klaraclara17 · 1 day
Milly 🤯🥳😝 i absolutely loved her and Elliot in The spin-off ❤️ plus the new animation style is cute😔
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klaraclara17 · 18 days
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klaraclara17 · 27 days
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Here's a drawing of Daisy!! I feel like I should draw her more often.
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
My Take On Mario Odyssey's Main Ending
I've wanted to write something related to Mario Odyssey for a while, especially related to the bros and their POVs during all this. With Mario's POV after just getting rejected by Peach on the moon, and Luigi's POV of his brother being missing and finally coming back home. I finally got an idea for how it would have gone in my AU, so I hope you all enjoy(?).
Luigi was running as fast as he could.
Mario had been missing for about a week. Before the adventure had occurred, Luigi had alerted Mario that there were airships in the sky after looking through the window of the house. Seeing that, Mario immediately sprung into action, telling his brother to stay in the house as he ran off to deal with it. Luigi watched from the window as his brother reached the airship, but he couldn't quite make out what had happened.
All he could see was a speck of red fly off of the ship, going off far into the distance.
Ever since then, Luigi had been stuck at home alone, worried for where Mario was. He didn't know if it was safe to leave, and he sure didn't want to go against Mario's word. It was hard for Luigi to function due to the endless worry, and he had a hard time doing basic tasks around the house. Almost everything in the house reminded him of his brother, mainly with the matching red and green furniture spread around the house.
Now, after a week, there was a knock on the door; a Toad had come to notify Luigi that there was a red object floating towards Peach's Castle. Hopeful of something, any news of his brother and his whereabouts, Luigi dropped everything and ran out of the house, running straight to the castle.
Running up a hill, the 'red object' came into the distance. Not only that, but familiar figures were there as well. Princess Peach was there, in a beautiful white dress, talking to two spirits of some kind. She was a little bit away from the red object, which upon closer inspection seemed to be some sort of ship or mode of transport.
However, the main thing that caught Luigi's eye was his brother, dressed in white just like Peach, without his hat. Immediately, Luigi ran over to him, panic and relief in his eyes. The moment he reached Mario, he put his hands on his shoulders.
"Mario, where were you?!" Luigi cried. "What happened?! I was worried sick..!"
Despite Luigi's cries and questions, Mario didn't respond. Now that Luigi was able to get a better look at him, he was broken and bruised. His eyes looked sad and dull, almost as if all the life had been sucked out of them. He was covered in bruises from head to toe, all from the various foes he had to fight on his journey to save Peach.
Too overwhelmed by what had happened, instead of a spoken response, Mario clung to Luigi, putting his forehead against Luigi's chest. He had started to quietly cry. Luigi, not sure of what to do due to not knowing what happened, just simply embraced his brother back.
"Why did I do that..?" Mario cried under his breath.
"What..?" Luigi asked timidly.
"She had to deal with him for so long, and I just made it worse..." Mario muttered. "She just wanted to go home..."
"'She'..? Do you mean Peach?" Luigi asked. "What happened, bro..??"
As the two brothers talked, Peach looked at the two of them solemnly in the distance. She was tired. The two Bonneters looked at her with concern, worried for her well-being. She felt bad for Mario, for causing him such pain, but she didn't really know what to do. Everything was happening so fast, it was too much for her. Unable to see Mario in such a way anymore, she started to make her way back to her castle, her head down as the ghosts followed her. One of them, Cappy, stopped for a moment to look back at Mario. However, seeing the moment he was having with his brother, he didn't want to interrupt. So, he continued to follow the princess.
"Peach, she...Bowser took her again..." Mario explained painfully. "I kept looking for her, and I finally got her away from him. But then Bowser tried to confess, and I...I messed up...I-I just got scared, I don't know what I was doing...we both overwhelmed her. She just wanted to go home..."
While Mario didn't directly explain what he did himself, Luigi understood. He knew how his brother felt about Peach, for a long time in fact. He could feel his brother's pain and sorrow the more Mario explained. He knew Mario would never do something like that on purpose. He wouldn't hurt Peach on purpose.
"Mario..." Luigi said sadly.
