rancid-references · 2 years
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Ukrainian SOF with an APB
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itsohh · 2 years
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n3ssier · 2 years
hi! i noticed your taking requests! could you write a glaz x reader fic where the reader collects vintage slavic collectibles? maybe soviet things if that helps spark some ideas! what would glaz's reaction be to this?1
okay this might be terrible, its like my first post here and also bc i dont know glaz too well, so if theres something wrong pls let me know and ill gladly rewrite for ya!!! also i hope this is what u meant by the vintage items n stuff 😭😭💞💞
the clock reads 2am, and for some reason beyond your restless mind, you just cant sleep. you roll over in your shared bed to see timur asleep beside you, maybe his soft snores were the culprit to your lack of sleep, or maybe you just shouldn’t have had so much sugar only 2 hours before.
after admiring your sleeping boyfriend enough to make you feel warm, you decide to get up and find something to do. walking over to the desk and drawers not far from the bed, turning on the dim lamp as you reach into a drawer and pull a small box lined with protective bubble wrap. you open the box with a small sense of pride, talking out the contents to admire and thinking about what to spend time finding and acquiring next. 
by now, timur has noticed your lack of presence in the previously warm bed. you turn slightly and look over your shoulder to see him getting up to approach you. “what are you up to at this time, любимая?” he asks in that groggy sleep-ridden voice that you love. he stands behind you as he rests his hands on your shoulders and looks over you at your collection on the table, revealing a group of vintage slavic collectables, the first few he notices are a trinket/jewellery box, a military compass, a small group of russian dolls (CUTEE) and a watch.
“do you like it?” you ask slowly, while watching his face unsurely as he studies the objects on the table. “i like it very much, do you collect these, любимая?” to which you reply “yep!”. timur tilts his head to look over at you and smiles softy, before asking “in that case, would you like me to take you out this weekend and find more to grow this collection? on the one condition that you go to sleep with me just now, as it’s very late and i’d rather you not be tired at work.” you agree to him and he places a gentle kiss on your temple before leading you back to bed.
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militerdoktorin · 2 years
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amalgamasreal · 1 year
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Why a land invasion of the US would never work.
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jonathantrapman · 2 years
Remembrance Day - Remembering What Exactly?
Remembrance Day – Remembering What Exactly?
Like clockwork November 11th comes round like a sick reminder as to how we learn barely any lessons from history. For all those feeling that sentence is sacrilege, then I ask you what the hell are we remembering? You might posit we are remembering all the pointless loss of life in a war, so archaic, so 19th century as to be what it always was – slaughter of the people as cannon fodder to higher…
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valiantverses · 8 months
The Azrael Series: Chapter Two
(Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader Slowburn/Sort of Enemies to Friends to Lovers)
Summary: Task Force 141 is assigned a new member to deal with Makarov for good. Highly-skilled, brutally efficient and devastatingly competent, Ghost has met his match - and finds himself at odds with the SAS Fraternization Regulations as getting to know you makes him re-evaluate a life he never thought to allow himself.
CW: Canon-typical violence.
@beansproutmafia @chinuneko @agustdpeach @murder-hobo
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Introduction 1 2
"We've not gotten much out of the drive m' afraid. We've got cyber forensics and analysts going over the files - far as Makarov's movements, we've got nothin' of note."
The briefing room's atmosphere was a degree short of despair. Papers strewn about, stale cups of coffee and tea haphazardly pushed to the side as Laswell's Toughbook blinked to life, showing the results of the hard won drive the 141 had retrieved a couple of days prior.
Ghost had opted to stand during the meeting, taking up his usual spot with a full view of the room. Most of the team had elected to sit around the metal tables, the briefing now on its third hour - not quite as brief as one would hope, he thought.
He watched Gaz lean back into a stretch, arms opening wide and settling at the back of your chair. You glanced up at the sergeant briefly before turning back to the neatly stacked piles of documents in front of you, poring over the mind-numbing reports and occasionally making notes.
