/N rolled his eyes but couldn't fight a smile.
"I'd do the same thing to anyone else. Maybe a little quicker if I was sweet on them." Bucky winked, digging his toe pick into the ice and pushing backward. "You need a hand getting used to skating?"
"Maybe? I'll manage, though. If I fall, I fall, y'know?" Y/N shrugged, taking his first step forward. It had been aĀ Ā longĀ Ā time since he'd last skated and in some ways, it was like riding a bike. He'd remember in time, but for now, he was just prepared to fall until he got the hang of it again.Ā 
"Then I'm gonna do a lap to loosen up a bit. Don't hurt yourself too badly while I'm gone." Bucky picked up speed backward before turning perfectly on his heel.Ā 
Y/N shook his head with a smile and slowly tried to find a rhythm. His legs already burned with the effort. He wasn't made to do this kind of exercise anymore. He'd say he was getting too old, but he really wasn't. He just wasn't the fittest or most active person in the world and heĀ Ā definitelyĀ Ā didn't use his muscles this specific way often enough that he wasn'tĀ Ā notĀ Ā going to be sore either tonight or tomorrow. It was a good thing they were still on break so he could spend the day under a heated blanket for his poor, aching muscles and joints.
Angelica was laughing with Sam and Nat as she was skating. She was all bundled up in her jacket and scarf, face half buried in the fabric. Her radiant smile could be seen all the same as it lit up her eyes and face. The scene looked like something out of a Hallmark movie with the sunlight on the ice and the frost on the trees. Warmth spread through his chest as he stood there watching, hands sunk into his jacket pockets.Ā 
They didn't have much family in the area that he was close enough to that they'd spend holidays together. Sure, they'd see each other for dinners on occasion but not regularly. Maybe a wedding or graduation on an odd year. And with his job in the past, they hadn't been able to travel to see the family he was close with since Angelica was very young. That's mainly why he relied so heavily on his daughter's friends and their neighbors. He wanted her to have a semblance of family around her. People who loved her and would be there for her achievements.
It was good for Angelica to have a more solid family. Each person around her had different experiences and lessons to give her. Different views would give her a balanced and unique environment. And if he were honest, Y/N was glad to have found a place among that family, too. Sure, they weren't blood, but not all family was blood.
And not all blood deserved to be family.Ā 
He sighed. Every so often, her mother would try to make contact. But the note she left when she'd walked out on them made it very clear she wantedĀ Ā nothingĀ Ā to do with their daughter. Usually, he quoted her own words from the letter (which was in a special documents folder along with Angelica's social security card and birth certificate) and that was enough to discourage her. But recently she was being more stubborn about it.
Persistent messages and phone calls. Emails. Hell, he even got a physicalĀ Ā letterĀ Ā delivered to him the other day. SheĀ Ā stillĀ Ā told the same bullshit story that he knew all too well and by now, he just ignored it. But it didn't mean he wasn't drained from the constant reminder of one of the worst days of his life. He jammed the toe pick into the ice idly, lost in thought.
"Papa!" Angelica's voice cut through and he looked up. She was skating toward him, albeit a little unsteadily, with a bright smile on her face. She stumbled, holding her hands out in case she fell, but recovered quickly. "You gonna come out more?"
"What, you want me to say I'm gay?" Y/N joked, pushing off to meet her halfway. "Surprise."
"Not much of a surprise." Natasha circled behind Y/N, casually crossing one foot over the other to turn toward the group again once she slowed. Her hands were in her jacket pockets, completely confident in her abilities. Damn her for being so effortless with nearly everything she did. "It's a little obvious."
"She's right, you know," Sam said, making a full stop behind Angelica. It sprayed up some ice, making the young girl squeal at the cold. "But maybe I can tell just becauseĀ Ā I'mĀ Ā bi."
"No, no. It's just obvious." Natasha used her toe pick to push herself back slightly, then pull herself forward again. She had that smirk on her face that meant she was never going to fully admit what she was talking about, only using it as fuel to tease someone. He'd learned to read that smirk well and hated when it was turned on him rather than watching her continuously tease and harass Clint or Steve.
"I feel like I've missed something." Angelica narrowed her eyes, looking between the adults with the same adorable scrutiny she gave a particularly difficult math problem. Sam and Nat laughed.
"Okay, so you asked me if I was going to come out more. Coming out is a term used when someone discloses their gender or sexuality other than straight or what they were assigned at birth." Y/N explained. "So I asked if you wanted me to say I was gay because that would be me technically coming outĀ Ā moreĀ Ā than I already was, even if it's not entirely correct."
"Oooh." Angelica nodded for a few seconds. "I still don't get it."
Sam nearly fell on his ass with laughter, flailing to keep his balance. Nat reached out to steady him, making sure he didn't actually fall while she giggled.Ā 
"You know what?" Y/N sighed in defeat, placing his hands on his hips in the typical Dad Pose. "Sometimes I think you're just bullshitting me."
"Papa!" Angelica gasped in fake offense, even going so far as to put her hand against her chest like a woman from one of those historical novels that fainted at even the slightest inconvenience. She'd recently taken on some characteristics from Elizabeth Swann after watching the films, which lined up well with her theatrics.
"You've got a mouth on you today, huh?" Nat teased. HeĀ Ā didĀ Ā try to keep his swearing to a minimum around his kid, but she understood what words were okay for her to use and not to use. And given certain circumstances (and proper usage), he'd be lenient if she swore.
"Wait, what did you mean byĀ Ā it's just obviousĀ ? Usually, people are shocked when I tell them I'm into guys, too." Y/N turned to Natasha, curious about what she'd say. She was highly trained, which went unsaid even among the team, and things she noticed were never quite obvious to others. But then again, sometimes it was the simple things that gave people away.Ā 
"Oh. Yeah, it's obvious by the way you stare at him." She raised a brow with that damn smirk, waiting for her words to fully sink in. The unspoken name hung heavy in the air, the implication even louder in the momentary silence.Ā 
"Who's staring at who?" Bucky's voice made Y/N jump and lose balance. Strong hands grabbed his waist as he fell backward, bumping into an equally as strong chest. Bucky chuckled, the sound rumbling against his back. "Sorry, darlin'. Didn't mean to scare you."
Y/N straightened up, face burning. Once he was steady on his feet and not at risk of falling on his face or his ass, Bucky let go and slid to stand by his side. This wasĀ Ā notĀ Ā a conversation he wanted Bucky to overhear and it certainly wasn't one he wanted to haveĀ Ā withĀ Ā Bucky. Hell, he didn't even want to have it with Sam and Natasha, especially in front of his kid. She could keep a secret, but only if it was good for leverage or blackmail.Ā 
Angelica had a great start at espionage and he wasn't prepared for the nuisance and problem this could become in her middle school and high school years.Ā 
"Y'okay, Y/N?" Sam asked, eyes flickering between Y/N and Bucky with a mischievous smile. He looked like he wanted to continue poking fun at him for his reaction or say something that would entirely give away what they were actually talking about. It seemed like Bucky had skated up just in time to only hear the last three words of Natasha's sentence, which was a miracle of the divine kind.
"Yeah, yeah. Just lost my balance and nearly had a heart attack, but I'm good." He gave Sam a pointed look as if he were sayingĀ Ā shut the fuck upĀ Ā Ā or I'll kill youĀ . It must've translated because Sam held his hands up in surrender and kept his mouth shut.
"Papa, you never answered my question." Angelica pouted, drawing attention back to her.Ā 
"What was it?"
