learnukrainian · 4 months
Happy New Year! Щасливого нового року!
May your days be filled with warmth, comfort, and light
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learnukrainian · 4 months
Christmas (Winter) Movies from Ukraine
Carol of the bells (Shchedryk) (Щедрик) - available on Netflix (https://www.netflix.com/ua-en/title/81712873); WWII, so you might want to have some tissues ready for this one
Miracle Only (Тільки диво) - available in Ukrainian only; fairy-tale vibes + beautiful sceneries; you can access the movie here (free access for new susbcribers within the first 7 days) https://sweet.tv/movie/20878-tilki-divo
Adventures of S Nicholas (Пригоди S Миколая) - availble in Ukrainian only; "Home alone" vibes; feel-good movie. You can access it here https://sweet.tv/movie/20880-prigodi-s-mikolaya (first 7 days are free for new subscribers)
Infernal Guidon, or Cossack Christmas (Infernal Khorugv, or Cossack Christmas) - available in Ukrainian only but Netflix seems to have English subtitles as well!; this one is for those of you who love action and would like to see some Ukrainian folklore. You can access the movie here - https://www.netflix.com/ua/title/81687926?source=35
Happy Holidays :)
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learnukrainian · 4 months
Ukrainian Christmas carols
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I hope that these songs will fill your heart with joy and hope <3
Щедрик or Carol of the bells (did you know that it was originally written by a Ukrainian composer Leontovych? :))
2. Хай Ісус, мале дитя (May Jesus, little baby..)
3. Коляда-колядка (Carol)
4. Добрий вечір тобі, пане господарю (Good evening to you, good sir)
5. BONUS :) Ukrainian cover of the 'Silent Night' (Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht)
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learnukrainian · 5 months
Textbooks for Ukrainian Learners
Disclaimer: 1) sadly, I was not able to find textbooks in all of the languages I searched for and 2) for obvious reasons, I was not able to go through all of the textbooks posted below either. Yet I still hope that this collection will be helpful :)
"Yabluko" series (divided into 3 levels - elementary, intermediate, adn advanced; can be ordered here https://studyukrainian.org.ua/books/)
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"Ukrainian for foreigners" series (CEFR levels - A1, A2, and so on; can be purchased here, for example)
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"Ukrainian for foreigners" by Danuta Mazuryk (requires some prior knowledge of Ukrainian, since the book is in Ukrainian). Can be purchased here, for example
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Keep reading to find textbook options for some other languages :)
Options for German speakers
Ukrainisch für Anfänger (A1-A2) https://www.amazon.de/Ukrainisch-für-Anfänger-Vera-Kolbina/dp/387548990X/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=Ukrainisch&qid=1701962822&s=books&sr=1-8
Der Deutsch-Ukrainische Alltagshelfer für Deutsche: Lerne Ukrainisch I (can be bought here https://www.amazon.de/Deutsch-Ukrainische-Alltagshelfer-für-Deutsche-wichtigsten-ebook/dp/B09XV4STS9/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=Ukrainisch&qid=1701962822&s=books&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)
Options for Polish speakers
Free educational materials (https://biblioteka.wsg.byd.pl/id,210/materialy-do-nauki-jezyka-ukrainskiego-kultura-ukrainska)
Ukraiński dla Polaków, A1-A2 (e-book) https://ukrainski.online/ukrainski-dla-polakow
Ukraiński nie gryzie! A1-A2 https://www.jezykiobce.pl/ukrainski/2658-ukrainski-nie-gryzie-wydanie-2-9788367219259.html
Język ukraiński dla początkujących https://www.taniaksiazka.pl/ksiazka/jezyk-ukrainski-dla-poczatkujacych-oksana-baraniwska
For Czech speakers
Ukrajinština - konverzace: se slovníkem a gramatikou https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/512044/ukrajinstina-konverzace/
For French speakers
Barvinok - Premiers pas en ukrainien - A1/A2 (cannot be purchased at the moment) https://www.decitre.fr/livres/barvinok-9782340085374.html
Apprendre l'ukrainien: Pour les débutants et faux débutants https://www.amazon.fr/Apprendre-lukrainien-Pour-débutants-faux-ebook/dp/B076DJ5SCM
For Italian speakers
Corso di lingua ucraina. Livello A1-B1 https://www.amazon.it/Corso-lingua-ucraina-Livello-A1-B1/dp/882037546X
For Spanish speakers
Español - ucraniano para principiantes: Un Libro En Dos Idiomas https://www.amazon.com/Español-ucraniano-principiantes-Idiomas-Multilingual/dp/1640182209
For Norwegian speakers
Audiobook with basic phrases: Reiser på ukrainsk: Jeg hører, jeg gjentar, jeg snakker! https://www.amazon.com/Reiser-på-ukrainsk-gjentar-snakker/dp/B07ZJFWFT3
