laspalabrasdenim · 24 days
Couldn't sleep so decided to listen to Looking For Alaska at 2 in the morning. I knew nothing about this book going in I generally thought it was going to be about the state and I could use it to help me sleep. It is now 8 in the morning, I have not slept, it is 6 days after, and I'm sobbing. I really wish I had known what I was getting into.
Sidenote: I went to bed last night with the plan to get up early and study. That had not happened.
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laspalabrasdenim · 2 months
Dialogue Responses
"I thought you were dead!"
"Didn't stick."
"I kind of was..."
"Just wishful thinking."
"That was just a phase."
"Didn't work out for me."
"Wow, the miracle of life!"
"I thought the same thing."
"I did, but now I'm here again."
"You were supposed to think that."
"I'm so sorry! I'll explain everything to you."
All the Dialogue Responses can be found here.
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laspalabrasdenim · 6 months
Subtle character actions
- He traced the rim of his coffee cup with his finger, lost in thought.
- She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes avoiding direct contact.
- He absentmindedly twisted the ring on his finger, a silent habit he'd had for years.
- She sighed almost imperceptibly, a sign of her hidden frustration.
- He raised an eyebrow, a subtle signal of skepticism.
- She adjusted her glasses, a small gesture that indicated her nervousness.
- He tapped his fingers on the table, creating a quiet rhythm only he understood.
- She let out a soft, barely audible chuckle, a sign of her amusement.
- He folded the corner of a page in the book he was reading, a secret way of marking his favorite passages.
- She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, revealing her discomfort in the situation.
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laspalabrasdenim · 6 months
OTP Prompts: Relationship Progression
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Buying/renting out their first house together.
Having their first serious argument/fight.
Having sex for the first time.
Rescuing/adopting their first pet.
Introducing each other to their parents.
Drinking from the same bottle/cup/etc.
Using pet names.
Getting undressed in front of each other.
Updating their social media relationship status'.
Changing to a joint bank account.
Discussing things that set themselves up to be hurt and trusting that the other won't take advantage of it.
Getting engaged/married.
Using each others' phones without supervision.
Making a joint purchase together.
Caring for the others' nieces/nephews/grandchildren/children, with or without them.
Laughing at something embarrassing to the other person and knowing it's not going to offend/upset them.
Having their first sleepover.
Going on their first roadtrip/vacation.
Opening up about something personal.
Saying "I love you" for the first time.
Discussions of kinks that they're embarrassed/self-conscious of.
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laspalabrasdenim · 6 months
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laspalabrasdenim · 6 months
short & impactful
"Just go."
"I hate you."
"Because I love you."
"Don't leave me."
"Leave me alone."
"I need space."
"Don't go."
"Talk to me."
"I want only you."
"You need to move on."
"Please, speak to me."
"This will end now."
"I want to forget you."
"Hate me."
"Lie to me."
"I can't do this."
"Tell me."
"I'm just afraid."
"Please, leave."
"You can't leave me."
"I need you."
"Don't do this."
"Just stop."
"It's over."
"Tell me the truth."
"I can't lose you."
"We're done."
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laspalabrasdenim · 6 months
seeking out physical affection
comparing hand-sizes to hold their hand against the other's and then just holding hands
leaning against the other one in close spaces
acting like they're cold to have an excuse to cuddle or share clothes or blankets
brushing a strand of hair away
grabbing each other's hands in crowds or when crossing the street to "be safe"
turning their cheek to get the other one to give them a peck
brushing their arm against the other's, hoping the other would finally catch their arm and hold it close
fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
draping the arm around their shoulder while sitting next to each other
lightly tickling the other one, almost hoping it gets retaliated
reaching out with their hand without saying anything, wanting the other one to grab it
linking arms when walking around together
trying to get the other to dance with them
bumping shoulders into each other
wrapping arms around the other's neck when standing behind them
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
Here are some examples of "show, don't tell" in action:
Telling: Sarah was very angry.
Showing: Sarah's face turned red, her fists clenched, and she slammed the door shut.
Telling: The room was messy.
Showing: Clothes were strewn across the floor, books were piled haphazardly on the desk, and dirty dishes filled the sink.
Telling: John was scared of heights.
Showing: John's palms grew sweaty, his heart raced, and he clung tightly to the railing as he looked down from the rooftop.
Telling: The food tasted delicious.
Showing: The flavors exploded on her tongue, a medley of sweet, tangy, and savory notes danced in her mouth, leaving her craving more.