Your integration into the group - Johnny and Gaz, anyway - had not been seamless from his observations, but the sergeants had been as open as could reasonably be expected from their personalities, and you seemed to be reciprocating - or trying to, anyway.
"Ach - not even in the emails? Employee profiles?"
Johnny piped up, unable to hide the annoyance that darkened his features. Ghost had noticed the Scot had been mellower in recent months. Maybe even years - ever since Zakhaev, at least - the burden of their profession was a continuous wear and tear on the mind and soul for those who hadn't locked away parts of themselves like he had. Like his boots, gloves, tactical vests, the work pushed and pulled at soldiers, clawing and scratching till it had to be replaced, patched up, or discarded.
Conveniently, Ghost mused, replaced, patched up, or discarded were the same three fates most soldiers stumbled into.
Johnny knew what this job meant, had experienced it firsthand, and still continued to shoulder the responsibilities. Ghost was intimately familiar with the drive to push through and respected that need - even if it meant watching a part of his comrade wither away.
Laswell sighed, rubbing her temples as she looked up from her computer to meet Johnny's eyes.
"All legitimate, tracing back to businesses or third party contractors."
"All fer nothin' then, was it?"
Price, who had opted to stand as well with his arms crossed, chose this moment to speak up.
"It's hard to imagine the ultranationalists just went and gave up after Zakhaev's death."
At this, Soap leaned back a bit, shifting his whole attention on to price. Ghost remembered reading the reports, how shattered Soap had been over Zakhaev when he got back from S.A.S. recon in Mexico.
"We know Makarov is well trained in counterinsurgency from his time in Airborne and the Spetznaz, but there must be a link somewhere - you don't move weapons and people on the scale he does without having some kind of paper trail."
You chose this moment to speak up, hand still carefully taking down notes as you pored over the files in front of you.
"You mentioned contractors. May we have a list?"
Laswell glanced up at surprise at you before switching to a different tab. It was true that you hadn't been particularly vocal in your time at the base, keeping your distance from most of the upper brass.
"Gutter cleaners, vehicle upkeep, insurance inspections, air conditioning installation, occupational health and safety reviews, catering-"
He watched you smile, that was that same wry smirk, the same twist of the lips that pulled at your face and made your eyes quirk in such a way that-
He jerked his head to the side, keeping his eyes trained on Laswell's computer.
"Couldn't imagine air conditioning would be on my list of priorities, in a winter desert."
Wordlessly, Laswell pulled her laptop closer to her, instantly beginning to pore over the emails sent by the air conditioning company. Price and Johnny shared a look when Laswell made a hum of approval.
"Seems this company uses a really simple order form template, copy and pasted- not really something you'd expect of a company taking orders at this volume."
Gaz reached over, leaning over the table to point at the screen.
"Subject: Notice of equipment upgrade. In our ongoing efforts to enhance the performance of our air-conditioning units, Our technicians will be overseeing the delivery and installation of a package containing the latest components aimed at optimizing energy efficiency. Your cooperation during this upgrade process is greatly appreciated."
He whistled, leaning back in his chair. "They've 'upgraded' their air-conditioning 11 times in the past 4 months.'
You didn't even acknowledge the discovery, still buried in the files. It strangely grated at him, this nonchalance of yours- but surely it was better than the callous sort of arrogance many soldiers at your level possessed? He respected good soldiers, especially those fighting alongside him. But you... there was something different about you.
He was aware of the glaring hypocrisy, to question someone's integrity because of the walls they put up when he himself wore a mask to distance himself from who he was outside of the battlefield.
But you wore a different kind of mask.
He had noticed, during brief moments where your professionalism didn't so much crack as it distended- like a rubber band warping after being pulled apart too strong. There was a smouldering fire beneath the glacial shell of duty you wore. It flickered sometimes, a molten glint in your eyes or a wry quirk of your lips, hinting at a real live breathing person within.
