#ashe and kalt
sageravenshire · 2 years
Oryus: did it hurt when you fell?
Kalt: from heaven? or in love?
Kalt: *winks*
Oryus: you just face-planted down a flight of stairs
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witchyautumns · 2 months
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A selected playlist for this year's fall season ❤️
🇳🇴 Mari Boine - Vuoi Vuoi Mu 🇱🇹 Nine Lindens (Lithuanian Multipart Polyphonic Song) 🇳🇱 Heidevolk - Het bier zal weer vloeien 🇦🇹 Claudia Engelberger - Die Gedanken Sind Frei 🇫🇴 Eivør - Trøllabundin 🇷🇴 Sandra N – Spirit de dac 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Julie Fowlis - Òganaich Uir a Rinn M' Fhàgail 🇭🇺 TÖRÖK Tilla orchestra - Határtalanság 🇮🇸 Krummavísur 🇫🇷 Nolwenn Leroy - Tri Martolod 🇸🇰 Hrdza - Nie tvoja 🇸🇪 Garmarna - Herr Mannelig 🇺🇦 Folknery - Karchata 🇩🇰 Myrkur - I riden så 🇮🇪 Liam Ó Maonlaí - Eleanór a Rún 🇫🇮 Tuuletar - Ievan polkka 🇫🇷 Arany Zoltán -Tourdion (Renaissance classic) 🇮🇹 Corte di Lunas - Scjaraçule maraçule (medieval song from Friuli) 🇧🇾 Kupalinka (traditional) 🇫🇴 Eivør - Í Tokuni 🇩🇪 Corvus Corax - Palästinalied 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Madelgarde - The Stag & Sickle (Old English) 🇵🇱 Laboratorium Pieśni - Sztoj pa moru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Kathleen MacInnes - Gaol ise Gaol i 🇱🇹 Rasa Serra - Žalioj girioj, lygioj lankoj 🇲🇩 Drumul Dracului 🇫🇷 La Rioule des Compagnons du Monde - Gloire aux Moutons 🇬🇷 Απάνω στην Τριανταφυλλιά (On the rosebush) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Plethyn - Didlan 🇦🇹 Amarok Avari - Bärentanz 🇪🇸 Arany Zoltán - Non é gran cousa (medieval song from Galicia) 🇷🇺 Отава Ё – Сумецкая 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Peter Bellamy - Oak, Ash and Thorn 🇸🇪 Jonna Jinton - Vargsången 🇭🇷 Svarica - Smrt u jeseni 🇮🇪 Liam Ó Maonlaí - Sadhbh Ni Bhruinneallaigh 🇳🇴 Rolandskvadet 🇮🇹 Gorö po popu (traditional zitera dance from Resia Valley) 🇩🇪 Faun - Diese kalte Nacht 🇸🇮 Zrejlo je žito (traditional) 🇱🇻 Tatjana Vucāne - 'Latvietes Mīts /Piedzimšana/Jaunība 🇸🇰 Hrdza - Stephen 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Ella Roberts - The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond 🇷🇺 Oh, my dear sisters, Oh, my dear godmothers 🇫🇮 Sanni Halla - Nuku nuku nurmilintu
image credit: Seniorita Verita (reblog here the original picture)
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languagesruletheworld · 3 months
Song Translation: Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken musst du geh'n
I've wanted to try something new to post more :) I've been inspired by a-pop-of-korean here on tumblr who posts/used to post translations of Korean songs into English (vocab and grammar). Since I have an Ohrwurm of this song in my head the past days, I'm gonna start with Über sieben Brücken musst du geh'n which is originally sung by the East German band Karat.
Verbs (infinitive)
gehen - go, walk
sich etw. wünschen - wish for sth. (acc.) (here: etw. zurückwünschen - wish sth. back)
sein - be
etw. (zu)schließen - shut / lock sth. (acc.)
wissen - know
etw. suchen - search / look for sth. (acc.)
etw. überstehen - withstand, overcome, survive sth. (acc.)
werden - become, future form of (to) be
scheinen - seem, appear
sitzen - sit
nach etw. greifen - grab at sth., reach for sth., reach out for sth. (dat.)
meinen - deem, think, guess
etw. nehmen - take sth. (acc.)
fallen - fall
geben - give
hassen - hate
lieben - love
Straße (f.) - street
Blick (m.) - glimpse, sight, glance (here)
Schaukelpferd (n.) - rocking horse
Rast (f.) - rest, repose
Ruhe (f.) - calm, tranquility
Tür(e) (f.) - door
Morgen (m.) - morning
Trost (m.) - solace, comfort
Lied (n.) - song
Brücke (f.) - bridge
Jahr (n.) - year
Asche (f.) - ash
Schein (m.) - shine, glow
Uhr (f.) - clock
Leben (n.) . life
Kreis (m.) - circle
Fernweh (n.)
Bank (f.) - bench
Welt (f.) - world
Glücksstern (m.)
kalt - cold
heiß - hot
müde - tired
dunkel - dark
hell - bright
still - quiet, silent
krank - sick, ill
ganz - whole, entire
Manchmal geh' ich meine Straße ohne Blick,
Somtimes, I walk down the street without a glance.
Manchmal wünsch' ich mir mein Schaukelpferd zurück,
Sometimes , I wish I had my rocking horse back.
Manchmal bin ich ohne Rast und Ruh′,
Sometimes, I am without rest and calm.
Manchmal schließ' ich alle Türen nach mir zu.
Sometimes, I close all the doors behind me.
Manchmal ist mir kalt und manchmal heiß.
Sometimes, I'm cold and sometimes hot.
Manchmal weiß ich nicht mehr, was ich weiß.
Sometimes, I don't know what I know anymore.
Manchmal bin ich schon am Morgen müd'.
Sometimes, I'm already tired in the morning.
Und dann such ich Trost in einem Lied.
And then I seek comfort in a song.
Über sieben Brücken musst du geh′n,
You have to cross seven bridges,
Sieben dunkle Jahre übersteh'n,
Overcome seven dark years,
Sieben mal wirst du die Asche sein,
Seven times you will be the ash,
Aber einmal auch der helle Schein.
But once, you will be the bright shine, too.
Manchmal scheint die Uhr des Lebens still zu steh'n.
Sometimes the clock of life seems to stand still.
Manchmal scheint man immer nur im Kreis zu geh'n.
Sometimes, you seem to just walk around in circles.
man is used to refer to a generic person and is often translated to "one" (as in "one seems to ...") in English.
Manchmal ist man wie von Fernweh krank.
Sometimes, you are like sick with wanderlust.
Fernweh (fern = far, far away; Weh = pain, ache (especially emotionally)) is basically the opposite of Heimweh (home sickness).
Manchmal sitzt man still auf einer Bank.
Sometimes, you sit silently on a bench.
Manchmal greift man nach der ganzen Welt.
Sometimes, you reach for the whole world.
Manchmal meint man, dass der Glücksstern fällt.
Sometimes, you think that your lucky star will fall.
fällt is the conjugated form of fallen. Even though it's in the present form in German I translated it with the future form. This is because in German we often use the present tense when talking about the future, especially when speaking.
Manchmal nimmt man, wo man lieber gibt.
Sometimes, you take where you should have given.
Manchmal hasst man das, was man doch liebt.
Sometimes, you hate what you (actually) loves.
Doch is a modal particle with many meanings. In this case, it expresses uncertainty and emphasises the contradiction in that sentence.
Refrain 3x
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weltenfeder · 10 months
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Draußen wird es immer kälter, da muss man sich auf andere Art und Weise warmhalten. Und wie ginge das besser als mit einem herzerwärmenden Buch.
Du magst es lieber kalt? Keine Sorge, in 'Staubrosen' gibt es auch einige eher frostige Momente und damit meine ich keine gemütliche Schlittenfahrt...
Liebe, Kunst und seltsame Sonderwünsche.
Klingt gut?
Dann bestell Staubrosen gleich hier:
Oder bei einem anderen Buchhändler deines Vertrauens.
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bbdeathz · 1 year
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Folge 5 und DENT am Start. Jetzt nicht mein absoluter Fave, aber er war dennoch auch immer toll mit seiner Art und dem VA.
Das hier ist die Folge mit dem gehassten Sodamak vs Pikachu, aber sowas lässt mich recht kalt. Ich find entt, dass Ash gegen alle 3 kämpft, weil es eben das Gimmick der Arena ist, sind auch nette Kämfe, aber nichts zu krasses und so eng sehe ich die Niederlagen in manchen Situationen auch nicht. Andere hängen sich an sowas ja förmlich auf, mir ist das eher egal.
Aber kurz mit DP verglichen. Ja, sehr großer Unterschied bei den jeweils ersten Arenakämpfen, aber egal
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Ich mag zwar goofy TR mehr, aber so manche Szenen sind schon nett mit deren Plot und wie intense das ist.
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intensefeelspoetry · 2 years
shimmering ashes
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Weißt du, was du scheinst, zu sein? Das pure Gold, glänzend Doch zerfällt es zu Stein, brechen Wellen in Buchten, 
du bist niemals allein. Deine Seele macht, das Asche glänzt deine Aura gleicht dem hellsten Stern. Violetter Sternstaub wie Lavendel, Spiritualität bringt uns in Himmel, freier Fall, fang mich auf bringt mich runter, kalte Hände. Kalte Augen sprechen Bände, Feuer glüht, Funken sehen Blinde. Deine Hülle, Harmonie Natur, wir laufen - Achtsamkeit Grünes Leuchten gibt uns Sicherheit. Funkelnde Äste auf deinen Flügeln, es wächst Liebe immer höher, bis wir fliegen können und niemand uns aufhält, Treibstoff niemals ausgeht. Wir gehen dorthin, wo wir Bleibe finden. 
Telepathie zwischen uns Verbundenheit, wie Kunst. Ich seh dich, wie du bist, Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst, und der Gottkomplex zeigt uns die Realität auf. Für Gefühle reicht die Endlichkeit nicht aus, was du siehst können Laien nicht sehen. Illusion ist ein Begriff für jene, die die Realität nicht mehr verstehen. Sie verstecken sich in Wolken, stehen standhaft darüber. Das Universum reicht mir mit dir nicht aus. Doch was bist du jetzt? Du bist die Sonne, die scheint doch auch der Regen, wenn er weint er weint nur in tiefen Wäldern, auf Inseln, frei von Zivilisation. Deine Tränen Diamanten, gut geschliffene Kanten, umgeben im Blau. Fahr mit mir an den Hafen und lass mich dein Anker sein. 