"Are you coming out more or are you gonna be a coward?" She challenged with her trademarkĀ Ā shit-eatingĀ Ā grin.Ā 
"Oh, you better run, you little gremlin," Y/N growled, starting to chase after his daughter. She squealed with laughter, barely staying in front of him as they raced across the ice.Ā 
Bucky, Sam, and Natasha watched them, all with bright grins on their faces.
"So, how long do you think it'll be until one of them eats shit?" Sam asked, folding his arms across his chest.
"I give it about thirty seconds," Bucky replied.
And thirty seconds later, a distantĀ Ā ah, shitĀ Ā could be heard as Y/N L/N tripped up on his toe pick and very gracefully hit the ice.
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Y/N straightened his jacket one last time. Tonight, he was taking his daughter to see the Nutcracker that was playing in a local college's theater, like it did every year. It was always put on by the same dance studio, in part with a few of the smaller ones. And every single year, it was wonderful.Ā 
"Bucky will be right down. He lost his right shoe and needed a second to find it." Steve shook his head, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned in the doorway. "Thank you, Y/N, for doing this. He probably won't say it, but it means a lot to him."
"Of course," Y/N replied. "Didn't want him to miss out and certainly didn't want to make him go alone."
"I appreciate it because as much as I love him, I can't sit through the Nutcracker anymore," Steve said with a grimace. "And as I said before, the holiday season is harder for him. This will be good for him. Every other time he's tried to see the show, something came up."
"Maybe it was fate." Y/N joked with a smile.
"Maybe it was. Have fun, you guys. I'm being dragged into a second viewing of the live-action Grinch with Sam, Clint, Wanda, and Nat. Did you know that they can pretty much quote that movie word for word?"Ā 
"Don't act like you can't, either." Bucky appeared behind Steve, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear. "Sorry for taking so long. Couldn't find my damn shoe and I believe it was Sam's fault, but I'm not certain."
"It's all good. Steve was just explaining that you've tried to see the show before but the universe stopped it from happening." Y/N subtly glanced him over. He looked...good in his formal wear. Unfairly good. If he were an artist, he would never be able to stop drawing the way Bucky looked right now as he stood with his hands in his pockets, his weight dropped onto one leg.Ā 
"Yeah, it's never worked out. But I'm happy it has so far. Knock on wood." He rapped his knuckles on the door frame with a crooked smile. "Where's the kiddo?"
"Getting her hair finished by the girls. She'll be here in just a second." Y/N glanced down the hallway to see if he could catch a glimpse of his daughter to estimate exactly how long it would take. He was hoping it wasn't much longer because they needed to leave soon.
"Have fun, guys." Steve pat Bucky's shoulder before leaving the doorframe back the way he came.
"Y/N, thank you for this. Genuinely. How much do I owe you for the ticket?" Bucky slid his wallet from his pocket, opening it and thumbing through some cash.
"No, don't worry about it. Consider it a gift from us to you." Y/N held his hand up, shaking his head slightly. "Seriously. And don't argue with me on this one. Just accept it as a gift."
Bucky stared at him for a moment, wide-eyed. He opened his mouth to say something - presumably argue some more because that was Bucky, Y'N had learned, but they were both interrupted by a young voice.
"Papa, how do I look?" Angelica swayed from side to side, the sparkles on her blue dress catching in the light. Her hair was intricately put up with some jeweled spiral clips. She even had a little bit of makeup on, which was completely age-appropriate.Ā 
"Stunning, like a little snowflake." He replied, smiling just as broadly as she was. She giggled and bounced on the balls of her feet, the slight heel of her shoes clicking on the ground. He held his hand out to her and twirled her under his arm. "You ready?"
Y/N turned to Bucky, happy to see he'd put his wallet away, and, perhaps begrudgingly, accepted that this was a gift and not necessary to be repaid. He was smiling at Angelica, watching her as she twirled again to look at her gown in the light. There was a sad nostalgia lingering behind it all and for a moment, he wanted to say that Bucky didn't have to go with them if he didn't feel up to it.
But then Angelica went up to him, took his hands, and tried to dance with him. The melancholic look in his eyes faded as he led her into a simple waltz, humming a basic tune. Instead, the corners of his eyes crinkled up with a smile as she giggled, spinning under his arm. He pulled her hands together and gently dipped her, his smile somehow getting bigger as she squealed and clung to him.
"I won't drop you, sweetheart. Promise." He said before pulling her upright.Ā 
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as he watched, smiling just as wide as Bucky and Angelica. He wished he could show every single person who still viewed him as a threat or villain this exact moment between his daughter and Bucky. There wasn't even aĀ Ā singularĀ Ā thought of concern that Bucky could hurt her on purpose and he desperately hoped people would begin to realize that. He wasn't "evil" or a villain. He was a victim that was still healing and learning how to be himself again.
He slipped his phone from his pocket and took a few photos, making sure to keep the live option on. His favorite was a perfectly timed moment as she was spinning under his left arm, looking back at him with that impossibly wide grin, and her dress flared out. He was smiling, too, and it was obvious in the still image that he was laughing. It was a delightful picture that would certainly become his lock screen for a while.
"Alright, you two. Let's get going so we don't risk missing any of the show." Y/N hated to interrupt, but there was always time for them to dance another day. They had a show to get to and he'd rather be damned than be the reason Bucky missed on another opportunity to see The Nutcracker.
They split apart and Bucky bowed to Angelica, who giggled and curtsied in response. She turned and bounced toward the door, a little ball of sunshine to warm the snowy evening.
"Send those photos to me, please?" Bucky muttered, walking side by side with Y/N.
"Already sent 'em."
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The wind blew a chill straight up Y/N's spine, creeping under the layers of his jacket and shirt. The bell above the door chimed as he opened it, ushering his child into the shop before another gust could pick up. He shut the door behind him, shivering and stomping the snow off his shoes. Winter was a bullshit season because of the cold and wind. Once his feet and legs were cold, it was all over. He'd take forever to get warm again.
"Well, if it's not my two favorite customers in the whole wide world!" Pop waved as he noticed them, chuckling as Angelica waved enthusiastically back. She bounced over to the display case, looking at the new flavors and their descriptions. That was one of the best things about Pop's Shoppe and their homemade ice cream - they rotated new flavors depending on the season and everyone had their favorite that they looked forward to every year.
"Is that Angelica and Y/N?" A woman's voice came from the back room before she poked her head out to see. "Yes, it is! How have you two been, my lovely honeybees?"
"Leana!" Angelica ran up to Leana and hugged her when she came around the counter. "You're back!"
"Sure am, honeybee." Leana had a deep set of crow's feet at the corner of her eyes from a life of laughter and joys that revealed themselves in full when she smiled. She looked well, which was a good sign given how sick she'd been. She'd been out since the beginning of fall and although they didn't have any doubts she'd recover, they'd been concerned. "You been good for your father, I trust?"
"She's lying. She's been nothing but trouble, causing mischief and being a nuisance." Y/N hugged Leana, chuckling when she squeezed him. "Though sheĀ Ā isĀ Ā just an accomplice most of the time."
"Oh, is she now?" Pop leaned against the counter, looking at the girl in question. She gave him her mischievous grin, shrugging like she was innocent in the matter. "So, what can I get you on this cold day?"
"Whatever she wants. It's too cold to eat ice cream for me." Y/N placed his hand on the top of his daughter's head for a moment before shoving his hands into his pockets. "And I know we promised to bring Bucky along today but they had a mission come up last night and had to leave. Next time."
"Ahh, no hard feelings. He's welcome here whenever he's able to fit us in his world-saving schedule." Pop moved to get Angelica's usual order, slipping his gloves on and snagging the cup on the way to get the scoop.
