jgirl-540 · 3 years
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Human Janus done in ink
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jgirl-540 · 3 years
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jgirl-540 · 3 years
Cause you’re
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And you’re
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And you’re
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And you’re
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jgirl-540 · 3 years
You- you think at the Will and Nico’s wedding, Will calls Jackson out on not liking Nico but thanks him none the less....? Like:
“I would like to direct the attention at that blind boy right there! (Don’t look at him for to long he’s straight and has a killer girlfriend. Yes we know he’s hot) Please tell me how you couldn’t love this sweet emo here! He is the best thing that has and ever will happen to me. I would also like to thank you again for not crushing on him because that would’ve been an extremely messy thing to get him to like me because of how you seem to go to the extreme for those you love. Thank you again for letting me have this chance.”
And the crowd is just confuse clapping not knowing wether to awe or laugh and Nico is just hiding his face in his hands
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jgirl-540 · 3 years
Ok so I have an idea...
It’s a one shot....
But the whole plot is a custody battle between All Might and and Aizawa over who gets fatherly rights to Midoriya. And Inko gets caught in the middle not knowing what to do. She’s like “you know Izuku has a dad... like he’s coming home next week-“
But they don’t listen. When they ask Midoriya, Deku just looks at them and smiled and just goes “I love you both equally! I would never be able to see my life where it is without either of you!”
At the end they both agree to split fatherly custody of Izuku. Aizawa takes school, All Might has after hours, they take turns on fried trips and villain fights, they both get to ride in the back of an ambulance for him. They try to be on time for family dinners and whenever Izuku’s real dad is there, they don’t hesitate to exclaim all his son has been able to do under THEIR guidance and watchful eye. under THEIR support and unconditional love and often drop a ‘Izuku is the son I never had’.
They have become an unholy combination of proud father and over protective older brother
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jgirl-540 · 3 years
"Let's put oyster shells in his special nutty peanut butter."
Alisha laughed as the two zoomed out the form. Katsuki's phone laid there forgotten as it buzzed with the eleventh message and tenth call from Izuku.
And forget my oldest creation
"Hey Kats you plan to go back to living in Japan once All Might is ready right?"
Katsuki hummed in reply.
Since he wasn't staying in america much longer, he was sharing an apartment with Alisha.
"Do you know this guy? He seems to be a big deal."
Bakugo turned and gasped when he saw Izuku's face on the screen.
A couple scars and soot from the fire he just saved a family from, but Izuku none the less.
Katsuki's heart warmed at the sight of his crush. And the fact that the reporter asked 'how a guy like one of the up and coming heroes, could still be single?' and Izuku said it was because he was waiting for someone.
Katsuki was bursting at the seams to go back to Japan.
And I guess I'll see him next vacation
"Throw me my phone I want to congratulate him! I've been so busy, I don't even think I've opened the messages from graduation."
Alisha hummed and continued watching the report and only picking up a few words as she threw the phone.
"It was only like 2 days ago, you were busy he would understand."
Bakugo turned just in time to see his phone shatter on the floor.
Alisha turned and looked at him with horror as he liked up at her with anger.
"I'm so sorry Kats! I thought you were right behind me! But you're going back in just a few days right?! Atleast you can surprise him!"
Katsuki looked at the interview with a sad sigh sincenhe didn't have the money at the moment for a new phone.
Send my best, I send my best
Katsuki smiled as he thought about a pillow fight between him and Deku. Of course when they had quirks it became a fight for survival. But afterwards Bakugo would make them all types of sweets.
And we had so much fun together
They were going back tomorrow. Six days after graduation.
Katsuki was excited, so much he couldn't sleep as he rewatched the interview with Deku. He couldn't believe that he could almost see him again.
He stared down at the bolt that was warm against the cold room and smiled. No exceptions.
We knew we'd be friends forever
On the way to the airport, Katsuki listened as All Might told him everything Izuku had done, and Katsuki couldn't wait to join in on those adventures.
From the good ones to the bad ones. The ups and downs in life. Just everything.
Katsuki could almost cry. The words of Izuku waiting for him filled his mind until he was smiling brightly.
