leodiagnostics · 8 months
Neck pain symptoms cause and diagnosis
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Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that significantly affects your daily life. Here’s some information about neck pain symptoms, common causes, and the diagnosis process:
Symptoms of Neck Pain:
Pain Intensity and Location: The pain associated with neck pain can vary in intensity from a mild ache to severe discomfort. The pain is usually localized to the neck region but can also extend to the shoulders, and upper back, or even radiate down to the arms and hands, depending on the underlying cause. The pain might be constant or intermittent, and it can worsen with certain movements or activities.
Stiffness and Reduced Range of Motion: Neck pain often leads to stiffness in the neck muscles and joints. This stiffness can make it difficult to turn your head from side to side, tilt your head, or look up and down. It might feel like your neck is tight or locked in a certain position. blood test in Pune
Headaches: Neck pain can contribute to tension-type headaches. These headaches usually involve a band-like pressure or ache around the head. They might originate from muscle tension in the neck and shoulders or from irritation of the nerves in the neck.
Muscle Spasms: Muscle spasms are involuntary contractions of muscles. They can occur in the neck due to muscle strain or irritation. These spasms can lead to sudden, sharp pain and discomfort in the neck area. blood test in Pune
Radiating Symptoms: Certain neck conditions, such as herniated discs or nerve compression, can lead to radiating symptoms. This means that the pain or other sensations travel along the path of the affected nerve. For example, if a nerve in the neck is compressed, you might feel pain, numbness, or tingling that travels down the arm and even into the fingers.
Numbness and Tingling: Numbness and tingling, also known as paresthesia, can occur in the arms, hands, or fingers due to nerve compression or irritation. This sensation can be intermittent or persistent, and it might be accompanied by a sensation of pins and needles. blood test in Pune
Weakness: In some cases, neck pain and associated nerve compression can lead to muscle weakness in the arms or hands. This weakness might affect your ability to grip objects, perform fine motor tasks, or engage in activities that require arm strength.
Sleeping Difficulties: Neck pain can make it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position. You might experience discomfort when lying down, and waking up with a stiff or painful neck is not uncommon.
Pain Triggered by Specific Movements: Certain movements or positions of the neck can exacerbate the pain. For example, looking down for extended periods (text neck) or turning your head suddenly might trigger or worsen the discomfort.
Tenderness and Swelling: Inflammation in the neck area can cause tenderness and swelling. This can be felt when you touch the affected area, and it might indicate an underlying issue such as an infection or inflammatory condition. blood test in Pune
Impact on Daily Activities: Severe neck pain can significantly impact your ability to perform everyday activities, such as driving, working at a computer, lifting objects, or even simple tasks like getting dressed.
Common Causes of Neck Pain:
Muscle Strain: Overuse, poor posture, or sudden movements can lead to muscle strain in the neck, causing pain.
Poor Posture: Prolonged sitting with a forward head posture or looking down at screens can strain the neck muscles.
Herniated Disc: The discs between the vertebrae can bulge or herniate, pressing on nerves and causing neck pain and radiating symptoms. blood test in Pune
Cervical Spondylosis: Also known as osteoarthritis of the neck, this condition involves the wear and tear of spinal discs and joints, causing pain and stiffness.
Whiplash: Often caused by car accidents, whiplash is a sudden, forceful movement of the neck that can lead to pain and other symptoms.
Spinal Stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal can compress the spinal cord or nerves, resulting in pain and other symptoms. blood test in Pune
Degenerative Disc Disease: The discs between vertebrae naturally degenerate with age, which can lead to pain and other symptoms.
Injury: Trauma from falls, sports injuries, or accidents can lead to neck pain.
Infections or Inflammation: Conditions like meningitis or certain inflammatory disorders can cause neck pain.
