katieelsinga · 7 years
Charlotte is a young French aristocrat from the 18th century. At her sister's wedding in 1777, she is kidnapped by a beautiful stranger, who changes her life forever - and not for the better. On the run for over two hundred years, she does her best to evade her sire, but nothing can deter him from taking back what is his...
Kiran is a young Indian girl from Kolkata, in present-day 2011. As an infant, tragedy befalls her when she moves to New York. A great fire kills her mother, leaving her stuck in the foster care system, moving from one home to the next, since unexplained 'incidents' occur at each place. Who would want such a cursed child?
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katieelsinga · 7 years
“Potter, Albus!” “SLYTHERIN!” Everyone in the Great Hall held their breath in horror as Albus hopped off the stool and sat beside Malfoy. There was no pause, no moment to think about where he would be placed. The hat said ‘Slytherin’ the exact second it touched Albus’ head. It wasn’t until ten more names went by — Pyrites, Ross, Runcorn, Scamander and Scamander, Smith, Suzuki, Travers, Thomas, and Vane — before my name finally was called. There was one seat left at the Gryffindor table. With three more students behind me, did I really need to go there? Could I be placed somewhere else, like Albus? What would it be like, for a Weasley to not go to Gryffindor? What if that wasn’t my house? What if— “Granger-Weasley, Rose!” I glanced across the tables until I caught sight of Albus. He looked pleased with himself. Uncle Harry was almost placed in Slytherin, so it wasn’t entirely unbelievable that my cousin could be in that house as well. But as for a Weasley, I couldn’t possibly go into any other house than Gryffindor, could I? Swallowing hard, I approached the hat.
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katieelsinga · 8 years
Albus Gets a Large Ferret: Part 2
We came back to our family’s shop, where we met Dad and Aunt Ginny’s putout expressions. They were upset that Hugo and Lily had left with us. We all cringed away from their heavy glares. “So—” Aunt Ginny started. “HAVE YOU ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED WE’VE BEEN?!” Dad blurted out. “Going off, Merlin-knows-where, with your siblings without telling anyone! What if you took a wrong turn and ended up down Knockturn Alley? What if you came across a pack of werewolves down there? What if a dragon got loose and singed you all!” “Ron!” Aunt Ginny interjected. “Don’t exaggerate!” “But it’s possible, Ginny!” Dad argued. “A dragon has broken out of Gringotts before!” “Yes, because you freed it!” “It was the only way out!” “HOLD IT!” I interrupted, realizing what they were saying. Did I really hear what I just heard? “You set a dragon loose from Gringotts?!” “It was actually all Harry’s doing,” Dad corrected. “We needed an escape route, after breaking into Gringotts and there was no way we were getting out of there the same way we came in. So he set the beast loose…” My eyes bulged. “Wicked!” Hugo said, beaming with approval. “And you rode on it as it flew away?” I asked in disbelief. Dad nodded. “Bloody brilliant!” Albus applauded. “Ron, we’re getting off topic here,” Aunt Ginny reminded Dad softly. “Oh. Right.” Dad’s forehead furrowed as he gave us a stern stare. “Where did you go?” Albus stepped forward and lifted the cage with the Jarvey inside. Dad and Aunt Ginny’s eyes widened in surprise. The large ferret stopped grooming his face to look up at our parents and sniff the air. He lost interest in them quickly and continued to groom himself, deciding not to waste his breath on insults. “Is that a—?” “Jarvey!” Lily enthused, clapping her hands cheerfully. “Have you named him yet?” Dad asked. Albus shook his head. “Good.” Dad grinned. “Call him ‘Malfoy’ then.” Aunt Ginny snickered. “Why Malfoy?” Albus inquired. Even I was confused as to why Dad requested that. It was some inside joke that only Aunt Ginny seemed to find funny as I watched her giggle. Why name a rodent Malfoy? Dad couldn’t possibly be referring to that Malfoy, could he? “It’ll make your dad laugh, Al,” Aunt Ginny explained, still giggling. “Show him Malfoy as soon as he arrives at the Burrow!”