And we had so much fun together
Katsuki looked through the old pictures as he waited for the plane to land in Japan.
He came across a picture of Katsuki and Izuku making Izuku into a robot.
We had so much fun
When Katsuki got to the airport, his mom was waiting for him smiling.
"Welcome back Katsuki!" His father was as gentle as ever.
Katsuki smiled and turned to his mom.
Her eyes were red.
"Why didn't you text back at all?! Oh you better go home before I embarrass you!"
Katsuki laughed and smiled at them.
When he got home, he was surprised to see the old robot mask infront of his computer with a crisp white envelope from Deku.
I came home to find him on the table
Bakugo laughed at how dorky he was.
Katsuki teared open the envelope and smiled at the familiar writing.
With a note, scribbled out in pencil
Bakugo read the letter and felt his stomach drop and tears to well up in his eyes.
He quickly turned and logged into his computer and logged into his messaging account.
Millions of texts flooded his notifications.
A lot of "I'm sorry. It's going to be ok. We'll get through this. Are you ok?" And an over whelming amount of 'It shouldn't have happened like this.'
But He clicked on Deku's icon. Messages and calls left unread.
But he looked at the recent conversation.
'im sorry, there is an exception. I'm not very stable on my own. I can't do it with out you. I feel useless and I can't help it anymore. I'm sorry Kacchan, it's not your fault. But I have to tell you I love you incase I don't make it back.'
Bakugo began crying.
And he wrote, that he just wasn't stable all alone, all alone
Bakugo screamed and when his mom and dad came to check on him, they saw him clutching the letter to his chest and screaming into the air as tears fell down his cheeks. His future shattering before him.
The tears were enough to nearly make a puddle in his room.
Next to him, an empty glass of water
Bakugo met up with Inko. The moment Inko saw him, she broke down. Katsuki broke down next to her and they both cried until they were both numb to the feeling, everyone in the Bakugo and Midoriya household cried. Everyone in Japan grieved at the lost of the hero who had might as well have committed suicide by attacking the LEAUGE of Villain base all alone.
That he spilled, all over the body
The blonde arrived at the funeral saying nothing. None of his old friends tried to make any type on contact with him.
They all knew that they couldn't even begin to provide the comfort needed for him at the moment. They never would reach that level of any type of relationship. He needed Izuku in a time like this.
Katsuki watched the casket with dead eyes.
That I built, it fizzled and it popped
Katsuki approached the casket and held his breath as reality came crashing down as he saw Izuku laying there peacefully. Almost like he was sleeping.
And then it killed, and then it killed
Just like at every sleepover they had. He looked like he was just sleeping. Why? Why couldn't he just be sleeping?
"Why...! Why couldn't you just be sleeping..? You PROMISED!"
And we had so much fun together
In that moment, Katsuki lost it. He yelled at the casket, at his friend, at his crush, at his love, at his future, at his whole world, as he stayed looking peaceful in the casket.
We thought we'd be friends forever
"Come on Katsuki..."
Katsuki screamed at the casket.
Katsuki didn't give any signs of acknowledgement.
He just yelled at Deku to please wake up.
Everyone began crying as Izuku didn't wake up.
A loud slap was heard.
Katsuki stayed there stunned.
Mitsuki had tears down her face as she puked her son into a hug.
"He-he's gone..."
Bakugo broke down, fully collapsed into his mom's arms.
"I know.... I know baby...."
Katsuki cried harder and held Mitsuki tightly.
Mitsuki leaded him away from the crowd as Katsuki cried.
And we had so much fun together
The time was for Inko to throw the first dirt on the casket. But she sjust stood there crying.
"I.... I can't... He can't be dead.... Please God.... Anyone... He just can't be dead..."
Mitsuki placed a comforting hand on her friends shoulder as Inko cried.
Inko turned to Katsuki with teary eyes.
"W-will you help me Katsuki...? You were important to him, and he was to you, I-i can't do this alone...."
Katsuki nodded, thinking of Izuku's message. 'im not stable on my own.'
Katsuki stood behind Inko, placed his hand over hers, he vaguely registered that it was the same hand that wore the friendship bracelet, and together, they threw the dirt in the casket.
