labradoodle104 · 1 year
What are y’all’s canon events?
baby labra’s was when she got into Squirell Girl comics bc she found them in her public library and became obsessed (what can I say I was a huge animal nerd and desperately wanted a pet squirrel) but what I DIDNT FRICKEN KNOW was there are two versions of the SG comics: the family friendly cutesy SG and the R RATED VERSION. So I have finished all the family friendly versions and notice a SG comic in the traditional marvel style; “YAYYY MORE SQUIRELL GIRL!!” 9 year old me cheers. So I check it out and immediately start reading. OH BOY WAS THAT A MISTAKE!!! So there were sex scenes between MULTIPLE PEOPLE AND SG and I was like “?!?! She’s cheating!! What?!?” And then we get to the West Coast avengers side story. THIS STORY IS BURNT INTO MY BRAIN FOREVER. I don’t remember all the members but theirs a blonde guy whose immortal and a pink alien girl and it’s Christmas and they are explaining Roldolf the Reindeer to her (she feels bad for him) but than jump cut to PINK ALIEN BEING RIPPED APART AND THE TEAM FALLING APART AND BLONDE GUY SITTING AT HER GRAVE, FALLING INTO ACHOHAL. And then it shows the world slowly ending and the final shot is him walking on a planet with the earth blown up in the background. Having to come to terms with my mortality was NOT something 9 year old me wanted to do but WE HAVENT GOTTEN TO THE WORST PART YET!!! Deadpool breaks into SGs apartment bc they are dating??? Or something??? And guess what he does! GUESS!! **HE SITS ON TIPPYTOE (SGs pet squirrel who is her bestie) AND KILLS HER. SHE EXPLODES. THEY SHOW HER GUTS GOING EVERYWHERE!!!! I was so upset. Like sobbing trying to explain to my poor mother who had no idea what was going on that SHE DIED MOM SHE DIED AND SG FOUND HER CORPSE AND CRIED OVER IT AND I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THAT
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labradoodle104 · 3 years
Hey I haven’t been here in a HOT SECOND what’s up? ik this used to be a mha art account but I’m not really a fan anymore (nothings wrong with the show I just moved on) so yea- I think I’ll just start posting my thoughts here and stuff soooooo yea.
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
Are matchups open? If so, may I? I'm 5'1'', mediem straight blonde hair that has a reddish tint. I have blue eyes and my hobbies include drawing, tumblr, playing with my dog, reading, and fantisizing! I hope this is okay, and no pressure if matchups are closed!!!!
A/N: you’re alright sweetie! Of course you can have a matchup!
I match you with.....
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This boy is just soft all around for you. He absolutely adores being around you, and trying to make you smile, and just being someone for you to lean on or talk to. He’s just a beano okay-
When you talk about your daydreams or ideas you have, he listens to everything you say. As a chronic daydreamer himself, he gets excited over the things and dreams you have, and he tries to make them a reality, too.
When you show him the things you draw and create- he gets really excited about it. He never pries though- he knows art can be personal so he never asks to see what you don’t want to show him. If you ever give him a gift of your art, it goes up on his wall or in his notebook so he has a constant reminder of you near.
Overall, Izuku is just a sweetheart who wants to protect you and make you happy. And he’ll do anything to do that, to make you smile. Between the small gifts, and the sweet gestures, he does everything he can to make you smile.
If you have specific requests for him, let me know!!
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
i just saw a tiktok refer to Bakugo as “blonde Lucifer” and yeah, thats basically his entire character. 
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
Why I need sleep
Me, most of the time: Non-confrontational, quiet, happy, cheerful
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
this has been eating me up- what do yall think I look like? Like, ik my blog has a account profile photo thingy, but that isnt 1) a photo 2) have things like height. So what do y’all imagine me as?? I am very curious and bored lol
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
Thanks to Cyn, Its now the Doodle Show!!!!!! (cue intro theme song)
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
what tag should I use to refer to myself? Doodle is taken so idk. (I can’t use my irl name for obvious reasons so now I am stuck) Suggestions welcome and appreciated
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
I need to know; do y’all see me as like a sweet lovable character or a “IMMA FIGHT EVERYONE” kinda character
new ask meme: tell me a character you think I have the same energy as
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
For the quirk suggestion do you want them to be a hero or villain? Like, you could give them a quirk where they can grow melons anywhere. Seems pretty lame but I was thinking that it would be great for a villain because they just grow it in someone’s throat and bam, they choke to death.
