larjathanguan · 5 years
Draco Malfoy x reader
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Draco Malfoy. The prince of Slytherin. The boy feared by many first years and members of other houses. Your boyfriend who you loved with your whole heart but also an unbelievably arrogant imbecile. Yes you understood his hatred for Potter after all you disliked him like most of the other Slytherins too but you just didn't understand how Draco could go and have a fight off with Potter in front of everyone not caring about the consequences.
Just like yesterday. He got into a fight with Harry near the Black lake and was determined to humiliate him by getting him to fall into the water. And guess who came out soaked? Draco. Till this day you couldn't understand how he could always try to compete with Hermione Granger. Now you were no mudblood lover but you also weren't the type of witch who wanted everyone with muggle parents dead. You actually admired Hermione for her smartness and loyalty to her friends and house.
When Draco came to you complaining about how Potter and his pathetic friends got him wet and also a detention you snapped.
"When my father hears about this they will regret ever standing in my way. Can you believe the nerve of that filthy mudblood? She dared to push me into the lake, li-"
"Oh my god Draco grow up!" you interrupt him not wanting to hear his whining anymore. Now don't get me wrong, you loved Draco more than anything but when your boyfriend pays more attention to his archenemy than to his own girlfriend it gets quite annoying.
"What do you mean (Y/N)? She-"
"Draco get over yourself. Because let's be honest here, not everything is about you." you snap as you shut your book closed loudly before storming up the stairs into your dorm leaving an angry but also confused Draco behind you.
You shake your head before falling on your bed with a groan. Why does he have to be such a jerk all the time? Yeah but your jerk and handsome. Wow, thanks Mr. Brain Obvious. With a sigh you fall asleep not bothering to change.
- one week later -
Right now you're standing in the corridor near one of the big windows chatting away with your friends when you see Blaise approach you. You can tell by his annoyed expression that he wants you to do something for him, joy.
"Hey (Y/N)." he starts while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"Blaise." you answer and cross your arms over your chest.
"Okay, I'll get straight to the point. You have to talk to Draco." he states as if it's duty to talk with him 24/7. Well he was in for a surprise.
"I certainly don't need to do anything apart from getting away from you and your begging gaze." you say and start walking away with Blaise jogging to catch up with you.
"Please (Y/N), he's miserable. More than usual." he says trying again. Ugh.
"Fine but I don't promise anything." you huff stomping your way to the Slytherin common room. For the past week you have been avoiding your boyfriend trying to make him see that you needed attention too. The first day Draco decided it would be best to give you space so neither of you tried to talk to each other. But when you didn't talk to him the other day he noticed that something was wrong. All day he's been trailing after you trying to get you to tell him at least a word but the only thing he received was an annoyed 'shhhh' from you before you were on your way again. The fifth day he gave up and till now you haven't heard a word of him. Opening the door to the boys' dormitory you are greeted with the sight of your boyfriend sitting in his bed looking out of the window with his hair standing in all directions. You lean against the door frame before speaking up.
"You look like shit, which is shocking since you always look good." Draco's head whipped around to face you with wide eyes.
"(Y/N)?" he asks hesitantly. Okay maybe you overreacted a little. You walk forward and sit next to him on the bed.
"I'm sorry okay? I overreacted Draco but try to understand, please." you say taking his hand.
"I- it's okay but what did I do to make you angry?" gosh and here it is again. The burning urge to punch him in the face and kiss him at the same time.
"You don't pay attention to me Draco." you say simply, Draco was about to say something but you interrupt him and stand up before you start pacing back and forth.
"I swear that sometimes it looks like you're more in love with saint Potter than me and that makes me angry, but even more it hurts. You never notice me and when you do I'm only an ear for you to babble out your problems to but what about me Draco? Obviously Potter takes a big part of your life and I'm not sure if there's any space left for me anymore." your pacing is cut short when Draco's arm sneaks around your waist to pull closer to him.
"Of course there's space for you love. You will always be my number one priority. I guess I was just taking out my anger on Potter and his friends because it's been quite tough at home with dad an-" you cut him off by climbing on his lap and taking his face in your hands before looking deep into his eyes.
"I'm sorry for getting angry like that babe but please, you have to talk to me okay? And preferably about something else than Harry Potter and his trio of friends. I had no idea that you're having problems at home, I'm sorry." you say kissing the tip of his nose. Draco's hands grip your hips tightly and bring you even closer.
"It's okay but there is a way we could both make it up to each other." he whispers seductively into your ear and leaves a trail of kisses down your neck to your collarbone. Grinning you pull his face to yours.
"Sounds like a plan." you whisper before pressing your lips to his hungrily. Well we all know what happens after that.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Reblog if your soulmate is fictional….
I know I’m not alone
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larjathanguan · 6 years
James Potter x reader
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It was morning and you were sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall eating breakfast with the four boys known as the Marauders. With the amount of time you spent with them you could be practically counted as the fifth memeber of their little group. 
"So I've been thinking." Sirius started only for you toshake your head with a sigh and interrupt him. 
"A very dangerous passtime." you said receiving a laugh out of James and Remus while Peter stuffed his face with food and Sirius glared at you playfully. 
"Anyway, as I already said... I've been thinking. And one question keeps popping up in my head. How do you make someone holy?" a snort escaped you at the question and you looked up from your plate at him with a serious expression. 
"You either hex or beat the hell out of them." for a moment you were both just staring at each other blankly before the stormy eyed boy broke out into a grin.
"Why that's bloody briliant! You heard that Prongs? We could use that with Snivellus, your girlfriend is a genius." the small smirk playing on your lips quickly turned into a scowl when you saw James grin and turn to look at you as if he was going to say something but you slapped a hand over his mouth.
"Don't Potter, just don't. And you, you wet dog, stop saying I'm his girlfriend. We're not dating." a wet sensation is what you felt on your palm and it took you a moment to realize that Prongs just licked your hand before you pulled it back with shriek. 
"And whose fault is that (Y/N)?" James asked as you wiped your hand on your pants with a frown.
"It's not my fault that you're an arrogant git who hasn't impressed me enough to say yes to a date with him." you state with a shrug before reaching your hand to grab a toast which you then proceeded to butter.
"Come on (Y/L/N), just one date. I promise you won't regret it." James said sliding closer to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders while wiggling his brows. You had the urge to say yes but not even his messy hair and beautiful warm eyes could stop you from being careful with just handing your heart over. 
"Actually, I'm just fine with spending the day with my essay on potions. Have a nice day boys!" you pushed of James' arm and stood up before walking out of the hall. Behind you, you could hear Sirius laughing only for James to grumble a half-hearted 'shut your mouth Pads' at him. --------------------------- The next day you woke up later than usual and had to skip breakfast to get to potions on time. You slipped into the classroom just in time but the feeling of relief left you quicker than you'd be comfortable when you saw that the only spare seat was next to no other than James Potter himself. 
"Oh for bloody banshee's sake." you murmured under your breath before stalking to the desk and setting your books on it. You slipped into the seat next to James and looked at him with a small smile. The messy haired boy smiled at you before attempting to sedductively take off his glasses, attempting because to anyone else it may have looked like he was having a seizure or something, and squinting at you with a grin.
"Why good morning (Y/N), don't you just look.... blurry today?" he hesitated before saying the word blurry and an affectionate smile tugged at your lips. With a giggle you snatched the glasses from his grasp and put them back onto his face. You ran your fingers through his already messy hair to fix it up at least a bit. 
"Merlin, if you weren't so bloody handsome all the time I would give you a time of my day, but this way... I just have no choice." you said with a sigh making the boy's grin widen.
"Go on a date with me (Y/L/N)?" he asked while snaking an arm around your waist gently to pull you closer. You laughed quietly and punched his shoulder lightly before pushing him away.