In Katsuki's final moments of seeing what is and always will be his everything, he noticed that he was also wearing his bracelet.
We had so much fun
Years later, Katsuki took over One for all and finally accomplished what he set out to do.
"You'll regret this Dynamite! Putting a Todoroki to a death sentence isn't going to look good. Even if he's evil."
Katsuki huffed and glared at the reporter.
"I don't care who you are or what family you come from. Everyone gets treated equally."
" You seem to have a special malice towards this one in particular, why is that?" Another one asked.
Bakugo couldn't hold the tears in his eyes thinking of the warm smile of his everything.
"I built a friend"
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jgirl-540 · 3 years
(No Au, friendship/crush established)
"Hold still deku!"
Katsuki continued putting his finishing touches on his best friend.
I built a friend
"Izuku, Kats-what are you boys doing?"
Katsuki smiled and bounced up to smile at his mom.
"Look mom! I made Deku! Now I get to say when he sleeps over!"
With three pieces of plastic and a pen
Mitsuki laughed as Izuku sat up on the table making robot noises.
"Inko come look!"
I made him on the table in the den
Inko walked in just in time to see the lights on the robot mask light up.
I gave him my old cellphone for a head
"What do you think Inko? Does Izuku make a convincing robot enough to spend the night with us?"
Inko playfully hummed.
"I don't see my son anywhere so I suppose the robot can spend the night with Katsuki. Although it better be home by 12 tommorow if he wants Katsudon."
Katsuki and Izuku cheered as their plan worked.
Izuku took the mask off once his mom left to reveal the smiling face.
For a head
"Kacchan come on! Presents! I saw All Might wrapping paper!!!!"
Katsuki smiled under his covers.
Then, he quickly lifted them up at trapped his 5 year old friend.
Izuku giggled as he tried to wiggle out of the blankets.
And we spent holidays in my house
Izuku got free and faced down the stairwell to beat his friend to the Christmas tree.
"Ha I win!"
Katsuki smiled as he launched himself at Izuku and they playfully wrestled.
Inko smiled at the sight.
"Thank you again for hosting us."
Mitsuki laughed and wrapped her arms around her best friend.
"Well, we can't all crowd your apartment. But we love having you both here so don't worry about it Inko! Besides, Katsuki would complain if he couldn't get his Izuku his present in time."
"Deku open this one! It's from me!"
And we left presents in a stocking
"This one is for you Kacchan! I think you'll like it!"
Katsuki opened his quickly, ignoring his mom's tell of protest that guests should go first.
It was a bracelet. It was red, white, and green braided string with a bolt in the middle.
Katsuki looked up confused until Izuku showed him the bracelet on his wrist.
And we bought bolts and things and strings
"Now we'll always stay together! No exceptions!"
Katsuki giggled as he walked over to Izuku's stalking and pulled out a present and handed him it.
"Now open mine! Open mine!"
Izuku giggled as he tore at the paper.
"Is this-!!! Kacchan!"
"It's the new limited addition All Might watch! Look it even has a timer and an alarm!"
And a new watch, that's what he got
"Kacchan! We did it!
Katsuki looked at his old friend, both were to tired to fight with eahother. Before them was the defeated villain.
"That we did nerd."
Izuku laughed and jumped in his spot. Making Katsuki blush and laugh at the green boy.
Katsuki ruffled Izuku's hair with a wide smile as they watched the sunrise.
They both ended up a week under house arrest for that stunt.
And we had so much fun together
Izuku hummed as he listened to music working on something.
"Kacchan! I did it!"
Katsuki, who just happened to be by and wasn't waiting outside the door at all, walked in with a questioning glare.
"What'd you do?"
Izuku smiled and motioned for the blonde to come closer.
Bakugo hummed and walked over.
"I need the bolt bracelet I gave you."
"Tch, why would I keep that junk?"
Izuku's brow furrowed.
"But I just saw you put it on with your hero suit?"
Katsuki blushed and avoided eye contact.
"I'll go grab it."
When Katsuki got back to the nerds room, Izuku grabbed the bracelet.
He made quick work doing something and then held it for Katsuki to see.
The bolt was engraved with initials 'B.K and M.I'
But both the bracelet were stuck together.
