#altered wave
So, I recently reblogged a post about the asexual experience and realized that my addition was twice as long as the two other comments combined. This feels a little weird, since of the three posters, I am the one who is not asexual.
However, I am fairly confident that I know why.
The asexual community is regularly shunted to the side in other sex-positivity and queer-positivity movements, which is horrible. One of the side-effects of this, though, is that allosexuals who experience these same types of love and lifestyles - for example, my own bisexual queerplatonic ass - are not only shunted to the side, but basically invisible to the community at large. This isn't just harmful to me. If you read the post, I talk about @why-are-the-allos-like-this and my's shared experience of feeling that our relationship is lesser than any romantic relationship I might be a part of. Which is bullshit. It's not.
Love is love is kind of the slogan of the entire Queer community, but I know I'm not the only one who has had this experience. So I'm telling it to everyone: love is love is a radical idea. Love is love applies to everyone. It applies to me as a bisexual woman who is in love with a man; my love for him does not negate my bisexuality. It applies to me as an allosexual person who is in a queerplatonic relationship; my asllosexuality doesn't destroy that relationship.
When you shunt one part of the community to the side - asexuals, bisexuals, whichever trans identity we're villainizing today (it's always somebody), people who have detransitioned but remain allies, literally anyone - you are erasing a lot more experiences than the ones you have decided are lesser or unimportant. You're also erasing the ones that you literally do not know exist, because you never made a space for them.
To be clear, it is correct and important to give special attention to people who are going through specific extreme challenges. It is also important not to pretend that all of our challenges are the same; I have never faced violence in the way the trans women I know have, for example. Amplifying voices that need amplifying does not need to come with a side dish of invalidating and shouting down the voices that you don't think need amplifying.
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rafamonzo · 3 months
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R.Tanaka - From the series “ No trace of Mr. Braeckman”
http://rafamonzo.tumblr.com   / http://tanaka-clan.tumblr
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snowy-bones · 12 days
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"Baby you are my lucky star!" A certain Idol's past has a lot of color and music. But it wouldn't be bright and colorful always, one performance haunts him to this day. But to look upon the past is nice sometimes.
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dailyfatefigures · 1 month
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Beach Queens - Saber Alter - 1/10 Scale by Wave
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schellis · 3 months
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"It's just red past those clouds. It stretches on and on, nothing but forests of sinners molded to thirst for blood for eternity. But it's peaceful, in a way. Their cries become white noise after a while."
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lipeg · 6 months
The RWBY team and Jaune were in Nevermore made by the Glyphs of Weiss.
Thanks to the Semblante Jaune, Weiss's Nevermore was twice as big to support the weight of the five.
They were approaching the walls of the city of Vacuo.
Ruby was more excited than ever to see Atlas's ships.
But when she got closer, she saw far fewer ships than she had in Atlas' kingdom.
Weiss: It looks like we have a reception waiting for us
Jaune: I'm not so sure
Nevermore dived.
In front of the city gates stood Qrow, Winter, Robyn, Oscar where most of his hair was white, Theodore was also present.
Nevermore landed on the ground, Ruby ran off in the direction of her dear uncle.
Like a bullet, she ran out to hug her uncle. Qrow opened his arms to welcome his niece, tears falling from his eyes with happiness.
Yang ran to his dear uncle, Weiss ran to hug his dear sister.
Blake thought something was wrong, she looked back and saw Jaune with his hands in his pockets looking back.
Her cat ears heard a noise.
They were surrounding, Vacuo soldiers had their guns pointed at Team RWBY and Jaune.
Blake: Why are they pointing guns at us?
Blake and Yang and Weiss and Ruby drew their weapons.
Weiss: Winter tells them to put down their guns!
Winter: I'm not in command, Weiss
Weiss was surprised.
???: So those responsible for the destruction of Atlas are here in my kingdom
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Weiss: YOU!!!
Weiss pointed Myrtenaster at the woman who had just arrived.
Winter: Weiss put down his weapon
Weiss: You've forgotten who she is, sister! Killer number Atlas is in front of us
???: Young lady, you don't have any authority, I'm the authority
Ruby: Who is she?
Weiss: Eula Lawrence, she's the biggest murderer and traitor in Atlas!
Eula: And current ruler of Vacuo
Weiss: WHAT!!!!
Eula: Arrest them and throw them in jail, we'll hold the tribunal to convict those responsible for the fall of Atlas in a week's time
Ruby: We save Atlas...
Eula: Being "saved" means destroying an inner kingdom and losing a small percentage of its population. So, you saved a lot of people! So much so that we have several Atlas scientists and engineers missing or lost
Jaune: They're all dead Eula
Everyone looked at Jaune, who had his head down.
