kpop-and-chill · 4 years
updated March 20, 2021
all rights reserved © 2021 kpop-and-chill
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I Love You | Fluff
Jungkook is away on tour and you miss him badly!
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Chapstick Challenge | Fluff
You try to convince your overly dramatic boyfriend to make a YouTube video with you.
Personal Stories
The Wrong Swipe
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kpop-and-chill · 4 years
The Wrong Swipe
Warnings: Mentions of depression and being suicidal, mental trauma.
Word Count: 2,510
a/n :Firstly, apologies for disappearing, if anyone noticed, but I was going through a lot. And secondly, this story is not really a kpop fic. It is based on a very personal experience of mine and since writing is very therapeutic for me, I wrote this as a way to help me cope with that. So, it is a semi-fictional and semi-real account of actual events and having said that, I also need to mention that I don’t want to blame anyone or gain any sympathy via this. Also, English is not my first language. So, please bear with me. A huge shout-out to @today-we-will-survive​ for all her help. I love you, my Shay Shay <3 <3 <3
And for those asking, please reblog this post if you want. I really want people to read this and understand that you are not supposed to love anyone more than yourself and stay away from toxic people. Your mental peace is more important than anything or anyone!
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It all felt right when you’d met him.  He was everything you were looking for. In fact, he was way more than everything you were looking for. He was good at everything he did. And he did a lot of stuff. He was charming, smart, funny, musically talented, amazing dancer, great cook. You were practically in awe of this God-like creature. Speaking of God-like, you actually believed that his gorgeous face and his jacked-up physique were designed by Gods themselves.
 But that’s not why you liked him. You liked him because.. you just did. Right from the moment you started talking to him, you fell for him. And you fell hard.. Maybe that was the mistake?! It  sure didn’t feel like that back then. Or so you thought. Or maybe you didn’t think anything. You just.. loved him. You were a mess for him. From the word go!
 There was something that just clicked ! Two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together and all that shit? Yeah something like that. Even though you barely knew him for hours, it felt like you have known him since forever. And you wanted a forever with him. Your forever!
Everyone told you it was stupid. You hadn’t even met this guy. Yes, you only knew him virtually. Exchanged numbers, chatted with him for a few hours and just decided you loved him. Well, it wasn’t all you. Not to play the blame game here, but he actually said he loved you, too. But then again, people say a lot of things.
So did he!
First came the good things. The “I liked you the moment I saw your pic” and “You are a cutie”. Then the amped up flirting and sexting. Then all the wonderful things a girl wants to hear like “You have no right to call yourself ugly” and then the deep meaningful stuff like personal secrets, tragic past and stuff that one usually takes to the grave. He told you all this on day one too.  This and the fact that he liked you. Loved you. That even though you had been talking to him for less than a day and he was leaving for US for the next three weeks, you were dating. And he was your boyfriend. Hell he even asked you to tell all the guys you were supposed to go on dates with, that you have a boyfriend now! Damn you couldn’t wait for him to get back. And he hadn’t even left yet.
But then he did. The very next day. You were upset but not so much because you were constantly in touch with him. You both practically chatted the whole day. God.. You were so in love!
He was perfect.  It was all perfect. Until it wasn’t.
 You don’t know what changed. Maybe everything.  Maybe nothing at all. Maybe you just didn’t know him and his intentions well enough. And that part was true. You didn’t know anything about this guy. You hadn’t even met him for Christ’s sake! All you knew was you loved him. You kept singing that like your favorite K-pop song. And imagining the both of you in super-sappy K-drama scenarios.
 But life isn’t a K-drama.. And you had to find that out the hard way.
You don’t know if you had imagined him saying he was your boyfriend or you were imagining it when he said you should go on dates or you should hook up with guys or you should meet marriage prospects if that’s what your family wants. That’s when reality hit you like a Mack truck! He was your boyfriend, but not your “serious” boyfriend. Because apparently, you hadn’t even met him and you were six years older than him, both being your biggest crimes. And him saying these things definitely felt like he was punishing you for the same.
 But God knows what in the damned world was wrong with you. You still hadn’t given up on him. Or like how they say, your heart hadn’t, probably. Call it hope, love or any other asininity, you still believed he might be joking or at least would want to date you once he got back. After all, the fact that you guys hadn’t met yet was a big problem for him, right? It should resolve itself once he comes back to India. Once he comes back to you.