"I'll think about it Potter, but I'm not promising you anything." surprisingly James' grin didn't falter, on the contrary it only seemed to brighten up.
"That's all I need love." he says and just like that the classroom door opens to reveal Slughorn who starts the lesson. ---------------------------- You were standing in the stands next to Remus and Peter watching the Gryffindor team which also included James and Sirius play against Slytherin. You and your housemates cheered loudly watching as the Gryffindor chasers scored one goal after another. Your eyes swiped over the sky until they landed on James who seemed to have spotted the snitch. You adjusted the scarlet and gold scarf around your neck as he sped after the small golden winged ball.
"Come on James! You can do it!" you screamed over the cheers of your housemates making them move their attention to the Gryffindor seeker who was chasing after the snitch, the Slytherin seeker hot on his heels. Silence spread over the stands when James hand shot forward and quickly latched back onto his broom to steady himself. It wasn't possible to see whether he caught the snitch but when he lifted his arm up in the air with a grin on his face and the snitch in his palm cheers erupted from everywhere around you.
  "James Potter has caught the snitch! 150 points for Gryffindor, Gryffindor wins!" the anouncer shouted into the megaphon as you cupped your hands over your mouth and cheered with the others. You together with Remus and Peter ran down the stands to meet your friends who were both grinning from ear to ear. 
Sirius patted James on the back and congratulated him as you three neared. You picked up speed as James turned to face and once you were in front of him you grabbed onto his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
 The boy tensed up for a second before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you flush against his firm chest. Your lips moved together in sync and you could swear that you felt butterflies errupt in the pit of your stomach. Once you pulled away you reached up on instinct to fix his glasses because they were tipped to the side slightly. 
"Go on a date with me (Y/N)?" he asked with hopeful eyes and you grinned at him. "Yes, I'll go on a date with you James." you said and the said boy broke out into a joyful smile before connecting your lips in a much softer kiss than before. You heard Sirius wolf whistling behind you as you pulled away.
"Thank Godric." James murmured and pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead before wrapping an arm around you and leading you off the quidditch field with him.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
me @ the upgrade predator
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Reblog if you think fanfiction isn't a waste of time.
Reblog if you think it’s a good way to practice writing.
Reblog if you have made friends because of fanfiction.
My sister called it a waste of time and I want to prove her wrong.
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Muggles are not able to REBLOG this.
REBLOG this to prove you are not a Muggle.
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my reblog button fucked up and i almost had a heart attack
I did it in the first try.
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larjathanguan · 6 years
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This guy is so hot and charismatic. I had to draw it. 😏
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Kylo Ren’s voice
reblog if you agree
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Jackson Whittemore x reader part 2
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Dear Jackson, as you may have noticed by now... I'm gone. Me and my mom had to move to another town. Your spot is finally free again! I'm sure you're happy about that, I would be too. Now, I'm sure you're asking yourself as to why I wrote you this letter. Well, I did so I could tell you what I'm scared to tell you in person. Over the time I spent in Beacon Hills you were the one person I was excited to see again every single day. You were the one who made me actually forget that I would one day have to leave the town like I had so many times before. I guess what I'm trying to say is.... I love you. I love you even with your arrogance and boldness Jackson Whittemore, you are the good in my life and I know that I'll miss you the most. I couldn't tell you how I feel in person because I'm not strong enough to face the rejection, you have a beautiful smart girlfriend and I don't want to be the thing coming in the way of your future. I just needed to know that I told you.... sadly though this is a goodbye. It's a goodbye from me to you Jackson, just know that I'll never forget you....
-love (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
By now Jackson's eyes were wide and holding a hint of disbelief. Earlier that day Scott and Stiles had come to him, much to his dismay, and gave him a letter saying it's from (Y/N). He didn't hesitate to go and read as he had been curious and worried when she didn't show up for two days straight without an explanation. He repeated the words written on the paper in her perfect handwriting and felt like he couldn't breathe.
The reason why she wasn't there the past two mornings is because she's already gone from the town itself. In a wave of rage Jackson punches the mirror with his fist causing it to crack and his knuckles to get cut. He doesn't care about the small cuts or the stinging pain he just wishes he told her how he feels but now it's too late. Jackson pauses and breathes heavily as an idea pops into his mind. Letting out a groan he exits the bathroom and goes off to find McCall and Stilinski.
I smile and pick up my pace to catch up to Daisy. Slowing down when I'm right behind her I grasp her shoulders and squeeze them. The petite girl I befriended at my new school jumps with a squeel before turning around to face me with a playful glare.
"Sorry, I just couldn't pass the oppurtunity." I say with a shrug and Daisy chuckles quietly.
"You are in an awfully good mood today, what happened?" she asks curiously and I look at her innocently.
"Why it's a beautiful sunny day. Why wouldn't I be in a good mood?" I ask her.
"Because you're you." Daisy laughs. I groan playfully.
"I tripped Connor in the hallway and he fell on his face." I admit and we both laugh. I look at Daisy in confusion when she halts suddenly.
"Hey, (Y/N) isn't that the guy from your last school? The one you had a crush on?" she asks and I look around the school yard wildly. I choke on air when I see Jackson leaning against his porsche in front of my school.
"Y-yeah it is." I stutter before shoving my books into her hands and walking towards him. When Jackson sees me approaching he straightens up and meets me halfway. I stand in front of him, gaping like a fish.
"You still hadn't gotten over staring at me (Y/L/N)?" he asks casually with a soft smile.
"I-no- I mean yes- no! What are you doing here Jackson?" I ask pulling him back to his car so we're not standing in the middle of the road. Once we're next to his car Jackson wraps his arms around me and hugs me. My body goes tense in shock before I melt into his embrace and hug him back.
"I'm so sorry I haven't told you before (Y/N). I love you too. So much. Me and Lydia broke up even before you left." I look up at him and smile.
"I must admit, I did not expect that. I love you Jackson." I say before leaning up and kissing his lips. Jackson's arms tighten around me and pull me closer as he kisses back.
"Who would've thought that I would fall for the girl who stole my parking spot." he says and we both laugh before kissing again.
- the end
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Jackson Whittemore x reader part 1
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"Are you excited for your first day in a new school, honey?" my mother asks as we sit at the table eating breakfast. I roll my eyes with an annoyed huff..
"Really mom? Do I look like I'm excited? We move to a new town nearly every month, I stopped being excited like a year ago." I hear my mom sigh and a guilty feeling crawls up my gut. "Mom, I'm sorry. I know you're doing your best ... and I want to help you out a little. I thought that maybe I could find a job, if you don't mind of course." I offer hesitantly. Mom sets her spoon down on the table and grasps my hand gently.
"(Y/N) I don't want to drag you into my mess too, you know that." I squeeze her hand and shake my head.
"I get money from dad so I have everything I need, damn it! I even have my own car! If I take a job I can help you out without being affected all that much." I explain and mom finally gives in.
"Alright sweetie. Now hurry up so you're not late." she says standing up and taking the plates to the sink. I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder before grabbing my keys and an apple. I quickly peck my mom's cheek before walking out of the house and towards my car.
I drive into the school parking lot and decide to take the empty space next to a boy who just arrived on a motorbike. I turn the engine off and take out the keys before opening the door and stepping out of the car. I slam the door shut and lock it. Tucking a strand of my (Y/H/C) hair behind my ear I turn to look at the boy with the motorbike.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I introduce myself with a smile while holding my hand out. The boy looks a little shocked but takes my hand anyway.
"H-hi. I'm Scott McCall." he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly while coughing nervously. "You're the new girl right?" he asks with a friendly smile.
"Yeah, that obvious huh? Anyway, I was thinking that maybe you could show me to the office." I say sweetly. The boy opens his mouth to say something but a voice coming from behind me interrupts him.
