jonathantrapman · 10 months
The Quantification of Empathy
Empathy is essential in describing the human condition, yet so many have lost that knowledge
Empathy is a basic ingredient of humanity’s best being. The gradient of action of this quality is indicative of the grasp an individual has on their true being. It could be said that very experience enables the development of character, purpose and drive in manifesting the best we can possibly attain. Thus, the lack or rejection of empathy points to serious flaws in both the desire or proclivity…
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jonathantrapman · 1 year
Build it and They'll Come!
In that iconic film Field of Dreams, Ray knew that what you dream does become reality. He fought against his lesser self to get there yet finally he knew in his heart and very soul that dreams do become reality, as long as you place everything you hold true and dear at the centre. Today for so many when they look across the devastated heartlands of their dreams, aspiration and hope all they see…
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jonathantrapman · 1 year
Buy Land, They're Not Making it Anymore!
Mark Twain always had the right word at the right time. That is why I repeat it here! In Ireland they are creating a law to forcibly steal land off you. Yes, you heard it right – steal it by their corporate-run legal criminality. Do not believe it will never transpire here in the UK. Oh, it will, as testing in Ireland is merely the guinea pig for the rest . That formula, or playbook if you will,…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
The End of Supermarkets and Food Control
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to pop into the grocer, the butcher, baker, greengrocer, fishmonger or the local convenience store where they all know your name, greet you like family and throw in a chat to boot? I fear you would have to be of a certain age to remember most of this in its fullness and richness. Today we are told these emporia are not worth running, are not cost…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
The Best and Worst of Times
When faced with criminal perpetrations on your life, it may seem that natural cycles are little threat to today's inflictions - Be prepared to be corrected - Their whole climate lie is built on them knowing that.
If say, fifty years ago you had been told that within the next century, most of the world’s popualtion would be wiped from the face of the Earth, you would I bet have poo-pooed that suggestion as mere lunacy and used a newly made up term for such a bearer of news as a conspiracy theorist. You see it was the CIA , after Kennedy’s assassination that created that term to stop anyone delving into the…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Bird Flu - The Latest Scam
Bird Flu – The Latest Scam
As a young lad I was fortunate enough to be brought up on 250 acres of beautiful Sussex farmland. The world was the horizon and beyond. I loved those precious first 15 years of real and actual freedom that were the 50s and 60s. Among the treasured livestock were 35,000 chickens, 5,000 layers, 100 head of Jersey cows, a bull, 5,000 turkeys and several dozen pigs amongst others. It was always…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Once a Nazi Always a Nazi
Once a Nazi Always a Nazi
The bug word Nazi and all that it has been dressed up to be believed has, like the Holocaust story, been the big bad wolf that the little red riding hoods of us all, the people of the world, mostly the Western world, have been brought up to believe were the sores and scourges of all evil. We have been told by those that have propagated these things that we must learn the lessons of history and…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Dead Birds Never Fall Out of Their Nests
Dead Birds Never Fall Out of Their Nests
So the Prince of Wales, aka Willy Royal meets with All Time Forgetter, Joey Bidet against a background of faceless urbanage that they will tell you is somewhere in the Great State of America. This solemn occasion is meant to start a whole conversation about fighting against climate change. How an upper crust toff who has little desire for looking after his relationship with damning imbalance in…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
The POWER and THREAT of Truth
The POWER and THREAT of Truth
As the bloated, arrogant, single minded selfish psychopaths in power settle down for their feast of change, the hidden spectre of truth and justice hangs like the Sword of Damocles, invisible above them. Blinded by an unwarranted majority, and the belief they have the country behind them, these out of touch, unfeeling over privileged yobs march forward. On the journey through the Slough of…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Remembrance Day - Remembering What Exactly?
Remembrance Day – Remembering What Exactly?
Like clockwork November 11th comes round like a sick reminder as to how we learn barely any lessons from history. For all those feeling that sentence is sacrilege, then I ask you what the hell are we remembering? You might posit we are remembering all the pointless loss of life in a war, so archaic, so 19th century as to be what it always was – slaughter of the people as cannon fodder to higher…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Reasons to Be Joyful - Part the Next
Reasons to Be Joyful – Part the Next
My youthful life had the pleasure (seriously yes, real self-education) of being brought up through the English Public School system. A system that honed skills in recognising bull-shite, platitudes and a complete disregard for decency, even it produced the present Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy *unt, as head boy. (QED) The art of waltzing round a pin head, recognising its existence yet…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Inglorious Retreat
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, 35th of that ilk, announced today that the US Dept of Affairs will be officially throwing the towel in on October 24th. President ‘Duh’ Biden will officially announce to the American people that Russia was right all along and will apologise for the near $15 billion thrown at Ukraine. This fits neatly on top of a massive $12.5 trillion spent in the…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Fearlessness – The Single Tool of Success
Fearlessness – The Single Tool of Success
Today we are surrounded by talking heads, political babblers, spouters of distractive enterprises for solutions to problems existing and not yet created. The result of all this? Confusion, befuddlement and rank fear of outcomes. It is this very fear that is the cause of inaction, numbness and the total lack of redress needed to stop the shite being thrown at us. As targets, the general…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Looking Beyond Distraction
It is a truism to say we are all utterly distracted and redirected towards the motherload of irrelevant and self created relevant suffering. Those wishing we comply again and again reap their harvest of unending and predictable dross that keeps all confused, frustrated and angry. It has always been this way. It is the way of maintaining fear and inevitable breakdown of resistance to the most…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
A National Debt Disgrace
A National Debt Disgrace
Q: How is a national debt different from a personal debt? A: One you never pay off, the other you’re always expected to pay off. That seems fair does it, not? No, totally unfair, because a national debt is someone else running up humungous amounts you will never finishing paying off , whereas it is a done deal that any debt you have is immediately yours and expected to pay off, and penalised…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Money, Money ,Money In a Criminal's World
Money, Money ,Money In a Criminal’s World
The interest payable by the UK Government on their spending was £8.2 billion ($9.25 billion) last month, which is £1.5 billion ($1.7 billion) more than in August 2021, and the highest figure for the month since records began in April 1997, the ONS said. Annual inflation in the UK hit 9.4% in June, the highest rate in 40 years, but retreated to 8.6% in August. The UK government borrowed nearly…
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
When The West Supports Genocide
When The West Supports Genocide
The support the West, especially the UK and US have declared and made it their mission to convince their public that support for a Ukraine led by and wholly run by the worst criminals on the planet is misleading at the lightest. They crow that we must learn from the lessons of history, yet today marks the most bloody and pernicious example of why these criminal Ukrainians, albeit, a couple of…
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