But there was still time for that. And for a lot of other shit to ensue before that.
 Pretty much everything felt different after that. He felt different. So, you tried to take a different approach  too. He wanted you to go out on dates and hook up with other guys? You did. And you didn’t exactly know why. Perhaps you thought he was only kidding, would take it back before your date and ask  you to cancel your date. Or you just wanted to make him jealous or at least realize that this wasn’t what he wanted. Or what you wanted!
 Speaking of things you didn’t want, you never wanted to fight with him. Who does? Of course, you knew no couple is perfect and everybody has an argument every now and then. But you didn’t think it would happen just because he couldn’t handle stress or his emotions very well and would just take it out on you. You also didn’t think he would not do anything about the fight and just ignore you till you made the effort to let him know that you were still alive after not talking for two weeks. Sure, he apologized, because sorry was his favorite word. But he never made any efforts. These were both signs you should have noticed, but why would you? You chose to focus on his  words than his actions.
 And damn, the guy could talk. Smooth should be his middle name! One lame apology and you were ready to give him your whole world. And you knew you would when you met him. It’s like your whole life depended on his impending arrival. As if he would arrive and give your stupid life some meaning! God your brain really glitched when it came to him..
 And come he did. No dirty puns intended! And weirdly, time ran slower than before. Wasn’t it supposed to happen the other way round? Weren’t you supposed to flip time off and just be with each other right now? If anything, weren’t you at least supposed to be texting each other, like you had been doing all this while when you were miles apart? Wasn’t he at least supposed to let you know if he had reached when he landed?
 He didn’t.
Not that you minded texting him first, per usual. But you did and then deleted it. Maybe his flight got cancelled. Maybe he got busy with friends and family, who all must have obviously wanted a piece of him before he starts his job and falls into a mundane routine two weeks later. Maybe this. Maybe that. Lots of Maybe’s.
 And deleted msgs. All yours. Yet nothing from him. Radio silence.
  Until you had had it with him and decided to put an end to your own misery.
“Are we back to not talking?” you texted him, after three days.
 “Hey. Nothing like that. I had nothing to talk about”
Sure, he has been mean to you before. But this felt like a stab to your gut.
You waited three weeks to meet him, and he had nothing to say to you? He could have said this three weeks ago and not wasted your time. Or not ghosted you and behaved like the mature adult he is supposed to be.
 You asked him not to talk to you ever. And then you cried. All night. Two nights in a row. Talked to your K-pop friends, asked them to make the pain stop. Nothing helped.
 “I’m sorry. I know I’m a jerk. But I’m not somebody who can hurt someone and sleep peacefully” he messaged you after two days.
And yet he did the past two nights while you cry-hugged your pillow. But you knew he always had the gift of the gab. Hell, even your friends knew it. Your best friends kept telling you he is a liar, a sweet-talker. He knows how to manipulate you. Knows all the right things to say to you to convince you to get physical with you.
But you won’t listen to them. You didn’t want to. He kept weaving lies and you kept weaving dreams. But you forgot dreaming is just pretending. Pretending to be something you are not or having something you don’t. In this case, you were pretending to believe he was a nice person, that you are madly in love with. And the thing about love is, it is indeed blind. It doesn’t see what everyone sees.
 You think he is being “extra nice” with you or has feelings for you because he talks to you nicely for five minutes. Or pretends to care about you for the duration of one phone call. Or sheds one tear when you tell him about all the crap you went through (and much more that you were willing to go through) because of him. One WhatsApp message from him and you are gone. In fact, the happiest time of your whole day is when he views your WhatsApp status. Your whole life revolves around him.
It’s because you don’t want to believe he doesn’t care. He is only trying to use you physically. Why? Because you are an easy lay for him. You love him and would do anything for him, go anywhere for him. One phone call from him and you would drop everything to run into his arms. He wouldn’t have to do anything to coax you.
 But you don’t believe that. Because you believed him when he said he was in a toxic relationship and is broken on the inside and hence doesn’t want to be in a relationship. But you don’t want to believe people lie. A guy who has been treating you badly from the start and doesn’t feel the slightest remorse for it, is the very definition of a toxic person himself.