"What the hell?!" I turn around to see a boy getting out of a beautiful silver porsche right next to my balck mustang. He takes off his sunglasses revealing a pait of icy blue eyes which scan over all the people buzzing around the parking lot before they land on me and narrow. Glaring at me he starts approaching me and Scott before stopping right in front of us, his gaze softening ever so slightly.
"Look sweetheart, you're obviously new here so I'm going to let it slide this time but only if you move your car right now." he says with a cocky smirk making me give him a fake smile back.
"Why the hell would I do that, sweetheart?" I ask in a sickly sweet tone. The guy's smirks dims a little but doesn't disappear completely. He leans closer to me until his nose is brushing mine and answers.
"Because that-" he points at the place which is momentarily occupied by my car. "-is my spot." A scoff comes from me at his words.
"Yeah, I don't think so. I don't see your name anywhere on the ground so it isn't yours. Whoever gets here first can stay unless he's willing to move out of the way for you which I'm not." I snap at him before turning around on my heel and grabbing Scott's arm to drag him with me.
For the past month I've been at the Beacon Hills high school me and Jackson, who's name I found out the same day we met, would do our best to wake up earlier than the other just to take the spot first. I became best friends with both Scott and Stiles and found out that Jackson has a girlfriend whose name is Lydia. Three days in a row Jackson was the lucky one but today I decided that I'm going to be there first today. It's my last day here after all, so I better make it worth it.
Even though me and my mom tried our best to be able to stay in this town we have to leave again. Today I'm going to go to school for the last time and take the next two days to pack my things and leave, again. Oh, I nearly forgot. Somehow my stupid self decided that it would be a good idea to fall in love with the arrogant jerk named Jackson Whittemore.
For a while I thought about telling him how I feel but I don't want to ruin his and Lydia's relationship.
"Whoa, it looks like you finally got a hold of the winning reigns (Y/N)." Stiles says coming up behind me and patting my shoulder as I sling my backpack over my other shoulder.
"Thanks Stiles." I say with a quiet chuckle. Stiles somehow notices that something's not right because he turns me around and his eyes go wide at the sight of my watery eyes.
"(Y/N) what happened?" he asks stroking my shoulders through my hoodie. I shake my head with a sigh and wipe my eyes.
"Nothing Stiles, I'm fine." I say giving him a fake smile. Seeing the look Stiles is giving me I drop my smile and nod slowly. "I need to talk to you and Scott." I say quietly with pleading eyes and Stiles nods before leading me to Scott.
When Scott catches sight of us he smiles and waves us over. When we come closer his smile drops and concern washes over his features as he jogs towards us.
"What happened?" he asks and I shake my head with a chuckle.
"You two know how I said that me and my mom move around a lot right?" I aks them and they nod confusedly. "Well, it seems we're moving again." I admit biting my fingernails nervously.
"What? No no no. You can't just pack up and leave." Stiles exclaims while Scott watches me with a sad expression. I give him a small smile and he pulls me into a hug with a quiet sigh.
"I'm gonna miss you little brave." he murmurs in my hair and a sob tears out of my throat. Scott tightens his hold on me as another pair of arms joins the embrace. Our little group of friends hug each other before Stiles comes up with the great idea that we should ditch school for today and go do something fun. We all agree and decide to go to bowling.
"So... this is it? Tomorrow you'll be just gone?" Scott asks as he sits on the ground of Stiles' bedroom, I lay on Stiles' bed looking up at the ceiling and Stiles sits in his chair spinning around with his hands behind his head.
"Yeah..." I sigh and roll over to face the two dorky boys I call friends. I sit up and take out an envelope from the back pocket of my jeans. "I need you to give this to Jackson." I tell them. When neither of us three arrived to school I got like ten missed calls from the said guy and I came to the conclusion that he deserves an explanation.
"You finally decided to admit your feelings to him, huh?" Stiles comments taking the paper from me and turning it over in his hands.
"Yeah, but you have to give it to him after I'm gone okay?" I receive a nod in return from both boys and I smile. The silence is interrupted by the sound of my phone and looking at it I swallow thickly. "Well, it seems that this is it cuddlies." I say using my nickname for them. We say our goodbyes and I go home so me and mom can leave in the morning.
- to be continued -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Oberyn Martell x reader (smut)
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You walked through the halls of Littlefinger's brothel with your uncle Tyrion and his 'guard' Bronn. Well Bronn wasn't exactly what you would call a guard more likely one of few Tyrion's good friends who didn't judge him for being an imp. As the only real child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister (unlike Tommen, Myrcella and Joffrey) it was expected of you to welcome the prince of Dorne in Kingslanding.
 But unsurprisingly the prince went straight to the most popular brothel in the city instead of waiting for you and Tyrion to welcome him. There were rumors of the prince's appetite in both men and women alike but you didn't expect him to practically ignore you both.
 You made your way into the room where prince Oberyn was supposed to be, only to be greeted with the sight of the prince's dagger being stabbed through a lannister guard's hand. The gasp that escaped past your lips made prince Oberyn retract his weapon and turn to face the intruders as the other guard took his friend to the closest maester. 
Seeing the prince in his full glory you couldn't help but admit that the rumors of his good looks were most certainly true. Dark hair which you wanted to run your fingers through so badly, piercing onyx eyes that seemed to be looking into your very soul and his lean muscular chest revealed thanks to his exotic choice of clothing.
 Prince Oberyn looked at all of you only letting his gaze linger on a bit longer on you. Out of nowhere a dornish looking woman ran to him and pulled him into a lustful and passionate kiss.
"Ellaria Sand, my paramour." the prince introduced his lover with a certain amount of pride in his silky smooth voice. No wonder he was so proud to call her his, she was a very beautiful woman.
 Dark hair which reached all the way to her waist, olive-like skin with as nearly dark eyes as the prince's but what added to her beauty the most were probably her high cheekbones that gave her a natural look of elegance.
"Tyrion Lannister, the lord Tywin's own imp. And who may this beautiful lady be?" the prince asked as he pulled away from Ellaria and gazed at you which resulted in his lover sending you a wink over his shoulder with a seductive smile. If the prince knew, he didn't show it and instead made his way towards you.
"My niece, (Y/N) of house Baratheon." Tyrion spoke uncertainly since he assumed the prince would know of the famous princess. Word has gone all over Westeros about the only dark haired daughter of King Robert Baratheon (rest in peace Robbie :D).
 Oberyn's eyes seemed to light up with a sense of mischief and adoration for the dark haired girl in front of him. He brought your hand to his lips and placed a delicate kiss to your knuckles.
"My lady."
"Prince Oberyn." you curtsied making the prince smirk.
"Don't you think it is a little inappropriate to leave without informing anyone about it, only to be found in a brothel of all places?" you questioned the tanned prince with a smirk of your own and a hint of amusement in your eyes. This made the prince laugh and turn to Tyrion once again, saying.
"It seems like the lady has been spending way too much time with you. Smart and witty just like you lord Tyrion. A rare combination in a woman." Oberyn stated as he poured himself some wine.
"Would you like to sit?" he asked (Y/N) gesturing to the now empty bed before sitting on the end himself.
"I think we need to talk, my prince." Tyrion said with a raised eyebrow when he saw his niece was about to take up on the prince's offer.
"Of course, talk." Oberyn said while taking a sip of his wine and smiling at you.
"Alone." Tyrion said sternly not liking what was going on between his niece and the Red Viper of Dorne. Oberyn let out an annoyed sight but nodded. You quickly made your way towards Ellaria and linked your arms together before leading her out of the brothel.
- time skip -
Over the next few days you spent most of your time with Oberyn and Ellaria to your family's utter dismay. Sometimes you asked them about Dorne and what it was like there, other times you and Oberyn would train your fighting skills together, the prince with his spear and you with your daggers or bow and arrows.