Telling: Emma was sad about the breakup.
Showing: Emma's eyes welled up with tears, her shoulders slumped, and she spent hours curled up in bed, replaying their last conversation in her mind.
Telling: It was a beautiful sunset.
Showing: The sky transformed into a canvas of vibrant hues—pinks, oranges, and purples blending together in a breathtaking display, casting a warm glow across the horizon.
Telling: The car was old and unreliable.
Showing: The engine coughed and sputtered, emitting puffs of smoke. Rust covered the body, and the faded paint revealed years of wear and tear.
Telling: The meeting was tense.
Showing: The participants leaned forward in their seats, their brows furrowed, and their voices became sharp and clipped as they argued back and forth.
Telling: He was a kind person.
Showing: He often went out of his way to help others, offering a comforting smile and lending a listening ear whenever someone needed support.
Telling: The forest was eerie at night.
Showing: Shadows danced among the trees, the wind whispered through the branches, and the distant hooting of an owl sent shivers down her spine.
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
How to Write Envy: A Quick Guide for Writers
If someone has something, either an object or an attribute, that your character covets, they may show signs of envy. You can show envy through associated emotions and your characters' behaviours and expressions.
How do they behave?
Compare themselves to others
A dismissive attitude
Downplay the achievements of others
Frustration or disbelief at others’ success
Show signs of longing or desire
Show grudging admiration
Exhibit copycat behaviour
Show signs of low self-esteem
Be excessively competitive
How do they interact?
Mock and belittle the person they envy
Be overly critical
Be passive aggressive
Be insincerely complimentary
Use sarcasm when talking about the achievements of others
Be obsessive or hyperfocused
Use manipulation to get what they want
Forget about personal boundaries
Rude or short in conversation
Describe their body language
Closed off and arms crossed
Frequently roll their eyes
Avoid direct eye contact
Tensed muscles
Biting lips or pouting
Disapproving facial expression
Red cheeks through anger or embarrassment
Leaning closer to the object of their desire
False smiles
Genuine joy when they’re in the presence of what they desire
Positive outcomes
Envious characters can become motivated to improve themselves to make them worthy of what they desire. If their envy becomes uncontrollable, they may also find personal growth in removing themselves from the situation and finding a new direction in life. It also allows characters the chance to develop empathy toward the person whom they envy or who possesses something that they covet, letting them finally appreciate what they already have.
Negative Outcomes
Long-term envy can lead to lots of negative emotions like resentment, anger, and low self-esteem. This will affect relationships with those around them, leading them to break down or require conflict resolution in order to overcome.
Useful Synonyms
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
Different Ways to Describe Eye Colors
↳ a masterpost for writing prompts that describe eye colors
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Brown Eyes
Blue Eyes
Green Eyes
Hazel Eyes
Unusual Eyes
Gray Eyes
Heterochromia Eyes
Black Eyes
White Eyes
Hazel Green Eyes
Gold/Yellow Eyes
Reddish-Brown Eyes
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
Character Movements (Lips) Part 2
1. Smiling: The character's lips curl upwards at the corners, indicating happiness, friendliness, or amusement.
2. Frowning: The character's lips turn downwards, indicating sadness, displeasure, or concern.
3. Pouting: The character pushes their lower lip forward, often conveying disappointment, sulking, or a desire for attention.
4. Biting lip: The character lightly bites or presses their lips together, suggesting nervousness, anticipation, or hesitation.
5. Licking lips: The character's tongue briefly touches or moves across their lips, indicating desire, anticipation, or hunger.
6. Pressing lips together: The character's lips are firmly pressed together, indicating determination, frustration, or holding back emotions.
7. Parting lips: The character's lips slightly separate, often indicating surprise, shock, or readiness to speak.
8. Trembling lips: The character's lips quiver or shake, suggesting fear, anxiety, or suppressed emotions.
9. Whispering: The character's lips move closer together, and their voice becomes softer, indicating secrecy, confidentiality, or intimacy.
10. Mouthing words: The character moves their lips without making any sound, often used to convey silent communication or frustration.
