l4nterns · 2 years
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l4nterns · 2 years
Learn 2 modular techno
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l4nterns · 2 years
How to win over a trans girl: go omnomnomnom on her forehead to trigger her ASMR and she'll melt into a puddle and want to be eated by you
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l4nterns · 2 years
Got what every trans femme wants for Christmas this year
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l4nterns · 2 years
A Counter To JK Rowling’s Article in The Times
I try and ignore what JK Rowling is posting but it is kinda hard to ignore and when she is given the platform of a newspaper to post misinformation, I feel the need to counter. (By the way, I copied and pasted this from my FB)
So JK Rowling was given an entire opinion piece in The Times yesterday to write about her opposition to the Gender Recognition Act in Scotland.
Let’s make this clear. Who or who doesn’t have access to single-sex spaces has nothing to do with the Gender Recognition Act of 2004. It never has done. It is covered by the Equality Act of 2010 where there are actually exemptions where a trans person can be refused access to a single-sex service upon a case by case basis where the goal is to meet a legitimate aim. It however, is not allowed to be a blanket ban.
The one exception to this is prisons, where the accepted practice is that you initially go by what is recorded on a person’s birth certificate and a panel should meet on where a trans prisoner is to be held.
The Gender Recognition Act of 2004 covers birth certificates and a persons tax record. When issued with a Gender Recognition Certificate a trans person is issued a new birth certificate in their acquired gender and their legal sex is altered for tax purposes.
This enables a trans person to marry in their acquired gender and for their death certificate to also read the same when they die. It also places a few additional protections. Like for example, a person with GRCs previous gender is not allowed to be disclosed without their consent unless necessary.
Scotland’s proposed change removes the medicalisation of being trans which JK Rowling somehow argues will increase medicalisation of children. Not sure how demedicalisation leads to further medicalisation. Plus I have an interesting note about the medical process here.
So to get a doctor to sign off on the fact you intend to live in your acquired gender for the rest of your life you are actually required as part of the medical process to use single-sex facilities of your acquired gender to get that sign off. As I said, single-sex facilities are not under the remit of the Gender Recognition Act, but to get the necessary sign offs to meet the present requirements of the Gender Recognition Act you HAVE to use those facilities. To get sign off for surgery you HAVE to use those facilities.
How do I know all this? Cos unlike JK Rowling who has no experience of being a trans person in the UK and who has no expertise on the subject besides having a seeming obsession with trans people, I am a trans woman who has gone through the entire process from start to finish.
I realised I should be a girl when I was 10 (2003).
I came out when I was 15 and got referred to the local gender identity clinic that same year (2008).
I had my name changed in 2012.
I started HRT in 2013.
I had gender reassignment surgery in 2016.
I got my gender recognition certificate in 2017, after initially being rejected in 2016 because for some reason the Gender Recognition Panel decided the letter from my Gender Identity Clinic didn’t meet their criteria. The Gender Identity Clinic who provide these letters fairly routinely.
And before I go I just want to highlight this. The proposed reform to the Gender Recognition Act of 2004 in Scotland are to remove the medical aspects, lower the age to 16 from 18 and make it so you have to only live 3 months in your acquired gender as opposed to 2 years.
JK Rowling argues there is no measure really for someone living in their acquired gender and it is one point I’m tempted to agree with her on. However, the medical process that JK Rowling as a cisgender* woman has never experienced does seem to have a measure for this.
Most of you on here know me fairly well. You will know in day-to-day life my go to outfit is jeans, t-shirt, plaid shirt and depending on the weather maybe a hoodie. At work black trousers and a plaid shirt. It is genuinely how I feel comfortable.
At my appointments at the GIC though, I’d sit down and one of the first things the doctor would do is examine how I was dressed.
Doctor: Hmmmm, I see your wearing jeans today. That’s rather masculine attire isn’t it?
Me: They’re from the women’s section.
Doctor: (dismissively) Hmmmm. (writes notes)
And I heard it a lot, that how I choose to dress is not in keeping with the gender roles the GIC expect I conform to as a woman. That I’d never get hormones and surgery if I didn’t put on make-up and a skirt for my appointments. And I do not exaggerate. I don’t know if they still do it but Porterbrook GIC had an image consultant who REPEATEDLY asserted these things to me during my appointments with her.
Honestly, my appointments to Porterbrook GIC felt like a trip to the fucking 1950s where women were expected to be prim and proper housewives.
