ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Beliefs come with the package of being human. Every single one of us is consciousness, that is never ever going to change, whether you have a label of a good person or bad person. That is who we all truly are. We are extensions of the Unconditional Love that allows us to come here and takes care of our consciousness and bodies. From our impulses that guide us to our dreams and wishes to the trillions of cells in our body that are carrying out hundreds of processes all at the same time. Until the time that (our) consciousness withdraws itself, back to the whole and the body dies.⠀ ⠀ Hard to understand what unconditional love is from our human format. As consciousness, we are living in and using our physical bodies, which is necessary to be able to live on this planet. ⠀ Than why do we have beliefs if we we are already who are supposed to be before we came here to earth? Beliefs don't exist, they are a language that enables us to create in this time-space reality. Beliefs are essential for our communication with Consciousness. It enables us to transfer our dreams and preferences to set the infinite intelligent energy particles of Consciousness in motion. So we have beliefs for the moving forward of All That Is.⠀ ⠀ This is happening all day every day, constantly radiating from our hearts into the field of consciousness, although even we ourselves exist of the consciousness particles. And we can't stop it. Until the day that (our) consciousness withdraws itself, back to the One Consciousness where we all came from.⠀ ⠀ So every moment you're here counts. Every step you take counts. For it is in each moment you can choose to allow your source to step forward and shine forth into this world or not.⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀ ⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Have you always wondered how we create our world? Science discovered that our hearts produces the strongest electrical field that is about 100 times stronger than the brain. And that the heart the strongest magnetic field produces that is around 5000 times stronger than our brains. In our hearts, we experience the feelings. And that is where all the magic happens.⠀ These waves of energy in our hearts that we create with our repeated thoughts and therefore are becoming a belief in our hearts are changing the DNA of our bodies. Yes you read that right. And our bodies are changing the atoms of the field that is surrounding us and are shaping our world. And this all happens naturally. ⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow the sequel⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 In every now-moment, we have the choice to focus on what we want or the absence of it. Choose all good things Source Energy has in store for you. This happy fleece blanket is a positive one.” https://buff.ly/2GAwcbo⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspirations home decorations⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 They are all habits you've learned in the past and they are so intertwined with your life that they have become your beliefs. Beliefs of what is right and wrong, beliefs of what is allowed or disallowed, beliefs of decency or whatever and they all are giving you negative emotions about all kinds of subjects. Giving the power away to something or someone in your outer world. Because these are beliefs that you hold in your heart, you don't often are aware that you're doing it. You think you did your best. You think you're reasonable. You think you are right. But the world you are interpreting through your eyes are merely the energy forms you are holding in your heart. ⠀ ⠀ It's not the job, your mother, whoever or whatever, it is you and the way you choose to see the world around you.Because you can replace all those so-called individuals and situations that you think are causing all these troubles, with other individuals and situations, but they all will evolve themselves to match the old ones. Why? Because it's not about them. It is all about you. The energy particles in the world around you will always adjust their forms to your beliefs you are radiating from your heart through the electromagnetic waves. Taking responsibility is not the responsibility most humans believe it is. You are responsible for you. That means your happiness here on planet earth. It is making sure you can live a happy life so you can shine, expand and uplift others, and make this world even more beautiful. ⠀ ⠀ Work, work, work on your mind, focus on your passions, your dreams, look forward, have positive and great expectations and do it in your now-moments all day every day This will change the game in no time.⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Mouse Pad "If you can't do great things do small things in a great way" Quote Napoleon Hill 💖💖 Mouse Pad "If you can't do great things do small things in a great way" Quote Napoleon Hill ⠀ https://buff.ly/2IvOUgR⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 And so every moment has the quantum possibility of success within itself. When you know the art of allowing, you hold the key to living each success that lies within the now.⠀ ⠀ How do you do that? By the art of allowing. How does this work? By letting yourself flow in the flow of Source, by living your true self who you really are in each and every now-moment. Relaxing, trusting, talking about the good stuff of life, telling positive experiences you've had, to feel excited about your dreams, focusing on the half-full glass where you are, let others live the way they choose to, suppress the feeling to correct and judge others because you think you are wiser.