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katieelsinga · 8 years
Albus Gets a Large Ferret: Part 1
Magical Menagerie was filled with a lot of animals, mainly cats and toads. Albus was keenly looking through a cage that contained an abnormally large ferret. As I got closer, I concluded as to why Albus liked the creature so much. “That’s a Jarvey!” I exclaimed. “I know!” Albus said cheerfully. “Isn’t he wicked?”   The Jarvey turned his beady-eyes on me and opened his mouth. “Fox-face.” I blinked. “Excuse me?” “Carrot Top.” “Did he just—?” “Freckles.” “Why you little—!” Albus held me back before I could rattle the cage and silence the vermin. I couldn’t believe Albus wanted him for a pet! Jarveys were cable of human speech, but most of it was just rude comments and phrases, incapable of true conversation. Oh, I wanted so badly to strangle the rodent! Insulting me with redhead stereotypes? He wouldn’t live long! Hugo and Lily rushed over to see what was the matter. They peered into the cage and the Jarvey stared back… saying nothing. When the gnawer turned his gaze back on me again, I glared at him, narrowing my eyes in scrutiny. I hated him, I really did. Why did he only pick on me? “Ginger.” “Really?” I demanded.
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katieelsinga · 8 years
me on a date: so what's your hogwarts house?
date: I don't know...
me shoving breadsticks into my purse: something's come up I've-
date: I mean no one can truly know their house because the online quizzes are nothing compared to the sorting hat.
me slowly takes breadstick out of purse: go on
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katieelsinga · 8 years
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everyday i thank merlin for scorpius malfoy 🙏🏻
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katieelsinga · 8 years
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“The scar had not pained harry in nineteen years. All was well.”
Wow Rowling really took that to heart
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katieelsinga · 8 years
Scorpius: Rose! Aren't you excited for Christmas?
Rose: NO
Scorpius: What? Why?
Scorpius: oh shit your right...
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katieelsinga · 8 years
If you enjoy gothic fiction, such as Carmilla or Dracula, then this work will be an enjoyable read! :) Or if you like horror stories of history, such as Elizabeth Bathory (Blood Countess), Gilles de Rais (Bluebeard), Vlad the Impaler (Dracula), Delphine Lalaurie...etc. 
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katieelsinga · 8 years
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katieelsinga · 8 years
After Meeting Rose For The First Time...
Astoria: She’s very pretty. Scorpius: Mum. Astoria: I bet she’s smart, too. Scorpius: Mum. Astoria: Should I start making wedding preparations? Scorpius: MUM! Astoria: Kidding...
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katieelsinga · 8 years
"So the boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears." -- Remus Lupin “Why spiders? Why couldn’t it be ‘follow the butterflies’?” -- Ronald Weasley
Before her first year, Rose Granger-Weasley accidently took a wrong turn down Knockturn Alley and entered a shop, where she found a swarm of butterflies eating away at decaying flesh. She developed a fear of butterflies after that, and in her third year at Hogwarts, when she faced a boggart for the first time, it shapeshifted into a kaleidoscope of butterflies. Using the charm “Riddikulus”, the rabble of colorful wings became perfectly round bubbles.
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katieelsinga · 8 years
For anyone who is interested in reading about Elves, Heroines, LGBT, Norse Mythology, and Old English (Anglo-Saxon). 
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katieelsinga · 8 years
Charms Class
Scorpius: “Hey, Rose! Am I more charming than Professor Flitwick’s class?” Rose: “Keep dreaming, Malfoy, ‘cause you’ll never get an OWL in Charms.”
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katieelsinga · 8 years
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Rose Weasley.
No, I haven’t read Cursed Child. No, I don’t think she belonged in Gryffindor. I believe that all three of them- Rose, Albus, and Scorpius- belonged in Ravenclaw.
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katieelsinga · 8 years
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My version of the next gen. “Red hair and hand me down clothes.” Doesn’t apply anymore.
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katieelsinga · 8 years
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The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
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