For Swedish speakers
Lär dig ukrainska - ukrainsk svensk ordbok https://www.amazon.se/Lär-dig-ukrainska-okomplicerad-konversation/dp/B0B2XM8WTX
For Japanese speakers
Ukrainian grammar for beginners https://www.amazon.co.jp/【音声DL付】初級ウクライナ語文法-黒田-龍之助-ebook/dp/B07HGTRHW2
For Korean speakers
Learn Ukrainian anywhere https://persepolisvillage.com/product/언제-어디서나-우크라이나어-배우기/ For Lithuanian speakers
Dictionary https://www.humanitas.lt/produktas/kalbu-mokymo-literatura/kalbu-zodynai/malij-ukrainsko-litovskij-slov-nik-mazasis-ukrainieciu-lietu/
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learnukrainian · 5 months
Castles of Ukraine
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Бердичівський замок
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Дубенський замок
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Золочівський замок
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Замок Любарта
Замок - zamok - castle
Королівський замок - koroleevskyi zamok - royal castle
Королівська сім'я - koroleevska seemia - royal family
Принц - prynts - prince
Принцеса - pryntsessa - princess
Король - korol - king
Королева - koroleva - queen
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learnukrainian · 6 months
Dzharylhach National Park
A beautiful natural reserve in Ukraine
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A couple of facts about the reserve (sourced from various websites, i.e. tourist guides, interviews with researchers, news articles etc and rewritten by me; if you notice false information, please, let me know)
Dzharylhach Natural Reserve is an island in the South of Ukraine (Kherson region), surrounded by the Azov Sea.
The territory of the island is uninhabited by people
There is a lighthouse on the island, and a legend related to it: some say that the lighthouse was built by one of the students of Gustave Eiffel (yup, the renown creator of the Eiffel Tower). Is it true? Who knows :) Feel free to explore the topic further!
Dzharylhach is home to wild animals and endangered (worldwide or locally) species: ~20 types of rare insects, ~69 species of birds from the Red Book of Ukraine, ~15 types of mammals. Some of those include: Chrysopogon gryllus (plant), Steppe viper (Vipera ursinii), Caspian whipsnake (Dolichophis caspius), Blotched snake (Elaphe sauromates), Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) (threatened in the Black Sea region), and others.
Sadly, after the russian invasion of Ukraine (2022) the island was occupied by russian troops. it is reported that Russians have destroyed the flora and fauna of the island by using it as one of their military bases (several fires broke out there as well). 100% accurate assessment of the damage to the reserve cannot be carried out right now due to occupation; prospects for the future restorement of the natural reserve remain uncertain.
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learnukrainian · 6 months
Trick-or-treat or no-trick-no-treat? Do Ukrainians celebrate Halloween?
Less than a week is left until the spookiest day of the season wil come around. Let's uncover the mystery: do Ukrainians celebrate Halloween?
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The short answer is: yes (and no)
Is it a traditional celebration for Ukraine? No.
Are there any similar celebrations?  The answer is - yes. The biggest one is probably the Harvest celebration (however, it's mainly a thing for kindergartners and school children), then there's the autumn equinox, and so on.Some people bring up the Vales Night, however, some say that it might as well just be a neo-pagan innovation and not a century-long tradition.
Does anyone celebrate Halloween, after all? Yes! However, not everyone.
Elderly don't, and, sadly, trick-or-treating is not common even amongst those who celebrate. Yet, as a rule, one can definitely find some Halloween-themed parties, events or discounts at shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, or (even) workplaces.
What about you? Do you celebrate Halloween?
P.S. BTW, would you like to see some Halloween-themed flashcards? :)
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learnukrainian · 6 months
Ukrainian 101, Lesson 43: Present Simple or Present Continuous?, verbs "to go" and "to eat"
Present Simple (I read) or Present Continuous (I'm reading)? The good (or bad) news is: there's no distinction between the two in Ukrainian (just like in German, Polish or Korean, for example). So, the form of the verb always stays the same, however.. 1) there's more than one verb to depict the same (or a very similar) action (don't worry, there's to go, to walk, to come, to leave, to saunter, to stroll in English too), 2) things can change (slightly) because of the context.