 Ellaria would always teach you about what other women in Dorne wore until you pretty much begged Oberyn to promise you that once they were to return they would take you with them. Spending more and more time with the Dornish duo somehow resulted in not only Ellaria being Oberyn's paramour but now you as well. The three of you shared each other, spent passionate nights together and loved each other. This night was different.
 You layed with your head on Oberyn's chest and traced invisible patterns on his skin as you layed in his bed once again. This time however, without Ellaria as she excused herself because of exhaustion.
"Is something wrong, my love?" Oberyn's voice sounded through the room. Of course he would notice, after all he knew you better than your own mother.
"I'm scared Oberyn. I-i think I'm with a child." you said as you pulled away to look at him. Seeing how his face lit up at your news you frowned, he opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
"And don't you dare to say that it's amazing because it's not!" you exclaimed as the tears started to build and threatened to escape your eyes.
"What are you saying? Of course it's amazing." Oberyn's eyes showed nothing but confusion as he sat up too.
"No! Do you know what my mother will do if she finds out? Seven hells, we are not even married Oberyn!" you sobbed as he pulled you into a hug, trying to calm you down he said.
"Well, then it's probably good that I asked your mother for your hand in marriage, don't you think my love?" you pulled away and stared at him in disbelief before crashing your lips on his and snaking your arms around his neck. Oberyn kissed you back, his arms finding their way to your waist and lifting you up just to place you on his naked lap as he leaned back into the pillows.
 Kissing down his neck you rolled your hips grinding into him. Hearing the moan that slipped past Oberyn's lips you lifted yourself up a little, just enough to grab his length and guide him to your entrance before lowering yourself back down. 
Throwing your head back in pure bliss you missed the look of lust in Oberyn's eyes as he bucked his hips up into you making you moan. You placed your hands on his chest before lifting yourself up once again and letting yourself slide right back down.
 As you set a steady pace the room was soon filled with you moans and groans. Not too long after you sped up because of how close you were, and if the way Oberyn thrusted up into you was anything to go by he was close as well, he grabbed your hips and helped you ride him.
 The feeling of you cuming around him brought him over the edge causing him to bury himself as deep into you as he could before cuming himself. Panting you slid off Oberyn and snuggled into his side as he placed the covers over the two of you.
"I love you (Y/N) and the child too." was the last thing you heard together with the feeling of a kiss being placed on your forehead before you fell asleep.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Peter Hale x reader
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Summary: You're a friend of Isaac and also happen to be a newly turned beta of Scott. One day when the guys need help from Derek you get introduced to the former psychotic alpha Peter who also happens to be your mate. Scott does not approve of this.
"(Y/N)! Hurry up!"
"I'm trying dammit!" fuck you Scott. fuck you Stiles. fuck Derek, fuck my life! Man you're so annoyed right now. You know that Scott was your alpha but that doesn't mean he gets to boss you around 24/7, you ain't no child. Freaking hell even the sarcastic fucktruck Stiles gets more freedom than you and he's less responsible than a duck!
 You were older than Scott and yet your status as his beta forced you to obey him. But lately you were able to go against him more often than not and the look on his face when you roared your anger straight into face was priceless.
"You know (Y/N) the make up isn't going to cover your ugliness up right?" Stiles voice sounds from behind you. A growl escapes your lips as you whip around and throw your lipstick at him which hits him in the forehead and leaves a bid red dot in it's place.
"Get the fuck out!" you practically roar.
"Christ!" he shouts before sprinting out of your room and shutting the door behind him. Now, most of the time you and Stiles get along just great
. Together you're the dynamic duo, your I-don't-give-a-fuck-if-I-hurt-your-feelings-by-telling-you-the-truth attitude and his unfiltered sarcastic comments make people get agitated just at the mention of your names.
 But with the full moon being tomorrow you have worse mood swings than a pregnant woman. Finally done you stomp your way down the stairs and out of your house. At the sight of Isaac waiting in the backseat of Stiles truck all the anger melts away almost instantly. 
No, there is nothing more between you two. You're just friends, you were there for him through everything especially his dad and that is the reason for you two being so close.
 And yeah, you may have been each other's first kiss but that was because you were both taken as nerds and were too shy to talk to other people. But no feelings only friendship.
"Puppy!" you exclaim as you nearly rip the door of the jeep open and tackle Isaac in a hug which he returns almost immediately.
"Hey! Watch the door!" Stiles shouts at you before turning to Scott. "Dude how come she never gets angry with Scarf boy over there?" Scott just shrugs at Stiles complaining with a smile as he watches Kira walk across the street without noticing any of you.
 Ugh, you are not fond of that girl. Maybe because she is kind of taking Scott's attention away from Allison who in your opinion is the one for him. You love Allison like a sister and most of all admire her strength and determination to be better than other hunters, not in hunting but at heart.
"I heard you're getting moody around your first full moon snowflake." Isaac accuses while using your childhood nickname.
"Not my fault everyone is being annoying." you grumble with a scowl on your face which makes Isaac laugh. He wraps an arm around you before asking how you have been.
You frown as you get out of the jeep and walk with the boys to the Hale loft. You have been here many times with Isaac when he took you with him to meet Derek and other stuff but you always found Derek boring just like Scott. For some reason they just never understood you, every time you beat up some douchebag, who deserved it, they would sit you down and scold you until you passed out from boredom.
 Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you were now a werewolf but you've been very aggressive lately, Scott always says that you can't solve everything with brute force... well you can sure as hell try your best to do so!
This time though, you're not even inside yet and you already got a whiff of another wolf. A dominant former alpha who smells delicious and makes your nerves settle down and flow calmly like a river. 
You stop in your tracks as the scent hits you, your senses suddenly overwhelmed by the divinely smelling werewolf. Scott notices that you stop and comes to stand in front of you with a worried expression on his face.
"Hey (Y/N) are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. More than fine actually, I feel great." you say grinning before continuing your way to the door. You don't notice the three boys raising their brows in confusion at your weird behavior. You don't bother to knock before you open the door and stalk to the couch where you plop your ass down and close your eyes with your hands behind your head.
"Ever heard of knocking?" Derek's voice snaps from somewhere close by.
"Ever heard of not caring?" you shoot back not missing a beat. You hear let out a sigh just as the boys walk in.
"Leave her be Derek, she's not doing so good with her first full moon approaching." Stiles comments making you huff in annoyance.
"Stiles." your tone is warning. "Don't make me punch you in your kneecap." you could see Stiles' eyes widen in fear, actually looking scared. Suddenly the scent from before hits your nose but this time full force making you try your hardest to keep yourself from moaning.
"I would definitely have nothing against seeing that happen." a smooth and rich voice comes from where the staircase is and turning around you see a tall man in a black V-neck walking down the stairs. 
The shirt is doing nothing to hide the muscles which make thoughts that are in no way innocent come to your mind, he has light brown hair and ocean blue eyes that make you want to melt on the spot. Damn, there's only so much a girl your age and situation can handle.
"Hot damn." before you can stop yourself the words leave your mouth shortly followed by a loud moan which makes everyone's head snap to you. Feeling your face get hot you mentally facepalm yourself, the man's eyes flash a glowing blue the minute they meet your gaze and you know yours flashed right back.
"Can someone kill him again please?" I don't know why but Stiles words make a loud vicious snarl rip itself from deep within my chest. I'm also pretty sure that if Derek wasn't holding me back I would have lunged at Stiles by now. Scott is quick to walk towards me and try to use his alpha status on me.
"(Y/N) calm down!" he nearly shouts which only adds to my rage. An enraged roar emits from my throat, so loud that the whole loft shakes with the force of it. 
Before he can react my elbow makes contact with Derek's nose and a sickening crunch echoes through the air as I'm ripped away from Derek by the mysterious werewolf whose eyes are glowing dangerously.