Eula: Are you sure
Jaune pulled his scroll out of his trouser pocket and threw it to Eula.
Jaune: Here's a list of the names of almost all the missing people, some of whom I couldn't find.
Ruby: Jaune what are you talking about
Jaune: The water in that place was acidic Ruby
Everyone kept quiet.
Ruby: what?
Jaune: The sea water there was acidic. For anyone without an awakened aura or with little aura is asking to die. You certainly don't explore that place much, do you?
Blake: No
Jaune: So you were unaware of the many dangers that this place holds. I don't think you've all been underground in that place
Jaune took his left hand out of his pocket and stared at it with a sad expression, then he closed his hand tightly.
Jaune: I tried to save people from Atlas but I didn't succeed either time Eula, I'm sorry
Eula: No need Jaune, I know very well what happened in Atlas was your idea
Weiss: Did you two know each other?
Jaune: Of course, after all, she's my girlfriend
Everyone's mouth dropped. Everyone was shocked.
Weiss's soul left his body.
Yang: WHEN! HOW! You caught a big fish
Jaune: On that mission, it was just me and a few other soldiers who ended up dying in the storm.
Eula: For the first time, someone in Atlas gave me a real duel. He's worthy of being my man
Jaune: Ruby surrenders
Ruby: BUT!
Jaune: There's nothing you can do to stop it, Atlas was destroyed as a result of your plan, the idea of evacuating Atlas using the staff was also your idea. You indirectly have blood on your hands
Ruby was frustrated.
Jaune: Eula is very honorable, she will let you have a fair trial so you don't have to worry
Ruby accepted, even though she didn't want to. The RWBY team was arrested, Qrow and the others followed the guards.
Jaune and Eula were in her office.
Eula: So Jaune, I don't know what you've been through but I know you're much older, so do you have anything important to share?
Jaune: Yeah, I have many important things
His eyes were shining.
Jaune: Very important
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I like this meme. I really like it.
But RWBY was in such a difficult situation after V9 that I wanted to finish Jaune without anyone. That he didn't stay with Ruby or Weiss.
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lesbian-i-ching · 1 year
Speak to me, and I will follow I heard you call my name Lying, on the bathroom floor No one here to blame There's a message I know can be found I'm listening, I hear you, your sound
Speak to me, in a language That I can understand Tell me, that you're listeningGive me some kind of plan Give me something, you'd be my drug of choice You lead me, I follow, your voice
I will disappoint you I will let you down I need to know You're here with me Turn it all around I'd be grateful, I'd follow you around I'm listening, I'm here now, I'm found
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ciezi · 28 days
when your a fictive from a new game that just came out (officially) about 3-4 days ago and now your sad because you can’t even find one person who shares the same source.
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shamandrummer · 14 days
The Role of Sound in Shamanic Practices
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Sound plays a crucial role in shamanic practices across various cultures. It is used to facilitate altered states of consciousness, perform healing rituals, and communicate with the spirit world. Sound is regarded as one of the most effective ways of establishing connections with the spirit realm, since it travels through space, permeates visual and physical barriers, and conveys information from the unseen world. Sound, therefore, is a means of "relationship" as well as a "transformation" of energy. Here are the key ways sound is utilized in shamanism:
Inducing Altered States of Consciousness
Rhythmic Drumming and Percussion:
Repetition and Rhythm: Drumming at specific rhythms (typically 4-7 beats per second) can induce trance states. The repetitive, monotonous sound helps to alter brainwave patterns, promoting a shift from normal waking consciousness to a trance state.
Instruments: Common percussion instruments include drums, rattles, and clappers. Each produces a distinct sound that can affect the practitioner's state of mind.
Chanting and Singing: Shamans use their voices to produce chants, songs, and mantras. These vocalizations can have a calming, focusing effect, aiding in the trance induction.
Overtone Singing: Some traditions use overtone or throat singing, which produces multiple pitches simultaneously, creating a complex sound environment conducive to trance.
Ambient Sounds:
Natural Sounds: Environmental sounds like flowing water, wind, and animal calls are often incorporated into rituals, enhancing the sensory experience and facilitating altered consciousness.
2. Facilitating Communication with the Spirit World
Spiritual Dialogues:
Invocation and Prayer: Shamans use sound to call upon spirits, deities, or ancestors. These sounds can include specific prayers, chants, or songs that are believed to attract or summon spiritual entities.
Response Mechanism: Sound can also be a medium through which spirits are believed to respond, with shamans interpreting these auditory phenomena as messages from the spiritual realm.
