joebestan · 4 days
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I'm so happy about this. Some people would say that this is no big deal making this but I'm happy that I made this myself.
It's easy to buy stuff like this but making this is a lot more satisfying.
Something I have for the rest of my life.
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joebestan · 10 days
Thank you for answering my question🥰🥰🥰
What canl you tell me about the other archangels (besides Lucifer and Michael) in your AU?
I will give you the whole background information for all of them, Lucifer include
Saint Michael - Justice
- The eldest child (he/him)
- Position: Archangel, the General of the God’s army, the highest Prince
- Personalities:
+ Strict
+ Absolutely loyal to God, always put Heaven’s safety as top priorities
+ Hard on himself both physical and emotional
+ High ego
+ Workaholic
+ Irritated most of the time (good at hiding it in front of other angels except from his siblings)
+ Bad at emotions
+ Hate crowded place and associating with people
+ Keep his face neutral and solemn most of the time
- Tattoo location: Left deltoid
Lucifer Morningstar - Creativity
- The 2nd child (he/him)
- Position: Seraphim
- Personalities:
+ Was considered an “outcast” in Heaven
+ Awkward
+ Idealistic dreamer
+ Quite careless
+ Emotional
+ Silly and theatrical
+ Terrible at lying most of the time
+ Feelings lonely sometimes
- Tattoo location: Back of right hand
Saint Ralphael - Kindness
- The 3rd child (he/they)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Calm
+ Patient
+ Kind
+ Elegant
+ Mother vibe
+ Gentle
+ The one who can understand and sympathy with humans the most
+ The good kid who never cause troubles
+ VERY scary when angry (Michael approves)
- Tattoo location: Left upper arms’s palm
Saint Gabriel - Faith
- The 4th child (he/she/they)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Friendly
+ Rumors seeker and drama enjoyer
+ Energetic
+ Talkative
+ Heaven’s “journalist”
+ Like to tease and pull pranks on everyone (especially on Mike after all Heaven know about his relationship)
+ Extrovert
+ Know almost everyone in Heaven
- Tattoo location: Right ankle
Saint Uriel - Wisdom
- The 5th child (they/them)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Carefree
+ Chill
+ Wise
+ Book addicted
+ Knows everything but at the same time clueless to their surroundings
+ Anti-social but doesn’t mind their sibling's company
+ Neutral face most of the time
+ Act like a mad scientist when one of their experience success, both in science or magic
+ Aside from reading and research, his other hobby is sleeping and counting stars.
+ Tattoo location: Middle of the forehead
Saint Jophiel - Beauty (yellow)
- The 6th child (she/her)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Friendly
+ Kind
+ Selfless
+ Humble
+ Always sees the beauty in everything and believe that inner beauty is more important than outer appearance
+ Looks like a bunny, fights like a bear and is elegant like a peacock
+ Loves classical music and heavy metal rock
+ Looks dreamy most of the time
+ Artistic person
- Tattoo location: Right collarbone
Saint Chamuel - Peace
- The 7th child (he/him)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Fashionable
+ Sly
+ Heaven’s “relationship counselor”
+ Drama enjoyer
+ Understanding and sympathetic
+ Straight femboy
+ Slay bitch with sneaky comments
+ Silver tongue
- Tattoo location: Left chest
Saint Azrael - Death
- The 8th child (he/him)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Shy and quiet
+ Mysterious
+ Into dark humour
+ A softie
+ Is often mistaken as a scary guy
+ A good listener
+ Opens up more to his siblings
+ Strict and serious about his job but still very kind to the good souls that he guides but shows no mercy to souls who were terrible people
- Tattoo location: Nape
*)The tattoo was Lucifer's idea, he designed it from a very young age and recommend to his siblings that they should all share this together. This is the special mark that represent the strong bond between the siblings. Later even after Lucifer's fallen, none of them erased the tattoo, they all still kept it till now.
