laycos · 10 months
hi i m laycos rate my new blog
hi i m laycos rate my new blog https://is.gd/2YtZoD
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laycos · 8 years
Hey, there! I’m looking for ATLA /ATLK fandom pages. What you folks sugest?
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laycos · 8 years
Sherlock Fandom
So, dear Tumblr, I’m looking for the Sherlock fandom. Could you be a darling and indicate me some tumblrs?
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laycos · 8 years
So, is there any Harry Potter au fanfic with some  character that is bisexual? Harry himself, Dean, Ginny, anyone? I would love to read it!
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laycos · 9 years
Klaus’ look without the glasses is priceless.
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It may not be particularly wise, but it’s a thrill to be disguised
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laycos · 9 years
oh... damn.
Apparently J.K Rowling knows the exact process to making a horcrux.
But she hasn’t told anyone and doesn’t plan to yet.
The only person that she has told is her editor, and said that her editor felt like vomiting afterwards.
All she will say is that a certain spell is involved, and then a horrific act is performed.
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i want to know what it is so badly
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laycos · 9 years
Have you ever thought about how Harry wasted a huge opportunity when he dropped the Resurrection Stone in the Forbidden Forest?
Okay just imagine if he had kept it.
He dies, comes back, defeats Voldemort…
Only now there are over one-hundred people who have died in just The Battle of Hogwarts alone. Not to mention all of those names that were read on the radio throughout the year. (And everyone else who died before then.)
So the Golden Trio gets this idea…
They quickly spread the word and pretty soon, Harry sets up a room in Hogwarts with nothing in it but a desk and a chair. He sits in the chair behind the desk and calls people into the room one at a time.
Harry insists that the Weasleys be the first to enter. And so George walks in, puffy-eyed but smiling, and asks Harry what the big secret is.
Harry then plops an ordinary pebble into George’s hand.
George is very confused until he hears his name being whispered from behind him. George turns and of course there’s Fred. And the two twins are able to properly say goodbye to one another.
Harry then allows the entire Weasley family to come in and they all huddle around Fred’s spirit and are able to say goodbye. And of course Mrs. Weasley drags Harry out from behind the desk and he joins the family hug.
Are you crying yet?
Because I am.
But let’s keep going.
Mrs. Weasley’s hand brushes against the stone and Fabian and Gideon appear to say goodbye to their sister.
After the Weasleys finally leave, Harry brings Dennis in so that he can say goodbye to Colin.
Harry then individually brings in the family member(s) of the unnamed one-hundred students who died during the Battle of Hogwarts.
Harry then brings in Luna so that she can say goodbye to her mother.
He brings in pretty much all of Hogwarts so that they can say goodbye to Cedric.
He brings in Aberforth so that he can say goodbye to Albus and Ariana.
He brings in those who want to say goodbye to Snape.
He brings in Kreacher so that he can say goodbye to Regulus.
He brings in the rest of the house-elves so that they can say goodbye to Dobby.
And when Harry is done letting everyone else say goodbye to their loved ones, he closes his hand around the stone.
The first one to appear is a beautiful white owl who flies over to Harry and allows herself to be affectionately petted.
Then of course the others appear, just as they did in the Forbidden Forest on that fateful night. Harry doesn’t talk to them for too long, he’s grown up a lot since the Mirror of Erised, but he is able to make peace with his loved ones’ sacrifices.
And even then, he still keeps the stone.
He doesn’t use it again. Not personally, anyway. In fact, he stores it in a dusty box on the mantel in his house. He doesn’t use it. But he doesn’t forget it, either. Because he needs it for one last task.
And when the boy with the turquoise hair is old enough to understand, Harry gently sits him down and places a stone in his hand.
And Teddy Lupin meets Remus and Nymphadora.
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laycos · 9 years
Hey, I’m looking for A Series of Unfortunate Events fandom pages, people and tumblrs. Any recommendations?
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laycos · 9 years
I was crying right from the beggining
Have you ever thought about how Harry wasted a huge opportunity when he dropped the Resurrection Stone in the Forbidden Forest?
Okay just imagine if he had kept it.
He dies, comes back, defeats Voldemort…
Only now there are over one-hundred people who have died in just The Battle of Hogwarts alone. Not to mention all of those names that were read on the radio throughout the year. (And everyone else who died before then.)