That ferocity had sparked your first clash in the mountains, tangled limbs and shared breaths in thin air, his gaze tracing the map of your face as he tried to determine your motives, whether or not he could trust you. Then there was the hangar, your quiet confidence grating against his need for control. An unlikely pair, yet you'd executed the mission flawlessly. Rolled with the punches and gotten through it all.
Though his face betrayed nothing, his mind buzzed with thoughts as he went over your latest interactions - outrage at your audacity, annoyance at your nonchalance, and a strange reluctance to let go of the distruption you caused, one he wouldn't- couldn't, try to understand the root of.
Beyond it all, he had to admit, was a begrudging sort of respect.
"8 payments have been made this quarter alone to the HVAC company - all worth tens of thousands."
"Drip feedin' Makarov's extra curriculars I take it- any ID on the company behind it Laswell?"
"Northwest of the Caucausus mountains. I'll clear it through Shepherd."
He saw your lips quirk down into a frown at Laswell's words, clearly unhappy about something. He tore his eyes away, accidentally locking gazes with Price, who tossed a raised his eyebrow his way. He maintained eye contact, unwilling to look away first and crossing his arms when Price shook his head and muttered something under his breath.
"We should-" it was the first time he'd ever heard you sound even the tiniest bit hesitant. "We should look into Makarov's known contacts. See who's benefitting from his actions that may be flying under the radar. All of them, even known hostile connections."
There was an implication to your words that Ghost didn't like, and he voiced it.
"Looks like we're already drownin' in information and more questions than answers. Want to send us on a wild goose chase when we don't even know if there's a goose to chase, do ya?"
He could see your jaw tense the tiniest bit as you turned to him, eyes hard.
"All I'm saying is that - paramilitary operations do not function in a vacuum, sir. Terrorist attacks require weapons, and those weapons require logistics to distribute, processing, manufacturing - everything does. The fact that we've run into nothing might suggest we're being walled off from information by design."
There was it- that spark, like flint and steel crashing together. He approached the table, placing both hands on it as he lowered himself to look at you directly in the eyes. When he spoke, his voice was rough, taking on a gravelly quality.
"We've been working on this for years and you've been here a month- if you could focus on your job instead of speculating on facts that aren't there maybe you could actually get the job you were assigned to do done, sergeant."
"Yes, sir." You gritted out, lips thinning. He could see in the tenseness of your shoulders that had he not been your superior this discussion would have been more drawn out.
But your words were beyond inflammatory - they were dangerous and put into question the very foundation of the chain of command that the operation was centered on. You would have to learn that these were thoughts best kept to yourself - it was clear to him that you lacked experience and maybe even the humility that came from working with teammates.
Relaxing his shoulders, he turned to regard the group, realizing that several pairs of eyes were now glancing between you and him with varying levels of confusion and surprise. Laswell, closing her laptop with a neat click, spoke first.
"I think we got it. This corporation has two locations- we'll do some recon and get a plan going, try and positively ID any key people. Great catch, Azrael. I sense this is something big."
You shifted the tiniest bit, simply nodding in response. He hadn't seen you handle direct compliments very well - the military did acknowledgements at most.
You remained quiet for the rest if the briefing and the dismissal after, studiously going over old files, not meeting his eyes again.
"LT! I think we need ourselves a little celebration to welcome our little Sherlock here, aye?"
You mumbled a bit, shuffling as the Scotsman draped an arm over you and patted your arm.
"Just identified an anomaly in the information- is all-"
"None of that now, gawn yerself! We got an ol' teammate comin' with us, Roach, I reckon you'll like 'im."
"I think it would really help your case if you could speak English, McTavish." Ghost remarked, dryly. He had been ready to leave and stretch his legs after leaning up against cold concrete for closing in on 4 hours.
"Alright- not sure about drinking, with the mission coming up soon, but I'll go."