"Get your hands off my mate." he growls at Derek and everyone's jaw drops except mine. The wolf in me is literally craving for me to be close to the man and so I wrap my arms around his waist from behind to which he instantly calms down and turns around in my arms to wrap his own around my waist and pull me closer.
 I bury my face in his chest because he's so freaking tall and I'm so embarrassingly short. I can feel him nuzzle my hair but then Scott's shout breaks through the air.
"What the hell?! Why the hell is your psychotic all over my beta?!" it wasn't hard to hear the anger in Scott's voice. Derek's psychotic uncle? So this is the famous Peter Hale, well this is going to interesting.
Before I can blink I'm dragged off by my arm which is held in a vice like grip by Scott fucking McCall. I can hear Peter growling behind like mad but is probably held back by Isaac and Derek. We come to a stop in a empty room where Scott spins me around to face him roughly.
"What the hell was that?!" he shouts at me.
"That? Oh, well that was me meeting my mate." I say nonchalantly while shrugging my shoulders as if it was nothing.
"No! You're my beta and I forbid you to be with someone like him!" Scott's words make a switch flip inside my head and then I'm throwing him against a wall while roaring loudly, the she wolf in me angered by Scott's nerve to try and separate me from my mate.
 I snarl at him while flicking my claws out with a challenging roar. Before we can lunge at each other Derek comes barging in with Isaac and Peter hot on his heels. Peter is holding me behind him in a matter of seconds growling snarling himself at Scott, his eyes having a glint of murder in them.
Meanwhile Derek tries to calm Scott and explain to him the concept of mates.
"You can't just rip mates away from each other Scott!"
"Why not?! He's going to hurt her I know it!"
"Because if you do, they'll both go rabid. They will rip apart anything that stands in the way of them being together. When a werewolf meets his or her mate they are bound together forever." Derek explains making Scott sigh in defeat. Looking back where you and Peter stood just a minute ago to see you both gone. He and Derek look at Isaac for explanation who only points his finger to the living room with a stupid shit eating grin on his face.
 Stepping into the living room they see Stiles standing face to face with a wall shuddering in what seems to be disgust while Peter is sitting on the couch with you on his lap kissing up his neck before sinking your teeth into the flesh. As a growl comes from Peter, Derek quickly grabs the rest of the pack and hurriedly pulls them outside.
"My eyes! My poor innocent eyes! Now my childhood innocence is definitely gone, forever!" Stiles exclaims as he shakes in disgust when remembering the sight he had to endure. Derek was about to comment on how he and Stiles himself weren't much better but a loud roar comes from inside the loft.
"Mexican?" asks Scott with wide eyes.
"Mexican, Italian whatever. Let's just get out of here before it's too late!" Isaac exclaims before running off in the direction of Stiles' jeep with the two werewolves and one human close behind him.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Stiles Stilinski x reader
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Being the younger sister of Derek Hale was rough. Especially with most of your family being dead or a psycho. That's exactly what it was for you. (Y/N) Hale, the unidentical twin sister of Cora Hale and the younger sister of Derek Hale. A werewolf. Your life was boring and depressive until you came back to Beacon Hills and started going to the school there.
First you found out that your two siblings are alive together with your uncle, who killed Laura and received a nice punch in the face from you for it. Then you met Scott McCall who was apparently  turned by your uncle and became the true alpha, Lydia Martin who became a banshee because of your.... uncle... again and at last but not least, Stiles Stilinski. The boy you hated more than anything.
You hated the type of clothing he wore, the way his hair adorably stuck in all directions, how smart he was, the fact that he was sarcastic just like you. But most of all you hated him because you didn't hate him at all. Sure, to someone sarcastic people were annoying but not you. 
You actually chose to hide all your feelings behind sarcasm and rudeness. And Stiles was sarcastic in a beautiful way like you have never seen anyone else before. But of course you acted like you hated him so it wouldn't be suspicious how in love with him you actually were.
It also had a lot to do with the fact that he was in love with Lydia Martin, your friend. What you didn't know was that Stiles wasn't in love with her anymore but with you. But acted as if he hated you because he thought you hated him, judging by the way you acted around him .
Stiles Stilinski was incredibly and blindly in love with you for many reasons. For your sarcasm, your ability to calm down every fight, to be strong even after everything you have been through but most of all how you were able to look past everything bad someone did. 
When you found out that your uncle bit Scott, you punched him and Stiles nearly laughed his head off. When you found out that Peter bit Lydia, you punched him again and Stiles nearly laughed his head off... again. You were one of the few people who could make him laugh.
When you got a call this morning from Deaton, informing you that your brother and Stiles had been shot you couldn't breathe. Dropping your phone without a care in the world you ran down the stairs and into the woods. Of course you were worried about your brother but he was after all a werewolf who could heal within few minutes.
 But when the idea of Stiles dying came to your mind you could feel your eyes sting with tears. Running through the woods trying to reach the clinic in time with tears running down your cheeks, you realized that you couldn't live without Stiles. And more importantly, you couldn't live without telling him how you felt.
Not bothering to catch your breath when you reached the clinic you push the door open with such strength that they are nearly torn of the hinges. Panting you run in to see your brother sitting on a metal table arguing with Stiles. At the sound of the door slamming against the wall they both turn to face you. 
Without thinking you throw your arms around Stiles in a hug. After a while of his mouth hanging open Stiles wraps his arms around you as well. By the time your nose is buried in his neck as you inhale his scent to convince yourself that he is in fact okay.
You pull back after a while and chuckle.
"Sorry, your shirt's wet thanks to me now."  you mumble looking at him guiltily. Stiles just shakes his head before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"What was that for?" he asks with raised brows. You shrug before letting out a sigh.
"I didn't want to lose you before I got to tell you..." you mutter.
"Tell me what?" Stiles asks stroking your cheeks with his thumb.
"Uh- yeah, I'm going to go. I'm fine by the way thanks for asking (Y/N)." Derek grumbles before walking out and slamming the door shut. You and Stiles look at each other before bursting out laughing. Catching your breath you look up at Stiles with a smile.
"So what did you want to tell me?" Stiles asks tilting his head confusedly. You run your fingers through his hair biting your lip nervously.
"I-uh I'm in love with you Stiles. Have been for a while to be honest." looking up at him you see him looking at you blankly. So, you quickly rush to ramble out. "But it's completely okay if you don't- you know fee- uhm" you get interrupted by Stiles' lips crashing onto yours unexpectedly.
 Your eyes were wide as saucers but it didn't take you long to snap out of your shock and climb onto his lap while kissing him back. Running your hands up his chest and shoulders you wave your fingers in his hair you pull him closer to you. Stiles hands settle on your hips as he holds you close to him but the lack of air makes you pull away from each other. Grinning at him lovingly you ask.
"So how was your first kiss?"
"Wha- how did you know?!" he exclaims with wide eyes.
"Stiles, you're not as quiet as you think when you're whispering." you tell him with a giggle. The door opens and Scott walks in with Issac behind him.
"Um Stiles why are you still here? And what are you doing on Stiles (Y/N)?" Scott asks with confusion evident in his eyes.
"Well he was hit by an arrow after all." you say rolling your eyes.
"Wait, he was shot?!"
"No.-" you say looking deep into Scott's eyes. "-Someone took it and threw it at him." you say all serious before both you and Stiles laugh at the look on Scott's face. You place a kiss on Stiles' lips before taking his hand and pulling him with you out of the clinic.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Derek Hale x reader
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(Y/N) is driving down the road and as she passes the sign saying 'Welcome to Beacon Hills' a smile slowly makes its way onto her lips. Driving down the streets of Beacon Hills she tries to spot the entry to Beacon Reserve where she could park her car. When she does she makes her way through the woods hoping to come across the burnt down Hale loft.
 A smug smirk appears on her face when she finally finds and she walks to the door, not bothering to knock she pushes the door open and walks in. All eyes are suddenly on her and she raises a brow.
