jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Replacement Harry AU pt2
That was the blonde woman who had found him, who had brought him to the actual residential area, even if it was on the outskirts, where a mid-sized house sat amidst a few piles of trash. They weren’t quite as large as he was used to in his chosen section of trash city but they were still taller than Pakunoda herself.
Harry was terrified. He’d been terrified this entire time but seeing a house- something inside of him screamed danger. Being ‘punished’ by captains wasn't the worst thing that could happen in this god-forsaken land. Oh, no. Harry had heard whispered horror stories amongst the other kids about adoption.
You’d think it would be a good thing to be taken off the streets, right?
Your guardian owned you. And yes, that statement was just as horrifying as he was trying to imply.
Living on the streets was far safer.
Harry should have fought back more. He should have tried to escape the warm arms that held him gently, the soft voice that cajoled him into this situation.
He was going to die.
No, worse than that-
He was going to live in suffering worse than his horrible life had already been. He can just imagine the things they’d want him to do. Running drugs or arms or money. Selling his body for flesh and pleasure. Or even just taking it for themselves!
Harry had really really wanted to live, but as they drew closer to that house (guarded by a giant of a man who was watching them approach) he decided that if he had to, he would be okay with death. He’d already experienced it once and it truly was a mercy.
He shivered.
Pakunoda hummed, her arms shifting him a bit as if she were trying to rock him.
He wanted to cry right now.
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
One Piece AU
Some character interactions before they reach Loguetown!
Bit of a warning for language from Sanji.
Pt 1
“How did you even die? You look so young…”
Jasper paused in coiling the rope to turn an unimpressed look over at the only female crewmate aboard this ship. Her saccharine voice was probably meant to sound cutesy or something but Jasper had met way too many femme fatales for that to have any affect on him. Women were all a bunch of pretty smelling flowers trying to hide their bloodsucking thorns.
“What business is it of yours, huh? Besides, I’m not that young.”
“Tch. You’re so rude,” Nami scoffs, flipping her short hair away from her face. It fell right back into the same spot so Jasper knew it was superfluous. Her hands settled on her hips and her sweet veneer dropped even more. She probably recognized he wasn’t going to be charmed by her. Good. “We’re crewmates now! There’s nothing wrong in asking about each other.”
“Is that so,” he replied dryly.
“... I’m sixteen.” It was grudgingly pulled from him after a long expectant silence of her stare drilling into the side of his head. He wasn’t really dead so he couldn’t give her an answer on that (without ruining the running gag they were playing on themselves) without spinning a story- which he wasn’t good at- so he offered a different piece of information as a distraction. Besides, how the hell was he supposed to get his chores done if people kept bothering him? Honestly, this crew was wild, new, dysfunctional and he never should have met Monkey D. Luffy!
He definitely wasn’t already growing fond of them…
There was a small gasp, then a squeal. “A baby!”
His head snapped back over to glare at her. “No!”
“A baby,” she cooed.
“Watch your mouth, fruit hag! I know where your gold is!”
Her entire teasing demeanor dropped into one of an angered devil.
“Don’t you dare threaten my money,” she hissed spitefully.
“You’re not the only thief on this ship,” he growled right back.
There were a few beats of silence, their glares unrelenting.
“We never speak of this again and your gold is safe from me.”
“You can’t lie to me, you little punk. You’re definitely not a ghost! So get your ass in the kitchen and eat!”
Jasper huffed, dancing away from the wild kicks of the irritated chef. It wouldn’t do much if it hit him considering he was literally made of wind but it was annoying to be constantly ‘dispersed’.
“You’re way too skinny! Why the hell won’t you eat!?”
“You already complained that we’re running low on supplies,” Jasper complained. “We get to Loguetown tomorrow! It’s not a big deal if one person holds off on eating.”
And it really wasn’t. Jasper didn’t get hungry. In fact, he needed constant reminders from his friends (and more recently, himself, though he was still working on it) that eating was actually a thing required of the human body. It could be a nuisance on occasion when he started feeling weak out of nowhere before realizing he hadn’t eaten in a week or two, but for the most part Jasper looked at it as a blessing. If he had to starve due to low supplies he’d rather not feel the hunger. Just because he couldn’t feel it anymore doesn’t mean he didn’t remember that aching gnawing in his stomach that would leave him nauseous and dizzy for days. He was better without it.
Another kick. Why did this bastard keep going for his head?
“Like fuck it’s not! You need to eat!”
“There’s not enough food,” he huffed just before a foot whooshed through his head. His eye twitched as he reformed.
“Then the Captain can suffer for a night! He’s a glutton unlike you! I don’t even know how you ate so much without vomiting on that island when you’re stick thin and starving yourself!”
“I’m not starving myself,” Jasper yelped indignantly. With an annoyed growl, he stepped on a breezy current to propel himself up onto the edge of the crow’s nest. From here he could see the wide expanse of blue ocean around, a nostalgic sight that never failed to make his insides feel like happy goo. His new crewmates were also visible. Well, the ones outside anyway. Long nose apparently like to tinker in the bowels of the ship and the navigator was currently indoors working on a map or something. The swordsman was snoozing at the bottom of the mast, his nap not at all interrupted by the racket that was being made. And the Captain was pretty much the same, but the teen was drooped across the sheep figurehead snoring out large snot bubbles.
