karmaticmedicine · 10 years
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karmaticmedicine · 10 years
Press Release
  The Power of Your Actions
 Beverly, MA- On Friday, May 9th, 2014, “Karmatic Medicine”, will be available for browsing. This blog discusses karma and how it affects our every day lives. In the workings of our mysterious universe, it is true that what goes around comes right back around. Therefore, it is important to practice good morality.
Everything discussed will range from companies that support the ideation of karma to actual people who hold firm beliefs and experiences on the subject. Since the very start of the blog, Karmatic Medicine has flourished and strengthened.
Author Tess Billings, a local holistic believer, has been interested in karma for the majority of her life and has worked diligently to find the roots and affects of it. As a young girl, Tess was selfish and headed in a bad direction. While generating all this bad energy, she saw that that was precisely what she was getting in return. After trudging through everyday absorbed in self-pity, a wakeup call was underway. She began to change how she looked at things and how she treated her surroundings. Karmatic Medicine will highlight just how important the power of your actions are.   
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karmaticmedicine · 10 years
              Liz Wilson, owner and operator of Karma High-End Consignment dedicates long, hard days to making sure her store is perfect. From the start, there has always been a stream of regulars as well as newcomers. It’s no wonder they keep coming back welcomed by Wilson’s contagious smile and tremendous people skills. Upon buying the business, it was called Karma Consignment. However, given the option to change it, she wanted to keep the name and dedicate meaning to it. An exceptional believer in karma, Wilson aimed to make Karma Consignment emphasize her morals with their donation and selling process.
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It is no secret that Connecticut is the richest state in America, and the majority of the population is walking around flaunting brand names. Well, imagine your oppression when you cannot afford this kind of apparel and feel like a constant outcast.
“I wanted to allow people to look and feel pretty and as though they fit in at a reasonable cost that doesn’t make your heart jump out of your chest or something crazy,” Liz joked, attaching a tag to a little black dress. “I like to think that good karma comes my way by making sure what is not sold is donated to those in need, as well as for a good cause.”
Touring the store I could tell that they like to put a lot of uplifting quotes and positive energy onto their walls to send good vibes among the shoppers. 
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Liz herself also circulates this uplifting energy throughout the store, along with her employees. Conveniently and happily, Liz is known to put aside certain items for her regulars if they call ahead and request her to do so. When they arrive the items are awaiting them in the dressing room.
Moving hangers to the side with eagerness, I spotted an avid customer about my age and began to question. “I [legit] come here all the time. The clothes are so cute, just as good as new yet so much more affordable. Secretly I come here more than I ever hit up the mall because who wants to pay freakin’ 80 bucks for jeans,” Casey, a resident of Hamden comments and smirks.
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They sell everything from the Gap to Louis Vuitton, five years old or newer. “With this type of business, we are teaching people to dress well through recycling and reusing,” Wilson says with that delightful smile. She loves when people donate for a good cause and the most items she accepts by appointment is 15. All of items must be clean, less than five years old and on hangers. After two months of the clothing residing in the store without being sold, it is required to be donated to people of families in need or local thrift shops. Those who donated to Karma can also choose to take their clothes back if they wish.
“I really do love owning Karma Consignment, but owning a business came about through pure accident,” Liz continued. “My friend owned Karma in another town and sold it to be when my own boutique wasn’t working out due to the suffering economy. I knew I had to make a change and up my game a little, which is why I accepted to buy Karma from her.” 
Karma Consignment is also very organized and put together compared to most consignments stores that come to mind. Everything in the store is very well set up and nothing looks used. “I wanted a boutique look,” Wilson explains. 
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To her surprise, they are now selling regularly featured name brands including Gap, Banana Republic, Louis Vuitton, J. Crew, Coach, Michael Kors, Chicos, Ugg, Burberry, Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Dooney and Bourke, and more at a fraction of the cost.
Since purchasing Karma, Liz has found it very rewarding. “I love when people donate and when people make a profit because it makes me feel as though I’m leading something successful. One of my consigners actually derived $1,700 in a two month period,” Liz exclaimed with a widened eyes. Moments such as those, watching her customers face light up, are one of the many reasons Liz loves what she does.
