knb-matchups · 4 years
i’m glad you’re back! please take your time on the matchups - make sure to drink water and take care of yourself properly too!
thanks for the sweet note, nonnie ! i will try my best to do just that ! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) but also-- please take care, too!
— lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
Hi! Your blog is amazing!~ Please, come back!
djkfdsd thank you, lovely. . . i am, for the most part, back ! (#^^#)ゞ feel free to send in requests.
just a quick note, i did revamp my guidelines & requests!
— lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
Hi Lily! Thank you for the opportunity for platonic matchups!! I’m glad to see you reopen these, and take your time!
For the basics, I’m female, an istp, a leo, and I’m type 4w5 with a self-preservation variant on the enneagram test. 
I’m the supportive friend who’s there to listen to others when they need it and I’m also pretty extreme on the introversion. Also, I’m not very socially assertive and easily get overwhelmed with groups of people. Trying new things is almost impossible. I’m told I’m insecure a lot, and it’s probably true. Being as invisible as I am is probably a skill, lol. I’m also told I’m pretty health conscious and eat like a bird. It’s not intentional–I swear.
I enjoy writing as a hobby and I’m dabbling in drawing. I also enjoy character driven stories, such as series like Chihayafuru and Kono oto Tomare! Yeah, I’m a manga and anime person, I suppose, though I’m not as into it as I used to be. My favorite pass time would probably be creating my own ocs for original settings. Writing is my life. Can’t live without it.
I dunno if this is enough, but I hope it works!
Thanks if you do this! ^^
hey sev ! thanks for the request; i’m excited to be back in the game despite being a lil’ very rusty. hope you like it !!
i match you up with …  𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐘𝐀 !!
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i’m not even joking but when we were chatting about platonic matchups… i already had my mind set on kuroko- i just think your friendship would be so pure & wholesome.
first off, i know sometimes when people are very similar, it can be a tough friendship to maintain. however, this is not the case in your friendship!
both you and kuroko are quiet & reserved– the type that prefers to keep to themselves. and while perhaps this may be a bit hard at first for you to open up to one another as close friends, i think you two would start off by enjoying the one on one time you get.
your friendship is at its peak when it’s just you two, okay? it doesn’t have to be much- you two will find it easy to simply talk with one another no matter what the activity you’re doing. from studying to eating at maji burger- you two, despite being really quiet, will find comfort in each other’s presence. 
you aren’t a hyper person, but you tend to hyper-focus in on the needs of others- a very selfless trait might i add- and for that reason, kuroko would notice your true qualities beyond the first glance of your “lack of social assertiveness.”
he’s really observant as you can tell, and kuroko will always have a knack for guessing how you’re feeling & he’ll offer to listen to your woes if he’s not apt to give advice. i also think he would always be that really supportive and sensible friend you can rely on. 
plus, of course, he’ll appreciate the support & kindness that you will give back right to him. 
kuroko isn’t the type to have many friends who are girls, given that he is very quiet & keeps to himself, so he’ll definitely appreciate having a friend who isn’t “one of the guys” or a “girl who is super clingy and wants to date him”-
also– the fact you two have a tendency of being invisible? definitely something that you two will bond over- granted, kuroko would be surprised that you are naturally “invisible” as he had to study the art of misdirection. of course, you’re never invisible to him.
at the end of the day, you guys draw the best in each other. for instance, kuroko definitely admires those who are passionate about the things they do, and he’ll always be down to hear about your passions & ideas in your creative pursuits. likewise, you will encourage & cheer kuroko on in your own way about the things he’s passionate about! so pure!
your friendship literally will be so cute, and other people will definitely understand how you two became the best of friends. 
it’s so perfect that you don’t even have to worry about others teasing you guys about the friendship turning to a romantic relationship because you two know it will always be a platonic friendship. and you two like it that way!
possible runner-ups:
takao kazunari
furihata kouki
— lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
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the course of true love never did run smooth.
✦ rules: here !
✦ requests: open !
all matchups types available .
✦ priority: puppy love matchups & soulmate matchup !
✦ fandom: knb !
✦ about me: here !