So the Golden Trio gets this idea…
They quickly spread the word and pretty soon, Harry sets up a room in Hogwarts with nothing in it but a desk and a chair. He sits in the chair behind the desk and calls people into the room one at a time.
Harry insists that the Weasleys be the first to enter. And so George walks in, puffy-eyed but smiling, and asks Harry what the big secret is.
Harry then plops an ordinary pebble into George’s hand.
George is very confused until he hears his name being whispered from behind him. George turns and of course there’s Fred. And the two twins are able to properly say goodbye to one another.
Harry then allows the entire Weasley family to come in and they all huddle around Fred’s spirit and are able to say goodbye. And of course Mrs. Weasley drags Harry out from behind the desk and he joins the family hug.
Are you crying yet?
Because I am.
But let’s keep going.
Mrs. Weasley’s hand brushes against the stone and Fabian and Gideon appear to say goodbye to their sister.
After the Weasleys finally leave, Harry brings Dennis in so that he can say goodbye to Colin.
Harry then individually brings in the family member(s) of the unnamed one-hundred students who died during the Battle of Hogwarts.
Harry then brings in Luna so that she can say goodbye to her mother.
He brings in pretty much all of Hogwarts so that they can say goodbye to Cedric.
He brings in Aberforth so that he can say goodbye to Albus and Ariana.
He brings in those who want to say goodbye to Snape.
He brings in Kreacher so that he can say goodbye to Regulus.
He brings in the rest of the house-elves so that they can say goodbye to Dobby.
And when Harry is done letting everyone else say goodbye to their loved ones, he closes his hand around the stone.
The first one to appear is a beautiful white owl who flies over to Harry and allows herself to be affectionately petted.
Then of course the others appear, just as they did in the Forbidden Forest on that fateful night. Harry doesn’t talk to them for too long, he’s grown up a lot since the Mirror of Erised, but he is able to make peace with his loved ones’ sacrifices.
And even then, he still keeps the stone.
He doesn’t use it again. Not personally, anyway. In fact, he stores it in a dusty box on the mantel in his house. He doesn’t use it. But he doesn’t forget it, either. Because he needs it for one last task.
And when the boy with the turquoise hair is old enough to understand, Harry gently sits him down and places a stone in his hand.
And Teddy Lupin meets Remus and Nymphadora.
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laycos · 9 years
Be strong, man!
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Hey Avatar/Legend of Korra fandom! I’d like to introduce you to my little brother Will. He is currently being treated as an in-patient for acute myeloid leukemia, and unfortunately it looks like he’s going to be in the hospital for a long time. We’re both huge fans of the Avatar series and we came up with this funny idea to give him some airbender tats after the announcement of the new Legend of Korra comics. We’re both so excited, we’ve been on a total atla/lok kick for the past few days haha.
Anyway! I’m not telling him that I’m posted these pics, but I think it would be really great and uplifting for him to see some people in the atla/lok fandom support him! So if you consider yourself a part of either or both of these fandoms please reblog or like so I can surprise my brother and make his day! He would seriously love it.
Thanks friends!
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laycos · 9 years
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I always get mad when people put Pettigrew in Hufflepuff if he wasn’t in Gryffindor. Hufflepuff values loyalty, hard work, and dedication…..which Peter has NEVER shown. He betrays his friend and switches sides for whoever he think is going to win. I think people see Peter’s meekness or inaptitude to stand up for himself and automatically put him in Hufflepuff which is ridiculous. If anything Peter is a Slytherin that values Gryffindor traits but doesn’t portray them.
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laycos · 9 years
I just... is just too much to handle.
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Bloomsbury UK is releasing new Harry Potter adult hardback editions!
Pre-order them here.
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laycos · 9 years
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Love Wins
Music for this strip: Peter Gabriel - ‘The Book of Love’ 
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laycos · 9 years
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It’s years later, and I’m still confused about Dumbledore. Just like Harry, I was in awe with that man for years; I admired his wisdom and patience. Deathly Hallows broke all my beliefs, and a part me think he didn’t deserved Harry’s forgiveness.
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laycos · 9 years
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It always bothers me that no one thinks of Hagrid as Harry’s father figure. He was the one who took care of Harry from the start.
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laycos · 9 years
Why? Why we are such masoquists?
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This evening I died of sadness.
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laycos · 9 years
This is so awesome
Do what is right Do what is good Do what is wise Do what is necessary
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