This is how the tattoo looks like, each siblings with have a different colours for their tattoo
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joebestan · 28 days
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Short quick story of Cain for my Hazbin AU
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joebestan · 28 days
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Wholesome Adam and Eve moment
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joebestan · 28 days
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Another day of me messing with Adam and Eve. This time I try to mess around with my demon Adam design
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joebestan · 28 days
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“You are my Eve. As I am your Adam”
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joebestan · 28 days
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he’s so ugly i love him 😩 a little limited edition mini print available for the Hazbin charm restock mid May !! :)
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joebestan · 28 days
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One of Adam and Eve’s children I wanted to design! I know I’m some text she’s Cain’s twin, but nah
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joebestan · 28 days
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The final two siblings
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joebestan · 28 days
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Abel and Seth. Seth being my fav at the moment lol
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joebestan · 28 days
Hi! Hello! Hope y'all have a nice day!
Your AU and design are pretty cool btw!
Also! I have a question for Em and Lute!
Soooo how did you guys meet?
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Lute you cunning bitch 😞
If you guys want, feel free to ask the characters anything (we won't promise to draw them all tho)
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joebestan · 28 days
justicestatic crumbs🥺?
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Here is one of the JusticeStatic sketch made by Nate =3333
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joebestan · 28 days
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Michael sure is a busy guy
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joebestan · 28 days
Unexpected meeting
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"How could you have fallen?..."
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Last slide is their actual heights btw, Lucifer is wearing extra high heels
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joebestan · 28 days
I’m crying Lucifer is so short compared to Michael 😭
I have my own Archangel designs and I tried to make them at least somewhat the same height but OMG YOU WENT FULL ON OUT
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(For reference)
Also, are the other 6 archangels’ designs & names decided?
Ohhhhhhh the Archangels's designs and profile =333
Yes of course we have that all out, indeed one of our most prideful works!! We not only in love with their designs but also their personalities and how the siblings' dynamic turn out. Basically we adore our kids very much!!
This is their designs!! Hope you guys love them
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Their height (This also includes Charlie and Vox's height)
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Bonus their siblings dynamic (And yes because Vox become their brother in law so we did include him in the silly dynamic) This is not Ruddy Hotel AU tho
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joebestan · 28 days
Hello, by the way, your work is amazing and I try not to miss anything or updates🌟
I have a question. I knew a lot about Emily and Lute's🥰💞, but what about Michael and vox's? How did their relationship start???
JusticeStatic's storyline in the AU begins after the main series ends. Vox was guilty of a felony, but thanks to Emily's success in convincing Michael, Vox was given a second chance to prove that he could change under Michael's strict supervision (This was Emily's idea).
So the two of them were stuck with each other and Vox had to live in Michael's palace so the King can have a better watch on him. Both Vox and Michael inherently did not like each other, but in the situation of having to be together, the two of them gradually got used to the other's presence. Over time, Vox also put away his charming, fake businessman mask because he knew that mask had no effect in front of the King of Hell.
Originally, they didn't even intend to talk to each other, but because Vox had most of his power sealed and Michael's palace was quite boring, the TV demon often appeared to bother Michael, making him feel extremely annoying. However, over time, Michael also discovered many aspects of Vox that he did not think existed.
Vox might not be as stupid as Michael thought. At one point he attempted to throw some unimportant papers to Vox for him to handle, but mainly to make Vox shut up. Unexpectedly, beyond Michael's expectations, the demon completed the assigned task quite well. Even with the sharp eyes of a businessman, he also came up with solutions that Michael had never thought of. This also left a good impression of him in Michael's eyes.
On a rare occasion that they had a serious conversation, Michael had always thought Vox would enjoy watching humanity writhe in crime and chaos, love to witness people's suffer but turn out, Vox just didn't give a damn about that. Don't get him wrong, Vox sure loves chaos and pain for others but that never is his number one priority. The demon only cares about what will bring most benefit for him, for his wants. If people being happy means he would get closer to his goal then he will make sure those bitches keep their smile still on their faces by one way or another.
While Michael hates the idea of sacrificing everything for desire, Vox is infatuated with it. For him, it is the blind pursuit of desire and stubbornness because of greed that makes human life in hell even more bustling, exciting and unpredictable because every day will pass like a mysterious and exciting gamble. Compared to angels who suppress their desires and live aimless, boring lives, wouldn't it be happier to pursue their ambitions and taste the sweet fruit at the end of the road? Like Princess Emily, for example. Didn't her dream also originate from desire?