Diagnosis: If you’re experiencing persistent or severe neck pain, it’s important to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional, often a primary care physician or an orthopedic specialist, will typically perform a thorough evaluation. The diagnosis process might involve:
Medical History: Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, when they started, and any relevant medical history or incidents. blood test in Pune
Physical Examination: The doctor will examine your neck’s range of motion, and posture, and look for any signs of swelling, tenderness, or abnormalities.
Imaging Tests: X-rays, MRI scans, or CT scans can provide detailed images of the neck’s structures, helping to identify issues like herniated discs, arthritis, or other abnormalities.
Nerve Tests: In cases where nerve involvement is suspected, nerve conduction studies or electromyography (EMG) might be conducted. blood test in Pune
Blood Tests: If an infection or inflammatory condition is suspected, blood tests might help in diagnosis. Do your blood test at blood test in wakad
Treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the neck pain. It might include rest, physical therapy, pain medication, muscle relaxants, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, surgical interventions. If you’re experiencing severe or persistent neck pain, it’s important to consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
blood test in Pune
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leodiagnostics · 8 months
The Value of Picking NABH-Certified Labs for Reliable Test Results
Understanding NABH Certification
Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that significantly affects your daily life. Here’s some information about neck pain symptoms, common causes, and the diagnosis process:
The long form of NABH is the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers. It is an autonomous body established by the Quality Council of India, which is an organization set up by the Indian government to promote quality in various sectors, including healthcare. NABH Labs Near Me
NABH’s primary objective is to establish and operate accreditation and certification programs for healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, and laboratories.
NABH certification signifies that a healthcare facility has met certain quality and safety standards set by NABH. These standards are designed to ensure that the healthcare organization provides high-quality and safe services to its patients. 
NABH certification covers various aspects of healthcare operations, and it aims to improve patient care, enhance patient safety, and standardize processes within healthcare organizations. NABH Labs Near Me
Here are some key points to understand about NABH certification:
Standards and Criteria: NABH has developed a set of standards and criteria that healthcare organizations must meet to be eligible for certification. These standards cover a wide range of areas, including patient care, patient rights, infection control, safety, infrastructure, and quality improvement.
Assessment Process: To become NABH-certified, a healthcare organization needs to undergo a rigorous assessment process. This process involves a thorough evaluation of the organization’s processes, infrastructure, documentation, and compliance with the NABH standards. NABH Labs Near Me
Benefits of Certification: NABH certification offers several benefits, both to the healthcare organization and to patients. For the organization, certification enhances its reputation, demonstrates a commitment to quality, and can attract more patients. For patients, it provides assurance of quality care and patient safety.
Continuous Improvement: NABH certification is not a one-time achievement. Organizations need to continuously monitor and improve their processes to maintain the certification. Regular assessments are conducted to ensure that the organization continues to meet the NABH standards. NABH Labs Near Me
Accreditation for Different Facilities: NABH offers accreditation programs for various types of healthcare facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes, blood banks, dental clinics, and diagnostic laboratories.
Patient-Centric Approach: NABH standards emphasize a patient-centric approach, focusing on patient rights, communication, and involvement in their care decisions. This helps expand the overall patient knowledge.
International Recognition: NABH accreditation is recognized internationally and is considered a mark of quality in healthcare. It can be particularly valuable for medical tourism, where patients from other countries seek medical treatment in India. NABH Labs Near Me
Transparency and Accountability: NABH-certified organizations are required to maintain records, documentation, and processes that ensure transparency and accountability in their operations.
Choosing NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers)-certified labs for medical tests can indeed offer several advantages in terms of reliable and accurate test results. 
NABH is an autonomous organization that sets rigorous standards and assesses healthcare facilities, including laboratories, to ensure they meet the highest quality and safety standards. NABH Labs Near Me
Here are some key benefits of picking NABH-certified labs for reliable test results:
Quality Assurance: NABH-certified labs are required to adhere to strict quality control and quality assurance measures. This ensures that the equipment, processes, and procedures used for tests are of high quality and produce accurate results.