"Bucky, huh? Who's Bucky?" Leana asked, leaning against the counter. She brushed a couple of stray braids over her shoulder. Her braids matched the color of her holiday apron, red braided into the grey of her natural hair. Angelica's favorite was the sunset yellow she liked to wear in the summer, sometimes with little bee and flower clips.Ā 
"James Buchanan Barnes. A coworker and friend. He's -"
"The Winter Soldier, yes, I know the name. I've been around for a while, honeybee." Leana interrupted, suddenly looking her age for a moment. "Never sat right with me how he got his citizenship back."
"What?" Y/N was hesitant to continue the conversation, now, with Angelica in earshot. Though, it seemed Pop was keeping her occupied well enough that she wasn't paying attention.
"Oh, that came out wrong. I meant the whole trial he had to go through to prove he was a prisoner of war and under duress. Ridiculous, really." She continued, shaking her head. It wasn't talked about often within the team or the compound, but the amnesty trial had been a big deal. A year later, Bucky seemed to have moved past it with some work but some people still hung onto it.Ā 
"Yeah, I...didn't really pay attention to it. Only when it landed on my desk when his lawyer needed information and it was my turn to dig." Y/N said. He hadn't worked on it often, maybe once or twice under Miss Lancaster's legal team. Not often enough to know more than the general public and not enough to draw his attention away. Even his coworkers kept it out of the office talk just because it was a touchy subject.
And totally not because everyone was scared of him.Ā 
"How's he doing, now, though?"Ā 
"Recovering, but doing well. Has some off days, but everyone does. We took him to see the Nutcracker last week and while there was some sadness, he had a good time." Y/N pulled his wallet out to pay for Angelica's ice cream now that she was seated happily with a snickerdoodle-flavored scoop.Ā 
"Tell me, what d'you think Bucky would like from the case? I'll get you a to-go container for when he's back. Consider it a present from us to him." Pop smiled, his nose and cheeks rosier with the added chill of the winter weather. He had a Santa hat on, really playing up on his resemblance.Ā 
"Oh, uh...that's a good question. I think the vanilla with caramel and cone pieces would be a safe option. I know he likes caramel." Y/N said, handing over his card to Leana to pay for the ice cream. She only charged him for Angelica's, fixing him with a stern look to deter any kind of arguing. This was why he always came back to them, even though it was further than other shops. They treated everyone like family and did favors for their loyal customers. And they were local, so it was a perfect relationship.Ā 
"Angelica, you almost finished? We need to get back soon. I've got to check in with Steve and Bucky to see if they need anything and you have homework." The adults laughed as she groaned, throwing away her empty container and spoon. "Thanks, you two. Take care. We'll see you next week."
"Bye, Pop! Bye, Leana!" Angelica waved from the door, bundling herself up again in preparation to brave the outside.
"See ya, honeybee. And hopefully, we see Bucky with you, soon. Drive safe and stay warm." Leana said with a sweet smile.
Pop handed Y/N the container, a note written on the top with his and Leana's signatures.
To Bucky,
Happy Holidays from Us at Pop's Shoppe. Hope to see you stop by soon!
Pop & LeanaĀ Ā Ā ā™”Ā Ā 
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"I love my kid, but it's too cold for this," Y/N grumbled, blowing warm air into his cupped, gloved hands.Ā 
"You'd be warmer if you moved around more." Natasha elbowed him, smiling as she watched the chaos unfold in front of them.Ā 
Tony and Peter were constructing a snow fort in preparation for all-out snowball warfare. Scott, Angelica, and Cassie were also constructing a fort across from the Team IronSpider base. It wasn't as pretty or optimized as theirs, but it was going to be functional for the insanity that was going to unleash when they were ready.
"Yeah, but that would also mean getting involved inĀ Ā thatĀ ." Y/N hitched his chin toward Team SuperWeird, comprised of Bucky, Steve, and Wanda. Unfair in his eyes, but that's just how the cards were dealt. "There's a reason I'm playing as an impartial judge with Bruce."
"Fair enough. Well, I better help those two. They need all the help they can get." She joined Clint and Sam at their base.Ā 
The sun was warm but didn't do much to combat the overall chill of the day. But it was perfect for a snowball fight, including the sticky snow that would make the ideal snowball. Bruce also had his hands buried in his pockets, his face tucked into his scarf to try and keep warm. It was a universal day off for everyone in the compound, which meant he wasn't allowed to be tucked away in his lab.
Thor and Loki had come to visit with Valkyrie, enjoying some downtime with the team for a couple of days. Thor and Valkyrie were happily constructing their own fort and stockpiling snowball ammunition for the fight. Loki was standing beside Y/N and Bruce with his arms folded, shaking his head in mild amusement.Ā 
"I don't believe I'll ever quite understand Midgaurdians." He said after a moment of thought. "But theyĀ Ā areĀ Ā entertaining."
"We certainly are, huh?" Y/N smiled as his daughter squealed after Peter had snuck over and shoved snow on her neck. "You don't want to join?"
"No, no. I'm quite alright just watching for now." Loki wasn't exactly what he'd expected based on stories. He seemed to have mellowed out a bit and had some time to reflect on past mistakes. Or perhaps the events of Ragnarok had a strong effect on him. Whatever the case was, he was rather pleasant to be around, now. "It's not quite fair for me to join in, considering I'm immune to the cold."
"Ah. Yeah, that is an unfair advantage." Y/N shuffled his feet a bit, hoping to keep his toes from freezing by standing in the same place for too long. Although he was wearing multiple layers, the cold still crept in where it could. "You think they'd notice if I slipped away to get a warm drink?"
"Yes. They would. You wouldn't get three feet until Tony called you out." Bruce said.
"Well, it's a good thing I've come to deliver some warm cider." Pepper appeared beside them with a tray of thermoses. "Here you go."
"You're a lifesaver, Pepper." Y/N gratefully accepted one, the warmth spreading through his fingers and down his arms immediately. He took a tentative sip, considering it was still very hot, and hummed happily as the heat trickled through his chest.
"And one for you, Bruce." She passed another one to Bruce, earning the same praises. "Would you like one, Loki?"
"No, thank you, Miss Potts." Loki smiled, looking rather fond for a brief moment.
"It's actually Stark, now." She corrected, returning the smile.
"Oh, my apologies, Missus Stark. Congratulations." He inclined his head cordially.
"Thank you. But really, just call me Pepper. There's no need to be so formal." She touched his arm gently like she did often with everyone, a friendly and comforting gesture she was known for. "If you three need anything, just text me, alright?"Ā 
"Of course, Pepper. Thanks again. I'll take videos of Tony getting his ass handed to him by Steve later." Bruce said from behind the rim of his thermos. And with that, she was making her way back inside, away from the snow and cold.Ā 
Y/N was jealous, but now he had a warm drink so he was at least placated for the moment. He checked the time on his phone. There were thirty seconds left on his timer for their allotted fortress building time. After that, they'd have two minutes to prepare their ammunition before the first round of battle would begin. The timer chimed loudly and everyone immediately stopped piling snow and started creating snowballs of varying sizes and shapes.
"Of the current competitors, who do you believe will be the best?" Loki asked, crossing his arms.Ā 
"Bucky's been trained as a sniper, but Clint has insane accuracy. Wanda has her abilities and Steve has enough spite to be good at just about anything." Bruce tilted his head in thought, watching everyone frantically stockpile ammo. "Sam and Scott are at a disadvantage, but will probably be good in their team. Tony and Peter work together a littleĀ Ā tooĀ Ā well, not to mention Peter's enhanced senses."
