Her eyes part gently to the warm light seeping through her eyelids as she slumbers hazily on her bed, one of her long arms draped lazily over the mattress's side in mid-air. It's morning, and yet she feels as though the air is thick with an evening bustle instead of a calm gentle breeze like it usually has.
She can hear excited mumbling and shouting tones from outside the sunny-silled window; voices upon voices of people talking, all mixing together into one thick static so she could no longer wistfully ride on her thoughts and dreams.
She sits upright; her shoulder-length raven hair tousled into madness as she gives a gentle yet uneased hum - Why so much noise? She stretches her arms above her head with a squeak of a moan, trying to let her blue eyes blink into focus towards her window.
The shouting and the commotion outside continue to grow. She swung her feet out of the warm pillowy covers of her duck-down duvet and padded her way over to the window, shrugging on a light Cami to shield herself from prying eyes that might catch a glimpse of her from her 3rd story bedroom window.
As she gazed dazedly out of the glazed glass and down to the harbor of the town, her eyes glistened with a delicate delight as they focused on the creature slowly pulling itself into the quay from the cloudy blue sky. It was riding the air majestically as if it was a weightless bird; a blue Whale.
Its soft blubbery skin was crusted with bulbous barnacles and calloused dry moss that had been growing itself against its body for decades as it rode the wind. Its gentle milky eyes were warm and mild as if it was proud of its entrance to the harbor.
Strapped to its back were thick hardy pelts from what looked like a mix match of leather, all weaving themselves together to balance what looked like an old ship, that was nestled in the center of the creature's back. The wood was creaking and sore from age, with patchworks of oak on its sides from years upon years of mending. The ripped white sails were allowed to bellow in the gusts of wind but gave very little purpose other than the ideal of the boat riding the breeze on its own. If it weren't strapped to the creature's back, it wouldn't have been fit for purpose.
With a gentle rumbling moan, the whale settled down into its dock, its belly crushing into the sea and caressing the cool sea water which spilled up its sides and splashed the barnacles on its fins, so they glistened like diamonds in the sunlight.
The woman watched in awe as the creature with utmost loyalty and contentment, allowed its passengers to disembark from its service. The whale's eyes glinted with patience as the last of its passengers stepped off the deck, and with another gentle moan, it departed with a soft and low rumble as it lifted itself magically back into the sky, to help the next load of weary travelers with the next chapter of their lives.
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Art by Gregory Fromenteau
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Who knows how long ago: 
Closing muddled eyes, a woman on the balcony could feel the crisp and cool morning air cascade across her cheeks, as she perched herself peacefully on the whitewashed wall which secured her safely from the ocean below. Her feet hung lazily over the edge of the wall, as she looked out dreamily at the scene ahead of her. The early morning air was already promising to carry a warm and blissful day, following its wistful and wafting breeze.
The enormous body of water below her was calm, but still lapped up against the sharp shards of cliff face beneath her hungrily; as if it was menacingly waiting for her to jump from her perch into its salty abyss.
The sound of the immoral lagoon below was calming to the woman; who continued to rest peacefully and safely on her perch as she studied the frothing waves that exuded from the beast’s mouth; like a salivating monster watching its prey. 
The chilled, salty breeze cut across the woman’s cheeks a little harshly as she perused the ocean ahead of her, like a book. She held her hands in her lap, wringing them through one another absentmindedly as her thoughts skimmed over and around her mind, like the seagulls gliding through the cloudy sky. Her eyes followed them intriguingly above her, watching them as they hungrily swooped and swayed in the ever-changing air.
It took her a while before she snapped out of her morning daze; as the seagulls were apparent to be honed on the fruits of the woman’s leftovers on the table next to her; Barely eaten was a plate consisting of sweet, ripe watermelon, ruby red grapes, and tangy kiwi; all muddled together in a succulent heap. She even had freshly squeezed mango juice poured readily into a glass which was barely touched as it sat idly in the warm sunlight. The coffee adjacent to it was, however, drunk dry. She loved coffee, just as much as she loved watching the sea hungrily call her into its mesmerizing depths. 
Her attention flickered between the gulls above her as they swooped, cheekily trying their luck to snag whatever scrap that they could thieve from the woman’s bountiful table. She scoffed as she shooed them lazily with one of her hands, while her attention returned to the seemingly peaceful scene ahead of her instead of the chaotic cluster above her.
The boats that cut through the deep blue waters seemed to part the surface of the ocean like a knife to butter, and more of the frothing exuberant excess of the water's surface, trailed behind the boats hungrily as the water lapped back against itself once the boats had traveled further on.
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28K notes · View notes
actually sleeping with someone is so nice like waking up in the middle of the night and snuggling closer or lazily giving them a kiss or just feeling their arms around you squeeze slightly even though they’re in a deep sleep or handholding while you both are asleep ugh that’s that shit I like
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4K notes · View notes
I’ve had a fishbowl over my head.  Like a thin film blocking life’s true sights ahead. I could see, but only a reflection. I could hear but would have no recollection; In one way, and out the other. Like unknowing suffocation, wrapped around my face. Like plastic in our ocean, swimming with disgrace.  My fishbowl covering me like a case... I had no breathing space Numb in this place.  Feeling lost with no base... Floating in midair my thoughts going nowhere. I was empty.  You feel so weighted inside your head Never wanting to move, to see what’s ahead My fishbowl caused me to think I was dead.  All thoughts left unsaid.  Sunk in a riverbed. 
I sometimes thought it would never break Like a lingering pain, just like a headache.  You think you are sleeping, you're never awake.
But, then one day you’ll splinter your fishbowl And when it does your mind will unfold  You’ll see things clearer, you’ll be in control  And you won't see things through a tiny keyhole.  Just always remember that if you feel blue Try breaking that fishbowl, the one you see through I took my fishbowl and smashed it in two.  Now I can see the beautiful view. 
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I feel like today was a good day 😜
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Reblog if you’re a lesbian so I can follow you 🏳️‍🌈
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just on god saw someone say “adults shouldn’t be responsible for keeping spaces safe for minors” like. yes. they absolutely should and ARE you dumb fuck. just because your interactions are occurring online doesn’t mean they are not impacting children in a very real way
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Started from the bottom, now we’re here.
Literally don’t know how to write on this damn app anymore.
I’ve decided to set up a tumblr account once again (I’m not looking for pity for once) just so I can log all my feelings and worries somewhere. I’ve recently had some pretty shit things happen and mentally I’m all over the place. I’m not sure if anyone will even read this but it will be nice to just put my thoughts and struggles somewhere that I feel won’t be judged too harshly.
Over the past year or so I think I’ve been suffering with depression and anxiety. I don’t really know for sure as I’m too scared to go to a doctor and to be ‘professionally assessed’. Also the thought of antidepressants terrifies me. Hopefully this blog will help with the fish bowl that I feel is around my head and hopefully it will help me smash it.
I’m not sure where I will be going with this blog so I’m sorry if this is confusing. Again- it’s mostly for me to unravel my thoughts to then reflect upon at a later date. Anyone however is more than welcome to give me a chat - I’m open to making new and genuine friendships.
Anyway... peace out motherfuckers 🤟🏼🖤
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Not to be soft but like, I wanna hold a cute girl’s hand and treat her well
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Single'n'Gay? Reblog
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