kalynaanne · 1 year
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Gonna attempt Febroary, a snow lep for day 1 !
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kalynaanne · 2 years
PSA: Brandon Sanderson is holding a T-shirt design contest for the release of The Lost Metal. 
There are 3 design prompts to choose from:
*  Wayne’s Haberdashery 
* Take anything from the books and give us an Art-Deco design 
* An in-world product (you can also make up your own in-world product for Mistborn)
More details on Sanderson’s site at: https://www.brandonsanderson.com/design-contest/
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kalynaanne · 2 years
I have exactly one (1) lifehack for every adult thing and that is “admit your ignorance to customer service people”
no, seriously! I know how nothing in adult life works, but I have learned it by calling up the customer service division of whatever agency I am having a problem with and then just asking about whatever the problem is, emphasizing my complete lack of knowledge about the thing.
my actual literal script for these interactions: “Hi, my name is [name]. This is my problem: [problem]. I don’t know how [adult thing] works. could you explain how [adult thing] works?” it fucking works every time.
me: I keep getting conflicting information as to whether my therapist is covered by my health insurance. I don’t know anything about health insurance, so this is very confusing to me. could you explain why this might be happening? health insurance customer service: it’s because your normal health insurance is X company but your mental healthcare is subcontracted out to Y company, and Y covers your therapist but X doesn’t. just always bill Y when you go to your therapist and you’ll be fine.
me: I accidentally put the wrong date to pay my credit card off and I’m afraid it will post before I get paid. this is my first credit card so I don’t know what I’m doing. could you tell me when it will post? customer service person: it will send a message to your bank today, but your bank won’t respond to it until tomorrow when you get paid, so you’re fine. and even if it does bounce, the fee is only $25 and you qualify for a waiver.
me: I went to an urgent care place that said they’d take my health insurance, but now i have a big bill. I don’t know how billing works: can you explain why the amount is so much for such a routine trip? customer service person: it’s because you were out of network at the time. however, since your insurance hasn’t covered the cost of care, the urgent care people should refund you for the cost of the services you paid for. me: [gets actual check in mail for the $200 I spent on testing my pee]
I would not recommend this method for retail (for the love of god, do not tell a sleazy car dealer that you don’t know how cars work), and sure, sometimes you have to speak to the manager or threaten a credit card chargeback or whatever you need to do. but 99% of the time, speaking nicely and admitting to needing help has worked wonders for me, and means I don’t have to stew in terror over doing some adult thing Wrong.
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kalynaanne · 2 years
Right now, and for a “limited time,” anyone in the United States between the age of 13 and 21 can apply for a free Brooklyn Public Library eCard, which gives access to 350,000 eBooks, 200,000 audiobooks, and online databases.
Teens who want to apply for the free eCard can send an email to [email protected] or a message to @bklynfuture on Instagram.
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kalynaanne · 3 years
This feels like a crazy long shot, but do I know anyone who plays Pokemon Go in the Uxie region?
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kalynaanne · 3 years
My immediate thought was of the sarpenthyn Shallan saw at the not-a-zoo that one time! These critters: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Sarpenthyn
I haven’t heard anyone talking about the land octopi yet
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kalynaanne · 4 years
Look. One of Wit’s goals in life is to poke fun at people and make them uncomfortable. I’m choosing to believe that that is Wit’s goal here. Jasnah gets it and knows that reacting will just encourage him, so she does her best to avoid reacting outwardly and just inwardly rolls her eyes.
They get along well. They are friends. They are co-conspirators. They challenge each other. Jasnah appreciates that enough to put up with the nonsense. That’s all. 
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active footage of me trying to rationalize chapter 99 in my brain
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kalynaanne · 4 years
So I saw @ultimateinferno theorizing about this, and I want spoilers hidden under a cut on my blog, so I’m making a new post rather than reblogging to add to his excellent theory/meta. There are *major Rhythm of War spoilers* mixed with theorizing under the cut.
Ultimateinferno makes a good argument that Lift is the one who is eventually going to deal with Taravangian!Odium. This is *perfect*.