"Told you I'd find it baby bro." she says in a teasing tone. Before she can react a body throws itself on her making her stumble to the ground. Laughing she lifts her head with some effort she comes face to face with her younger brother Scott.
"(Y/N) you really came." he beamed at his sister with a smile. Scott stands up and holds his hand out to (Y/N) to help her up. Taking his hand she lifts herself up before dusting her clothes off.
"Of course I did you silly. I can't let my brother down, you know what I always say- family is power." she grins before spotting a lean boy with ruffled hair and moles dotting his face while he stared at her with a dropped jaw.
"Oh my god, Stiles." she says with a gasp and faking shock.
"W-what?" Stiles stuttered not knowing if he is really seeing what he is seeing, or rather who.
"You got hot." she purred before laughing and coming to him only to embrace him in a bear hug. Stiles immediately wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist.
"Only you would say something like that (annoying nickname)." he mumbled into her hair.
"Yeah yeah, I missed you too." she laughed before turning to the other three men in the room, well two men and one boy.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) McCall, Scott's older sister." A boy with curly honey colored hair raises his hand before saying his name.
"I'm Isaac. Isaac Lahey." next to him is standing a guy with dark hair and stubble and the most beautiful green eyes she has ever seen. The leather jacket and brooding face he is wearing makes him look threatening but she would bet all her money that all he needs is just for someone to love him.
"Derek Hale." he grumbles crossing his arms over his chest. Oh, okay. On the staircase a away from the others a guy with brown hair and ocean blue eyes stands up and takes a few steps towards her.
"Peter Hale." the sound of a bone breaking rings through the room as her fist makes contact with his face, his nose if we're being specific, and he stumbles backwards.
"That's for being a dick." she tells him before smiling in a friendly way and holding her hand out to him. "But other than that it's nice to meet you." Peter smirks as his nose heals.
"Oh I already like you." she sends him a wink before turning back to face Derek again.
"So what's with the sour look on your face Der Bear?" she asks him raising a brow as she hops on the table with her legs crossed. Derek glares at her before speaking up.
"Don't call me that." he says trying to be threatening. "And I don't have a sour look on my face." he huffs like a child.
"Sure you don't. And I have to have a nickname for you, what you gonna rip my throat out with your teeth?" she teased as she hopped off again and made her way to stand in front of him. "Yeah I heard a lot about you. You should hear how Scott complains about little Stiles being shit scared of you." Derek let a small smile on his face but quickly drops it when he sees the shocked look on Stiles' face.
"How-what. How the hell did you get him to smile?" Stiles shouts making (Y/N) chuckle.
"Please, Derek is just like a puppy who no one pays attention to. He just needs some love." she exclaims as she gives Derek a side hug only to reach out her hand and let her palm hit his butt. The teenagers look at her with wide eyes while Peter is trying hard to keep in his laughter. Derek on the other hand slowly turns his head to face her with a blank expression before breaking out into another smile.
 If Scott, Stiles and Isaac were shocked before then they are having a heart attack by now since Derek lowered his head until his lips made contact with (Y/N)'s forehead. A deep blush rises on her cheeks as she grins up at him and gives his side a gentle squeeze before letting go of him and hopping back up to sit on the table this time a little closer to Derek.
"So, what exactly did you need help with?"
The pack and (Y/N) were fighting with the Alpha pack in the Hale loft and they seemed to have the upper hand. (Y/N) musters all her strength and punches Ennis in the face so hard he falls to the ground unconscious. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face she turns her head to look what the others are doing only to see Derek laying on his stomach on the ground with Kali holding a pole about to stab it into him.
Letting out an annoyed growl she grabs a rock from the ground and throws it. The rock impacts with the side of the other female alphas face breaking into pieces and making Kali's head snap to the side in the process. Turning to face (Y/N) she lets out a pissed growl before charging towards her with the pole still in hand.
"Do you have any idea who I am little girl?" (Y/N) just smirks before closing her eyes and opening them to reveal the vibrant red color.
"The real question is, do you know who I am? By the way ever heard of pedicure before?" A loud growl comes from deep within Kali's chest making everyone else in the room stop their fighting and watch the two female alphas fight. Kali lunges forward swinging the pole and aiming at (Y/N)'s head only for the pole to be caught by (Y/N)'s hand. Still grasping the pole she jumps and spins in the air ripping the other end of the pole from Kali's hands before landing behind her. Not wasting time (Y/N) takes a swing a hits Kali in the back of her head making her body slump to the ground, not dead but only knocked out like Ennis.
Letting the pole clatter to the ground she wipes the blood from the corner of her mouth before turning to Deucalion with her head held high and eyes glowing a bloody red in challenge. Deucalion motions with his hand before leaving the building as the twins grab a hold of their pack mates and carry them out. The minute they're all gone (Y/N) spins around and runs forward dropping to her knees next to Derek who is now laying on his back and breathing heavily trying to speed up the healing process. As her eyes turn back from the alpha red color to her (Y/E/C) she places her palm against Derek's cheek stroking it with her thumb.
"When will I get a break from saving your perfect ass Derek Hale?" she asks him making his eyes move to her own. A grin appears on his face.
"How else would I get to be close to you?" he questions her making a chuckle pass her lips.
"If you wanted me close, all you had to do was ask." she says in a fake scolding tone. Derek smiles at her and slowly sits up before grabbing her face gently and bringing it closer to his.
"In that case, can I kiss you?" not giving him an answer (Y/N) connects her lips with Derek's in a passionate kiss making Stiles let out a choked noise from the back of his throat.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
Peter Parker x reader
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I run down the stairs as fast as I can to escape my raging uncle. And who is my uncle you might ask, well he has a lot of names. But most of you might know him as Hawkeye. Yup, my uncle is an avenger. And now I made him mad, well not all that much but I'm more scared of him getting back at me for the little prank I made.
"Uncle Tony help!" I scream and giggle as I see the said man turn to me with wide eyes as I run in his direction. I quickly duck behind him, ignoring the confused boy who's with him for now, and grab the back of his black shirt to maneuver him in front of me as a human shield.
"What did you do now kiddo?" he asks with a sigh but I can tell he really wants to know. Not surprising at all since I get most of my ideas from him.
"Wait and see!" I sing just as uncle Clint stumbles down the stairs, curse after curse falling out of his mouth. Tony bursts out laughing when he see my uncle covered from head to toe in pink glitter paint. On his t-shirt is a picture of hello kitty with the head of a pigeon with the words "Channel your inner pigeon kitty." underneath it. What can I say, I was bored out of my mind.
"(Y/N)!" my uncle shouts when he sees me crouching behind the Iron man who is busy with having a laughing fit at the moment. I chuckle before letting go of Tony's shirt and holding my hands up in defense, still standing behind the laughing billionaire just in case.
"You haven't tried the pink arrows yet have you?" I ask already knowing he didn't. Clint Barton's eyes narrow into dangerous slits as he glares at me.
"What did you do with my arrows?" he asks. I shrug innocently before walking over to him and taking his bow and one of the pink arrows. I step back a little and aim at a wall before releasing the arrow. I watch as it lodges into the wall and stand there waiting and smirking. I see Tony open his mouth, probably to ask what's going to happen now but I just hold my hand up.
"Wait for it." I say watching the arrow. Finally the arrow explodes and pink glitter explodes out of it while the mini radio on the side of the arrow plays the song I deemed fit. I'm a bird motherfucker. Tony bursts into another fit of laughter while my uncle glares at me.
"I'm going to get you back, both of you." he promises before disappearing up the stairs. I laugh a little before I hear a soft chuckle come from beside me making me turn around to face the boy who was with Tony when I ran down the stairs. Aw, so cute. I smile at him and send him a wink which makes his cheeks turn a light pink color.