 Does he realize how much you love him? How much you went through, are still going through, just to move on from him. That you call your friends incessantly at ungodly hours because you so badly want to talk to him or hear his voice one last time, despite knowing fully well the guy lives and opens his mouth only to spew hurtful things to you.  
Does he realize saying “Don’t love me” ain’t gonna  make you get over him? If only it were this easy for humans to function! If only we had a button to move on.
 Does he realize how much it hurts when he asks you about your “dates” with other guys? Or that you wouldn’t even talk to any other guy if he ever says he wants to be with you?
 He freaked out about how attached you got to him in just one day but does he realize, even after knowing him for one day, you were going to sell your house just so that he could pay off his educational loan to make his life easier?
 Does he realize you wanted him to move in with you just because he had mentioned he doesn’t like his living arrangement and wants to get away?
 He wanted a casual thing with you. No dating, just physical fun. But does he realize you were ready to lose your virginity to him too if that meant he could see how much he meant to you?
 Does he realize you could even be his friend, if it meant he would still be a part of your life and if he stopped being rude to you or stopped suggesting making out with you? Does he realize if you got so attached to him without even meeting him, how would you ever move on if you kept being intimate with him for long, like he wants?
 He made all these fake promises to meet you on Valentine’s day when you told him it was special for you because your parents were always your Valentine’s and didn’t want to feel alone that day since they passed. Does he realize you trashed your place when you couldn’t meet that day because he didn’t like it when you mentioned his constant bad behavior?
 Does he realize him being a jerk to you brought back your insomnia and triggered your depression? Does he realize that writing which was supposed to be therapeutic for you also doesn’t work anymore because it only makes you cry now? The guy even knows you are suicidal.
But does he care? No. He only talks to you when he is bored, drunk or high. So, no he doesn’t care about you.
 And honestly, that’s all you ever wanted. For him to care for you. Stop being nasty to you. Stop stabbing your heart with his coldness and harsh words and then twisting the knife by not giving two flying fucks about it. About you.
 Does he realize you could literally pop open a vein for him if that made his life a little bit better? No, he doesn't. It didn’t take him a second to stop talking to you and block you on social media while your friends had begged you to block him for months and you couldn’t. Jerk couldn’t block his “toxic” ex, still talks to her, but you, definitely must be blocked.
  Does he realize that if he can’t help you move on, he should at least not fuck you up any more than he already has! Is it that hard to treat someone with respect? To not be a jerk to someone? To not say or do things repeatedly that make other people feel like crap? To not care about other people’s feelings and only think about one’s own gratification?
And after doing all this is it that hard to feel any regrets? Here, you lose sleep because of this person and he doesn’t feel like he has done anything wrong?
Because if he doesn’t realize this, he would never realize that you only take his crap because you love him. He will never realize that you know he is lying, he lies about a lot of things but you go along with it because you love him. You always will and probably would never be able to get over him. No matter what you do.
He will never realize you would want to be with him for the rest of your life  even if that meant being with a toxic person because you love him and you hope and believe in your heart of hearts that he will change someday.
 And to think, all this began with a wrong swipe on Tinder. You didn’t want to swipe on him and yet here we are!
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kpop-and-chill · 4 years
Hey,, i know the Jackson thingy is your only writing, but it really is enjoyable ❤️❤️ you did great
I also have another fic that I posted before the Jackson thingy. It's a Jungkook fic and it's called I love you.
I'm sorry my Masterlist and story links are not working right now. But I'm on it.
Thank you for reading my fic. I'm glad you liked it 🙂
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kpop-and-chill · 4 years
Chapstick Challenge
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Pairing : Jackson Wang x female reader
Genre : fluff, slight crack
Warnings : mentions of kissing and porn, jealousy, flirting
Word Count : 846
a/n : This is the first ever fic that  I wrote in my life. I was really upset about something and Jackson makes me calm, because this dork happens to be my anchor. So, yeah.. I hope you all like it. Also, English is not my first language and I am not a writer, so please be kind!
A huge thank you to @yoongs-jeontae​ and @today-we-will-survive​ for all your help.. I love you both to death <3
“So, let me get this straight..  you want us to make out in front of the camera?" your boyfriend asks you with the most skeptical look you have ever seen on his face and all you can do is let out a huge sigh in response. This guy can eat vile, questionable things without thinking twice and yet has his doubts about making a YouTube video with you, his girlfriend. 
