juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
sometimes people choose to be sad because it’s hard to be happy when you’re so filled with pain
sometimes i choose to be happy because people don’t like frowning and people are important
sometimes i wonder if it is all my fault i don’t want it to be so i hope its not
sometimes i wonder if you’ll come around the smiles you gave me I think maybe it will
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juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
i hate you
for showing me what love was
because now
nothing else matches up
and i don't believe in fair
not anymore
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juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
beautiful smart powerful wonderful
inexplicably insistently incredibly
more beautiful than those who no longer see that she is there smarter than those that built her walls so tall and so bound together more powerful than those who speak for her as if she were silenced forever more wonder in a fraction of her brain because she sees everything you miss
everything you so inexplicably insistently incredibly believe does not exist
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juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
gardening is hard
I’m tired of cultivating things that don’t want to grow as if no one were dependent on their seed and their fruit
they’re selfish and greedy rotten and wreathing
sunlight can’t help them they can’t see the light I’ve tried shining brightly through all of their darkness
light doesn’t last forever it’s a precious resource you can’t leave the light on you can’t blow out the fire
they’ll be ok I’ve left them alone now they can go do as they please hopefully happier without me I want them to stand tall…
I can no longer suffer and cry if they just want to fall
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juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
I can’t hear you today
I hope you’re not lost Please come back soon I’m scared without you
You’re really nice to me It’d be sad to see you go You’re kind and sweet It’d be sad to see you go
I can’t hear you today Over the rain I’ve never seen your face I think you’d be better than they
You’re smaller and wider And brighter all over They’re stronger and wiser And more than I’ve ever
I just want to hear you Just one last time I need you, I need you Take me back in time
I won’t see you today Or ever, forever But I’ll keep you up here Even as they take over
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juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
the sky is blue gray today
lights fell from the ceiling in every room my beats fluttered near them tapping and tapping on the ground streaming with alarm 
a part of me missed the calm a piece of me radiated a pretty kind of melody
I can’t stop to catch up I just keep running and jumping up and down and forgetting the sky is blue-gray today even if my heart is yelling pink and black and yellow
our lives are never fleeting colors are always fading tap a little louder today 
near my heart  hear it play
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juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
the damp sand beneath my toes my hair blowing away as quick as my fear the specks of white in the dark were ever so prominent yet they still managed to get lost in my desperate existence
lines unclear and blurred the fluttering of anxious chatter and the light of my favorite eve surrounding me; drifting with the wind fighting to catch my breath
the darkness entertained me its levels and intricate motions its vast perfection and mysterious circles of doubt consuming my every sense
my sight cold and damp my voice a broken love my hands numb becoming lost in myself unable to decipher my fears versus my joys
forced to partake in a false sense of joy focused on the light and the clear still knowing and holding the real beauty within the unknown; lying in a sea of blurred edges and imperfections
a dark winding path becomes a sea of light loss and frustration become clear and aware my wounds are open for all to see but amazingly the salt water manages to wipe them clean
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juliannawrites-blog · 6 years
i am a book
the pages bear more weight than the words that we read they hold something infinitely greater bound tightly together  echoing blatant catastrophes
never believe in what you see its a purple sea of doubt and disbelief  trust the extraordinary  contemplate the known breathe in your madness until your liquid at your core become the beauty that is the earth let it transcend into you
read the book again read the lines you tripped over read the bleeding bound that has fallen apart  feel the thin crinkled paper in your hands take in the smell of an old book that feels as if its withered away in your very hands release
line it up rows and rows and rows on end more and more and more words and words disappearing  till there's none left
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
Theres something beautiful about it
Something almost inherently artistic
That gets you to lay low and swing deep
With the innocence we don’t know and can’t reach
The divinity is incomprehensible
but tangible
it cant hurt us
it cant help us
and its quiet like the sea
and the part of our breaths that guide us to sleep
its in everything
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
we live in a picture
we live in a picture…
in an idea that consistently manages
to be greater than itself
and deeper than a sonorous of emotions
merging to give us
an inexplicably ethereal point of view
our world is c o n s t r u c t e d
  we create our own future                    
whether we shine              
with a luminescence brighter than the shining sun
or burn out
fade into the false existence
that is a life
of (solidarity) and a silent pain
suffer and whine
live and proclaim
who is who
you are you
break your glass ceilings
everybody doesn't exist
forgetting       what surrounds you
is your greatest fear
and the thing that makes you stronger
open your eyes
look at what you love
remember what matters
…paint the picture you want to live in
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
I am ugly, submerged in my own past, and my own madness.
Anne Sexton, from “For the Year of the Insane” featured in  The Complete Poems: Anne Sexton (via watchoutforintellect)
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
i am a lost boy in neverland- Ruth B.
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
i miss you
the way you used to smile and laugh and sway effortlessley with confidence the way you'd greet the sun and a bowl of chocolate you were smart conscious you took your heart and you learned from it your emotions entirely intact crystaline clear they were perfecr you knew how to feel things without losing control of how you were feeling the way you could shake things off the way you could forget the way things didn't affect you detached floating in free air far away from the dark i hate you for being perfect i miss the way you could down a pint of ice cream the way you could swing and play and scream with all your joy and might i miss the way you used to smile
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
a world for you and me
one day ill be able to say goodbye to walk away and learn to not cry ill learn to live in a world where im not hanging to your wrist walking free smiling i can say goodbye you hold on you yell at me make me feel like i dont belong promise me that nobody else would dare ever be there for me yet i smile i laugh i skip away and say a world for you and me is a world where we are both far far away or one where we never even meet
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juliannawrites-blog · 7 years
i love you
i love you 
for hurting me the best you could
because now
after all that pain I’ve felt
nothing else hurts
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