Since it has always been Wilson’s dream to own a successful and flourishing business, she is more than ecstatic to see Karma Consignments doing so well. What makes being an owner and operator even more rewarding for her is the fact that the business is helping others in the process. With donations and leisurely prices, she feels as though she is making a difference in the name of shopping. “I love to see my customers smiling and gasping at the prices. I love that what is leftover is donated and not being wasted or thrown in the back of a closet. Owning Karma Consignment has its rough days and also slow days, but at the end of each one my heart is truly warmed,” Liz smiles rubbing her chest. Everyday is a great day to make a difference.
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karmaticmedicine · 10 years
Meditation Before Medication
Sue Sansolo has been a therapist for 7 years in the small town of Cheshire, CT, and has always been interested in psychology. Sansolo enjoys being the silly, sarcastic therapist that she is in order to make her patients comfortable enough to open up and share their stories with ease. As each of her sessions begin, she ties back her shoulder length brown hair with a ribbon and shows off her pearl-like smile. Her select few freckles that come out with the sun sprinkle atop her nose and droplet onto her well defined cheekbones. Her face is soft and welcoming along with her bubbly personality. She loves being able to listen and evaluate the complications that her patients have and try to work through them. However, she wanted to take her practice beyond the limits of psychology and the brain. Meditation before Medication: a motto Sue has stood by since she started her practices. Sansolo strongly believes in meditation and finding the soul. Without connecting to your self, you can never completely heal. Although the brain has the responsibility for how we act and feel, the soul is who we are and how we carry it out. “I want my patients to be in touch with who they are and not just what their diagnoses may be. Before any type of medication, I like to try meditation and self affirmations first,” Sansolo explains. “If you are not indulged in the core of who you are and do not necessarily like yourself, then you will simply generate bad energy internally and externally. All that bad energy just generates more making it harder to heal, the idea known as karma.” Meditation is a calming practice that involves listening and focusing on the breath, detaching from thought, but most importantly focusing the attention on self awareness and bringing out the inner calm. When your mind is calm, it naturally releases endorphins into your system. Therefore, mediation is known to manage pain and reduce stress, which can emphasize a healthier soul and harvest better energy. “With a decrease of stress and hate within, it allows the patient to fulfill themselves with other types of emotions such as love and acceptance. These optimistic feelings and emotions are then emitted, not only within but also externally, helping him or her to surround themselves with positive energy. With all this newfound positive energy comes good karma, which then translates the being into a happier person. Happiness is contagious, so it is then reflected on the people you interact with making a recycled-like finished product,” Sansolo expresses using excessive hand motions. There are so many types of meditation practices, but Sansolo uses a specific three most frequently in her sessions. She uses concentrative meditation quite a bit to relax the patient and allow them to get comfortable. With this type of meditation, the patient simply lies or sits down and focuses on nothing except their breathing. “In through the nose out through the mouth, in order to wake up yet relax the brain,” Sue states before demonstrating her breathing. Another meditation technique is called mindful meditation, which calls for complete and comfortable relaxation while the patient observes what surrounds them without making judgments. This helps train the mind to just appreciate what is around them without evaluating anything too hard. Eventually, this attitude will transcend internally and help people to stray away from being hard on themselves. In turn patients will begin to appreciate what they have as well as who they are. Transcendental meditation is a little more complicated than the others, especially at first. Within this practice you are supposed to keep your mind totally still without any thoughts passing through. Basically, a complete blank slate is expected to consume your mind. As I got deeper into talking to Sue, not only about her practices but her ideas on karma and the self, I realized that it was more about cause and effect and responsibility over anything else. Think about it something must have caused those who are empty inside to feel so barren. Further, it is also your own responsibility to be happy; no one else can give or take that away from you. Without understanding karma, you will not understand that there are personal responsibilities in your actions. If we conduct something negative, the effect will be negative as well and vice versa. Sue finds it important to teach her clients that everything they do has an effect. If they think negatively about who they are or what they are surrounded by, then it will only bring negative energy. Your thoughts control everything and you can alter your life just by affirming to yourself that everything is positive and okay. “I always tell my clients to just imagine positivity in every aspect. Imagine you love yourself and that you are happy,” Sue explains smiling. “A lot of people think it’s crazy, but if you think everything is awful then that is the exact result you’re going to get. Just the opposite will happen if you focus on happy thoughts and ideas, then those will start to take over your day-to-day life. Your thoughts control your life. It is also essential to practice good morale as well, of course.” Sue’s believes that her practice have helped her patients to substantially grow. Rather than running straight to medication to solve their problems, they attempt to fix and strengthen the self through meditation. This type of therapy is better since it works to find the root of the problem and heal it rather than drugging the patient up and having them rely on the medication. With meditation, the patient can heal over time and long term for a permanent recovery. “Like I always say, meditation before medication,” Sue emphasizes with a raise of the brow.