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Ashe: You're a lying, cheating piece of shit. You're not the man I married.
Kalt: Then we'll get a divorce, and I'm taking Dagen!
Silas: I think we should stop playing monopoly now.
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survivetoread · 3 years
Read With STR: अभोगी Part 1
Hello there! We're now on the sixth story in Ranjit Desai's short story collection मेघ [megh], out of a total eighteen stories.
This story is titled अभोगी [abhogī]. This word derives from भोग [bhog], a term that means something close to 'experience'. It's used to refer to enjoyment and pleasure, but also suffering. अभोगी [abhogī], therefore, means someone who is indifferent to feelings and experiences.
Perhaps things will be clearer when we read further!
होलपटणे [holpaṭṇe] - to thrash, to beat up
काटकी [kāṭkī] - dry twigs
सुरकुती [surkutī] - wrinkle, crease
वर्दळ [vardaḷ] - activity
भारा [bhārā] - load, bundle
सोगा [sogā] - the skirt of a garment
वळवाचा पाऊस [vaḷvāčā pāūs] - term for rain that falls under certain lunar mansions
धुरळा [dhurḷā] - dust
बुकणा [bukṇā] - butt
झूल [zhūl] - a body covering on a cow, horse, elephant, etc.
लुगडे [lugḍe] - a type of sari
शेमला [śemlā] - the end or fly of a turban
सापळा [sāpḷā] - skeleton
पेंडी [peṅḍī] - sheaf
चघळणे [čaghaḷṇe] - to chew on
कलते [kalte] - inclined to one side
लोट [loṭ] - cloud, big wave, avalanche
फळी [faḷī] - a dense line or row
संथपणे [saṅthapaṇe] - serenely, tranquilly
रवंथ [ravaṅtha] - ruminate (biological)
नाद [nād] - sound or noise, especially a sustained one
खटारणे [khaṭārṇe] - to ravage, spoil, destroy
चडफडणे [čaḍfaḍṇe] - making sudden, noisy movements with the body
पोते [pote] - bag, sack
दिपणे [dipṇe] - to be blinded or stunned by something bright
रोख [rokh] - direction of
बेचका [bečkā] - fork, bifurcation
चाचपणे [čačapṇe] - to grope
कापरा [kāprā] - vibration
अर्थबोध [arthabodh] - understanding
चिमणी [cimṇī] - kerosene lamp
तरळणे [taraḷṇe] - to float
आठी [āṭhī] - wrinkle of a frown
हुडकणे [huḍakṇe] - to look around for, to search for
विस्तव न जाणे [vistav na zāṇe] - to be incensed at each other, to have enmity between
पर्यवसान [paryavasān] - end, result
हळहळणे [haḷhaḷṇe] - to pity
खण [khaṇ] - part of a room
बोचके [bočke] - a loose bundle
Words I did not quite figure out (that may be typos or bad OCR):
आरगले [ārgale] - "...गाड्यांची आरगले पडली होती."
सापत्या [sāptyā] - "सापत्या भिजून खटारल्या तर!"
Word definitions from the readers:
Thanks again @scatter-brain-at-work!
राखोटा [rākhoṭā] - pile of ash and embers
खोचटणे [khočaṭṇe] - variant of खोचणे [khočṇe], to stick in
चौकडा [caukaḍā] - square (design)
चुलवटा [čulvaṭā] - variant of चूल [čūl], stove
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kalte helden: tave and ash are bffs now!!! ♡♡♡ fucking this: “wenn der typ auch nur falsch blinzelt box ich ihm auch noch in die andere niere” *copper im hintergrund weint laut als das wort niere fällt*
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Bands List (Part 11: K)
Disclaimer: My passion and like for the respective bands does not mean that I support them outside of the music-world. I just like the songs, for whatever reason. Also, this took hours of research and mental exercises and checks through older lists I had made in the past, however I might be forgetting some bands, or might have accidentally put the same band twice (blame the human natural error). With this being said, let’s go! K: K'hara, K.A.S.K., Ka Gaia An, Kaak, Kaamos Warriors, Kaapora, Kaarkema, Kaarnekorpi, Kaatarakt, Kaatayra, Kabexnuv, Kablo, Kadath, Kadath, Kadaverdisciplin, Kadaverficker, Kadaverica, Kade Storm, Kadotettu, Kadotuksen Portti, Kaer Morhen, Kaerulean, Kaffaljidhma, Kafka Rex, Kafkuh, Kagrenak, Kâhld, Kahtmayan, Kaihoro, Kailess, Kaipirau, Kairi, Kaiser, Kaiserfaust, Kaiserreich, Kalahari, Kalanthes, Kalashnikov, Kalashnikov Khaos, Kald, Kaldt Helvete, Kaldvard, Kaleikr, Kalevan Soturit, Kalibas, Kaligoh, Kaligulaa, Kall, Kallaikoi, Kallomäki, Kalloused, Kalma, Kalmah, Kalmankantaja, Kalmen, Kalmhain, Kalos Kagathos, Kalpa, Kalseroth, Kalt Vindur, Kalte Sonne, Kalyot, Kamaedzitca, Kamara, Kambrium, Kamikabe, Kamikaze Pilots, Kamlath, Kampfar, Kampfeswut, Kampøks, Kanashimi, Kandaon, Kaneq, Kangaz Korva, Kannabinõid, Kannustaa, Kanok, Kanto Arboretum, Kaos 218, Kaos Reign, Kaos Vortex, Kaosophia, Kaosquad, Kaoteon, Kaouenn, Kapakmens, Kapala, Kaptan Kadavra, Karbonsoul, Karcharoth, Kardashev, Karg, Karkaos, Karkav, Karlahan, Kârma, Karma Rassa, Karmadialis, Karmic Ashes, Karnak, Karnivore, Kaross, Karpackonaut, Karpathian Relict, Karseron, Kartikeya, Kartoum, Karv Du, Kasdeyae, Kaskaveil, Kassogtha, Kasu Weri, Katabasis, Katacombes, Kataklysm, Katakombi, Katalepsy, Kataplexia, Kataplexis, Kataplexy, Katar, Katarakt, Katastah, Katastropha, Katatonia, Katechon, Katedra Patologii, Kathaarsys, Kathartik, Katla., Katorga, Katumus, Kauan, Kaula, Kaunis Kuolematon, Kausalgia, Kauze, Kavyk, Kayo Dot, Kayser, Kazgaroth, Kecske, Keef Mountain, Keelhaul, Keep of Kalessin, Keep Them Blind, Keeper of the Gloom, Keeper ov Seal, Keepers of Death, Keepleer 18, Keine Hoffnung, Keiser, Këkht Aräkh, Keladak, Kelda, Kelevra, Kemwer, Kenaz, Kenn Nardi, Kenoma, Kera Munin, Kerbenok, Kerbmaldarr, Kernel Zero, Kess'khtak, Ketch, Ketha, Kevätuhri, Kevel, Key of the Moment, Keys of Orthanc, Keziah, Kha.wis, Khadlub, Khanate, Khanus, Khanъ, Khaos Labyrinth, Khaos-Dei, Khar Sulde, Khatryna, Khazad-dûm, Khemmis, Khepra, Khiazma, Khila, The Khind, Khlamyydia, Khold, Kholm, Khonsu, Khragkh, Khthon, Khünnt, Khyæghürr, Kief Demon, Kielkropf, Kilgrin, Kill Everything, Kill Robot Kill, Kill the Con Man, Kill the Easter Rabbit, Kill the Freak, Kill the Lizard, Kill the Stigmatic, Kill the Thrill, Kill the Whore, Kill with Hate, Kill Yourself in Others, Killborn, Killchain, Killer Be Killed, Killermia, Killimanjaro, Killing Addiction, Killing Capacity, Killing for Company, Killing Gandhi, Killing in Apathy, Killing Roots, Killing the Catalyst, Killmosphere, KillScream, Killsorrow, Killswitch Engage, Kilometer 94, Kilsorrow Klan, Kilta, King, King, King Apathy, King Beef, King Bolete, King Bong, King Corpse, King Furia, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, King Goat, King Goblin, King Hiss, King Humungus, (The) King Is Blind, King Juss, King of Asgard, King ov Wyrms, King Woman, King Zog, Kingdom, Kingdom Faust, Kingdom Gone, Kingdom of Decay, (The) Kingdom of Peace, Kingdom of Shad, Kingdom of the Leech, Kinglord, Kingsblood, Kinstrife & Blood, Kintsukuroi, Kintsukuroi, Kivimetsän Druidi, Klamm, Klandestyn, Klär, Kleaver, Klepsydra, Kleptocracy, Kloct, Klonque, Kludde, Knabulu, Knarkaren, Kneel Before None, Knieja, KNO3, Knochen, Knocked Loose, Knoest, Knokkelklang, Knots, Knowhere, Knuckle Dragger, Knut, Koaggulation, Kobold, Kodiac, Kodiac, Koheigen, Kohllapse, Kohmahts, Kokophrolic, Kolahri, Koldbrann, Kolkko, Kolodrianatrum, Koloss, Koloss, Kolossor, Kolossus, Kolotun, Koltum, Komarov, Komatsu, Kombenk, Kombur, Kommandant, Kommando, Kommando Baphomet, Komodo Island, Kon Hex, Konad, Končiny, Konfront, Kong Lives, Kongh, Konkhra, (The) Konsortium, (The) Konstellation, Kontagion, Kontinuum, Konungar, Konvent, Koprotopsy, Koreisch, Koreltsak, Korijenje Vječnosti, Kormak, Kormorana, Koronatizor, Körös, Korothul, Korpiklaani, Korpse, Korpsesoturi, Korpsik, Korpus, Kortirion, Korum, Korvid, Kosatka, Koschcoroth, Kosmhall, Kosmodemonic, Kosmogonia, Kosmos Brenner, Kossuth, Kostnitsa, Kozeljnik, Kozilek, Kraaker, Kraanium, Krabathor, Kraegeloth, Kraftvøid, Krahnholm, Krajiny Hmly, Kraken Duumvirate, Kråkslott, Krallice, Krampus, Kraniosacral Therapy, Krautnaut, Krepuskul, Kreator, Kres, Kreuzweg Ost, Kriadiaz, Krief de Soli, Krieg, Kriegsgraben, Kriegsschwein, Krig, Krigblåst, Krigere Wolf, Krigsgrav, Krimh, Krodha, Krokmitën, Krokodil, Krolok, Kromlek, Krosis, Krovelëd, Krud, Krudus, Krüel Kömmando, Krumkač, Krummholz, Kruna, Krüppel, Krux, Kruzifix, Krv, Krvshr, Krylithsic, Krypta Nicestwa, Kryptograf, Kryptotype, Krypts, Kryzgx, KSK, Kuar Nhial, Kublai Khan TX, Kugelblitz, Kūka'ilimoku, Kulde, Kull, Kullervo, Kult des Pan, Kultą, Kultika, Kunvuk, Kuolemajärvi, Kuolemanlaakso, Kurgan, Kuundlaan, Kvaen, Kvalt, Kvasir, Kvasir's Blood, Kveldsmoerke, Kvlt of Odium, Kvøid, Kylesa, KYOTY, KYPCK, Kyterion, Kyuss, KZOHH.