"I don't know what to do..." Mario muttered, his grip on Luigi's shoulders getting tighter. "She probably doesn't even want to talk to me anymore...I-I wouldn't talk to me either after that. I was stupid."
"Hey, hey, don't say that..!" Luigi exclaimed. "You're not stupid, Mario. Don't ever think like that. It was just a mistake. She was overwhelmed, but so were you most likely. You've been gone looking for her for a week..! You know Peach, bro...she'd never hate you for that. We've known her since we were kids. She'd never hate you, no matter what you do."
"But what if she does..?" Mario whimpered. "What if I just ruined everything..?"
"Big bro, look at me," Luigi said firmly.
Mario finally, yet slowly, lifted up his injured head to look up at his brother. His eyes looked desperate, tears still falling down his face. Despite how many were falling, he barely made any noise.
"You didn't ruin everything," said Luigi. "And she doesn't hate you. You really think she would hate you for just a single mistake? No. That's not the kind of person Peach is. And this...you aren't a bad person, Mario. You never have been. You were just scared. That's what you said."
As Luigi tried to talk sense into Mario, he put both of his hands on the sides of Mario's face.
"You meant well, you always have," Luigi continued. "I think the princess just...needs a few days to herself. A bit of space. But that doesn't mean she hates you. She just needs a bit of time to figure things out, and to relax."
"And...I think you need a break too."
As Luigi said that, he moved one of his hands onto a bruise on Mario's face, which made him flinch in pain. He normally had a pretty high pain tolerance, but now that everything was over and he was feeling everything at once...the pain started to become overwhelming.
"How about we go home and just...relax for a while, okay bro..?" Luigi asked. "I'll help with bandages when we get there, and then you should try and get some rest. You look like you haven't slept in days."
"I...haven't," Mario admitted.
Luigi wasn't surprised by that response. Mario had done similar things in the past with past adventures. Whenever there was someone in danger, Mario always had a habit of just going and going, nonstop. Never resting. How could he rest if he knew someone he cared about was in danger?
If anything, Mario saying that just made Luigi want to bring Mario back home sooner.
"Come on."
As Luigi said that, he kneeled down, indirectly asking Mario to get onto his back. Mario gave in, climbing onto Luigi's back as Luigi stood back up and started walking home. Mario wrapped his arms around Luigi, laying his head on his brother's shoulder. He was exhausted.
"What am I even going to say to her..?" Mario muttered.
"Maybe just start off slow," Luigi responded. "Did you try to apologize..?"
"Yeah..." Mario answered. "A few times, but...it probably didn't help, heh..."
"Maybe wait until she wants to talk," said Luigi. "Just give her some time."
"Okay..." Mario said sadly.
It would be silent for a moment.
"When was the last time you ate?" Luigi asked.
"I don't even know..." Mario answered tiredly. "When did you..?"
Luigi hesitated for a moment. He hadn't said anything about how he himself was doing, and yet somehow Mario was able to figure it out. Maybe it was big brother intuition.
"I don't know either..." Luigi responded.
"Have you slept at all?" Mario asked.
"Hey, I'm taking care of you right now," Luigi joked. "Worry about that later. You need rest."
It would go silent again.
"...But...no. Not really."
Mario hugged his brother a bit tighter while still on his back.
"How about we both get some rest after we eat, okay Lu..?" Mario asked.
Luigi smiled a little.
"Yeah...we can do that."
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
My Take On Mario Odyssey's Main Ending
I've wanted to write something related to Mario Odyssey for a while, especially related to the bros and their POVs during all this. With Mario's POV after just getting rejected by Peach on the moon, and Luigi's POV of his brother being missing and finally coming back home. I finally got an idea for how it would have gone in my AU, so I hope you all enjoy(?).
Luigi was running as fast as he could.
Mario had been missing for about a week. Before the adventure had occurred, Luigi had alerted Mario that there were airships in the sky after looking through the window of the house. Seeing that, Mario immediately sprung into action, telling his brother to stay in the house as he ran off to deal with it. Luigi watched from the window as his brother reached the airship, but he couldn't quite make out what had happened.
