komorebei · 4 years
Kurtis Conner | Two Time Chapter 1: The Hype
In case you're new:
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Color
E/C = Eye Color
S/C = Skin Color
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your P.O.V
Here I stand before The Queen Elizabeth Theatre. I got tickets to see 'The Two Different People Tour' but the Danny and Drew tickets were for my friends. I got the one for Kurtis Conner. I was still excited to come though.
After the show it was strange to see Kurtis in real life. Especially after that hardcore break up he had with Jenna. He lost a lot of viewers because of how much of a mess he was afterwards. He still had a lot of fans come to see him but I guess it was probably because Drew and Danny's tickets were more expensive. I had this thought when it was my turn to get a picture and such and he asked me, "I apologize if the tickets for Drew and Danny were out of your price range." I was confused.
"You're fine. I actually bought the ticket to see you!" He smiled that beautiful smile and gave me, probably, the tightest and most comforting hug, he's given a fan, ever. I asked if I could hold his hand for the picture and he said yes. The photographer who was there smiled after I hugged Kurtis once more.
"You two look so cute together awe." My face flushed with a rosy pink color. Kurtis laughed at the joke.
"I forgot to ask your name-" Kurtis said still talking to me. I didn't think he paid much attention to me in the first place.
"Oh it's, Y/N." I smiled and then continued to leave the theater.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The Next Day
I woke up this morning still shaken up by the fact that I met KURTIS CONNER. My dream to meet him actually came true. I picked up my phone off my dresser and looked through Twitter. I saw a post that Kurtis had made.
'It was flames bro.'
I laughed at the post and looked at the picture attachment. I saw the picture I had taken with him yesterday and I then scrolled through the comments.
'OOp Jenna gon' b Jealous'
'she's cuter than Jen smh.'
I blushed and cringed at the comments and that's when I finally realized the DM I had gotten like 2000 hours ago.
kurtis conner: it took me a while to find you but thankfully your friends are cool creatures.
I shot my eyes from half open to fully intently open. I did a yee yee and clamed down. I then responded back trying to be soo funny.
YeetsInTheSheets: Ooohhhhhhhh yeahhhh. They're definitely 'cool'.
Almost instantly, like he was waiting, he responded back. He explained how he was sorry about his comments and how he hopes I doesn't think he's one of those Tik Tok bois cause he used the word 'flames.' I told him that he was fine and I that I KNOW he's not a Tik Tok boi.
I started talking to him a lot more and that's when he told me about his master plan.
The minute I got the text with the location of a small cafe in near me, I jumped, not really or else I would probably slip and die, in my shower. I didn't intend to make a bad impression, I washed my hair at least 3 times, using up most of my shampoo and conditioner. I used a Bath & Body Works body scrub instead of regular soap. I wasn't taking any chances, and after my I shower I used a stress repel deodorant. So if I started to sweat it wasn't visible. My clothes were normally casual and comfy so I didn't do anything very different there. I wore ripped side-stripe joggers, a white shirt with a black 'caution' sweater and my usual black and white high top vans. I put my hair up in a ponytail and skipped out my front door in excitement.
(666 words i- ^)
I walked into the cafe and I spied Kurtis straight away, his curly hair and tattooed sleeves were hard to miss. I bit my lip because one, I was nervous and two, he was just really cute. He locked eyes with me and gave me the same hug he did at the show. Except this time it lasted longer. Like he was afraid to let go. I sat down with him and he finally spoke.
"Okay. I'm going to ask you something that you may say no to. If you do I hope you'll still continue to support me." I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. "Will you, um, be my fake girlfriend?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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komorebei · 4 years
animes are like writing plot pools sometimes, or just go to the comments of a joji song.
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