#intro: nadira
l3gacies · 5 months
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【 aditi rao hydari  //. demi woman  //. she/they 】 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… NADIRA KHATRI into The Hub. You are registered to be THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and have been given citizenship for THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS under the Expatriate Act. According to the data compiled, your most notable qualities seem to be CHARMING  & NAIVE. Please confirm that you are NEUTRAL GOOD. From what we’ve gathered your place of employ is currently for the MATA HARIS as a FALCON / HEAVEN’S NIGHT as a BARTENDER.  We strongly advise that you provide the correct information pertaining to your background to ensure proper safety precautions: are you a _ DEFECTIVE HOST_ or _HUMAN_? A deeper dive into our archive suggests that you are FRAGMENTED MEMORIES FLASHING THROUGH YOUR MIND AS YOU WANDER THE STREETS OF JAPAN, FLASHING DOE EYES AT UNSUSPECTING CUSTOMERS IN AN EFFORT YO GAIN INFORMATION, HINTS OF YOUR PAST LIFE HOVERING JUST OUT OF REACH, A SHATTERED MIRROR LAYING AT YOUR FEET AS YOU SEEK TO FORGE A NEW IDENTITY. Though we noticed you, too, are similar to ANASTASIA ROMANOV (ANASTASIA), GISELLE (ENCHANTED), DOROTHY GALE (WIZARD OF OZ), COSETTE (LES MISERABLES) ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ᴠᴇʀɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! Please comply to all regulations and laws. It is our hope that you enjoy your stay. 【 alyx //25  //. she/her //. est // 】
full name: nadira khatri
age: thirty-seven
gender / pronouns: demi woman; she/they
orientation: pansexual
occupation: bartender at heavens night
affiliation: falcon for the mata haris
family: n/a
faceclaim: aditi rao hydari
inspiration: anastasia romanov (anastasia), giselle (enchanted), dorothy gale (wizard of oz), cosette (les miserables)
Nadira is a host that was created as a means to spy on the Gestalt Bureau's rivals. She was one of the company's darling hummingbirds, flittering from one CEO's arm to the next, all in an attempt to get them to lower their defenses and steal any secrets that may help the bureau stay on top. She was programmed to be charming but demure, the classic wide-eyed girl in awe of the powerful figures around her, and she adored the programming she was given.
Her destiny shifted during her last mission. The figure she targeted was someone who was powerful and actively opposed the Gestalt Bureau and everything it stood for. She was meant to simply do reconnaissance during her mission and establish a connection with the target, but during her evening, she learned information she wasn't supposed to know. This made her a liability, and unbeknownst to her, someone had been hired to track her down and take care of the "loose ends".
One evening, as she was walking home from the Bureau, she encountered the individual hired by her target. The individual overpowered her and ended up erasing the information she learned regarding her target, as well as most of her memories of her current life. When she awoke, she was alone in an alley with no name, no memories, and no idea what to do next.
Luckily, she was soon found by MALCOLM HAYES and brought to the MATA HARIS. The group took her in with open arms, and the fear she felt in that alleyway soon melted away. Being with the Mata Haris made her feel safe, and it allowed her to recover and begin to plan for the future.
With a newfound confidence and a job that allows her access to a wide variety of people, she began to believe she could learn about her past and what happened to her and use that information to move forward in life. The only question is: in a city as large as Tokyo, where does she begin?
Her last target and the person who ordered for her to be "erased"
The assassin/hitman that was assigned to take out Nadira
Previous marks of her, either enemies who realized she used them for information or former flames who never learned her true purpose
Gestalt employees who helped build/program Nadira
Fellow hosts who may recognize her
Members of Lazarus who recognize her as a defective host and want to recruit her
People Nadira suspects may know about her past--- bonus points if they don't know who she is at all
Fellow Mata Hari members
Fellow Heavens Night employees
Anything and everything!