Standardized Protocols: NABH certification ensures that labs follow standardized testing protocols, reducing the likelihood of errors caused by variations in procedures. This consistency contributes to reliable and consistent test results. NABH Labs Near Me
Qualified Staff: Certified labs are staffed by qualified professionals who have the necessary training and expertise to perform tests accurately and interpret results correctly. This reduces the chances of human errors in sample collection, processing, and analysis.
Accurate Equipment: NABH-certified labs are required to maintain and calibrate their equipment regularly. This helps ensure that the instruments used for testing are accurate and produce reliable results. NABH Labs Near Me
Traceability and Documentation: NABH-certified labs maintain meticulous records of test procedures, results, and patient information. This traceability not only helps in case of any discrepancies but also supports transparency and accountability.
It’s important to note that while NABH certification is a strong indicator of a lab’s reliability, no system is entirely immune to errors. It’s always a good idea to maintain an open line of communication with your healthcare provider, discuss any concerns you might have about your test results, and seek a second opinion if necessary.
NABH Labs Near Me
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leodiagnostics · 8 months
Stress Tests (TMT) How Important Are They for Evaluating Cardiac Function
What Are Stress Tests?
Stress tests, also known as exercise stress tests or cardiac stress tests, are medical procedures that involve monitoring the body’s response to physical stress, usually in the form of exercise, in order to assess the health and functionality of the cardiovascular system, especially the heart. 
These tests are commonly used to diagnose and evaluate various heart conditions and to determine how well the heart can handle increased demands during physical activity. There are different types of stress tests, but they all aim to evaluate the heart’s response to stress in various ways. Here are the main types:
Treadmill Exercise Stress Test (TMT): This is the most common type of stress test. During a TMT, the patient walks or runs on a treadmill while their heart rate, blood pressure, and electrocardiogram (ECG) are continuously monitored. 
The test begins at a relatively easy pace and gradually increases in speed and incline. The goal is to elevate the heart rate and monitor for any symptoms or changes in the ECG that could indicate heart problems. stress test cost in Pune
Nuclear Stress Test (Myocardial Perfusion Imaging): In this test, a small amount of radioactive material is injected into the bloodstream. The patient then undergoes a stress test, usually on a treadmill, while a special camera takes images of the heart. 
The radioactive material highlights areas of the heart that are receiving less blood flow, helping to identify regions with reduced blood supply, possibly due to blocked or narrowed arteries. stress test cost in Pune
Stress Echocardiogram: This test combines an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) with exercise stress. Before and after exercise, ultrasound images of the heart are taken to assess its structure and function, as well as any changes in blood flow during exercise.
Pharmacological Stress Test: Sometimes, a patient may not be able to exercise due to physical limitations. In such cases, medications that mimic the effects of exercise on the heart are administered to simulate stress. stress test cost in Pune
These medications dilate the coronary arteries and increase the heart rate, similar to what happens during physical activity. Nuclear stress tests and stress echocardiograms can also be performed with pharmacological stress.
Stress tests are valuable tools in diagnosing and evaluating a range of cardiovascular conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart rhythm abnormalities, and heart valve disorders. 
The tests can help healthcare professionals determine the presence of reduced blood flow to the heart muscles, detect abnormal heart rhythms, assess exercise tolerance, and evaluate the overall performance of the heart under stress. stress test cost in Pune
Treadmill Stress Tests, also known as Treadmill Exercise Tests (TMT) or Exercise Stress Tests, are important tools in evaluating cardiac function and assessing the overall health of the cardiovascular system. 
These tests involve having the patient perform physical exercise, usually by walking or running on a treadmill, while their heart activity is monitored through electrocardiography (ECG) and blood pressure measurements. Here are some key reasons why TMTs are important for evaluating cardiac function:
Detection of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): TMTs are commonly used to assess the presence of coronary artery disease, which is characterized by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles due to narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. 
