justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader (Chapter 6)
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Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader (Posted on Wattpad)
"What are you doing?!"
"We knew you guys were up to no good!"
"What are you talking about, she's my girlfriend!"
"Wait, girlfriend?" "Huh?" "I thought you were gay..?"
Word Count: 413
Y/n's POV
I was over at Rachel's house with Kurt and he was discussing fashion with her, trying to get her to switch things up more.
"Seriously Rachel, that sweater you wore yesterday is so last season and it totally clashed with the skirt! We've got to help you switch things up. I propose an emergency shopping trip this Saturday. What do you think?" Kurt asks while the three of us lay across Rachel's bed.
"Ooh! Yes, I am totally in! I can't wait to see the look on Finn's face when he sees me!" Rachel squealed and clapped her hands together.
"N/n?" Kurt asks.
"I'm sorry guys but I can't make it." I say as they whine and protest. "I know, I know but I'm super busy that night."
"Fine, I guess we'll just have to go without you then." Kurt teases as I just roll my eyes playfully.
"I promise next time though, and we'll even go out to eat too!" I say cheerfully as we all break out into laughter. "Anyway, how are things with you and Blaine?"
"Amazing, we recently bonded over Wicked and how ridiculous 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' is. Oh my god, he's just so, so perfect." Kurt fawns. 
 "You know what you should do? You guys should definitely go on a double date together! That would be so cute!" I exclaim excitedly.
"Not without you little Miss 'single as a pringle'." Kurt tells me, looking at me pointedly. "Speaking of, maybe now is a good time to tell us about that boy you were totally texting in Glee. Right Rachel?" Rachel nods her head, knowingly.
I scoffed at the two, "Look there is no boy. I wasn't texting a guy!"
"Then why were you looking at your phone all smiley and giggly?" Rachel questions. "You know, whoever this guy is must be pretty special to you. Judging by the way you looked at your phone, you were acting how Kurt and I do with Finn and Blaine. Like you're in love." 
I blushed at her comment. Is it really that obvious? Do I really love him? Does he feel the same way..?
"Anywho, since you're not willing to tell us who this mystery guy is, we'll figure it out eventually. But for now, who's up for re-watching 'Heathers'?" Rachel asked the both of us. We all look at each other and our hands shoot up in sync as we all fall back, laughing.
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist
Coming Soon...
Out of the Way - Andrew!Peter Parker x Reader Imagine (Coming Soon...)
Swinging Through the Multiverse - Andrew!Peter Parker x OC Series (Masterlist) (Coming Soon...)
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
Main Masterlist
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader
Marvel Masterlist
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastain Smythe x Fem!Reader Masterlist
A/N: Y'all have been coming at me since Sebastian is gay so let's pretend he's bi in this or I can delete the story but please don't get mad at me for writing this. I don't mean to offend anyone so if I have, I'm sorry. If this were a real person I wouldn't write stories about them and change their sexuality.
"What are you doing?!"
"We knew you guys were up to no good!"
"What are you talking about, she's my girlfriend!"
"Wait, girlfriend?" "Huh?" "I thought you were gay..?"
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastian Smythe x Reader (Chapter 5)
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Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader (Posted on Wattpad)
"What are you doing?!"
"We knew you guys were up to no good!"
"What are you talking about, she's my girlfriend!"
"Wait, girlfriend?" "Huh?" "I thought you were gay..?"
Word Count: 630
Y/n's POV
"So, who wants to kick this off?" Mr. Shue asks as he claps his hands together. "No volunteers?" I looked around me before sighing and raising my hand up. "Great! Well come on up, the floor is yours."
I make my way over to the middle of the room, in front of the piano and take a deep breath in.
"All along it was a fever
A cold sweat, hot headed believer
I threw my hands in the air, said, "Show me something"
He said, "If you dare, come a little closer"
Round and around and around and around we go
Oh, now tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay
It's not much of a life you're living
It's not just something you take, it's given
Round and around and around and around we go
Oh, now tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you
It takes me all the way
And I want you to stay
Ooh, the reason…"
Everyone begins to clap and cheer as my song ends. I smiled a bit before returning to my seat, some of my friends complimenting me. For the rest of glee I couldn't stop smiling, I was so proud of myself.
Rachel and Finn performed a duet together, as did Mercedes, and Artie. Then Quinn sang a solo before joining Santana and Brittany's performance too. Blaine and Kurt decided to have everyone song with them, and this had to be one of the best meetings we've had.
After glee, I headed home where Sebastian was supposed to meet me since my parents were both working late that night. As I arrived, I noticed a familiar car parked down the street from my house.