"Please tell me you recorded it." I tell Tony who looks at me with the are-you-kidding-how-could-I-not look on his face and I raise my hand up in the air for a high-five.When I get one I turn back to the boy who's shuffling on his feet nervously.
"An who's this?" I ask with a smile, finally someone my age.
"(Y/N) this is Peter Parker. Spiderboy this is (Y/N) Barton."  Tony says while swiping on his phone and mentioning with his palm from me to Peter. I take his outstretched hand and shake it.
"Hi, pleasure to meet the one and only Spiderman." I say before kissing his cheek.
"O-oh no, the p-pleasure is m-mine." I giggle at his stuttering and at his blushing. He's too cute and precious for this world.
"Hey Toaster. You gave him a tour yet?" I ask Tony who glances up at me from his phone and raises a brow.
"No, but please go ahead. At least I can take care of some business." and with that he walks off and I look at Peter with a grin.
"Goodnight (Y/N)." Natasha says as she passes me while watching me disappear into my own room. I sit on my bed and make sure that everyone is asleep, especially uncle Clint before going to my closet and taking out a black hoodie. I pull it over my head and smooth it out on my waist before pulling the hood over my head.
"J.A.R.V.I.S.?" I call out into the air.
"Yes miss Barton?" the British voice replies.
"We have a deal right, you do not inform anyone of my whereabouts k?" I ask.
"Of course miss." the A.I. says with a sigh, I swear to god that sometimes he's more human than he's supposed to be.
"Thank you!" I open the door and creep down the hallway quietly. I sneak out of the tower and walk towards the park with my headphones in my ears listening to music and humming along. I walk towards the bench near the sidewalk and tap the person with his back towards me on his shoulder.
"Hey sunshine!" I exclaim happily when Peter whips around to face me, his blue hoodie sliding down his head a little. He smiles at me widely and stands up to hug me.
"Hey prankster." he says as I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my face in his neck. I pull back and grin.
"Alrighty, ready to go?" I ask taking his hand and Peter nods. We start walking hand in hand towards the old abandoned factory.
Just to clear things up, me and Peter have been dating for the past two months and none of the Avengers know, only Natasha and I know she won't tell anyone. If my uncle found out he would blow up and ground me for at least a year. Not to mention that he would shove an arrow up any boys ass if he came too close for my uncle's comfort. Today is out two month anniversary but since we're both not the type of people who would give and want to receive gifts we decided to spend the night by watching stars together from the roof of an old factory which is nearby.
"Okay we're here." Peter says squeezing my hand before letting go and opening the door. We walk inside and go up the stairs that lead to the roof. Once on top I open the door and we walk out. I skip off and find a great spot right in the middle of the roof. I pull out a blanket from my backpack and lay it on the floor.
"Ladies first." I say with a wink while mentioning for Peter to lay down. He rolls his eyes but lays down anyway. Peter grasps my hand and pulls me down making me land on top of him before giggling. I raise my head with most of my hair falling in my face.
"You're mean." I huff with a chuckle and lift my hand to swipe the hair out of my face but Peter beats me to it. His fingers brush against my skin as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I smile when he presses his palm against my cheek and pull me down for a kiss. I kiss back lightly and feel him smile into the kiss.
"I know but you love it." Peter says once we pull apart.
"Yeah, being a dork is a part of you and I love you." I say softly kissing the tip of his nose. A goofy smile spreads over his face as he pecks my lips before pressing his lips to my forehead.
"I love you too Barton." he says tucking me into his side.
"It would be kind of awkward if you didn't." I tease him and cuddle into him more. I feel Peter rest his chin on the top of my head while letting out a sigh.
"You're saying it as if our situation isn't awkward." Peter says chuckling.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
(young) Sirius Black x reader
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Summary: You're an animagus just like the Marauders and can turn into a cat. You don't know about Remus' secret but want to find out why the guys always go out once a month at nigh. Soo one day you decide to follow them and let's just say it doesn't go all that well.
Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry was probably the only school whose teacher was an animagus... nah just kidding! You're pretty sure that some schools have an animagus for a teacher but what they certainly do not have is a group of five unregistered animagus. Who are on top of all just students. Yup, when it comes to this your school wins the whole line.
Being the girlfriend of Sirius Black is the most awesome thing but also a disaster at the same time. First of all, his group of friends- the Marauders come as a package deal which can get quite annoying once in a while. Second of all, him being a dog while you're a cat is also kind of hard but at the same time it's a proof of the saying that opposites attract. Third and last of all, he keeps things from you... especially when it comes to Remus and the group's disappearance every once in a month. You tried to ask your boyfriend many times but he always gave you a very unconvincing excuse to which you dropped the subject not wanting to pry too much. Surely he would tell you once he was ready.
But alas your curiosity got the best of you and you decided to sneak off to see what it was all about. And here you are, well not really you but a cat, sitting behind one of the many roots of the Whomping Willow waiting for something to happen. Just a minute ago your boyfriend and his friends disappeared in the hole leading to what you would bet all your money led to the Shrieking Shack. Sure you are curious but after seeing the condition Remus was in you have your theories and you do not need them proved true by getting yourself killed.
"Arh-wooooooo!" well shit! Just as a big paw stomps right next to you, you scramble and start running away from the werewolf who once used to be your nerdy friend Remus. Unfortunately you let out a panicked hiss which startles the werewolf and it swipes at you with a big clawed paw. A sound weird even for a cat escapes you as it makes contact with your side, thankfully not penetrating the skin, but since you're so small your body soars through the air. You land on all four and hiss at the werewolf angrily as your side feels like it has been set on fire. Seeing the somewhat guilty expression on the werewolf's face you ignore the pain in your side for now and as elegantly as you can stalk your way to him. Nuzzling your whole body into his long bony leg you let out what you hope sounds like a soothing purr.
Just when Remus or Moony calms down three animals stumble out of the opening in the ground. If you weren't in your cat form you would have raised your brow before laughing your ass off. First scurries out a panicked rat, which you assume is Peter, squeaking erratically. Right after struts out a big stag, probably James, who has a black shaggy dog hanging on one of his antlers. Definitely Sirius. If they do this every night of the full moon you're actually pissed that you didn't get to see this earlier. After nudging you with his maw, into your uninjured side, Moony looks at the trio in what you could say is a disappointed and annoyed face.
"Meow!" never has there been so much amusement in your voice as now and it doesn't take long before the black dog releases James' antler and lands on the ground looking around wildly trying to find the source of the sound aka you.
"Meoow!" this time your voice is startled as Sirius sets off into your direction just barely missing you as you scurry up on to a branch. Bloody mutt! Sirius is jumping like crazy at the bottom of the tree barking at you. Sure, you and Sirius have interacted many times in your animagus forms but it always takes time for him to notice that you're not just some random cat. You haven't seen the rest of the group on their animagus form until tonight but it wasn't that hard to guess since their nicknames gave it away quite easily... also the stag was wearing glasses. Merlin what have allowed to be born?
You send a warning hiss in Sirius' direction who finally stops with the barking but still stands on his back legs and his front paws pressed against the trunk of the tree. Shaking your head you stalk across the branch and hop onto James' back before taking his glasses, which he was trying to not successfully  shake off his head, between your teeth delicately and scurrying off into the hole until you come to a stop inside the Shrieking Shack where you hop onto a table and set the glasses on it. Making your way back quickly you're once again amused when you see James and Sirius hoping around Moony playfully while Peter is squeaking in fear since he's sitting on James back, which might you add looks very unstable.
Not in a good enough condition to play around with them you find a good place in the grass where you lay down and watch them. Before you know it your eyes are closed and you fall asleep only waking up when you hear the four idiots once again disappear in the hole. Not too long after you stretch your body you see them walking out again and go to run off but Sirius is faster and grabs you before bringing you into his arms close to his chest. Clever bastard.
