kay-jay8 ¡ 4 years
BakuDeku thingy
So.... I’ve working on this for a while now (this is like a small snippet of the first chapter) and I really don’t know if this would interest people at all. it’s my first time writing bakudeku so, I want to get some feedback on these little parts of the story that I’m posting to see whether or not it needs improving. 
snippet 1:
“Come on, Deku! They’re about to start the duel.”
Rays of sunlight peeked through the thick curtains of luscious greenery as they scaled over the rose garden’s picket fence with practiced ease. It was not the first nor would it be the last time the two children used such methods to tiptoe past the royal knights that patrolled around the castle, conjuring up endless tricks to slip through the metal bars of the gates or digging holes to crawl into if they were ever caught.
“Wah- wait, Kacchan, you’re going too fast!” Deku voiced, the child’s wild green curls danced back with the wind, the warm summer’s breeze tickling over sun kissed cheeks.
Kacchan glowered at the older kid from on top of the fence, his small hands clutched fiercely onto the bars as Deku trembled in fear below him. A sigh escaped his lips when tears formed at the corner of his friend’s gem colored eyes.
“We’re not going to get anywhere if we go at your pace.” He stated, his own arms struggled to keep him in his spot. “You were the one that wanted to see the knights in action!”
Deku’s emerald orbs lowered onto the ground, shaky bottom lip formed into a pout when the blond tutts at the fact that his friend couldn’t even properly climb a fence without crying. “I know! But... I’m scared.”
“What’s there to be scared about? We’ve climbed the damned fence over a thousand times! Why the heck are you scared now of all times?”
“... you- your arm, Kacchan, you hurt your arm last time.”
The blond had shut his bright eyes before he breathed out another heavy sigh in defeat.
“Whatever. It’s not like it’ll be the only time we’d get a chance to watch them, there’s always next year.” The younger child swung down to the grass beside his tearful companion in one swift motion, and planted himself in a crouched position. “You’re such a crybaby, Deku. But, I guess it can't be helped. You are a girl after all.”
“That- that has no- it’s not because I’m a girl! Kacchan, you’re being mean!”
“Whatever you say, you crybaby.”
snippet 2: 
Deku- Izuku, at the young age of twelve, held onto Kacchan with all her might as she begs him not to go. As futile as her efforts are, she still tries.
“Kacchan, it’s fine- I’m fine!” She shouts, her arms tightened firmly across his waist. “It was just a little prank, nothing serious!”
Kacchan is fierce with his furrowed brows and lips curled back likened to a tiger, seeming every bit of the predator in his fit of anger.
“Nothing serious? What do you mean ‘nothing serious’?” He roars, temper flaring like the burning sun. “Look at you! There is nothing funny about what those bastards did. They ought to be put in their goddamn place .”
Deku stares at him through the gap between his arms, her pleading for him to listen. He’s gotten into way too much in the past several years protecting her, it was to the point that even the benevolent king has had enough of his itching fists.
“They’re knights, Kacchan. Don’t cause a commotion for my sake. His majesty already warned you what will happen if you were to make another blunder. I can’t have to take the blame for me again!”
Kacchan scoffs at her, grabbing a hold of her arms to pull her forward into his line of view. “Don’t even try to excuse them for what they did, Deku. Knights my ass! If they’re as knightly as you say they are, then they should know the price they’ll have to pay for what they’ve done to you.”
Let me know what you guys think! I’d love to get some feedback on this!
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kay-jay8 ¡ 4 years
please respect others
honestly, I was surprised to find out what was going on with woojin. truthfully, I never expected him to be that kind of person. I'll admit that he was never my favourite member during his time in skz (in fact I'd say he was the least, due to the fact that, either than his voice, nothing about him piqued my interest), but I never would have thought that this is what it’d took to catch my attention.
anyways, regardless with whatever is happening, whether or not if the assaults and accusations are true (and I'm only saying this because no hard evidence/proof has come to light on the situation), it disappointing see the amount of death threats and disrespect that is going around in the community at the moment. I don't, by any means, support woojin and the hurt that he’s caused to so many people (especially to the said victims), but this behaviour from the community needs to stop. I can get that people are upset and want to express what they feel or spread awareness about the circumstances, I get that. although, with the way that things are going, all that it’s doing is building up more negativity on an already negative situation. when I say this, i’m referencing to some of the asks as well as messages I've seen fans who still support woojin are getting. 
I know I will probably get some hate for saying this, but sending these kinds of messages are not a way to go about expressing how upset you are for the victims and the injustice of it all. all I'm saying is that your words hold a lot of power. you may not think so and there will people around you who will think the same thing, though, there will also be others that will take the words you throw around to heart. 
