#oryus shadowtongue
sageravenshire · 2 years
Oryus: did it hurt when you fell?
Kalt: from heaven? or in love?
Kalt: *winks*
Oryus: you just face-planted down a flight of stairs
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Oryus: So you have twelve apples and one friend asks for six. What do you have?
Jesse: [tears up]
Jesse: a friend
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Oryus, through the door: are you two awake?
Kalt: yes
Oryus: out of bed?
Ashe: yes
Oryus: dressed?
Kalt: you’re asking too much
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Ashe: I’d love some scaly water beef
Oryus: a fish?
Oryus: do you mean a fucking fish?
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Kalt: I’m an omnivore because I eat plants and meat
Oryus: oh, what am I?
Kalt: Oryus, you only eat dick, so I’m pretty sure that makes you a slut
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Ashe: Kalt, do you think you’d be able to tell if someone was standing right behind you?
Kalt: of course!
Oryus, standing right behind Kalt: *stares into camera like The Office*
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: Jesse
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you: Ashe
Looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll: Silas
Looks like they could kill you, could actually kill you: Kalt
sinnamon roll: Oryus
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Kalt: hey, have you ever liked someone so much, but are too scared to say anything?
Ashe: ALL the time
Kalt: same
Oryus: you two are the worst
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Jesse: we’re out of cereal water
Kalt: excuse me… we’re out of whAT now?
Jesse: cereal water :(
Oryus: milk. he’s talking about milk
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Jesse: we can go to the movies… if you’re allowed in
Oryus: why wouldn’t I be allowed in?
Jesse: you’re not usually allowed to bring snacks into the movies
Jesse: *grins*
Oryus: who taught you this
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Jesse: I’m touch starved
Oryus: *holds Jesse’s hand*
Jesse: this is how prey gets trapped
Oryus: wha-
Jesse: *wraps his arms around Jesse like a slap bracelet*
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Kalt: Anyone have a nickname they wanna be called?
Jesse: Young boo-boo
Oryus: Nicknames are cancelled
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Kalt: Bad things always happen to me. It’s like I have bad luck!
Oryus: You don’t have bad luck
Oryus: Bad things always happen to you because you’re an idiot
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Jesse: I can fit the whole world in my hands
Oryus: that’s not poss-
Jesse: *cups Oryus’ face*
Oryus: ...
Oryus: get the fuck off me I have a reputation
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Kalt: can you stop your emo phase already
Oryus: be glad I’m not telling you to deal with your abandonment issues
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Jesse, clenching fists: fight me!
Oryus, standing behind Jesse, slowly shaking his head, bow and arrow drawn: *mouths* do not
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