"Ach pure brilliant, so it is. Gaz! You're drivin'! No fun juice for you m'fraid."
There was a groan from inside the communal area, then a smattering of mutters of which if Ghost were a betting man, he'd say could give any sailor a run for their money.
"What d'ya say LT?" He turned back to two sets of eyes, yours a strained sort of amusement, before he leaned back and rested his hands on the straps of his vest.
"Fuckin' hell. You're buyin', Johnny."
There was outraged sputtering, so Scottish it was indecipherable, before he turned to leave. His eyes locked with yours for a split second, assessing. Then he broke connection and made his way back to his barracks, his mind lingering.
He wondered what you were like away from it all.
Away from Azrael.
You seemed like more of a person than he allowed himself to be - but that remained to be seen.
Tonight, the echoes of questions would be drowned at the bottom of a bottle.
Translation for the Soapese:
Gawn yerself: Go on yourself (You're doing really good)
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vxmpyree · 2 months
hiii!!! Hello!!!! What is your thoughts and headcanons on Rodion?
Ik he is on the same team as Nikto (or used to be, it says on the wiki that nikto is awol so idk :33), so i was wondering if you have ever thought about any of the other Spetznaz members!
sure!! i think i got all of them but if not let me know <3
[ever (foreign flag) - team sleep]
[ rodion ]
he has his heart in the right place, but he's still a little fresh. he rose in the ranks quickly, but he's still a rash 26-year-old. he wants nothing more than to be part of a cause. maybe he has a bit of a savior complex. he likes helping others so that he can be "the good guy." i feel like he'd be a typical sports bro if it he didn't choose the military. lots of gym time, rugby, weightlifting, boxing, you name it. relationship wise? i think he'd want someone good-humored and light-hearted, someone silly ^-^ he's one of those guys who can pick up anybody. he def likes picking you up, like using you for his bicep curls or letting you sit on his back while he does pushups. it's a little ego boost for him. speaking of his ego, it's inflated. his love language is somewhere between words of affirmation (mostly compliments,,) and physical touch. he loves someone who strokes his ego and makes him feel like this good, tough hero.
[ nikto, formerly ]
he likes fucking with people. if he catches kids staring at him, he'll make scary faces. when people ask him about his scars, he'll switch up the story each time. and oh, he loves Halloween. i think he'd dress up as a werewolf or maybe a zombie. he takes fistfuls of candy out of bowls when he's only supposed to take one. he comes back wrong after surviving torture from zakhaev. he's always been an egregious man, but his stares linger in certain places for far too long and he now shares a brain. the man his team once knew is gone, and in his stead is a man set on revenge. he tries to crack jokes, but not a lot of people like them because they're just,, dark and weird. he doesn't mind showing his face, but he keeps it covered like most other operators for the sake of privacy. but when he isn't on the field, he'll show his face freely. let people think what they want. he won't stifle himself for the pleasure of others. dating him is troublesome. sometimes, he'll stand you up on dates or cancel last minute because it's difficult for him to get out of bed or leave his soldier state. and he isn't a good man either-- he's killed the enemy for the thrill or because he can, not for justice. but if he loves you, he'll certainly try to make an effort to impress you. maybe he'll wear something decent.
[ minotaur ]
imagine saving the lives of countless people and "losing" your brother in the process. and that fucks you up, making you leave the military career you've meticulously nurtured for years. this man is a girl dad-- he had four kids while he spent 10 years operating in southeast asia until his brother, who he thought was dead, hunted him down and convinced him to join the allegiance. then, he had to go away for longer than he promised his girls to fight al-qatala. i think he was a present father, and that he just wanted a fresh start after all the shit that went down at kurbanov hospital. he still writes letters to his partner and children back in southeast asia while crouched beneath a tarp, trying to avoid the humidity in verdansk. he's a tough parent-- he and his partner have a good cop-bad cop routine. he's the one telling them to put up their toys and go to bed or they'll have to do more chores tomorrow. but he doesn't let anybody lay a hand on his girls, either. seeing his own brother bleed out made him fiercely protective of the ones he loves. he will not let any of his blood "continue his legacy" for as long as he lives.