For example, йти/іти (y (as in yo-yo) ty) - to go (it's one of the 'to go' verbs that describes an unfinished action and expresses either the ongoing action or the intention to do something very soon, i.e. like saying "Yeah, mom, I'm coming!!!' (even though you're not actually going anywhere yet))
Я йду - I am going somehwere/I'm walking (can also mean "I'm leaving" or "I'm coming" depending on the context) Ти йдеш - You are going somehwere/You're walking... Він/вона йде - He/she is going somehwere/is walking Ми йдемо - We are going ../we're walking/leaving Ви йдете - You (plural or polite) are going somewhere./you're walking/leaving Вони йдуть - They go .../they're walking/leaving
Вони йдуть в кіно. - They're going to the cinema (either now or a bit later, depending on the context) Я йду додому. - I'm on my way home /I'm walking home. їсти (yeesty) - to eat (both Continuous and Simple)
Я їм - I am eating/I eat Ти їси - You are eating/eat Він/вона їсть - He/she is eating/eat Ми їмо - We are eating/eat Ви їсте - You (plural or polite) are eating/eat Вони їдять - They are eating/eat
Я їм печиво. - I'm eating cookies. Ти їси м'ясо? - Do you eat meat?
For those who'd like to practice: feel free to come up with two sentences of your own using the previously acquired vocabulary and the verbs 'to go' and 'to eat' (or any other verbs of your choice) in the Present Tense :)
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learnukrainian · 7 months
Ukrainian 101, Lesson 42: Stationery p.2 + Drawing
Stationery - канцелярія - kantseliareeia
Notebook - блокнот - bloknot
Paper - папір - papeer
Paper clip - (канцелярська) скріпка - (kantselliarska) skreepka
File - файл - file / file-yk
Folder - папка - papka
Sticky Notes - папір для нотаток - papeer dlia notatok
Pen - ручка - roochka
Ink - чорнило, чорнила - chornylo (s), chornyla (pl)
Highlighter - маркер - marker
Pencil - олівець - oleevets
Coloured pencils - кольорові олівці - kol'orovee oleevtsee
Eraser - гумка - hoomka
Glue - клей - clay (yup, that's how it's pronounced!)
Tape - скотч - scotch
Scissors - ножиці - nozhytsee
Ruler - лінійка - leeneeyka
Stapler - степлер - stapler
Paintrbush - пензлик - penzlyk
Paints - фарби - farby
Watercolours - акварель - aquarel
Gouache - гуаш - gouache
Oil paints - олійні фарби - oleeynee farby
Drawing - малювання - maliuvannia
Easel - мольберт - mol'bert
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learnukrainian · 7 months
Community poll: What kind of content would you like to see more often? :)
Thanks for sharing <3
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learnukrainian · 7 months
Free online courses about Ukraine
Basics of the Ukrainian Language and Culture - https://www.open.edu/openlearn/languages/introduction-ukrainian-language-and-culture/
Ukraine: History, Culture, and Identities; this course is available in English, French, Italian, and Norwegian on Coursera: https://ui.org.ua/en/sectors-en/the-first-online-course-about-ukraine-in-english/
The Making of Modern Ukraine with Timothy Snyder: https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-making-of-modern-ukraine
Crimea: History and People on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/crimea-history-and-people/
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learnukrainian · 7 months
Ukrainian 101, Lesson 41: Back to School, p.3: Uni Majors
Major - спеціальність - spetsialneest
Accounting - бухгалтерський облік - boohalterskeey obleek
Art - мистецтво - mystetstvo
Astronomy - астрономія - astronomeeya
Business Administration - бізнес-адміністрування - business administroovannia
Biology - біологія - beeoloheeya
Dental Medicine - стоматологія - stomatoloheeya
Economics - економіка - economeeka
Education (pedagogics) - педагогіка - pedahoheeka
Engineering - інженерія - eengenereeya
English - англійська - anhleeyska
General Medicine - медицина - medytsyna
International Relations - міжнародні відносини - meezhnarodnee veednosyny
Journalism - журналістика - zhoornaleestyka
Law - право - pravo
Linguistics - лінгвістика - leenhveestyka
Marketing - маркетинг - marketynh
Music - музичне мистецтво - moozychne mystetstvo
Neuroscience - нейронаука - neironauka
Political Science - політологія - poleetoloheeya
Philology - філологія - philoloheeya
Physics - фізика - fizyka
Psychology - психологія - psycholoheeya
Public Policy - публічне управління - poobleechne oopravleennia
Religion - релігієзнавство - releeheeyeznavstvo
Translation - переклад - pereklad
Veterinary Medicine - ветеринарна медицина - veterynarna medytsyna
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learnukrainian · 7 months
Ukrainian 101, Lesson 40: Back to School p.2: School Subjects
School Subjects - шкільні предмети - shkeelnee predmety Subject - предмет - predmet
Maths - математика - matematyka
Algebra - алгебра - alhebra
Geometry - геометрія - heometreeya
History - історія - eestoreeya
Geography - географія - heohrapheeya
Literature - література - leeteratoora
English (language) - англійська (мова) - anhleeyska [mova]
Biology - біологія - beeoloheeya
Chemistry - хімія - heemeeya
Physics - фізика - pheesyka
Astronomy - астрономія - astronomeeya
P.E. - фізкультура - fizzcooltoora
Computer Science - інформатика - informatyka
Ukrainian - українська (мова) - ookrayeenska [mova]
Spanish - іспанська (мова) - eespanska [mova]
German - німецька (мова) - neemetska [mova]
French - французька (мова) - frantsooska [mova]
Music - музика - moozyka
Psychology - психологія - psycholoheeya
Тобі подобається математика? - Ні, вона дуже складна! | Do you like maths? - No, it's very difficult!