I say this cause I can sympathize with the fans who want to stay by his side because I understand what it’s like to want to wholeheartedly support their idol until proven guilty. if the accused were an idol I idolize, I'd probably be in their shoes. I don't agree with standing by woojin, but I can understand their reasoning and feelings behind it.
maybe im not the best person to speak up about this, but this is ridiculous. people have the right to their own opinions and thoughts, just as everybody else in the world. you may not agree with them supporting woojin and that’s okay, but harassing, threats, and poking fun at them is not okay. if you’re doing this to others, you are just lowering yourself down as a person and that’s not something you should be doing to yourself.
so please, think before placing your words down in ink. treat people the way you want to be treated. if you don't agree with what they do, express it in a respectful manner because the feeling of others mattesr just as much as yours.
im not scolding anyone, im just trying to point people to a better direction than where they’re heading. 
and to reiterate for those who may have missed it, I do not support woojin. and personally, as a person, I usually like to give people the benefit of the doubt but with recent events, I'm finding it more and more possible that the accusations are true.
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kay-jay8 ¡ 4 years
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This was made last year, so like, before woojin ended up leaving the group. Needless to say, it’s not up to date lol.
I meant to post this the year before but got distracted...better late then never, I guess 😅
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kay-jay8 ¡ 4 years
angst sasusaku wip
There’s glass scattered across the floor, each shard glistening under the living room lights. She knows it’ll be hell to pick up once he’s gone. Despite the fact that she’ll have to crawl over every corner of their expansive living room floor to ensure there weren’t be any of the potentially dangerous glass left, she can’t seem to dread the inevitable cuts on her hands and knees that always comes with cleaning up his messes. It’s become a routine at this point, picking up after him. After every burst of anger, he’s sure to leave chaos in his wake and for some reason or another, she’s always there to put everything back together again.
He’s furious, she knows he is. There’s no denying it. Sasuke and his tall frame of six foot one paces around the room and disregards the puzzle of glass hanging about like it’s nothing, he hardly flinches when the glass crunches under the naked soles of his feet, leaving a frightening amount of crimson to trail along each of his steps. He’s grabbing at any object he can get his hands on; vases, picture frames, porcelain figurines, nothing is spared as he tosses it at their walls. It’s like he’s been numbed to both his body and any other emotions that wasn’t anger. It’s a terrifying sight, watching him act like this.
Not that it’s anything new to her, he’s thrown enough of his fits that she’s on autopilot before she knows it. Usually, she would be hidden away in the safety of her little corner in the kitchen, spectating from afar, waiting for his storm to pass. That’s how it was. That’s how it’s always been.  
Today is different though, she’s not where she knows she should be, hidden and out of sight. No, today she’s staring at the face of danger, within the eye of this enormous storm. She’s aware that what she is doing right now is stupid, hazardous even, but she’s taking her chances. No matter how many times she’s witnessed him fall into this state of madness, no amount of exposure could quell the uneasiness in her heart whenever he gets to this point. It’s a fear she’s ashamed to have, one she’s tried countless of times to ease and it eats at her every passing day she stays under the same roof as him.
She no longer wants this dread that crawls through her skin, the anxiety that tightens her lungs whenever his anger gets the better of him. She’s already made up her mind, this, whatever their relationship has come to, had to end. 
“Stop it.” 
Her words don’t reach him, he’s already far too gone in his own head to see her. Much less to hear her. 
A modern day, incomplete sasusaku one-shot I never got around to finishing...
question: should I continue writing and finish this one???
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kay-jay8 ¡ 4 years
Heat and Warmth
It’s hot.
The sun is fading and sets low in the horizons, radiating rays of heat despite the eveningtide as they silently walk along the quiet sidewalk. Nonetheless, the dusting hues of a sunset fashioned an almost surreal scenery while they strolled home after endless hours of lessons. Honestly, islands in the middle of nowhere have the best view in the world, no matter how small of a piece of land it is. Still, even with the cool breeze that flows throughout the isle, the air seems to be getting hotter somehow, which is unusual for someone like Alibaba. Usually, this degree of warmth wouldn’t have bothered him as much as it is now. Under normal conditions, he would barely break a sweat; having been used to living in harsher and more feverish surroundings compared to Sindria’s much cooler, seaside weather. It makes him wonder if he’s adapted to his temporary home well enough to be affected by the change that came with summer slowly creeping in. Or maybe…
“Hey Alibaba.”
“Yeah?” He glances down to his right, trapped in the sight of crimson tresses dancing in gentle waves to the beat of the wind. It’s alluring how the dark locks of her hair catches the sunlight, reflecting and highlighting the deep reds of each strand. He can’t help imagining the flickering of a fire while admiring her soft scarlet hair.