… which was as disgusting as it was fascinating.
“I can’t properly call myself a chef if there’s anyone in my presence starving,” the chef yowled, scrambling up the ratlines with a few propelling kicks.
“It’s not like I can feel it! Isn’t it better this way,” he howled back, scrambling further into the sky to perch on top of the mast. It was really too bad it wasn’t very windy right now as he couldn’t rely on those currents to help him escape. This situation wasn’t bad enough to create his own to get away either. It was just annoying.
Sanji, who’d just made it up to the crow’s nest, stopped dead and stared him straight in the eyes, neck craned uncomfortably. It looked almost demonic and made a shiver run down Jasper's spine.
“You don’t feel… hungry?”
“You’re not a ghost.”
It wasn’t a question. He answered anyway. “No.”
“You’re going to get down here and eat. You’re going to eat at every meal even if I have to drag you myself. I don’t care that I can’t touch you. I’ll find a way.”
The manic light paired with the hazy smoke from the lit cigarette and the bared teeth painted a very scary picture. Jasper was a fighter, a survivor, and all of his instincts were telling him to just accept his new lot in life. It didn’t matter that he could overpower any of these people, there was just the deep gut feeling that he’d never get away.
Between his new Captain and this crazy chef…
Jasper was screwed.
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
I feel like this is a call out >>
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Just started reading and I am enjoying your story! Jasper is such a ray of a sunshine peaking through the clouds! I guess my question is what inspired Jasper's personality? Is this how you pictured him right of the bat or did he have any "prototype" drafts before the story officially took off? I'm just curious seeing as he's honestly a very unique OC and how he balances out other characters' traits is interesting. Can't wait to read more and thanks for posting this story.
Thanks for asking! Honestly, I didn't have much of a vision for Jasper in the beginning. Originally he was supposed to be Harry with amnesia as a sort of reincarnation thing but as I started plotting more I decided I didn't want to use the cliché reincarnation trope. Thus, Jasper was born. I struggled with him a lot because how do you give someone life beyond basic likes and dislikes? I started digging into his motivations to flesh him out a little more but he was still somewhat lacking. So, I started looking into personality types at the same time as I was drafting his background (experiences shape people too!). And I stumbled on the type of personality that just sort of clicked for him; ENTP. At his base, he's very curious and expressive. He loves seeking knowledge and debating with others for fun. Unfortunately, a lot of his personality has been repressed by traumas so I'm aiming for his true personality to slowly bud and shine through as the fic continues. Without memories he was like a blank slate over and over but now that he can form long term memories his experiences are helping shape him around his core again.
I hope this satisfies your curiosity! Thank you for answering and I hope you continue to enjoy the story~ <3
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
One Piece pt 2
Jasper had many regrets in his life. Meeting Monkey D. Luffy was slowly making its way towards the top of his list. He had been chased and harassed around the island for three days now and he was getting absolutely sick of it! Prank gone wrong! But he couldn’t abort!
Not only was he harassed by the rubbery monster himself, but also his crew who he had been slowly introduced to through short encounters that consisted of him running away.
The first one that he’d met had been the swordsman. When he’d fled back to his resting spot in- definitely strategic and not panicked- retreat, there had already been someone there. Sporting short green hair, three swords tucked into a haramaki, with a plain short sleeve top, and baggy black pants tucked into heavy black boots. Jasper had come to an immediate conclusion that this was one of that pirate’s crew (and he looked sort of familiar?) and he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the man that was chowing down on his stash of fruit like a starving beast.
He turned tail and zoomed in the opposite direction. That led him straight to the small Caravel that held the black flag of a pirate. Jasper was slightly exasperated at this point. Why couldn’t this island be bigger!?
Still, the best place to hide from someone could be in their own space.
That was a mistake he wasn’t willing to make again. Through the screaming and flailing of the long nosed pirate, Jasper had been hit with something full of pepper. Well, that was a bit misleading. He wasn’t hit in the classic way, he ate a logia after all. No, this thing exploded halfway to actually hitting him, which left him more susceptible because he wasn’t expecting to breathe in pepper smoke.
He fled from the two screaming pirates, sneezing up a storm and ran smack dab into the stretchy monster who immediately tried to wrap his arms around him. When that failed, he called out to his crewmate, the only one he hadn’t met yet at the time, and a blonde came zooming off the ship to try knocking his head off with a kick.
It went right through him, of course.
And so went his days of running from the Straw Hat pirates on an unimportant little island just off the larger Loguetown.
For a grandliner, trained in Haki and wielding the powers of the kaze kaze no mi, Jasper was almost ashamed of how easily this stupid teenager could manage to hunt him. It had been years since he felt like prey.
He detested it.
So, he still wasn’t sure how he’d ended up on this ship, watching the small island he’d been on slowly shrink.
Well, that was a lie. He absolutely knew what happened. He was just… having trouble processing it.
He’d lost a bet. It was simple.
It was a bet that he never should have been able to lose.
And he still did somehow.