"Now there really won't be any excuses."
Katsuki had to smiled at that.
We knew we'd be friends forever
"Nerd what'd I say, focus on running!"
Izuku ducked just in time to avoid getting hit.
Katsuki smiled as he saw Izuku point at a corner that would be hard to shoot at. The blonde ruffled his old friends hair with a smile and blushed lightly.
"Good eye Deku!"
The two quickly swerved and hid against the wall of what they thought was an alley.
It was just a small space where Katsuki basically had to trap Izuku in.
Katsuki could smell the shampoo and body wash Izuku used and could even feel the heat radiating off his skin. It made him blush as he felt the small boy try to peek his head over the taller ones body to see if their plan worked.
They waited in silence with baited breath.
"Now Deku!"
Katsuki had the wall to push himself away and take out his gun and open fire.
Kirishima gasped and realized it to late.
Mina seemed to have the same reaction at seeing the red paint on her shirt.
Katsuki smiled and leaned on Deku.
"Looks like we win again Nerd."
The two laughed and bumped fists, their matching bracelet gravitating towards the other much like the ones that wore them did.
And we had so much fun together
Izuku hummed as he controlled his yawn.
"Hold still Deku!"
"Kacchan I'm sleepy!"
"I don't care! I'm not losing to Shitty hair!"
Izuku sighed as he stayed on Katsuki's back.
Katsuki smiled as Deki cheered on Kirishima and then went quiet when the shark boy collapsed gasping.
"Ha! Take that Shitty hair!"
Bakugo huffed.
"Deku you can get off now."
No response was heard.
Then Denki began laughing.
Denki pointed at Deku and Kirishima started laughing too.
"I don't think he can get off Bakubro."
"Ha?! Why-"
Bakugo froze as his face shined bright red as he heard sleep slurred words and felt a small nose nuzzled into his neck.
"I have been chosen..."
"Here, I can take him to his room Bakubro."
Katsuki easily stood up and held Deku away from Kirishima.
"Touch him and you won't have any hair Shitty hair."
We had so much fun
"Young Bakugo, I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't think this was truly the only way for you to grow as a hero."
"Why can't Deku come with?"
Izuku stayed silent beside his best friend.
All Might sighed and ruffled his hair.
"I wish I could take both of you but I can't. The internship is only for one student and although young Midoriya is my predecessor, I truly think you are the one who would benefit most from this experience."
Katsuki paced the room.
This internship could put him a while step ahead of everyone in the competition. He couldn't pass the level he is at without taking it. But.... It meant leaving Deku.
It meant leaving Deku again.
Katsuki just got back to the level of friendship he was at with Izuku. Would be really be able to give that up...?
Butt this could be his whole future. But he wanted Izuku to be his future.
He was truly torn. So he did the only thing he could think of.
He turned to Izuku.
"Deku? What do you think I should do?"
Izuku stayed silently chewing on his lip thinking.
He sighed and smiled up at Katsuki.
"I can't tell you what to pick Kacchan. You have to take this step on your own. But whatever you pick...."
Izuku stood up and smiled at the blonde as he laced their fingers together and felt the magnetic bolts draw them closer.
"I'll always be here for you Kacchan. No exceptions."
Then I left for college in September
"So you're really going to America?"
Katsuki smiled at Izuku and nodded.
It was only for a year, then they'll both be heroes and he'll be back. And although Katsuki couldn't make Izuku wait for him, he hoped his old friend would.
Izuku sniffled and wiped at his eye.
The room seemed bare without any of Katsuki's junk all over and instead in boxes in the car waiting to take Katsuki to the airport.
Katsuki rushed over and hugged Izuku.
"Hey it's only a year right?"
Izuku sniffled and nodded.
Katsuki gave Izuku a watery smile as he wiped Izuku's tears.
"I'll come back ok? I promise. I'll always come back to you. And we'll still talk and call. Plus you still have mom and Auntie and all our friends right?"
Izuku huffed and nodded as he wiped Katsuki's eyes.
"Guess you need to go to the airport?"
Katsuki huffed out laughter.
"Yeah. Walk me to the car?"
