laceyharkness · 5 years
Books, life updates!
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laceyharkness · 5 years
First Impression Thursday!  Video is late going up today but I blame the internet.  Weight loss, First Impressions and yeah, its a good day
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laceyharkness · 5 years
Ulta Haul and July Faves!  It’s been a week but I’m back!!!!  Here’s my July Faves and an Ulta Haul!  And yes, I am wearing footie pjs in this video, it was just that kinda day!!
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laceyharkness · 5 years
Mental Health Tuesday The importance of Values and the workplace
It’s that time again!  Time for a new video!  Reblog for free hugs!
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laceyharkness · 5 years
Hey guys!  Check out my new video!!!Ulta and Sephora Haul
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laceyharkness · 5 years
#MentalhealthWednesday New video and I talk about my mental health, my recovery and the loss of my mother
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laceyharkness · 5 years
Meet Nugget WE GOT A BIRD
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laceyharkness · 5 years
Friday Reads! On Saturday!  Watch me ramble on about books.
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laceyharkness · 5 years
It's about time for a haul! Hey guys got my video up and I’m exicted to talk about all I got over the week.  Don’t forget to give the video a like and subscribe!
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laceyharkness · 5 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsRZ0V2bpdU)  It was important for me to discuss my own mental health because so many people struggle in silence because of the stigma of mental health.  I know I did.  This was so important to me.  
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laceyharkness · 5 years
Follow Me around Sunday Funday! Follow me and the fam around as we go shopping today and I maybe get a little too happy for make up again lol!  So much footage was not included, I might post some here.
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laceyharkness · 5 years
#FridayREADS! Hey guys, started a new vlog.  This is the third video.  Check out the other videos as well.
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laceyharkness · 6 years
Well, here I am, taking in the damage and I’m honestly so surprised I didn’t return to a pixelated icon. My four years of archived posts that Tumblr had hidden when this change was first dropped seems to have been restored, thankfully. We’ll see how things in the coming days progress, when more and more of this policy change it implemented across the platform. I’m still against it, it seems to target legit users opposed to bots, hate speech, violence and predatory behavior, which we as a community have been calling out for harsher rules about for years now. Because this move feels very clear, it’s about nudity. Tumblr thinks nudity is the problem, specifically female nudity. Not white supremacy blogs, not pro pedophile blogs or like, what do they call themselves? Youth attracted people? Young attracted people? I don’t know, I don’t wanna know. Tumblr apparently has no problem with those types of blogs and posts, they also don’t mind pro murder, pro suicide, pro self harming, pro anorexia blogs. What Tumblr is saying with this new policy is that those things are fine to them, perfectly acceptable. But things like the freedom of artistic expression, body positivity, LGBTQ+ activism, black activism, feminism, sexual health and education, those things are not. They’re not okay, they’re not acceptable. And Tumblr’s wrong about that, Yahoo’s wrong about that, Verizon is wrong about that. This isn’t about pornography, this is about humanity. It’s easier for them to sell hate and drama than it is for them to sell positivity and self expression, simple as that. So even though most of us survived December 17th, this battle is not over and it is most certainly not won.
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laceyharkness · 6 years
Surprisingly given everything.  So I had signed out for the #tumblrlogoff so when I signed back in, I managed to actually get resigned back into my old account.  So...yeah.
This doesn’t mean I’m back honestly, because I still think what @staff has done has further margininalized groups that are already marginalized.  This was a refuge for them, and it’s been taken away.  That’s what this NSFW ban is really about..
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laceyharkness · 8 years
For those that don’t know, my wife is trans.  she only just started hormones, but with what happened with the election, we fear that her ability to obtain these vital documents could become harder if not impossible.  One member of our state senate as already introduced a bill for the next session of state congress in January to overturn all local LGBT anti-dscrimination laws.  We are to put it mildly, scared.
i know not everyone can donate right now, but if you could at least get this out there, let it be shared and known.  Help us, so that we can get to a safer state, hopefully by the end of next year.(My wife wants to finish her degree which she can only do in texas because of the Hazelwood act.)
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laceyharkness · 8 years
Say it louder so they can hear you in the back.
It’s honestly time to face the music, it is extremely unlikely that Bernie Sanders can pull off enough delegates at this point to get the nomination.  So we need to not be divided on this and make our votes count, and they should count for Hillary.  And write in or non vote is as good as voting for Trump.
i cannot stress this enough
if you are an eligible voter in the US this coming election and bernie sanders does not have the democratic nomination
you. have. to. vote. for. hillary.
i am not fucking messing around
i am not gonna sit here while you write in names or go on some fucking strike. hillary is not on the same level as donald trump. all of you who act like that’s a hard choice are ridiculous. you vote for hillary clinton if she gets the primary. if you don’t, you give trump the presidency. clear and simple. normally i would not advocate against writing in names, but at this point writing in names would take away from hillary’s vote if she is the nominee–EVEN IF YOU WRITE IN BERNIE SANDERS, YOU GIVE TRUMP A HIGHER CHANCE AT THE PRESIDENCY, AND YOU DON’T WANT THAT.
not even a year ago y’all were laughing about donald trump. don’t fuck this up. in no world is hillary clinton as bad as donald trump.
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laceyharkness · 8 years
this is stupid
Tumblr media
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