All he could see was a speck of red fly off of the ship, going off far into the distance.
Ever since then, Luigi had been stuck at home alone, worried for where Mario was. He didn't know if it was safe to leave, and he sure didn't want to go against Mario's word. It was hard for Luigi to function due to the endless worry, and he had a hard time doing basic tasks around the house. Almost everything in the house reminded him of his brother, mainly with the matching red and green furniture spread around the house.
Now, after a week, there was a knock on the door; a Toad had come to notify Luigi that there was a red object floating towards Peach's Castle. Hopeful of something, any news of his brother and his whereabouts, Luigi dropped everything and ran out of the house, running straight to the castle.
Running up a hill, the 'red object' came into the distance. Not only that, but familiar figures were there as well. Princess Peach was there, in a beautiful white dress, talking to two spirits of some kind. She was a little bit away from the red object, which upon closer inspection seemed to be some sort of ship or mode of transport.
However, the main thing that caught Luigi's eye was his brother, dressed in white just like Peach, without his hat. Immediately, Luigi ran over to him, panic and relief in his eyes. The moment he reached Mario, he put his hands on his shoulders.
"Mario, where were you?!" Luigi cried. "What happened?! I was worried sick..!"
Despite Luigi's cries and questions, Mario didn't respond. Now that Luigi was able to get a better look at him, he was broken and bruised. His eyes looked sad and dull, almost as if all the life had been sucked out of them. He was covered in bruises from head to toe, all from the various foes he had to fight on his journey to save Peach.
Too overwhelmed by what had happened, instead of a spoken response, Mario clung to Luigi, putting his forehead against Luigi's chest. He had started to quietly cry. Luigi, not sure of what to do due to not knowing what happened, just simply embraced his brother back.
"Why did I do that..?" Mario cried under his breath.
"What..?" Luigi asked timidly.
"She had to deal with him for so long, and I just made it worse..." Mario muttered. "She just wanted to go home..."
"'She'..? Do you mean Peach?" Luigi asked. "What happened, bro..??"
As the two brothers talked, Peach looked at the two of them solemnly in the distance. She was tired. The two Bonneters looked at her with concern, worried for her well-being. She felt bad for Mario, for causing him such pain, but she didn't really know what to do. Everything was happening so fast, it was too much for her. Unable to see Mario in such a way anymore, she started to make her way back to her castle, her head down as the ghosts followed her. One of them, Cappy, stopped for a moment to look back at Mario. However, seeing the moment he was having with his brother, he didn't want to interrupt. So, he continued to follow the princess.
"Peach, she...Bowser took her again..." Mario explained painfully. "I kept looking for her, and I finally got her away from him. But then Bowser tried to confess, and I...I messed up...I-I just got scared, I don't know what I was doing...we both overwhelmed her. She just wanted to go home..."
While Mario didn't directly explain what he did himself, Luigi understood. He knew how his brother felt about Peach, for a long time in fact. He could feel his brother's pain and sorrow the more Mario explained. He knew Mario would never do something like that on purpose. He wouldn't hurt Peach on purpose.
"Mario..." Luigi said sadly.
"I don't know what to do..." Mario muttered, his grip on Luigi's shoulders getting tighter. "She probably doesn't even want to talk to me anymore...I-I wouldn't talk to me either after that. I was stupid."
"Hey, hey, don't say that..!" Luigi exclaimed. "You're not stupid, Mario. Don't ever think like that. It was just a mistake. She was overwhelmed, but so were you most likely. You've been gone looking for her for a week..! You know Peach, bro...she'd never hate you for that. We've known her since we were kids. She'd never hate you, no matter what you do."
"But what if she does..?" Mario whimpered. "What if I just ruined everything..?"
"Big bro, look at me," Luigi said firmly.
Mario finally, yet slowly, lifted up his injured head to look up at his brother. His eyes looked desperate, tears still falling down his face. Despite how many were falling, he barely made any noise.
"You didn't ruin everything," said Luigi. "And she doesn't hate you. You really think she would hate you for just a single mistake? No. That's not the kind of person Peach is. And this...you aren't a bad person, Mario. You never have been. You were just scared. That's what you said."
