#learn ukrainian
learnukrainian · 7 months
Free online courses about Ukraine
Basics of the Ukrainian Language and Culture - https://www.open.edu/openlearn/languages/introduction-ukrainian-language-and-culture/
Ukraine: History, Culture, and Identities; this course is available in English, French, Italian, and Norwegian on Coursera: https://ui.org.ua/en/sectors-en/the-first-online-course-about-ukraine-in-english/
The Making of Modern Ukraine with Timothy Snyder: https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-making-of-modern-ukraine
Crimea: History and People on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/crimea-history-and-people/
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engin-program · 3 months
🇺🇦 Start learning Ukrainian with ENGin: Speak Ukrainian! 🌟
👨‍💻 Meet Ethan Hill, one of our passionate students, who shared his enriching experience: “I have had a great experience with Ms. Kateryna, the teacher I was paired with. She works hard to plan engaging lessons every week and to create homework assignments for me. I especially appreciate the way she spirals previously learned material in her lessons to ensure that I do not forget the concepts we have already covered.”
🇺🇦 At “ENGin: Speak Ukrainian”, we offer personalized 1-on-1 online lessons with experienced Ukrainian teachers like Ms. Kateryna. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our tailored approach ensures a fruitful learning journey just for you.
🔹 Why Choose “ENGin: Speak Ukrainian”:
1️⃣ Open to learners worldwide 🌍
2️⃣ Personalized lessons for all ages and levels 🎓
3️⃣ Support Ukrainians and create jobs during wartime 💪
4️⃣ Every lesson contributes to free English conversation practice for Ukrainian 🇺🇦
💡 Ready to immerse yourself in Ukrainian language and culture? Take the first step today! Visit the link to join Ethan and countless others on this exciting language-learning adventure: https://www.enginprogram.org/learn-ukrainian
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langguessr · 1 year
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You can now learn languages with LangGuessr! Pick your level from 1 to 20, from the most common to the most obscure words, translate the words you know and memorise the ones you don't.
This is a learning method I developed to work best for myself, if it works for any of you then all the better!
List of languages currently available (more coming soon!):
- Bosnian - Bulgarian - Catalan - Croatian - Czech - Dutch - Esperanto - Finnish - French - Galician - Georgian - German - Greek - Hebrew - Hungarian - Italian - Kabyle (Berber) - Latin - Lithuanian - Mandarin - Polish - Portuguese - Romanian - Russian - Serbian - Spanish - Swedish - Turkish - Ukrainian - Yiddish
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Resource List for Learning Ukrainian
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn Ukrainian but don’t know where to start? Then I’ve got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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antlerdeer · 10 months
hello, does anyone know any good resources to learn ukrainian? there is a large ukrainian population where i work and parents come into the waterpark i work at with their kids. i want to be able to effectively communicate and help them out!
thank you so much xx
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alwayssoundprecocious · 6 months
I was doing a Ukrainian lesson in the car today, and the recording told me to ask, “What does it mean?” (Що це означає?)
But instead I said:
Як це означає?
(How does it mean?)
I am now Ms. Biljana Electronica.
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uls-ukraine · 2 years
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misslinala · 4 months
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mowykraina · 2 years
30.05.2022 r. Prezydent Ukrainy do Rady Europejskiej
Fragment przemowy Prezydenta Ukrainy do Rady Europejskiej z dnia 30.05.2022 r. + tłumaczenie własne - w celach nauki języka
Ви бачите, що наслідки агресії Росії вийшли за межі нашого континенту. І обов’язково повернуться звідти ще більшими проблемами для всієї Європи. Наприклад, масштабний голод в Африці, в країнах Азії означатиме, що Південній і Південно-Східній Європі загрожує нова масштабна міграційна криза.
Wy widzicie, że skutki agresji Rosji wyszły poza granice naszego kontynentu. I z pewnością powrócą stamtąd (w postaci) jeszcze większych problemów dla całej Europy. Na przykład, masowy głód w Afryce, w krainach Azji będzie oznaczał, że Południowej i Południowo-wchodniej Europie zagraża nowy masowy kryzys migracyjny.