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cheerleaderman · 4 months
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Nadira Kader
Age: 18
Height: 175 cm
Birthday: December 20
Class: 3-C
Dominant hand: left
Hometown: Scalding Sands
Family: Father, Step Mother, 2 older brother and younger sister
Favorite food/ drinks: meat dishes, oranges, chamomile tea
Hobbies/Likes: Gems, jewelry, collectibles , jasmine flower, stargazing, stars , looser clothing , discovering new things , studying rocks and gems
Dislike: crowds, unwanted attention, grapefruit, being woken up
Best subject: Ancient history
Club: science
Talent: figuring out the quality of items
More Info
-From a prominent family in the Scalding Sands many don’t know much about her family.
- Don’t wake this girl up it won’t end well
-Rich girl
-will also wear her hair in two braids
Her Unique magic is called Cave of Wonder- She can make a pocket dimension where she puts most of her items in. People can also enter the place but only Nadira has the way out if they get trapped.
- seen as someone who thinks they are above everyone when really she just likes her privacy and is very introverted .She doesn’t really worry much about reputations but won’t do anything crazy
- Is seen as a treasure and beautiful often having people trying to get into her good graces 
-The scars on her face were from a thief when she was a child which led to her father making her take self defense classes
-bit of a hoarder   
-Her and Tamer are fiancés - At first she thought he just wanted her for her money and tie her family to the Asims so how but after learning his deeper intentions she unsure
- Doesn’t really leave her home but wants to do a bit of traveling
- One of Iris’s friends who she met through Yvonne
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Tamer Lark
Age: 17
Height: 168 cm
Birthday: March 3
Class: 2-B
Dominant hand: right
Hometown: Scalding Sands
Family: Father , mother  
Favorite food/ drinks: sunflower seeds, grapes , grape juice
Hobbies/Likes: birds, gardens, listening in to others conversations, money, music , playing string instruments
Dislike: crackers , thunder , shaming of his mother
Best subject: Flight
Club: spell drive
Talent: flying, getting information, studying , escaping
More Info
The son of one of Asim’s advisors. Currently in training to be an advisor to Kalim
- his parents are divorced because his mother felt that his father was putting reputation over their son
-due to his father’s influence he stays with his dad most of the time and hates it
- his ear ring was his mother’s
-will not tolerate any shaming of his mother as she was actually someone who had his interests in mind (got into many fights with his father about that)
- he not around Kalim as much as Jamil but has a good amount of interaction to know that he would not be able to handle being around Kalim for the long term especially with the cracker feeding.
- does feels like his Father cares more about reputation than his own son and tries to be with his mother as much as possible
-His mother was devastated that he gave himself up for marriage crying that she’s sorry she couldn’t protect him better
- Always wanted to get to know Jamil and got to want they went to NRC
- Doesn’t want to be tied to Kalim so went he heard talks about a marriage between the Asim and Kaders he offered himself up for marriage. “ For the Asim family” is he what he claims
- judgmental , cunning, charming, can be eccentric but keeps it to himself as he has a at perfect for his father and Asim’s reputation  
-spends most of his free time flying around as it’s a sense of freedom for him
- usually has some kind of antidote or medicine on him. Won’t admit but he has extra just for Jamil
-Resting B face
(Debating on whether to make him a bird beastmen or have his unique magic tie into being a bird ) 
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loquaciousquark · 5 months
Tavish's Honour(ish) Mode Stream Archive
With my latest runthrough of Tav's game now officially complete, I wanted to create a reference page here with VOD links & summaries of each video's contents. The summaries are also in the descriptions of each VOD, but as a resource for myself it's easier if they're here too. For now, these videos are all only on Twitch.
Link to Master Playlist
Part 1: Features introduction, nautiloid, Shadowheart/Gale/Astarion recruitment, the chapel, Lae'zel's recruitment, Wyll's intro/initial goblin fight, Rolan & robbing Arron, Tav getting sent to prison for the first time, Astarion defending Sazza, Gale's death pouch sequence, initial grove tour, Meti/Barth, Wyll's recruitment, grove secondary tour/Pandirna/being jailed twice more, saving Nadira, Karlach recruitment, Paladins of Tyr.