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knb-matchups · 4 years
◦°✦∘⡊☾˚ — ❛ P S A ❜
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my quick note ;
lovelies . . . it has been a minute ! (♡˙︶˙♡) hope you all are doing well & staying safe ! i want to say i am so sorry for disappearing-- i’ll save the excuses, but i will say i had to take a break. though, i apologize for not giving much of a warning.
updates on the blog ;
i realized despite my disappearance act, i didn’t close my request box. so, i came back to see i have a ton of requests to do on this blog + my other matchup blogs... and tbh, i don’t know which ones were there first or if there were ones that glitched and were never received. so- to rectify all that confusion and maintain fairness:
→ i’ve made the executive decision to clear my inbox.
i won’t lie to you guys; i’m still really busy, but i miss writing matchups & acting like a matchmaker/cupid for the fandoms i adore. i know this sucks for those who have been waiting for so long, and i’m really sorry for that . . . but for the sake of my mental health, i have to do this.
changes on the blog ; 
given i will clear my inbox completely, inbox is re-opened !!
i also wanted to implement new changes/additions to this blog as a part of my “refresh/revamp initiative” !
Ⅰ. this blog will have new matchup options! i have yet to make the rules/guidelines for it, but i’m happy to announce that i will now offer different options for you guys! they will be shorter in respects to my “normal matchups”, but this way i will be able to get to more requests & maintain a sense of peace. so keep an eye out for those !!
Ⅱ. this blog will have a new priority system! i tend to do the requests that give me the most muse while also trying to do them in the order they were sent in. . . however, i want to add a new course of action that may expedite your request being done.
so! i’ve seen other matchups blogs do this, but if you want to do a matchup exchange with me (meaning you write me a matchup & i write one back), this will put you on the priority list, meaning i will get to yours before the other requests. i will make a new post giving more guidelines on this, but this ultimately will be a fun way for us to maybe become mutuals, too?? c’: idk this seemed like a good idea to make friends with other knb writing blogs or knb fans haha-
i know a lot of people have been waiting since the dawn of time for their request, but i want to implement this new system while also finishing up the event. i realized it’s kind of hard for me to focus on doing multiple things at once, so i want to prioritize these two.
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i know that was a lot of information thrown at you guys-- so, thank you for taking the time to read this & support me! i hope you guys understand where i’m coming from & my wish to change up my blog! please bear with me as i try to re-acclimate myself to the blog & make these changes!
love ya !
— lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
gasp hello it’s miko from q and i’d like to request a matchup please!! uhh a lil rundown on me from my own perspective;; for starters, i’m bisexual, though i lean more towards guys, and i’m a libra! i’m also a full-blown enfp-t. and as for appearance;; i’m 5'2", with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes! people comment on my big nose a lot too i’m admittedly a lil self conscious about it sksjdjdj
i’m really extroverted, and pretty loud in person. i can say i’ve got a lot of acquaintances in real life, but i rarely consider those people friends and i’m more of a social floater. online though, i absolutely love making friends and i tend to ramble a lot when speaking! i like healthy debate over things and love really deep and meaningful conversations as much as i love small talk. i hate real conflict though, i avoid it like the plague, and would much rather keep things under wraps than voice out my actual concerns.
since i do a lot of stuff — like interschool contests, school paper, clubs, and student council, among others — i’ve gotten a rep for being an overachiever and all. i’ve graduated valedictorian,, but i really am scared of getting burnt out. despite all the things i handle, i admit i’m a procrastinator — i put things off at the last minute because i convince myself i work well under pressure then have a breakdown at 3am fhsksjsj i’m also pretty impulsive, tbh, and while i don’t get mad easily i do tend to get annoyed when someone doesn’t do things ‘my way’ and such. i’m still trying to become more patient as a person and hope to improve on these things.
as for what i look for in a partner, tbh i’d like someone who can tolerate my clinginess? i’m a clingy lover, and i love physical affection and validation. the meganes and the asshole types too we can’t forget that. but honestly i fall for people really easily unless i’m in a committed relationship so anyone who can tolerate me is already a huge, huge turn on. and also someone who supports me during my 3am breakdowns. 100% i will cling to them for life.
thanks for doing these, lily! i’m really sorry for rambling so much aahdjdhd but i hope you have a lovely day! ♡
hey miko ! don’t worry about rambling; i’m so ready to match you up. besides, i have a tendency to ramble, too, ahh! hope you like this & have a great day!! 
i match you up with …  𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 𝐒𝐄𝐈𝐉𝐔𝐑𝐎 !!