As Luigi tried to talk sense into Mario, he put both of his hands on the sides of Mario's face.
"You meant well, you always have," Luigi continued. "I think the princess just...needs a few days to herself. A bit of space. But that doesn't mean she hates you. She just needs a bit of time to figure things out, and to relax."
"And...I think you need a break too."
As Luigi said that, he moved one of his hands onto a bruise on Mario's face, which made him flinch in pain. He normally had a pretty high pain tolerance, but now that everything was over and he was feeling everything at once...the pain started to become overwhelming.
"How about we go home and just...relax for a while, okay bro..?" Luigi asked. "I'll help with bandages when we get there, and then you should try and get some rest. You look like you haven't slept in days."
"I...haven't," Mario admitted.
Luigi wasn't surprised by that response. Mario had done similar things in the past with past adventures. Whenever there was someone in danger, Mario always had a habit of just going and going, nonstop. Never resting. How could he rest if he knew someone he cared about was in danger?
If anything, Mario saying that just made Luigi want to bring Mario back home sooner.
"Come on."
As Luigi said that, he kneeled down, indirectly asking Mario to get onto his back. Mario gave in, climbing onto Luigi's back as Luigi stood back up and started walking home. Mario wrapped his arms around Luigi, laying his head on his brother's shoulder. He was exhausted.
"What am I even going to say to her..?" Mario muttered.
"Maybe just start off slow," Luigi responded. "Did you try to apologize..?"
"Yeah..." Mario answered. "A few times, but...it probably didn't help, heh..."
"Maybe wait until she wants to talk," said Luigi. "Just give her some time."
"Okay..." Mario said sadly.
It would be silent for a moment.
"When was the last time you ate?" Luigi asked.
"I don't even know..." Mario answered tiredly. "When did you..?"
Luigi hesitated for a moment. He hadn't said anything about how he himself was doing, and yet somehow Mario was able to figure it out. Maybe it was big brother intuition.
"I don't know either..." Luigi responded.
"Have you slept at all?" Mario asked.
"Hey, I'm taking care of you right now," Luigi joked. "Worry about that later. You need rest."
It would go silent again.
"...But...no. Not really."
Mario hugged his brother a bit tighter while still on his back.
"How about we both get some rest after we eat, okay Lu..?" Mario asked.
Luigi smiled a little.
"Yeah...we can do that."
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
Scars Fade Over Time (EPILOGUE) - SPM Aftermath
A few hours after Luigi had taken a shower, it was now time for bed. Mario had just finished brushing his teeth, and he started to make his way back to the bedroom. Once he walked in there however, he saw a particular sight.
There was a large lump underneath Luigi's blanket on his bed. He was curled up under the covers, hiding himself. Mario could faintly see him trembling, hearing Luigi sniffle from time to time.
Quietly, Mario walked over to Luigi's bed, sitting next to him.
"Weegee..." Mario said sadly.
"What..?" Luigi muttered tearfully under the covers.
"Why are you hiding?" Mario asked.
"B-Because I look scary," said Luigi.
"Luigi, I told you, you aren't scary," reassured Mario. "I'm not scared of you. You're still my little brother. This doesn't change anything."
Hearing that, Luigi would peek out a little from underneath the covers, now only Luigi's eyes and the top of his head visible. Mario never noticed it before, but in the dark, Luigi's eyes and the white streaks in his hair now had a slight glow to them. Likely another 'side effect' to being fused with Dimentio and the Chaos Heart.
"If anything, I think it's pretty cool," said Mario.
"Really..?" timidly asked Luigi.
"Yeah!" Mario exclaimed with a smile.
Seeing Mario's expression, Luigi started to get a bit more courage back, now coming out from under the covers to sit next to Mario on the bed.
"There you are," said Mario, wrapping his arm around Luigi.
"You really think I don't look scary..?" Luigi asked.
"Not at all," Mario answered. "The marks kind of look like Halloween makeup."
"...It's April," Luigi responded.
"Well, that just means you're extra prepared for Halloween," Mario said, trying to lighten the mood.
However, it didn't really help. Luigi still looked a bit upset, looking down at the ground. He was worried. Seeing that, Mario now decided to be a bit more serious.