How in the everloving ocean could Monkey D. Luffy out eat him? He’d never been beaten in an eating contest before, not even by that top hat wearing asshole he’d challenged so long ago to defend Killua’s honor. (Not that Killua wanted or needed it but Gon thought the whole thing was hilarious)
Jasper was able to break down food particles in his stomach like a blender using air which saved a lot of room for more food. Alongside his black hole of a belly that never truly felt full, he could eat for almost a whole day straight with little problems. Except, so could Luffy apparently.
And the Captain- as he’d come to find out on the second day which almost made him reel into the ocean from shock- was almost exactly the same. Except he had bs rubber powers meaning he could stretch to fit more.
A mistake.
He’d made a huge mistake.
(He didn’t regret getting to eat the heavenly dishes provided by the blonde trash-talking chef, though. Best meal he’d had in… almost eight months probably. Not that he’d tell the man that. Nope.)
“Ushishishi~ We’re going to the Grandline!”
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Stolen Baby Dragon pt2
Everything was blurry. No matter how hard he tried to see, to open his eyes, it was like a film laid over them. And his hearing wasn’t much better; voices surrounding him as if calling for him from underwater. Those voices… he knew them…
They were calling him back home.
He wanted to follow…
But the darkness was stronger.
Harry frowned down at his young charge, wiping the sweat from his brow on his forearm. He had finally managed to stabilize Jasper but the results were. Well…
He couldn’t let anyone see this. Jasper would be executed outright if not exiled to the wilderness. Harry would be right next to him for using his magic.
He sighed wearily.
The body scales he could hide but the eyes?
How was he supposed to hide the new slit pupils?
This was all his fault. He must have messed up, must have used some part of the dragon left behind to augment his powers and it had done this…
What was he supposed to do now?
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Scum Villain Inspired
[System Initializing]
Jasper groaned, his head throbbing. That annoying automated voice only making it worse.
“Will you shut up already?” He wanted to cry here with how it felt like his head was splitting open. He couldn’t even open his eyes for fear of being blinded.
[Congratulations, Host! With the activation phrase There has to be more behind the scenes! Stupid plot holes! Stupid characters! System is now bound to Host: Jasper Faire]
“Shut up, please. Please…”
There was blissful silence for a moment before the voice was back.
[Host seems to be having some difficulties. Would Host like to purchase a scenario pusher to help ease the way into this world?]
“Anything to make the pain stop,” he moaned, digging his fingers into the tops of his eyelids trying to ease the pressure in any way he could.
[Scenario Pusher Purchased. As this is Host’s first time buying, a discounted rate of 50% has been added.]
[50 B points deducted. No refunds!]
“Woah! That’s a kid! Hey, hold up!”
Voices, so many of them clambering. Why couldn’t they just shut up? That stupid robot voice scammed him! Gods he wanted to cry so badly but the heat in his eyes did nothing except build more pressure. He was practically screaming with pain bby the time he could hear those voices again over the sound of his rushing heartbeat. Whatever they were saying was lost on him but the gentle hands were enough to make him freak out even more, lashing out and landing heavy thuds on whoever was trying to touch him in such a vulnerable moment. Like hell he would let himself be kidnapped just because he was in pain!
Or so he thought.
Multiple hands held him down and a bottle was shoved into his mouth.
Everything faded out slowly.
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Replacement Harry AU
Harry sighed, tossing another in-tact food can into the rotting scrap of fabric that he’d turned into a sling. Another day spent under the blazing heat, another day breathing the inhospitable air that surrounded these mountains of trash. Another day of collecting any salvageable item he could use in constructing his hidey hole.
With a soft groan, he stood straighter, cursing his child legs for creaking underneath him. He was literally six! Why did he have so many problems!?
Well, lack of food and hard labor was the most likely answer. He just didn’t like to think of it because this whole ‘new life’ thing was awful.
He died for Merlin’s sake! He’s not supposed to remember being Harry and yet here he is, still Harry because he wasn’t given any other names. Small mercies that he wasn’t famous here but still…
His eyes caught on another shiny piece of metal sticking out from a smaller pile mostly covered in muck. He carefully dug it, very conscientious about not cutting himself because if he got an infection, he was dead. Unfortunately, whatever this was went much deeper than he thought it did. Was it buried in the ground too or something?
Harry glanced up at the setting sun. He only had about an hour (maybe more, maybe less, he wasn’t the best at determining time) before he had to get back to his hideaway. Being out at night was about an 80% death wish. As much as Harry bemoaned about his new life, he wasn’t exactly keen on dying so soon. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to get out of this godforsaken trash city. He stared back at the hunk of metal still in his grasp and reluctantly let it go. He could always come back (if it was still there) as it seemed rather solid. Right now he needed to focus on getting back and any smaller items he could gather on his way. Usefulness was a necessity out here, and he wasn’t just talking about the trash mountains.
He did make it back on time, thankfully. He crawled into the tiny space he’d carved out for himself amidst one of the smaller trash piles. The ‘walls’ were just pieces of sheet metal he’d been lucky to find and they made up much of the support of his little man made hole. It also kept him from skewering himself on pointy bits from the trash pile he lived under. As for the roof, well he didn’t need to do much there as it was directly underneath a burnt out husk of a car that was propped diagonally.
Yea, the car had thrown him off for a while, but Harry was nothing if not resourceful now that he was stuck in this hell hole. As much as he hated still having his memories, they came in handy quite often in this survival of the fittest situation.