Part 2: Features Karlach meeting Dammon, the Strange Ox, Mattis and Mol, discovering the boar, Arabella, and Nettie.
Part 3: Features Alfira, Mirkon (x3), Mizora's first appearance, Edowin & the owlbear cave, bite night, the abandoned shed, Tav & Astarion both getting sent to jail at 3:05, the Blighted Village, necromancer's basement, Barcus, gnoll fights, Shadowheart's secrets, a moment of magic with Gale.
Part 4: Features the Whispering Depths, Gale offering to leave, the swamp, the mephit fight, the "how do others taste" camp convo with Astarion, Gandrel the Gur, and a massive struggle with Ethel.
Part 5: Features clearing out Ethel's lair, Connor, confronting Kagha, Astarion talking about Cazador, stealing the idol, returning the idol, Astarion reading the Thay book (1:08:41), Astarion bear/plonk convo, entering the goblin camp, summoning Shovel, Abdirak/Loviatar's love, Roah, Gut, freeing the spiders, meeting Halsin, Lae'zel attacking Tav, Dream Visitor convo #1, discussing Shadowheart & her memories, Volo arriving at camp, Astarion's mirror convo (5:13:20), Astarion propositioning Tav, Dream Visitor convo #2, meeting Dror Ragzlin, meeting Minthara, Shadowheart/Lae'zel showdown, grove defense prep (hunting for Doni), grove defense, discussing victory with the tieflings, Dror Ragzlin, clearing out the rest of the goblin camp, consuming the first tadpole (8:36:12), discussing victory with the druids.
Part 6: Features the tiefling party, Astarion's first romance night, and exploration of the empty Zhent cave near the gnoll attack.
Part 7: Features Waukeen's Rest, Florrick, the Zhent cave, stealing from Arron again, the gith patrol near the mountain pass, entering the Underdark, the minotaur fight, the bulette fight, the Spectator fight, the torchstalk grove, and the Booal kua'toa cave.
Part 8: Features the Arcane Tower, the myconid colony, the hook horror fight, the duergar fight, Glut, bibberbangs bibberbanging, the Zhent area of the Underdark, arriving at Grymforge, poisoning Skickpit's slavers, freeing the rothes, exploring the Grymforge area, and the mimic fight.
Part 9: Features picking up a few forgotten items, the Nere fight, exploring the second half of Grymforge, the mephit fight, and the Grym fight.
Part 10: Features the mountain pass, including all parts of the githyanki creche, and first steps into the Shadowlands.
Part 11: Features exploration of the east side of the Shadowlands, including the drider fight, the first encounter with Thaniel, the meazel fight, the southernmost needle-blight fight, and a very thrilling version of the Shambling Mound fight.
Part 12: Features exploration of the north section of the eastern Shadowlands, arriving at Last Light Inn, robbing from Talli and getting thrown in jail several times, exploring north & east of Last Light, and the Isobel fight.
Part 13: Features exploration of Last Light Inn and basement, the Mason's Guild, the House of Healing, and meeting Raphael outside the temple.
Part 14: Features saving Rolan, Gerringothe, Moonrise Towers exploration (including meeting Ketheric, robbing Lann Tarv & Roah Moonglow, exploring the second floor, freeing the gnolls, meeting the Absolute via ceiling tentacle, Araj Oblodra, exploring the oubliette, getting thrown in Moonrise prison, and saving Minthara & the prisoners), and returning to Last Light to see the reunions. Also includes party reactions to Minthara joining and the Araj version of the Astarion romance route conversation.