I unlocked the door and walked inside and jogged upstairs to my room. Sure enough, Sebastian was lying on my bed reading some book.
"Hey babe, did you put the spare key back under the rock?" I ask as I flop onto the bed beside him.
"Yes ma'am, I did." He says, before placing his book to the side and placing a kiss to my temple.
"Good. So how was your day?" I asked, cuddling myself into him, placing my face in the crook of his neck.
"Same old, same old. Went through some classes and practiced with the warblers. We were working on our songs for Regionals coming up" He replies, a cocky smirk on his face.
"Hmm, oh yeah? And what songs were those? I asked, placing a soft kiss on his neck.
"We were working on G- hey!" He exclaimed when he realized what I was doing. "I see what you're doing, you little devil."
I let out a laugh, before looking up at him, "I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do that to you."
"Mhm, because I'm so sure of that." He replies sarcastically, while rolling his eyes at me.
"It's true!" I say back, lightly hitting his arm. "Anyway, are you hungry? Do you want to have dinner?"
"Yeah sure, we can whip up something quick like pasta to have." He agrees.
I sit up from the bed and grab his hand in mine before we go racing to the kitchen, downstairs.
Let's say that the night was filled with us somewhat successfully cooling pasta but the kitchen was a mess. We ended up spending two hours cleaning it up after we ate. Yep, he's a keeper.
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastian Smythe x Reader (Chapter 4)
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Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader (Posted on Wattpad)
"What are you doing?!"
"We knew you guys were up to no good!"
"What are you talking about, she's my girlfriend!"
"Wait, girlfriend?" "Huh?" "I thought you were gay..?"
Word Count: 399
Y/n's POV
We pulled up to Dalton and I unbuckled my seatbelt.
"Thank you so much Blaine, for everything." I tell him with a small smile.
"Of course. Have fun, not too much though." He says in a fake stern voice.
"Oh my god, shut up." I playfully roll my eyes and shove his shoulder a bit before exiting his car. "Later loser!" I yell over my shoulder before going into the school.
I headed straight towards Sebastian's dorm, passing by some of the warblers on the way and greeting them. I gently open the door, knocking a bit and see Sebastian laying on his bed, studying. His roommate had been out for the night, studying with his boyfriend. He looked up at the sound of the knocking, a smile beginning to grow on his face.
"Hey handsome." I greet as I walk over to his bed to give him a peck on the lips.
"Mm, hello beautiful." He says back, lovingly. "So what took you so long? I thought you were coming straight after practice?"
"I just ran into something. But um, Blaine knows.. about us..." I say, dragging out the 's' while playing with my hands.
"Is that what you meant by 'running into something'?" He asked me.
"Maybe... But he promised not to tell anyone and he actually dropped me off here." I told him.
"That's it? Just, 'okay'? You aren't mad?" I ask him, skeptically.
"Yeah, remember you're the one nervous about telling them?" He chuckled a bit, with a small half-smile.
"I know, it's just.. It's hard to tell them because I don't know how they'll react. I mean Blaine was pretty freaked at first, I just don't want the others to hate me or you for being together. I don't, I don't want to lose you." I say in a quiet whisper.
Seb lifts his hand to my face, pushing a stray hair out of my face. Then rubbing his thumb against my cheek, delicately. I lean into his gesture, eyes closed, and let out a deep breath.
"You could never lose me y/n. I don't care what anyone else says, I love you and you make me a better person. I'm not going to let something get in between us." He whispers.
"I love you." I told him.
"And I love you." He says back, before kissing me gently.
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastian Smythe x Reader (Chapter 3)
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Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader (Posted on Wattpad)
"What are you doing?!"
"We knew you guys were up to no good!"
"What are you talking about, she's my girlfriend!"
"Wait, girlfriend?" "Huh?" "I thought you were gay..?"
Word Count: 880
I rushed through the halls, passing and almost bumping into people as I raced to the practice room. We were supposed to all be there 15 minutes ago. I speed through the hallways, almost running past the room. I entered out of breath, everyone's attention turned to me.
"You're late, again." Mr. Shue says. "That's the third time this month y/n. What's going on?"
"What? Nothing, I just don't manage time well and run a little late sometimes. I'm sorry Mr. Shue, I'll try and get better at it." I tell him, still slightly out of breath.
"Okay, come sit down so we can start." He tells me.
I nod and make my way over to my seat, in between Kurt and Mercedes. As I sit down, Kurt leans over and whispers to me, "It's a boy isn't it?"