"Hey...it's gonna be okay, Lu," Mario reassured. "Like I said, it's not going to be here forever. You'll be back to normal in no time."
"What if I don't..?" Luigi asked worriedly. "Wh-What if I am like this forever..??"
"I'd still love you the same," Mario responded. "Nothing will change that."
"You're still my bro."
After hearing Mario's comforting words, Luigi then leaned against Mario's shoulder, and Mario would pull him into a hug in response.
"You're going to be okay, Weegee," Mario comforted. "Trust me."
Luigi took a deep breath.
"O-Okay...I trust you."
Part 1: Here!
Part 2: Here!
Part 3: Here!
Part 4 (Epilogue): You're already here!
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
Scars Fade Over Time (Part 3) - SPM Aftermath
(TW: Injury)
After about a week, Luigi was finally discharged from the hospital. The bandages on his head were finally removed, but the stitches were still healing. He had to be careful.
Mario helped his brother get home, carrying him on his back. Luigi's balance was a little bit off, due to the situation with his head and also from resting in a bed for so long. The moment they got home, the first thing Mario did was go and get Luigi some clean and comfortable clothes from their closet. He had been wearing hospital attire for seven days straight, after all.
Luigi took the clothes from Mario, heading to the bathroom to take a shower. He felt it would help him feel a bit better after everything that happened. He missed the warmth that came with it.
As he walked into the room however, he froze the moment he saw the mirror.
At the corner of his eye, he saw white streaks in his hair. Taking a closer look, he finally got to see what he looked like after everything that happened. He looked clearly tired, with several black markings on his face. He had never seen something like that before.
He thought he was hallucinating. What was this person, or thing, that was staring back at him?
Frightened by himself, Luigi lost his footing, stepping backwards and falling to the ground. Hearing the commotion, Mario immediately rushed over to the bathroom, opening the door and seeing Luigi on the floor, terrified.
"Lu, are you okay??" Mario asked, filled with concerned. "What happened??"
"What happened to me..??" Luigi whimpered.
After taking a moment to understand what was going on, Mario realized Luigi was referring to the mirror.
"Oh..." Mario muttered, realizing he forgot to tell his brother beforehand. "Don't worry bro, it's okay. It's nothing bad. The doctors said it isn't doing anything to you. It'll go away after a while."
"Wh-What is it??" Luigi asked, growing more concerned. "What is this..??"
"It's just a sort of...after effect, I think," Mario explained. "It showed up after the thing with Dimentio."
The moment Luigi heard that name, he immediately felt a strong pain in his head. It felt almost as if someone had hit him with a hammer. He grabbed onto his hair tightly, groaning in pain.
"Luigi, what's wrong??" Mario asked, filled with worry. "Did you hit your head??"
"N-No..." Luigi muttered as he sucked air through his teeth. "I d-don't know what...this is..."
Wanting to quickly help, Mario dug through the cabinets in the bathroom, searching for a mushroom. They kept a few emergency mushrooms in there just in case, along with an extra first aid kit. Finding one, Mario handed it to Luigi, helping him to eat it.
Luigi swallowed. Slowly, the pain would ease up a little, and Luigi would loosen his grip on his head.
"There..." Mario said with a soft voice. "You okay..?"
"Mhm..." Luigi hummed nervously. "Thanks, bro..."
Mario would nod, and Luigi looked back up at the mirror, still sitting on the floor.
"I-I don't like it..." Luigi muttered.
"Don't like what?" Mario asked.
"I look scary..." Luigi clarified.
"No, no, Lu, you aren't scary," Mario comforted.
"N-No, I mean...t-to me..." Luigi explained.
Luigi looked down at the ground, hugging his clean clothes that he was originally going to change into. Mario thought for a moment.
"Hey...don't worry, Weegee," Mario reassured. "It's not going to be there forever. It's gonna go away eventually, okay?"
"Are you sure..?" Luigi asked.
"That's what the doctors said," said Mario. "They know what they're doing. They said it's harmless."
"Okay...i-if you say so..." Luigi responded.