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so… i got akashi vibes the moment i read your description ! like, i was thinking of others, of course… but then it just hit me that you’re literally the empress to akashi’s emperor. excuse my trite phrasing but it’s true–
plus a libra & a sagittarius are a good match !
to begin this matchup, i definitely remember the fact you’re an overachiever & you probably overwork yourself too much. with that, i think that’s something akashi would notice immediately.
it’s actually one of the traits he admires the most about you.
but at the same time, a part of him wants you to take care of yourself first & foremost. i can imagine him giving you that look if he sees you doing too much. and you probably sheepishly stare him down because hello, you have work to do & him judging you isn’t gonna change that–
he’s a captain okay- his motherly instincts take over.
to put it out there, akashi seijuro is an impressive student-athlete; he seems like he’s got it all under control, from his impressive academics to his athletic prowess. 
he’s got a list of noteworthy accomplishments: a first year captain at rakuzan, captain of the generation of miracles, highly intelligent student, a talented pianist & violinist … there’s not much he can’t do.
which is why i feel he’s drawn to the go-getters like you- the kind of people who work incredibly hard to broaden their horizons and improve themselves. 
you’re smart & very capable– you may not see it, however, you have an air of elegance & respect about you (it wouldn’t surprise akashi that people envy you)… but at the same time, you’re also so friendly & outgoing. how is it possible that you can be so intelligent from both academic & social standpoints?
you’ve achieved the status of being both a respected peer and individual who people could go up to and chat with ease. despite your impressive co-curriculars & accomplishments, you don’t act as if you’re above anyone & that’s something akashi truly admires as well. your personality is literally golden.
basically, you’re an amazing human bean. and akashi has so much respect for you, like you don’t even know.
that’s saying something, too !  because akashi strikes to me as the valedictorian type, too!
but like you, akashi isn’t without flaws or insecurities. he knows the pressure that comes with the responsibilities of assuming a multitude of roles, from leadership positions to pivotal positions in school activities. and honestly, he can relate with you. you bond over this fact.
i can definitely see you guys ending up being vulnerable with each other, showing one another the side that your peers don’t see. the side where you’re breaking down at three in the morning and the sheer panic you may get due to procrastinating. 
but in the end, you’re there for each other through those high and low points. there’s something about those late nights that turn to early mornings that just hit different. 
you’re both awake, and there’s a shared comfort in being together at this time. you guys get along swimmingly in spite of the ungodly hours.
you find yourselves (after the work is done & over with) delving into deep conversations; the kind that are the meaningful & deeply personal ones which leave an imprint in your mind. it’s in these moments where you guys share lasting memories because while it’s not much, the conversations where you bare your soul to one another really is something else.
on a different note, i can see you guys making it a habit to have academic debates with one another. it’s kind of like an intellectually stimulating exercise you do together. and while most probably don’t understand why you guys would do such a thing, it’s one of the things you enjoy the most when you’re together. because the fact stands that both of your minds are so sharp & i can imagine you both enjoy the repartee.
it’s your way of flirting-
if you guys ever clash for real, though, it’s most likely due to you both wanting to address a problem or event in a different manner. or you both have strong opposing opinions on a certain topic that you stubbornly don’t want to change.
essentially, you both are pretty headstrong, and the type to do things your own way. you, however, try to avoid voicing your grievances though.
your patient levels may be a little different (i see akashi as more the patient type than impulsive), but either way, strong personalities end up having a fight here and there. and honestly, there may be a bit of conflict in that.
not everything can be picture perfect; you and akashi acknowledge this fact. 
i stand for the fact akashi will definitely notice the way you may be avoiding this conflict, and he’ll probably be the one who tries to resolve the matter with a compromise. that is if his pride allows it.