Part 15: Features waking up Art Cullagh, defending Halsin's Shadowfell portal, the docks at Moonrise, the acidic Morgue pit, the rest of the Morgue, the western fight just outside the morgue, resolving Arabella, Gale's friendship Weave-built scene, the gith ambush, exploring the road to Baldur's Gate, the central Shadow fight, the Waning Moon & Thisobald, Astarion getting thrown in jail for theft with Tav, He Who Was resolution, and into the Thorm Mausoleum. Inside the mausoleum: top floor, shadow ring puzzle, the first umbral tremor fight, the Balthazar fight, the Cloaker fight, meeting Yurgir & saving Nessa, exploring the northwest temple area & speaking with rats, fighting Yurgir, the soft-step trial, the self-same trial, the library fight & taking the Spear of Night, confronting Isobel about her father, one last long rest with Raphael revealing the nature of Astarion's scars, and descending into the Shadowfell & resolving Shadowheart and Nightsong. Also features a loop through the emptied Last Light at the very end.
Part 16: Features the initial assault on Moonrise, the fight atop the tower, one last long rest, and the mindflayer colony sequence (in order: rescuing Zevlor & the Fists, rescuing Mizora, fighting Kressa Bonedaughter & co., fighting the Death Shepherd & co., rescuing Us & fighting Chop, the mind manipulation puzzle, and the mind laboratory).
Part 17: Features the Myrkul fight and all post-fight conversations in Moonrise Towers. Also features one round of camp conversations the night after.
Part 18: Features completing the conversation with Aylin & Shadowheart, the gith attack at camp, the entrance into Baldur's Gate, and initial overtures into Rivington (Yenna, stealing from the Sharran merchant, fighting Zenovia outside Arfur's house, Arfur's basement, and discussing the Astral Tadpole with all the companions, along with Minthara consuming its powers).
Part 19: Features exploring beneath Rivington (down the well), the northwestern cliffs by the beach, encounter Orin for the first time, fighting the Stone Lord fan who calls you a cuck, accidentally fighting the Thieves' Guild survivors, exploring the Open Hand Temple, exploring beneath the Open Hand Temple, resolving the mad monk in the amulet, exploring the rest of the sub-temple area, exploring the hills above Rivington, meeting the Gur, meeting Toadbreath, meeting Orin a second time, the mindflayer windmill, Sword Coast Couriers (and kennel), the circus, meeting the Ironhand Gnomes again, discussing the gnomes with Gyldro Angleiron, meeting Vlaakith at camp, turning down Minthara, and remaining coy with the Emperor.
BG3 Aside: A Jade Stream: Jade hijacks the stream for a night to introduce us to Elarwyn, her Oath of Devotion paladin romancing Gale.
Part 20: Features a brief sojourn back to the Shadowlands, the first floor of Sharess's Caress, Fraygo's Flophouse, most of the second floor of Sharess's Caress (including signing the deal with Raphael & Voss), robbing Stylin' Horst, Danthelon's Dancing Axe and the shapechanger fight, returning to Sharess's Caress, Naaber & Carmen, and resolving Halsin's proposition.
Part 21: Features exploring a tiny bit of Rivington, picking up a few clothing items from the circus, exploring Wyrm's Rock, Gortash's coronation, Duke Ulder's glimpse of sanity, Tav's adventure robbing Gortash's office, exploring the rest of the island Wyrm's Rock stands on, exploring Wyrm's Rock prison, rescuing Florrick, discussing the return to the city with all the companions (Astarion's first time seeing the city streets in sunlight), exploring the Fists' barracks & meeting Vanra, exploring & robbing the Stormshore Tabernacle, exploring Nettie's Hostel, exploring the main floor of the Baldur's Mouth building, Minthara/Karlach/Astarion's Great Jailbreak Adventure, exploring the basement of the Baldur's Mouth building & Astarion & Tav's Great Metallic & Divine Bloodbath, touching the Candulhallow's Keep building, paying for armor from Dammon, exploring Dammon's basement & Helsik's basement, trading with and then robbing Helsik, trading with Fytz & robbing Gloomy Fentenson, breaking Wyll's pact, defending the camp from Aradin's attacks, throwing Aradin & co in the bay, and prepping for next day.
