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her room was a mess made of scattered hopes and dreams
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Kay Leverton - self-taught British artist working in Wales.
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
versatile tarot spreads: masterpost
in light of yesterday's rant, here are some tarot spreads which you can submit any single question or topic to.
I'll start by linking my this, but not that spread, which while it's only 3 cards, is not a proper "three card draw."
three card draw (3 cards)
crown and branches (5 cards)
nine card tableau (9 cards)
elemental quarters (4, 5, 8, 9, 16, 17, 32, 33, 36 or 37 cards)
Click here to see if this masterpost has been updated since it was reblogged
[Do you like these spreads? Reblogging the masterpost will not preserve the spreads if the original posts are locked or deleted. If you are an archiving blog, you need to reblog each individual post to improve chances of long-term access.]
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
a case against fucking around and finding out: sometimes the finding out is not worth it.
Not to hit the coffee and immediately say something melodramatic, but here we go:
In the context of learning witchcraft or similar occultish pursuits, the quip fuck around and find out seems to put a lot of emphasis on the fuck around
and I think a lot less focus on the finding out.
I think that the finding out is assumed to be something that can be swept up and tidied under the rug, like:
Whoops, time to learn counterspells!
Well thank goodness I saved that bookmark for protection amulets.
What a relief! I saw a fairy doctor talking about how to correct offenses to the fae, that's really going to come in handy.
But I don't know if people consider that the finding out is sometimes, like:
I've had intermittent recurring pain in my heart for over a decade where a demon implanted energy tentacles into me, and energy healers have warned me to leave it alone. This is something I live with now.
I did a spell in the forest - I didn't know I needed to ask for permission - and now the trees are haunting me; I can't close my eyes without seeing a corpse-like dryad attacking me. I consulted with a spirit doctor and now I have to make offerings in the forest eight times a year just to appease those spirits, and my green magic has stopped working. It's time to rebuild my path.
I accepted the first spirit that appeared to me as my spirit guide. Six years of chronic fatigue later, after losing most of my friends and being able to move nowhere with my life, someone in a Discord told me that spirit is an energy vampire.
I learned to speak with ghosts and the first thing that happened was one of them implanting an energetic cord in me. It told me it was a symbol of honor, but since then I haven't been able to shut the ghosts out. It's affecting my relationships and my ability to work, and I need help.
I feel like I swing on the pendulum between "yeehaww, get in the back of the pickup truck y'all, let's go wrassle that magic!" and "last week Earl got his ankle run over by the truck and he needs seven surgeries to keep his foot."
I don't think either side is more correct than the other. Magic is a big landscape, and it's filled with mountains and valleys.
Just, like. Be careful out there, y'all. Sometimes the finding out really isn't worth it.
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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Iced Chai Tea Latte - This quick and refreshing iced chai tea latte can be made with just 4 ingredients in about 5 minutes.
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
Patience Oil
Sometimes life just isn't it, and we get a little impatient with ourselves. We start to spiral when we can't do the things we should be doing, and it just ends up making us feel bad. Sometimes we need a little help being patient with ourselves, and that's okay. So, here is my simple recipe for an herbal oil I like to add to self-care and patience spell jars. I hope it does you well.
What you'll need:
A jar with a lid
Another jar or some dropper bottles
Fine mesh sieve
1/2 cup of olive oil (promoting peace)
3 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
1 tablespoon dried parsley (well-being)
A small handful of dried gardenia petals (repelling strife, promoting peace)
A small handful of dried hyacinth flowers (peace of mind)
A spoonful of dried lavender (peacefulness, patience, healing)
What you'll do:
Add oil, parsley, and flowers into a blender and blend for several seconds. The more you blend, the fast it'll incorporate. Feel free to pause your blending for a few moments and then continue.
Pour the mixture into your jar with a lid and leave out on your counter (or in a cupboard) for about a week, shaking or swirling it often.
Strain your mixture through a fine mesh sieve into your funnel, filling either a jar or your dropper bottles.