“No, Jackson. We are not going to ‘makeout’…”
Your attempt at explaining the concept of your Chapstick Challenge video is cut off by the loudest and most dramatic gasp.
“How could you even suggest something like this?” Jackson continues with both hands on his chest “Canoodling on camera for the whole world to see! That’s basically porn!! It’s blasphemy.”  His eyes are wide enough to burst out of his sockets at this point. Man, this guy should be in one of those stupid dramas your mom loves so much!
“I am scandalized, to say the least y/n .“ His voice brings you back from your erratic daydreams of what kind of a drama would be more suited for the thespian that is Jackson Wang and you realize he is still gravely revolving  the matter, and has added wild hand gestures to the mix. 
“I am a very traditional man, y/n. Also, I feel like you are using me for my daddy looks to gain more views and subscribers” he argues and you don’t know how he thinks he is traditional when he clearly has a “daddy” kink. You briefly wonder if he can even hear himself.
“I feel so used,” Jackson is still ranting and it just makes you pinch the bridge of your nose.
You are already, without a doubt, regretting asking him to do this. There are moments like this where you have to ask yourself – why do I like this Drama Queen? 
“Fine!” you say with an exasperated look on your face which is immediately replaced by a fond smile as an idea pops into your head.
“I’ll just ask Jungkook to do it with me. He would never say no to me,” you speak affectionately about your best friend and that effectively puts an end to your boyfriend’s antics.  
“No!” Jackson shrieks, horrified at the thought of his girlfriend kissing someone that’s not him “You can’t do that!”
“Why not?”
“Because he is not your boyfriend, I am!”
“So? There’s no rule that states you can’t make a Chapstick Challenge video with your best friend!” you counter and can already feel him getting frustrated. He was so losing this one.
“Fine! Then I’ll make one with Mark!” Jackson crosses his arms in front of his chest as if he has made the most compelling argument in the history of relationships.
You,on the other hand, simply roll your eyes at that “You guys don’t even have a YouTube channel.”
“Are you jealous?” Jackson wiggles his eyebrows earning another sigh from you. 
“Yes, Jackson. I am the one that’s  jealous!” Your voice heavy with sarcasm.
“Aww babe!! I’ve told you so many times you have nothing to be jealous about. We’re just friends. And besides, Mark would never agree to this. He has a girlfriend.” 
“YOU have a girlfriend!” You are not sure if he has forgotten his relationship status or the fact that he’s talking to his girlfriend.
“Yeah! One who wanted to make a ‘Chapstick Challenge’ video with some other guy,” he mutters making air quotes around the words Chapstick Challenge.
“I wanted to make a video with YOU!!” you yell at him in anger. How dare he make you feel guilty for something that’s not even your fault in the first place.
“You didn’t have to say you’d do it with Jungkook, though” his voice so low you could have easily missed his muttering.
Okay, so maybe, it was not entirely your fault. You do admit it was a cheap shot and now the look on your boyfriend’s face is that of pure hurt.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I was only joking. But I guess I took it a bit too far.”  You send him a sincere apologetic look that’s just met with a pout of his own. He doesn’t respond and just keeps looking at the ground.
“Come on Jackson,” you poke him in the ribs,playfully to get his attention “Just because you look like a cute puppy right now, doesn’t mean you have to make me feel like a bitch!”
And before you have time to say anymore, he, very swiftly pulls you towards him and places his hands on your waist . “Hey, don’t  call my girlfriend that! She’s literally the most amazing human being to ever walk this planet.” 
This was why you liked this Drama Queen! You might be Satan’s bestie and Jackson would still love you. You didn’t deserve this man.
“I love you,” you smile, closing your eyes and resting your forehead against his. 
“I love you,too”  He pecks your nose “Now come on, let’s make porn!”
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kpop-and-chill · 4 years
updated March 20, 2021
all rights reserved © 2021 kpop-and-chill
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I Love You | Fluff
Jungkook is away on tour and you miss him badly!
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Chapstick Challenge | Fluff
You try to convince your overly dramatic boyfriend to make a YouTube video with you.