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
Common character motivations
Revenge - seeking to get even with someone who has wronged them
Love - driven by romantic feelings for another character
Greed - motivated by a desire for material possessions or wealth
Power - seeking to gain control or influence over others
Justice - motivated by a sense of fairness and a desire to see justice served
Redemption - seeking to make up for past mistakes or wrongdoings
Curiosity - driven by a desire to learn or discover something new
Duty - motivated by a sense of responsibility or obligation to others or a cause
Ambition - driven by a desire to achieve a specific goal or succeed in a particular endeavor
Fear - motivated by a desire to avoid danger or harm
Guilt - driven by a sense of remorse for past actions or decisions
Jealousy - motivated by envy or a desire to possess what another character has
Betrayal - motivated by a sense of betrayal or desire for revenge against someone who has betrayed them.
Ambivalence - a character who is conflicted or uncertain about their goals or desires
Freedom - a character who seeks to escape from a restrictive situation or society
Fame - motivated by a desire for public recognition or notoriety
Identity - driven by a need to understand or define who they are
Family - motivated by a sense of loyalty or obligation to their family or loved ones
Discovery - driven by a desire to explore or uncover hidden knowledge
Patriotism - motivated by a love for their country or a desire to protect it
Rebellion - driven by a desire to challenge authority or the status quo
Artistic expression - motivated by a need to create or express oneself through art, music, or other creative endeavors
Religion or spirituality - driven by a desire to connect with a higher power or to live according to certain beliefs or values
Altruism - motivated by a desire to help others or make the world a better place
Atonement - driven by a need to make amends or seek forgiveness for past actions
Nostalgia - motivated by a desire to return to a simpler time or relive past experiences
Status - driven by a desire for social or professional standing or recognition.
Insecurity - driven by a need to prove their worth or gain acceptance from others
Legacy - motivated by a desire to leave a lasting impact or to be remembered in a certain way after they're gone
Survival - driven by the need to survive in extreme circumstances, such as a natural disaster, war, or an apocalyptic event
Belonging - motivated by a desire to fit in with a certain group or community
Love of knowledge - driven by a passion for learning and acquiring new information
Addiction - motivated by a compulsion to engage in a particular behavior or activity, such as drug use or gambling
Inciting incident - motivation driven by a specific event that triggers or sets the character on their journey
Fear of death - driven by a fear of their own mortality or the mortality of others
Intimidation - motivated by a fear of others or a desire to intimidate others for personal gain
Envy - driven by a desire to possess what others have or to be like someone else
Manipulation - motivated by a desire to control or manipulate others for their own benefit
Protecting others - driven by a desire to protect loved ones or innocent people from harm
Sense of duty - motivated by a sense of responsibility to fulfill a particular role or obligation.
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
How to Write Betrayal
Betrayal is a powerful plot element that is represented in countless stories. The gravity of betrayal brings a profound depth to character dynamics, plots, and themes alike, making it an indispensable tool for writers to explore emotions, conflicts, and the complexities of human nature. Let’s explore some quick tips on how to write betrayal!
Secretive actions
Becoming emotionally distant
A sudden change in routine
Pushing people away
Nervous or fidgety movement
Frequent lying or making up stories
Unexpected aggression or irritability
Unjustified mood swings or emotional outbursts
Increasingly defensive
Disturbed interpersonal relationships
Frequent misunderstandings or fights
Withholding information
Avoiding personal discussions
Insincerity in conversations
Frequently cancelling or missing plans
A sudden shift in relationship dynamics
Quick to deflect or place blame
Frequent subject changes
Gradual emotional detachment
Body Language
Avoiding direct eye contact
Defensive stance and crossed arms
Covering mouth or touching face
Shuffling or restless movements
Forcing smiles or laughter
Constantly looking around or at the ground
Stiff, tense posture
Heavy breathing or frequent sighing
Avoiding touch or skin contact
Exaggerated gestures
A lack of concern or empathy
Increasingly personal and hurtful arguments
Erratic or unpredictable reactions
Dismissive or negative attitude
Callous disregard for other's feelings
A negative or pessimistic outlook
Inability to handle criticism
Withdrawal from relationships
Positive Story Outcomes
In the wake of a betrayal, a story can manifest various positive outcomes that add depth to the plot and its characters. Relationships can be strengthened, showing their resilience. Characters may discover newfound self-reliance and learn valuable lessons about trust and forgiveness, leading to an increase in empathy and understanding, personal growth, and the reinforcement of personal values. These experiences can encourage a clearer understanding of personal boundaries, prompt self-reflection, introspection, and the development of healthier coping mechanisms. Ultimately, these positive outcomes can bring about improved communication and honesty, forming the silver lining in the cloud of betrayal.