change of topic- i think it may take some time for akashi to warm up with your clinginess, but once he does… you better believe he’ll want daily affection (from hugs to even just cuddles!). he prefers that behind closed doors though.
akashi surprises himself by how much he desires this display of affection from you & only you- 
also, he definitely finds it cathartic & soothing to have you in his arms, with your comforting scent of perhaps your perfume around him.
you guys privately cuddling & just hugging is probably the best way for you two to de-stress, okay? okay.
once he gets used to this kind of affection, he honestly will be displeased to let go. and also– in these soft moments, akashi will be quick to compliment & validate you; it’s in these moments where he feels he can tell you the kind of things that’s been running through his mind.
that itself is a testament of how close he feels to you & he just wants you to be his already-
possible runner-ups: 
imayoshi shoichi
midorima shintarou
 — lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
Okay, so how would you think Sakurai and Kise would confess? 👀 idk if this really fits your blog but humor me.
oho . . . ask & you shall receive! these are a bit on the shorter side, but hopefully you like this!
confession from . . . 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐈 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐔 !!
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in my opinion, i think this apologetic mushroom will take a long time to confess.
he strikes to me as someone who wants to get it right the first time. it doesn’t help he has shy tendencies, and the fact you’re just amazing doesn’t help either . . . & gosh he’s getting anxious just thinking of confessing.
if worst comes to worst, sakurai will go to aomine or imayoshi for advice. and they basically tag team in giving him the worst advice. he might get a little peeved.
in addition, aomine just thinks it’s dumb how sakurai is so nervous and basically jokes that he’ll ask you out if sakurai doesn’t man up. sakurai literally freaks out at that prospect, and just pouts.
imayoshi, on the other hand, just tease the boy mercilessly for asking such a request; a saccharine smile ever so present on his face. 
even momoi ends up butting in & tries to give advice too, but it all doesn’t work out the way sakurai wanted ! 
yeah, sakurai regrets doing that.
in the end, he’ll have to calm himself down & do what anyone would do as a self-respecting person. . . 
he practices in the mirror on how to ask you out. 
he’ll have to give himself credit for that. it shows he’s trying! yet, somehow, he still manages to apologize to the mirror.
honestly, in spite of all the preparation in the world, sakurai’s confession will be very spur of the moment & just not what he planned for.
but you have to admit, sometimes the best things happen when they’re not planned for in advance.
sakurai ends up confessing when he just can’t take it anymore-- i imagine it would probably be a place where you two are alone. perhaps, he’s escorting you home on a walk, and you’re probably talking about a slew of ideas about this certain character you’ve constructed.  . .
he knew this already but it really hits him: you’re just so darn cute. your passion about writing really moves him.
the feeling of wanting to be around you more and more just consumes him. . . 
he really wasn’t planning on just stopping & confessing there- with you looking over your shoulder to see why he’s stopped in his tracks.
you weren’t expecting that.
but his confession is so heartfelt. his face flushed to the tips of his ears, and he caught your gaze before quickly adverting his eyes to the ground after his confession because oh wow he really just did that-
you’re probably a little embarrassed for him. it’s not every day sakurai just admits his feelings for someone so . . . so openly & earnestly.
but you realize- 
for once, he didn’t apologize for his feelings?
confession from . . . 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐀 !!
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with kise’s boyish charm, i don’t think he’s that worried of being rejected. yep, not that worried. not worried at all.
okay- he may feel a little bit of nerves (it’s natural), but that’s only because you don’t openly shower him with affection & whatnot like most girls ! for all he knows, you’ll friendzone him.
due to this, a small part of him reminds himself of the fact there’s a chance that you may outright reject him.
he’ll become so depressed if he gets rejected- poor boy.
but in spite of the initial wave of insecurity, kise is quick to bounce back. reverting back to his confident self, he truly trusts he’ll be comfortable in these affairs.
although he’s used to being the one confessed to, confessing to you should be like an open layup, right?
his charming, cheery & confident persona isn’t just for the basketball court after all.
he’s not the type to fret over his nerves for too long; after a while, they just disperse, and that’s when he’s ready to go.