"So, what you're saying is that my kid and Cassie are going to get absolutely demolished by the superheroes around them." Y/N laughed, knowing all too well how this was going to go. It's mainly why he was staying on the sidelines and avoiding the conflict.Ā 
"Oh, totally. That's exactly what's going to happen and it's going to be glorious." Bruce grinned before burrowing back into his scarf. The second timer went off and everyone came to a halt. "Alright, everyone. The round begins in three...two...one...go!"
Snow flew immediately, headed in every which direction. Laughter rang into the air, along with some cussing when people were hit. They were good about not getting close to the bystanders, some landing just at their feet but never hitting them. It was entertaining to watch the different strategies each team had, though most of it seemed to just be sheer chaos. Firing wherever in hopes it hit someone.
"You're going down, Romanoff!" Wanda shouted just before a snowball went flying at Natasha, propelled by her powers.
"In your dreams, Maximoff!" Natasha yelled back after barely dodging the projectile before throwing her own. It nailed Wanda straight in the chest faster than she could blink.
A stray snowball came flying by, hitting Loki square in the stomach. He doubled over slightly, the wind knocked out of him for a moment. Murderous intent took over his eyes as he scanned the field, trying to decide who had thrown it. Valkyrie was snickering behind her hand and noticed she'd drawn his attention. With a determined roll of his shoulders, Loki joined Tony and Peter, set on revenge.
Y/N glanced at his daughter, who was grinning to herself deviously. She'd done that on purpose and somehow flew under the radar to avoid all suspicion. That little devil was too smart for her own good and he had no idea how he was going to stay ahead of her as she got older.Ā 
For now, he just shook his head and sipped his warm cider as everyone continued to pelt each other with snowballs.
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"I amĀ Ā notĀ Ā letting you have alcohol. Are you out of your mind?" Y/N stared at Angelica in bewilderment, holding his glass of champagne out of her reach. "You have some audacity, little miss."
"Aw, come on! Just a little sip?" She tried to give him her puppy dog eyes, but he wasn't budging. "Just a teeny, tiny, itty bitty sip?"
"You're lucky I'm letting you stay up, Angelica. I can still send you to bed. Don't test me." He replied, using the opportunity to also take a slow sip of his champagne. She pouted, glaring at him disappointedly.Ā 
Tony had forgone the large New Year's party that he usually hosted, choosing instead to keep it rather small with the team and their families. That didn't mean he didn't keep the extravagance down, considering this was the most expensive champagne Y/N had ever tasted. The decorations were certainly flashy, golds and silvers reflecting every light in the common room. The countdown was on the TV, muted so their own music could play.
"Maybe, if you're good, I'll let you have a sip next year," He said, eyeing her suspiciously when she got a littleĀ Ā tooĀ Ā excited about that. "No promises."
Angelica continued to grin far too wide for his liking before bouncing off into the crowd to find Peter and May. He shook his head, watching her as she disappeared into the kitchen. She was always a handful, but sometimes she seemed especially difficult to deal with. He loved her dearly, though, and it made moments like this more endearing than annoying.
"She reminds me of myself when I was young." Wanda came up beside Y/N. She was wearing a nice black gown, rather simple in terms of attire Tony required, but it suited her well. Especially with the fabric fading into a bright red near her knees and the beading around the waist. "Too smart for her own good and always looking for trouble."
"I can hardly believe you were looking for trouble," Y/N said in a warm tone. HeĀ Ā couldĀ Ā believe it, but he was teasing her.Ā 
"Well,Ā Ā IĀ Ā wasn't usually the one looking for it. My brother, Pietro, was usually always finding himself in trouble. I was always getting himĀ Ā outĀ Ā of it." She laughed softly, eyes crinkled and light with fond memories. She missed him, he knew. His memory lived on through her, though, and all she did with the Avengers. With Tony's recovery foundation, he started an outreach program specifically for those affected by what happened in Sokovia and named it after Pietro. "Vis likes her a lot."
"Seems to be a common feeling with everyone," Y/N replied, giving her a brief side-hug. Her nose crinkled up happily, squeezing him back with her free arm. "How's your training going?"
"Oh, it's...going. Tiring, but Stephen is pleased with my progress. There's so much I didn't know I could do that he's taught me to control." Wanda, as if to show how much she'd learned, raised her hand and swirled some of the red mist around her fingers. It morphed into a little kitten that bounded across her knuckles, swatting at an equally tiny butterfly. It jumped to catch it, succeeding, and they both disappeared in a flourish.
"That was delightful." Y/N applauded her, laughing as she curtsied. "It's always nice to catch up with you."
"And you, too. Let's talk more often. Well, seems the countdown is going to begin shortly. I need to find Vis." She untangled herself from Y/N, but not before kissing him on the cheek.Ā 
Tony called everyone to gather around the TV with their glasses of champagne and their partners. The couples stood together and those who were single ended up grouping near the opposite side. Peter had Angelica in his arms, a glass of sparkling cider held carefully in one of his hands.
Sam, Bucky, YN, and May stood together. Clint was currently MIA due to a sudden mission, which he'd been completely fine with. This wasn't his favorite holiday in the world and he preferred to be making money somewhere else. The countdown began on the TV, the sound returning at the perfect moment thanks to FRIDAY. Everyone waited, counting with it as the new year finally turned over.
The room filled with cheers and the couples shared a customary kiss. May hugged Y/N immediately before moving to Bucky and Sam.Ā 
"Happy New Year," Sam hugged Y/N tightly, leaving a kiss on his cheek before he pulled away. He turned to Bucky.
"Don't kiss me or I'll kick your ass." Bucky threatened, accepting Sam's hug. Sam was grinning and tried to kiss Bucky's cheek, only to be met with the palm of his metal hand turning him away.Ā 
Y/N laughed, careful not to spill any of his drink as he embraced Bucky. It was immediately a comfort, enveloping him entirely in his arms. His cologne was soft and musky but by no means overpowering or too strong. Bucky swayed them slightly before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
"Happy New Year, darlin'." He muttered as he pulled away. His smile was dazzling and if not for Angelica suddenly hugging his leg, Y/N probably would've kept staring for much longer.Ā 
"Papa!" Angelica looked up at him and there was a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Can I have a sip?"
Y/N was about to berate her for asking again when he paused and realized what was going on. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The others were laughing brightly and he shook his head.
"You little shit."Ā 
Angelica looked triumphant as she took her sip of champagne.
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Bucky squinted at the back of the beer bottle, reading the ingredients. It honestly wasn't the best he'd ever had, but there was just a flavor he couldn't quite place. He shrugged and took another swig, not bothering to spend much longer thinking about it.
Sam groaned as he sat down on the couch, his own bottle in his hand. He sighed deeply, slouching down to get comfortable. He'd taken to hanging out with Bucky more now that Steve and Natasha were dating. It was nothing against either of them, considering they still had their Guys' Nights often. Usually, in their free time, the couple was together. Which left Sam and Bucky most evenings.
"I'm tired." Sam sighed, head falling back against the couch. "You feel me?"
"I feel you," Bucky replied. "I've been tired since 1927."
"That's oddly specific. What happened in '27?" Sam took a quick drink, having learned the Bucky's off-the-cuff comments sometimes took him by surprise. He had shot beer out his nose a couple of times because of that.
"Met Steve that year. Been running behind him, keeping him out of trouble since then." He stared into the distance, slowly bringing his bottle up.
"It's a full-time job, huh?" Sam raised his bottle again too.
"Amen to that." They cheered to each other from a distance before downing the rest of their beer. Bucky turned the bottle again to look at the label. "The hell is in this?"
"It's really bad, is what it is. Steve's no longer allowed to shop for booze." Sam leaned forward and set the glass bottle down on the coffee table. He settled back into the couch. "Alright, we gotta talk."