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Silas: *pulls ziplock baggie of used coffee grounds out of trash*
Silas: how do you explain this??
Kalt: I put my coffee grounds in a plastic bag so it doesn’t get the rest of my trash dirty
Silas: ..really?
Ashe: yeah he does that
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globaldoom98 · 4 years
𝑀𝑦 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
I hate it, when all the songs I've heard over the years get lost. Therefore I have now developed a few playlists.
[All lists will be updated regularly if needed].
Playlist 2021: Virgin Black - Our Wings are Burning Virgin Black - Lamenting Kiss Uaral - Depression Thunderbolt - Black Clouds Over Dark Majesty This Cold Night - Black Cathedral The Darkstar Calling - From Wings Of Death Rammstein - Heirate mich Pop Will Eat Itself - Ich Bin Ein Ausländer Night Haze - You Cant Reach Me Forlorn Kingdom - Walking The Paths Of Old Forgotten Kingdoms - Crowned in Forlorn Darkness Explizit Einsam - Traum vom Leben Explizit Einsam - Dunkler Kristall Dismal Euphony - Shine for Me, Misery Dismal Euphony - An Autumn Leaf In The Circles Of Time Dismal Euphony - All Little Devils Devil Doll - The Sacrilege of Fatal Arms Devil Doll - Sacrilegium Sounds of Lemuria - Klavier Floodland - Seemann Nosferatu - Lucy is Red The Daughters of Bristol - The Leaving The Daughters of Bristol - Sweet Lies Midnight Caine - Eremia Malaise - Separation Erato - Sweet Killing Silenzium - Mein Herz brennt (Rammstein Cover) After Dusk - Strange Aeons’ Signs After Dusk - The Seas Of Infinity Decoded Feedback - Red Cell Siva Six - Until Death Reunites Us Hate Of Shadows - Winter Place Shades Of Hell - Remediate the pain Zeromancer - Revengefuck Ludovico Technique - Becoming Numb Aesthetic Perfection - Love Like Lies Aesthetic Perfection - Dead Zone Unaverage Gang - Cold Steel KMFDM - Come on, Go off (Rotersand Mix) KMFDM - Help Us, Save Us, Take Us Away KMFDM - Make Your Stand Tiamat - Wildhoney Intro Skinny Puppy - Inquisition Skinny Puppy - Testure Seraphim System - Beast (Cygnosic Remix) Seraphim Shock - Upon A Time Seraphim Shock - Molly’s Web Seraphim Shock - Anna Seraphim Shock - Bloodline Covenant - Last Dance Chaotic Rave System - Power Up Avarice In Audio - The Cassandra Komplex Avarice In Audio - Our Cold Hands Avarice In Audio - Lolita Express Avarice In Audio - Heartless Disaster Avarice In Audio - Crystal Tears Avarice In Audio - Lie To Me Project Christow - Hydra Project Christow - Hellraiser Project Christow - Hatred Through The Eyes Project Christow - Iceberg Men Project Christow - Ruby Of Men Project Christow - Luciferist Control Alt Deus - Shes Made Of Fire Deine Lakaien - Over And Done IAmTheShadow - Everything in this Nothingness Stahlnebel & Black Selket - Bloody Rain Arcana - We Rise Above Unsinn - Fly Away Stereomotion - Broken ASP - Possession Blutengel - Disobedience Blutengel - Damokles E Nomine - Der Ring der Nibelungen Nox Arcana - Night Wraiths Black Heaven - The Enemy In Ourselves Ice Ages - Forsaken Subliminal Code - It’s A Lie Alienoxir - Rostro Perfecto Alienoxir - Honor Y Resistencia Alienoxir - Same Like You Say Just Words - Victimas Mr. Gasmask - Draaimolen Mr. Gasmask - Progress Trap Mr. Gasmask - Time Out Forever Mr. Gasmask - Chip Chapter The Cascades - Ihr werdet sein Orange Sector - I Hate You Mourning Mist - Ancient Ruins Mega Drive - I Am The Program Rammstein - Jeder lacht Lacrimosa - Der letzte Hilfeschrei Dark Lunacy - The Mystic Rail Neuzeitsyndrom - Sektor Ausgang CLANN - Requiem CLANN - Closer CLANN - Unseelie Diorama - Record Deal Spielbann - Hier kommt dein Tag Spielbann - Bruder Narr Das Werk - Schwarzes Horn Radiohead - Street Spirit Diorama - Kiss Of Knowledge Diorama - Champagne For All Diorama - Exit The Grey Diorama - Sad But True Diorama - Erase Me Project Pitchfork - Requiem Project Pitchfork - Souls Suicide Commando - Better Off Dead Wumpscut - Dort Lieber Herrscher Lacromosa - Kaleidoskop Lacrimosa - MondFeuer Lacrimosa - Requiem Lacrimosa - Ruin Noise Resistance - Send My Own World To The Crash Tanzende Kadaver - Nekromantik Engelsblut - Totenlicht Black Heaven - Weisse Lilie Playlist 2019 / 2021: Agalloch - Plateau Of The Ages Agalloch - Dark Matter Gods Lifelover - En Sång Om Dig Lifelover - I Love (To Hurt) You Lifelover - Kärlek, Becksvart Melankoli UnderTheSkin - Cold Myuu - Scent Of Night Deadmau5 - Superliminal Rome - Querkraft Rammstein - Halt Rammstein - Nebel Rammstein - Spieluhr Robert Miles - Landscape Robert Miles - Red Zone Part 1 Robert Miles - In my dreams Robert Miles - In The Dawn Train 1996 Goethes Erben - Unbekannter Soldat Rammstein - Rosenrot Synthwave Instrumental Cover Nebular Spools - Ghosts Of Future Pasts Frown Upon Their Own Agonoize - I Just Want To Live Shining - Ren Djaula Angest Shining - Through Corridors of Oppression Shining -Han Som Lurar Inom Silencer - I Shall Lead, You Shall Follow Ellende - Rückzug in die Innerlichkeit Ellende - Ballade auf den Tod Ellende - Aus der Ferne Teil II Ellende - It Is Always Something Interitus - Der Traum von menschenleerer Schönheit Interitus - Deborah X-RX - Die Hölle auf Erden X-RX - Activate the Machinez Blood Magick - Melancholy Of A Monster Blood Magick - No Escape Blood Magick - I Have Seen So Much Pain Moon Tooth - Trough Ash Atreyu - Cant Happen There Atreyu - Demonology And Heartache Atreyu - Slow Burn The Cascades - Hexen Einmaleins Wumpscut - Jesus Antichristus (Psycho Shop Remix) FLESH - Creep the line Playlist 2016 / 2018: Atrocity - Enigma Lacrimosa - Tränen Der Existenzlosigkeit In Death It Ends - Pomba Gira Nachtmahr - Chaos Nachtmahr - Wir sind die Toten Rammstein - Führe mich Rammstein - Gib mir deine Augen Rammstein - Halleluja Rammstein - Mein Teil Oomph! - Hast Du Geglaubt Epinephrin - Hasswelt A7ie - A Dream Within a Dream A7ie - Some Kind Of Hate A7ie - Mort Wumpscut - Cross Of Iron Nano Infect - Fall Asleep Seraphim Shock - After Dark Mr Gasmask - The Wooden Suit Engelsblut - Dämonenlied Engelsblut - Kalt Infekktion - Human Nature Grendel - Hate This Grendel - Timewave Zero Playlist 2013 / 2015: Linkin Park - By Myself Linkin Park - With You Linkin Park - Somwhere I Belong Kreator - Amokrun KMFDM - Megalomaniac KMFDM - Godlike KMFDM - Anarchy Slipknot - Surfacing Atreyu - No One Cares Shakira - She Wolf Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous Morning Mist - Rage Prypjat - Block 4 Rammstein - Bestrafe mich Rammstein - Rosenrot Wumpscut - War Wumpscut - Totmacher Wumpscut - Die in winter Reaper - Altum Silentium Soko Friedhof - Und ich breite meine Schwingen Robert Miles - Children Nine Inch Nails - Closer Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have iDOLEAST - Style Pink Floyd - High Hopes Wumpscut - Zerstörte Träume Aesthetic Perfection - A Nice Place to Visit UnterART - Just You Wait Marilyn Manson - Evidence
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I’m Always Here
These characters are Sabrina Black an abused college girl who works very hard and who is now studying law and her rich boyfriend who has never worked a day in his life Ashton Ivory, who is getting a business degree to run his father’s business.
Sabrina was thrown forward with another cough as she walked to the bus stand. She quickly covered her face with a scarf as people walking gave her disgusted looks. She knew that she looked like a mess, with her limp platinum blond hair thrown into a messy ponytail, her normally pale skin had a grey tinge to it. All in all, she looked exhausted, and extremely sick. But she couldn’t take an off day, she was desperate for the money, she knew that she couldn’t have gone to work with a fever, but the bills didn’t pay themselves. 
Well actually they did. Her boyfriend Ashton paid all her bills saying that she practically worked for him with all the times she had cleaned up over him. But still every month, dollar bills appeared on his desk from her to repay him. She was thankful that Liam Ivory decided to take his son to one of his numerous hotels too see all of the improvements. He would have known that she was sick the moment he saw her and restrained her to the bed.