Ritualistic Soundscapes:
Ceremonial Spaces: The acoustics of ceremonial spaces (like caves or specially designed ritual chambers) are used to amplify and enrich sound, creating an immersive environment that enhances spiritual communication.
Echoes and Resonance: Natural acoustics, such as echoes and resonances in caves or built structures, may be interpreted as the voices of spirits or deities responding to the shaman.
3. Healing and Therapeutic Uses
Sound Healing:
Restorative Frequencies: Certain sounds and rhythms are believed to have healing properties, restoring balance and harmony to the body and mind.
Instrumental Healing: Instruments like drums, flutes, and singing bowls are used to produce sounds that are thought to facilitate physical and emotional healing.
Diagnostic Sounds:
Listening to the Body: Some shamanic practices involve listening to the body’s sounds (like heartbeats or breaths) to diagnose illness or imbalance.
Healing Chants and Songs: Specific chants or songs are used to target different ailments, with the shaman's voice considered a powerful healing tool.
4. Enhancing Rituals and Ceremonies
Ritual Structure:
Sound Cues: Sound signals different phases of a ritual, marking transitions from one state or activity to another.
Community Involvement: Collective chanting, singing, or drumming involves the community, reinforcing social bonds and shared spiritual experiences.
Symbolic Sounds:
Animal Sounds: Mimicking animal sounds or using instruments that produce similar effects can symbolize the presence or assistance of animal spirits.
Elemental Sounds: Sounds representing natural elements (like thunder drums for storms or rain sticks for water) invoke the power and presence of these elements in rituals.
5. Cultural and Contextual Variations
Regional Practices:
Cultural Diversity: Different cultures have unique shamanic traditions with specific instruments, vocal techniques, and sound rituals. For example, Siberian shamans might use drum patterns distinct from those used by Amazonian shamans.
Contextual Adaptations: The use of sound in shamanism can vary depending on the context, such as healing, divination, or community ceremonies.
Technological Integration:
Modern Adaptations: Contemporary shamans may integrate modern musical instruments and technology, such as electronic soundscapes, to enhance traditional practices.
Sound is an integral element of shamanic practices, serving as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. Through rhythmic drumming, chanting, and the use of resonant spaces, shamans induce altered states of consciousness, facilitate communication with spirits, and perform healing rituals. The study of these acoustic practices through archaeoacoustics can deepen our understanding of ancient shamanic traditions and their enduring impact on cultural rituals and spiritual practices today.
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countdraculinas · 19 days
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womp womp womp heres the taoqi alt version gif
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aphroditestruth · 4 months
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altered-and-broken · 8 months
iiiiit looks like its working! that and, hopefully she hugs back so you 2 can just... feel better together now
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"W-what happened!? What the hell is that!?"
"It's... Boat..."
"Boat!? What the hell happened to him!?"
"No time for that! He was attacked and is dying, quickly!
Cube, Square! Get the box with the medicines as close to me as you can!"
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"Everyone else, stay back!
Don't get too close!
God... I just hope I can save you..."
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"Just, breathe... In, out... In... Out...
Yeah, that's it... See? It's all good..."
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"Just lay down, you're okay... It's just the bloodloss getting to you...
You're going to be okay... Okay?"
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"What are you-" Barracuda tries to whisper, not really wanting to agitate Prism any longer.
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Don't. You. Dare--!"
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antisyscourse · 15 days
hello :D you said we could send asks to try and find friends sooo here's our attempt at that! we're always looking for more plural mutuals/friends ^^
we're 18 years old and only comfortable being friends with anyone 15-21, though we're totally okay just being mutuals with anyone! our interests include wuthering waves, minecraft speedrunning, genshin impact, and stardew valley, but we're absolutely open to friends with other interests!
we don't really have any criteria or preferences outside of age, we just rly want some new friends n mutuals :3
oooo!! i will tag accordingly to help out!! :DD
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[ID: STOP! this is a syscourse free blog! it is a safe space for all systems, so please go away if you intend upon stirring up drama!]
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snowy-bones · 6 months
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this boi is seriously not leaving me alone today! so new boi alert! Electro Wave is here and he shines so bright! add another cookie man to the list.
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artfoxtail · 7 months
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A very quick sketch of Amy 'Panacea' Dallon and her alter-ego - Rosehip.
Sketch for my fic 'Rosehip project'. AU, OOC, pre-canon
A bullet changes a lot in your head, even if it hits in the ass. (c) Al Capone
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year
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DreamTech LingerieStyle Series - Artoria Pendragon - Saber Lily - Nero Claudius - Saber Alter - 1/8 Scale by Wave
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