jesusmidori9 · 6 months
POV, a poem
POV People are saying they know it allBut I don’t wanna knowifignorance is truly blissIf I could take enough—If I could take enough—I don’t need to get helpWhy do you people have to die to prove a point?Live, and make a differenceOr die, and have stories told about you after you’re goneNot all of them trueAnd no one to proveThe monarchyThe MalarchyAn instance of clear thinkingThat

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jesusmidori9 · 8 months
I love you!
I just need to write something Shakespeare, and Much Ado about Nothing
 Genius, And here I am. Years later. Another batch of humanity. I feel maybe as he felt, putting something on the page maybe not even laughing at a story of jokes. laughing, or not. I wasn’t there then, but I wonder what he felt when writing. shakespeare. So nice to exist on a similar earth, right? 🙂
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jesusmidori9 · 1 year
I hope I find someone nice  And sweet Who likes how I part my hair. It’s funny if you can laugh about it. It’s funny regardless Of who I am. Or who doesn’t care. Or who likes how I part my hair. It’s funny if you can laugh about it. It’s funny to me. Who looks great In both mirrors and puddles? (Maybe some eyes see all things as muddled.) Seems we could all benefit from a fight to

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jesusmidori9 · 2 years
The Blind Man excerpt
They saught you out. They want you to join them. They can control those without hope, And easily bind them. But you, you’re so bright that you blind them.
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jesusmidori9 · 2 years
The Man Who Didn't Find His City
The Man Who Didn’t Find His City
BooksBlogThe Team A little heads up, this post does mention heavier topics like depression and suicide, things that are serious and growing more transparent and talked about today. This topic is heavy, and it’s pricking my heart, and as someone who’s been fighting that monster for a while, I’ve got some things on my chest. This blog post is a way to express that, and I hope you somehow get

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jesusmidori9 · 2 years
Hold Fast to Hope!
He almost took a pill in Nashville,And I’m waiting for him to hold fast to hope. The crimson taste is nothing comparedTo real love, you know? He made a cash grab, it was on tvHe had so much waiting for him, you see? But he didn’t know he was lovedAnd when you don’t know you’re lovedPeople take the next best thing they see. He almost took a pill in Nashville,And I’m waiting for him to come

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jesusmidori9 · 2 years
Sit back,Relax,Welcome home.From me to you. Welcome! This is a little poem I have had for a while. Grocery Store Parkour Everyone is searching for a new product in the same old supermarket It’s kind of insane. They move the shelves around, But it’s the same inside as it’s been before. Just the first item on my list is Now at the other end of the store. Shake it up. Add nothing

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jesusmidori9 · 2 years
"Taken Down" - a poem for the precious Believing Ones.
“Taken Down” – a poem for the precious Believing Ones.
There was a dark sheetThat the devil placed over a Christian’s head.Thin and frail and frayed it was,Simple to tear, easy to shred. The Believing One wore it around,Because it was hidden. “Everything looks so dark.Where did my God go?” But it’s daytime out,And the Holy Spirit is within, cradling the Believer’s heartIn compassionate, loving handsStrong and never broken,Always willing. Saying,

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jesusmidori9 · 2 years
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this is so great. fuck toxic masculinity. we need something like this stateside (x) | follow @this-is-life-actually
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jesusmidori9 · 2 years
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Why is this Kyo? đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș Sweet angry boy who hates the beach........ When he wants to fight the ocean 😭😭 I love him so much 😊😊
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jesusmidori9 · 3 years
Revived Heart of the Believer
Revived Heart of the Believer
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;I will counsel you [who are willing to learn] with My eye upon you.Psalm 32:8 Revival Do you feel like an empty bucket, a wet blanket, uninspired and without? You are in the perfect place for God’s holy fire to revive you, transform you, give you joy and an inspirational life. You must make room. To be filled with fresh fire, squash

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jesusmidori9 · 4 years
Today's Quote For Your Soul
Today’s Quote For Your Soul
The past holds on to you because you believe that it colors your worth. Once you know this–that the total eternal and uncountable worth of your soul can’t be taken or affected–your past gets a lot easier to forget.
Your worth was never once decided by the changeable, the fickle, the fake facts, but it was decided from the beginning, before time itself.
This hasn’t changed. It has never come into

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jesusmidori9 · 4 years
Just Show Up
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The Team
“Show Up and Show Love”
I wrote this one for the superheroes.
The enduring, fighting to overcome, daily superheroes.
Those that choose to be kind and gentle, even when they don’t feel like it.
You are powerful.
Let’s set the stage.
I work as a personal shopper at Wholefoods, and it was my first morning shift. I was running a little late. It was

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jesusmidori9 · 4 years
SPA IDEA: you're in a chair it's dark and you hear purring.
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jesusmidori9 · 4 years
2020 Will End Spectacular!
2020 Will End Spectacular! Some encouraging words.
The Team
I think, rattling deep in our bones, mankind is ready for a shift. For victory, for good. For “darkness” to finally lose. We’re holding our breath.
This longing grows louder with each generation that passes, and has become an ear-shattering noise in this one.
It’s a howl, especially in my generation, the “gen z”, who are known for their desire for change–and some

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jesusmidori9 · 4 years
Bff’s from the beginning.
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jesusmidori9 · 4 years
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