I’d like to imagine the gender identity clinics have improved but frankly I still don’t hear good things to this day. And God, JK Rowling and her friends like to talk about how trans people are re-inforcing regressive gender stereotypes. Well, the medical process you want us to continue to go through to get a GRC, oh boy is it full of regressive gender stereotypes.
To recap though:
- Who has access to single-sex spaces is not covered by the Gender Recognition Act of 2004, but by the Equality Act of 2010 which does have a single-sex exemption clause where trans people can be excluded from a single-sex service on a case by case basis, where the goal is to meet a legitimate aim.
- The Gender Recognition Act of 2004 covers what my birth certificate says, whether I am husband or a wife when I marry, what gender is recorded on my death certificate and in a day and age when it was less equal, my tax and pension rights.
*cisgender means someone whose gender (sense of self) matches up with their sex. For lack of a better word it is the opposite of being transgender. Like straight is the counterpart to gay, cisgender is the counterpart to transgender.
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l4nterns · 2 years
Found this in my FB messenger chats
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l4nterns · 2 years
The thing about debating whether or not Kanye really means what he's saying or if he's having a mental breakdown is that the distinction isn't really that important. I'm being so serious when I tell you that Fascism is about self-destruction. Fascism is about rage at the world and yourself for not being strong, not being in charge, not being the big man, not being an Adonis ruler hustler boss king. It's about jealousy and impotence and projecting your desire to die out on to the world that isn't rewarding your ego.
None of their beliefs make sense or can withstand the slightest bit of investigation because it doesn't fucking matter. Look at someone like Alex Jones, that slow-motion divorce of a man. Everything he does is in this prolonged death spiral. Nothing he says make sense of holds up under scrutiny. He doesn't think his actions through and there's no clear pattern to what he actually wants. But he makes it work because it appeals to people who feel the same, who's only real motivation is to lash out at the world for not rewarding their king complex.
THIS IS NOT SUBSTANTIALLY DIFFERENT THAN WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A RICH MAN IS CHALLENGED, WHEN THE WORLD FINALLY TELLS HIM NO. Elon Musk is the same as Kanye is the same as Richard Spencer is the same as fucking Mussolini; they can't handle not being the king, they can't handle being challenged, they can't handle being contradicted. They want an impossible fantasy where they take and never give, where the whole world lines up to suck their cock clean. THIS IS THE ROOT OF OUR CLASS SYSTEM, THIS IS CAPITALISM COME HOME. It's not going to fucking end until property, state violence, and class end.
Fascism is when you're all cut up about not being a winner and decide to double down and punish the world for it. It's pathetic and nonsensical and halfway between a suicide and a cry for help. Except, when our society is based around rewarding this kind of puerile clinging to privilege, they get into the executive branch and decide that thousands of people have to die because of it! Because our nation states and corporations are not that far removed from this impulse!
What was that Umberto Eco quote again?
" By contrast, the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death." -Umberto Eco, Ur-Fascism
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l4nterns · 2 years
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l4nterns · 2 years
Rewatched Madoka Magica again after a decade when I first watched it pre transition
I like it even more than I used to 😭😭 it's so gay and I'm convinced this made me trans
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l4nterns · 2 years
Doing some experimentation where I recorded the sound of my coffee machine and inputted the sample into a love of processing and feedback to create this whacky techno soundscape
Listen/purchase: Coffee Machine by LДNTERNS
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l4nterns · 2 years
Listen/purchase: I'm Trying So Hard (Demo) by LДNTERNS
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l4nterns · 2 years
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very true
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l4nterns · 2 years
CW: Discussions of transphobia, homophobia, depression, suicidality, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, transmisogyny, media representation of trans people, healthcare
In the UK climate of transphobic smear, sensationalism, and fear-mongering, here is a documentary I produced, filmed, edited and scored in partnership with Norwich based trans support group Evolve. Norfolk Trans Youth lends voice to REAL trans young people to talk about the REAL material struggles they face in the UK today, but also about the lives they create for themselves in the powerful catharsis of self-actualisation in defiance against the systemic oppressions they face.
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l4nterns · 2 years
I'm crying at this like such a dumbass why can't my dad be gojira
I'm here on tumblr now :)
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l4nterns · 2 years
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I apologize to the goblin play community for the hurt I have caused
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l4nterns · 2 years
Gonna post my music and shit on here
Listen to: Holding On by LДNTERNS
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l4nterns · 2 years
What is with these awful tacky ass animations about horrific war crimes?
It's like if the Ctrl+Alt+Del guy made animation portraying the Bosnian Genocide
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