Mario then stood himself up, helping Luigi stand up as well. Luigi stumbled a little in the process.
"Are you still going to shower?" Mario asked.
"Yeah..." said Luigi. "I want to try and get it off."
"Okay, well...be careful of your head, remember?" Mario reminded. "Your stitches are still healing."
Luigi agreed, and Mario left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Once Luigi was alone, he finally got out of the hospital clothes he was given, finally getting to feel the nice warm shower. Unfortunately, however, while the initial warmth at first was nice, Luigi's focus soon was brought back to the markings on his arms and face.
As he stood there in the shower, Luigi kept trying desperately to wash them off. He started with his arms, since they were the only ones he could properly see at the moment. However, no matter what he did, the markings wouldn't go away. He started getting frustrated, trying to clean a bit more intensely, but it just led to it starting to feel like it was burning from how hard he was doing it. Starting to get even more upset, he even started to cry.
He didn't want to look like this. He wanted it to go away. He wanted to be back to normal.
He didn't want to have these scars on him.
Note: I'm a bit iffy on this ending since it doesn't really end well, so if I end up coming up with a more positive ending, I'll post it as a sort of 'epilogue'. To clarify a bit though, just know that the 'scars' do end up fading away over several months.
Update: I have made a good ending!!
Part 1: Here!
Part 2: Here!
Part 3: You're already here!
Part 4 (Epilogue): Here!
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
Scars Fade Over Time (Part 2) - SPM Aftermath
(TW: Injury, mention of death)
It was a long night.
After everything was done in Flipside, and the adventure was over, the brothers were brought back to their world, to their home. As if nothing ever happened. Merlon had asked everyone if they wanted to eat dinner to celebrate the victory, but Mario quickly declined, asking if he and his brother could be teleported back home. Luigi was still injured, after all. He needed help. Merlon agreed, and they were soon sent back to their world.
Once they got brought back home, Mario was quick to carry Luigi in his arms, rushing out of the house to the nearest hospital. When they got there, Luigi could barely talk, both due to pain and exhaustion. Mario did his best to explain what exactly happened to him, but due to it being something from a whole other world, it was...complicated. Especially when it came to explaining the Floro Sprout. Nothing like that existed in their world, so the doctors and surgeons were not aware of what it was. Despite that, they did their best to help, taking Luigi from Mario to the emergency room as Mario waited anxiously in the lobby.
This was familiar. Too familiar.
Mario recounted previous times he had been in the hospital. None of them were for himself however, but for Luigi. It had been three times now. The first time was because of Bowser back in high school. The second time was because of Spike pushing Luigi off a building as a 'prank' back when they were part of the Wrecking Crew.
Now, it was because of Dimentio.
Mario never liked waiting. He was the kind of person who could never sit still, wanting to do something as he waited for something to happen. As he sat there in the lobby, all he had on his mind was Luigi. He wanted to be there for him, just like he did the two other times something like this happened, but he knew he had to wait until the doctors let him in. That was the rules.
He didn't know how much time had passed. Two hours? Three? Maybe six? He wasn't paying attention. All he knew was that it felt like he was sitting there for ages, waiting for some sort of news. Anything. Any hope that Luigi was going to be okay.
After hours of waiting, a Toad nurse finally came through a set of doors, walking over to Mario and asking him to follow her.
As she led him to Luigi's room, she explained the situation. The surgery was somewhat successful, and they managed to get rid of a majority of the Floro Sprout that was connected to Luigi's head. However, there were some remnants that had to be left behind due to the risk of potentially causing damage to Luigi's brain. They were too close. The remaining tiny leaves that were still there were apparently harmless, thankfully, but they would likely be there for a long time.
Mario then asked if they knew anything about the white in his hair and the markings on his face. The nurse explained that while they didn't know much, they said it would likely go away after a while. It didn't seem to be causing any negative effects to Luigi, so it seemed to also be harmless. Additionally, Mario was told that there were apparently more markings than just the visible ones on Luigi's face. There were a few on his arms, as well as his left hand.
Eventually, after taking an elevator up a few floors, they reached the room. The nurse let Mario in, letting them have their privacy while also saying to call her if they needed anything. Mario agreed, and the nurse left.