⠀ ⠀ Being successful has nothing to do with education or money. It is simply the happiness journey to your dreams. Because happiness is the cherry on top we're all reaching for through our entire life. That we sometimes, unfortunately, realize short before we make our transition home. Life and everything we experience is about feeling happy so we can expand, shine our light and show our true colors.⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Printed on the front and the back t-shirt. Choosing your Vibrational Reality is to choose for your dreams, wishes, and desires that Source Energy has already lined up for you in the invisible realm. Everything you ask for with your frequency is manifested instantly in the invisible through the energy particles. When you persist the frequency long enough, you will cause the invisible particles to change their form and draw them into your visible world with the Law of Attraction.⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspirational t-shirts⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 So what is doubt anyway? When you are feeling great everything is going easy in your life and things unfold perfectly to your expectations, good things keep coming.. But when there are things in your life that are causing a doubt feeling in your heart, you don't feel comfortable. This feeling we call doubt is just an indicator that at this moment you are not lined up with the high frequency of the Love Consciousness which is the creator of everything. ⠀ ⠀ It only takes a small correction in your shift to get your feelings back on track. That is the only thing that matters, for they create the electromagnetic waves that go into the field of Consciousness.and return as manifestations in your life.⠀ Break the doubt by talking it down. Make the doubt sound small and start generating an unimportant feeling about this doubt from a greater perspective.Take a few steps back and feel yourself relaxing when you're talking the doubt down. ⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Show you are awakened to coincidences knowing they are messages from God / Source Energy and that you flow with the cosmic dance. Share your knowledge by wearing Ritam . 8 colors awailable ⠀ https://buff.ly/2Gr0OvO⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspirational t-shirts⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Express your belief in love the highest frequency in the universe with the Indian saying Chante Ishta meaning the single eye of the heart. Seeing everything in the world around us without judgment and ego by trying to find the gift in it.⠀ https://buff.ly/2IplKQD⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspirational decorations⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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The energy you just thought now just changed its form but is still in the invisible realm. It will never ever die, for there is only life.⠀ ⠀ But you know what the most beautiful gift is of thoughts ever thought by someone? You can tap into that thought and can continue where it was left. So that's why often new inventions almost simultaneously are invented in different parts of the world. They tapped into the thoughts of those people before who asked themselves the same questions and moved that thought forward from where it was left. Isn't this magical? So our thoughts are not only powerful because they not only shape our world, but they are magic. ⠀ ⠀ When you have a dream, and you're thinking thoughts about it, know that Consciousness received it and everything is already lined up for you in the invisible realm. Don't wait for evidence, don't listen to other naysayers. Trust, believe and have faith. Your belief in your dream paves the way for your dream to come from the invisible into the visible where you can enjoy it, and live it. If you don't go for it, somebody else in the future will manifest it in their version.Make sure your dream that's got your name on it, can manifest itself and you can live it! ⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #nealedonaldwalsch #quotes #quotes #instaquote #quoteoftheday #ledbyspirit #comments #magic #thoughts #thought #imagination #eternity #life #truth #true #positivity #powerful #beautiful #inventions #idea #ideas #inventors #dream #believe #trust #instagood #instadaily #love #consciousness #god
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Buddha pillowcover. 7 colors⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Every thought that has ever been thought still exists. Everything you see, hear, smell, taste and can touch is made of consciousness. Consciousness is the life force that gives life and form to everything in our visible and invisible world. However humans mostly still tend to only believe what they can physically experience with their senses. That is strange for we do believe we have emotions although we can't prove it, we believe we have a soul although we can't see it, we believe we have thoughts although we can't show them or touch them. Everything from the big things in the world to the small things in our daily life, we insist on seeing the evidence. You have to prove you're worth the job, you have to prove you're a good person, you have to prove you're intelligent. We live in a prove based world, you have to back your story up for good reasons or you will not be considered a responsible person. But when it comes to emotions, thoughts or our soul we just accept their existence just like that. Most people even think highly of the human species because of these invisible " capabilities" no one has ever proved as an existing fact to the world, that they do exist within us. Even so, some people believe animals are not capable of having emotions. Don't you find this odd?⠀ ⠀ The fact that we as humans accept the existence of our soul, our emotions, and our thoughts is proof onto itself. Because it is the truth we know in our hearts, and this knowing is so pure in our being that we don't need proof to believe these things exist within us. All thoughts we have all day long, thousands of thoughts flashing through our minds, we don't consider important, are energy forms we can not see but they do exist and they don't just vanish after you have thought them. ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀ ⠀ Read further on the next post⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #nealedonaldwalsch #quotes #quotes #instaquote #quoteoftheday #ledbyspirit #comments #magid #thoughts #thought #imagination #eternity #life #truth #true #positivity #powerful #beautiful #inventions #idea #ideas #inventors #dream #believe #trust #instagood #instadaily #love #consciousness #god
