justateenagewitch · 4 days
I want help to escape the danger of war, to live safely and complete my studies to have a bright future .🥺
You can help by donating or reblogging. Please don't hesitate to help me 🙏🏻
If anyone is able to donate, I would appreciate it, and they would receive a dedication in my soon to be completed fic Cherry pies.
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justateenagewitch · 4 days
Hello‼️ 🍉🍉🍉
I hope you are well.
Could you help me reblog the post my account and share my story with friends with a big heart and soul. I really need help in this fierce battle for Life in Gaza!,
I hope you can support for donating $10, $15....and stand by me at the beginning in this difficult time. ♥️
Thank you for every kind gesture and thought of yours.🙏vetted by @ proffittproductions
If anyone is able to donate, I would appreciate it, and they would receive a dedication in my soon to be completed fic Cherry pies.
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justateenagewitch · 4 days
Hey !
I am Fadi from Gaza, I studied business administration! This is my family's donation page. We need this money to get out of Gaza and go to the safety zone!💔. Our house was completely bombed and demolished.
We are now living in difficult circumstances. We live in a tent and in difficult conditions. We live in the same, terrible conditions every day!! 😭😭😭
Please donate, help share, we can reach $10000 soon!!
We can do it together!!!
If anyone is able to donate, I would appreciate it, and they would receive a dedication in my soon to be completed fic Cherry pies.
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justateenagewitch · 4 days
Ya'll the final Co2 outline fifty pages and 16550 words. And that's just the outline. I plan on making an update post soon about everything that's going on and what to expect and when
<3 Ava
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justateenagewitch · 11 days
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes!
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justateenagewitch · 14 days
She growls at him, gold-tipped canines flashing. If he were anyone else, he'd be afraid. But he isn't anyone else. She isn’t capable of anything he hasn’t seen before.
“Why do you care?” She snarls, pointing one clawed finger directly in his face.“You're not my father, Nicholas Scratch, so stop acting like it!”
So this is from a work that's at least a year or two out, but I couldn’t wait to share a little something
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justateenagewitch · 19 days
"just write the story you want to read!" they said. well, guess what, now i have 14 unfinished drafts because apparently, i want to read 14 different stories at once.
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justateenagewitch · 21 days
Just woke up, and people are harassing Hozier's girlfriend? What the hell? I'm a huge fan of his, and that thought never crossed my mind once because that's insane behavior.
That being said, did I look her up and scroll through her Instagram? Absolutely. She's lovely and I hope they're happy together.
Let them have their peace, ya'll. Their private life is not your business.
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justateenagewitch · 23 days
Fine, I'll work on my fic.
(This is a joke, I've been working for days. Don't come for me.)
A couple of our servers have gotten a bit overwhelmed, so we're taking some down time to give them a chance to catch up. We'll be back as soon as possible!
2024-09-02 11:30 UTC
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justateenagewitch · 1 month
Work in Progress Wednesday
Who wants some CO2?
“What are you going to do?” She gestures to black sludge dripping down the academy wall. “When this is all over?”
“Besides win you back?”
Sabrina scoffs but smiles regardless. “Be serious, Nick. Please?”
“All right,” he sighs. For a few long moments, he stares silently at the wall. The black sludge has almost reached the floor. “I’ll write that book I always wanted to.”
“The one about shapeshifters?”
“That’s the one.” He sighs and elbows her gently on the shoulder. “What about you, Your Highness? What are you going to do?”
“It’s Your Majesty,” she corrects. “Not Your Highness.”
“I’ll make sure to remember that. You own my soul, after all.”
Somehow, the thought never occurred to her, even when she saw Dorcas’ name crossed out in the Book of the Beast. She owns souls. Not just the dead, but the living. Hilda. Zelda. Prudence. There’s a coven in Riverdale. Does she own their souls, too? 
She looks at Nick. He may have broken her heart, but he doesn’t deserve to burn in Hell for it. How many people in the Book, her Book, don’t deserve it either?
“I’m going to…” Do what? Tear up the contracts? She doesn’t even know if that’s possible. They were made in blood, and not with her. She only has them through inheritance. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do. About the book. About Lucifer. About Hell. But, she does know one thing. “I’m going to turn seventeen.”
She’ll figure out the rest as she goes.
So there's a fun little Easter egg about a future fic in here. Maybe you can guess what it is from some of my recent reblogs.
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justateenagewitch · 1 month
I'm Mary from Gaza. Am sorry for sending you this request without your permission. My house was destroyed in the war, and my family lost everything. We've been displaced multiple times, but there's no safe place here. I'm battling Type 1 Diabetes and can't afford insulin, and my mother needs treatment for kidney failure outside Gaza. Any donation, no matter how small, can help us survive and get my mother the care she needs. A friend outside Gaza is helping with the donation program. Please reach out if you need more details.
So I just received this message and if anyone has the means to help out Mary and her family it would mean the world to me. If anyone here is a fan of my work and donates or reblogs I will include you in the dedication of my soon to be completed fic Cherry Pies.
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justateenagewitch · 1 month
Happy work in progress Wednesday everyone!
I am thrilled to announce I am not dead!
Lucifer reaches into his pocket, pulls something out, and offers it to her in an open palm. Bullets. Bright bronze and gleaming under the fluorescent hotel lights. Sabrina couldn’t help but compare the situation to a normal father offering his daughter candy or some shiny trinket he thought would amuse her. In spite of the absurd situation, or perhaps because of it, he smiled.
She’s reminded of the day they met on her front porch. His smile was too sharp and perfect to be anything other than predatory. No. Lucifer Morningstar was no normal father. And Sabrina? Well, she was his fucking daughter.
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justateenagewitch · 2 months
sorry but I cannot help but love ouat belle so much. she’s a hero she’s a scholar she’s the key to ending the ogre wars she was locked in a psychiatric ward for 28 years and didn’t age a day she reads mandarin and elvish she’s inexplicably australian and most of all she fucked that old man.
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justateenagewitch · 2 months
sorry but I cannot help but love ouat belle so much. she’s a hero she’s a scholar she’s the key to ending the ogre wars she was locked in a psychiatric ward for 28 years and didn’t age a day she reads mandarin and elvish she’s inexplicably australian and most of all she fucked that old man.
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justateenagewitch · 2 months
I don't know why you're writing, but I'm writing to sate the unholy demons that claw at the back of my mind and thrust the pen into my hand unbidden.
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justateenagewitch · 2 months
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justateenagewitch · 2 months
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Mexican grey wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)
Photo © Gary Luker
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