As she finally got to the bus stand she saw that to her dismay the bus had already left, she was about to continue on her way when suddenly the mild ache in her stomach transformed to churning, horrible nausea. She groaned and collapsed onto the bench when the coffee she had drank to stay awake churned in her stomach.
Before she knew it she was gagging and leaning over the bench as deep and thick waves of bile passes out of her body. As she retched she felt her stomach clench as she finished throwing up the meagre food she had eaten and started throwing up stomach acid. Her throat and stomach burned as she retched and gagged. As the churning came to an end she coughed up the remaining pale bile.
She took a deep breath and stood up weakly clutching the side rest of the bench as her head started to spin. She started walking to the penthouse that Ashton insisted that she move in. She was only walking for a few minutes when the rain started. It wasn’t just drizzling either, it was that heavy rain that everyone knew would last for hours with no stopping. By the time she reached the penthouse she was a shivering mess. She weakly stepped in and was confused by the smell of food that was coming out of the kitchen, before she could walk in to investigate her boyfriend walked out of the kitchen. “Rina.” he said with a grin, but his smile disappeared as he looked at her again. “Dear god. Did you walk in the rain.” before she could respond he walked up to her and tilted her face up with his finger.
He took in her grey skin, fever flushed cheeks, heavy bags under her eyes, and her mussed hair. “You’re sick.” It wasn’t a question, just a statement.
 She quickly turned her gaze to the floor and was about to respond to his words, when she was thrown into a coughing fit. As she ended her sputtering coughs she became aware of a hand on her back, and a voice whispering in her ear, “Just breath Sabrina, and breath.” As the fit came to an end she was quickly aware of the dripping water all over her. She shivered and sniffled and said in shaky words,
“I’m going to take a shower and then I have some homework.” The look on her boyfriend’s face quickly dismissed the thought.
“Absolutely not” Ashton said interrupting her train of thoughts
“Plea-” She tried to plead with him, regardless of how horrible she felt. She knew that she should be in bed, but the stubborn part of herself overruled the part that was desperate for comfort.
“No Sabrina, you are going to shower then you will eat and then lay in bed.” His voice indicated that there was no room for negotiation. She nodded and dragged herself to the bathroom trying to ignore the churning nausea which indicated that in only a few minutes she would be retching. She quickly stripped and stepped in the shower. As she let the warm water run over her she resisted the urge to close her eyes and lose control of her body. As she was about to close her eyes she was suddenly brought back to reality when the churning feeling changed to nausea. She quickly stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her shivering body. She quickly knelt in front of the toilet just in time for a deep retching to overtake her.
She sputtered and gagged as tears fell down her face she frantically tried to hold her hair up to stop the vomit from coating it. As the retching came to a temporary pause she was able to weakly call out for her boyfriend, “Ash can you-”
She wasn’t even able to finish the sentence before she was retching again, suddenly there was a large warm hand on her back rubbing large circles and another hand holding up her hair which was still dripping from her shower. “Calm down Sabrina, I’m pretty sure you’re empty.” His soothing voice said, but it was like the words entered her brain through one ear and passes out through the other.
She kept on gagging and retching regardless of the fact that there was nothing left. “You’re empty sweetheart.” he said softly ”Just breath. You’re okay.” He quickly turned her around so her face was pressed against his chest. The vomit on her face rubbed on his shirt but he couldn’t care less. He stroked her hair and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
Ashton’s heart broke as he heard his girlfriend’s sobbing. She was so sick. He felt horrible for being away while she was sick, but unfortunately she was stubborn, she always was. He bent down so that his mouth was next to her ear and whispered, “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” She didn’t seem to hear his words as she shivered in his arms. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead before scooping her up in arms and carrying her to their bed.
He dressed her in a sweat shirt with a pair of sleeping pants, both were his and as soon as he was done he placed his hand on her hot forehead. He inhaled sharply when he felt the heat rolling of her forehead. He looked to see that she was sleeping peacefully. He quickly got a thermometer and placed in her ear. She stirred quietly but he was able to lull her back to sleep with stroking her hair. As the thermometer beeped he looked at the reading and sighed in relief.
Not the best but certainly safer than some other temperatures. He quietly woke her up and was able to coax her to take more medicine and out a cool cloth on her forehead before they both drifted off to sleep.
Ashton blinked wearily to see what had woken him up at, he glanced at the clock which read 03:00am. He looked around in confusion to see what had dragged him from slumber. He was about to close his eyes when he became aware of a hot presence at his side. He looked to see Sabrina tossing and turning and muttering in German.
“Kalt, damit kalt” She muttered, he cursed himself for not learning her first language. He frantically pulled out his phone and opened a translation website, he listened once again and typed the words out.
Cold, so cold. He frowned when he saw the result and reached out to touch her forehead. It was hot. Too hot. He pulled out the thermometer and waited for the result, when he saw it he couldn’t stop the quiet gasp that escaped from his mouth.
He quickly woke her up and helped her into a lukewarm bath. She seemed to not be able to talk English at all and frantically mumbled and whispered in German. He tried to translate what he could, and found that she was mostly delirious because last he checked she was talking about rainbow fairies. About five minutes after she first sat down in the bath she said something else in German, it was clear unlike her delirium mumbles. “Ich werde ohnmächtig.” 
He typed the three words and cursed when he saw the result. Her eyes were already slipping shut, He scooped her out of the bath and dressed her in a tank top and leggings “Stay awake angel.” He carried out of the bathroom and onto the couch. Sabrina looked at him with weary eyes, “Danke, dass du dich um mich gekümmert hast.” He typed it out and smiled at the result.
“I’m always here for you.” He whispered to her sleeping form.
Kalt, damit kalt - Cold, so cold
Ich werde ohnmächtig - I’m Going to Faint
Danke, dass du dich um mich gekümmert hast - Thank you for taking care of me
I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I don’t speak German and had to use Google translate.
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nwbeerguide · 5 years
Winter Beer Festival announces the 2019 draft list. Tickets still on sale.
Press Release
The 15th Annual Winter Beer Festival will take place on Friday, December 6th and Saturday, December 7th, at Hangar 30 at Magnuson Park in the Sand Point neighborhood of Seattle. This Washington Brewers Guild tasting event will feature 42 statewide breweries pouring 142 delicious holiday season creations. The beer lineup will include dark malty stouts, robust winter warmers, rich barrel-aged gems, coffee beers, chocolate brews and more. This event sells out every year so purchase your tickets today! Below you will find the participating breweries and the mouth-watering beer list for this annual winter beer celebration.
In addition to the amazing beer list there will be delicious food for purchase from three local food trucks, and Brewmasters Bakery. We'll have a holiday gift shop so you can get some beer gear  for your Washington Beer loving friends and Santa will be around for group photos. We'll even make it snow indoors at this festive event so come and celebrate the season!
192 Brewing Company-Kenmore
1) Blitzen's Busted Nut, Spiced Ale
2) Frango's Mint Chocolate Stout, Sweet Stout
3) Pumpkin Spiced Chai Latte-Weizen (ABV 5% / IBU 16)
7 Seas Brewing-Tacoma
1) Willie Maize Haze IPA (ABV 6.2% / IBU 55)
Flaked oats, wheat, and corn lend a soft, rounded mouthfeel to this unfiltered IPA, loaded with newfangled hop varieties – El Dorado, Mosaic, Idaho 7, and Meridian – for lots of juicy flavor and aroma.
2) Booby Traps CDA (ABV 7.0% / IBU 65)
A truly Northwest original, Cascadian Dark Ale is surprisingly light on the pallet, yet velvety smooth. Dark as a Cascadian winter, generously layered with piney hops, and a hint of roasted malts for a lingering, flavorful finish. Like the divergent landscapes of its' Pacific Northwest roots, this ale offers both power and finesses, audacity and subtlety.
Anacortes Brewery-Anacortes
1) Klosterbier (ABV 5.3% / IBU 35)  Smooth, dark lager originally brewed at the Anacortes Brewery under the guidance of the visiting brewmaster of The Kalt Loch Brewery in Bavaria. Inspired by a dark lager brewed for the Engelberg Monastery. Delicately hopped with Perle hops, this beer has become a local favorite. 2) Herbert's Ale (ABV 7% / IBU 86) This hoppy, Northwest-style Amber Ale is made with Skagit Valley malt and balanced with generous amounts of Centennial, Chinook, Cascade and Mandarina Bavaria hop varieties. Brewed to honor industry pioneer, Bert Grant, who opened the first craft brewery in the state of Washington. 3) Noel Winter Ale (ABV 7.0% / IBU 45)    Celebrating the holiday season, this winter warmer uses various aromatic specialty malts and has a prominent hop character from mild American Noble varieties. 4) Cream Bee (ABV 4.8% / IBU 21) Brewed with 40 lbs of local honey and all pilsner malt to give this light ale a straw color, while Mt. Hood hops provide just the right amount of balance for a crisp, refreshing finish.  5) Cask Noel
Aslan Brewing Co–Bellingham 1) Coastal Pils (Gravity Keg) (ABV 4.8%)
A northern German-style pilsener with citrus like bitterness
2) Lambo Tape Deck (DIPA) (ABV 8.2%) A Greco-Roman DIPA hopped with Chinook and Mosaic
3) King Moonracer Holiday Ale (ABV 5.8%)
A traditional English holiday ale, finished with a secret blend of holiday-centric spices
4) Ashes in the Fall Cuvee London Export Stout (ABV 12.8%)
Aged in both rye whisky and red wine barrels for 10 months with Brettanomyces claussenii.