With exhaustion dragging his limbs now that he was in an area he considered safe, Harry went about pulling out his meager finds (consisting of two food cans- one of which had a large horizontal gash in the middle-, a small green glass bottle, some fabric in much better condition than his sling just much dirtier, and one rat that he’d bashed earlier for food) and setting them in the corner to be put to use later. His food he ended up grilling on a very convenient stove he’d found about a year ago, which he used sparingly for fuel reasons. This time he really needed it because he hadn’t eaten in three days and he couldn’t eat a disgusting rat raw.
It was a messy affair but Harry pulled as much meat from the rat as he could and after wiping his hands on the dirty rag he kept for this purpose, he curled up on an old ratty, half-rotted cushion that worked as his bed.
He wasn’t a deep sleeper in this life so the gunshots going off right next to his abode were surprising and horrifying. He barely stifled a terrified squeak as he listened to what sounded like a bloody war happening around him with all the loud bangs and screaming. His fingers shook and his lungs ached with terror but he refused to move, refused to accidentally be caught up in the horrifying turf wars that sometimes happened around him.
Turf was an actual thing here. There were the elders that split portions of the city they ‘controlled’ and under them were the captains. Under captains was the canon fodder like Harry himself. As canon fodder you answered to the captains (who themselves often squabble over territory), you paid fines to live there under their ‘protection’ and you did as you were told. Unless you were strong enough to break away from these cardinal cities rules, you basically lived a hard life of labor.
Harry had already done that, thank you, he didn’t need new Dursley’s in his life, alright? So he took the loophole. As long as they don’t know you’re there, they can’t fine or control you. The problem with that is getting caught leads to worse punishment. And there were a lot of ambitious kids and adults looking to get in good with the leaders. Snitches definitely did not get stitches in this city. You can’t trust anybody.
So, yes, Harry was rightly terrified if for probably the wrong reasons. He wasn’t exactly a fan of the probably turf war happening but he was used to sneaking around those to avoid being caught up. No, right now he was more terrified they’d uncover his hideout and drag him out. Harry didn’t want to die but he’d rather that than be trapped in the butcher’s market slowly losing vital body parts until he died to pay off his ‘debt’.
Lady Luck was never on his side.
“A little boy…”
He eyed the blonde woman crouching in front of his hideaway, the gun she’d been using set across her lap with one hand still holding it. Her blue suit was surprisingly dirt free and that just happened to terrify him even more. Clean clothes meant she was important and Harry needed important to stay the hell away from him.
His trembling fingers caught the glass bottle from earlier and he chucked it straight at her face.
When she barely tilted her head to dodge it, Harry’s heart dropped to his stomach. The shattering of the glass bottle could almost be the sound of his sanity cracking with it.
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Dragon Age Tranquil Part 1
Hawke groaned as his group clambered down into darktown behind him. It’s not that he disliked the people down here, though quite a few were very dangerous, it was just… the smell. The smell got to him every time, rank and clinging to the inside of his nose for days. He hated coming down here but this was a direct request from Knight-Captain Cullen. Now, just because it came from Cullen didn’t necessarily mean anything except… this time it was the loss of several of their Tranquil that was putting the whole tower on edge.
So, here he was slogging through Darktown once again as he followed a lead; hopefully their last lead on this ridiculous mission.
“Ooo, I never liked coming down here,” Merril whispered. Just for this expedition Varric had gotten her to wear boots because it was disgustingly dirty down here and it would be horrible if Merril caught infection from a tiny cut.
“It’s a miserable place,” Avaline grunted, her plated armor scratching loudly against the wall as she stumbled through a pile of muck.
“Aw, c’mon ladies! It’s got it’s own charm,” Varric groaned. “Dark and rank. The perfect hideaway for vagabonds and rats.”
Hawke snorted. “Is that something to be considered charming?”
“What? You don’t consider it a nice little getaway? Poor Feathers might consider that an insult,” Varric chuckled, hoisting Bianca off his back and into his arms.
Hawke shortly followed suit, hearing the same noise that had set off Varric. Merril and Aveline were quick to follow suit, readying themselves as the screams became louder the further down the underground they went. Darktown was a rat maze with so many twists, turns, dead ends, fake walls, and traps that it was a miracle that people could actually live down here. Not that it was healthy for them- Anders especially but that man was ridiculously stubborn.
The sounds of fighting were starting to die down as the small group of four approached another bend in the path. As soon as they cleared the wall enough to see the wide cavernous space, they were hit with the smell of old blood and the scene of eviscerated mages sprawled across the ground. There had to be at least twenty of them…
“Well, shit,” Varric rumbled, cautiously stepping forward. Hawke followed suit, slinging his staff back onto his back so he had the use of both hands. As a mage he didn’t necessarily need his staff to cast, so he was the best one to put away his weapon and root around the bodies. There was nothing particularly special about them besides the fact that they were already somewhat bloated and chewed on, which meant…
“Interesting. They’ve been dead for a few days at the very least.”
Aveline hummed. “Then where were the sounds of fighting coming from?”
It was a great question. “Hey, Merril.” The little elf had been poking at the ground behind them. When she heard her name, she tilted her head up in acknowledgment. “Do you sense that?”