Personal Stories
The Wrong Swipe
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kpop-and-chill · 4 years
I Love You | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x female reader
Genre: fluffy fluff
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,777
This is my first ever fic on Tumblr and English is not my first language. I only wrote it because I love Jeon Jungkook.
A huge thanks to @yoongs-jeontae​ for reading this over and correcting my grammar. I love you so much!
“Jungkookie?? Kookie?? Yah?”
“Good Lord! What’s wrong with this stupid thing again..” you stare at Jungkook, who was only staring back at you which obviously led you to believe that your laptop screen was frozen! Frustrated, you start pressing keys frantically, hoping something would work! You were dying to talk to him.
How could you not! It had been two weeks since you last talked to him. He was on tour so you couldn’t exactly run towards each other in a slo-mo right this second. You hadn’t seen your own brother Jin in almost three months, ever since they went on the US tour! And since you hadn’t told him about your “relationship”, you couldn’t expect him to bring Jungkook with him when he visited you right before he left!
But you knew all this before you agreed to go out with him. You’d thought if you could go without seeing your brother for months, you would definitely be fine without seeing Jungkook for long periods of time. I mean you had only been on three dates, the first of which didn’t even count as a date since he was more interested in watching Kung Fu Panda than you! You sulked for a whole week and wouldn’t return any of his calls and the brat wouldn’t have even known what he did wrong if you hadn’t finally taken pity on him and replied to one of his messages, telling him you are unsure if you should keep seeing each other!
But when he realized his folly, he apologized in the sweetest way possible! He showed up at your place with a teddy bear taller than RM oppa, that wouldn’t even fit through your door. Before you could say something, he was already on his knees with the cutest pout you had ever seen on a guy’s lips before!
Of course, he got a second date. And then a third.
But then he had to leave for his tour. For three months.
And he’s usually so busy with his workout sessions, dance rehearsals, he barely has any time left for himself, so you didn’t expect him to make time for you.
And yet he did. He called as frequently as he could. Even when he didn’t have time, he would call you just to say good night before dozing off and you hated  how he could make your heart do somersaults with those two simple words.
But his schedule has been crazy packed and he hasn’t even had the time to read  your Kakaotalk messages for the past two weeks.
So, you practically jumped out of bed when you got a message from him saying he would video call you and had been bouncing off the walls all day waiting for his call.
And when he finally called, your laptop decided to go on the fritz.
Or so it seemed. 
Since even after fiddling with all the keys on your laptop, Jungkooks’s face wouldn’t move an inch, you decided to give him a call. But just as you were about to unlock your phone, you heard his voice “Yah! Who are you calling this late?”
Your head snapped up so fast to look at the screen, you nearly gave yourself a whiplash.
“Huh?” you blink rapidly ,still not sure if it was actually his voice or you are just hearing what you want to hear. But you see  Jungkook wave at you with the most charming smile on his face and slowly all your confusion dissipates.
“You. I was calling you,” you put your phone away to give him your undivided attention.
“Well, I’m right here,” he smiles at you again.
“Yeah. But the screen froze earlier and I was trying to..”
“Oh it didn’t freeze,” he cuts you off mid-sentence “I was just shocked by your beauty.”
The look you give him scares him and he begins to re-evaluate every life decision he has ever made!
“The corniness hurts me,” you fake glare at the screen but it only elicits his cute bunny smile alongwith  that adorable nose scrunch that you absolutely love. This baby bun!
"But you still love me,” he winks at you and your eyes go wide.
“Huh... Love?” you ask, just in case you didn’t hear him correctly.
“Yeah..” it was his turn to blush a deep shade of scarlet now “You love me, right?”
“Jungkook… I.. We…” you were literally at a loss of words. What were you supposed to tell him? How do you respond to that when you have only been on exactly three dates?
"Cuz I do.. I love you!” his voice, barely above a whisper, pulls you from your worries “ And I know what you’re going to say. We’re too young and what if it doesn’t work out?”
“But what if it does?” the words almost instantly slip out of your mouth “Wait.. Why do you sound like oppa?”
“How do you know I sound like Jin hyung?” you both give each other such weird looks as if suspecting the other person of murder.
“I asked you first,” you fold your arms, not so patiently awaiting his response.
“Because I asked him.”
“You WHAT?” you scream at your screen.