During exercise, the heart requires more oxygen and nutrients, and if the coronary arteries are narrowed, it can lead to symptoms like chest pain (angina) or abnormal changes in the ECG, indicating reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. stress test cost in Pune
Assessment of Exercise Tolerance: TMTs can evaluate a person’s exercise capacity and tolerance. The point at which a person experiences symptoms (such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue) during the test can provide insights into their cardiovascular health and fitness level.
Monitoring Cardiac Rhythm: TMTs allow continuous monitoring of the heart’s rhythm during exercise. Abnormalities in the heart’s electrical activity, such as arrhythmias, can be detected more easily when the heart is under stress. stress test cost in Pune
Evaluation of Blood Pressure Response: Blood pressure response to exercise is an important indicator of cardiovascular health. Abnormal changes in blood pressure during or after exercise can provide valuable information about a person’s risk of cardiovascular events.
Assessment of Medication Effects: TMTs can help evaluate the effectiveness of medications in managing cardiac conditions. Changes in exercise tolerance, heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG patterns can indicate whether medications are helping improve cardiac function. stress test cost in Pune
Risk Stratification: TMT results can help classify patients into different risk categories based on their exercise performance and any abnormal ECG changes. This information aids in determining the need for further diagnostic tests or interventions.
Post-Intervention Evaluation: TMTs can be used to assess the success of interventions such as coronary artery stenting or bypass surgery. They can help determine whether blood flow to the heart has improved after such procedures. stress test cost in Pune
Monitoring Progress Over Time: TMTs can be performed at different time points to monitor changes in cardiac function over time. This is particularly useful for individuals with known cardiac conditions or those undergoing rehabilitation. stress test cost in Pune
However, it’s important to note that while TMTs provide valuable information, they have limitations. They might not always detect subtle or early stages of coronary artery disease, and false-positive or false-negative results are possible. 
Therefore, TMTs are often used in conjunction with other tests, such as imaging studies (e.g., stress echocardiography, nuclear stress tests), to provide a more comprehensive assessment of cardiac function.
As with any medical test, the interpretation of TMT results requires expertise from a qualified healthcare professional, and decisions about further testing or treatment should be based on a combination of clinical judgment, patient history, and the overall clinical context.
stress test cost in Pune
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leodiagnostics · 8 months
Heart Attack Testing- Are You At Risk
A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart muscle is blocked, typically by a blood clot. 
This blockage can lead to harm or death of the heart muscle. Heart attacks have various causes and risk factors:
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): The most common cause of heart attacks is CAD, where the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrowed or blocked due to a buildup of cholesterol, fatty deposits, and plaque. This can decrease blood flow to the heart muscle. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Blood Clot: In many cases, a heart attack occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms at the site of a narrowed or damaged coronary artery, further blocking blood flow.
Coronary Artery Spasm: Occasionally, a heart attack can be triggered by a sudden spasm or tightening of the coronary artery, reducing blood flow. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Risk Factors: Several factors can increase the risk of developing CAD and, consequently, having a heart attack:
Age: The risk of heart attack increases with age, particularly for men over 45 and women over 55. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Gender: Men generally have a higher risk of heart attack than premenopausal women. However, the risk for women rises after menopause.
Family History: A family history of heart disease can raise your risk since there may be genetic factors at play. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Smoking: Smoking is a significant risk factor for heart attacks because it damages blood vessels, reduces oxygen in the blood, and increases the formation of blood clots.
High Blood Pressure: Hypertension can lead to the hardening and thickening of arteries, increasing the risk of blockages. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
High Cholesterol: Elevated levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol can contribute to the buildup of plaque in the arteries.
Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of a heart attack. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Obesity: Being overweight or obese can lead to various risk factors, including high blood pressure and diabetes.
Physical Inactivity: A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to obesity and other heart disease risk factors. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Diet: An eating routine high in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and sugar can raise the risk of heart disease.
Stress: Chronic stress can affect heart health and may contribute to unhealthy behaviors like overeating or smoking. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can raise blood pressure and contribute to obesity, both of which are risk factors.