Izuku huffed out a laugh as he tried to stop crying.
Nobody from U.A was even awake. It was 2am after all.
They had all said their goodbyes the night prior so no one would be able to tell if the best friends walked slower than usual, or took small detours to the kitchen to grab Katsuki some snacks.
But they made it to the car and Katsuki gave Izuku a bone crushing hug as they both cried.
"I-I'll miss you Kacchan."
"Me too nerd... But hey-"
Katsuki drew back and smiled at Izuku and held out his fist.
"No exceptions right?"
Izuku laughed and sniffled, nodding his head as he bumped their fists.
"No exceptions."
Bakugo smiled and wiped his eyes.
"If I come back and find out you become a shitty hero Deku, I'm kicking your ass."
Izuku laughed and nodded as he waved bye to his oldest friend.
Katsuki smiled as he got in the car and they drove away. But just before Izuku was out of sight, he rolled down the window, stuck half his body out and yelled.
Izuku laughed at his friends antics and seeing him tell something and waved bye. But, Izuku didn't hear what his friend said.
And we wept 'cause we can't be together
Katsuki sighed as he stared at the pictures in his hands.
They were gifts from his old hag and auntie.
They were all of his and Izuku, weather they were taking begrudgingly or not.
Katsuki stared at one picture, their first day of middle school.
He was glaring dangerously at the camera facing away from the smaller boy, while Izuku, the angel he actually was, gave the camera a cheerful smile.
Katsuki laughed and covered himself in the picture with his thumb.
"You were such a bitchy stuck up punk"
But seeing Izuku smile made his heart warm. Even as tears fell down his face and All Might laid a comforting hand on Bakugo's shoulder.
So I kept picture to remember my old friend, my old friend
When Bakugo got to his new class, he immediately wanted to run back to Deku and his old class.
These people were nothing like class 1A.
"Oh look at him."
"Oh spikey one, how may we serve you."
Bakugo growled and let explosions pop in his hands.
"Ooo flashy! Look at me! I can make booms!"
Bakugo glared at them and walked over to his desk.
He was in his dorm grumbling about it all to Deku over text.
'Dont worry Kacchan! You can show them how great you are when you beat them all in hero training! (つ≧▽≦)つ'
Bakugo laughed back.
'Heh, thanks nerd.'
A knock on his door made him glare at it.
A tall girl with light blue skin and dark blue hair that looked like water pouring from her head poked her head in.
"Tch. Do you all also not know when someone doesn't tell you that you can come in?"
The girl laughed awkwardly and apologized.
"I'm sorry, My name is Alisha Qro. My quirk is water hair. I can manipulate the water in my hair and make it a weapon. You're Katsuki right?"
Bakugo glared dangerously.
"But isn't that your last- oh yeah you're japanese, you all go by last names."
Bakugo nodded.
"And honorifics blueberry. But you all wouldn't know that so you can ignore it."
Alisha sweat dropped and smiled.
"Sorry, if I offended you."
Bakugo shrugged.
After a long year, the day had finally come. Graduation.
Then I met this girl at graduation
Bakugo hummed as he fixed his cap and gown.
"Kats! You got a message from Deku!"
Bakugo hummed as he put his phone on silent.
"I'll open it later! We gotta go to the gym now! Derek is a shit and will start without us!"
Alisha laughed as she was thrown over his shoulder and they blasted their way to the gym.
"All my hoes in one place!"
Katsuki didn't really understand who Alisha was referring to, but he knew hoes were beneath him so he didn't ask any of the hoes there.
"Ah sparky boom boom, I had hoped you weren't coming."
Katsuki smiled and fake pouted.
"Still sad a foreigner got a better ranking than you did in your own hero class?"
Derek huffed and turned to greet everyone.
Bakugo smiled at All Might.
All Might was currently watching Izuku's graduation on his phone while waiting for Katsuki's to start.
Katsuki plopped in his room to be old dorm room.
"I'm tired."
Alisha hummed in agreement and sighed quietly.
"Wanna go fuck with Derek?"
Bakugo turned towards her and smiled.
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jgirl-540 · 3 years
Au- Katsuki and Deku had decided to train late into the evening when a storm started. They were unable to get to the dorms so they were now forced to stay in the school.