Once the door closed, Mario looked over at Luigi, who was resting peacefully in his hospital bed. All that could be heard in the room was Luigi's quiet breathing as he slumbered, as well as the rain that was hitting the window. Seeing Luigi at peace, Mario gave a faint smile, finding a chair in the room to sit in. Luigi had several bandages wrapped around his head due to the stitching that had to be done. They were there to keep the stitches in place.
As Mario sat there, he was processing what had happened.
His brother had been killed. And he wasn't there for him when that happened.
All Mario knew for a majority of the adventure was that his brother was missing somewhere, and then he (Mario), Peach and Bowser ended up getting killed. Mario got brought to the Underwhere, and then that's when he saw it.
That's when he saw Luigi, confused and terrified with no clue as to what was going on.
Mario was still processing the fact that he himself had died as well. He didn't have a 1-Up to save him this time, and neither did Peach or Bowser. He felt cold and alone down there. He had no clue what had happened to his friends and brother for quite some time.
That was it, supposedly.
The thought still brought a chill down Mario's spine. After all that, he made a mental note to keep a 1-Up on him at all times. He didn't want to relive that again.
A loud boom of thunder brought Mario out of his thoughts, and he focused his attention back to his twin brother, who now looked somewhat uncomfortable in his sleep. Luigi never liked thunderstorms, which made his thunderhand that more ironic. He didn't like how loud they were. Ever since he was a kid, he was always scared of them.
Wanting to ease his brother's stress, Mario moved his seat closer to Luigi, and he held one of his hands to reassure him that he was there with him. Mario now got to see Luigi's left hand up close, now understanding what the nurse meant. There was a black mark on the back of Luigi's hand, and another on his forearm.
Hearing another loud clash of thunder outside the window, Luigi's eyes quickly opened. He was scared.
"Va bene, va bene..." Mario reassured. "Va tutto bene."
Seeing Mario's face, Luigi slowly began to calm down.
"M-Mario..?" Luigi's weak voice muttered.
"Hey, little bro..." Mario said softly. "You feeling alright..?"
"Yeah..." Luigi responded. "My head hurts a bit though...wh-what happened..?"
"They finished the surgery," answered Mario. "Does it hurt less now?"
Luigi tried to nod, but it hurt, so he just gave a little one instead.
"I-I thought I heard another explosion..." Luigi said worriedly.
"No, it's just the rain Weegee," Mario comforted. "There's a storm outside right now."
Luigi looked over to his right, looking at the window. He watched the rain falling down as he saw occasional lightning strikes in the distance.
"How long do I have to be here for..?" Luigi asked. "I hope not as long as the other times..."
"I'm not sure," Mario answered. "They didn't tell me. It'll likely be once you can stop wearing those bandages though."
"Bandages..?" Luigi muttered.
"You have some on your head to keep the stitches in place," said Mario.
The thought of the surgery made Luigi shudder a little. The image of it made him uncomfortable. Mario could tell, so he started to try and change the subject.
"How are you holding up..?" Mario asked.
"Huh..?" Luigi asked in return. "What do you mean..?"
"You know...after everything," Mario clarified.
"O-Oh...like the fact that w-we were apparently done with our games..?" Luigi muttered. "Y-Yeah...just peachy..."
As Luigi said that, he felt fear coming up from inside him. Remembering that place terrified him. He had no idea how he even got there in the first place. All he wanted was his brother.
Seeing Luigi's tense expression, Mario leaned over in his chair, giving his brother a tight hug. It caught Luigi a little by surprise, especially hearing Mario's shaky breathing.
It was clear to Luigi that Mario wasn't taking it that well either.
Luigi gave Mario a tight hug in return, feeling his face starting to get warm as he did so. He felt as if he was on the verge of crying. Everything was over now. He could finally let out how he was feeling. He was finally safe, his brother was safe, everything was okay. The world wasn't falling apart anymore. No evil jesters were trying to take over the world anymore.
Everything was okay.
-To Be Continued...-
Part 1: Here!
Part 2: You're already here!
Part 3: Here!