Illegal Drug Use: Some recreational drugs, such as cocaine, can increase the risk of heart attacks due to their effects on blood vessels and the heart.
Sleep Apnea: This condition, characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep, has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Inflammatory Conditions: Chronic inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can affect blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease.
It’s important to note that many of these risk factors are modifiable through lifestyle changes and medical treatment. Reducing these risk factors can significantly decrease the likelihood of a heart attack. 
If you have concerns about your heart health or risk factors, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance and preventive measures.
Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack is crucial because prompt medical attention can be life-saving. Heart attack symptoms can vary from person to person, and they may not always be severe or typical. 
However, here are some common signs and symptoms of a heart attack:
Chest Pain or Discomfort: The most classic symptom is chest pain or discomfort that may feel like: A tightness Pressure Squeezing Aching Burning Fullness
This pain typically lasts for several minutes or longer and may come and go. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Pain Radiating to the Arm(s): The chest discomfort may radiate to the arms, usually the left arm, but it can also affect the right arm or both arms.
Jaw, Neck, Back Pain: Some people experience pain, pressure, or discomfort in the jaw, neck, shoulders, or upper back. This discomfort can extend to the upper abdomen. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Shortness of Breath: Many individuals feel short of breath or have difficulty breathing. This can happen with or without chest distress.
Cold Sweat: Profuse sweating, often accompanied by a feeling of impending doom or extreme anxiety, can be a symptom of a heart attack. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Nausea and Vomiting: Some people may experience nausea or vomiting during a heart attack.
Lightheadedness or Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or dizzy can be a symptom, especially in combination with other symptoms. Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Fatigue: Unusual and unexplained fatigue, especially if it is severe or sudden, can be a warning sign of a heart attack.
It’s important to note that not everyone experiences all these symptoms, and some individuals may have atypical symptoms. 
Women, in particular, may be more likely to experience atypical symptoms, such as back pain, jaw pain, or shortness of breath, rather than classic chest pain.
Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
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leodiagnostics · 8 months
The Power of Antioxidants Unveiling Their Health Benefits
Antioxidants are compounds found in various foods that help protect the body from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, proteins, and DNA, potentially leading to various health issues, including chronic diseases, and aging. Antioxidants deactivate these free radicals, reducing their harmful effects. Here, we’ll explore the benefits of antioxidants, common antioxidant-rich foods, and their impact on health.
In our modern lifestyle, exposure to numerous environmental factors and dietary choices creates harmful free radicals that cause oxidative stress. Antioxidant rich foods in India
Antioxidants play an important role in combating this damage and ensuring your overall well-being. It can neutralize free radicals, prevent cell damage, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Stress, pollution, and unhealthy habits accelerate oxidation, making antioxidants even more important in today’s world. Many natural plant-based foods are rich in antioxidants and our body produces its own. However antioxidant supplements may be necessary in certain cases to reduce the risk of certain diseases and prevent oxidative damage.
Benefits of Antioxidants:
Reduced Oxidative Stress: Antioxidants help reduce the accumulation of free radicals in the body, lowering oxidative stress levels. This can help prevent cellular damage and slow down the aging process. Antioxidant rich foods in India
Protection Against Chronic Diseases: A diet rich in antioxidants has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Immune System Support: Some antioxidants, like vitamin C and zinc, play a crucial role in supporting the immune system. They help maintain immune cell function and enhance the body’s ability to fight infections. Antioxidant rich foods in India
Skin Health: Antioxidants can improve skin health by protecting it from UV radiation and reducing the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.
Eye Health: Certain antioxidants, like lutein and zeaxanthin, are essential for maintaining eye health and reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Antioxidant rich foods in India
Inflammation Reduction: Chronic inflammation is a key factor in many diseases. Antioxidants may help reduce inflammation by neutralizing free radicals that trigger inflammation.