Part 22: Features exploring the southeastern Lower City, meeting the hag survivors, meeting Florrick in the city, exploring the Blushing Mermaid, saving Captain Grisly (!), heading into and then robbing Sorcerous Sundries, Lae'zel getting kidnapped, sleeping with Mizora in an alternate universe, killing Lorroakan, robbing the magical vault, meeting and then rehoming Malta, turning in the hag quest, first inroads into the Counting House, robbing the Counting House docks, robbing the Counting House vaults, the nighttime vampire camp attack, and buffs for the next day.
Part 23: Features the Elfsong Tavern (not including the Emperor's basement, including Roveer), continuing the exploration of the eastern Lower City, the Highberrys, the Thieves' Guild & meeting Ninefingers, first branches down into the sewers, meeting Ailis and al his oozes/greaseballs, meeting the Voiceless Penitent, the Mystic Carrion lair fight, fighting Ailis and all his oozes/greaseballs, the crow-summon fight, the cistern puzzle, failing to realize the door has been open for seven minutes at the end of the cistern puzzle, saving Minsc, saving Volo (and accidentally shooting Jaheira for a crit), and some Minsc camp conversations.
Part 24: Features the Thieves' Guild/Zhent fight, the park fight, Astarion/Karlach/Shadowheart/Wyll's jailbreak, Shadowheart's graffiti conversation, the Dolor/Figaro fight, chatting with Minsc at camp, the Sarevok fight, collecting the sixth Dribbles part, the Undercity through Bhaal's door, a quick jaunt back up to Sharess's Caress to get the Rapture buff, fighting Orin (sorry Gale), inventory management and cleaning out supplies at camp.
Part 25: Features the acid mephit docks/boat fight, meeting and then robbing Mystic Carrion, the graveyard in its entirety, SH's graveyard convo, triggering the "smells of the city" convo with her manually, the sahuagin fight, meeting Thrumbo and exploring his house, and fighting Mystic Carrion.
Part 26: Features Felogyr's Fireworks and a slight bit of wandering around the city.
Part 27: Features the Elfsong basement, finishing up the sewers, finishing Gale's meeting with Mystra, the proposition night with the Emperor, putting the night orchid on Allistair's grave, Jaheira's house, the Society of Brilliance, a brief venture onto the docks, Oskar's quest, the House of Grief, and Shadowheart's quest-concluding conversation.
Part 28: Features robbing the Glitter Gala, visiting Galbraith's house, Cazador's palace, and the concluding scenes for the Astarion questline and romance.
Part 29: Features Araj, House of Hope, exploring & robbing the Water Queen's Palace, the Iron Throne, and the Foundry.
Part 30: Features killing Lord Gortash, resolving Karlach's personal quest, and the Wyrmway.
Part 31: Features the approach to the Morphic Pool, endgame, and the epilogue.
Thank you again to all who tuned in and let me ramble about Tav and Astarion for 160 hours! <3
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random-writerings · 4 months
Narnia OCs
Here are my OCs for The Chronicles of Narnia. They'll all get proper intro posts once I've fleshed them out a bit more.
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Epithet: the Faithful
Face Claim: Jordan Loughran
Fic: Canon Compliant (lww–golden age–pc–votdt)
Title: A Thousand Years
Shipped with: Edmund Pevensie
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Epithet: the Courageous
Face Claim: Marina Moschen
Fic: AU where Peter and Susan return to Narnia (pc–votdt)
Title: King and Lionheart
Shipped with: Peter Pevensie
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Epithet: the Graceful
Face Claim: Naomi Scott
Fic: Arranged Marriage AU (golden age)
Title: The Radiant Southern Sun
Shipped with: Susan Pevensie
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Epithet: undecided
Face Claim: Sophia Lillis
Fic: Canon Compliant (pc–votdt)
Title: Courage, Dear Heart
Shipped with: Lucy Pevensie
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 year
The Sims 2 Storytelling: Werewolf Community Intro LOT TOUR + CC LIST “Deadmoon Lakes” Custom World Overview
(I will include my werewolf mods and correlated fur defaults in my next let’s play video with this household when we’ll see them transformed <3) 
Make sure you read every description carefully before downloading anything, use LazyDuchess’s HCDU program to check for conflicts and incompatibility with other mods. 