Bale Breaker Brewing Company–Yakima
1) Hazy L Hazy IPA After refining our hazy game for a year with over 30 recipes in our Imagination Station, we created this unique hazy showcasing Citra and Sabro hops designed for everyday drinking. With approachable bitterness and a crisp body, this hazy is a nod to ripe East Coast hazies with our own fun West Coast spin. In the early 1900's, "Lazy L" was the cattle brand of our great-grandparents, B.T. and Leota Loftus, who planted our family's first hops in 1932. 2) Dormancy Breakfast Stout Dormancy Breakfast Stout was initially brewed as a heavier, dark beer to get us through the cold weather months when the hops lay dormant. We call it a breakfast stout because we use certain grains--like flaked oats, victory malt, and chocolate malt--that mimic breakfast flavors. Also, we condition this beer for three days on locally roasted Lincoln Avenue Espresso Costa Rican Blend at 1 lb per barrel. There are negligible levels of caffeine in this beer--there are .11 cups of coffee/pint, or 10 Dormancys = 1 cup of coffee. 3) Sown & Grown Homegrown IPA (ABV 6.5% / IBU 55) Homegrown hops. Homegrown barley. Homegrown beer. Sown and grown in the Yakima Valley and brought to you by Bale Breaker Brewing Company. An easy concept for easy drinking. Brewed with Simcoe, Mosaic, Loral, Citra, Ahtanum hops and Loftus family-farmed Pilsner, Vienna, and Munich malt with an IBU rating of 55 and 6.5% ABV makes for a traditional Bale Breaker hop-forward yet smooth IPA.
Beardslee Public House-Bothell
1) Peppermint Stout (ABV 8.0% / IBU 45) 2) Invicculus IPA (ABV 5.9% / IBU 50)
Modeled on a beer, “Icculus”, which Drew had made at the Big Time Brewery back in 2011, Invicculus features tropical fruit forward Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand, and NW Mosaic hops. 3) Grapple Belgian Tripel (ABV 8.4% / IBU 18)
Bent Bine Brewery-Belfair 1) Blackfish Cascadian Dark Ale (ABV 6.7% / IBU 74) As smooth and powerful as the beings that roam our Puget Sound. This beer will take you places land lubbers where not  meant to roam. Dark, roasty, slightly oaky, firmly hopped. 2) Bent Monk Abbey Style Ale (ABV 6.7%) Inspired buy the dedication to ingredients and time the monks of old displayed in creating this most holy of beers. Flavorful, sweet, malty, crisp. 3) Hopnanigans IPA (ABV 7.5% / IBU 74) Whimsical, playful and devilishly dedicated to the tricks hops will play on your senses.
Black Raven Brewing-Redmond
1) Festivus Infused Holiday Strong Pale Ale (ABV 7.1% / IBU 45)
Brewed in the holiday spirit with cranberries, Buddha’s hand, orange peel, and a brewer’s secret blend of spices.  What better beer to enjoy while airing your grievances and performing your feats of strength?
2) Goldfeather Blonde Ale (ABV 5.4% / IBU 24)
Light, crisp, and effervescent with low bitterness.  El Dorado and Mosaic hops bring tropical and candied stone fruit to the aroma.
3) Grandfather Raven Imperial Stout (ABV 9.5% / IBU 75)
This robust black ale is full with rich dark caramel notes, unsweetened chocolate, and hints of coffee aromas and flavors.
4) La Petite Mort Strong Abbey Dark Ale (ABV 8.5% / IBU 36)
Brewed with a Belgian Ardennes yeast strain, and a generous three month cellar aging mellows and matures this fine ale.  Flavors of dark fruit such as plums and raisins, deep caramel notes, and wonderfully earthy tobacco tones.
5) La Mort Garryana Strong Abbey Dark Ale (ABV 9.7% / IBU 36) (FRI Only)
A barrel-aged version of our La Petite Mort that we rested in a twice filled Westland Garryana Single Malt Whiskey cask before transferring to stainless for additional aging.
Burke-Gilman Brewing Company-Seattle
1) Gulden Spike (ABV 12%) A barrel-aged Belgian Golden Strong 2) Mole (ABV 9%)
A barrel-aged stout aged on cacao nibs, ancho chiles and vanilla beans 3) Boombastic (ABV 9%) A Belgian Dark Strong aged in red wine barrels 4) Random IPA (ABV 7%)
Lotsa hops, but nicely balanced
Cloudburst Brewing-Seattle
1) One of Our IPAs - Um, it's an IPA - 6.8%/60 IBU 2) Something Dark and/or Strong - Because it's Winter, obvs. - ~10%/50 IBU 3) Probably an Ale, Maybe a Lager - Do you like ales? We sure do. This is one of them. Or not.
Counterbalance Brewing Company-Seattle
1) Verboten Vanilla Porter (ABV 5.9% / IBU 39) Flavors of vanilla, dark chocolate, toffee, hazelnut, caramel, roasted malt, black pepper. 2) Mandarina Hazy IPA (ABV 7.2% / IBU 40) Featuring Mandarina Bavaria hops from Germany, this beer has tropical pineapple aroma and flavors of tangerine, white peach, white pepper, and a touch of dankness. 3) 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Kushetka Russian Imperial Stout (ABV 8.9% / IBU 65) 4th Anniversary Special Release — Aged one year in 2bar Spirits Straight Bourbon Whiskey barrels. 4) Samsparilla Stout (ABV 6.8% / IBU 40) A holiday favorite "root beer" stout, flavored with Indian sarsaparilla and vanilla beans.
Diamond Knot Brewing Company-Mukilteo 1) Laser Sword IPA (ABV 6.8%)
An explosion of mango and citrus fruit aromas greet the nose which stays true throughout the flavor profile. With very low bitterness, this beer is tropical and juicy.
2) Lower Deck Lager (ABV 5%)
Our delicate, hoppy lager starts with a citrus aroma followed by a clean and crisp malt flavor making it easy-drinking and crushable.
3) Nitro Industrial HO!HO! (ABV 8.5%)
A classic Winter Warmer with a nutty aroma, notes of stone fruit and cocoa, and a warm, smooth finish.
Elliott Bay Brewing-Burien
1) Chai-Hopped Noale Holiday Ale (ABV 7.5% / IBU 20)
A dunkel weizenbock-style ale infused with the tantilizing flavors and aromas of chai. An enticing seasonal mash-up.
2) Jolly Olde Saint Nick's Hoppy Red Ale (ABV 6.8% / IBU 59)
Make merry with our hop-forward seasonal offering inspired by Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale.
3) Something Special from the Cellar
A treat from the elves in our barrel cellar. Stop by and be surprised!
Figurehead Brewing Company-Seattle
1) St. Charlie Imperial Doppelbock (ABV 11.2%) Ten months of extended lagering makes for a very smooth 11.2% beer. This beer is all about the malty flavors and warming alcohol making it the perfect drink to warm up with by the fire. Dark fruit notes of fig or raisin are complemented by light fruity esters from the yeast. Bottles available at the taproom now! 2) C'est la Saison w/ Jamaican Peppercorns (ABV 5.9%) A light malt bill and light hopping lets the spice notes in this winter saison take center stage.  We fermented this beer warmer to enhance the spiciness from the yeast and then added additional spice in the form of Jamaican peppercorns. 3) Woodrow Imperial Milk Stout (ABV 7.7%) Strong stout that is surprisingly approachable with complex and complementary flavors. Dark chocolate complements roasty, coffee notes. Bitterness from hops and dark malts balance the sweetness from crystal malt and lactose. The lactose also provides some additional mouthfeel making it smoother than the 7.7% abv might suggest. 4) 3rd Leg Oak-aged English Barleywine (ABV 9.5%) Released to celebrate our 3rd anniversary in September. With a ton of complex malt notes of caramel, dried fruit, and raisin, this beer is perfect for aging. Medium toast American oak lends additional notes of vanilla and toast and accelerated the mellowing of this beer. 
Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery-Seattle 1) Decemberfest Lager (ABV 7.8% / IBU 35)
A hearty Winter Lager to help you celebrate the holiday season! Flirting between a Bock and Marzen, this one's brewed with ample amounts of Pilsner, Vienna, and Munich for a rich malt character with a clean dry bitterness of German Northern Brewer. You'll be reminiscing of the days of olde and ready to toast to the new year!
2) Santa's Mocha Stache Milk Stout (ABV 7% / IBU 35)
A chocolate infused version of Sarah Rood's Coffee Milk Stout, one of our Flying Bike member competition-winning beers brewed with premium craft malt from Skagit Valley Malting, Milk Sugar and a dash of coffee for the perfect finish. Forget the Milk, Santa wants his Milk Stout!
3) Flying Bike Seasonal Beer TBD
Fremont Brewing-Seattle 1) Dark Star Nitro Imperial Oatmeal Stout (ABV 8.0% / IBU 50) Dark Star is a dark, mysterious yet silky oatmeal stout of grand proportions balanced by a firm hop handshake...go ahead, enjoy the journey...Because Beer Journeys Matter!  2) Head Full of Dynomite v.15 Hazy IPA (ABV 6.8% / IBU ACT) The very latest in our ongoing series of hazy IPA's. Version 15 is brewed with Simcoe, Sorachi Ace, and El Dorado hops.
 3) Sky Kraken Hazy Pale Ale (ABV 5.5% / IBU JTRA) A contradiction of the senses offering ripe melon, juicy citrus, pineapple and pepper flavors to the brave. An idea brought together by the cosmic attraction of opposites, Sky Kraken is a naturally unfiltered beer.
4) 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Dark Star Barrel Aged Imperial Oatmeal Stout (ABV 13.1% / IBU 50) This year's release is a blend of 24, 18, 12, and 8-month Bourbon Barrel-Aged Dark Star in 7-12-year old Kentucky bourbon barrels. The roasted and chocolate malts complement the smooth oats to bring you a stout delight wrapped in the gentle embrace of bourbon barrel-aged warmth. A touch of sweetness dances in balance with the hops to finish with a wave, and then she's gone.
5) 2019 B-Bomb Barrel Aged Winter Ale (ABV 13.2% / IBU 50) This year's release of B-Bomb is aged in 8–12-year-old American Oak bourbon barrels and is a blend of 9, 12, and 24-month old barrel-aged Winter Ale. B-Bomb achieves distinct bourbon, oak, cacao, leather, toffee, and dark coffee notes from its extended barrel aging and barrel blending. Each barrel contributes a different note and combining each barrel to create a coherent tone is a distinct art and true pleasure.
6) Lush IPA: Winter Vacation Edition IPA with Mango, Guava, Cinnamon, Allspice (ABV 7.0% / IBU 80) We took Lush IPA and turned it into a winter vacation by infusing it with mango, guava, cinnamon and allspice. Break out your snorkel, cause you're going on vacation in paradise.
7) Imperial Winter Ale (ABV 8.0% / IBU 60) Winter Ale is dark like the weather with roast chocolate and warm malt flavors balanced by Noble hop aroma and subtle hoppy spice.