“Hmm. Yes. The tear in the veil, it’s particularly potent about right here,” the butte of her staff tapped against the moldy rock beneath her feet. “It almost feels like it’s directly under us.”
“Well, there’s no tranquil here,” Varric said slowly, eyes still roving the dead bodies.
“So, the job’s still not done,” Hawke sighed.
Varric groaned. “Can’t I go somewhere nice for a change. Maybe a beach that doesn’t have Qunari, slavers, and Carta crawling across it like ants. Or even a nice villa where I can relax.”
“I thought you said this place was charming,” Hawke laughed quietly.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Oh!” Maerril’s startled voice attracted everyone’s attention. Her head popped out from a wall making Varric jump and Aveline curse. Hawke only glowed happily, very relieved that the elf had found an illusion that could lead them further in. Not that he enjoyed being here, mind, but the faster this was done, the less that Templar was likely to bother them later.
He had hoped to maybe save the Tranquil as well but with the state of the bodies here… very unlikely.
“I tripped and fell right through this wall,” Merril chirped. “It’s a very nicely done illusion. The path goes down too!”
“Well? What are we waiting for?”
The path Merril had found was long and steep. There had been two offshoots that they followed up on, trying to track the resumed sound of fighting. All it led them to was more dead bodies. Though some of the potions in the side caverns were useful enough that Hawke took them. And then finally they emerged into another, even larger cavern. Once again, as soon as the place was in view, the screaming and fighting vanished as if it had never happened. Hawke had already chalked it down to Veil shenanigans.
“More dead bodies,” Varric said, sarcasm just dripping from his lips. “Oh, what joy! It’s all I’ve ever wanted in life, to discover human remains!”
“Really, Varric? I didn’t know you wanted to do something like that! Did you know that elven clans often do the same thing in hopes of discovering more of our history?”
“That’s not what I- Oh, never mind.”
Aveline had started forward almost immediately this time and it was her who pointed out the array drawn in blood on the ground with eight tranquil situated around it.
“Damn, too late.” Hawke brushed his fingers through his hair. “Well, keep your guard up. This city has a nasty habit of walking corpses and I’d rather we not get surrounded with how many dead bodies are hanging around here. We’ll just have to report the location to the Knight-Captain and be done with this.”
“But what about the demon,” Merril asked, a thoughtful frown on her face as she cocked her head.
“Whatever it was that got summoned… it’s not here anymore and it’s going to be way too much of a hassle trying to find out where it’s gone off too. After all, everyone else in Darktown was fine on the way down. It’s only this section that harbors the dead.”
“No, no. It’s still here.”
Everyone tensed up at that. Hawke was quick to pull his staff back into a ready position, the blade scraping noisily on the stone floor. If there was one thing he’d learned about Merril, it was that she had an impeccable feeling for when demons were around. Despite her status as a blood mage, Merril was far more attuned to the veil than even Hawke was. So, if she said there was a demon around, there was definitely a demon around.
“I-I don’t know. It’s rather close, I think,” she murmured, tapping her staff on the ground again. “It doesn’t feel hostile but… I could try drawing it out with blood magic.”
Avenline immediately scoffed in disgust and Varric gave an exasperated sigh. Hawke knew no one truly approved of her blood magic but it had come in handy a few times. By this point, after living 9 years in Kirkwall, even Hawke’s morals had grown a little skewed. What harm was blood magic as long as it wasn’t being used insidiously?
If there was ever someone he trusted to use it safely, it was Merril. And he said so, watching her face light up at the trust he continued to show in her. The other two weren’t as happy but Hawke wasn’t willing to leave this problem to fester and cause bigger problems later.
Without any fanfare, Marril had sliced her palm open and was allowing the drops to fall at the edges of the already existing array. The large thing flashed crimson, once, twice, then the light seemed to solidify into a small red string that trailed off into another wall.
Ah, another illusion. “Well, nothing for it.”
They were expecting an abomination as soon as they passed through the illusion.
They were expecting an adult, possessed and violent.
They were not expecting a tiny child curled tight, sobbing, and shivering.
They were not expecting the Tranquil brand on the small boy’s forehead.
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
One Piece AU Part 1
“Yohohoho. Yohohoho~”
“What is up with that creepy singing,” Nami yelped, clutching her bo staff to her chest. Usopp was in near tears beside her as she continued freaking out. “This is supposed to be a deserted island! No one here, only fruit! Why is there a ghost!?”
“Ghost scary. Ghost scary,” Usopp immediately agreed.
Zoro sighed in the most aggrieved way. He was rather looking forward to getting to the grand line, but no. They had a food thief on board the Going Merry and Curlybrow was angry enough to change their course for more food. It was supposedly a place that old chef would stop by sometimes to pick up fresh fruit for their restaurant. “Bunch of pansies. It could just be a stranded sailor.”
“Really,” Luffy exclaimed, immediately popping out of his childish horror. “I wanna go find them!”
“And, he’s gone,” Zoro groaned. Then he started into the small forest as well ignoring the pleading shrieks of two of his crew members. At least this way he wouldn’t have to deal with Curlybrow while he was still on that ridiculous rampage in the kitchen.