(I use ridiculous amounts of CC but I try to link to the main relevant downloads I can think of)
Sims 4t2 CAS Conversion Archive (I use a lot of the werewolves clothing) → link
Club Crimsyn (Fenris’s pants, and Dorians outfit are from this site, won’t let me link the exact page so go to TSR sets section, and on page 10 and page 1 I believe you’ll find them, I use a lot of CC from this site) → link
Mullet Dreads conversion by PlatinumApsiration → Link
Hazel Puff hair (Dorian’s hair) → Link
Hazel puff hair (Nora’s hair, I cannot remember the other hairs I have many hair dumps, if I find them I’ll add them, sorry!) → Link
Sims 4t2 Build&Buy Conversion Database for Werewolves, Vampires, Island Living and other CC (I use all werewolves items, cobwebs and cracks from vampires, and wallpapers and roofing from Island living, as well as other cc like growing together piano)  → link
Lord crumps 4t2 flooring conversions → Link
Michelle recolours many sims items (such as workout equipment, instrument recolours etc) →Link
Sims 2 Castaway Stories conversions collection (I use many items from here, including the two functional bongo (?) drum instruments, the stove, sofas, wardrobe, cracked mirrors, hammock and beds; this pack also includes cool objects like harvestable pineapple and papaya trees) → Link
Club Crimsyn for Walls (go to TSR Sets section, then click walls and floors below, I use 1959 wall set (page 1), Stone and foam walls (page 5), I use a lot of these in my game) → Link
PF’s Neon Set → link
PF’s Bubble blower → link
PSP Triple television conversion by PixelDolly Ghanima → link
Sims 1 Makin Magic Wine Rack as custom nectar bar → link
Club Crimsyn wall graffitis and deco (in Objects section page 2, and TSR Sets section page 1) -> link
Wild Mushrooms 2.0 mod by Sun & Moon →link
Pleasant Earth Pumpkin Patch crops mod → link
SimSlice Keg → link
The Sim Bouncer trampoline by NixNivis → link
Sculpture manufactory by Nadira (there are two versions, I use the first but you can have both) 
Version 1: link 
Version 2: link
Modular Buffet table and Pizza buffet by Paladin’s Place 
NO FREE LUNCH (open for business sales) → link
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mocnliights · 3 years
nadira ( for muse name ask meme ) !
N: Are they clumsy and/or prone to accidents? 
nadira looks like she should be graceful , but is actually very clumsy . she usually always has at least one bruise on her leg or hip just from bumping into a door or the end of the couch too many times . a bitch can walk in heels though , so she has that going for her .
A: Who are their exes? Do they still keep in touch?
an ex for each A ! she dated judas for six-ish ( i think dkfjldsfj ) months when she first moved to irving . they’re not in touch because she wants to be , but they cross paths in town . unluckily , she is also good friends with his roommate beau , so seeing him around is inevitable . @jackfr0sted @melichryscs
D: What time does their day usually start?
out of a lifelong habit , she’s still an early riser , but she doesn’t actually need to get out of bed these days . sometimes , she sets a routine for herself and starts her day at 7 am . other days , she can’t be bothered . ( if i said otherwise in a previous hc ask , no i didn’t )
I: In general, are they organized or messy? 
organized af . in nadira’s mind , everything has a home and must be returned to its place . her life was often so chaotic that she couldn’t live with it physically around her , too .
