lalauv · 4 months
I prayed to the moon and the stars for guidance as they lit up the night's lonesome darkness.
I asked them if you weren't the one for me, to give a sign and they directed me to the sun.
Waiting when the time was right, I dreaded to ask my longing question.
The sun which showed all the paths and shone on each possibility, I asked with hesitation.
'If he is not the one for me, show me a sign to spare me the heartache I've come accustomed to. That I can find the love and strength to find myself.
If he is, I pray that we can overcome and to continue to see eachother til the end of our time. To respect and to grow in love. The partner in my life.'
The sun revolved, and soon the moon did too. They passed by me, tailing one another as the days went through.
Dawn came where they brought me you.
You told me all the things I heard but didn't listen to, your fears and worries which I tried to comfort only to suffocate you. I've told you on my end which was the same.
I know I was looking for the answer for so long but I knew deep down the truth.
I asked for a sign, if to be removed to save me, but I didn't want it to show because I knew that I already lost you.
Maybe in a different time, I prayed that we would get to meet again and do everything right. If there was a way, we wouldn't have learned so for now, It is goodbye.
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lalauv · 4 months
Let me be sung like your favorite song,
Your eyes soften and glisten.
The vulnerability shows, you put your "oldest" act off to the side as I listen.
So often aloof, and apathetic, theres a side to you that shows needing and attention
You were strong for so long and by yourself
I love hearing you sing, especially when you told me your hopes and 'far-fetched' dreams
We sang together in a duet, harmony and when the time came, I lowered my voice for you to have the moment where you would say all you wanted to say
The words you want to say but couldn't so you find another outlet where I try my best with what your comfortable with
I've always listened
I've always remembered
When its my turn, will you do the same for my verse?
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lalauv · 5 months
Does the moon love the sun that makes it shine?
Or does it love the earth that they revolve and follow around? Granted, it came from the earth.
Maybe, its the affect knowing what it does to the earth. Pushing and pulling the waves, dancing and glistening. Their reflection moving along with it.
But the moon wouldn't have their glow unless kissed by the sun.
Will you love what I've done, like the ocean showing your reflection through my eyes? What i can do genuinely for us? As gravity keeps you steady and balanced.
The sun reflecting to you in a way no other can, the warmth hitting your face but keeping you at a distance. Knowing that an eclipse can only happens every once and a few yet for you, you were always focused somewhere else.
Maybe in the background, but it will always continue to give you that energy to shine as I you.
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lalauv · 5 months
you fell in love with what i showed you through the blooms of my petals
loved the feel, scent and vivid colors that adorned me
brought me everywhere and cared deeply
until after some time when the seasons changed, and you got to know the roots of my family and upbringing
you tried your best to preserve after what was wilted from the past cartaker
im sorry i didnt give you the instructions in advance about the maintenance
i hope you'll stay and think that the sight you've seen before was worth it
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