Having finished speaking, he smiled a cold, evil smile of a scummy bastard while slowly enjoying the glass of Whiskey in his hand. At that moment, the King of Hell felt that the demon in front of him was no longer the usual flat faced TV that he knew. He vaguely saw an image of a sharp businessman in his 50s, proudly showing off a pile of money stained with innocent blood - a terrible bastard. Michael was disgusted by him, but he also didn't expect that the idiot he always despised would have such "profound" moments...
And it was also extremely interesting to see the person Michael thought was sharp a few hours ago turn into a rowdy child after losing a game of chess, just few taunts from Michael made the demon angrily flipped the chessboard.
In the end, Vox is still a hundred years old man, the "silence" between them will still happen. The moment the two stood side by side without saying a word.
The moment when Vox could be quietly smoking outside the balcony while Mike soon noticed from afar. Different from the look that irritated Michael the day before, different from the look with a sly smile the other day, even more different from the look of a noisy from before... There is something more "real" about that cunning demon. And before Michael knew it, he had unconsciously walked towards Vox.
Vox quickly realized Michael's footsteps were approaching. He turned back to look at the fallen angel and his expression immediately changed. He smirked and teased Michael a few words. Vox braced himself for a punch to land on his screen, but it never came.
This time, Mike just glared at Vox before ignoring the rest of his words and silently watching the explosions and screams from the city in the distance. Vox saw that the person next to him had no reaction to the sarcastic words. He could only roll his eyes in annoyance, then leaned back against the railing to light a new cigarette.
In that moment, a rare sight occurred. The King of Hell was currently calmly looking out at the chaos from afar while the demon he had always despised quietly leaned his back against the railing while inhaling a rich cigar…
Immersed in his own thoughts, Vox didn't notice when Michael's hand reached out. Michael was always curious about the taste of those cigars - the drug that always filled the body of the man next to him. Why is he so addicted to it? Perhaps today, Michael will break the rules and let himself try something "toxic"...
Michael suddenly snatched Vox's unfinished cigarette away, making him startled and upset, shouting, "Hey!" Michael continued to ignore Vox and slowly imitated the other person, taking a gentle breath. Gray smoke poured into his mouth, making the King of Hell frown slightly. The taste was exactly as he expected, extremely bad and completely unappealing... But Michael did not throw it away, instead continued to bring the cigarette to his lips and slowly enjoy it...
His thoughtful appearance while smoking and the image of the cloudy smoke escaping from the his dry lips made Vox's choke a bit, his face suddenly slightly warmed up. Uncomfortable with his own unusual thoughts, Vox turned to the other side of the railing, feeling the blood-scented Hell wind blowing onto the screen, causing Vox to relax a bit... And that wind also brought the smell of coffee that he always loved from the smoke of the person next to him...
Vox frowned slightly, then leaned his whole body against the railing, looking down... A rare peaceful atmosphere, both were immersed in their own thoughts and did not mind about the other's presence at that time. It wasn't until Michael finished smoking that he quietly walked inside, giving Vox back the quiet space.
A moment later, out of habit, Vox reached into his pocket to take another cigarette, but this time he discovered that the pack was empty. Vox stared at the empty cigarette box for a moment while his thumb gently rubbed the golden letters on the box. Then, suddenly and without thinking, Vox flicked it, sending the box flying down. Luckily Michael wasn't there to witness it, otherwise Vox would have had to hear him complain about littering again. Standing just a moment longer, Vox turned on his heel and walked back inside, silently closing the balcony door.
Basically, their relationship will start really slow. It's a long amount of time to change from hate to love. Like it just their slice of life of understanding more about each other and find out that maybe the other wasn't that bad and eventually, slowly open themselves with the other and enjoy each others' company... This just some of what happen in their daily life when they live together. Sorry if you guys found them kinda messy and hard to understand because our explanation is kinda long and not to the point much. I guess t is is more lia an oneshot than a real ans to er the question.
But I hope you guy can at least see some reason behind why we ship them and even love them as we do?
If you can read to the end and see my silly ranting then thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate that!!! >=333
Bonus some JusticeStatic arts for you guys who don't use X
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joebestan · 29 days
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My Archangel designs for Hazbin Hotel I hope you like it!
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