Negative Story Outcomes
The aftershocks of betrayal can reverberate throughout your story. This might include an irreparable fracture of trust and damage to relationships. Betrayal can trigger psychological trauma, leading to an increase in suspicion and insecurity. Feelings of inadequacy or self-blame may surface, and characters can experience a heightened sense of isolation. The fear of forming new relationships or trusting others can become overwhelming. There may also be an escalation of conflict or violence and the reinforcement of negative behaviours or patterns. Damaged self-esteem or self-worth may be another repercussion, and this can encourage destructive coping mechanisms.
Helpful Synonyms
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
Magical/ Superpowers list: Elements.
Find it difficult to choose superpowers for your character? Save this post now!
Pyrokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate fire with one's mind.
Fireball: The ability to project a ball of fire from one's hand.
Flame Whip: The ability to create a whip made of fire.
Fire Breath: The ability to breathe fire.
Firestorm: The ability to create a powerful storm of fire.
Fire Shield: The ability to create a shield made of flames.
Fire Blast: The ability to release a blast of fire from one's body.
Fire Immunity: The ability to be immune to fire and heat.
Firewalking: The ability to walk on hot coals or flames without getting burned.
Flame Aura: The ability to surround oneself with flames for protection or intimidation.
Fire Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate existing flames.
Fire Transformation: The ability to transform oneself into a being made of fire.
Flame Jet: The ability to project a jet of flames from one's hands or mouth.
Fire Tornado: The ability to create a tornado of fire.
Fire Resistance: The ability to resist or withstand high temperatures and flames.
Fireball Volley: The ability to launch multiple fireballs at once.
Fire Whip: The ability to create a whip made of fire and use it to strike opponents.
Flame Blade: The ability to create a sword made of fire.
Fire Nova: The ability to create a massive explosion of fire.
Fire Trap: The ability to create a trap made of fire that can ensnare opponents.
Fireball Barrage: The ability to release a rapid barrage of fireballs.
Fire Sword: The ability to imbue a regular sword with flames.
Firestorm Shield: The ability to create a shield made of a swirling storm of fire.
Fire Form: The ability to transform into a being made entirely of flames.
Fireball Rain: The ability to rain down fireballs from the sky.
Flame Armor: The ability to create armor made of fire.
Fire Nova Blast: The ability to create a massive explosion of fire that damages everything in its path.
Fire Whip Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of fire.
Fireball Volley Blast: The ability to launch a barrage of fireballs that explode on impact.
Flame Aura Blast: The ability to release a blast of flames from one's aura.
Fire Totem: The ability to create a totem that spews forth flames.
Fireball Turret: The ability to create a turret that shoots fireballs.
Firestorm Blast: The ability to create a blast of fire from a swirling firestorm.
Flame Jet Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a jet of flames.
Fireball Grenade: The ability to throw a grenade that explodes into a fireball.
Flame Wall: The ability to create a wall of flames for protection or to trap opponents.
Fireball Wave: The ability to create a wave of fire that spreads out in all directions.
Fire Nova Wave: The ability to create a wave of fire that damages everything in its path.
Flame Burst: The ability to release a burst of flames in all directions.
Fireball Wave Blast: The ability to release a wave of fireballs that explode on impact.
Flame Jet Burst: The ability to release a burst of flames from one's hands or mouth.
Firestorm Wave: The ability to create a wave of fire that spreads out in all directions from a firestorm.
Flame Spray: The ability to spray flames from one's hands or mouth.
Fireball Spray: The ability to spray fireballs from one's hands or mouth.
Flame Burst Wave: The ability to release a wave of flame bursts in all directions.
Fireball Spray Blast: The ability to release a spray of fireballs that explode on impact.
Flame Jet Spray: The ability to spray a burst of flames from one's hands or mouth.
Firestorm Spray: The ability to spray a wave of fire from a firestorm.
Flame Burst Spray Blast: The ability to release a spray of flame bursts that explode on impact.
Fireball Spray Wave: The ability to release a wave of fireballs that spread out in all directions.
Hydrokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate water with one's mind.
Aqua Blast: The ability to project a blast of water from one's hands.
Water Whip: The ability to create a whip made of water.
Water Breathing: The ability to breathe underwater.
Water Shield: The ability to create a shield made of water.
Water Jet: The ability to project a jet of water from one's hands or mouth.
Water Transformation: The ability to transform oneself into a being made of water.
Water Immunity: The ability to be immune to water-based attacks.
Water Walking: The ability to walk on water.