"About?" Bucky rested his head on the back of the couch, letting it fall to the side to look at Sam. He had a feeling what this was going to lead to, but he didn't have the energy to shut it down. He actuallyĀ Ā wantedĀ Ā to talk about it, if he were honest.
"Y/N. You. The kiss." Sam paused between each subject, letting them hang in the air and sink in. "YouĀ Ā kissedĀ Ā him in front of everyone. So, what's the deal, now? You two on the down low?"
"No, not...no. We didn't talk about it. It was just a kiss and didn't mean anything." As much as he hated to say it, that's exactly what the situation was. He hadn't brought it up to Y/N and they'd not discussed it at all. And he hadn't acted any different afterward so he had no reason to believe that it affected their friendship any further than a moment to look back at and laugh about.
"How the hell did you ever make it as a spy when you're such aĀ Ā badĀ Ā liar?" Sam stared at him incredulously.
"I wasn't allowed to talk," Bucky muttered, which gained a short bark of laughter. He smiled briefly.Ā 
"I'm gonna say this so no one else has to," Sam sat up, looking Bucky straight on. It sent a shock of nerves down his spine with how serious he suddenly was. "And I'm saying this because you're my brother, man. You need to talk to him. Give him a chance to say yes or no. Say you're interested."
"I don't wanna make it awkward. He's on the team and it's not exactly like we can just...distance from each other. His daughter is kinda my mini shadow half the time." Bucky turned away with a sigh, staring at the wall. He wanted to say somethingĀ Ā soĀ Ā bad, but the thought of causing tension in their close-knit team was enough to deter him. That kiss under the mistletoe at the party only deepened his feelings and settled them strongly in his heart. It was hard not to give in when away from the prying eyes of the rest of the world. "I don't even know if he feels the same way."
"James, listen to me. You will never know if you don't try. He and Kiera Roberts were rumored to be a thing and he cleared it up with her. She watched after Angelica when you were out of commission after that mission in Rome." Sam had that tone in his voice that he used when counseling veterans. The same one he used when helping any of the team through a panic attack or episode of some sort. "Give it a chance. Do something that it's just the two of you and see if he responds in a way that says he'd be interested. Then ask him to dinner."
"Nope. No way in hell."
"I'm only going to keep bringing it up until you do. Every day, every moment possible." Sam threatened.
"God, you're annoying." Bucky rubbed his hand over his face with a sigh. He was blushing just thinking about it.
"It's why you love me."Ā 
"Okay, okay. Fine. After the security meeting and we're back here...I'll do it." Bucky glared at Sam, finding he was smiling smugly. He looked like he was going to say something inappropriate or suggestive at any moment now that the serious conversation was over. "Not a word, Wilson. I'll still kick you off a damn helicarrier."
"I didn't say anything!"
"You were thinking it and that's bad enough!"
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"Okay, so remind me what this is about again?" Wanda turned in her seat to look at the other occupants of the box, flipping through the program she was holding.Ā 
"Orpheus and Eurydice except it's set in a Great Depression-like era and the music has a strong basis in New Orleans style jazz," Y/N said, glancing over the cast list as he turned the page in his own program. "The band is usually onstage the whole time and highlighted a couple of times."
"Not to be rude to you guys." Sam interrupted, motioning to Steve, Bucky, Natasha, and their other light-skinned teammates in attendance. "ButĀ Ā whyĀ Ā is Hermes being played by aĀ Ā whiteĀ Ā guy?"
"I thought the same thing!" Clint threw his hands up in exasperation.Ā 
"Alright, you two. Chill out. He's got a mile-long portfolio in his bio. Give him a chance." Y/N shook his head in amusement. He'd heard this Hermes perform in videos and while he wasn't Andre De Shields, he did a damn good job. "He's alsoĀ Ā fromĀ Ā New Orleans, Wilson."
"All I'm sayin' is I've never heard of him," Sam grumbled a little more about the casting of the tour but settled down again after a minute.Ā 
Some of the team had time after a security conference in D.C. to see Hadestown and do other touristy things. Sam, Clint, and Y/N had convinced the rest of their small group to join them at the show, saying that they would enjoy it. With nothing else to do and no reason to argue, Steve, Natasha, Wanda, and Bucky joined them to see the touring company.
Angelica had not been happy when she'd heard they were seeing the show without her. In fact, promising to take her to see it on Broadway was the only way to get her to speak to anyone other than Peter forĀ Ā fourĀ Ā days. She was a stubborn child who knew how to use that to her advantage when sheĀ Ā reallyĀ Ā wanted it. He didn't feel bad about giving in because he'd wanted to see the show with her in the first place, but the opportunity to see it on tour happened before they got the chance.
The lights started to dim as the cast and orchestra walked out. Everyone checked to be sure their phones were off. The cast settled in their places and Hermes clicked his heels at the edge of the stage, gazing out over the crowd. He took a deep breath, clasping his hands together with a smile.
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Sam turned around at intermission with an embarrassed smile.Ā 
"Is there something you would like to say, Samuel?" Y/N tilted his head innocently as the house filled with chatter, the lights still slowly coming up.
"I would like to recant my statement about this particular white man playing Hermes," Sam announced to the group. It sparked some laughter and he waited for another moment to continue. "He opened his mouth and I realized my mistake. I apologize. I was wrong."
"Yeah, he's good." Clint sighed, a bit begrudgingly. "But that Persephone-"
"IĀ Ā knowĀ !" Sam and Clint quickly fell into a discussion over the actress playing Persephone, singing nothing but praises for her and admiring the dynamic between her and Hades. Natasha chimed in when she found it necessary, mentioning something about the Fates.
Steve and Wanda were looking at the stage, talking about the lighting and how it had affected the scenes. Set design came up shortly after, and they delved into the moving parts and pieces of the two-story structure and rotating stage.
"Remind me again what the myth is?" Bucky leaned over to ask Y/N since the rest of their companions were occupied. "The details escape me."
"We're halfway through so it'll get to the main part of the myth in the next act," He replied, checking his phone for notifications. His daughter had sent a goodnight text, which he responded to with a picture of Wanda and Steve geeking out over the stage design. "But the basics are: Orpheus lost Eurydice and ventured into the Underworld to bring her back. He has to convince Hades and Persephone to let her go. Upon an agreement, they leave together but Orpheus cannot look behind him or she'll be dragged back to the Underworld for the rest of eternity."
"And he looks behind him. I remember now. I'm interested to see how they play this out. By the way, the music isĀ Ā soĀ Ā damn good." Bucky said, which made Y/N laugh. "Seriously, it's a great show so far."
Y/N turned to him and it was like time stopped for that moment. Bucky had that crooked smile that made his heart flutter, his eyes soft and crinkled up at the corners. He glanced between the rest of the group and the intel specialist, amused by the enthusiasm and different topics everyone focused on. But when he finally turned his gaze entirely on Y/N, it felt like the entire world had disappeared.
As a group, they had decided to dress up a little. Nothing too fancy, but on the edge of more than casual. And he lookedĀ Ā goodĀ Ā in his dark long-sleeved shirt and blazer. The jacket had been a gift from Sharon Carter as a way to welcome him back into the good graces of the CIA. It fit him very well, showing off his wide shoulders and broad chest. Those dark jeans, too, had to be illegal somewhere because of how tightly they hugged his strong thighs.Ā 
"Y/N? Didja hear me?" Bucky was talking and that snapped him out of his trance.Ā 
"Sorry, sorry. I'm a little tired. Got lost in thought for a second." Y/N covered, sheepishly ducking his head to hide any blush that could possibly be seen. His face was certainly warm. "What'd you say?"
"I asked if you had a favorite song." Bucky didn't make him feel any more embarrassed, luckily, sliding past it like it was nothing. The question made him pause for a second, head tilted in thought.
