khanze · 11 months
Scrollytelling UX/UI 2023 Design Trend 2.
"Okay, so what’s scrollytelling? It’s like a magic trick for your screen. When you scroll down a webpage, instead of just plain text or pictures, cool things happen. It’s not always about making the website work better, but it sure makes it look amazing. It’s like turning the pages of a digital storybook.”~
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Scrollytelling example by Bloom.xyz, used only for reference and all rights reserved by the creator.
Original article written by @aihuman570 at medium.com
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khanze · 1 year
Above the sky - There is another sky - Mighty high Black, sun kissed green and blue - Violet and dense it's hue - Unbelievable yet unbelievably true I see a line divide - Creating a horizon wide - So straight and endless it rides Would you have imagined, there's a universe below this, had you been a citizen of the sky? A universe below and a universe above - A sandwiched rainbow of love  Who knows if there are more—should we realize a fraction we stand for? Why fight the self against ourselves? Breed a dozen thieves - And robbing innocence
Whatever you make, make well And for buildings—trees they'll break, so make wells Villages are dying as cities are prying Forests stopped crying, as tomorrow they'll be the last ones laughing 
Benefit good but your greed is vying - Look up and remember there are many a skies flying Truth is, no matter how many are lies - Our world that we call earth is built off many a lives Bygone partaker gone without a trace - Bystander often lives off others poker-faced Worry about the stones you throw at the sky, overtime, will land on you, thus burry your bones
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khanze · 2 years
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Kinda like a website in video? Beauty.
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khanze · 2 years
"What she taught me was to feel... that you’re a part of this place, not a visitor."
'The footage in South Africa became the film My Octopus Teacher, which won an Oscar. But long before an international audience was captivated by the movie’s charismatic star, Dr. Mather and her peers have been trying to crack the mystery of an animal that researchers like to say is the closest we may ever come to meeting an alien life form.’ ~
Original article source: Erin Anderssen, The Globe and Mail Article here: Consider the Octopus
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khanze · 4 years
Still standing
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khanze · 4 years
The mediator
The superhero of lives and letters
The crusader
Of the wild
Walked the trails of nature
The hope maker
Leaving a legacy behind
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khanze · 4 years
Imagine for a minute
This environment is a gift
And you’re living in it
Do you get the drift?
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khanze · 4 years
Beauty is in motion
Move something
Stillness is a stagnant notion
Move a being
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khanze · 4 years
When you help a lost soul,
You find yourself
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khanze · 4 years
If you see anyone getting targeted,
If you hear words that are unfair,
If you speak nothing,
You become a part of that injustice.
Hear, see, speak no evil.
And always, be the good you want.
That’s one way to protect your interest.
The a bravery of being alive,
Is to watch others live with respect,
Is to see dignity as a right,
Is to talk with hope.
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khanze · 4 years
These are Uber-cool word plays + visuals
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khanze · 4 years
Us + nature Us vs nature
Find a better balance with yourself and nature. We are interdependent. Nature is doing its bit—but we are taking more than it can recover. How can we bring back it’s glory? We can start somewhere by looking after our needs to minimize the takeout and actually replenish our lives by protecting nature, else we would have nowhere—And that’s not a good place to be in.
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khanze · 4 years
Man at the end
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khanze · 4 years
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They whispered to her 'you cannot withstand the storm”. She whispered back “I am the storm”.
“Lebanon is in each one of us the fierce storm that makes it impossible for us to be vanquished. Yes, Beirut will rise again... And I’m not just talking about architecture. I am talking about love. At each twist in our paths, at each question mark, the answer lies in whether we choose to fuel on love or hate. It might sound childish, naïve, but at the core of it it’s the truest of truths. We need to take advantage of every crossroad, every turn, every missing step on our way up to reassess, reconsider, and make sure that we never offer less than our loving self. It is so simple, yet so rarely done by most.” ~ Ricardo Karam
Amen to that.
Photo source ~ Maxx Gong, via Unsplash.com
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khanze · 4 years
Real magic
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khanze · 4 years
The chief—really the only—distinction between time and space is that in space you can go forward and backward, but time is one-way.
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khanze · 4 years
When you feel
Time is up,
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