kise definitely keeps it more lowkey than you’d expect. he’s confident in himself, yes, but he won’t go as far as publicly announce his confession in front of the whole school with a megaphone or anything.
but he might as well have because the boy just straight up, out of the blue, looks down at you (because he’s tall and you’re short), with a dazzling smile, and asks if you want to go out publicly. during your class break.
timing wasn’t ideal. he’s kinda dumb.
it wasn’t a huge deal, but you feel so embarrassed because the people in your classroom overheard this & are awaiting for your response-- you can feel it.
you become so overwhelmed, and kise realizes this before apologizing and saying that he’ll be happy to wait for your response after school & that he didn’t mean to drop this on you, out of nowhere. he could’ve sworn you’d say yes there though. you both were vibing after all, chatting comfortably.
in all honesty, kise probably felt a rush of confidence in order to pull that off because he still feels confident that you won’t reject him when you guys meet after classes.
— lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
Okay, I'm tempted to indulge in both the alternate match up and relationship headcanons for the one I got, so feel free to pick from this either or.
i’ll go with both !  because a) i have the time & b) it’s so much fun to come up with these ideas?? (*´▽`*)
your alternate match is . . .  𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐀 !!
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it was really a toss up between kuroko & kise for this alternative match. however, i leaned toward kise for this! i’m pretty certain that a gemini & a leo are a great match anyway.
okay so hear me out- kise ryouta is literally a ball of goofy sunshine & you’ll never get bored being around him. he’s a natural when it comes to keeping a conversation. to your introversion, he’s the extroversion you need ! you’ll find yourself opening up because of how easygoing & open he is as a person. his good looks helps, too.
it’s a fact he’s popular, yes, but the reality is he’s only got eyes for you. i mean, you are one of the most realest & sweetest girl (who is, by the way, often overlooked) he knows ! in all honesty, he may in passing not bat an eye at you, but by chance (perhaps through a school project or something of that nature), he’ll get to know you. and i swear, this boy will regret not getting to know you earlier.
he’ll cherish the one on one time that he gets with you because you are like breath of fresh air to him. you aren’t the typical crazy fangirl he’s bombarded with; you’re you & he appreciates how you don’t put on airs and bend yourself backwards to be someone he would fall for. in turn, your genuine personality & overall persona has got him wrapped around your finger.
kise also picks up on your little quirks- like how you are with social situations. and while he may not initially understand empathetically why you get drained being around a group of people, he’ll be quick to make a casual exit with you to ensure you’re recharged to your comfortable state. 
he may seem like the type who doesn’t care about girls, but with the ones he’s close with, you best believe he’ll showcase his serious & protective side. let’s not forget the fact he’s also a quick learner; as a result, he’ll be informed on all there is to know about you. 
also? give him credit for his outlandish romantic gestures! he adores it when you’re smiling, so for special occasions, he likes to go all out. it may take a few tries, but he’ll finally find out what truly makes you happy & cater his gestures to that.
kise strikes to me as someone who is a party-goer & enjoys the social scene, but at the same time, he does enjoy the more intimate affairs. when he’s bored of hanging out with tiresome people, he’ll definitely find solace in chatting with you about the subjects you enjoy such as your ideas surrounding characters & stories. 
he’ll gladly talk about his ideas, to which you’re happy for, but the two of you find he’s a bit better at simply listening rather than inserting in his ideas. no offense; i’m sure he’ll get it one day.
also- kise is definitely a touchy-feely person; he’s not afraid of showcasing his affections through hugs or sometimes a small peck on your forehead. you may have to push him away if he tries to initiate this pda. but, kise can’t help but want to display his love for you (especially if you’re shy about such affection).
for someone so outwardly bubbly as kise, it may come as a surprise to some that he does have a cold side. he’ll only showcase this to people, who he, frankly, doesn’t care about. to you, he’s never truly showed you his colder side because in all interactions he’s had with you, he was pretty cheery & upbeat. however, his two-faced nature comes out especially if his protective instinct comes over him. 
he’s quick to change his mood if there’s someone being particularly troublesome to you.
to put it simply, you guys would make a really cute couple! yet, there is always some backlash with having two fundamentally different people together. you both would have to compromise & find ways to make it work because some things just don’t work naturally. but if you do, the effort will pay off !
relationship headcanons with . . . 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐈 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐔 !!
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you’re both so considerate of each other !  you guys literally will put each other first, and it’s so wholesome. sakurai will never want to make you uncomfortable around him, and the same applies with you to him.
of the two of you, it’ll be hard to say who’s the better gift giver. both of you are thoughtful & very perceptive in nature, so who’s to say who’s better if you both win the “best girlfriend / best boyfriend” award?
your relationship is equal in terms of give & take. this is also good to know for the long run because you both know that not one person is trying to do it all.
you guys rarely fight. and even when you do, you both have that ingrained need of reconciling ( the moment probably ends up being like that classic moment where the two of you apologize at the same time -- )
your interests/hobbies align! it makes for a natural relationship to occur based on these similarities in character. due to this fact, you both find comfort in doing these activities together & it’s a way for you to always have a connection.
both of your confidence levels are fairly low, so the two of you try to lift each other up by describing in detail all the good qualities you guys have. this becomes such a soft & tender ritual you guys share. 
you both will have trouble communicating woes that you have with one another. i can see you guys walking on eggshells, trying so hard not to bother each other with things that you think don’t matter. 
but if you guys bottle up these woes, the reality is . . . at some point, the bottle will. . . explode because of the accumulative amount ! it doesn’t even have to be something big that blows the cap off.
when you guys end up fighting, perhaps due to this, it can get brutal in the sense bottled up feelings will come out like a tidal wave & things that you don’t mean will come out.
things may be a lil’ awkward & tense between you two; guilt & regret being the main feelings you two share. but you guys will reconcile; you always do !
you both don’t have much of a sense of adventure or risk-- you both are more drawn to staying within your zone of comfort. and while that’s perfectly fine, there may be things you both are missing out on.
as mentioned before, your dates will be so cute.
but the special occasion dates are on a whole different level.
sakurai will worry so much about making it perfect (being the perfectionist he is), and he’ll go back to his habit of apologizing profusely if something minuscule is wrong.
say it’s your birthday-- he’ll definitely want to have an intimate celebration because he knows large parties & groups of people is not up your alley at all!
he’ll be so sweet-- hanging up cute decorations at his house where he’ll lead you to after treating you out on an excursion for your birthday. from the bookstore to your favorite restaurant for lunch, he’ll make sure you guys hit all your favorite places.
it’s basically a way for him to showcase his love & gratitude for you ; he wants to say how lucky he is to have you in his life and while he can’t make it super luxurious, he wants this day to be special.
it’s overwhelming how kind he is. he’ll also have all the trademark birthday decorations-- with a theme of red because he knows that’s your favorite color. 
red balloons, red confetti, red dessert . . . it’ll be be quite the party even though it’s for a party of two. but, it’s special because even the idea of the two of you having quality time is more than enough.
then again, he doesn’t skimp out on gifts. he just goes all in just to see you happy.
even with how thoughtful he is about his gift, he’ll still apologize when he gives it to you, saying that he’s sorry if it’s not what you wanted or if it’s a bad gift. . . 
you, of course, tell him how much you’re grateful for his gift because it’s honestly so perfect? plus, has anyone ever went all out for you this way before? probably not on the same caliber as sakurai- that’s for sure.
he went above & beyond your expectations- essentially, he picked up on what you’d love through small hints from conversation. you’re not the type to give someone a list of what exactly you’d like as you probably see it as rude (which sakurai kind of adores that aspect of you anyway).
the whole day is basically perfect with the perfect boyfriend and just that fact makes you overwhelmed with happiness.
some other relationship things !!
sakurai would love to watch anime with you?? since it’s the next best thing asides from manga. he’ll get so emotionally attached to the characters that you find it kinda sweet how he’ll say with such a serious expression that this character deserved better and such.
sakurai is the type to draw out happy endings to the anime/manga characters that didn’t get the love they deserve. and you admire his skill of the art. but you definitely help with the writing aspect of it (from the overall development & characterization).
if you guys end up living together in a house or an apartment, sakurai is more than willing to do the house chores-- cleaning to cooking to whatever; he’s quite proficient & you’ll be surprised at how good his food tastes, too!
on that note, he’ll get a warm feeling when you offer to help him; old habits die hard since he’ll apologize and say that he didn’t mean to guilt you into doing chores.
you weren’t "guilted” though.
he basically feels so lucky to live with you, so that’s the reason why he’s so willing to be like a “housewife”.
— lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
requests open !!
feel free to send in requests ! i only ask that you please check out my guidelines before asking for a matchup !  ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
Hi Lily! Thank you for the opportunity for matchups!! So I know you need a description so here’s a short thing about me.
For the basics, I’m female, an istp, a leo, and I’m type 4w5 with a self-preservation variant on the enneagram test. 
I’m the supportive friend who’s there to listen to others when they need it and I’m also pretty extreme on the introversion. Also, I’m not very socially assertive and easily get overwhelmed with groups of people. Trying new things is almost impossible. I’m told I’m insecure a lot, and it’s probably true. Being as invisible as I am is probably a skill, lol. I’m also told I’m pretty health conscious and eat like a bird. It’s not intentional–I swear.
I enjoy writing as a hobby and I’m dabbling in drawing. I also enjoy character driven stories, such as series like Chihayafuru and Kono oto Tomare! Yeah, I’m a manga and anime person, I suppose, though I’m not as into it as I used to be. My favorite pass time would probably be creating my own ocs for original settings. Writing is my life. Can’t live without it.
I dunno if this is enough, but I hope it works!
Thanks if you do this! ^^
hello !  you’re officially my first match up request, so, i hope you like it ! i was debating between a couple ( because you deserve the best), but hopefully the one i chose for you resonates with you ! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
i match you up with …  𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐈 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐔 !!
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when i was thinking of ideal matches for you, sakurai kept popping up in my head & now that i think more deeply about it, he’d be such a cute match for you!
first off, you both are very similar in the sense you’re both introverted and not very socially assertive as you put it. but, i feel like it works out because that means you’re both very aware of each other. you both strike to me as the type to be very perceptive of people’s moods & feelings. and that works in your favor in gaining admiration ( that you both probably don’t even realize ).
given your personalities, it might take some time, but you guys will get to the level where you guys become very comfortable being around each other. you’ll find yourselves talking about random topics to even more personal topics- sharing things you probably don’t let most know about you.
sakurai will definitely put you first- always. yes, he’ll have a tendency to apologize for every little thing (and you’ll probably have to reassure him & calm him down), but the fact stands that he just wants you to be happy, and he hates screwing things up especially since he thinks of you in such a positive light.
you may think you’re invisible, but trust me when i say: sakurai will never treat you like that. honestly, how could he? he’s observant! and he knows you’re quiet, but like him, there’s more to you than meets the eye. he adores how sweet you are and the fact you’re the go-to-friend when someone needs to vent and be listened to. 
it’s basically the little things that makes him absolutely want to shower you with love & happiness– and he does! as a fairly sensitive guy, i stand for the fact he’s the type to remember the small things in relationships (ie: anniversaries, seemingly insignificant but actually important memories, etc.) ! his gifts will also be very thoughtful because he knows you best.
he’ll never ever want to hurt you in any way. he’ll never forgive himself if he’s even made you cry. 
as mentioned before, it may take him awhile to truly get comfortable around you; he just gets anxious, and he doesn’t want you to think less of him. but of course, every relationship has some bumps in the road, and getting him to open up to you is an indicator of how close you are. and vice versa, with you to him.
although he doesn’t want to burden you with his insecurities & anxieties, you do have that calming effect?? something about you allows him to be comfortable in a way no one has made him before, but at the same, his heart races whenever he’s around you. poor guy probably takes awhile to even confess.
sakurai is very sensitive & in tuned with your emotions; he’ll know when to give you space when you need that time alone to recharge. he’ll also know when not to push you to do things outside your comfort zone; he wants the best for you, but he also knows boundaries. and given your personality, you would do the same for him. which, of course, he’d greatly appreciate. 