[ bale ]
he laid awake late at night often, writing letters to his brother that he would never send. but something in him kept him from sending them, so he stuffed them into the drawer of his nightstand. as the years passed, the thought of contacting him grew harder and harder to consider. but when general barkov let him go, the guilt was a ton heavy and needed to be relieved. this man got shot in the spine and FULLY REHABILITATED in five years. he isn't afraid of anything, but that doesn't mean he goes around making rash decisions like rodion does. he takes rodion under his wing and guides him. he can't end up like him, bleeding out on the floor all because he got too impatient-- he might not get so lucky. i think he really likes hot food and drinks, like an old man. he'll drink black coffee and bitter teas. he likes dark chocolate or an orange as a little treat after meals :] i think he'd be okay with any partner as long as they make good coffee and prefer quiet getaways like he does
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gunzlotzofgunz · 2 months
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Vityaz KP-9 SMG
9mm Parabellum The Vityaz SMG was introduced in 2004 and is now on general issue to Russian Federation Spetznaz, MVD, and various state police special units who require a closed bolt SMG for precision target selection, such as hostage rescue scenarios. They are rated to reliably fire the latest Russian 9mm penetrator rounds, such as the 7N29 ammunition. They also come with a fixed picatinny top rail, bottom rail on the foresight, and are able to take any RIS furniture designed for the AKM/ AK74 rifles.
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2009-ghost · 5 months
OC Files #6969: Dimitry "Shchenok" [REDACTED]
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→his callsign literally translates to puppy lol
General information:
36 y/o
born in Kazakhstan, raised in Russia
spetznaz operator
sniper and logistics specialist, also worked as a tank mechanic on one occasion
Brief backstory:
this is so unserious i'm sorry 😭
his father hunted with dogs, so he had many growing up, and they stayed his favorite animal to this day (watch him cry at canine poetry hehe)
joined the army at the age of 24
uh oh you like dogs? bam, your callsign is puppy now
made a good impression on the field, got stolen into spetsnaz
please help him he's so done with his team
knows how to fix a car, doesn't know how to drive
dislikes muddy weather (not a big fan of moisture in his shoes)
has keychains hanging off his gun of all the dogs he adopted
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walder-138 · 2 months
Tagged by @imagoddamnonionmason @raresvtm and @eccentrcks Thank youse!!!
Imma do Oz and Annika. Wanted to do Abbey and Zach but I didn’t feel like it 💀
Name: Oswald John Clancy III
Universe: Black Ops (His story takes place a couple years after Bell detonates the nukes)
Favorite song: Historically accurate, Sweat Leaf by Black Sabbath. But if dude made it to the 90s then it would’ve been Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots
Favorite Book and why?: Oz doesn't read many books; he thinks he has better things to do than to read. If he had to choose, it would be Animal Farm by George Orwell.
Favorite piece of clothing they own: The plethora of Hawaiian shirts he owns, but the one that holds a special place in his heart is the one Jennifer sews patches she makes onto; he wears it at least once or twice a week
Favorite piece of clothing they wished they owned: His old football jacket; he ended up burning it during his pit of addiction and depression cause it reminded him too much of his 'old self'
Favorite "little treat": gummy worms
Favorite person in their lives: Jennifer Rhodes (his daughter)
Dream home (if there were no obstacles, financial or otherwise): He'd move back to Maine, had the nukes not gone off and it wasn't now a hellhole. Oz would've loved to live near the ocean, have a nice place to fish, and for his mechanic business.
Dream life: He wishes he stayed in College, got drafted for an NFL team, and stayed with Gloria to give Jenny a good life. Oz damn well could've made it in football if he just stuck with it and didn't let his guilt surrounding his brother get the better of him.