“You’ll be heading back soon, right?” She asks, kicking at a few stray pebbles from under her. Her ruby eyes glow underneath the light of the sunset as she looks forward, watching the burning star silently slip away. “Back to Balbadd...back to your home.”
He takes a moment before answering, taken aback by her sudden question. “...I am.”
“It’s only for the summer. I'll be back a few days before the new semester begins, so I don’t really have to worry about getting caught up with the academy like I had to the year before. I’ll have plenty of time before then. Isn’t that great, Morg? I’ll have a couple of days to hang with you and Aladdin before lessons start up again.” He grins at her, giving her hand intertwined in his a light squeeze.
Morgiana returns his gesture, the tips of her ears turning a rosey pink as she does so.
“Balbadd, what’s it like?”
“Beautiful. When you enter the city, the people there are so alive and cheerful that it makes everything bright and dazzling. They’re kind, they’ll greet you with all sorts of imported trinkets that I just know you’d like. Of course, it’s crowded and people are always in a rush, plus it can get pretty chaotic at times, but, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Street markets are constantly bursting with life, filled to the brim with clothes and foods and all these amazing things from all over the world! Man, I wish you could see it! Nothing is more worthwhile than seeing the people of my country flourishing.”
She listens to him intently, her gemstone orbs sparkling in amazement as he describes his homeland to her. Alibaba can hardly contain his own excitement while reciting memories of the Kingdom of Balbadd.
“That’s why, one day, I want you to be able to see it for yourself, Morgiana.”
They’ve long since stopped walking, paused on the side of the quiet road. There are faint crashes of waves against rocks, the sound of the sea's distinctive call.
“What do you say? When you’ve graduated from Sindria’s Academy and grown a bit more, would you come and see the Kingdom of Balbadd with me?”
“I-I...wah.” She stutters, speechless and wide-eyed. She’s stunned, which is a given. Afterall, an orphan like herself could only dream of traveling to a place as great as Balbadd and with the third prince of the country, no less.
“And I won’t be escorting you as Alibaba Saluja the Crowned Prince of Balbadd, but as Alibaba, son of Anise.”
“Don’t feel pressured to accept, Morg.” He continues, reaching out his hand to wipe away the stray tears that fall from her lashes. “I’m sorry. I'm just being a little selfish. I didn’t mean to make you cry Morgiana, I just wanted you to see how wonderful my country is with your own eyes. It’s enough that, for now, you’re by my side.”
“For now.” She repeats his words, staring into his caramel gaze. “How long will ‘for now’ last? You’ve been crowned the next heir of Balbadd, Alibaba. How long can this go on before it ends? Alibaba, you are a prince with duties and responsibilities that I could never pretend to comprehend. Just how are we going to work when you become king? I have neither the noble blood and the influence to be able to stay by your side.”
“That doesn’t matter, I will find a way for us.”
“And what if you can’t?”
He is silent, he isn’t sure whether it is due to the fact he had no answer for her or that Morgiana, who is always full of determination and hope, is now looking at him with such a hopelessness in her eyes. It hurts him to see her like this, knowing he is the cause of the loss of the gleam in her gaze. “I can’t guarantee that I’ll have an answer for us if that time ever comes, but I will find a way. No matter what.”
He can’t look her in the eye as he pulls her forward into his arms, engulfing her in his larger frame. As a prince, he had a duty to fulfill to both his country and his people. So, giving up the crown was not an option, the both of them knew that much. But he was very much willing and ready to if Morgiana had only let him when his father first announced his crowning.
“Let’s go home for now.” Alibaba finally says after a moment, releasing Morgiana from his hug. “I’m sure Aladdin’s waiting for us.”
Her hand is cool when he takes it into his own as he continues to lead them to Sinbad’s palace.
It’s dark and there is no trace of the sun in the blanket of twilight dusk, but the heat of the sunlight still remains.
things to note:
this is set in a au. which one? im not sure about that myself lol
alibaba's older brothers are no long inline for succession to the throne due to the exact reasons the previous king of Balbadd had mentioned before his death in the anime/manga. (Ahbmad having been taken down and Sahbmad stepping down from position as potential kings)
alibaba and morgiana are together in this fic
Sindria is still a kingdom ruled under Sinbad (alibaba staying with him as the son of a dear friend, while Morgiana is Masrur's adopted niece)
the academy is a institution of learning for future leaders and anyone with the potential of becoming leaders. Sinbad created this school to keep count of and make connections with different countries as well as their future rulers
morgiana is only able to attend because she is Masrur's niece
alimor's relationship is a secret, give or take a few friend who know about it
alibaba is in Sindria to learn and grow to be a better king (was sent by his father)
anise is still dead
kassim/cassim is still alive, but is one of the reasons why alibaba was sent to Sindria
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
also: check out my other works @Kay_jay88 
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kay-jay8 ¡ 4 years
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Another Orihime, besides I miss her old hair style....