"I prefer the live album's version of it, but Epic III will always be in my top three. How Long and His Kiss, the Riot are up there as well. Our Lady of the Underground is number two, though." Y/N rambled, tucking his phone away. He liked a lot of the music in the second act, but the whole show was incredible. It was impossible not to nod his head or tap his foot when any of the songs came on when he was working. "But I have a question for you, now."
"What's up?"Ā 
"How hard is it to make you cry?"Ā 
"Uh, pretty difficult. But what will get me, without fail, is a repeated motif that is either now sad when it was happy before or a call and response that is now just a callĀ Ā orĀ Ā response." Bucky responded.
"Oh, hon. You might want to have some of Wanda's tissues." Y/N grinned both in sympathy and anticipation. A perfect victim for this show, it seemed, as that was the driving stake through the heart about the ending.
"Steve is gonna need themĀ Ā wayĀ Ā more than I will," Bucky said as the orchestra returned to the stage.
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"It's you - it's me. What theĀ Ā fuckĀ , Y/N?" Steve turned around after the final bows, tears streaming down his face. His language shocked everyone for a moment. While he wasn't the cleanest normally, he usually didn't drop a casualĀ Ā fuck.Ā "You didn't say it would be this sad!"
"It's Orpheus and Eurydice! What did you expect?" Y/N retorted, raising his hands in defense. "We tried to warn you!"
Wanda and Natasha were dabbing at their eyes carefully to not smear their makeup any worse than it already was, checking each other and fixing the damage. They were laughing through their tears at Steve's reaction and Wanda offered him a tissue. He took it with more force than necessary, a bit of sass slipping into the movement.
"He's got you there, Stevie." Bucky sniffed, drying his face with his sleeve. He gratefully accepted a tissue from Wanda. "But,Ā Ā manĀ , did they have to do both the repeated It's you, it's meĀ Ā andĀ Ā the opening song?"
"Aw, that's part of the fun, though! Showing it's a loop!" Sam laughed, wiping the final tears from his eyes. "So, on that note of the depressing and soul-crushing ending...anyone want to grab dinner?"
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Y/N watched the fireplace flicker, the warmth of the room comfortable. He curled up under the blanket, finding his place again in his book. There hadn't been a lot of time for him to read during this holiday season, so this quiet evening was the perfect time for a book. He had decided to reread The Princess Bride after their movie night. By now, because of work and life, he was only halfway through.
But really, as much as he wanted to read, he couldn't focus. He wasn't alone in the room and that's what was becoming the distraction. Bucky was also curled up under a blanket further down the couch, scrolling on his phone. The light from the fire illuminated his profile and cast warmth over his face. It had to be a crime of some sort for him to be that attractive when doing nothing. And it wasn't like he wasĀ Ā tryingĀ , either, which was unfair all on its own.
"Oh, hey. Do you mind if I put on some music? The quiet is just...a little too quiet." Bucky said, breaking the comfortable silence of the room. Everyone else had gone to bed already, some having to get up for a mission quite early, so it was just the two of them. His voice was soft like his intention wasn't to startle him.
"Yeah, go ahead." Y/N nodded, turning back to his book in hopes he hadn't been caught staring for those few seconds. It had almost been perfectly timed that Bucky had looked up just as he'd been staring longer than necessary. He found himself doing that more and more recently. After the Mistletoe Kiss at the party, it was harder to shove away those feelings and keep them under lock and key.Ā 
The TV powered on silently, connecting to Bucky's phone and soft music started. The playlist was a collection of some of his favorite 40s music and other songs that either had a similar sound or vibe. It was all fairly mellow and perfect for the atmosphere they had created. Relaxing, warm, and comfortable. A little space out of time that had no expectations or requirements.Ā 
Dream a Little Dream of MeĀ Ā queued up next on screen and Bucky stood, holding his hand out to Y/N. It took a moment for him to notice, given he'd actually gotten back into his book for a couple of paragraphs. A softĀ Ā heyĀ Ā caught his attention and he looked up.
"What?" He narrowed his eyes slightly in suspicion, but couldn't keep his lips from starting to turn upward.
"Come dance with me." He offered with that lopsided smile that made his heart skip a beat. His eyes were glittering with a childlike and mischievous light. "C'mon."
Y/N couldn't find it in himself to say no, especially when he was looking at him with such affection. It took him off guard, truly, but in the best way. He marked his page and set his book aside before taking Bucky's hand. He moved the blanket onto the couch beside him as he stood, careful not to let it get twisted around his foot at first. There was a perfectly sized space in front of the hearth for them to stand with enough room to move without banging their toes on furniture.
Bucky pulled him in, his metal hand settling perfectly on Y/N's waist like it had when they were cooking together. Like it was the most natural thing in the world and that's exactly where his hand was crafted to be laid. His other hand was a gentle guide, pulling him into position. It was larger than his own, nearly engulfing it in its warmth.
"I don't...know what to do, to be honest," Y/N admitted, unsure of pretty much everything. The last time he'd danced with anyone had to have been prom his senior year of high school. Even then, it wasn't any good. Just the awkward sway dancing that teenagers did with their hands around the necks of their partners and hands on their waists at nearly arm's length. But Bucky had danced often in the past and was still a good dancer from what he's seen. He didn't want to disappoint or screw anything up.
"Well, you can put your hand on my shoulder or my upper arm. Don't have to do much with your feet. These slower songs you can just sway and do small steps to turn. I can lead, so just don't worry too much about that. If you want to get closer..." Bucky trailed off, brows raised slightly to fill in the silence and finish the offer.
"Maybe if I can be trusted not to step on your toes," Y/N said, resting his hand on his bicep, finding it somehow fits perfectly. Just like Bucky's hand on his waist. "We'll see. You might just throw me away when you see how bad of a dancer I am."
"This isn't gonna be difficult, I promise. If Steve can do it without stepping on someone, I'm sure you'll be fine." Bucky chuckled, beginning to sway with the beat. Once he had found the tempo, he quietly gave instructions on which foot to step with and counted until they both fell into synch. It was slow and casual and nowhere near perfect regarding technique, but it was perfect for them. There wasn't anyone to impress or perform for. It was just them, the fire, and the music.
This was nice. Pleasant. Y/N had never done anything like this with anyone. He'd never had the opportunity, nor the right partner. No one had ever just asked him to dance in the kitchen or living room to whatever song came on. It was rather intimate, in a way, and sweet with how Bucky held him close, guiding his steps and leading him with silent confidence that was comforting. His thumb was tapping lightly on Y/N's hip to the tempo of each new song so they could seamlessly transition without being off-beat with each other.
"So...getting closer...how would one do that?" Y/N quietly asked after a few songs had gone by and they'd fallen into a natural rhythm. If he was offering to get closer, he'd take the opportunity as it was and hope that it wasn't awkward. He was afraid that they would try and it would make things weird and then it all would be over. He'd rather keep his distance and not take a risk if it meant staying exactly like this.
"Either my shoulder or somewhere between my shoulder blades." Bucky guided Y/N's right hand around his side, gently pulling him closer. He used his foot to nudge his a little to be alternating. It reduced the possibility of stepping on each other. "Whichever you prefer."
Y/N settled his hand on his upper back, right between his shoulder blades, finding that this brought them far closer together than he had expected. But it didn't feel awkward or forced. It was all very natural, which eased any anxiety that he'd had. Under his fingers, Bucky's heart was beating steadily and it was reassuring that they were both comfortable.