Common Antioxidants and Foods:
Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits (oranges, lemons), strawberries, kiwi, and broccoli.
Vitamin E: Present in nuts (almonds, hazelnuts), seeds (sunflower seeds), and vegetable oils (olive oil).
Beta-carotene: Found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and butternut squash. Antioxidant rich foods in India
Selenium: Available in foods like Brazil nuts, seafood, and whole grains.
Flavonoids: Abundant in fruits (berries, apples), vegetables (onions, kale), and beverages like tea and red wine.
Resveratrol: Originate in red grapes, red wine, and dark chocolate.
Lycopene: Present in tomatoes, watermelon, and pink grapefruit. Antioxidant rich foods in India
Health Impact:
Heart Health: Antioxidants, particularly found in fruits and vegetables, can lower the risk of heart disease by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and improving blood pressure.
Cancer Prevention: Antioxidants may help reduce the risk of certain cancers by neutralizing free radicals that can lead to DNA damage and mutations. Antioxidant rich foods in India
Brain Health: Antioxidants like flavonoids and resveratrol are associated with better cognitive function and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
Diabetes Management: Antioxidants can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce complications associated with diabetes. 
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Incorporating Antioxidants into Your Diet:
To reap the benefits of antioxidants, aim to include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Whole grains, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins also provide valuable antioxidants. Keep in mind that it’s best to obtain antioxidants from whole foods rather than supplements, as whole foods offer a balanced mix of nutrients and antioxidants. Antioxidant rich foods in India
In conclusion, antioxidants are vital for maintaining overall health and preventing various diseases. A balanced diet rich in antioxidant-containing foods can help protect your body from oxidative stress and contribute to your well-being.
Antioxidant rich foods in India
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leodiagnostics · 3 years
Breast Self-Exam for Breast Cancer
Worldwide, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer and 685,000 died. More worryingly, the phenomenon is growing alarmingly globally.
After skin cancer, breast cancer has been mentioned as the most common cancer detected in women round the world. Breast cancer can affect both men and women, but it is more normal in women.
Breast Cancer Awareness: The need of great importance
Breast cancer can start in various portions of the breast. The breast is made up of three primary parts: the lobules, the ducts, and the connective tissue. The lobules are the glands that create milk. Tubes are the tubes that carry milk to the nipple. Connective tissues (consisting of fibrous and adipose tissue) surround and hold everything together. Most breast cancers start in the fallopian tubes or lobules. Breast cancer can spread over blood vessels and lymph vessels exterior the breast. When breast cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it is said to be metastasized.
Symptoms of breast cancer
Although symptoms may vary from person to person, and not all women experience all symptoms, the most widely recognized symptoms of breast cancer include:
Skin changes, like inflammation, redness, or other noticeable changes in one or both breasts
A swelling or an increase in size or modification in shape of the breast(s)
Discharge from nipples other than breast milk
Pain in/on any part of the breast along with swellings or lumps felt on or inside of the breast
What can you do to guard yourself from breast cancer?
Breast self-test is a simple examination that women can do at home to find changes or problems in their breasts. For this method, the woman needs to look at herself and notice any possible lumps, deformities or swelling in each breast. Many women around the world feel that doing this is significant for their wellbeing.
When should breast self-examination be done?
The best time to examine your breasts yourself is about 3 to 5 days after the onset of menstruation, as your breasts are not tender or lumpy during your menstrual cycle. If you are pregnant, have never had a period, are no longer menstruating, or have irregular periods, choose a specific day each month to self-test. After menopause, attempt to do this around the same time each month.
The more you inspect your breasts, the more you will learn about them
And it was easy for us to find any changes in them. Breast awareness is sometimes considered an informal option for breast self-test. Make it a habit to self-test once a month so that you get to know how your breasts normally feel and look. Your goal is to get used to the feeling of your breasts which will help you to detect any changes in them throughout some undefined time frame. There are many conditions that can cause changes in your breasts, not just cancer. But if you are familiar with your breast type, it significantly increases the chances of detecting any lump formation or change that may be the first sign of breast cancer.