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kay-jay8 ¡ 4 years
I’ve finished the first part! Please come and check it out if you’re interested in the kind of finished product 😁
Jae2 WIP
He likes listening to Youngjae breathe while he sleeps beside him; it was a sort of dreamlike experience to watch the light lift and fall of his partners chest, every breath inhaled and exhaled reassuring him that, yes, he is real. That his lover wasn’t going anywhere. It calms his uneasy heart to be able to reach out and know that he’d be there to grab on to. Sometimes, when the dark corners of his mind fight their way to the surface, he almost believes that a day will come when he’ll wake up without him by his side. He knows it’s an irrational fear of his, to be plagued with this shameful darkness each morning he wakes but there’s nothing he can do to stop the tight and suffocating feeling that crushes his chest whenever the thought arises. It becomes paranoia at times, when he starts believing that Youngjae really could disappear at any given moment, within the blink of an eye.
It’s become a habit to watch him, studying him till there was nothing else to memorize. Jaebum doesn’t know when he started this strange and, quite frankly, weird routine of gaping at his boyfriend’s serene expression. Maybe it was the fact that most days, he could hardly believe this angel in his arms wasn’t a figment of his imagination. Or maybe, just maybe, he feared the worst of his terrors would become reality, that he’ll wake one day and find nothing in his arms.
Yes, that was a truly terrifying thought.
(Something i may or may not expand on due to the lack of jae2 in my other fics @Kay_jay88 on ao3)
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kay-jay8 ¡ 5 years
Jae2 WIP
He likes listening to Youngjae breathe while he sleeps beside him; it was a sort of dreamlike experience to watch the light lift and fall of his partners chest, every breath inhaled and exhaled reassuring him that, yes, he is real. That his lover wasn’t going anywhere. It calms his uneasy heart to be able to reach out and know that he’d be there to grab on to. Sometimes, when the dark corners of his mind fight their way to the surface, he almost believes that a day will come when he’ll wake up without him by his side. He knows it’s an irrational fear of his, to be plagued with this shameful darkness each morning he wakes but there’s nothing he can do to stop the tight and suffocating feeling that crushes his chest whenever the thought arises. It becomes paranoia at times, when he starts believing that Youngjae really could disappear at any given moment, within the blink of an eye.
It’s become a habit to watch him, studying him till there was nothing else to memorize. Jaebum doesn’t know when he started this strange and, quite frankly, weird routine of gaping at his boyfriend’s serene expression. Maybe it was the fact that most days, he could hardly believe this angel in his arms wasn’t a figment of his imagination. Or maybe, just maybe, he feared the worst of his terrors would become reality, that he’ll wake one day and find nothing in his arms.
Yes, that was a truly terrifying thought.
(Something i may or may not expand on due to the lack of jae2 in my other fics @Kay_jay88 on ao3)
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kay-jay8 ¡ 5 years
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kay-jay8 ¡ 5 years
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Another fem!Tsuki! I haven’t drawn one in awhile, so this is the result!
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kay-jay8 ¡ 5 years
Kei wordlessly eyes her raven haired fiancĂŠ as he fumes at her side, the undeniably visible vein of his neck well on the verge of bursting at any moment. His handsome face carves itself into a tight frown, dark midnight brows that knot together are paired with his unnatural golden orbs, narrowed dangerously as they peer through his unruly locks, conveying an alluring impression of a prowling predator. His piercing eyes were not necessarily directed towards her in any way, but his fierce stare did nothing to stop the heat from licking at her insides as irritation rolled from him in heated waves, shrouding him a dark and menacing aura. A shiver runs down her spine at the sight of his gaze, the charge of excitement twisting its way around in her middle in the most excitable way while the tips of her finger trembles in anticipation.
How she longed to slip them through his inky tresses and brush them away from unfairly handsome his face, to trail her nails into the back of his scalp. Regardless of how unkempt his locks of hair were, she could be only imagine if they felt as soft as they looked.
She bites her lips, pearly teeth digging into the soft and pink flesh in an effort to hide her inner turmoil.
