jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Jesse being righteous and Good: When you kill a killer, there are the same amount of killers in the world.
Ashe: [with her mouth full] kill two
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Ashe, at Starbucks: Can I get a venti vanilla latte with, uh... seven espresso shots?
Kalt, in line behind her: Jesus christ just do cocaine
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Oryus: i prevented a murder today
Jesse: amazing! howd you do that?
Oryus: self control
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Kalt: *loses ashe in a crowd*
Kalt: *quickly turns around*
Kalt: *panics*
Kalt: *frantically searches*
Kalt: *sees her entering a bakery*
Kalt: *annoyed growl*
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Ashe: I really want a remote that can make people shut the fuck up with the click of a button
Kalt: *slides a gun across the table*
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Silas, texting Kalt: answer your phone
Kalt, texting back: one sec I cant find my phone
Silas: ok
Silas, five minutes later: you're a terrible friend. you know you're killing me. you're killing your friend
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
James: Wait for it, wait for it...9:01, Calen is officially late for the first time ever. Alright, let's do this. Who's got theories?
Kapanna: His alarm didn't go off.
James: All three alarms, all with battery backups? Come on, who wants to take this seriously?
Roland: Oh! He was taken in his sleep.
James: That's what I'm talking about. Super dark, Roland, but way more plausible than Kapanna's idiotic alarm clock theory.
Neri: I bet he tucked himself in his bed too tight and got stuck.
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Silas: Were you dropped on your head as a kid?
Oryus: Bold of you to assume I was held.
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Oryus: So you have twelve apples and one friend asks for six. What do you have?
Jesse: [tears up]
Jesse: a friend
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Person: Are you a top or a bottom?
Oryus: I'm a threat.
Jesse, from across the room: hes a bottom
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Ashe: You're a lying, cheating piece of shit. You're not the man I married.
Kalt: Then we'll get a divorce, and I'm taking Dagen!
Silas: I think we should stop playing monopoly now.
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Ashe: Kalt will come up with a plan.
Silas: well that's good right?
Ashe: it's possible you're not recalling some of his previous plans.
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Kalt: what did you do?
Ashe: okay I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't be mad.
Kalt: What. Did. You. Do?
Ashe: Well, I was minding my own business-
Kalt: bullshit!
Ashe: I was!
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Kidnapper: We have your boyfriend
Orynth: I don't have a boyfriend
Kidnapper: he made us reevaluate our life choices and now we feel really bad, can you come pick him up?
Orynth: Oh my god, you have Jesse
Kidnapper: I'm going to become a painter
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Silas: Right, who do we know has handcuffs?
Kalt: Well Ashe and I-
Ashe: *glaring at Kalt*
Kalt: Wouldn't know.
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Kalt: I'm gonna need a human skull I can't have you ask any questions why.
Orynth: only if you also don't ask why
Orynth: *pulls out 7 pristine human skulls*
Kalt: this one is fine
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Ashe: My food is too hot, I can't eat it.
Kalt: You're too hot, but I still eat you.
Silas, slamming his hands on the table: ONE DINNER
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