Lift’s “I don’t want to ever change.” You know what? If she kills Taravangian she’s going to get the opportunity to absorb Odium and ascend. Either her boon is going to give her the strength to resist taking the power so that she can deal with it some other way (maybe she could team up with Rysn??? I wonder what kind of affect shattering Odium would have...) OR she *will* take the power, but because of Cultivation’s boon it won’t affect her ability to think clearly.    
Heh, although, Lift, as she is right now, but with the power of a shard might be a whole different kind of problem. As Yanagawn points out, “She often does what she isn’t supposed to.”
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kalynaanne · 5 years
Yahoo Groups Will Be Shutting Down - What Each of You Can Do
This post will be frequently updated - check the Google Doc linked here for the latest version. Follow this Tumblr for more information in the days ahead.
Yahoo Groups will be shutting down key features and restricting access to Groups, with user-uploaded content being deleted on December 14, 2019. With this shutdown, decades of fandom history will vanish. But there is something that every member of the fandom community can do now - whether they’ve ever used Yahoo Groups before or not.
I am a member of a Yahoo group - what can I do?
Immediately contact the admins to find out what their plans are.
Download PGOffline, a Windows tool to save the files and messages. Any member of the Yahoo Group can use this tool - you do not have to be an admin to save the mailing list. 
Since many admins are busy or inactive, install the free Windows software program yourself and start downloading - focus on Files, Photos, Links, and Messages. A step-by-step walk through is available here and a video tutorial here.
Submit your plan to download here.
 Export the messages and backup up the files and photos by copying them to another folder on your computer. Then contact Open Doors, the OTW preservation program. The OTW is open to providing storage of Yahoo Groups backups that are assembled by moderators and non-moderators alike. Details are here.
If you are a member of a Yahoo Group and have downloaded the files and messages, and the admins do not respond, please contact your fellow mailing list members. Remember, anyone can save a mailing list messages, files and photos and submit them to Open Doors.
Click here for instructions on how to use the Chrome plugin
If you need help from fellow fans, try asking on the “Save Yahoo Groups” Discord Channel
Mac Users: try this Chrome based plugin
Instructions on how to use the Chrome plugin
Alternatively, if you are familiar with Python, please experiment with the tools found at https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Yahoo!_Groups
I am Admin - what can I do?
Communicate with your Group members - let them know your plans
Download your Group messages, files, photos, and links using the tools above. Don’t forget to download your members list.
Decide if you want to simply archive the old posts and disband the mailing list or start up somewhere else.
Please take a look at setting up a Dreamwidth community - it allows explicit material, threaded conversations, privacy locks and is free. Image uploading is limited to 500MB for free accounts and 1.5GB paid accounts. Also, if you are considering Groups.io as an option, please note that it does not allow any material that depicts sexual activity, even implied sexual activity or anything that could be considered a fetish.
I am not certain I have time to help download? Is there something else I can do?
If you are a member of a mailing list, submit the mailing list for consideration. It will help volunteers focus their efforts. Don’t forget check here to see if your group is already being downloaded.
Even if you are not a mailing list member, consider creating a page for the mailing list on Fanlore, so that there will be a place for people to talk about the mailing list, its history. Details here.
Login Problems?
Has your “inactive” email been purged? Is your email email address not linked to a Yahoo Group ID?
An “inactive” account is one where you haven’t sent an email or logged in for the past year. Receiving emails does not count as activity. The email address is then released, and can be used by someone else.
If you used your Yahoo email to subscribe to a mailing list, your access to the Yahoo Group is gone (along with all your emails). If your account was deactivated within the past 90 days, you may be able to reactivate it. (more here). Alternatively, you can try contacting Yahoo Mail support.
Outside the 90 day window: you can try creating a new Yahoo email account using the same screen name as long as no one else has snapped it up. Simply sign up as you would for a ‘new’ email account. Reclaim an inactive mailbox. Then log into your Yahoo Group.
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kalynaanne · 5 years
Hey Cosmere fandom, it’s book rec time.
The book series in question is the Imperial Radch Trilogy by Ann Leckie. In order, the books are Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword, and Ancillary Mercy.