He is a beautiful man with his midnight black locks and deep golden orbs, a perfect specimen amongst noblemen who’ve strive to acquire his lack of imperfections. Money, youth, power, social rank, everything a man could only dream of was in the palm of his hands. He’s a formidable man with immense influence across the kingdom of Karasuno and his own, Nekoma. Although her family were from a long line of Counts, the Tsukishima’s were a smaller household out of the bigger as well as famous nobles in Karasuno; they were hardly interesting enough to pique to interest of their own society, never mind a Duke from a foreign and royal lineage. It came as a surprise, to say the least, when the Duke came knocking at Count Tsukishima’s door offering such a huge sum of money for the only daughter of a common Count. The fact that her fiancé had been the party to eagerly hand over an expansive mountain of gold for her hand in marriage had her parents and older brother weak kneed. How she even caught the attention of the Duke was a mystery to all. -
It’s a WIP for a kurotsuki fic I’m working on. Hope you like it!
Let me know what you think? Is it flowing well enough? Should I continue to write this one or nah?
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kay-jay8 ¡ 5 years
Cause it didn’t show the last time I posted it
I drew what jinyoung would look like in my jinson fanfic. I hope I did her justice!
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kay-jay8 ¡ 5 years
So done tbh.
Urgh, I feel so bad for Bang Chan.
He doesn’t deserve the hate he’s been getting lately, I mean braids are nothing new. Everybody (maybe not everyone) has worn braids at least once in their lives. Does that make it disrespectful? Would you feel offended to see someone out in the street on an average day with their hair in braids? No, I don’t really think so.
Honestly, it confuses me how things like this triggers people so much. I’m of Chinese/Vietnamese descent, and I’ve seen dozens of girls with absolutely no Chinese or Vietnamese background donning a qipao/cheongsam/Áo Dài for some kind of occasions, like a prom for example. You don’t see a lot of people (asian or not) making a huge deal about it. And what about the Japanese kimono/yukata? Or Korean street fashion? Shouldn’t people out there be peeved about these? Because I personally haven’t seen anyone speaking up about these subjects.
People who hate on Chan (and anybody else, for that matter) for things such as the way their hair is done or what kind of clothing they chose to wear are as narrow minded as the people they preach against. It’s simply someone stereotyping a certain look or feature to a culture/ethnic group.
There have been so many celebrities out there who have worn the exact same style as Chan has. For example:
Iggy Azalea
Jennifer Lopez
Justin Timberlake
David Beckham
Axl Rose
Gwen Stefani
Christina Aguilera
Kevin Federline
And these are only a few examples of people who’re not of whatever ethnic descent braids are claimed to have originated from.
Chan and every other member of Stray Kids have worked hard to create awareness in mental health and has supported so many people out there who struggle with it. It seems like these Stays somehow forgotten how respectful and loving Skz’s are.
“I represent and I show respect to all people and the whole world.” - Bang Chan, P.A.C.E.
Call me ignorant all you want but I honestly don’t see the point in getting worked up over a hairstyle. It’s 2019 people. Everybody’s embracing all races, sexes, sexualities, and cultures and so much more. Why create so much controversy over something so little as hair? Why not save the fight for something that really matters? Something meaningful?
Now, I’m not saying you can’t be peeved, for whatever reason it may be but please, don’t lash out at others for it. Be mature about it. Know that your words hold more power than you think. Be reasonable and conscious of how you speak/write to others.
Words may not be able to hurt someone physically, but it still hold power over a person. Remember, one can never take back the words they say.
I will always support Stray Kids, and it makes me sad as a Stay to see so many fellow Stays belittle and shame Chan the way they do.
To those of you who chant 2racha and ot8: how does it feel? Making Chan, our leader of Skz & 3racha, a person, shed tears because of your words and actions? Does it feel good? I hope you’re proud of yourselves; you’ve achieved a new level of low.
I really can’t believe there are people out there like that. I can’t. It breaks my heart knowing there are Stays who are so willing to throw a member away over a hairstyle.
Chan promised to be there for us through our bad times, why aren’t those Stays there for him? If you don’t like something, be civil about it. You have no right to kick a person when they’re down. If you can’t like him at his worst, you definitely don’t get to love him at his best.
(Btw, this is not to those of you who are honestly and reasonably [and I mean reasonably] offended by this whole situation. I’m not trying to justify anyone’s actions nor do I condone anyone to ignoring cultural appropriation.
Im just peeved over the fact that a member has to go through this because society stereotypes people and cultures the way it does. Everyone is free to their own opinions; this is just mine.)
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kay-jay8 ¡ 6 years
I drew what jinyoung would look like in my jinson fanfic. I hope I did her justice!
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kay-jay8 ¡ 6 years
Redraw of my old todoroki
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kay-jay8 ¡ 6 years
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💚shidge 🖤
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kay-jay8 ¡ 6 years
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