On the other side of the island, sat a teen his lips barely moving as he hummed Bink’s Brew under his breath. Of course, with his power a whisper was all that was needed to carry a message. Controlling wind was cool like that.
He paused in his bored humming to take a chomp out of the red shiny fruit in his hand. It crunched deliciously and flooded his mouth with sweet juice that he gulped down greedily. He had no idea what these things were called but damn they tasted good! He wasn’t even sick of them after a whole week of only eating these.
He had, of course, checked the island for other fruits but found nothing but old wilted vines, browning lower vegetation, and sagging flower buds. It was just a hunch but Jasper had the strangest feeling that there were four types of fruit that grew on this island and it all depended on the season. He’d seen weirder but that didn’t make it any less annoying. He was dreading the day he’d become sick of this fruit, so for now he was enjoying it for all it was worth.
He took another crunchy bite, closing his eyes in bliss.
They popped back open a moment later when he heard yelling from the small forest. It sounded like… someone was calling for a ghost?
His lips twitched, a spark of mischief winding through his mind.
Luffy was having absolutely no luck, running around the island. He’d already passed Merry once, that's how small this place was. The problem was he couldn’t find that singer! He wanted that musician!
He groaned in annoyance, about to climb a tree to see over the tops of the trees. As soon as his hand settled on the bark of one tree, there was a harsh breeze followed by a low groan that might have come from the tree. He blinked at it. “Oh! Sorry tree! Guess you didn’t like that. I’ll try another one!”
So he did. Again and again and again, until he was growling at the unfairness of it. He stomped back to the first tree and launched his arm up to wrap around a branch and catapult himself up. “All of you trees are mean! So, I’m gonna do it anyway,” he crowed in triumph as his sandals settled on a thick branch.”
“You’re not very smart are you?”
Luffy yelped, leaning backward, the hand he’d used to grab the tree earlier being his only anchor. Jasper snickered, floating in midair, the wind taking on a colorless shape of himself. He knew from experience that he looked exactly like a ghost. It had been rather hilarious when he’d caught Killua with this trick. Well, until he got his stomach punched in a way it launched him across the room.
Worth it.
“Y-y-you’re actually a g-ghost!”
Jasper blinked in amusement, his mirth tilting his lips upwards. “Am I?”
That made the boy pause. And… well, he looked just like Gon when the younger boy had too much to think about. It was always entertaining to watch Gon practically steam from the ears.
“Yes, you are!” There was a resolute nod, the straw hat on the boy’s head tipping forward for a moment to shadow his eyes. Then a wide grin settled on the tanned face and when he lifted his head again, Luffy’s eyes were practically sparkling. “You should join my crew!”
That took a bit to process.
“Your crew? You’re not with the Navy… and you’re way too young and dumb to be a merchant. So… pirate?”
“Exactly! Wow, you must be really smart,” Luffy laughed.
“No, you’re just really dumb,” Jasper harrumphed. “My answer is no, by the way.”
“You can’t!” It wasn’t even angry or something like denial. No, this boy, this pirate, said it with a smile, as if it was the only natural conclusion he could come to. Not to mention he was asking what he thought was a ghost! Ghosts can’t leave their anchor place so if he was truly a ghost it would have been useless!
“I most certainly can,” Jasper scoffed.
“Nope! You’re gonna join my crew!”
Luffy hummed happily under his breath. An actual ghost! His pirate crew was going to be the best! Now, he just needed to get the ghost to agree and everything would be set!
“Hey, hey! Ghost, where is the fruit on this island? We came to get food for Sanji!”
“Why are you asking me, huh?”
“Because you live here, so you gotta know,” he laughed.
Jasper could only helplessly stare. This was almost like Gon on happy drugs. How the heck was he shining like a beacon of the sun. It made no sense. But just like Gon, this one was also going to be stubborn, so might as well give him what he wants so he and his crew could leave.
“Fine. You’re right. I know where the fruit is.” He watched the pirate pump his fists in excitement before continuing. “But what am I going to get out of helping you?”
“You get to join my crew!”
For the first time that smile completely dropped, those black eyes searching his own quietly. “We’re not leaving until you agree,” he declared solemnly.
Jasper gaped. What a persistent brat! He didn’t need a whole crew of pirates hanging around this island while he waited, dammit!
“Hell no! You keep your crew to yourself!”
This whole plan had backfired and now he was going to have to hide from a stalker. On this tiny island? This was going to be a bitch.
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Stolen Baby Dragon AU Part 1
“The rampage is getting way too close for comfort.”
“There’s little we can do except fortify our defenses”
“Has no one figured out why the King of Dragons is even on a rampage?”
“A few magicians have tried speaking to him but there’s little coherency. All they could get was ‘hatchling’.”
“Wait… wouldn’t that imply it’s about a baby dragon?”
“That’s the running theory. We haven’t been able to ask the king or his pack, though. At this point it’s all speculation…”
“Well, that’s better than nothing!”
“Not really… Just too many variables…”
Jasper pulled his head away from the door, his eavesdropping being useless again. Literally all these old people couldn’t figure out a damn thing. Every meeting was the exact same thing… Well, except for that new baby tidbit but it wasn’t exactly helpful.