I look at him and my face turns a dusty pink shade, "What? No. There's no boy."
"Mhm, sure there's not. But that's okay, I'll find out soon enough." He says with a smile on his face. To which I just rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Mr. Shue.
"Okay guys, for this week's assignment we're going to bring some R&B and soul into it. So let's see what you've got." Mr. Shue tells us.
My phone buzzed, and I quickly checked and found a message from Sebastian.
'Hey gorgeous, still coming over to Dalton after practice?'
- Seb
I grin down at my phone before typing and sending a quick response.
'Of course. Love you!'
- N/n
'Love you more'
- Seb
Kurt started to lean over my shoulder, "Who are you texting?"
I jump a bit and turn off my phone before placing it back in my pocket. "No one." I state quickly.
"So I was right? There is a boy, isn't there?" He asks with a smirk on his face.
"I'm sorry did you say a boy?" Mercedes asked.
"Oh my gosh, really?" Rachel asked, excitedly.
"Does our sweet little y/n have a boyfriend we don't know about?" Finn also joins in.
Soon enough I had the whole glee club's attention once again and was being bombarded with questions.
"Okay, okay guys. Let's not push, I'm sure if there is a boy, y/n will tell us when she's ready. All of this interrogating her isn't going to make her want to tell us." Blaine butted in, getting everyone to settle down.
'Thank you.' I mouthed over to him. And he responded with a small grin.
Soon after that, we were all dismissed and I was first out of the room. I was on my way out the door before a hand gently grabbed my wrist.
"So, is there anything you want to tell me?" I turned around and came face to face with Blaine.
I let out a groan, "Oh no, not you too!!"
"Hey, I get it. If you don't want anyone to know, that's fine." He says, putting his hands up in defense. "But if there is something going on, you can tell me. I promise not to tell a soul, not even Kurt."
I let out a heavy sigh, "Fine. There is a boy but I know you won't approve of him. And I really don't want you all getting in the way of us."
"I promise, whoever it is, I won't get mad." He tells me.
"It's Sebastian." I say bluntly.
"Oh, okay..." He says slowly.
3... 2... 1..
"Him?! Why y/n? Why him of all people?!" He yells a little loud, catching other students' attention.
"Shhh, not so loud!! I thought you said you weren't going to get mad!" I tell him in a hushed voice.
"That was before you told me that it was Sebastian! Need I remind you that he's the one who threw a slushie with Rock salt at me and almost blinded me!" He whisper yelled back.
"See?! This.This is exactly why I didn't want to tell any of you! I knew that you would hate it! And of course I remember that Blaine, I never left your side when it happened! And besides I already told him off about that and he's trying to be nicer Blaine! Ask the Warblers yourself, they'll tell you that he's gotten better." I say back, a quivering frown placed upon my face.
Blaine took a deep breath, "Okay, look. I get it, really I do. If he makes you happy then I can learn to live with it. And I won't tell any of the others, you're right about them not taking it so easy. But just be careful, I don't want you getting hurt."
I pull him into a tight hug which he reciprocates. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I told him.
"You're welcome n/n." He chuckled as we pulled apart. I checked my phone's time and I was starting to run late.
"Well I'm heading to Dalton right now, I'm already a bit late." I tell him, pocketing my phone.
"I can drop you off if you want? Kurt and I don't have any plans scheduled." He offers.
"Yes! That would be great!" I say before grabbing his arm and pulling him out of school.
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastian Smythe x Reader (Chapter 2)
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Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader (Posted on Wattpad)
"What are you doing?!"
"We knew you guys were up to no good!"
"What are you talking about, she's my girlfriend!"
"Wait, girlfriend?" "Huh?" "I thought you were gay..?"
Word Count: 706
To say that I was having a horrible day was an understatement. I woke up 30 minutes late because my alarm didn't go off, meaning I had to rush getting ready. I ended up missing my bus so I had to walk to school which resulted in me being late to class. I didn't get the chance to brush my hair or take time to put on makeup so I probably looked like a mess. Our coach made us run laps all of gym class. I was starving because I missed breakfast and only had an apple to eat. Since I was in a rush I forgot my math homework and my English essay. Things were just looking really bad. And on top of that, glee practice was canceled and I didn't get the message so I waited in the practice room for 45 minutes. It was pretty much just an awful day and I just wanted it to be over.
I was walking out of school when my phone went off and I got a message from a certain chipmunk..
"Hey beautiful, how's everything?"
- Seb
"Awful. I'm having the worst day."
- N/n (your nickname)
"I'm sorry, meet at Lima Bean in 10?"
- Seb
- N/n
"Love you!"