Water Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate existing water.
Ice Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate ice.
Water Healing: The ability to heal oneself or others using water.
Water Reflection: The ability to reflect attacks using water.
Water Form: The ability to transform into a being made entirely of water.
Water Absorption: The ability to absorb water to heal oneself or increase power.
Water Respiration: The ability to breathe underwater for extended periods.
Water Sphere: The ability to create a sphere of water that can trap opponents.
Water Jet Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a jet of water.
Water Whip Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of water.
Water Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of water that damages everything in its path.
Ice Blast: The ability to project a blast of ice from one's hands.
Water Shield Wall: The ability to create a wall of water for protection.
Water Jet Blade: The ability to imbue a sword with water and use it to strike opponents.
Water Sphere Blast: The ability to release a blast of water from a water sphere.
Water Jet Blade Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a water-infused sword.
Water Tornado: The ability to create a tornado made of water.
Water Blade: The ability to create a blade made of water.
Ice Shield: The ability to create a shield made of ice.
Water Dragon: The ability to create a dragon made of water.
Water Whip Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a water whip that explodes on impact.
Water Jet Blade Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a water-infused sword.
Water Dragon Blast: The ability to release a blast of water from a water dragon.
Ice Wall: The ability to create a wall of ice for protection.
Water Sphere Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a water sphere.
Water Jet Blade Blast: The ability to release a blast of water from a water-infused sword.
Waterfall: The ability to create a waterfall that can be used for healing or to trap opponents.
Water Dragon Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a water dragon.
Ice Tornado: The ability to create a tornado made of ice.
Water Blade Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a blade made of water.
Water Dragon Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a water dragon's blast.
Ice Spear: The ability to create a spear made of ice.
Water Blade Blast: The ability to release a blast of water from a water blade.
Waterfall Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a waterfall.
Ice Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of ice from an ice blast.
Water Blade Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a water blade.
Water Sphere Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a water sphere's blast.
Ice Spear Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a spear made of ice.
Water Dragon Blast Spray: The ability to release a spray of water from a water dragon's blast.
Ice Wall Blast: The ability to release a blast of ice from an ice wall.
Water Blade Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of water from a water blade's blast.
Terrakinesis: The ability to control and manipulate earth with one's mind.
Earthquake: The ability to create a powerful earthquake.
Stone Armor: The ability to create armor made of stone for protection.
Stone Fist: The ability to imbue one's fists with the power of stone.
Earth Shield: The ability to create a shield made of earth.
Rock Throw: The ability to throw rocks with great force.
Earthquake Wave: The ability to create a wave of earth that damages everything in its path.
Stone Skin: The ability to harden one's skin like stone for protection.
Stone Golem: The ability to create a golem made of stone.
Earth Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate existing earth.
Sand Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate sand and dust.
Stone Transformation: The ability to transform oneself into a being made of stone.
Earth Immunity: The ability to be immune to earth-based attacks.
Earthquake Shield: The ability to create a shield that can withstand earthquakes.
Earthquake Blast: The ability to release a blast of earth that damages everything in its path.
Stone Whip: The ability to create a whip made of stone.
Stone Blade: The ability to create a blade made of stone.
Earthquake Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with the force of an earthquake.
Stone Golem Blast: The ability to release a blast of stone from a stone golem.
Earthquake Wave Blast: The ability to release a wave of earth that explodes on impact.
Stone Fist Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a fist imbued with the power of stone.
Stone Golem Wave: The ability to release a wave of stone from a stone golem.
Earthquake Shield Blast: The ability to release a blast of earth from an earthquake shield.
Stone Whip Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of stone.
Stone Blade Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a blade made of stone.
Stone Golem Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of stone from a stone golem's blast.
Earthquake Fist: The ability to imbue one's fists with the power of an earthquake.
Stone Whip Blast: The ability to release a blast of stone from a stone whip.
Stone Blade Blast: The ability to release a blast of stone from a stone blade.
Earthquake Wave Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a wave of earth.
Stone Golem Blast Spray: The ability to release a spray of stone from a stone golem's blast.
Earthquake Shield Wave: The ability to release a wave of earth from an earthquake shield.
Stone Whip Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of stone from a stone whip's blast.
Stone Blade Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of stone from a stone blade's blast.
Earthquake Wave Blast Spray: The ability to release a spray of earth that explodes on impact.
Stone Golem Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of stone from a stone golem's wave.
Earthquake Fist Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a fist imbued with the power of an earthquake.
