lalareneesrp-blog · 5 years
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Stop Confusing People Who Care About You What I really can't stand is when people send me mixed signals. Specifically guys who know that I like them.
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lalareneesrp-blog · 5 years
Take Beyonce and Ariana's Advice
Take Beyonce and Ariana’s Advice
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It’s always a little difficult to accept rejection, but you have to quickly accept it and move on. I was recently blocked on Twitter and at first I was confused. That person doesn’t know that I have another twitter account that’s more for my professional career, but even though I have that account I won’t contact or worry about him anymore. It’s not worth it to try and figure out what you did…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 5 years
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OH…Now I Get It! I’m an INTJ! So, I remember finding out my personality type when I was a freshman in college. I didn't pay much attention because in the orientation class they made everyone feel great and they only mentioned the nice qualities of each personality type with very little explanation.
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lalareneesrp-blog · 5 years
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You Can’t Get Upset Over Others Not Being Like You It took me until yesterday to realize that I cannot force people to change or be the way that I want them to be.
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lalareneesrp-blog · 6 years
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Why are there cliques in the workplace? Do you belong? Should you care? I've come to the realization that everything repeats itself. There are cliques formed in elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and yes the professional setting as well.
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lalareneesrp-blog · 6 years
Do you have shady people in your life?
Do you have shady people in your life?
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So as you all know, I do not let people see all parts of me until they prove themselves to be trustworthy. Usually if a person doesn’t get to see all of me they’ve already proven themselves to be bad and not worth my time. This is usually because they’ve already started misjudging me and being shady. Let’s talk about shady people. There are people who think they are good at being shady, but…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 6 years
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It’s About to Go Down. WELL...Lol It's time that I return to my blog. It's going to be very interesting so I advise everyone to follow me!
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
Reflective Essay
I am pleased with my overall product, but not for reasons people may think. I am just thankful my thoughts were able to be made into something other people could actually utilize. I originally was going to use Omeka for my semester long project, but what changed my mind was the week of student digital tool presentations. I remember one student had storymap as a tool to present and the example…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
Vermilionville (Physical Public History Site Write-Up)
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For my physical history site, I chose Vermilionville, a living history museum in Lafayette, Louisiana. I actually visited when I was younger, but everything seemed so different recently. I actually thought it was super huge when I was younger, and it’s not super tiny now, but being older and exploring on my own made the experience completely different. I was about 7 when I visited and it was one…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
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Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life (Online Exhibition Site Write-Up) I love anything Abraham Lincoln and while searching for an online exhibition the title stuck out to me.
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
What Did Learn from Week 11?
What Did Learn from Week 11?
Who doesn’t love games? I mean I do. This week’s topic was titled, “Playing with the Past: Gaming and Interactive History as Public History.” The readings were very interesting and I actually used to consider myself a gamer. I never really thought about it, but I remember playing history games but because they were so fun I never really related them to history. Games like Sid Meier’s Civilization…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
What Did I Learn from Week 9?
What Did I Learn from Week 9?
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I present this week for class! I am a bit nervous, but at least this week’s readings relate to stuff that I will probably see again when I go to law school.
Anyway, the first reading was titled, “Owning the Past.” This reading was about protecting your work. There are many copyright laws and they should not be taken lightly because no one wants to get sued. Even if you believe the odds of that…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
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#ULLHist451 This week's readings were mostly about creating a site on Omeka. It wasn't just about it was actually showing you how to get a site up and running which is the title of the first reading, "Up and Running with Omeka.net" We've been talking about it in class for a long time, but actually seeing a sight about how to start my site was really cool.
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
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#ULLHist451 I love music! I am a Jazz musician, singer, and member of my university's marching band. I sort of knew from the very beginning that my project would be about something pertaining to music.
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
What did I Learn from Week 7?
I cannot believe this is week 7! I am amazed at how fast time is moving. 😦 Well, things are still moving along and it’s so surprise that I’m starting to feel pressures of being a senior. Anyway, let’s talk about the readings for my history course.
The first reading “Becoming Digital Public Historians,” really inspired me because I loved how Mr. Owen mentioned that the students had lives outside…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
What Did I Learn from Week 6?
What Did I Learn from Week 6?
This week the main topic was Physical vs. Digital Exhibits and Archives. I never really thought about comparing archives and exhibits so this was pretty interesting for various reasons.
The first reading titled Getting to the Stuff: Digital Cultural Heritage Collections, Absence, and Memory made a really great point that really stuck out to me. Ms. Sheila said that a student tweeted that,…
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lalareneesrp-blog · 7 years
What did I get from week 5?
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This week has been insane, but next week I get to try and use the new schedule I created to help me get these blogs out early.
Anyway, in regard to what’s actually important, this week’s reading for History 451, I decided to read them out of order. The seond reading was  super long, but it did hold some valuable information. Its main topic was crowdsourcing. I had never heard of that term, but I…
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