Breast cancer screening
It is believed that regular screening of your breasts can be an important way to detect cancer early and get the right treatment. But at the same time, one should not rely on self-test alone to rule out cancer. No single test can detect all breast cancers early, but breast cancer organizations believe that self-test of the breast with other diagnostic methods may increase the chances of early detection. Regular physical examination by a doctor, mammography and if necessary, ultrasound or MRI; All or any may be necessary.
In addition to examining the breast, your doctor may examine the breast and refer you to some imaging tests to learn more about your breast.
Mammogram. This detailed X-ray gives specialists a superior perspective on lumps and different issues.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This body check makes point by point pictures of the inner parts of your breasts.
Biopsy. For this test, the specialist eliminates tissue or liquid from your breast looks under a microscope to check for cancer cells.
Visit Diagnostic centre in Pune or Pathology lab in Pune for further assistence.
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leodiagnostics · 3 years
Dengue-Precautions you must take
Monsoon season might be essential for the economy (horticulture, water system, power generation), however in a tropical nation like India, this may likewise turn into a period of sicknesses. One of the numerous risks of the rainy season is dengue.
Throughout the last decade, dengue fever has become exceptionally prevalent in India. This is a hazardous disease.
Anyway, what can anyone do? Allow us to understand the nature of dengue first.
What is dengue?
Dengue fever is brought about by an infection that enters our body when we are bitten by a female Aedes mosquito. In India, there are 4 fundamental variations (called serotypes) of dengue. Few of these serotypes are more destructive and hazardous than others.
However, the indications of dengue are a similar regardless of the serotype. The primary indications of dengue are:
Extremely high fever
Intense muscle pain
Constant sickness
Skin rashes or injuries
bleeding from nose
What should you do if you notice dengue symptoms?
If you unexpectedly start to display the indications of dengue fever speak to your doctor right away. Your doctor will suggest a dengue test.
Prompt activity is urgent. Dengue fever ought to be managed in a flash with a specialist's recommendation. In addition to the treatment recommended by your doctor, great hydration and rest, play a significant part in recovery.
If you do not get correct diagnosis on time, it can become hard to oversee dengue fever as it can advance to a serious structure rapidly prompting dengue haemorrhagic fever or DHF and Dengue Shock Syndrome which can be perilous. One more danger related with dengue fever is the abrupt drop in blood platelets which can present as draining from the nose, somewhat blue red patches on the skin. Prompt clinical consideration and now and then hospitalization might be needed in such cases. 
How would you be able to deal with forestall dengue through security insurances?
Shield yourself from mosquito nibbles. Dengue-causing mosquitoes breed in still water. During the storm, water aggregates in potholes, trash dumps, breaks and fissure around your home.
So, these are the dengue safety measures that you should execute:
Fix the harms inside your property where water may gather.
Channel the water that might deteriorate in grower (pruned plant compartments) when kept inside/outside the house. 
Talk with the metropolitan specialists and ensure that they shower larvicide to kill mosquito hatchlings in your area.
Introduce exceptional mosquito nets at your windows. Zoom up the nets during those times when mosquitoes roll in from outside. 
In case you are going out ensure that you use mosquito repellent cream on your uncovered skin (keep away from contact with eyes, ears and oral ingestion of such items). 
Try not to allow trash to stack up close to your home. By and by, appeal to your district to tidy up the region. 
Wear full garments when venturing out. 
Rest inside a mosquito net. 
It adopts a proactive strategy towards neatness, participation and wellbeing safety measures to keep the spread of dengue fever under tight restraints. Yet, a few things are outside our ability to control. In such cases, on the off chance that you figure you or your friends and family might have contracted dengue, contact a specialist and book a test at diagnostic centre in Pune or pathology lab in Pune.