Part 4 (Epilogue): Here!
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
Scars Fade Over Time (Part 1) - SPM Aftermath
(TW: Blood, injury)
This story is basically my interpretation of what happened after everything in Super Paper Mario, as well as how it kinda happened in my AU! I hope you all enjoy :D
"You can't...stop this now..."
"You can't escape..."
"I've been saving one last surprise..."
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...ciao!"
Somewhat out of breath, Mario, Peach, Bowser and Tippi all watched as 'Super Dimentio' exploded right in front of them. They covered their eyes, with Peach shielding them with her parasol. Once all the bright lights stopped, they opened their eyes.
"Is everyone okay??" Mario asked.
However, Peach would interrupt.
With Mario's attention now on Peach, she would point in front of them towards an umoving Luigi, who was laying on the ground. He looked visibly injured.
Seeing his brother in such a state made Mario's heart sink.
"(No NO NO!!)"
Immediately, Mario would rush over to Luigi's side, with Peach following behind. Bowser, unsure of what to do, stayed behind with Tippi.
"LUIGI!!" Mario cried.
Now at Luigi's side, Mario held him in his arms to try and get him to wake up. Getting a closer look at him, Mario and Peach could both see that something was clearly wrong. He had white, glowing marks in his hair, and he also had black markings all over his face. Mario thought they might have been burn marks from the explosion at first, but upon seeing that they were all specific patterns, a sort of zig-zag pattern, he realized that wasn't the case.
Additionally, at the top of his head, Luigi still had his Floro Sprout fully attached. Fortunately, it seemed a bit dull, meaning it likely wasn't being used by anyone anymore. Unfortunately, there seemed to be blood near the spot where it was attached.
"LUIGI, WAKE UP!!" Mario begged. "PLEASE!!"
Mario would shake his brother a little more. He was terrified. He didn't want to lose him. Not yet, and not ever.
Slowly, thankfully for Mario, there was movement. Luigi began to wake up.
"Mario..?" Luigi muttered weakly.
Mario was filled with relief. His brother was okay. Well, somewhat. Upon waking up, Luigi immediately winced in pain. His body hurt, but it was mainly his head.
"You're going to be okay Luigi," Mario reassured. "We're gonna get you out of here..!"
However, behind them, Peach soon took her attention towards Bowser, where Count Bleck, Mimi, and O'Chunks appeared.
"So it seems the end of all worlds is really upon us..." said Count Bleck.
After everyone seemed to panic, unsure of what to do, Count Bleck began to explain the drastic situation. After conversing a little with Tippi, he finally thought of a plan, creating a door with his magic so that everyone could escape.
Seeing the situation unfold, Mario looked back at his brother, who still looked physically unwell. Luigi had a hard time moving around, and he could barely even sit up on his own. Knowing that they all had to get out of the castle quickly, Mario decided to pick Luigi up, carrying him in his arms. Mario then followed the group out through the door.
-To Be Continued...-
Part 1: You're already here!
Part 2: Here!
Part 3: Here!
Part 4 (Epilogue): Here!
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
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by saiwoart
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klaraclara17 · 1 month
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Loving this outfit!!
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klaraclara17 · 2 months
MHA 430/MHAFinale Spoilers: Okay but seriously. I love that Izuku Midoriya. This wuirkless kid that saved the world and one that has been theough so much abuse/discrimjnation and hardship is teaching the next generation.
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I love it. This kid—this hero deserves every bit of happiness he can get.
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klaraclara17 · 2 months
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My Hero Academia chapter 430 color spread [END]
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klaraclara17 · 2 months
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Bakugou in chapter 1 said his goal was to become the number one hero and the richest person in the world. He was adamant that Deku couldn't do anything without a quirk.
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He went from that to working his butt off for 8 years and spending his entire life savings to give adult quirkless Deku his dream of being a hero back. And expecting nothing in return except the wish that they can "compete and chase each other for the rest of their lives." 😭
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Bakugou Katsuki grew so much. I will miss such an amazing character. 🥹
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klaraclara17 · 2 months
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klaraclara17 · 2 months
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Thank you, my hero ❤️❤️❤️
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