Name: Annika Voronova
Universe: Black Ops (She is Bell)
Favorite song: Material Girl by Madonna
Favorite Book and why?: None, she hates reading. Finds it a boring waste of time and energy.
Favorite piece of clothing they own: Her father's old Spetznaz jacket; she doesn't wear it anymore, but her father would give it to her when she was cold sometimes. Her father’s real last name was scratched off and it has holes from multiple stabs both of them endured.
Favorite piece of clothing they wished they owned: Good quality sunglasses for her eye. One pupil is much bigger than the other and it makes it painful to be in bright room. Eyepatchs render her bum eye useless. None of the sunglasses she found shielded her eye.
Favorite "little treat": Barbeque sauce mixed with shredded cheddar cheese, in a bowl and eaten with a spoon.
Favorite person in their lives: Keith Wells (@imagoddamnonionmason OC)
Dream home (if there were no obstacles, financial or otherwise): Middle of the woods, alone. Away from society, in either a cabin or a tent.
Dream life: Not having one? This one was a doozy. Living amongst wild animals.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
I'm absolutely feral for ultranationalist Roach. Can we get head canons for this AU?
I will be writing more ultranationalist Roach because you guys seemed to like him and I have #ideas so here are some headcanons to sate you guys until the next drabble is done
Warnings: Horny unhinged Roach ahead and some dub-con:
Was military early into his life, similar to how Makarov was in his life
He got put on a mission working with Shepherd and, despite following all of his orders and doing some shitty things, he gets betrayed
He was shot and left for dead as a response but he's tough af and showed back up on base a week later
Tried to talk about what happened and only got dishonorably discharged for it
He's followed from the military by a few people who believed his story and got bad vibes (Jackson and a few others) together, he and this group form the beginnings of the American Ultranationalist party
The goal of the party is to fix the stain that they see as the current US government/military complex
Essentially they want to overthrow the government and put in a much more liberal and chill government
They gain a lot of popularity in the US and grow fairly quickly. This earns the ire of outside nations + the US government and they send someone to try to take out Roach
Roach doesn't die, but many of the men who first helped him join the party do and Jackson nearly dies.
It fucks him up bad and essentially rewires the way that he thinks about the other nations and what he's trying to do.
So now the Ultranationalists go from a mostly peaceful group to a full on militant party that is more than willing to send people in to other countries to fuck shit up if they get in their way
Their group are branded terrorists and, despite all of their kinda evil pretty much actually terrorist actions, they do still have a lot of support among the American people (similar to the Ultranationalists in MW2)
This is around the time at the 141 start coming for them with the explicit goal of taking out Roach
Brief aside to mention
Makarov starts off as Spetznaz again in this life, but rather than getting into shady shit and being discharged he actually stays on a good path and ends up taking what would have been Roach's place on the 141
Roach at this point has just fully lost the ability to give a fuck, so while he appears as this kinda out of it and wacky guy, he's actually super calculating and is always one step ahead of the 141
He first gets a sight of the 141 and he's super interested in this group because "God damn they just foiled my plans to blow up the Washington monument thats sick af"
So he starts watching them on missions and he, absolutely wild man that he is, is like "hey 👀👀👀👀 they're all hot af actually"
Yes this is a Roach x everyone concept now ajjdjfjfjfj
So he's like "hey Jackson, my dude, light of my life, guy who I've been sleeping with for years now, what would you say to me slowly kidnapping an entire military team"
"Why would you do that?"
"So you know how old kings used to have harems?"