“Oh relax,” his dismissive wave doing nothing to calm your nerves, but he continues anyways “I asked all of them, hypothetically, which member would they introduce to their sister. I told them it’s a fan question!”
The dork looks so proud of himself, thinking he is so slick, you don’t know if you want to kiss him or kill him.
“Can you believe nobody said they want their sisters to date me? Rude!” he huffs with the cutest pout on his face. Okay, now you definitely want to kiss him!
“It’s because you are the youngest, you silly goose! That’s what oppa told me the other day when I asked him about dating.”
“What did you ask him? What did he say?” Man, this guy is more curious than any cat!
“Well, I kinda felt bad about going on dates with you and not telling him. So, I asked him if he would ever allow me to date a BTS member. But he said I was too young for dating and shouldn’t think about such nonsense.”
“That does sound like Jin hyung!” he chuckles affectionately despite the worried look on your face.
“Hey, it’s ok. If you want to tell him, we can tell him right now. Seriously, I can call him into my room and we can tell him. But don’t look all sad and guilty! I mean we aren’t doing anything wrong. Also, it was you who didn’t want to tell him!” he argues with you and you know he is right.
“Yeah because I thought he’d be mad or something,” you say tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Oh Jin hyung will be furious!” Jungkook sounds like he is enjoying this and it just makes you angrier.
“Is this a joke to you, Kook? Is it funny? I mean you just said you loved me.. "
“I do.. And no, it’s not funny. It’s only natural that he will be mad.. At both of us.. Maybe he wouldn’t even talk to me for a few days” he shrugs.
He might make it sound like it’s not a big deal but you know it is. Your brother was as close to  Jungkook as he was to you, hell he has practically raised Jungkook. Sometimes, you’re even jealous of him because you think your brother loves him more than he loves you. You never realized the position you are putting him in by dating him and now that you do, it was making you feel even more guilty.
“I’m sorry,” you mutter at your laptop.
“Why? I’m not. I really like you, y/n and I have for a while now. I thought it was just a crush and it would blow over or something. But it didn’t. If anything, my feelings for you have only gotten stronger over the years,” he tells you and you can hear the sincerity in his voice. “And yes, he will be mad. But, it’s ok. We’ll talk to him. Try to make him understand. If he doesn’t cave, I’ll ask all the hyungs to help us out. He is not going to kill us, you know?”
“You really like me, don’t you?” you can’t help but smile fondly at his passionate speech.
He nods, rubbing the back of his neck. You could tell he’s blushing as his ears had turned pink.
“I really like you, too,” your cheeks match the color of his ears now.
“You do?” he shrieks from excitement and you nod grinning ear to ear.
“Man, I so wish I could kiss you right now,” he sighs and touches his laptop screen as if that was your actual face.
“Well, whose fault is that?” you narrow your eyes at him in fake annoyance “Couldn’t you have waited two more days to confess?”
“I couldn’t,” he admits “I haven’t talked to you in two weeks. I was literally dying to see your face, hear your voice. God I missed you so much!  When we get back, I’m coming to your home with Jin hyung so that we can tell him together, okay?”
“Okay,” you hum “He wouldn’t let us kiss, though”
“Oh he wouldn’t,” he laughs and you shake your head at the thought “He would probably tell us to not kiss till we get married.”
“Even after marriage, he would ask us not to kiss in front of him, saying it grosses him out or kids these days or something like that,” you add.
“Hey y/n?” he looks at you and you raise an eyebrow at him.
“We’ll be fine. Don’t worry” he purrs.
“I know,” you are pretty sure you are going to dislocate your jaw from smiling so much. “Just one last thing before you go to sleep?”
“Yeah.. what’s wrong?” he looks at you, worried.
“Stop hitting my brother,” you squint your eyes and scream at your screen.
Jungkook, on the other hand, starts cackling like a witch.. That arrogant bunny..
“Babe, you know we’re only joking around”
“I know,” you sigh “Sometimes, I get jealous of you both. You both get to spend more time with each other than I do”
“Oh believe me, your brother is no fun”
“Jungkook,” you whine, wanting to sound mad, but end up laughing with him.
“Two days, baby. Just two days,” he smiles earnestly at you and you mirror his smile.
“Two days,” you nod “Hey Kookie?”
“I love you..”
“I love you, too”
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