jaylahlbell · 11 years
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Here is a photo of yesterday's lunch. Grilled salmon with peppers and mushrooms. Served with broccoli and cauliflower.
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jaylahlbell · 11 years
Day 2 Recap.
So, yesterday was day 2 for me. ( i realize that I am a day behind on documents but i will catch up, possibly by uploading entries today). 
I am definitely starting to crave my old favorites, but i am serious about my weight loss when i went grocery shopping it was not hard for me to bypass the cheesecake. 
I think the trick to this diet is having fun with it. So far planning my meals has been critical. 
I'm also going to try uploading pictures of some of my meals. Probably just one per day until i get a larger variety of meal options. 
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jaylahlbell · 11 years
Here We Go!
Weight loss is among the more relevant things in the life of a woman, especially after birth. I'm such a sucker for Fad Diets even though I know the negative impact they have (you gain the weight back plus more after the diet). Working out is great, however, my schedule does not allow me to work out as often as I would need to in order to begin losing weight, so i wanted a life style change. I did some research and ran into the 17 Day Diet which consists of 4 cycles that run 17 days each. Each cycle has restrictions but food options broaden as you progress from one cycle to the other. I am not over weight so all four cycles are not necessarily relevant to me, i will be undergoing the woes of Cycle 1. If i do not reach my target weight then i will continue on cycle by cycle until my goal is met. 
Below is a link that you can follow for a more in depth informational on the 17 day diet, You can also do some outside research, the 17 day diet is also apart of a book written by Dr. Moreno. Throughout the course of my journey I will document my weight loss, meals that i have had, and also tell some of the struggles and strategies that I am experiencing. 
My diet started September 9, 2013, expect updates tomorrow. 
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