8) Horizon American Sour (ABV 5% / IBU 19) From our Black Heron Project, this balanced sour is brewed with locally sourced malts.
9) Barrel Aged Rotators
5:30pm – 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Dark Star: Chocolate, Vanilla, Maple Syrup  
7:30pm – 2019 B-Bomb: Gingerbread Edition Saturday 1st Session:
12:00pm – 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Dark Star: Coffee
2:00pm – 2019 B-Bomb: Gingerbread Edition
Saturday 2nd Session:
5:30pm – 2019 B-Bomb: Gingerbread Edition
7:30pm – 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Dark Star: Chocolate, Vanilla, Maple Syrup  
Geaux Brewing-Auburn
1) TBA
2) TBA
Georgetown Brewing Company-Seattle 1) Tombourbon Ale (ABV 9.1%)
Tombourbon is a smooth and rich malty brown ale aged in fresh Heaven Hills, Maker's Mark and Westland Distillery bourbon barrels. This dry ale has a port-like complexity of vanilla, dried cherry and oak combined with bourbon flavors and aromas from the extended barrel aging. 
2) Cherry Flanders Forever (ABV 6.4%)
A blend of Flanders-style red and brown ales was put into K Vintners red wine barrels, and fermented with brettanomyces, pediococcus and lactobacillus. That base, aged 18 and 24 months, was then re-fermented on 600 pounds of dark, sweet Lambert cherries from the orchards of the Alberg family and conditioned an additional 2 months.
3) Johnny Utah Pale Ale (ABV 5.6%)
With heavy grapefruit, citrus and resin in the nose, this light colored ale has minimal malt interference, giving the beer a clean finish without a cloying bitterness. Pronounced grapefruit and pine flavors with a faint verdant note. American-style Pale Ale gold medal winner at 2019 GABF. *cans are currently a limited run
Ghostfish Brewing-Seattle 1) Watchstander Stout (ABV 6.5% / IBU 30)
Roasted and malted millet, buckwheat and brown rice deliver coffee, toasted marshmallow and rich chocolate flavors straight from the dark side, while rolled oats contribute a fluffy and satisfying mouth-feel. Now everyone can safely explore the shadowy side of craft, thanks to Watchstander! 2) Polar Nights Whisky Barrel Aged Porter (ABV 6.8% /IBU 30)
Aged in Wild Turkey whisky barrels for 4 months, this enticingly smooth porter is balanced with flavors of whisky, chocolate and roast from dark roasted millet and buckwheat. The whisky aroma and clean finish will want you sipping more! 3) Skeleton Crew Imperial Stout (ABV 9% / IBU 80)
This brew is big and bold enough to keep a lean crew navigating the high seas all winter long! A sturdy grain bill of roasted millet, rice and buckwheat gives it character of high roast and smoke, layered with nutty caramel.
Hale's Ales Brewery-Seattle 1) Terry's Chocolate Stout (ABV 9%) Imperial stout flavored with chocolate and orange.  2) Ghost Bear White Stout (ABV 6.6%) A pale-colored beer with the chocolate & roasted flavors associated with stout 3) Seattle Fog (ABV 6.8%) Earl grey flavored roasty stout 4) Hale's Frozen Over A mingling of 2-year barrel-aged barleywine, 2 experimental ales, and finished on figs with spices
Hellbent Brewing Company–Seattle 1) Local Celebrity IIRA (ABV 8% / IBU 64) The imperial india red ale is a hop forward strong beer brewed with Vienna, Munich, caramel steam 40L, Crystal 50, special B and pale malt.  Amarillo, Azacca, Citra, Strata and Simcoe hops are used generously in the whirlpool and as a dry hop. 2) All Spruced Up Winter Ale (ABV 7.5% / IBU 32) Brewed in the style of a traditional winter beer, it’s dark amber in color with brown hues yet has a mild malty richness. The hops Citra, Chinook, and Cascade along with fresh Spruce tips add a citrus floral and “candy-like” aroma. As with most winter beers the alcohol content is high at 7.5%. 3) Cherry Imperial Stout (ABV 9.5% / IBU 70) We took our full bodied, velvety smooth Imperial Stout and added cherry puree in the secondary tank. A sweet, chocolatey, roasty elixir sure to warm you up!
Icicle Brewing Company–Leavenworth
1) Dark Persuasion (ABV 6.5% / IBU 22)
Delicate dark chocolate with a whisper of coconut... You know you want it, go ahead and indulge. You can finally have German Chocolate Cake and drink it too. There's no need to be nervous, it's just wickedly deep and full of flavor and desire. With its provocative aroma and smooth body, this is certainly the darkest of fifty shades of risqué.
2) Darker Persuasion (ABV 8.5% / IBU 22)
Everything you love about Dark Persuasion, but more! It’s the bigger, badder big brother that’s wickedly deeper, and more flavorful.
3) Cherry Dark Persuasion (ABV 6.5% / IBU 22)
If Dark Persuasion is German Chocolate Cake then this is Black Forest Cake.
4) Kickstand Pale Ale (ABV 4.8% / IBU 50)
You can’t deny the value of a cruiser bike’s kickstand. We put that same undeniable value into our newest beer, Kickstand Pale. It’s a highly drinkable Pale Ale packed with citrus flavors and aromas. The beer stands firmly on a foundation of Warrior Hops for a pleasantly bitter base and then cruises to its destination on the cone-tails of the NW favorite citra hop. Kick back against the bar, put your elbow on the table just as you were told not to do and enjoy our easy drinking ode to the little piece of metal that keeps your cruiser classy.
Kulshan Brewing Company–Bellingham 1) Kitten Mittens Winter Ale (ABV 8.0 % / IBU 35) The perfect beer for those cold months; this rich, medium-bodied beer elicits nuances of chocolate, dates, and figs. Balanced bitterness and playful hop aroma fit like a mitten. Stay warm out there... 2) Heliotrope IPA (ABV 7.3% / IBU 83) Named after the popular ridge trail that leads to the base of Mount Baker's Coleman Glacier, Heliotrope IPA is a mouthwatering fusion of classic West Coast IPA characteristics, and new-school fruity, juicy hop flavor.  Apricot, tangerine and grapefruit dominate in both aroma and flavor, accented by milder notes of pineapple and black tea.  Balanced yet fun, smooth yet flavorful, Heliotrope IPA is truly a delicious creation.   3) Helles German-Style Lager (ABV 5.0% / IBU 15) A style born in Southern Germany, Helles is an elegant and refreshingly simple beer style. Soft and smooth with low bitterness, this beer is predicated around German malts that impart full bready notes and slight lingering sweetness. Noble German hops provide a bit of floral and herbal accents, balancing out the sweet malt notes to create a highly drinkable beer that was designed to be consumed by the liter. Prost!
4) Thunder Road Barleywine (ABV 11% / IBU 60) Thunder Road is a British-style Barleywine that will dance across your palate, and in these dark and dreary months of the year will remind you that there is a little magic in the night.  Rich and smooth malt notes blend gracefully with a warming booziness, followed by slight lingering notes of graham cracker and toffee. A healthy dose of hops play sidekick to the malt notes in this beer, providing just enough bitterness, as well as floral and earthy notes.  Bold, yet nuanced and humble, Thunder Road will warm you up on the coldest of winter days. 5) Royal Tannenbaum Christmas Ale (ABV 9% / IBU 46) Ripe with festive spirit, this year's Royal Tannenbaum is balanced and clean, with just enough spice and warming alcohol notes to keep you warm on these cold, dark days. Playful notes of fir, pine, and pithy citrus are layered on top of a smooth and bready malt body, followed by resinous and slightly lingering hop bitterness. A treat we get to experience but once a year, Royal Tannenbaum is not for the faint of heart, but warmly rewards those who dare enter its realm. 6) Barrel-Aged Kitten Mittens Winter Ale (ABV 11.6% / IBU 32) The story of this beer begins in the mountain town of Joseph, Oregon in Bourbon barrels from our friends at Stein Distillery. Originally happened upon by accident, we discovered that these were the perfect barrels in which to age our beloved Kitten Mittens. Toffee, chocolate, dark stone fruit and coffee take center stage in this wintery ale, followed by notes of vanilla and black cherry. While each year's batch will have its own unique nuance of flavor and aroma, its warmth and comfort remain constants to rely on. 7) Nor'Easter Barleywine (ABV 13.4% / IBU 70) Oak barrel aging, measured patience, meticulous blending and years of anticipation culminate to bring you this very special English-Style Barleywine. Bold, complex, flavors and aromas warm the senses. Layers of toffee, roast, sweet malt and generous hop presence provide the perfect balance to alcohol warmth. Available in bottles at both locations.
Lake Stevens Brewing Company-Lake Stevens 1) Great Divide NEIPA (ABV 6% / IBU 40) 2) Stairway to Hef'n Hefeweizen (ABV 5% / IBU 13) 3) Shitters Full Milk Stout (ABV 7.2% / IBU 31) 4) Scouts Honor Thin Mint Porter (ABV 6.4% / IBU 32)
Magnuson Café & Brewery–Seattle
1) The Allfather Imperial Stout (ABV 9.4%)
Russian Imperial Stout fermented with Hornindal kveik yeast 2) N.I.B. Black Berliner Weisse w/ Raspberry & Hibiscus (ABV 4.7%)
No-Li Brewhouse-Spokane
1) Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Our Jet Juiced IPA infused with Mango and Pineapple
2) Cranberry Seltzer
Fresh, easy drinking Cranberry Seltzer from our No-Li's Day Fade Hard Seltzer line.
3) Salted Caramel Porter
Nutty, malted ale with salted caramel notes creating a sweet, drinkable and delicious ale.
 4) Orange Chocolate Porter (FRI Only)
Clean and easy drinking porter with orange and chocolate notes to create one of the best holiday beers around!
5) Wrecking Ball Vanilla (SAT Only)
Five types of dark, roasted malt are added to this beer to give it a complex flavor of coffee, chocolate and brown sugar, with a rich vanilla infusion. Two large hop additions prevent the dark malt from totally dominating this monster of a beer.
