Thank you to everyone who prayed and kept this family in their prayers! On December 12, Bri and her family went to court. After six months of being away from home, Brianna gets to come home on the nineteenth. She will be home for good. She called me on the car ride home from court, and she and I cried on the phone for five minutes together. I am so happy!!
But please, also keep in mind that there are people who have caused unnecessary emotional distress to this young girl and her family. These people will not get away with hurting us like this. As we thank God for this Christmas miracle, let's ask Him for one more thing: Justice.
Thank you all once again for your prayers and thoughts. This is the best Christmas gift anyone could ask for. <3
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The Fight Isn't Over...
Please remember that Brianna's fight isn't over. Just because she will be home in December doesn't mean that it's all over. There are so many people that have wronged her and have gotten out of the situation fine, but not for long. Brianna's story isn't going to just stay on tumblr. We're going to spread it like wildfire as soon as she gets out of there. Please keep sharing and praying, and spread this story everywhere. She deserves to be heard, so shout with her. Thank you for continuing to share and pray.
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October 20, 2014
Brianna's first community pass is today! And that means that Joni gets to take her off campus for 3 hours. We get to go skating today, and I cried when I found out. I'm so happy
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Good things (finally)!
So I have awesome awesome news. We have talked to Brianna's case manager. And things are looking up. Brianna is going to be on community passes starting next weekend. We get to take her off campus and out to eat or to the mall. Basically, we can take her places off campus for four hours. Also, we have a guarantee that Brianna will be home mid December , in time for Christmas and her 16th birthday. The fight is almost over. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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I get to see her. Finally, after 3 1/2 months, I get to see Brianna for the first time. Tomorrow is her first softball game, and everyone gets to go. We are packing the car full of people. @maroontwo gets to go, along with so many of Brianna's close friends, including her boyfriend. This is wonderful. It's not her last game, so I'll get to see her more than once before she gets out of that wretched place. Thank you all for continued prayers and support. It means the world to us.
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Court date
The court date was today. They will be keeping Brianna until at least December 12. That is the date of the next court date. Joni and Brianna are crushed and hurt. Please pray and share and thank you for all the continued support.
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Court date.
Please pray for Brianna and her family. Court is tomorrow. Joni is stressing and crying, and we all know its going to be horrible. Please, continue to pray and share. Updates will be posted tomorrow afternoon.
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Okay so I haven’t posted in a while.
But I have wonderful news.
Brianna now has unsupervised phone calls! So that means I sometimes get to say hello to her and see bow she’s doing.
Also, she’s been getting to go on more outings, and that cheers her up so much. She’s been having good days.
She’s on phase 3 out of 5, so she gets to play on her Nintendo DS for 45 minutes a day.
The court date is set for September 8, and all the CPS recommendations are that she come home.
And the best news: even if she isnt able to come home in September, she’s all set to complete the program in early November. And then she’ll be home for good.
I am crying tears of joy as I write this, because I am so happy to hear she should be coming home in just a few more months. I miss her so much. Her friends miss her. If there’s a way you can share her story, or help by donating to get her family an attorney, please please please do!
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August 11, 2014
Today, one of Brianna's counselors told her that during Brianna's phone calls to her mother, that Brianna says "I love you" too much to her mother. This makes Brianna uncomfortable with her assigned counselor. How is anyone about to tell a fifteen year old girl, or any child for that matter, that they say "I love you" too much? Please get Brianna home. Joni is so upset... We need Brianna home!! Please share! Even if all you can do is get her story out there, please do it! We need all the help we can get before September 8!! Thank you all for continued thoughts and prayers.
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August 4, 2014
Today is the day they start family counseling. Oaklawn, the facility she is placed in, should be giving Joni a gas card to help with the two hour drive, and the family should be getting unsupervised visits, too. Hopefully these are good promises. I'll give an update when Joni gets home.
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August 3, 2014
Brianna's mother, Joni, got to talk to her. She wants to hear me sing, so next time Joni goes to visit her, we're going to record a video of me singing Mayday Parade's "Miserable at Best." Brianna also wants me to tell you all thank you for reading and sharing her story.
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July 18, 2014
Brianna was placed into a facility called Oaklawn in Mishawaka, IN, on June 2, 2014. She had been praying to be put into another facility closer to home. (To visit her we have to drive for two hours.) We got the call today from her case manager, Christie. The recommendation was that she stay in Oaklawn. Pray for Brianna as today is going to be a very hard day for her. Thank you.
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THIS IS A LONG READ BUT VERY IMPORTANT. This is my fiancé's little sister, Brianna. Brianna is fifteen years old, an amazing, sweet, caring, beautiful young woman. She has been hit with so much crap in her life. She has been homeless, living in cars, her father abandoned her, and that's not even the worst thing to happen to her. She was molested by both her grandfather, then her stepbrother. CPS became involved in the case. Her stepbrother was removed from the home to live with his mother. Brianna, her brother, and her mom were all order to individual and family counseling. After CPS became involved, Brianna was also assigned a probation officer because of her missing school days. After a few months, Brianna and the family had adjusted to their new schedule. But Brianna had run into some medical problems. She had become subjected to bleeding from her nether regions, and massive amounts of pain to the point where she couldn't walk. After multiple doctor visits, it was decided that she had endometriosis. She had surgery, during which the doctors found adhesions on her intestines and leftover staples in her abdomen from a previous surgery. During all this time, she missed a ton of school, but had doctors notes to show for it. The school had "forgotten" to put the notes in, so her probation officer had to go to the school to make sure there were doctor's notes to begin with. When the family went in for the hearing on the CPS case, all the judge saw was that she missed school. A lot of school. He told their mother that she was a terrible parent and that she should have forced Brianna to go to school, despite her pain. He sentenced Brianna to be put into a placement home on May 28th, 2014, for a 30-day evaluation. When the sentence came, Joni (her mother) and Brianna held hands and started crying. He laughed and said it looked like he had sentenced her to death. During the 30-day evaluation, Brianna was wrongly diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and that her family was "too close." The recommendation was that she stay in placement for further counseling. (The kids in placement are in there for drugs, self harm, theft, and other misdemeanors and crimes. A child stays in placement for 6-9 months.) Six days after this hearing, Brianna's probation officer went to see the judge. This same judge, the one that sentenced her into placement, signed off on her probation, saying the family did everything they were supposed to do (they had doctor's notes and went to all the counseling). The judge had unfairly taken a child away from a good home where she was loved and cared for to be put in a facility where she is continually bullied and threatened. This fifteen year old child deserves justice. There is one problem. Her family cannot afford a lawyer. The nearest that they can get a public defender is September 8th, 2014. The link below will offer more information, and give you the chance to help this family get a lawyer. Every dollar counts. Share this with friends and family, and please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. http://www.gofundme.com/b4ypzk Thank you all so much. #jusitceforbrianna
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