Stone Whip Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a stone whip that explodes on impact.
Stone Blade Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a stone blade that explodes on impact.
Stone Golem Blast Wave Spray: The ability to release a spray of stone from a stone golem's blast wave.
Earthquake Wave Spray: The ability to release a spray of earth in all directions.
Stone Whip Blast Wave Spray: The ability to release a spray of stone from a stone whip's blast wave.
Stone Blade Blast Wave Spray: The ability to release a spray of stone from a stone blade's blast wave.
Stone Golem Wave Blast Spray: The ability to release a spray of stone from a stone golem's wave blast.
Earthquake Shield Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of earth from an earthquake shield's blast.
Stone Whip Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of stone from a stone whip's strike blast.
Stone Blade Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of stone from a stone blade's strike blast.
Stone Golem Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of stone from a stone golem's blast wave.
Earthquake Fist Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a fist imbued with the power of an earthquake that explodes on impact.
Stone Golem Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a waveof stone from a stone golem's wave blast that explodes on impact.
Aerokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate air with one's mind.
Flight: The ability to fly using the power of the wind.
Wind Blast: The ability to project a blast of wind from one's hands.
Levitation: The ability to levitate oneself or others using the power of the wind.
Wind Shield: The ability to create a shield made of wind.
Sonic Scream: The ability to release a powerful sonic blast.
Gust: The ability to create a strong gust of wind.
Tornado: The ability to create a powerful tornado.
Wind Blade: The ability to create a blade made of wind.
Wind Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate existing wind.
Airwalking: The ability to walk on air.
Wind Transformation: The ability to transform oneself into a being made of wind.
Air Immunity: The ability to be immune to air-based attacks.
Wind Whip: The ability to create a whip made of wind.
Sonic Shield: The ability to create a shield that can absorb sound waves.
Wind Respiration: The ability to breathe in air for extended periods.
Wind Tornado Blade: The ability to imbue a sword with wind and use it to strike opponents.
Sonic Blast Wave: The ability to release a blast of sound waves that damages everything in its path.
Wind Whip Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of wind.
Wind Blade Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a blade made of wind.
Tornado Blast: The ability to release a blast of wind from a tornado.
Wind Shield Wall: The ability to create a wall of wind for protection.
Sonic Scream Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a sonic blast.
Wind Tornado Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a tornado.
Wind Blade Blast: The ability to release a blast of wind from a wind blade.
Sonic Shield Blast: The ability to release a blast of sound waves from a sonic shield.
Airwalking Blast: The ability to release a blast of wind from one's feet while airwalking.
Wind Tornado Blade Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a wind-infused sword from a tornado.
Wind Blade Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a wind blade.
Tornado Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a tornado's blast.
Sonic Scream Blast: The ability to release a blast of sound waves from a sonic scream.
Wind Tornado Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of wind from a tornado's wave.
Wind Whip Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a wind whip that explodes on impact.
Wind Blade Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a wind blade's blast.
Tornado Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of wind from a tornado's blast wave.
Sonic Shield Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of sound waves from a sonic shield's blast.
Wind Tornado Blade Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a wind-infused sword from a tornado.
Wind Blade Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a wind blade that explodes on impact.
Sonic Scream Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a sonic blast that explodes on impact.
Wind Tornado Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a tornado's wave blast.
Wind Whip Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a wind whip's strike blast.
Wind Blade Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of wind from a wind blade's blast wave.
Tornado Blast Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a tornado's blast wave blast.
Sonic Shield Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of sound waves from a sonic shield's blast wave.
Wind Tornado Blade Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a wind-infused sword from a tornado that explodes on impact.
Wind Blade Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a wind blade's strike blast.
Sonic Scream Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of sound waves from a sonic scream's strike blast.
Wind Tornado Wave Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of wind from a tornado's wave blast wave.
Wind Blade Blast Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of wind from a wind blade's blast wave blast.
Sonic Shield Blast Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of sound waves from a sonic shield's blast wave blast.
Photokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate light with one's mind.
Radiance: The ability to emit a bright light from one's body.
Flash: The ability to create a bright, blinding flash of light.
Illumination: The ability to light up a dark area.
Light Shield: The ability to create a shield made of light.
Light Beam: The ability to project a beam of light from one's hands.
Solar Flare: The ability to create a powerful burst of light and energy.
Light Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate existing light.
Light Blast: The ability to project a blast of light from one's hands.
Light Transformation: The ability to transform oneself into a being made of light.
Light Immunity: The ability to be immune to light-based attacks.