It’s a space opera with significant focus on character and relationships. The POV character is Breq, an aro-ace space warship AI in a human body who sets out on an impossible journey to kill the Lord of the Radch (the local 3000 year old space emperor) to revenge her beloved Lieutenant. Along the way she (unintentionally and reluctantly) collects people (humans, ships, aliens,…) in a gloriously messy found family.
* It’s super queer 
* Characters actively struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.
* Almost everyone is a PoC
* For the sake of Propriety everyone wears gloves and bare hands are super scandalous. 
These books are amazing and you should strongly consider reading them. The audio book versions are also fabulous.
If you’ve already read them, I’ve been Radch posting on my other blog (RithmatistKalyna) and I would love to talk with people both about the books/characters/tea sets/etc and all of the Cosmere crossover potential.
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kalynaanne · 5 years
Hey Cosmere fandom, it’s book rec time.
The book series in question is the Imperial Radch Trilogy by Ann Leckie. In order, the books are Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword, and Ancillary Mercy.
It’s a space opera with significant focus on character and relationships. The POV character is Breq, an aro-ace space warship AI in a human body who sets out on an impossible journey to kill the Lord of the Radch (the local 3000 year old space emperor) to revenge her beloved Lieutenant. Along the way she (unintentionally and reluctantly) collects people (humans, ships, aliens,...) in a gloriously messy found family.
* It’s super queer 
* Characters actively struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.
* Almost everyone is a PoC
* For the sake of Propriety everyone wears gloves and bare hands are super scandalous. 
These books are amazing and you should strongly consider reading them. The audio book versions are also fabulous.
If you’ve already read them, I’ve been Radch posting on my other blog (RithmatistKalyna) and I would love to talk with people both about the books/characters/tea sets/etc and all of the Cosmere crossover potential.
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kalynaanne · 5 years
I live near Atlanta and Labor day weekend is approaching, aka that time of year that Atlanta turns into nerd central - we get both Dragon Con and the Decatur Book Festival on the same weekend.
I love the idea of Dragon Con. I love seeing all of the amazing costumes people make for it. But as a person who is easily overwhelmed by large crowds and who has a distinct preference for books over tv and movies, the Decatur Book Festival is much, much more my speed.  Sadly, there is a distinct lack of anything fantasty/scifi on the book festival talk schedule this year. And Sanderson is going to be at Dragon Con... It makes it tempting to consider...
Realistically though, I’m going to be happier at the book festival. 
If anyone else is going to be hanging out in Decatur that weekend looking at books and wants to meet up for ice cream (there are a couple of great ice cream shops in Decatur) or tea or something and chat about the Cosmere, or Imperial Radch, or Wayfarers or... let me know :-)
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kalynaanne · 6 years
Oathbringer thoughts: Eshonai
What if, just maybe, part of the point is that we are supposed to be angry and bitter about Eshonai’s death? Maybe, given what we know right now, it is supposed to come across as completely pointless. 
It seems like no one (except Timbre and sometimes Venli) cares. Eshonai’s death happens off screen and the only reason we get confirmation that she is dead is that Ulim guides Venli and Demid to her to retrieve the plate. We learned all the way back in WoK that scavenging from corpses goes against Listener culture, and yet here we are with Venli being forced to do so anyway. The only reason we even find Eshonai’s corpse is that Venli is being forced to do things that go against her culture. Eshonai is dead. Their culture is being erased. 
There are various parallels between the Listeners and the native peoples of the Americas. Far too often their plights are ignored. Indigenous women are murdered or go missing at disturbing rates and yet it almost never makes the news. Their deaths are horrible and pointless and it seems like no one cares. When they do get talked about it is almost always (at least from what I have seen) as an after thought. Much like Eshonai. Maybe that’s part of the point.
But you know what? Even with Eshonai dead, this isn’t the end of her story. Just because her death happened off screen doesn’t mean that will continue to be true. One of the next two books is going to give us Eshonai flashbacks. We are going to get to know her and her world better. And, I suspect, we are going to get to see that awful battle from her perspective and be with her as she falls into the chasm.  