- Seb
I let out a soft chuckle, he's so cute.
"I love you too!"
- N/n
I made my way over to Lima Bean and walked in before realizing how horrible I must look. I frantically try to flatten down my frizzy, messy hair before I hear a light laugh from beside me.
"Stop worrying, you look just fine. Perfect even, and beautiful as ever."
My face heats up a bit as I turn to see my boyfriend, pen in hand and a stack of homework in front of him. I walk towards him and give him a small peck on the forehead before I take a seat in front of him.
"A (insert coffee order/drink order if you don't like coffee like me). Just the way you like it." He smiles at me.
I smile towards him gratefully before taking a sip of my drink. "So why'd you want to meet?" I asked him.
"Well, I know you weren't having such a good day and since next Saturday is going to be our first real date in weeks, I thought a small coffee date would cheer you up a bit."
I looked up at him, a small smile graced upon both of our faces.
"You're too good to me." I say, reaching over and grabbing his hand.
"Anything for you, my love." He replies, bringing my hand up to his face and placing a delicate kiss to it.
I sighed a bit, "What did I do to deserve you?"
He let out a soft chuckle. "I ask myself that all the time, you know?" He says, his voice a bit quiet.
"Seb-" I began.
"Look, I know we always talk about this but it's true. After all that I've done, you have done nothing but love me and accept me. How did someone like me end up being with someone as kind and loving as you?" He whispers a bit, running his thumb across the back of my hand.
"Seb," I start, taking both of his hands in mine, "don't say that. You have done some bad things but I know you, you're a good person. And I forgave you ages ago, because I knew you deserved a chance to prove that that guy exists. And he does. You are the most amazing guy that I have ever met. And I love you and all of your flaws. Don't think that you don't deserve to be happy, because you do."
"I love you too." He half-whispered back. "So how was your day?"
I groaned a bit, "Terrible, don't even get me started."
It was a sweet little date. We went on talking a bit. He let me rant about all of the bad things that happened that day, just nodding with a big smile on his face. By the end I was feeling a lot better about the whole situation and laughed it off, with Seb joining me. It was perfect.
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justaquirkyfangirl · 2 years
She's My Girlfriend - Sebastian Smythe x Reader (Chapter 1)
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Sebastian Smythe x Fem!Reader (Posted on Wattpad)
"What are you doing?!"
"We knew you guys were up to no good!"
"What are you talking about, she's my girlfriend!"
"Wait, girlfriend?" "Huh?" "I thought you were gay..?"
Word Count: 478
"Seb, stop. Seriously, stop it!" I laugh as I try to roll off his bed, his arms still wrapped around me. "Come on, I really have to go."
"Can't you just stay the night here? Why do you have to leave?" He whined, pulling me closer towards him.
"You know I can't. I have school tomorrow, and none of my clothes are here. Plus my parents would be furious." I say, trying to push him away from me.
"Ugh, why do you have to go to that dumb public school? That's where all the rejects are." He says, resting his head in the crook of my neck.
"First of all, I go there and so do all of my friends, so watch it. Secondly, I'd rather go there then be at a private all girl school where everyone's stuck up."
"Whatever. But I miss getting to see you. It's hard not being able to just walk around in public together. When can we finally tell them?" He asks, his voice slightly muffled by my neck.
"And risk getting rejected by them? No way! You know it was hard to find friends when I was new. I don't want to lose them." I say, with a small and sad smile.
"I don't see the problem, you're not even a threat. I mean, you don't tell me their plans and routines anyway so what's the matter?" He asks as he plays with my hands.
"Because you're you and you've done some pretty bad things, they still hold it against you. They don't want me anywhere near you or the warblers, let alone dating you." He lets out a soft sigh, I could tell that this was killing him. "I'm sorry, I just know they won't be able to accept it. They'd try and break us up and never let us be together."
"It's okay, I understand." He said, while nodding his head a bit.
I stand up and grab my backpack, "I really have to go now Seb, but I'll see you this weekend?"
"Yes ma'am." He says as he salutes, I just chuckle and lean in to give him a quick kiss. "Mm, I'm going to miss you."
"And I'll miss you. But for now, I have to go." I say before grabbing my things and going. "Love you!" I shout over my shoulder at the pouting warbler.
"Love you too!" He yelled back as I shut the door behind me and sneaked my way out of Dalton, passing by some of them along the way.
I made my way back home, singing along to the car radio. My parents were gone for the evening on a date so I was alone.
I decided to heat up some leftovers from the night before and just eat it quickly, before getting ready for bed and falling asleep.
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