He let out a quiet sigh and snuck back towards Gon’s room to relay the message. The Prince liked to keep apprised of what would and could happen to his kingdom even if Queen Mito preferred to keep him from it. That’s why Jasper, the sneakiest of his servants, was always sent out. Killua definitely would have done it if asked but he stood out like a sore thumb in areas where he wasn’t allowed to be. Sometimes being a servant was a blessing.
A couple of minutes later, after trotting down the halls like he was supposed to be there, Jasper found himself in Gon’s wing and he made a beeline towards the prince’s chambers.
After letting himself in he walked straight over to the bed and flopped on it.
“You have got to be the worst servant ever,” Killua scoffed from the corner of the room where he looked to be sharpening a dagger. “Who the hell comes in and lays on their master’s bed without permission?”
Jasper snorted into the sheets but didn’t answer.
“It’s alright,” Gon laughed, pushing himself away from the vanity setup that was used to house the adornments that went with his fancier clothes. Gon wasn’t too fond of accessories but he absolutely would wear them to formal events because it made his aunt, Queen Mito, very happy. Right now the prince was dressed in regular clothes more befitting a smaller noble house instead of the prince of an entire kingdom. His tunic was a dove grey and his breeches were dyed black leather, with no other fineries to be seen.
Jasper wished he could get away with that but as a servant, he needed to look like a servant. Blegh.
Not even Killua had to suffer like he did, as a ‘visiting’-more like refugee- noble from another kingdom, the white haired boy was treated with respect and could pretty much get away with wearing anything as long as it was appropriate to the venue.Right now, the boy had on baggy cotton breeches tucked into knee high leather boots. His tunic was the same cut as Gon’s but was a lighter shade of blue that complimented his eyes.
Ah. He was complaining in his head again. He should be giving his report.
With a small groan he turned his face away from the sheets to suck in a breath of fresh air. “Same old same old,” he grumbled. “Only new piece of information is that the attacks might possibly have to do with a baby dragon. Oh, and the rampage is steadily heading our way still. We have at least a week before they reach us if they keep up the same pattern.”
Gon hummed under his breath, his happy smile turning into a contemplative frown.
“Run one way to get away and they freaking follow, of course. Ugh.”
Jasper felt slightly bad for Killua. The boy knew his family survived but their kingdom had been razed very thoroughly which was a hard hit to the economy. It would take decades to build that place back up again.
“Well, we won’t let them win here,” Gon declared. “Jasper, how is Harry doing with the potions?”
“I checked on him this morning. He’s got plenty of medicinal draughts and tonics but he’s running extremely low on ingredients for the Fire Protection potion.”
It wasn’t exactly good news. Gon had been hoping for more, Jasper knew, but there was little one man could do. Harry, the guardian who had saved Jasper from the streets and raised him as his own child, was a hard worker but there was only one of him. He was going to kill himself at this rate but not even an order from Gon could stop the man from trying to save as many lives as he could with his potions. It’s not like he’d be able to use his magic outright anyway. This country despised magicians and had a whole rivalry with the magical continent next door due to some bad blood in ancient history. So, not only was Harry putting himself in danger just by living this close to the castle, but his options were also limited in how he could help.
Jasper knew it was driving the man utterly mad and all he could do was watch from the sidelines as the only father he ever knew slowly spiraled.
“And.. how’s Harry himself?”
Jasper gave a weary sigh, “Not good. Still pushing himself. I have to remind him to eat now.”
Killua tsked, the sound of the whetstone he was using stopped for a moment. “How the hell is that guy going to save people when he can’t even look after himself?”
Despite the abrasive tone, Jasper knew Killua meant well. Harry had been very kind to the boy when he first arrived in the Kingdom a year ago, barely 14 and looking as if he’d run the gauntlet of Hell. Killua liked Harry, the white haired noble just didn’t know how to deal with someone that was that special brand of nice and protective fury rolled into a single human form. It always made Jasper wonder what kind of life Killua had lived growing up in that other kingdom.
“Well, I have nothing on my agenda today, right Jasper?”
“Uh. Right.” He had a horrible memory for this stuff so he still didn’t understand why Gon trusted his schedule to him.
“Perfect! Then all three of us can go and visit Harry to see what ingredients he needs. It could be like a mini adventure!”
“You and your adventures,” Killua scoffed. “Don’t you remember the last time you suggested one of those and we almost got eaten by a swamp bear.”
Gon beamed. “But we didn’t!”
“I’m sort of with Killua on this one, your highness. Wherever you go outside of this castle, trouble follows you like a wasp to a beehive.”
“Aw, c’mon Jas! We always come out okay!”
Jasper shoved his face back into the sheets so he didn’t have to seal with the puppy eyes. He hated the puppy eyes!
So, the gathering was a success. There was only a minor mishap of falling into a trench full of Dirt Gators that they had to fight their way out of. That was good news!
The bad news… When they got back the next day it was to spreading information that one of the dragons had broken a pattern and was heading straight to their kingdom. It was only about a two day flight away now. Less if it was one of the faster ones.
The whole kingdom was in an uproar, a lot of civilians already trying to flee, Queen Mito was being evacuated against her will, and Harry was running around like a mad man trying to hand out potions to those brave souls who were staying to fight.