"What are you doing here? You could have gotten hurt."  his voice is soft but scolding.
"Oh don't look at me like that, I'm mad at you." I nuzzle into his chest cockily trying to say 'no you're not and we both know it'. You blink your eyes at him still a little sleepy while stretching again. "You're cute." he says grinning and rubbing your head affectionately which elites a satisfied purr from you. When you notice you're in the school and close to the infirmary you jump out of his arms and turn back to your human form which brings back all the pain. Hissing through your teeth quietly you hold your side before straightening up and turning to the four boys with an innocent smile.
"Hi guys!" you say cheerily trying to hide the pain so Remus won't feel guilty.
"(Y/N) you shouldn't have done that, I could've hurt you." Remus mutters tiredly but with worry lacing his voice.
"Not to worry Rem, I'm completely fine! You're all so adorable though." you say cheekily and chuckling when you see the blush dusting all of their faces, all but Sirius' whose is spread into a loving smile.
"Okay boys, good as new. Now hurry up to your dorms." madam Pomfrey's voice is quiet but stern. The boys nod their heads and head out of the door with you following.
"Sirius." you whisper to get your boyfriend's attention once your out of the room.
"Yes?" he asks as he comes to stand in front of you.
"I noticed that madam Pomfrey still has a lot of work so I'll stay and help her a bit so she gets some sleep, okay?" you lie with a smile, yes you were going to stay but not to help. You needed your side checked out but didn't want the guys to know. It was your own mistake. Sirius seems to believe you because he smiles.
"Fine, but once you're done you could come to our dorm. I want to cuddle with my girl." his words make warmth spread through your cheeks before you lean in and kiss him.
"Of course now go before Filch sees you." you say with a small laugh.
"Hmm, love you." Sirius mumbles before pressing a last kiss to your lips and then he's on his way. With a smile still on your face you walk back into the infirmary to be greeted with a knowing look from madam Pomfrey.
"You know what they say miss (Y/L/N/)?" she asks you and you send her a questioning look. "Curiosity killed the cat." she says with a smile as she guides you to sit down so she can get a look at the already forming bruise.
"Yes of course, but they also say that satisfaction brought it back." you say grinning but that turns into a wince of pain as you get hit in the back of your head in a scolding kind of way. Totally worth it.
- the end -
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larjathanguan · 6 years
(young) Sirius Black x reader
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Deep swirls of stormy grey eyes greedily drank in every inch of her body for what seemed like the hundredth time already. They took in every detail of her every move, the way she would bite her lip when concentrating on an essay, how she would tuck a strand of hair behind her ear so it wouldn't dangle in her eyesight and also the way she would let a smile slip onto her face while reading her favorite book.
"Padfoot?" nothing.
"Hey doggie, doggie." ... 'splash'
"Aah!" Sirius turned his head to look at James who was sitting on the floor with pumpkin juice dripping down his face. The same pumpkin juice Sirius threw in his face.
"Do not call me that Prongsie." he told James with a small playful glare as James got up.
"But it did grab your attention didn't it?"
"Get stuffed." Sirius muttered as he turned back to where you sat just a minute ago only to find you gone. With a groan he turned back and pushed away his plate before banging his head on the table.
You walked down the corridor with Lily Evans by your side, your best friend.
"Come on (Y/N)! I'm telling he was staring at you again, this time the whole breakfast. It's clear that he likes you." And there we go again. For some reason Lily was determined to make you see that Sirius supposedly had a 'crush' on you, yeah that's gonna happen. You didn't know where she got the idea that THE Sirius Black could ever like you but you didn't believe it for a second.
After all he was Sirius Black, Hogwarts' most confident and popular playboy, and you were just.... you. A socially awkward and sarcastic bookworm.
"(Y/N) you've been in love with that arrogant jerk since first year, and do you know how long that is? Five bloody years. FIVE! And now when it's clear that he likes you back you're not even able to accept it. You should go and tell him." Lily exclaimed. Why did everything look so easy to her, you and Sirius were friends and you sure as hell didn't want ruin the friendship you two had. Sooo nope.
"And that's exactly the problem Lils. He doesn't like me, like 'like' me. We're just friends and to be honest I'm happy that I get to be at least his friend. God I'm not even half as pretty as the girls he's been with." You groaned making Lily come to an abrupt stop and stand there with a frown on her face. Turning around you raised an eyebrow in question.
"Now that's not true and you know it. You are a great and beautiful girl (Y/N) and you know what? Sirius Black would be an even bigger idiot than he is already if he didn't like you. At least think about it okay?" she said as she started walking again. Ugh.
"Can we please just not talk about this right now?" you ask getting annoyed. Even though she looked reluctant about dropping the topic she did anyway.
"Dude, you have to talk to her." James exclaimed.
"What?" Sirius asked him even though he knew all too well what he was implying.
"(Y/N)! You have been staring at her any chance you got for the past 3 months. You have to tell her that you like her." Prongs said while waving his arms around wildly.
"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Sirius tried to deny it one more time.
"About you being head over heels for (Y/N) (Y/L/N) of course." this time it was Remus who spoke up making Sirius roll his eyes in annoyance. Sirius stood up and said.
"I'm quite happy with us being friends, thank you very much." Sirius stated before heading out of the Great Hall. The remaining marauders looked at each other knowingly before bursting out laughing.
You were siting in the common room reading your favorite book when Sirius stomped in looking annoyed as hell. Lifting your head to look at him you found him looking at you with wide eyes as if he didn't expect you to be there.
"Hey Sirius." you said sending him a little wave before hesitantly patting the space next to you. Shutting your book you sat up straight and looked at him expectantly.
"What?" he asked.
"Well go on. You're angry, I've known for long enough to know that you need to talk about it with someone before you break something." you stated confidently with a grin.
"Just the guys teasing about something." he admitted while leaning closer to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you into his chest. If you didn't know any better you'd say that he's nervous since his heart was beating as if he just ran the marathon.
"And what exactly were they teasing you about?" you asked your curiousness getting the best of you.
"About a girl I'm in love with." and just like that you lost all the hope you had built up while thinking over what Lily told you.
"Oh, well I'm sure that whoever this girl is she likes you as well. It's actually hard to not be sure about that since nearly every girl in this school has the hots for you... even some boys to be honest." you say with a smirk when he starts laughing at the last part. Sirius wiped away a fake tear before looking you dead in the eye, his expression surprisingly serious (no pun intended).
"Do you?" you choked on air before snapping your wide eyes up to look at him.
"W-what?" you squeaked out. Sirius took your hand in his and started rubbing circles over your knuckles.
"Do you have the hots for me (Y/N)? Please be honest with me." he said with a stone-like pokerface but you could see in his eyes that he was nervous. what?
"Well-I... uhmm. We're friends-I mean..." smooth (Y/N), you stopped trying and took a deep breath before opening your mouth to try again.
"Yeah, I guess I do." you say shyly and took a strand of hair behind your ear while looking at your lap. There's a moment of silence and you started to regret what you said but then a hand gently took your chin and pulled your head up to come face to face with Sirius who was grinning like a child on Christmas day. again what?
"Good. Because I have the hots for you too." before you could say anything a pair of smooth and warm lips was pressed against your own gently. Your eyes fluttered closed as you wrapped your arms around Sirius' neck and pressed your own lips back to his kissing him back. Sirius' other hand made it's way into your hair to cup the back of your head and pull you even closer to him as your lips moved in sync with each other. 
After a while you pulled away from him but didn't completely let go as you tried to catch your breath. Sirius gave you a cheeky smile before leaning back until he was laying on the couch with you on top of him. Wrapping his arms around your waist he pulled you close and buried his face in your neck. You both fell asleep in each other's arms only to be startled awake by the rest of the marauders and Lily laughing and giggling like small children at how cute you two are.
- to end -
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