He takes Makarov first as he thinks that he'll be the easiest to make fall for him (he's right, bro is whipped after like a week of being kidnapped)
Then he goes for Gaz next because he thinks he can bond with the man and also he's seen the way Jackson has been eyeing up Gaz's picture and he's like "ooo both at once 👀👀"
He takes Soap and Ghost next. He knows he has to take them together because he knows they're in a relationship. All he has to do is get Soap to fall for him and he knows Ghost will follow soon after
He saves price for last for several reasons
He knows the man will be the hardest to capture
He knows if Price went missing first his entire team would tear the world apart looking for him
And he knows it will break Price's spirit just enough to make him pliant if all of the team goes first
Yeah and from there he just kinda rubs it in the governments faces that he managed to not only take down one of their best teams, but also turn them to his side (sorta)
And then he takes over the world because he gets to win in this au sjfjnfjdjfjf
Honestly though even if this au didn't turn into Roach x everyone, he's just unhinged enough to flirt with all of them anyways
Roach starts the ultranationalist movement with a group of about seven other people (one being Jackson) and despite it operating as a council until most of the members were killed, Roach was elected their leader
When the assassins were sent after the untranationalist leaders, Roach actually did nearly die
He was shot twice, once in the chest and once in his hip. He managed to kill his attacker while running off of adrenaline before collapsing and being found by an ultranationalist sympathizer who helped him out.
Despite his full recover, he does get occasional issues with his hip from where the bullet shattered the bone there
Jackson also survived the assassination attempts, but lost his leg to one of the several bullets that tore through his skin
He does not have a prosthetic yet, but Roach is working on getting him one since the man only recently requested one
Soap and Ghost are Roach's favorites out of the 141, but he absolutely won't say that to any of them
Its because on multiple of the missions he was able to tap into their comms and listen to them talk to each other and he fell hard
Makarov fell the hardest for him out of the 141 members. Generally like a puppy in love
Roach probably interacts the least with Gaz romantically, just because he is letting Gaz and Jackson vibe, however he probably talks the most to Gaz in a friendship sense
He's rich rich from all the evil doing so he buys them a house where everyone has their own rooms and everything
Baby boy is bossy as well in this au as well as very pushy and touchy lol
Some other little notes:
I'll probably use Ultranationalist Roach as a character in multiple different ways. So what I mean by that is that in one drabble he might be trying to get the whole 141 in a harem, while in another he might be going for Soap, Ghost, Makarov, Price, or Gaz and only them.
It will really be up to whatever I'm feeling (if its something I'm writing for me) or whatever the asker wants (so if you guys send a request for like a Roach interested in Makarov only then I'll do that, but if you just send a general "ultranationalist Roach + Makarov" request then I may mention the Roach x everyone stuff in the background but still have the focus be solely on that character)
Really tbh, we could definitely add some drama to this au and I do have some ideas, but at the end of the day it really is more of an excuse to write horny feral villain Roach content skfjbdjsjdjfj
Also everyone say thank you to the Anon who initially proposed the idea, they're iconic
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n3ssier · 2 years
Hi hello! Completely self-indulgent but may I request a fic - the Spetnatz having a crush on a local supermarket clerk? Thank you ^^
ooooh i like this idea, of course! i've started each character with a small paragraph or so and then hcs after, also sorry u guys are having a 1 month wait time for ur fucking requests im just lazy rn, also speaking to a guy and spending more time @ the gym and work and stuff soooo been busy
spetznaz with a crush on their local supermarket clerk!
*not proofread*
something small that timur enjoys during his lonely but very peaceful time off deployment was grocery shopping; its something to do, different from just sitting inside all day either painting or doing nothing more productive. that wasn't the only reason he enjoyed it though, the pretty cashier who always works friday afternoons was the main factor for him. he'd always make sure to go after 1 on fridays, in hopes that you would be working your usual shift at the not-so-special local supermarket before chatting to you slowly more and more throughout the next few weeks until suddenly he's your favourite customer.
•timur is so sweet and endearing, you wanna know him more, speak to him more
•shows up with flowers and a coffee/tea/whatevs at the end of your shift
alexsandr is certainly an intimidating guy, he doesn't mean to be, he's just huge, tall, bulky, you name it! he doesn't want to appear that way, and when he took a liking to the pretty cashier at the supermarket near his house he tried his best to appear as friendly as he could in order to not scare you off, which he has admittedly done to other, milder crushes in the past..