Old Stove Brewing-Seattle
1) Tasty Tasty (ABV 9% / IBU 60)
Winter Beer Surprise 2) The Main Event (ABV 7% / IBU 40)
Fruited IPA
Optimism Brewing Company-Seattle
1) Sweater Weather Brown IPA (ABV 6.1% / IBU 34) 2) Cheer Winter Warmer 3) Ale X Barleywine (ABV 9.0% / IBU 92) 4) Solar Punk Sour
Postdoc Brewing-Redmond
1) L.A.B Partner with Cranberry (ABV 4.8% / IBU 20)
We picked cranberry for this version of our L.A.B. Partner fruit gose. Pinkish beer with a light frothy head and aromas of cranberries. Tart and juicy with a hint of funk. Sight salinity from Jacobsen hand harvested sea salt. Finishes with a lingering breadiness of fresh sourdough and canned cranberries.
2) White Stout (ABV 7.8% / IBU 32)
We crafted this contradiction by excluding dark, roasted malts from the recipe and replacing them with cacao nibs, house made pecan syrup, and cold-brewed coffee from Caffé Lusso.  With all of the rich flavors and staggering potency you’d expect from a stout, but exhibiting a surprisingly golden appearance, this optical illusion is sure to amaze the senses.
3) Peppermint Mocha Porter (ABV 5.2% / IBU 28)
Like a candy cane dipped in chocolate, but in liquid form.
4) Mexican Cake - Barrel Aged Demon Star Imperial Stout 2019 (ABV 11.1% / IBU 66.6) (FRI ONLY)
Aged in whiskey barrels for two years and then rested on a blend of cocoa nibs, vanilla, cinnamon, and chilies. Rich aromas and flavors of Mexican Cake will give your tastebuds a kick and your face a smile. Keep the cold away and warm yourself by the darkness.
5) Morning Star - Barrel Aged Demon Star Imperial Stout 2019 (ABV 11.2% / IBU 66.6) (SAT Afternoon Only)
We love our Bourbon Barrel Aged Demon Star, so when we heard there were bourbon barrels filled with Maple syrup we could get our hands on we didn’t hesitate for a second! All the bourbon, chocolate, and espresso you know and love now with delicate maple notes as it warms in the glass. Enjoy the darkness.
6) Bourbon Barrel Aged Demon Star Imperial Stout 2019 (ABV 12.2% / IBU 66.6) (SAT Evening Only)
The 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Demon Star was aged in JP Trodden bourbon barrels. Aromas and flavors of vanilla, oak, cherries, chocolate, bourbon, fruit, plums, and cocoa powder. Best served at cellar temperature or above.
Ravenna Brewing- Seattle 1) Barrel Aged Bourbon Vanilla Porter 
2) Define The Relationship Double IPA
3) Winter Warmer Cinnamon Stout
4) Barrel Aged Rotating Sour 
Reuben’s Brews-Seattle
1) Holiday Gose (ABV 4.3% / IBU 3)
This Gose is brewed with over 10 pounds of cranberry per barrel, along with orange zest, coriander and sea salt, for a refreshingly tart, crisp beer. 
2) Moreish IPA (ABV 6.7% / IBU 60)
This modern NW IPA is a bright expression of Mosaic hops, sitting on top of a clean malt backbone with Simcoe and Amarillo adding further complexity.   
3) Reuben's Claus (ABV 5.9% / IBU 30)
Our classic Robust Porter brewed with cocoa nibs and finished with peppermint. This adds a touch of holiday cheer to one of our favorite beers. 
4) BBIS – (ABV 14%) (FRI 5:30, SAT 2, 5:30)
Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. This beer has been aging in barrels from Heaven Hills for 1-2 years. The complexity in the beer comes from using an oat forward and British malt to give a bigger, richer, and silkier version of this beer which may be the best yet.
5) Three Ryes Men (ABV 12.2%) (FRI & SAT 7:30)
Bourbon Barrel Aged Barleywine. Flavors of caramel and chocolate, with a full body and layers of warming complexity. Brewed with three kinds of rye and aged for at least a year in bourbon barrels.
Rooftop Brewing Company-Seattle
1) Up on the Rooftop Holiday Ale! (ABV 6.3% / IBU 14)
Holiday flavor that goes down just as smoothly in July as it did in December. Full of orange, ginger, cinnamon, honey and Love! 2) Scotch, Scotch, Scotchity Scotch Ale! (ABV 7.4% / IBU 22)
I love Scotch!  This is a traditional Scotch Ale but with a twist.  We added Peated malt to give it a true Scotch flavor. A favorite seasonal last year - get it while you can!!
Silver City Brewery-Bremerton
1) Wonderland Winter Lager (ABV 7% / IBU 22) 2) Old Scrooge Christmas Ale (ABV 8.5% / IBU 60) 3) Bourbon Barrel Aged Old Scrooge (ABV 9.6% / IBU 60) 4) Ride the Spiral Pineapple Orange IPA (ABV 8% / IBY 70)
Single Hill Brewing-Yakima
1) Winter Warmer (ABV 5.8% / IBU 25) 2) Eastside IPA (ABV 7.0% / IBU 40)
Stoup Brewing-Seattle
1) Munich Style Helles (ABV 4.8%)
A light, malt-forward, delicious counter-point to winter beer-o-rama.
2) Get Amongst It IPA (ABV 6.8% / IBU 47) We feel a bit of a kinship with our Kiwi friends in that we love to get outdoors, enjoy what life has to offer and then share a beer with our friends. Or in their words, "get amongst it!". So in celebration of our NZ friends and getting amongst it, we brewed a beer full of NZ hops. Moteuka at end of boil adds a hint of lime, while Nelson Sauvin and a dash of Moutere in the dry hop load up the aroma with lychee, white grape and citrus.
3) Bourbon Barrel Aged Winter Warmer (ABV 9% / IBU 30) We've added a twist to this full-bodied winter treat in the English tradition by throwing some into 10-year-old Elijah Craig barrels this year adding depth and complexity. Loaded with rich layers of malt that are first evident in the aromas and follow through on the palate with an extra punch of whiskey warmth at the finish.
4) Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout (ABV 9.5% / IBU 95)
This is a big, bold, roasty stout brewed with generous amounts of English crystal malt and roasted barley. Boldly hopped yet balanced with malt sweetness and a full-bodied mouthfeel and then aged in 10-year-old bourbon barrels to smooth out the rough edges and contribute notes of wood, whiskey and vanilla.
Sumerian Brewing Co.-Woodinville
1) Winter Beer 2) Hysteria Hazy IPA (ABV 5.5% / IBU 45)
Mosaic hops give the beer a tropical hop bomb of aromatics, along with its juicy citrus flavor.
Terramar Brewing-Bow
1) Buddy Brown Maple Smoked Brown Ale (ABV 7.8% / IBU 43) 2) Vidal Saison Siason (ABV 7.6% / IBU 6) 3) Amber Waves of Grain Amber Ale (ABV 4.7% / IBU 31) 4) ABCIPA (ABV 6.6% / IBU 72)
Watts Brewing Company-Bothell 1) The Leafcutter Kölsch (ABV 5.1%)
A crisp, pale beer inspired by the ales of Köln, Germany.  We took the precision of this classic German style and adapted it to the American palate with PNW hops, producing a beer of surprising depth and nuance for such a refreshing style.
2) Blackjacket Schwarzbier (ABV 4.5%)
This take on an old-school German schwarzbier pairs Kolsch yeast with debittered dark malts.  Though dark in color, it is still light on the palate, with hints of coffee, oreo cookies, and light citrus.
3) Solitary Series: Winter 2019 Baltic Porter (ABV 9%)
The Solitary Series is our line of special release strong ales.  This winter's masterpiece is a unique Baltic porter, a style resulting from cross-pollination between the brewing cultures that brought you London porter, Russian imperial stout, and German doppelbock.
 Whitewall Brewing-Marysville
1) Dirt Track Brown Ale (ABV 6.4% / IBU 27)
A true showcase of rich malt characteristics, our brown ale starts with aromas of toasted whole wheat bread alongside a roasted-nuttiness. Similar flavors carry through with a complement of earthy and floral English hops. Hop bitterness is restrained but helps balance dark malt flavors.   2) Jaywalking Grandma Peppermint Milk Stout (ABV 8.0% / IBU 45)
Our third annual collaboration with our friends at Middleton Brewing in Everett. This is an Imperial Milk Stout with Candy canes. We add 1 pound of candy canes per boil to give a hint of mint in the aroma and flavor. This is the hooch Grandma was drinking when she got "run over by a reindeer.
Winter Beer Festival Details:
 THREE SESSIONS:  Friday, December 6th 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Saturday, December 7th 1st Session: Noon-4pm 2nd Session: 5:30pm-9:30pm
LOCATION: Hangar 30 Warren G. Magnuson Park 7400 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115                                                                                                     
ADMISSION Advance tickets available now at washingtonbrewersguild.org $35 advance/$40 at the door. This event has sold out the last six years so buy now!