R: When’s the last time they had a birthday party? 
her 24th birthday . nadira used to throw an extravagant party every year , both as an actual birthday celebration and an excuse to network and treat anybody who was somebody in the fashion industry . she hasn’t thrown one since -- she actually almost forgot her 25th birthday because taking care of her dad consumed her , and she was in no mood to celebrate her 26th birthday , just a month after losing him .  ( i did not double check the timeline with my intro ... i think this is right but .. who knows )
A: Who are their exes? Do they still keep in touch?
spencer is her first love , back when their lives overlapped from their respective careers . fashion and spencer . that was all she needed . unplanned , they both ended up in irving post-breakup . she managed to avoid him for quite some time , but they recently ran into each other and are working on making amends . @solitvdcs
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romickey-writes · 5 years
Wip Intro - Safe House
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Safe House
Safe House has looked like a lot of different things through the years, but it seems like it’s settled into its final form now - a new adult contemporary about a group of queer kids helping each other heal. Everyone is gay, half are trans, there's a lot of paganism going on, and they all live in one (rather small) house together. It’s a journey from Samhain to Litha along the wheel of the year (October to June) and how they grow through the seasons. This is one of my softer and more domestic stories, and even though I usually write fantasy this is strictly a contemporary (though there’s still magic, just the real-life pagan kind of magic :)
I’m gonna try and make a super messy draft zero of this for camp nano coming up, because every year I’m like I don’t have time for nano and then it’s two days away and they email me like “are you ready???” and I’m like, well, I guess I am now.
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Mick Owens - goes from living out of his car to moving in with his cousin, Dinah, who he hasn’t seen for two years. Works as a ride-share driver and an online sex worker. Trans and saving for top surgery, because he desperately needs it to help his worsening depression. Very gay and very much not ready for a romantic relationship atm. Family, on the other hand...that he could use.
Dinah Torrence-Owens - Mick’s cousin. Currently in grad school and working on the side, she really just wants to start a big gay family with her long-term girlfriend, Nadira - but she's scared of all that that entails. Her determined, strong spirit is a great gift but can sometimes lead her into trying to fix people, and Mick is not someone who wants to be fixed. She’s a struggling witch but has a very close relationship with the tarot, and the Sun is her spirit card.
Nadira Shepard - Nadira is trying to be the perfect trans person, but it’s getting exhausting. She wants to be successful to please her parents, who have been so good to her all through her transition, but she’s graduated college and only has a shitty retail job and dreams of publishing her poetry to speak of. On the other hand, she’s a black, gay, trans woman and as she sees it, her safety depends on being able to be the perfect, feminine, passing woman. But there has to be more to life than that.
Vee Sandoval - a little goth weirdo, people don’t always see her in the house and they don’t totally know what she does for work, but she seems to be doing fine for herself. She went to a women's college with Dinah for undergrad, and has contributed one black cat to the house that everyone complains about but are secretly grateful for. She dresses like a witch but actually is not one. She has strange wisdom.
So yeah! That’s what I’ve got for now. We’ll see what happens over camp nano, and I’m working on fanfic at the same time, but Safe House is my primary original work in progress at the moment. If it works as a finished story, I fully intend to self-publish it, as my goal is to become an indie writer. If you want to be added to the tag list, please let me know and I’ll love you forever!
Tag List: @pennedin
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zuggtmoylovesyou · 4 years
First Post - Intro & Characters
I had the impulse to start blogging about my Pathfinder 2e game, because it's been a lot of fun and I'm starting to get to the point where I need to rubber duck at someone, anyone, even the void, to keep my scheming straight. If you're reading this I hope it's entertaining!
I am using the D&D 5e adventure Out of the Abyss as a starting point. It's all about the players fighting their way out of the underdark which, by some freak accident, is full of rampaging demon lords. However, I've changed so much, added so much homebrew world building, and patchworked in so much dungeon magazine material that it's barely recognizable.