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karmaticmedicine · 10 years
The How To On Attaining Good Karma
Ever feel like you’re lacking a morally sound and positive lifestyle? Well, some of your stolen luck may be restored while I attempt to make lives a whole lot easier. I found this topic of karma considerably more interesting than the rest as I looked back on my life. I used to be a quite selfish and cold-hearted person. I believed I deserved everything to be handed to me and hardly accepted the answer “no.” I could clearly see the world wasn’t on my side, and with loads of bad luck and negative energy, I would simply blame the world rather than myself. As I grew older, I began to learn a lot about the self and how important it is to generate good energy as well as give it back to the world. I realized if I remained this way, karma was going to bite me in the ass just a little bit harder. Lets face it people, life is too short to have evil karma and generate negative energy. Get off your twitter feed and read these simple yet vital steps to turn your life around and begin to develop good karma:
  Smile, a lot. (Not a creepy amount ‘cause people might get scared, but an honest amount). Smiling is contagious and makes other people smile, which in turn makes other people happy. All around it generates a delightful home, workplace, school environment and beyond. Oh, and by the way, it takes more muscles to frown than to smile!
Do the right thing even when no ones looking. It’s one thing to have a nice persona, but to actually be a genuine person is what karma values the most. Being a morally sound person is most important in this world. Do well always even when you know you can get away with doing bad. That is simply respectable character.
Hold the door for people. Random acts of kindness such as this helps people believe that the good still exists within people. It is a really humble task yet such a generous act. A simple sweet gesture like this can make for an uplifting interaction and possibly turn around someone’s entire day. Help in little ways.
Donate. You know those people who hound you outside of the grocery store at each door jingling that bell, which screams to your conscience. Well stop avoiding them! They may be annoying, yes, but they are standing out there for hours, rain or shine, for something they are passionate about…come on, help them out. Most of us are more fortunate than others and some were born blessed. However, others don’t have it as easy and donating can be such a powerful way to help. Assist those in need.
Take time to get to know people, especially different generations. Aside from being respectful, you’re going to learn a lot too. What a lot of people don’t know is that older generations have quadruple the amount of stories and experiences that we do. It’s crazy to wrap your head around how much more knowledge and lessons they have buried under that grey cap of hair. Therefore, it’s important to indulge in them. They didn’t have cellphones, computers or merely any technology, imagine how different their lives must have been. Hate to break it to you, but the older generations might actually be cooler than us.
Recycle…you knew it was coming. Do well to the Earth because it’s so sweet to us. Oh! And while you’re at it…Compost! A ton of good can come from putting your old produce atop the soil. It can make a nice midnight snack for our creature friends, but most importantly fuel the soil and allow plants to grow.
Say hello. You know that feeling when you’re walking by someone and you don’t know where to look or what to do. Well, I do and I finally realized it is much less awkward and a lot more pleasing to smile or say hello. So, just say hi! It could genuinely make someone’s day a little brighter and it’s a kind gesture. The more hello’s you give, the more hello’s you get. It’s the little things.
Help the elderly. See that little old lady at the grocery store trying to lug all her bags on her own. Don’t just watch, help her out! As you get older, consequently you get weaker too. The elderly also deserve more respect having lived a near entire lifetime serving karma and improving the self. Therefore, respect them as much as you can and lend a helping hand when you deem necessary. Grey Pride!
Listen. You don’t even need to reply, just listen when people talk. The best way to be there for someone and make them feel better is to sit by their side and hear them out. It’s so selfless and makes for good character. Good karma will surely follow.  
10. Compliment people. See that girl over there, isn’t she stunning? Go tell her. It’s the best sensation to receive a compliment among all other things, wouldn’t you agree? Go make someone feel on top of the world with your words.