Bakugo's POV
Great. I'm stuck here with that nerd. Just what I needed. I sighed as I laid back on the wall.
Deku was running around panicked for about 3 minutes. I look around the room. I don't see Deku now though. I huff as I stared down the dark hallway. Every step I made sounded eerie and I could see my breath.
"Deku!" I yelled out.
Where was that damn nerd anyway? The dark was confusing me. Damn it! My sense of direction was completely shot now. I looked around.
Everything looked the same.
"Damn it!" I yelled.
I punched the wall next to me. It was too quite. I started making small spark like explosions in my palm. I heard footsteps. I immediately turned around to face the direction, only they sounded like they were coming from everywhere.
Then a bright light was shined on me. I immediately propel myself towards it. I landed on the person. I had their arms above their head and punched them.
"Ah! K-Kacchan! W-why?"
I looked down at the person below me. I let go of their arms. Deku has a bruise forming on his cheek.
"Why the hell wouldn't you say anything nerd!" I yelled.
Deku reaches towards his cheek and winced.
He managed to move himself around so I was straddling his back. Then he started to spit up blood. Once he stopped, he wiped at his mouth.
"S-sorry Kacchan," He apologized.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
I'll admit I was worried. Maybe I shouldn't have just tackled him to the ground at full speed and punched him.
He turned his head back to face me. He looked so... cute.... his face was flushed a bit and his lips were a bit red and he gave me a little smile.
"I'll be fine Kacchan."
I felt my heart stop. I coughed and got off him. I stood up and held my arm out while not meeting his eyes. He grabbed my hand and I helped him up.
When I looked again, he was an inch away from my face. I blushed madly. I covered it up by grabbing his chin and turning his face over to look at the bruise.
I lightly run my fingers over it and hear him take a sharp intake of breath. I look down to see the flashlight that shined in my eyes. Next to them was a big blanket. No doubt from an emergency case.
Deku was wearing a dark green hoodie and light grey joggers. I guess he got cold.
I tugged him down to the infirmary. I placed him on the bed and got out a first aid kit.
"Don't move to much nerd or it'll hurt more," I hissed.
The blankets and pillows were all gone from the beds, probably to be sterilized. The sheets were also gone.
"I found a blanket, I couldn't find any pillows so I figured you could use my hoodie." Deku rambled as I started to clean it.
"Why would that matter?" I asked confused.
"Ah! Guess I forgot to tell you then, I had left to find blankets and pillows. I didn't want you to get cold and get sick. I have some food in my bag too if your hungry," he said smiling.
I finish putting the bandage on him. He jumped off the bed. Well supposed to be bed. The mattresses were gone as well. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.
"You don't need to take care of me Deku," I told him.
"Sorry Kacchan!" He said giggling.
"Oh! I also checked the power box! It was completely shot." He said as I walked away.
"Great," I growled annoyed.
I picked up the blanket and the flashlight.
"Let's go Deku."
He smiled as he followed me.
"Do you know the way back?" I asked him in a low growl.
I turned slightly to see Deku's face completely red.
"Y-yeah! T-this way K-Kacchan!" Deku said stuttering as he took lead.
I growled and rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand and gently tugged me along.
"Tsk, I don't like this whole you take the lead thing, I top you," I growled.
Deku stopped.
I realized what I said.
Oh shit.
I felt my face become hot as I managed to stutter out my next sentence.
"N-not like that y-you damn nerd!"
Deku side looked me but otherwise kept quiet.
His face was cherry red and I actually enjoyed the shade on him.
I smirked as I went close to his ear and whispered, "Unless you want me too..."
I softly nipped at his ear.
He pulled away quickly and faced me as he was grabbing his ears as a means to protect them. His face was even more red than before. Like those angry cartoon characters red.
I smirked at the fact that he still didn't say no.
We kept walking a bit more until Deku finally spoke.
"W-W-We're h-h-here K-Kacchan!"
I looked up from my thoughts and sure enough, we were there.
I put down the blanket and ruffled Deku's hair.
"Good job nerd."
It was to dark to see his face, but I felt him lean towards my hand.
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