Ulim says it looks like she drowned in the flood waters, but my guess is there is more going on. She had plate, a blade, and storm form. We know she was at least somewhat trained with the plate and blade. Kaladin and Shallan survived spending a high storm in the chasms when they were both a mess and Kaladin didn’t have his powers and Shallan was wary of hers. Eshonai should have had the tools to survive. I can imagine a heartwrenching scene coming where Eshonai knows that she could save herself using the power that she has in storm form, but fighting that power and rejecting it. Or Eshonai being given the chance during that first Everstorm to become a fused and choosing to die instead. Some kind of intense internal struggle where she makes the choice to die rather than give in to something she can’t accept. 
Her death will still be tragic. We can (maybe even should) still be angry that she died, but until we get her flashback chapters I’m going to cling to the hope that there is more going on than we currently know. 
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kalynaanne · 6 years
Your questions got me thinking and realizing that I have additional questions:
Szeth is likely going to summon his spren as a sword eventually. Is it going to make Nightblood jealous? Will they see it as a way to destroy twice as much evil? Szeth dual wielding blades? Or Nightblood getting frustrated because Szeth really needs a long spear for a sky battle right now and he is using the sprenspear instead of a sword?
Or, would Szeth summon his spren as a shield while using Nightblood as a sword?
What is the conversation going to be like when Nightblood and the spren talk?
Or, y’all, Szeth and Nightblood and the spren in a sort of threeway poly nahel bond. Maybe the bond could dampen the spiritual cracks in Nightblood so that they don’t automatically suck all of the investiture out of anyone holding them? 
I wonder what it’s like to be Szeth’s spren.  Like, the only thing they have to do is stick close enough that he can surgebind.  Nightblood takes care of everything else.  Did some Highspren just go: “This is gonna be the easiest assignment ever heck yeah” and then sleep through the rest of the book?  Are they annoyed at not having anything to do?  Were they tired of working with more conventional Skybreakers?  What do they think of Szeth siding with Dalinar over Nale?
I have questions guys
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kalynaanne · 6 years
For your consideration: Adolin, Evi, and Fashion
Consider: Evi moving from Rira to Alethkar and learning to cope with the new culture and all of the safehand nonsense. Then marrying the blackthorn and collecting and analyzing fashion folios to figure out how she can be a Good Vorin Wife while still trying to be true to herself.
Consider:  Smol Adolin sitting with her, only half understanding, as she talks half to him and half to herself about balancing traditions and current fashion. And then when he shows interest - because if mom cares then so should he - she starts also getting the fashion folios for boys and young men and altering Adolin's clothes with ideas he likes from the folios.
Consider: Evi encouraging Adolin when he starts fashioning himself play armor out of the rockbud shells he finds laying around. Evi teaching smol Adolin knots and the very basics of sewing.
Consider: An older Adolin trying to follow his father’s example and getting into dueling. Adolin coming home with tears in his clothes from roughhousing and fighting his friends/rivals and Evi sitting him down and teaching him how to mend his clothes. Not just how to mend them, but how to do it in ways that make the mending look intentional and fashionable.
Consider: Evi at the war camps feeling like she is losing control of everything and her life is falling apart, but still making sure she is put together and trying to make sure her boy has his jacket because that's one of the few things she CAN still control .
Consider: After Evi’s death, Adolin seeking out the folios himself and growing closer to his tailor while he continues to improve his sewing skills because it's a connection he has to his mom that he doesn't want to lose.
Consider: Adolin taking the group to his tailor, not just because he is into fashion but because she filled something of a surrogate mother role for him after Evi died and he truly does trust her completely. And THEN in Shadesmar when he is feeling useless and helpless on the ship he sits down and sews himself a halfway decent outfit because, storm it, even if he can't control anything else, he can still control THIS and the process of the sewing reminds him of his mother's strength even when she felt helpless and that helps him keep holding himself together and doing what he can.
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kalynaanne · 7 years
Oathbringer Speculation: Soulcasters
We know that people who consistently use soulcasters over a long period of time are...changed. My theory is that they are being slowly turned into spren and sucked into Shadesmar and further that this is the source of Syl’s comment about how the power coalesces slowly  and parts become sentient and a spren is born.
