jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
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Taron talking about the mugs that he and Colin Firth gave each other for Christmas (to even it out I threw the wink in there because why not)
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
fictional kiss things that end me
being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward
one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other
pressing their foreheads together while kissing
speaking normally, then after the kiss their voice is hoarse
guys furrowing their brow when kissing passionately
staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in
running their thumb over the other’s lips
when they lean forward a fraction as if to kiss the other person, then realize they shouldn’t and pull back to stop themselves
ripping the other away - “no we shouldn’t” - but when they kiss them again they moan and hold them close
one sliding their hand into the other’s hair slowly
their entire body freezing for a second when their love kisses them
accidentally being forced inches apart from each other, staring at each other’s lips, and just before they kiss someone pulls them back apart
when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
then licks their lips and says “please”
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
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John’s not impressed face.
“Hamish has finally gone back to sleep after crying for over an hour. His dad’s were just about to enjoy some well needed - well deserved! - rest only to be interrupted by your frequent knocking on our door. I swear if you have woken him up I’ll .. ”
{Baby cry}
“ .. kill you. Now, I married and live with Sherlock. I can make your death look like an accident.”
“I’m the head of the FBI!”
“And I’m functioning on twenty minutes of sleep. Leave.”
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
Sirius Black wearing his leather jacket religiously, yes, but is also a big fan of pyjamas. Before Hogwarts his pyjamas consisted of satin pyjamas with his name embroidered on the  breast pocket. James then notices that the pyjamas fail to keep his best friend warm so he makes it his mission to buy him an array of warmer ones. Sirius’ favourite was of course the children’s patterned ones. (Magicked to fit him of course).
‘Mooney, look! The lion actually roars listen sonorus .’
‘Very nice, Padfoot.’
‘Think I can charm a snake on the pyjamas and get the lion to eat it?’
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
my kink? harry hart accidentally proposes to eggsy five times without knowing it (eggsy absolutely says yes to all five) and one time he pops the question for real but eggsy’s like we’ve been engaged since last july where have you been harry? 
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
I’m...I’m sorry, I just this minute realized that there are people out there who have no idea that Heinz Doofenshmirtz is the best fictional father out there. You guys don’t mind if I bombard your entire dashboard with proof right? Excellent.
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BONUS: Doofenshmirtz around children he literally just met who wrecked his ‘inator’.
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Literally I could go on and on with examples but my computer’s starting to crash from the amount of images.
The point is that Heinz Doofenshmirtz is the greatest fictional father out there and anyone who says otherwise was hit by a Lie-inator.
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 2 years
Current headcanon: Maddie and Eddie don't really know one another all that well. They like each other plenty and get along well when they're around each other, but they just don't get many opportunities to interact with one another. When Buck's with Maddie, it's usually a sibling thing, so it's not like Eddie would join them, and even when they're at the big 118 get-togethers, they just tend to gravitate toward other people—Eddie always by Buck's side, and Maddie chatting with May or Athena or Hen and Karen because Maddie sees Buck often enough on her own, so she's going to branch out at the gatherings.
So she and Eddie mostly only chat casually in passing; they've never really had a chance to build any kind of distinctive relationship. And Maddie's only really seen Eddie and Buck together with Christopher at those big get-togethers where Chris is often more interested in hanging out with Denny and Harry, and sometimes Buck's in the mix with them, but it's always seemed like just Buck helping to entertain the kids.
So Maddie's only really ever heard about Buck's relationship with Christopher secondhand, and Chim likes to tease and exaggerate, while Buck loves kids and gets overexcited sometimes in a way that causes him to maybe embellish a bit.
So Maddie's always kind of assumed Buck's just a glorified babysitter helping out a friend when it comes to his relationship to Christopher.
Until one day, while Eddie's working dispatch and he and Maddie happen to be on the same shift, Buck agrees to take Chris and Jee both for the day, and they all decide it would be easiest for Buck to meet them at dispatch right before the shift starts, so he can get both kids at once. (And Maddie's maybe a little bit nervous about her childless little brother watching Jee and Christopher at the same time, but she figures Chris is eleven, so he'll probably be fine).
So they all meet in the dispatch parking lot, and Maddie hands over Jee, but not without first handing Buck an overly stocked diaper bag complete with a list of emergency phone numbers she's sure to draw attention to and giving him a five minute rundown of Jee's favorite toys and games and what to do when she's cranky and everything else Maddie can think of to make sure Buck knows how to keep Jee happy and comfortable, even though Buck has watched Jee on his own dozens of times.
Only to then watch Eddie tell Chris he loves him and that he'll be home for dinner before just. handing him over to Buck.
No instructions. No fretting. Not even a bag to go with him.
And Maddie's heard the stories of Eddie and his thorough emails and his concerns over summer camp and his general parental protectiveness that she can absolutely relate to.
But with Buck? With Buck, Eddie just. gives him Christopher.
And that's when Maddie suddenly realizes that everything she thought she knew about her brother's relationship with Eddie and Christopher is wrong.
Because there's only one person in the world she would ever hand Jee over to like that, and that person is her child's father.
And, well, things get a lot more interesting with that revelation.
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
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Yeah, what did Cisco just vibe? :3
This is what happens when I don’t draw for 2 weeks lol It’s hella cheesy, this is why I’m not a writer! Although it’s messy, I really didn’t expect the drawings to come out quite well, so I’m pleased :3 
This is possibly my last entry for this month’s Harriscofest, so please check out @heckyeahharrisco ‘s blog to see more Harriscofest entries made by other shippers! 
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
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anyone please ask your crush out like this
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
You’ve heard of one shots, now get ready for none shots! It’s when you think of an idea for a fic and then don’t write it
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
"There's millions of Tumblr users" to you. To me There's only about 12 and we all reblog the same five posts from each other
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
i’m ok
i’m ok
i’m ok
*starts crying*
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
Alec and Magus meet at a mundane cafe, running into each other while on serious business (Alec is meeting a source who informs on local werewolves, Magnus has been told the mandarin and poppy seed bagels are simply magical). They instantly, slightly awkwardly, hit it off… except they both think the other is a mundane.
Cue lots of flirting and dates, while they both think they need to hide the Shadow World from the other and wondering how they can be falling for a mundane. Alec wears a lot of scarves to cover his runes and Magnus finds it nearly impossible not to show off with his magic.
It’s starting to get ridiculous when one day there is a demon attack, and Alec has just drawn his seraph blade when Magnus whips up a storm of magic to throw at the demon.
They look at each other.
“You’re a Shadowhunter?”
“You’re a Warlock?”
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
I need (neeeeed) a fic where Bucky’s in the middle of recovery, and the Avengers are helping him catch up with all the social changes
And Tony or Bruce or whoever is like “oh same-sex marriage, we need to mention that”, and Bucky stares at them like they’ve grown an extra head, and Clint’s like “no it’s serious, guys can date guys, girls can date girls, it’s not nearly as big of a deal anymore. And in a lot of states they can get married too”
And Steve wanders in completely unaware, checking what’s in the fridge or something, Bucky is just staring at the back of Steve’s head, the gears turning, eyes getting wider
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
I can't get over the idea of post-war Snape being subjectected to a smear campaign, when he's both loved for being a hero and hated for being a traitor, and as one last stance he writes an autobiography, coming clean with absolutely everything he's ever done and what was done to him, taking away the ammunition from his enemies, and finally being understood
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jamespotterstardis ¡ 3 years
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