11.  Forgive others and yourself. We ALL make mistakes whether we like it or not and it’s essential to let go of those grudges or guilt’s and forgive. To hold grudges simply holds you back. Don’t bury bad energy inside of you it will only dig a deeper hole. This negativity will harbor and strain you from moving forward and achieving happiness. We must forgive in life because not all things will go our way. The first step to moving on is accepting that.
12. Hug your parents. A lot of us spend time arguing with our parents over stupid stuff. What you may not realize now is that they’re really the only ones who have your back. They care about you way more than anyone in this world, so treat them with respect even around your friends. Hug them and love them, but most importantly, give them the respect they deserve.
13. Love yourself and the people around you. This is vital to achieve happiness and virtuous karma. You need to be a compassionate and affectionate person to fulfill your life. Love is the universal language, put it out there and it will boomerang back, allowing good karma to follow. Satisfying your internal and external with love will radiate onwards and pave the path for a healthy and righteous lifestyle.
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karmaticmedicine · 10 years
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karmaticmedicine · 10 years
Karma's Puppet
Do you ever wonder why some are blessed with the ease of wealth while others are submerged in absolute poverty? Why some are bubbly with happiness and others dwelling in misery and self-pity? In the TV show “My Name is Earl,” created by Greg Garcia, the answers become a little clearer. Earl Hickey, a selfish, lowlife scumbag, who has lived his whole life for himself and sees no problem with the five-finger discount, finds himself at rock bottom. A rude awakening hits him and frankly, his life sucks. This show raked in a large audience since people like being able to relate to a concept they are viewing. The idea of karma and getting what you give is quite prominent in every day life. Therefore viewers enjoy connecting the cause and effect and comparing it to their lifestyle. This sitcom contains witty humor involving sexuality, lack of education, and intoxication.
The main character Earl deems it important to redeem himself from his past and fix his wrong doings. He is married to a woman named Joy, who wants nothing but his money…money he doesn’t have. After marrying Joy, she becomes pregnant with a baby that Earl thinks is his until he comes out a different race. Despite her constant cheating and their chaotic life at home, he chooses to stays with her. If that was not bad enough, his brother Randy makes camp on his couch and is nothing but a lazy slob. Clearly, karma was no friend of Earl’s as he shuffles the cards he was dealt, until one day he scratches a lottery ticket worth $100,000 and celebrates in the street. Immediately following that unexpected event, he is hit by a car and knocked unconscious causing the ticket to fly away. You know what they say: karma’s a female dog and in this case, a Great Dane. Maybe all Earl needed was a sign to change his life around and while lying on the hospital bed, he got just that.
“Do good things and good things happen to you. Do bad things and it’ll come back to haunt you,” Carson states regarding karma as Earl watches “The Last Call with Carson Daly.” This is the very moment he decides he is going to cleanse his karma with a couple friends by his side and generate a list of people he wronged in the past, as well as mistakes he made in life. On the path to a better life, Earl obeys his list and starts with number 136: picking up litter. While doing this out of character and positive deed, he finds his winning ticket. He becomes even more motivated by this instant karma and recognizes the universe is on his side as he tries to change the man he is. As karma emphasizes in real life, do good things and good things will come your way, which is demonstrated vividly with Earl’s experience.
One of the best parts of the show is the impulsiveness and experiences Earl endures. While he is trying to change the man he is for the better, some unpredictable happenings and events are what really strengthen his character. As the first episode kicks off, Earl starts medicating his bad karma with a guy named Kenny James that he used to torture as a kid. Upon watching him from a far, his brother Randy almost gets arrested for public intoxication sending him through a rollercoaster of hassle. However, as he observes Kenny he realizes how nice of a job and house he has but how lonely he looks at the same time. This is seen a lot in real life as well, usually those who are engulfed in money are not always the happiest. Curious, they knock on his door and chat him up inside. To their surprise, it turns out Kenny is gay and quite ashamed and self-conscious about his sexual preference. Contemplating good karma, Earl takes Kenny to a gay bar to help his situation. As he loosens up, he starts to become really confident in his own skin and starts to feel better. Although no instant karma was rewarded, Earl felt really good about himself, which is encouraging on its own.