Most notably, there's a penultimate scheme with Zuggtmoy, demon queen of fungi, that knocked my socks off so hard that I decided to expand it and make her the big bad of the entire adventure instead of the big monster mash that the original culminates towards. I love the idea of tricking all the other demon lords to brawl for supremecy but I love Zuggtmoy and her bullshit even more!
I thought to kick this blog off, I’d give you a rundown on the stars of the show, my player characters. Next post I’ll start getting caught up on the plot leading up to this point, and after that I’ll try and keep session logs.
Let’s dive in!
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Allywick Bramblesnoot: (Gnome Druid) Normally gifted with eternal life, this gnome was robbed of her natural inheritance by a cruel sorcerer who stole her away from her family at a young age. Experiments left her extraordinarily gifted with magic, but at the cost of a greatly reduced lifespan, only having 5 years left to live. After the sorcerer concluded his experiments, he left Allywick to the wilds, assuming she would quickly die. Instead, she found her way to a Druidic circle through careful mapping of her surroundings and a kinship with the animals around her. She now eagerly maps uncharted territories, hoping to see all of the world before she dies, and maybe to be reunited with her family.
Asmoryn Starshaddow: (Elven Ranger) Asmoryn's parents defended the city from unusual threats from the wilderness. They kept an eye on goblin and orc movements, but they specialized in tracking and killing honest-to-gods monsters. Although Asmoryn's twin sister never took to the trade, Asmoryn trained hard with her parents so that she could become a monster hunter like they were. Despite a terrible accident claiming both her parents and her eyesight, she now works mercenary, and has a modest reputation bc of her skill and her parents legacy.
Rue Xeutola: (Human Fighter/Warlock) When Rue was young, she traded her meager and hungry life as a leatherworker for one as a soldier, and later a guardsmen in the city-state of Ramailya. She joined the system to try and make her home a better place. But when a greedy sweatshop owner burned down his shop and killed all his employees inside to avoid paying fines, she was forced to face the fact that the law was on the side of men like him. She took justice into her own hands, personally killing everyone she knew to be involved in the coverup of the fire, and left town. She has been doing odd mercenary jobs ever since.
Massana Tio: (Elven Elemental Sorcerer, not pictured) Massana was captured by Drow and brought into the underdark as a slave about 4 years ago. When the mad wizard, Bargle, had a falling out with his family, she was one of the possessions he swiped on his way out. She has only very recently come into her latent sorcerer powers, escaped, and met the party - who had their own reasons to confront and kill Bargle.
Elizabeau "Lizard" Quinn Al-Naadira: (Human Wizard, Transmuter) Lizard is a young wizard, daughter of Nadira Al-Naadira, the greatest swordswoman in the world. About 12 years ago, Lizard recieved a prophecy promising a life of misery, and her mother shipped her off to boarding school in an attempt to keep her safe. She worked diligently at wizard school until a few months ago, when she skipped out on her thesis project and hit the road. Since then she has met her familiar, Boop the goat, solved a murder mystery with the rest of the party, and fallen into the underdark as her prophecy fortold:
"Lost in heart, Lost in head, Lost in winding pathways dread Under shell so black and bleak Where light will never grace thy sleep Dreams of misery, Dreams of madness, Dreams of Goats, thy apparatus When Dawn caresses twilight's gloom, Only then may thou escape thy doom"
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l3gacies · 5 months
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a private, multimuse blog for anarchic2044
Aster Whitlock- Ichibangase /Eisher Corporation, Assistant to the COO (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
Haneul Seon- Owner of Inferno Casino, Wakagashira of the Sowakatsu-Kai (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
Yujin Moon- Owner and Mechanic at Lunar Mechanics, Bounty Hunter for Tomurai Tracking Co. (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
Nadira Khatri- Falcon for the Mata Haris, Bartender at Heaven's Night, Defective Host at Gestalt Bureau (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
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