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 “Lemuria the city that "sunk". Lemurians reunite!” https://buff.ly/2J5YO9Y⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #ledbyspirit #lemuria #tshirts #tshirt #tshirtdesign #tshirtshop #tshirtoftheday #mens #womens #unisex #unisextshirt #unisextshirts #shop #shopping #swagg #swagger #handsome #me beautiful #menstyle #womenstyle #dope #swag #fashionblogger #stylish #shopee #instagood #love #instadaily #new #spiritual
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 All your creating power lies in this moment and this moment and this moment and it keeps continuously unfolding, shaping your life along the way. Everything resides in this moment. This moment holds every single possibility you can possibly imagine and beyond. In this moment lies love, health, abundance, joy, laughter, inspiration, enthusiasm, strength, hope and all the other high-frequency feelings. Waiting for you. But they don't get the chance to reveal themselves to you in a few short moments you are giving them with your thoughts. ⠀ You have to regularly think about them in different ways on different subjects of your life.This way you are assigning them a place in your life.⠀ ⠀ Think about it. What you are living now. When do you think you created that? There is not one single moment you can point at, that created what you are living right now on whatever subject. You created it by choosing thoughts that all went in the same direction what resulted in what you experience now. When you truly make effort to use your now moments to direct your thoughts toward all the good stuff this moment also provides as a thought possibility, you're on track. And the more you do this, the more fun you'll have and the more powerful you will feel.⠀ ⠀ Start using your now moment, right here and right now, before you're 85 and still wondering what happened to your life. The Life Force, the power that creates worlds and keeps your body working so you can be here, loves you unconditionally. Dare to live this moment to the fullest of your potential. When you do this your life will change with the speed of a chameleon.Go for it!⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 Your feeling frequencies are picked up by the universe and are instantly created in the invisible realm forming a vortex. Your vortex. Only you have access to, where all your dreams and desires are living in the new vibrational forms through the particles. Waiting for its creator to allow them into this time-space reality through your focus.⠀ ⠀ 💖 or follow for more inspiration⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #ledbyspirit #womens #womenswear #womenstyle #womensfashion #tshirts #tshirt #tshirtdesign #tshirtlife #tshirtshop #tshirtoftheday #spiritual #vortex #shirt #spiritualawakening #shirtprint #love #shirtdesign women #beautiful #style #pretty #styleblogger #outfit #me #instagood #instalike #instadaily #new #tshirttrending #me
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ledbyspirit-blog · 6 years
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💖💖 In most of humans eyes so simple and lovely, that's all. While in fact, this is the key to everything you desire in your heart. Your dreams, your happiness, your bliss. It can all be found in happiness. Such a common word, you read about it a lot, hear it a lot, you hear people mention it a lot. But happiness is an art. Yes, it is. That's why so many people have trouble finding this feeling place as a basis. Happy feelings happen in the heart and come from the thoughts you keep thinking. Yes, a lot of people know and do have happy moments, often based on outer things that can give them that feeling for a moment, and when it changes can take it away.⠀ But really BEING happy is a totally different story. Being happy means you're thinking continuously positive thoughts facing in the direction of who you really are. Meaning all the little things in life. All these moments, moment after moment after moment after moment, are creating a happy momentum feeling where one of natures law " the Law of Attraction" is responding to. Like attracts like. ⠀ ⠀ If you're thinking well, I could feel happy when my bills have been paid, or, or, or, or, it will never come. You cant expect happiness from "doomed" thoughts. Happy results come from happy thoughts. Not specifically about that subject, you want to feel happy about, but from the main result of all your thoughts bind together. ⠀ People who are so in love can't eat, can't sleep and can't stop thinking about the other person, often a lot of other things in their life starts taking off, because they radiate such a strong happy feeling which is equal to all riches and beauty in the world. ⠀ ⠀ Happiness is an art, which requires focus, willpower, and persistence. You have to use your willpower and you have to persist. ⠀ ⠀ Get Happy!!! This is why you're here 😍😍⠀
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