As the show continues to mix clever humor with life lessons, Earl moves on to number 112: Donny Jones. This episode was one of my particular favorites because it is so flexible and diverse. It emphasizes the importance of never messing with a woman, but most importantly: payback can hit you like a ton of bricks. Donny spent two years in jail for a crime that Earl committed. As one can assume, Earl was quite intimidated to approach Donny and apologize. Forcing himself there, he stood nervously on his front porch. Luckily, Donny found God in jail and was more than forgiving…his mother not so much. She comes storming out from the kitchen with a large and overwhelming, brick like bible that was in no way going to be used for reading. She slams it over his head in a rage for stealing two years of life with her son away from her. Realizing the harm he had cast on her, Earl added her to his list. He figured the only way to give her those years back was by assisting her in quitting cigarettes. In the process, he quits as well, consequently helping those around him avoid second hand smoke. This episode mixes so many emotions along with humor and karma, which makes for a captivating plot line.
As the events and episodes in the show continued to progress and unfold it became very weak very quickly. The hard truth is that the show lost viewers’ interest and the writing became very scattered. It simply lost its ability to blend humor with emotion. Creator Greg Garcia did everything he could to bring the old humor and writing back that made the show so popular at first but his efforts failed. The quality of each episode was very confusing and erratic leaving the audience perplexed and uninterested. For example, Randy and Joy hated each other throughout the whole series and randomly at the end they are shot making out. This event had no meaning and made very little sense. Therefore, the theme of the show started becoming depressing and was not teaching the audience the importance of doing well in life in order to obtain positive karma. A show that was supposed to start with sadness and end with happiness was at a stand still. As Earl began to turn his life around, the show kept his character unhappy, which only defeated the purpose and lacked a strong message. The show needed to back track and practice what it preached in the beginning episodes. I wouldn’t recommend that anyone watch this show if they are anticipating a happy and meaningful ending.
Nevertheless, the show starts off strong and sends a precise message about karma. What is great about this show is that it teaches people to think twice about picking up that twenty-dollar bill they watched slip out of someone’s back pocket or driving away after swiping the side of a parked car. It makes people consider what their actions mean.  Without the theory of karma would we care how we treated others or lived our lives? It is that little voice in the back of ours heads that is close friends with moral causation and encourages us to think twice. The show teaches a bold lesson that growing old with bad karma only leads to misfortunes and sadness, which is precisely what Earl was living with until he decided to make a constructive change. However, it is a comedy that is also supposed to teach a lesson, which it fails to do at the end by leaving the character with bad karma. “My Name is Earl” is a worthy show for those who like to watch people fix their wrongdoings while getting in a giggle, but based on its weak ending it only deserves about three out of five stars. 
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karmaticmedicine · 10 years
Karma elsewhere
Imagination Writing
              My readers should read this blog post because it is an exact example of instant karma. This girl practices good karma by offering a cough drop to someone in need who ends up helping her a few minutes later in a tough situation. By reading stories like these, my readers can become even more invested in the belief that karma exists. This person doesn’t have professional credibility, however, they write well and are simply sharing a personal experience, which makes it relatable and interesting to read.
  Karma Stories
              The story about the girl in English class just goes to show that if you are going to be down right mean about someone’s work you better be prepared for karma. If she had not been talking in class insulting someone else’s work she would have never gotten called on to read her poem, which she put no effort in. My reader’s should view this story for it reveals more instant karma and the consequences of cause and effect based on a person’s character.
  Homeless Man's Karma
              This story is so powerful and is almost unbelievable, which makes it super important for my audience to read. For those who do not believe in karma, this story will 100% make them reconsider or at least think about it in a new light. How a homeless person could simply return such a prized possession and be rewarded with such good karma has a way of making people believe. This website (cracked.com) is well know and has been up and running for a while, therefore, it is credible and reliable.
  Crazy Feather Quote
  “Your Soul is Immortal.
Your Body is Evolution.
The choices you make are your Karma
Your Karma effects others. Spread the Light.”
  This post form Crazy Feather’s blog is precisely what I want to portray to my reader’s and something that I cover in my review, therefore, I find it important for my readers to think about and consider. I mention in my review that when people figure out that life is about finding your soul and making materialistic things less important that you will achieve greater happiness. Therefore, this post directly supports that idea.
  The Lazy Yogi
  “All the suffering in the world comes from seeking pleasure for oneself. All the happiness in the world comes from seeking pleasure for others.”