Admission includes a tasting glass and eight 5oz beer tastes. Additional tokens are available for $2 each. Designated driver admission is $5 and available at the door only. This is a 21+ only event.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide http://bit.ly/2ryksiN
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Post-rock & Post-metal: The 50 Best Releases of 2018 [THE LARGER SHORTLIST OF ALMOST 300]
This coming Monday, 17th of December, we’ll publish our selection of the 50 best post-rock and post-metal releases to come out of 2018. There were over 700 releases on our original list, which was later narrowed down to a shortlist of nearly 300. The upcoming “50 Best” list was culled from this shortlist of nearly 300 releases, which you can see below if you want to use it for some purpose. If you don’t want to miss the upcoming “50 Best” list, you can follow the links below: facebook.com/postrock.instrumental twitter.com/postrock_music facebook.com/arcticdrones twitter.com/arcticdrones --- FULL LIST 1099 – Blindpassasjer 42DE – Fall Of The Moon A Film In Color – They March In Endless Circles A Storm Of Light – Anthroscene A World In Grayscale – The Process Of Passing Time Aesthesys – Achromata Aikira – Light Cut All You’ve Seen –  Synopsis XVI Anatomy Of The Bear – Alysu Antarte – Isole Antorchas – Aphelion April Rain – To Whom It May Concern Arcadian Waves – Above The Mountains Archelon – Tribe Of Suns Ares One – Optimist Arhios – Arhios Around The World In 80 Days – Dissonance Astodan – Ameratat Astronauta Marinho – Perspecta A-Sun Amissa – Ceremony In The Stillness Augure – Omina Aurora Borealis – Goodbye Autumn Creatures – Funeral Garden   Autumn Moonlight – Passangers Babel Fish – Follow Me When I Leave Baikonur – Nihil Per Saltum Bear The Mammoth – Years Under Glass Below A Silent Sky – A View From Afar Beyond The Event Horizon – Far Blanket – How To Let Go Bound – No Beyond BRUIT – Monolith Built-In Obsolescence – Instar Cataya – Firn Cats Never Die – Stay At Home Cavern – Eater Celestial Wolves – Call Of The Void CEVEO – Jordsand Charus – Mundus Cereris Ciempies – Intérprete Del Espacio Circadian Eyes – A Future Nostalgic City Of The Lost – Master Martin Rescue Cloud Anthems – Areté Coastlands – The Further Still Cold, Cold Heart – Arch Craters – Laurentian Abyss Crippled Black Phoenix – Great Escape Crno Dete – Neponovljivo Crows In The Rain — Ashes Of The Past Culak – Oblivion Dan Caine – Nocturne   Darius – Clôture Dark Matter – The Sovereign Night Darker Shapes – Kavik Dawnlit – True North DDENT – Toro Deafheaven – Ordinary Corrupt Human Love   Degree Of Arc – Raptures Dep – We Are The Lights That Will Not Go Out Des Astres – Des Plans Sur La Comète Dios Trio – II Distant Dream – Your Own Story Doomina – Orenda Doppälgängär – Melencholia Dûrga – De Lira Ire Earthholder – There Will Be A Future Edelveiss – Skull   Efrim Manuel Menuck – Pissing Stars Eigengrau – Radiant El Ten Eleven – Banker’s Hill El Tubo Elástico – Impala Elephant Gym – Underwater Elhombreanormal – La Unión De Distintos Vientos Elizabeth The Last – Elizabeth The Last   Empathy Forever Empty – All Monsters Are Human Encircling Sea – Hearken Epic45 – Through Broken Summer Feed Me To The Waves –  Before This Wilderness Consumes Us FERE – Montedor Feroces – Josephine First Came The Shadow – Premonition Flares –  Allegorhythms Floating In Space – Dreamland Follows – Nyctophile For Dummies – For Dummies Forest Mountain – Prisma Foxhole – Well Kept Thing   From Oceans To Autumn – Leave Me Here Future Usses – The Existential Haunting Gespenst – Oblivion Gift Of Blindness – Wasteland Giraffes? Giraffes! – Memory Lame Girih – Eigengrau   Glasir – New Dark Age God Is An Astronaut – Epitaph Grand Tétras – Abiogenèse Grito – Endless Grottos – Тетис / Tethys H A : Z E – Passage Hæster – All Anchors No Sails Halocraft – Chains For The Sea Hammock – Far Cry 5 Presents: We Will Rise Again (OST) Hammock – Universalis Hauste – Leavings Have The Moskovik – Papier Vinyle Heklaa – 1491 Hesperian Death Horse – Živ Hold Down The Ocean – The Symmetry Of Odd Numbers Holy Fawn – Death Spells Hope The Flowers/Pleiades – Gates To Universe HUEY – MA Human Factor – Let Nature Take Its Course Hundred Year Old Man – Breaching Hyedra – Hyedra I Am No Hero – Cyberpunk   I Am Wolves – ABCD IAH – II   If Only The Trees – Drop The Air Il Giardino Degli Specchi – Oltremare Illus Teller – The Backup Imploding Stars – Riverine Indignu – Umbra Infinite Third – Listen(Ing) Ingrina – Etter Lys Inspirative – Inertia Pt.1 Isles – Remnants Isola – Isola ISON – Andromeda Skyline Jean Jean – Froidepierre Jeffk – Inadequate Shelter Jet Plane – Falls Feather John Malkovitch! – The Irresistible New Cult Of Selenium JYOCHO – A Parallel Universe EP JYOCHO – The Beautiful Cycle Of Terminal Kalte Sonne – Ekumen Kaschalot – Whale Songs KHARA – Heaven Can Wait Khöbalt – The Sky Is Dead Kiova – An End In Motion Lake Of Licks – Blue Lang –  There Is No Reply But Sweet Wind Blew Lasitud – Lasitud Last Of Us – Swarm Le Temps Du Loup – Cardinal Le_Mol – Heads Heads Heads Leech – For Better Or For Worse Legendary Skies – Navigation Leonov – Wake Lights & Motion – Bloom Lobo Estepario – Los Que Bailan En Las Sombras Locktender – Friedrich Locomotora – Vuodet, Vuoret Long Distance Calling – Boundless Longlake – Beyond The Sun Loud Exit – Loud Exit Lowercase Noises – The Ironic Distance Macondø – Macondø Magdalena Gornik – Dream Sequence Collapse Man Mountain – Infinity Mirror Mass Culture – Primal | Ephemeral Massa – Walls Medussa –  LA PALABRA HA MUERTO Mesozoic – Earth Alone Message In A Cloud – Anassa Milanku – Monument Du Non-Être & Mouvement Du Non-Vivant Minsk / Zatokrev – BIGOD Modsdive – Four Wet Hands Moe’s – Smiles & Scars Mogwai – Kin Montaña – Coordenadas Morrow – The Weight Of These Feathers Mountaineer – Passages Movement Of Static – Naegleria Murmure – Nos Idées Fantômes Musatov Brothers – Existential Crisis Nautilus – The Oceanwalker Ninth Moon Black – Amaranthine Noorvik – Noorvik Northerner – Northerner Ocean Districts – Doomtowns   Of Two Minds – Of Two Minds Ohgod – The Great Silence Ok Seas – Ok Seas Old Faith – Old Faith Old Seas Young Mountains – Seasons Once Upon A Winter – .Existence Orellana – 52 Orphans Of Doom – Strange Worlds/Fierce Gods Osorezan – Osorezan OTHRS – Broken Dialogue Paraphon Tree – Aura Pershagen – Tarfala Pijn – Loss Planisphere – Into The Known Prune Deer – Chemistry 化學 Raedsel – A Simple Act Of Redirection Rammen – The Echo & The System Raum Kingdom – Everything & Nothing Reaching 62 F – Chronicles Of A Dying Sun Red Apollo – The Laurels Of Serenity Reformat – The Singularity Respire – Dénouement Riah – Autumnalia Rilf – Three Stories For Numbers RLYR – Actual Existence Rocket Miner – The Long Goodbye Roots And Ruins – Die Right Rostres – Les Corps Flottants Sagor Som Leder Mot Slutet – II Sairen – Neige Nuit Sejd – Ben & Hjärta Set And Setting – Tabula Rasa Seul Ocean – Je Fais Revivre Shadow Universe – Speaking For Clouds Ships Fly Up – Dream Maker Sinistro – Sangue Cassia Six Months Of Sun – Below The Eternal Sky Sky Flying By – (Re)Routed Sleep Dealer – Memories So Far As I Know –  Fragments: Disclosure Sojus3000 – Wanderers Soldat Hans – Es Taut SOM – The Fall Sonance – To Possess You Entirely Sondrous – Something Like Serenity Sons Of Alpha Centauri – Continuum Spurv – Myra Standish Hall – Standish Hall   Startle The Heavens – Canyons Straya – Sobereyed Subnoir – A Long Way From Home Summer Effect – Reverie Sunstare – Eroded   Taller Than The Trees – Hubris EP Talons – We All Know Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving – No Tether The American Dollar – You're Listening The Clouds Will Clear – Recollection Of What Never Was The Fog Ensemble – Throbs The Man Within – The Man Within   The Ocean – Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic The Sun Burns Bright – Through Dusk, Came The Light There’s A Light – A Long Lost Silence This Will Destroy You – New Others Part One This Will Destroy You – New Others Part Two This World Has Bees – Nearer Those Who Dream By Day – Glad To Be... Tide/Edit – All My Friends Tides Of Man – Every Nothing To Those Who Exist – BAIAME Toe – Our Latest Number Tomorrow We Sail – The Shadows Toundra – Vortex Trees Die Standing – Trees Die Standing Triple Deer – Urban Shepherd Trna – Earthcult Tsima – Koniec Twin Speak – Soulss Umber –  This Earth To Another URO – CABBA! Us, Today – Computant Velns Viņu Zin – Posts Versa – Versa Violet Cold – Sommermorgen Trilogy Vorcha – Liberosis Vy Pole – Like You Say Wang Wen – Invisible City WANHEDA – The Cenozoic Implosion Warm Shelter – Reflections Way Station –  The Way Of Minstrel We Made God – Beyond The Pale We Were Heading North – Lightness Weary Eyes – True North Wess Meets West – A Light Within The Fracture Whale Fall – Sondersongs White Lion Parade – Cloudlines   Widek – Dream Reflection Winter Dust – Sense By Erosion Winterlight – The Longest Sleep Through The Darkest Days World’s End Girlfriend – Meguri Wrekmeister Harmonies – The Alone Rush YNICORNS – Intervals Zommm – Reality Is An Illusion 昴宿 Pleiades – 致未來 For The Future
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bbdeathz · 2 years
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Folge 40 sehr gut. Ich find btw lustig wie der Name der Folge halt auf etwas passiert, was so nicht passiert, aber erwähnt wird.
Die SZene in der Höhle ist die schönste, sehr emotional, alle PKMN dabei und generell war Ashs Seite darauf fixiert seinen PKMN zu helfen. Erst Pikachu und dann den anderen auch und DAS machte die Folge schon nett. TR auch lustig
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Wie süß Pika hier ist. Wie so ne Katze mit dme unschuldigen Blick
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Ich find halt toll wie weit Ash für sein Team geht. nicht nur will er sie alle im Ball haben,w eil es da wärmer ist, sondern er packt sie dann zusätzlich noch ein und ist dann ohne Jacke da in der Schneehöhle...
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Ja, emotionale szene. Tear after cloudy weather und diese Szene kommt mir auch in den Sinn, wenn ich an den OST denke. Wie sie alle aus den Bällen kommen und ihn wärmen wollen
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die Blicke von denen beiden fand ich besonders wholesome in der Szene. Sie schauen halt so.. kann ich nicht beschreiben. Abe rnicht nur süß, sondern als wenn sie wissen ‘ach Ash...’ weil er dann sagt, dass sie Dummies sind
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Okay, die HABEN Glück im nglück, weils außerhalb noch kalt ist :P
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