Мені подобається співати, тому мій улюблений предмет - музика. | I love singing, that's why music is my favourite subject.
Його сестра дуже добре знає історію. | His sister knows history very well.
Ми скоро почнемо вчити іспанську! | We will start learning Spanish soon!
Їм подобається хімія? - Так! | Do they like chemistry? - Yes!
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learnukrainian · 8 months
Ukrainian 101, Lesson 39 : Back to School
Школа - shkola - school
Університет - ooneeversytet - university
Семестр - semestr - semester
Навчальний рік - navchalnyi reek - academic year
Урок - oorok - lesson (at school)
Пара - para - lesson (at university or college)
Перерва - pererva - break
Іспит, екзамен - eespyt, examen - exam
Есе - esse - essay
Підручник - peedroochnyk - textbook
Викладач - vykladach - university or college 'teacher', professor
Вчитель - vchytel - school teacher
Професор - professor - professor
Спеціальність - spetsialneest - major
Олімпіада - olimpiada - olympiad
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learnukrainian · 8 months
24 August - The Independence Day of Ukraine
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24 серпня - День незалежності України
Незалежність - Nezalezhneest - Independence
Океан Ельзи – "Незалежність". Концерт до Дня Незалежності - YouTube - here's a Ukrainian song called 'Independence', which was performed on the Day of Independence of Ukraine a couple of years ago. Feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think :) What do you think the song is about? Do you have any (studio version - Незалежність - YouTube)
Sadly, this year the concert, as well as all other sorts of celebrations, were cancelled due to the war. Yet, thankfully, we can still enjoy the music and old recordings regarless of where we are :)
Feel free to google - perhaps there's going to be an extra demonstration (many took place today) this weekend. Or an event. Maybe even with some Ukrainian music!
I also brought you a Google Doodle, which, sadly, was only available in Ukraine today. If you'd like to see it and learn some more about Ukrainian history at the same time, please, click on the link below (it's a very short video, I promise!) :)
Ukraine Independence Day | Ukraine Independence Day 2023 - YouTube
Thank you for your support. Stay safe and have a lovely day! <3
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learnukrainian · 8 months
23 August - Day of the National Flag of Ukraine
Day of the National/State Flag of Ukraine - День державного прапора України
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What is the meaning behind the National Flag?
It is comprised of two colours - blue and yellow, which represent the clear blue sky and the golden wheat field underneath. Why so? Well, generally speaking, it is a very typical scenery for Ukraine, as Ukrainians have had a strong connection with nature and agriculture for centuries. Moreover, even nowadays (at least, prior to the full-scale russian invasion in 2022) the majority of produced goods are grains, in particular wheat, corn, and sunflower seeds/oil (for this reason some people even referred to Ukraine as 'the bread basket of Europe').
Just to give you some infographics
In 2021, Ukraine was
• one of the top 5 world wheat exporters (5th place) (The World’s Top Wheat Exporters In 2021 (rferl.org)
• one of the top 3 world corn exporters (3rd place) Corn | OEC - The Observatory of Economic Complexity
• and the biggest sunflower oil exporter in the world (1st place) quote: "Since 2012, Ukraine has been the world's leading exporter of sunflower oil with a 47% share of global sunflower oil exports in 2021." (Ukraine: Sunflower oil production (October 2022) - Ukraine | ReliefWeb)
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День - den - day
Прапор - prapor - flag
Національний - natseeonalny - national (masculine form of the adjective)
Державний - derzhavny - state (masculine form of the adjective)
Україна - Oo-kra-yee-na - Ukraine
Серпень - serpen - August
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learnukrainian · 8 months
Ukrainian 101, Lesson 38: Alcohol
алкоголь - alcohol - alcohol
алкогольний напій - alkoholny napeey - non-alcoholic drink
безалкогольний напій - bezalkoholnyi napeey - non-alcoholic drink
вино - vyno - wine
пиво - pyvo - beer
безалкогольне пиво - bezalkoholne pyvo - non-alcoholic beer
шампанське - shampanske - champaigne
віскі - veeskee - whisky
горілка - horeelka - horilka
коктейль - cocktail (soft l) - cocktail ____________________________________
Одне безалкогольне пиво, будь ласка. - One non-alcoholic beer, please
Пляшку вина, будь ласка. - One bottle of wine, please
Мені, будь ласка, цей коктейль. - I would like [to take] this cocktail, please.
Я не п'ю. - I don't drink.
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