            This quote is put so simply but means so much. It perfectly outlines the theory of karma and that if you only live to serve yourself and never seek to help others that no one will live to help you and misfortunes will come your way. You have to be selfless in this life and find the true meaning of happiness. That comes along with finding your self and being able to help others find their self and prosper. 
As I look back at each post they all portray instant karma, good karma and bad karma, as well as quotes to live by that help you achieve each or avoid each aspect. Take notes people.
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karmaticmedicine · 11 years
The Universe Works in Mysterious Ways…
Like any ordinary day, the sun rises, sleep soaked eyes water, coffee brews, and the laundry gets folded. But among Lynn Chase’s “to do list,” the task starred and bolded at the top is help yourself by helping others. As a daughter, mother, wife and friend, Lynn believes living each day with morally sound intentions will allow the universe to send good energy her way. Period. She strongly believes in karma and that good things happen to good people; it’s as simple as that. “I’ve kind of always been like the little Pollyanna, always optimistic and always doing the good not the bad,” Lynn says as she stacks the plates for the waitress and compliments her smile.
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Whether it’s paying the toll ticket for the car behind her or picking up someone’s flyaway money, she’s on top of helping others. As a young girl, Lynn watched her father treat others with tremendous respect and saw how it made their day. “I was always taught that what goes around comes around and really never forgot this message,” Lynn reminisces. She believes you affect everything you touch, which in turn affects you. Think about it. If you put forth negative energy, you will only receive bad energy in return.
“Karma to me is a force or an energy in the universe that brings things back to you. I think we are unaware of how much karma affects us on a day-to-day basic but I would say it does greatly,” she says as she put down her tea and smiles. It starts with the soul of the matter, the soul. Instinctively, deep inside, karma makes sense to Lynn due to her experiences and pieces that she has read. Your soul is who you are on an immaterial and spiritual level. It carries you through different worlds and lives on. Reincarnation.
            Lynn expresses her excitement and leans forward, “Your soul in this life is associated with certain people for a reason. You have these people in your life because you have lessons to learn or homework to do with them.” Each life bears important messages to strengthen your character or self. If your work isn’t done in a particular landscape, reincarnation will carry the soul into a new life accordingly to complete unfinished business. Regarding lessons, “You need to go back and get it right in another life if you didn’t succeed in the past life,” articulates Chase. The same works for those that have succeeded in their voyage; they will then get sent to another existence to progress further surrounded by people who will help them do so.
            “I was taking this genealogy class, this adult education class, and one of the women in the class with me was telling a story about her daughter and that when her daughter was young…you know how they always say that things that come out of little kid’s mouths, you have to really listen to it. It may sound like nonsense but it may be something that is valid that you have to take note of. And her daughter kept saying, she was in the kitchen with her mother, well my grandmother didn’t make it that way, she did it a different way. She said, not my grandmother here but my grandmother with the black dress and the white apron. So, she kept taking about what seemed like a past life and she was a little girl learning from her grandmother with the long black dress and white apron,” explains Chase with thrill painted on her face.
            Events like those and other of her own personal experiences lead her to continue believing in karma and how much it affects her life on a coincidental level. 1979. Lynn said “I do” for the first time to a man named Jan. She loved his family, especially his mother, whom she adored. Long story short, he didn’t want kids. 1981. Lynn was divorced. No contact was exchanged for years, until one of her friend’s daughters decided to move to Texas, where Jan also lived. She was in desperate need of a job. Knowing he had a big, successful company up there, Lynn suggested his name and reached out to him.
            “He said of course I’d make sure the resume gets to the right place but how odd that I would choose this particular time to get in touch with him because his mother had just passed away that same week,” Lynn recalls. Baffled, she knew that the universe worked in mysterious ways and that some ‘karmatic’ part of her could feel and sense a change from this relationship she still had buried in her unconscious. “I just thought, wow, was there on some level that I knew that and needed to touch base with him. But I got a chance to express my sympathies to him and how much I really adored his mother,” Lynn explains.
            Situations like this strengthen her belief that karma is real and is circulating around our life paths. Sending out good energy allows the universe to hand us positive reinforcement in return. What goes around, truly, comes back around. She ponders this idea everywhere she goes with everything that encases her. 
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