They are going to be a hero- but the melon thing has already given me a char. design idea for a villain so I might have to make an oc for it
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
I need quirk suggestions! I’m in the middle of making yet another MHA oc (i have far too many) and I need quirk ideas based around springs and metel. Maybe she has huge springs for legs and can bounce really high and kick super hard? Maybe her legs and arms are like big springs? All suggestiosn are welcome!
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
sounds neat
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Hello all! Do me a favor and like/reblog this post if you would be interested in interacting with a re-vamped BNHA OC!!
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
Sozo and Nemui still think its amazing- and aggresivly complete her on it while their huge sandcastle is in the background (Sozo used her quirk to create tools to use)
OC Headcanon- The gang is at the beach- Sozo and Nemui are competitive as ever and hold a sandcastle building contest and go all out! Plz add ur own ocs in too! (ALL OCS ARE WELCOME TO THE GANG AND ENCOURAGED TO JOIN)
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
OC Headcanon- The gang is at the beach- Sozo and Nemui are competitive as ever and hold a sandcastle building contest and go all out! Plz add ur own ocs in too! (ALL OCS ARE WELCOME TO THE GANG AND ENCOURAGED TO JOIN)
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
How Sozo and Nemui meet PART 1- MHA OC Fanfic
“Oh gosh” Sozo groans, feeling the unsmooth pavement beneath her; she's lying on the floor... why is she lying on the floor? The more she mulls it over, the more her brain becomes a spinning top, always finding more questions than answers. When she finally opens her eyes, her lids feel weighed down. Despite this, she sluggishly moves to stand up. Sozo brings her hand to her head, feeling a migraine coming on but pauses. Whoa, big hand!Why are her hands so big? !"WHAT THE HECK?!," Sozo's head whips up from her hands at the sound of the feminine voice, only to see a short girl, with long colorfully streaked blonde hair.At the same time, they look at her too."My body!" “WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO YOU WITCH?! WHY ARE YOU IN MY BODY?!” Sozo rolls her- no the eyes of whoever bodys she’s in eyes. “I didn’t do this idiot. When that quirk hit us we must’ve switched.” The person in her body groans. “Ugh, the last thing the villan does is THIS. Because my day wasn’t bad enough.” Sozo sighed, as she felt herself growing annoyed. “We can’t do anything about it now. By the way, I’m Sozosurusaka. You can just call me Sozo, I guess” “Neat. I’m Nemuisenshi, but call me Nemui.” He, or well the person inside her, reaches out his hand and smirks. She shakes and, and than asks “So.... we should go to Recovery girl and get this sorted- you DO go to UA right? Why else would you be here?” Nemui shrugs as he just mutters “yeah, I’m transferring there. I was just checking out the place a when this happened.” He gesters to the two of them. “Cool.” The two make their way to the med. bay. Once there, Recovery girl swarms them, checking for ingurys, Apparently, thy not only body-swapped, but also broke some ribs and arms too. Sozo sighs. “Well, I don’t have it as bad as Nemui” she thinks to herself, glancing over to her body, lying on a hosptial bed, asleep, covered in bandgeges. “ I can’t beleive he was dumb enough to try and save me.” It turned out tat Nemui saw Sozo walking along when the villean attacked, and tryed to go and warn her-but they were both hit by the villieans quirk, as well as breaking 2 ribs. As Sozo turned around, she gasped, her eyes wide. She had turned around to a miriorr, only to see a blue haired buff guy in her place. She started blushing, her new bodys checks going red. “ No! I can’t think Nemui’s body is attractive! Its mine for the moment!” Recovery girl had said that the quirks effects would last around a day, considering the villean was already weak when they were hit. Sozo sighed, as she sat by Nemui. “This is gonna be a long day.”
PART TWO COMING SOON- Thanks so much to @gigglyst for starting me off, she’s a lifesaver. Hope yall like this!
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labradoodle104 · 4 years
Sozo and Nemui: Fighting (playfully but also serious)
Sozo: *cruled up asleep in Nemuis lap*
Nemui: *playing with her hair as he is on his phone*
Tonbo: WHAT!?!?!?! (new oc to be introduced)
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