First off, let’s visit our friend Kaza in Interlude 4. We learn that she is slowly turning to smoke, but it seems to hold together well enough that she can wear a glove over her smoke fingers and still use her hand. She is forgetting the “ordinary passions of human life” and increasingly not needing to eat or drink. The she says that “I have begun to see the dark sky and the second sun, the creatures that lurk, hidden, around the cities of men.” It is clear that she is starting to see into Shadesmar and it isn’t too much of a stretch that in Shadesmar there might start also being evidence of her. The Aimian cook notes that she is “barely human anymore.” At the end of the interlude she chooses to “go with the smoke,” but the other times that she almost goes it sounds like she almost goes all the way into shadesmar and doesn’t come back, not that she almost turns into smoke in the physical realm and drifts off. Later in Celebrant (chapter 102) Kaladin finds himself in a tent with a “single bewildered spren made of smoke,” confirming that smoke spren are a thing.
In chapter 81 Kaladin meets a grain soulcaster and notes that “The woman had an inhuman look to her; she seemed to be growing vines under her skin, and they peeked out around her eyes, growing from the corners and spreading down her face like runners of ivy.” Then in Celebrant we meet spren that “were made entirely of vines, though they had crystal hands and wore human clothing.”
In chapter 105, we meet a soulcaster that makes stone and learn that his “skin beneath [his cloak] was colored like granite, cracked and chipped, and seemed to glow from within.”   In Celebrant there “were other spren with skin like cracked stone, molten light shining from within.”
We don’t have a description of the Azish soulcaster that makes bronze, but it seems like a good bet that their description would match that of the Reachers, who “looked like humans with strange bronze skin—metallic, as if they were living statues.”
In Chapter 35 of Words of Radiance we meet a soulcaster that doesn’t quite fit any of the descriptions of spren that we meet in Celebrant, though she could potentially be in an earlier stage of the granite type: “Prolonged use of the Soulcaster had transformed the eyes so that they sparkled like gemstones themselves. The woman’s skin had hardened to something like stone, smooth, with fine cracks. It was as if the person were a living statue.”
We also hear about Honor and then the Stormfather making Honorspren, so soulcasters wouldn’t be the only way that sentient spren are formed, but I’m fairly convinced that it is at least one way that spren are born. 
For reference and as a side note, in Celebrant they meet Cryptics, Honorspren, Reachers (bronze), Cultivationspren (vines), Inkspren, the ones whose skin turns to ash, the glowing granite ones, the ones made of smoke and possibly also ones made of fog/mist, though I’m not completely convinced those aren’t the same as smoke. If the fog/mist ones are different from the smoke ones, then this gives us 9 different types of sentient spren to correspond to the 9 non-bondsmith orders of the Knights Radiant. 
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kalynaanne · 7 years
Oathbringer Speculation: Timbre
The descriptions of Timbre would fit with the name “lightspren”. We know that she communicates with Venli by pulsing to different rhythms. During the first shadesmar boat trip, Shallan speculates that the Reachers/lightspresn are using vibrations (ie pulses) to communicate.
This suggests that Timbre is a Reacher, but I suspect that she’s not just any Reacher. We meet Ico in Shadesmar and learn that his father is a deadeye and his daughter “ran off chasing stupid dreams”. Then Timbre tells Venli that her own grandfather was lost to human betrayal. Putting all of this together, I strongly suspect that Timbre is Ico’s daughter. I’m not sure what implications this will have for the future. But it’s a thing.
Citations: (Note: Page numbers come from the Kindle edition.)
What was that small spren that had crept out from beneath Eshonai’s corpse? It looked like a small ball of white fire; it gave off little rings of light and trailed a streak behind it. Like a comet. (pg 340) 
“The copper vibrates,” Shallan said. “And they keep touching it. I think they might be using it to communicate somehow.” (pg 931)
 “Wait!” Adolin said. “Ico, I saw something moving back there.” Ico locked the door and hung the keys on his belt. “My father.” “Your father?” Adolin said. “You keep your father locked up?” “Can’t stand the thought of him wandering around somewhere,” Ico said, eyes forward. (Pg 946)
Ico speaking:  “My daughter used to work there, before she ran off chasing stupid dreams.”  (Pg 948)
Timbre pulsed to Irritation, then the Lost. “That many? I had no idea the human betrayal had cost so many of your people’s lives. And your own grandfather?” (pg 1196)
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