Aura of Light: The ability to emit a powerful aura of light.
Light Whip: The ability to create a whip made of light.
Laser Vision: The ability to emit a powerful laser beam from one's eyes.
Light Resurrection: The ability to bring someone back to life using the power of light.
Healing Light: The ability to heal oneself or others using the power of light.
Light Blade: The ability to create a blade made of light.
Light Speed: The ability to move at incredible speeds using the power of light.
Light Beam Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a beam of light.
Light Whip Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of light.
Solar Flare Blast: The ability to release a blast of light and energy from a solar flare.
Light Shield Wall: The ability to create a wall of light for protection.
Light Resurrection Blast: The ability to release a blast of light that brings the dead back to life.
Healing Light Blast: The ability to release a blast of healing light.
Light Blade Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a blade made of light.
Light Speed Strike: The ability to strike an opponent at incredible speeds using the power of light.
Light Beam Blast: The ability to release a blast of light from a beam.
Light Whip Blast: The ability to release a blast of light from a light whip.
Laser Vision Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a laser beam from one's eyes.
Solar Flare Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of light and energy from a solar flare blast.
Light Blade Blast: The ability to release a blast of light from a light blade.
Light Beam Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a beam of light that explodes on impact.
Light Whip Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of light that explodes on impact.
Healing Light Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of healing light.
Light Blade Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a blade made of light that explodes on impact.
Light Speed Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent at incredible speeds using the power of light that explodes on impact.
Light Beam Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of light from a beam's blast.
Light Whip Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of light from a light whip's blast.
Laser Vision Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a laser beam from one's eyes that explodes on impact.
Solar Flare Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of light and energy from a solar flare blast wave.
Light Blade Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of light from a light blade's strike blast.
Light Speed Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of light from a light speed strike's blast.
Light Beam Strike Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of light from a beam's strike blast wave.
Light Whip Strike Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of light from a light whip's strike blast wave.
Laser Vision Strike Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of light from a laser vision strike's blast wave.
Light Blade Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a wave of light from a light blade's blast wave that explodes on impact.
Light Speed Strike Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a wave of light from a light speed strike's blast wave that explodes on impact.
Light Whip Strike Blast Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of light from a light whip's strike blast wave blast.
Laser Vision Strike Blast Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of light from a laser vision strike's blast wave blast.
Light Transformation Blast: The ability to release a blast of light that transforms the target into a different form.
Umbrakinesis: The ability to control and manipulate darkness with one's mind.
Shadow Travel: The ability to travel through shadows.
Shadow Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate existing shadows.
Night Vision: The ability to see in complete darkness.
Shadow Shield: The ability to create a shield made of shadows.
Shadow Blast: The ability to project a blast of shadow from one's hands.
Shadow Transformation: The ability to transform oneself into a being made of shadow.
Shadow Immunity: The ability to be immune to shadow-based attacks.
Darkness Aura: The ability to emit a powerful aura of darkness.
Shadow Whip: The ability to create a whip made of shadow.
Shadow Stealth: The ability to become invisible in the shadows.
Darkness Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate existing darkness.
Shadow Blade: The ability to create a blade made of shadow.
Night Cloak: The ability to cloak oneself in darkness, making them invisible.
Shadow Resurrection: The ability to bring someone back to life using the power of darkness.
Shadow Speed: The ability to move at incredible speeds using the power of darkness.
Shadow Beam: The ability to project a beam of darkness from one's hands.
Shadow Blade Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a blade made of shadow.
Shadow Whip Strike: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of shadow.
Shadow Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a blast.
Shadow Shield Wall: The ability to create a wall of shadow for protection.
Shadow Resurrection Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow that brings the dead back to life.
Shadow Speed Strike: The ability to strike an opponent at incredible speeds using the power of darkness.
Shadow Beam Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow from a beam.
Shadow Whip Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow from a shadow whip.
Night Cloak Blast: The ability to release a blast of darkness from a night cloak.
Shadow Blade Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow from a blade.
Shadow Beam Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a beam of shadow that explodes on impact.
Shadow Whip Strike Blast: The ability to strike an opponent with a whip made of shadow that explodes on impact.
Shadow Shield Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow from a shield.
Shadow Blade Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a blade's strike blast.
Shadow Speed Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a shadow speed strike's blast.
Shadow Whip Strike Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a shadow whip's strike blast.
Shadow Beam Strike Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow from a beam's strike blast wave.
Shadow Whip Strike Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow from a shadow whip's strike blast wave.