•so chatty, so cute!!
•asks you about life, about you, and just even small simple questions, like "what's your favourite day of the week" or "what's your favourite colour?"
•shows up at the most random times just hoping you're there
shuhrat is a charming man. his subtle flirting and soft smiles in the direction of you, aka the cute cashier at his local supermarket, proved that very very much so. the small talk he starts when it's quiet has you blushing and thinking of him for the rest of the day, hoping you're working next time he comes back. the small talk escalates into full conversations, into him waiting for you to finish your afternoon shift for you two to go get coffee and chat even more.
•he would defo buy a valentine's day card and when you ask who it's for at the counter he'll say it's for a girl he knows that he likes, disappointing you before he gives it to you at the end of your shift !!!
•walks you home from work when it's dark and your bus/train has been cancelled🥹
surprisingly, the shyest of them all. maxim is the typa customer you'd watch and secretly hope he comes to your checkout; except he does, your dreams are fulfilled. that would be if he spoke. a polite nod was all he gave you for a while, before he started saying "hi" and "thanks". after maybe like a month and a bit, maxim just straight up asked you "hey, do you want go out for coffee some time?"
•he would be like one of those hot strangers in public who you're in love with for the rest of your life, regardless of wether you ever see them again or not
•his voice isn't what you expect, it's nothing special and you're not even sure what you expected, but god it suits him
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erinbeast · 1 year
COD Pet head Canons
Ghost – Ragdoll cat – named Bob or some such
Gaz – Trained rats – trained to sniff out bombs, Soap helps with training – Named Bamboozles and Ka-Boomzles
Price – Fresh Water tank, fish are named after the 141 and Nikolai, Laswell and Farah
Rudolpho – Street dogs that know wander the base, some even protect it
Alejandro – The dogs Rudolpho picks up, begrudgingly, would rather small birds like love birds or a hamster
Valeria – 1 pit bull and 1 golden retriever – Tito and Brutus
Soap – Happily pet sits for everyone and helps Gaz train his rats
Konig – 2 bonded lovebirds (One gray and one colorful)
Minotaur – Lazy large breed dog, like a St. Bernard or Newfoundland
Bale – Pet sits for the Spetznaz, proud uncle of lazy dog
Rodion – Oriental or Siamese cat, a real honker
Nikto – Hyena
Yegor – the crankiest cat to ever roam the Earth, not graceful though
Laswell – 2 Guinea Pigs – Named Vaquero and 141
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i-used-to-be-a-spy · 2 months
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POV the Boogeyman to the Spetznaz walks into their headquarters
Burn Notice s5e16 Depth Perception
Bonus Michael by himself gif
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r6shippingdelivery · 5 months
I feel like Ace would be the type to read Blood Meridian, and think Judge Holden was the good guy. Anyhow, crazy-in-love/limerence Ace or, heck, even Spetznaz boys?
Nonnie, you wouldn't believe the amount of investigation I've had to do for this ask, as well as asking for help to some friends. Cause I had absolutely no clue of what you were talking about 😅
As a general PSA, do not assume everyone will be familiar with a given piece of media, cause most often that isn't the case. I found out that this book is taught in USA schools apparently? However, my European ass had no idea it even existed until today.
I'll admit that after reading a very brief summary of it, I still don't feel qualified to make any kind of comment on it and how it might relate to Ace, a character I never spend two seconds of thought to cause I don't like him, sorry. Also, I still don't know how the second part of the ask relates to the book? Cause the way it's worded makes me think there has to be a correlation, but I couldn't find it?
So yeah, tl;dr: I'm so very lost and I'm not sure what you're exactly asking me 😅 Moreover, I almost never do Ace HCs.
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