And you're done! Use this in spell jars, add a few drops to a bath, or even add to an oil warmer to infuse your room with its goodness. Just remember that even with magical help, improvement comes from the self. This won't solve your problem; it's merely a helping hand.
As always, do your research, be safe, and blessed be!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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on death with 1. lilies abounded, @petfurniture, twitter; 2. frances molina, “o’death”
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
Fairy Tale Spells by Bree NicGarran
Fairy tales have always been with us. Apart from teaching moral lessons and practical cautions, they remain a source of wonder and inspiration that persists even in a modern age dominated by technology.
There is magic in these tales as well - spells and charms that aid the worthy and conquer obstacles, heal the ailing and bring wealth to the poor, thwart the wicked and exact terrible revenge, or grant someone their hearts' desire and make their dearest wishes come true.
I have created over a hundred such spells, inspired by the tales recorded by the Brothers Grimm and the folklore collected by Andrew Lang. One volume was published back in 2017 and another is forthcoming. If you're curious (and maybe a little bit daring), here are some previews of the spells to be found in the pages of The Sisters Grimmoire.
After all, who couldn’t use a bit of Happily Ever After?
The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. I
A Bellyful of Stones - A curse to punish the greedy.
Roughskin - To protect and disguise oneself from those who mean to harm you.
Table of Plenty - To obtain needed money or provisions.
The Red Flower - For removing enchantment.
The Sorrow Pot - To relieve your sorrows and bring justice for a grievance.
The Wall of Thorns - To protect one’s home and property.
The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II (forthcoming)
Make Sure You Lock Up - To set your household wards when you lock your front door.
The Ferryman's Curse - To curse another with the problems that plague your own life.
The Shining Web - To repel trouble from the home.
You can find more spells from The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. I and potion and powder recipes from Pestlework by checking out the mid-month minisodes of Hex Positive, available on your favorite podcast platform.
All of my titles can be found on Amazon or ordered from the Willow Wings Witch Shop. (If you'd like to see them in your local witch shop, feel free to give the proprietor my contact information!)
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar! 😊
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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Things got violent in 1900 when magicians began arguing over black and white magic. Click to read the full fact.
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
who has a spell to make your brain switch tasks
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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Simple Curse to Spot Who Means You Harm
Inspired by and incorporates an old Irish curse 
“May those who love us, love us, And those who don’t, May [God] turn their hearts And if not their hearts, may [he] turn their ankles so we’ll know them by their limping”
Inventory: - salt - lemon juice - black pepper - red pepper - 2 paper - red marker - black string - tinted, dark bottle - sigil form of the curse
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To Do:
Draw curse sigil on paper with red marker. Recite curse throughout spell, inserting the name of your own god if wanted. Fold sigil up tight as it will go, then unfold once into a bowl/crevice shape. Place paper into a bowl of salt. Sprinkle black and red pepper into paper. Burn sigil paper down to ash, still reciting curse. Once paper is burned, pour salt and every single piece of the paper into bottle. Prepare second piece of paper by lightly soaking in lemon juice until slightly moldable. Form paper into a cap for the bottle and tie down paper with string. Place in a hidden, dark place in a room that people pass through often. Turn in a counterclockwise circle once a week. 
Cleanse your work area thoroughly after you’ve hidden the bottle. 
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
I'm going home from the mental hospital on Thursday, but I won't be able to work right away, so my money crisis goes on. Please check out my items, I've made them with love and would love for people to either check out my website; etsy.com/shop/pinegreentea (you can click the link) or give this a reblog. Thank you so much for reading, have a lovely day
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
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knife-in-the-coffee · 2 years
I dont know who needs to hear this but if your hobby starts to not be fun, put it down. It's a hobby, not a full time job or something, don't burn yourself out on something that should be entertaining. Physically can't bring yourself to draw? Put it down. Bored with a crochet project? Put it down. Dropped stitches while knitting and filled with rage? Put it down. It'll come back to you
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