Bucky's hand returned to his hip, sliding to the small of his back. He continued to lightly tap his finger to the beat, keeping them on tempo as they adapted to this new position. He brought their clasped hands up and pressed a delicate kiss to the back of Y/N's hand, lingered for a moment as they locked eyes. They glowed with a warmth that rivaled the fireplace, all edges of his face now soft in the flickering light.Ā 
Unable to keep eye contact without getting flustered, Y/N turned his head and found it was very easy to rest his cheek against Bucky's chest. He could hear and feel Bucky's voice as he resumed humming along toĀ Ā The Last Time I Saw ParisĀ . It had been a long time since he'd felt this content. Working two jobs initially and raising a kid had been difficult. Then his high-security job at the compound made some more time for his daughter, but the workload was also hard to balance with his personal life. There had always been an underlying feeling of stress in every moment of his downtime, but that was very obviously missing.
The nice thing about Bucky's playlist was that it had music that he'd never heard before. There were the classics and well-known songs included, but there were some he'd never would've found if not for someone who either was really into music from that era or someone who was around when it was popular. A perfect blend of slower songs that were easy to sway to and some upbeat to keep some variety.
"I'm gonna spin you, darlin'. Take a step back for a second." Bucky muttered, shifting his hold on Y/N's hand.Ā 
Y/N did, spinning under his arm slowly. A soft smile was resting on Bucky's lips, just as soft as the look in his eyes. Warm adoration. It made his heart skip a beat as he stepped back into place, fitting right in Bucky's arms like a puzzle piece.
"Felt like you were a little jealous of your kiddo when I was dancing with her. Had to treat you just the same." He glanced down to their feet before pausing their steps. "Which means..."
Y/N squeaked in surprise as he was swept sideways, hand shooting up to grip Bucky's shoulder from behind. He was being supported around his waist as he leaned back further. "Bucky! A little more warning would've been nice!"
"I won't drop you, sweetheart." He murmured with a crooked smile and kept him in that pose for a few moments. True to his word, his hold never faltered and never made him think that he'd fall. He leaned in closer. Y/N's breath caught in his throat as Bucky pressed a soft kiss to his temple, lingering for another second as he spoke. "I promise."
Time didn't exist as they stood there like that, the song fading to a close and crossing to the next. They both broke into soft laughter, smiles matching as Bucky pulled Y/N upright. It was all so sweet and perfect, a little world away from the rest of everything.
Bucky kept their entwined hands close to his chest with a contented sigh. He held him nearer, resting his chin on the top of Y/N's head once they'd settled back into their positions. "Y/N?"
"Would you let me take you out?" He asked, voice soft and timid. His heart was racing beneath his hand and in his ear. "Dinner somewhere or a walk in a park. Nothin' too fancy."
"I...would need to think about it," Y/N admitted, despite the fluttering in his stomach and the way his heart hammered against his chest. HeĀ Ā didĀ Ā need to think about it considering the dynamics of the team and how closely they worked. But he wanted to say yes.Ā 
"Okay." Bucky breathed a soft sigh of what seemed to be relief. "Take however long you need. I'm not goin' anywhere."
And that is where they left that, choosing to continue dancing in the light of the fireplace. The conversation could be resumed another day when he was ready to provide an answer, but they were both content to hold each other close into the late hours until the playlist started again. For now, they swayed to the sweet voice of Ilene Woods.
So this is love. Mmhm. So this is love.
āœæĀ°ā€¢āˆ˜É·āˆ˜ā€¢Ā°āœæ ... āœæĀ°ā€¢āˆ˜É·āˆ˜ā€¢Ā°āœæ ... āœæĀ°ā€¢āˆ˜É·āˆ˜ā€¢Ā°āœæ
"They're Playin Our Song"
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong)
So This is Love (Ilene Woods, Mike Douglas)
It's Been A Long Long Time (Harry James)
We'll Meet Again (Vera Lynn, Sailors, Soldiers & Airmen)
I Hear a Symphony (Cody Fry)
I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire (The Ink Spots)
L-O-V-E (Nat King Cole)
At Last (Etta James)
La Vie En Rose (Louis Armstrong)
On the Sunny Side of the Street (Frank Sinatra)
Everybody Loves Somebody (Dean Martin)
Down By The Old Mill Stream (New Orleans Footwarmers) - Grandma Recommends (GM)
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (Andrews Sisters) - GM
When the Lights Go On Again (Vera Lynn) - GM
Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree (Glenn Miller) - GM
I'll Be Seeing You (Billie Holiday) - GM
As Time Goes By (Billie Holiday) - GM
I'll Never Smile Again (The Ink Spots) - GM
Fly Me To The Moon (Frank Sinatra, Count Basie) - GM
The Last Time I Saw Paris (Johnny Hodges) - GM
Singin' In The Rain (Gene Kelly) - GM
Sunflower (Frank Sinatra)
Asking Around for You (Joe Bonamassa - Nowhere in Particular)
Ma Belle Evangeline (Princess and the Frog)
āœæĀ°ā€¢āˆ˜É·āˆ˜ā€¢Ā°āœæ ... āœæĀ°ā€¢āˆ˜É·āˆ˜ā€¢Ā°āœæ ... āœæĀ°ā€¢āˆ˜É·āˆ˜ā€¢Ā°āœæ
@supernaturalwintersoldierĀ @shadowolf993Ā @booty-ass-hoeĀ @fightmemacbethĀ @myybebeĀ @pastel-boy-sungjaeĀ @unsure-usernameĀ @raspberryyuukiĀ @urs216Ā @misfortunatem00nĀ @moonbintangĀ @skylions-denĀ @blurredx18ā€‹Ā @elliot-damon-2006Ā 
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itskateak Ā· 1 year
Hoping you bring the Bucky series back to tumblr! Iā€™d read right away ā¤ļø
I'm working on the formatting right now! It's a long chapter and has an extra little fun thing with it because it had been so long. :)
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itskateak Ā· 1 year
Hi, are there any plans to continue the Bucky x Single Dad story? I don't want to pressure you or anything, it's just that I'm so excited and you left me wanting more. xoxo gossip girl
Hi, dear!
The short answer is: Yes! And thereā€™s actually a new chapter on AO3 that I forgot to post here :)
The long answer is: Yes, but a lot slower than I intended. I am dealing with a lot at the moment regarding school and some medical issues that are affecting my hands. Typing can become painful after some time and itā€™s frustrating. Iā€™m also in school and itā€™s finals week next week and Iā€™m taking 18 credit hours. Yeah, Iā€™m lowkey dying but itā€™s fine.
I hope to pick up a little more soon once I have a better schedule and some more time to do so.
But I am so glad to know you really like the story! Iā€™ll be formatting the newest chapter for tumblr later today.
- Ren
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
Iā€™m waiting for the inevitable moment that the Priest Levi Ackerman fic starts to become known here and for people to dig through tiktok for anything related
(The Wicked and the Blessed by Ur_Local_Anime_Trashh on AO3. Tiktok is UrLocalAnimeSpam)
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
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good evening i'm literally only thinking about this moment right now
@was-there-ever i was WAITING for them to do this after you talked about it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
(Sees thereā€™s a Cats Tour starting)
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(Finds out that itā€™s going to be in California after I move)
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(Itā€™s in Fresno. On weekdays only. A three hour drive away. When I have school.)
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
Question to my readers in particular
Yā€™all do know I have someā€¦nsfw stuff, yeah?
The actual question is
Would you mind if I made a side blog thatā€™s basically what Iā€™m thinking/working on specifically for my nsfw stuff?