The boy’s looked at each other, dirt stricken, holding wild plants in giant bundles in their arms.
“I’m not leaving,” Gon declared.
Jasper let out another sigh and turned his eyes heavenward, praying for some small miracle. “I go where you go, your highness.”
“I didn’t even get the chance to go after a dragon in mykingdom. No way am I letting this one get away!”
They all knew Killua wasn’t nearly strong enough to take on a dragon. He was just staying for their sakes and neither Gon nor Jasper were going to call him on it. Not when there was such a dire time crunch.
The rest of the day was spent running around on Harry’s behalf while also dodging the guards that wanted to evacuate the prince as well. The chaos descended well into the night and continued into the next day. By the time most everything that could be set up in such a short period, was ready to go. Knights lined the castle wall, catapults set behind them in the largest courtyard. Harry’s potions were handed to people to douse themselves in and spread on as much wood in the castle and the surrounding city as they could get to in one night. It wasn’t truly a lot but something was better than nothing.
And then-
A whole day sooner, when everyone was exhausted and running on dregs-
A dragon appeared.
Jasper couldn’t help but stare at it in awe. Yes, it was terrifying. But it was also beautiful in a deadly majestic kind of way. The scales were sharp and pointed (meaning this dragon was venomous if he remembered correctly) and shining with rainbow colors that shifted in the bright sunlight that shone in small patches through the cloudy sky. It’s eyes were a deep black with only a red slit in the middle to show where it was focusing. The teeth gleamed, sharp and pointed but also serrated on the sides. There were no horns on this dragon, nor any spikes, but that just made this one sleeker, more agile in the sky and on the ground. It’s body was almost that of a long snake except for the two forelegs and four hindlegs. The tip of its tail carried a blade on the end of it, made of bone and sharp enough to cleave stone as it had done several times.
It stared him down, fetid hot breath washing over Jasper’s entire body. The dragon had immediately gone for the castle, spewing green fog in its wake until finally it attached itself to the side of the castle, ignoring all the arrows shot at it. Jasper and Killua had sprung into action, Killua dragging Gon inside despite the boy’s protests.
Good. The farther those two got from the dragon the better. It’s not like the potion Harry had handed out would be useful here. This was a poison dragon, not a fire breather. Despite its majesty, Jasper couldn’t let it into the castle. If this one was like all the Phantoms he would head for the children in the castle (not that there were many left but Gon was amongst them and he wouldn’t take that chance) and slaughter them all.
“Please! Great Dragon! Please tell us why you’re doing this,” he cried trying to keep it distracted. He was still considered a child too even at sixteen years of age so it should work to stall for time. “We can help you! You don’t have to fight!”
The dragon tilted it’s head so one large eye, half the size of Jasper himself, could gaze at him. There was a mighty rumble emitting from it’s chest and it took a moment to realize the dragon was laughing.
Your kind does not help, it hissed. You only take and take.
“Please Great Dragon! Not all humans are the same! My friends and I- We can help! We swear it on our souls!”
Your souls are worth nothing compared to our child, it howled in rage, large drops of acidic drool splattering and melting the stone beneath his feet. The dragon’s pupil abruptly shrank into the thinnest slit, the red almost consumed by the black as it tossed it’s head back and screamed in pain.
Jasper couldn’t see what had caused the pain, nor did he see the giant claw that scrabbled against the balcony he was standing on before it was too late. Being skewered by a dragon talon was painful, his whole torso shredded as one claw managed to snag his guts and drag him against the wall. The whole paw lifted, Jasper going up with it, until it slammed back down and he was greeted by cool darkness.
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
The elongated list of AUs for Earthen Vessel!
The list is bound to grow and in the future I’ll probably start posting dribbles and drabbles to do with each of these. If I decide to post one in actual story format, it’ll be on A03. Some are meant to be short one shots and others are meant to be much much longer. If you have any questions or want to suggest an idea, feel free to drop me a message!
Melting Pot
Nightmare Before Christmas
Dragon Age (Tranquil and Forgotten One Chrollo)
One Piece (Feat. Dark Harry)
Fever Series (KMM)
Universe Crossing
Babysitter (Feat. Dark Harry)
Dragon Age (Inquisitor)
Scum Villain
Omniscient Reader (WorldWalker Harry)
Original Work
Dragons (Desert King and Stolen baby)
Horror (Demon Ghost Harry)
Replacement Harry (Actual dead Jasper and Not Dead Jasper)
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
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Glow up?
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
Saiyajinprince here. I just wanna say I'm so in love with your work and jas looks so angelic in that picture in the missing person poster was that drawn by you or edited from another picture? Cuz wow it looks soo good and again angelic but in a way that somehow represents the lucilfer image
Saiyajin! Hello, hello~! His picture was actually made on an editing site where I was able to merge other pictues and get 'children' from it. It's called Artbreeder and it's rather fun to try out! I'm glad you like it. I have his baby picture, his pre-teen picture, his teenage picture, and his adult picture. I'll post them so you and everyone else can enjoy them!
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
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jasperlucilfer · 3 years
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Missing Persons File- filed on September 27th, 1993 by Machi Komacine
Hand painted portrait provided by Elder Falan- filed on September 29th, 1993
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