І коли ви чуєте з Москви шантаж продовольством, то знайте, будь ласка, що це їхній свідомий удар насправді по ваших суспільствах. Щоб забезпечити цей удар, Росія просто використовує народи Африки й Азії як заручників, свідомо штовхає їх до голоду. Щоб люди звідти масово втікали до вас. Чи ви готові до цього? Я думаю, що ні.
I kiedy wy słyszycie z Moskwy szantaż żywnością, to wiedzcie, proszę, że to t ich świadome uderzenie tak właściwie po waszych społeczeństwach. Żeby zabezpieczyć to uderzenie, Rosja wprost wykorzystuje narody Afryki i Azji jak zakładników, świadomie popycha ich do głodu. Żeby ludzie stamtąd masowo uciekali do was. Czy wy jesteście do tego gotowi? Myślę, że nie.
Pełny tekst po ukraińsku wraz z angielskim tłumaczeniem dostępny na stronie prezytentaUA. https://www.president.gov.ua/news/zvernennya-prezidenta-ukrayini-volodimira-zelenskogo-do-yevr-75465
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learnukrainian · 5 months
Castles of Ukraine
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Бердичівський замок
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Дубенський замок
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Золочівський замок
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Замок Любарта
Замок - zamok - castle
Королівський замок - koroleevskyi zamok - royal castle
Королівська сім'я - koroleevska seemia - royal family
Принц - prynts - prince
Принцеса - pryntsessa - princess
Король - korol - king
Королева - koroleva - queen
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ohsalome · 7 months
What Ukrainian books would you recommend to a complete beginner? Someone who has no idea of Ukrainian literature but wants to support Ukraine.
Sorry in advance for answering so late!
If I had to recommend one single book, it would probably be Tiger Trappers (sometimes translated as The Hunters and the Hunter or Tiger Catchers) by Ivan Bagriany. It is a partially autobiographic adventure novel set in the 30s about a man who escapes the NKVD imprisonment and attempts to survive in the harsh Syberian taiga with a family of ukrainian settlers living there while running for his life from the state.
If you're interested in poetry, my #1 recommendation in Serhiy Zhadan. Out of modern authors I also recommend Oksana Zabuzhko
If you want to read our classical literature, the most Iconique (tm) authors are Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko and Lesya Ukrainka. The level of enjoyment you might get out of them will vary greatly depending on the translation. Unfortunately, one major issue that exists with ukrainian literature is that translations of modern authors are more easily avaliable than those of the older ones.
Some of these books and more are linked in my masterpost document on ukrainian resources
There is also a lithub article with some recommendations, but out of those I've only read The Moscoviad and I probably won't recommend this book as the one to make your first impression about ukrainian literature.
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soapskneebrace · 6 months
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I do my own nails sometimes, if y’all are into that kind of thing
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k1a3rnotaurus · 1 year
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Hello deltarune enjoyers
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spring-in-ur-step · 2 months
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Decided it'd be fun to make a moomin AU to assist and motivate my language learning :)
I wanna thank @lillovingsoul for voids help fixing up my mistakes for this and any future things I make for this AU. I am loving learning your language and your endless patience and love helps a lot.
Below the cut is translations for those who would like it! (In English and Ukrainian)
English translation
Moomintroll: Hello! My name is Moomintroll, what's yours?
Snufkin: Pardon?
Moomintroll: I'm Moomintroll, what's your name?
Snufkin: I'm sorry, I don't understand you. Do you speak English?
Moomintroll: Oh, do you not speak Ukrainian?
Ukrainian translation
Moomintroll: Здрастуйте! Мене звати Мумі-троль, а як Вас?
Snufkin: Пардон?
Moomintroll: Я Мумі-троль. Як Вас звати?
Snufkin: Вибачте, я Вас не розумію. Чи Ви розмовляєте Англійською?
Moomintroll: Ох, Ви не говорита українською мовою?
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alwayssoundprecocious · 4 months
Hey Amazon, when I’m searching for Ukrainian language textbooks, it’s entirely inappropriate to show me ads for Russian textbooks. Tell your algorithms to read the room please.
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silverfox66 · 1 year
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