Iā€™ll do a cleaner version of what kinda things Iā€™d post:
ā€œI tried to add the sentence ā€˜thatā€™s my girlā€™ as dialogue and it got out of hand.ā€
Wonā€™t be against posting little blurbs either
ALSO: Tomorrow, I will be sitting down and writing (the rest of) the new chapter for Mint Ice Cream. Until itā€™s DONE. My ankleā€™s fucked and I canā€™t start packing so Iā€™m stuck on the air mattress (it has outlets nearby for my heated blanket and electronics fhdjd) and have nothing else to do other than emotionally abuse myself with Spiritfarer.
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
ā€œHold on, I have to pop my back.ā€ I say, before laying myself out on my bed and bending myself into abhorrent shapes over the edge, teetering close to falling straight onto my head.
My friends watch on in silent horror as I fold into runes of ancient languages long since dead to the world.
The demon Iā€™ve summoned with my limbs for the fourth time today has gone from annoyed to amused very quickly.
ā€œThere we go. That felt good.ā€ I say, stiffly getting to my feet and sitting back at my desk. I put my headphones back on, dismiss the demon with an apology, and return to the video call with my friends.
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
Please, does anyone out there have a gif from that PotO ballet? Specifically, the one where Erik and Madame Giry are having that fucking hilarious fight on the rooftop?
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
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some carrie fisher tweets to brighten your day
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
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You wanted more Phantom photos? Hereā€™s a good group of them!! We closed the show completely sold out the last two nights. It was amazing.
AHHH holy crap!!! LOOK AT YOU GUYS! This is amazing! And it sold out! I am so freaking proud of you guys! I donā€™t even know you and Iā€™m so proud of this!
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
We did end up winning an award for this show, actually. Best non professional musical performance in the state of Alaska. Thanks Broadway world.
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You want more pictures? Hereā€™s some from our wall and my makeup photo of Giry. There will be more photos in the future once I get a copy of our video.
You look incredible, holy crap! This is INSANE! I canā€™t believe this isnā€™t a professional productionā€“you guys absolutely killed it! Also, DANG who did the Phantomā€™s makeup??? That looks like the real deal! You guys should win some sort of theatre award for thisā€“this is NUTS!
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
Itā€™s now May 26th, 2022. I live in California and the sound of trucks going by sounds very similar to earthquakes. Iā€™m always on edge, listening, waiting. Even above music and hair dryers and movies and other noise of a lab class, I could still hear the rumbling of a truck driving by. And Iā€™d freeze and look up and wait. Iā€™d wait to see if it started to shake the room.
Thereā€™s been a singular earthquake Iā€™ve experienced here in California. It was very small and I didnā€™t hear it coming.
Iā€™m moving back to Alaska next month. When I went back for winter break, there were at least three or four earthquakes I felt.
To say this earthquake messed me up is an understatement. Iā€™m always listening for the next one.
Itā€™s like 11PM but Iā€™m thinking about it so hereā€™s this. Itā€™s really long. Hereā€™s everything I remember about the 7.0 Earthquake on November 30th, 2018 at 8:29 AM. (TW: Panic attack mention, death mention, natural disaster)
I remember when it started. I had just put my rental piccolo away and closed the case and was about to take apart my flute when the prerequisite 6.6 hit. I remember being pressed against the wooden cello holder with my left ankle twisted and vaguely aching. The flute and piccolo case were pressed to my chest with my right hand, and my left hand covered the back of my neck. I remember no one screamed. We were all silent. I remember how loud the industrial sound proof ceiling tiles rattled. They shook so violently you couldnā€™t hear anything above them. I remember the lights turning off, afraid they might short. I remember it going pitch black, and as the rolling continued, it got worse. The 7.0 hit. And I pressed closer to the wall. I remember wondering if it was the end of the world. Asking myself if the apocalypse had just started. If that was it. I remember feeling terrified of dying there. I didnā€™t want to die. I wasnā€™t ready. I prayed, I begged, I waited. And it stopped.
I remember shaking so hard I could barely type and respond to my mom. I remember calling my best friend, Keirsten, and watching her look up from another fluteā€™s shoulder, pale and crying. I remember thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever seen her cry since I accidentally hit her in the face with a plastic baseball bat when we were three. I remember holding her hand and feeling all of my emotions shutting down. I remember our other best friend, Ian, finding us and giving us a hug. I remember Kim having a panic attack and our band teacher consoling her and asking if everyone was okay. I remember gathering up my items and offering to take the flute with the broken footā€™s stuff to her locker. She had made it safely to the wall without hurting her foot in the chaos. I had been concerned about her.
I remember hearing the 5.7 coming. We rushed back to the walls, and Kim ended up behind me. I remember telling her that it was going to be okay. That weā€™d keep her safe and things were going to be fine. I remember rubbing her shoulder until the shaking stopped. I remember telling people and friends and family about what had happened and assuring them I was okay. I remember the mild panic I felt when I couldnā€™t get through to a friend at another school. I remember sitting against the walls and waiting for Keirstenā€™s mom to come pick us up. I remember when Ian left to drive home. He hugged us both, just in case. Just in case something happened and he didnā€™t make it home. The thought terrified me, and I told him to text me when he got home. Call me if you get into trouble. I remember being called to the office to be released. I remember getting our stuff. The large group of parents and students and families hugging in the front office. I remember Keirsten hugging her younger sister, Marissa, and I hugged them both. That was the first and only time I broke down and cried that day. I remember waking out into the parking lot, seeing the sun just above the mountains. It was only 9:40, but it felt like we had been there for much longer. We drove back to Keirstenā€™s home, the sunrise over the mountains our view as the tsunami warning was recalled.
I remember doing damage assessment in the house, beginning to pick up ceramics and sweep up glass before anyone stepped on it. I remember talking and suddenly hearing a rumbling, and stopping everything I was doing to just listen. It rocked the house for a few seconds, and we continue working. I remember sitting on the couch and Keirstenā€™s dad would stomp on the floor to make it shake and scare us. He made fun of us whenever a fairly long quake came and we got up to move to a safer place than the couch. I never quite like him anyways because of those types of things.
I remember my dresser was broken. I remember packing all my valuable breakable things away. My ceramic Phantom of the Opera mask my mom gave to me, the tragedy and comedy ceramic masks, my music boxes, statues, and the porcelain dolls that fell six feet and didnā€™t have a scratch on them. When Iā€™m writing this (April 9th, 2019), I still havenā€™t brought them back out. I remember holding shaking dogs. I remember not being able to sleep. I remember getting up off the couch and scooping up a dog to hold during a fairly bad aftershock. I remember shaking so bad I couldnā€™t tell if it was a quake or me. I remember keeping a glass of water next to me to be able to tell. My mom and I played magnitude guessing games in the weeks to come.
I remember a lot about the earthquake. And I will remember these things for the rest of my life.
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
Hereā€™s some fun inner dialogue from my character Balthazaar:
I am twenty eight thousand years old. I have seen more than you will ever know in your time. I have spoken to geniuses of their times. Astronomers taught me how the world works. Geologists showed me the history of the world. Historians remind me of times long, long ago that have slipped even my memory. Philosophers have considered me carefully and have posed their questions of the universe to me. Countless of them have given me insight to how the human mind works. And yet, I am still aghast at how you pose this question. You couldā€™ve asked me anything. How does the Sun continue to glow? What is the distance from a hot air balloon in relation to a cliff? Where do you go when you die? How many stars burn in the sky that are gone, now, but still shine in our sky? And yet, you ask me how long my eyelashes are?
Children are puzzling creatures. My confusion will never leave me about the intricacies of this girl, but the mystery only makes me love her more.
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itskateak Ā· 2 years
I forgot about this
Itā€™s on my list of things I guess fhdjdkd
if this gets at least two (2) likes, I will write and post some f u n t i m e s of Julian being topped by Tzion Dantra in all its glory
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