Shadow Blade Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a blade's blast wave that explodes on impact.
Shadow Speed Strike Blast Wave Blast: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a shadow speed strike's blast wave that explodes on impact.
Shadow Whip Strike Blast Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a shadow whip's strike blast wave blast.
Shadow Beam Strike Blast Wave Blast Wave: The ability to release a wave of shadow from a beam's strike blast wave blast.
Shadow Transformation Blast: The ability to release a blast of shadow that transforms the target into a different form.
Shadow Infusion: The ability to infuse objects or people with darkness to increase their power.
Shadow Possession: The ability to possess someone through their shadow.
Shadow Clone: The ability to create a clone of oneself made of shadows.
Shadow Illusion: The ability to create illusions out of shadows.
Shadow Mimicry: The ability to mimic the powers of others through their shadows.
Shadow Binding: The ability to bind someone using shadows.
Shadow Meld: The ability to merge with shadows and travel through them undetected.
Shadow Tendrils: The ability to create tendrils made of shadows to attack or restrain opponents.
Shadow Portal: The ability to create portals through shadows to travel to different locations.
Shadow Curse: The ability to curse someone with darkness, causing them to be consumed by it.
After I finished writing, I realized that we can combine these powers into one larger capacity. :)))))))))
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
The symbolism of flowers
Flowers have a long history of symbolism that you can incorporate into your writing to give subtext.
Symbolism varies between cultures and customs, and these particular examples come from Victorian Era Britain. You'll find examples of this symbolism in many well-known novels of the era!
Amaryllis: Pride
Black-eyed Susan: Justice
Bluebell: Humility
Calla Lily: Beauty
Pink Camellia: Longing
Carnations: Female love
Yellow Carnation: Rejection
Clematis: Mental beauty
Columbine: Foolishness
Cyclamen: Resignation
Daffodil: Unrivalled love
Daisy: Innocence, loyalty
Forget-me-not: True love
Gardenia: Secret love
Geranium: Folly, stupidity
Gladiolus: Integrity, strength
Hibiscus: Delicate beauty
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love
Blue Hyacinth: Constancy
Hydrangea: Frigid, heartless
Iris: Faith, trust, wisdom
White Jasmine: Amiability
Lavender: Distrust
Lilac: Joy of youth
White Lily: Purity
Orange Lily: Hatred
Tiger Lily: Wealth, pride
Lily-of-the-valley: Sweetness, humility
Lotus: Enlightenment, rebirth
Magnolia: Nobility
Marigold: Grief, jealousy
Morning Glory: Affection
Nasturtium: Patriotism, conquest
Pansy: Thoughtfulness
Peony: Bashfulness, shame
Poppy: Consolation
Red Rose: Love
Yellow Rose: Jealously, infidelity
Snapdragon: Deception, grace
Sunflower: Adoration
Sweet Willian: Gallantry
Red Tulip: Passion
Violet: Watchfulness, modesty
Yarrow: Everlasting love
Zinnia: Absent, affection
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
if you write a strong character, let them fail.
if you write a selfless hero, let them get mad at people.
if you write a cold-hearted villain, make them cry.
if you write a brokenhearted victim, let them smile again.
if you write a bold leader, make them seek guidance.
if you write a confident genius, make them be wrong, or get stumped once in a while.
if you write a fighter or a warrior, let them lose a battle, but let them win the war.
if you write a character who loses everything, let them find something.
if you write a reluctant hero, give them a reason to fight.
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laspalabrasdenim · 8 months
A lot of helpful resources that I didn’t know I need them
writers' resources
sick of using "very _____" ? : https://www.losethevery.com/
want to simplify your writing ? : https://hemingwayapp.com/
writing buddies / motivation ? : https://nanowrimo.org
word you're looking for but don't know ? : https://www.onelook.com/thesaurus/
need a fantasy name ? : https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/
need a fantasy name ? : https://nameberry.com/
want a name with meaning ? : https://www.behindthename.com/
who wants a map maker! : https://inkarnate.com/
story building / dnd ? : https://www.worldanvil.com/
need some minimalistic writing time ? : https://zenpen.io/
running out of ideas ? : https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/
setting a goal ? how about 3 pages / day ? : https://new.750words.com/
what food did they eat ? : https://www.foodtimeline.org/
questions on diversity within writing ? : https://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com/
now what was that colour called ? : https://ingridsundberg.com/2014/02/04/the-color-thesaurus/
want more? : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/lyralit :]
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