switch of topic … your dates? they’ll be hella cute
you both probably end up gushing over your favorite mangas with one another at school, and i bet that’s how you guys ease into being comfortable around each other. 
sakurai is actually quite artistic; his hobby is drawing manga. so, the fact you draw? he thinks that’s just precious, and you’ll probably have simple dates where you guys spend quality time with each other whilst drawing & hyping each other up about your artwork. 
he’ll also find it so cool that you write & create characters. he’ll never get bored of hearing your ideas and seeing your creative mind in action. in fact, he adores the way you visibly light up when you talk about those things even if you subject your characters to angsty tropes.
sakurai will absolutely love it when you catch one of his games; his heart will be so full, seeing you in the stands. perhaps you’ll get to see his clutch personality wherein his competitive side just wants you to see him win for you.
to wrap things up, you and sakurai will be that soft couple where people think you guys are too cute for words. i kind of get the feeling you’ll be in your own world when you’re together.
okay one last thing- catch aomine finding ways to poke fun, tease, and fluster both of you guys because your expressions are just priceless. it’s just his way of supporting your relationship; don’t mind him.
possible runner-ups:
kuroko tetsuya
kise ryouta
— lily ! ♡
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knb-matchups · 4 years
︴ ★ hello ! call me lily ( she/her ) & welcome to my knb match-up blog. please go through the general rules & the specific matchup rules before sending in a request.
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⇀ please be mindful of when requests are open or closed ! i will delete the ask/submission if my ask box is closed.
⇀ what is written down is my own opinion/views for your ideal match ! if you disagree, that’s fine with me, but please don’t be rude! i’m sensitive okay.
⇀ be patient & overall kind ! i enjoy doing this on the side; this is, by no means, my first priority!
⇀ you can request by submission or ask box (multiple asks are fine)! just number it (ie: 1/3) for askbox.
⇀ my matchups will be romantic unless you’d specify you’d like a friend matchup.
⇀ pick one of the type of matchups ! 
⇀ also comments/replies come from my main accnt @solstxces​ ! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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♥ — true love match
❦ — first sight match
♡ — puppy love match
❥ — soulmate matchup
❣ — platonic matchup
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⇀ regular matchup & uses # true love matchup.
⇀ ~ 500 - 1,000 words ; depends on how much information sent in.
⇀ info you may include :  gender, sexuality, star sign, mbti type, personality description, likes & dislikes, hobbies/interests, ideal date, basic appearance (optional) , etc.
⇀ extra ; if you already have a matchup, you can request for adds on – such as the “what if” match (alternative match) & relationship headcanons (pros, cons, little cute things, scenario, etc.) ! the number of these hcs depends on how inspired i am tbh. 
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⇀ appearance matchup & uses # first sight matchup.
⇀ based on your appearance, i will match you up! 
⇀ you may include :  picture or description !
⇀ description includes information about ; hair, eyes, clothing style/fashion, height, other notable characteristics & etc. 
⇀ i will never include the picture if you don’t want it shown ! please tell me though!
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⇀ mini matchup & uses # puppy love matchup.
⇀ ~ 100 - 300 words ; depends on amount of info.
⇀ info you may include :  gender, sexuality, star sign, mbti type, personality description, likes & dislikes, hobbies/interests, ideal date, basic appearance (optional) , etc.
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⇀ exchange matchup & uses # soulmate matchup.
⇀ you have to direct message me first for requesting & we’ll exchange info there! also, you should post your matchup for me first & please do not delete it.
⇀ ~ 500 - 1,000 words ! 
⇀ info you may include :  gender, sexuality, star sign, mbti type, personality description, likes & dislikes, hobbies/interests, ideal date, appearance (optional), etc.
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⇀ regular matchup & uses # platonic matchup.
⇀ ~ 250 - 500 words ; depends on info given.
⇀ info you may include :  gender, sexuality, star sign, mbti type, personality description, likes & dislikes, hobbies/interests, ideal date, appearance (optional), etc.
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★ ★ ★
that should be all ! my askbox is always open for any questions or a chat !! also, feel free to leave any feedback!
please have a nice day & thanks for stopping by my blog.
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