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leodiagnostics · 3 years
Must eat foods if you lead inactive life
Sitting Life implies investing a great deal of energy being inactive. Today a large portion of our work life expects us to sit for an extensive stretch of time. However, having an idle existence is extremely destructive. It could prompt obesity, heart sicknesses, hypertension and surprisingly unexpected death. We can't avoid an inactive way of life yet we can unquestionably embrace certain propensities that can assist us with decreasing its incidental effects. Here is a rundown of food sources that you should eat if you have an inactive existence.
1.Berries- Add normal antioxidants like blueberries, strawberries, and so on to your eating regimen to keep your cholesterol levels typical, to get in shape and to battle malignant growth. Blueberries are amazingly wealthy in phenols, explicitly gallic corrosive, which help in further developing the cerebrum capacities by decreasing the side effects of mind haze – distraction, failure to think, and so forth High in fiber, low in calories and a low glycemic file makes them an optimal food to battle robustness – a typical sick impact of an inactive life.
2.Dark Chocolate- Aside from being an elegant joy, here's another motivation behind why you can enjoy dark chocolate without feeling sorry. It is useful for your heart as it diminishes the plaque development inside the corridors and furthermore re-establishes their adaptability. A lot of screen time can dial back your intellectual capacities, this is the place where dark chocolate acts the hero. It further develops the blood stream to fundamental pieces of the cerebrum and subsequently further develops your ability to focus and memory.
3.Green Tea- Work pressure can cause a great deal of medical issues. Drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea daily to de-stress yourself and to help your invulnerability. It helps in blood course and being really wealthy in cancer prevention agents it helps in keeping a tab on your weight as well.
4.Oats- Oats is a fiber rich food. Eating a bowl, a day can lessen the danger of heart illnesses generally. Sitting consistently for delayed hours can trigger your cholesterol that is the reason dealing with your heart turns out to be considerably more important. Oats are an astonishing wellspring of beta-glucan – a fiber which assumes a functioning part in lessening stoutness, hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
5.Citrus Fruits- Being truly inactive and an excessive amount of utilization of espresso or caffeine can at last make you lazy and tired. Increment your admission of Vitamin C with citrus natural products like lemons, oranges, grapes, and so forth to support your energy levels and endurance in a sound and nutritious manner. These organic products also have a low glycemic record which implies that the glucose in them is delivered into your circulation system gradually, driving you to feel enthusiastic in a consistent way without the symptom of an accident later on.
These are a portion of the food varieties and nourishing requirements that can assist you with remaining sound with an inactive way of life. Aside from picking food varieties that are low in calories and high in fiber, having 5 little part dinners daily rather than 3 huge piece ones can be more gainful. It expands your digestion and keeps your sugar levels even. So, remember to fuse these eating regimen changes to remain fit as you sit.
Diagnostic centre in Pune
Pathology lab in Pune
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leodiagnostics · 3 years
Precautions For Asthma During Monsoon
 The cool breeze that accompanies the monsoon is usually reason for joy to several but not for all. Those with asthma and breathing related allergies face the danger of aggravating their condition with the decrease within the temperature and increase the dampness within the air during the season. Here are some precautions and measures you'll follow in order that you can also enjoy the rains despite asthma.
Take all measures to stop dampened walls in your house. When moisture is trapped within the walls it’s not only bad for the building but also your health. It results in mould build-up which may either worsen your asthma symptoms or could even trigger asthma or other respiratory issues albeit you don’t have them. Pack up all the mould off your walls employing a combination of bleach and water. Also, get a damp course finished your house so as to form your walls anti-moisture and anti-moulds. Employing a dehumidifier and air conditioning could even be helpful in controlling the atmospheric conditions reception. Keep the doors of your kitchen, wash area and bathrooms closed to scale back the circulation of moisture within the atmosphere. Also, confirm that each one the rooms have proper cross ventilation and are exposed to sunlight albeit it's for a few times. Rainy season also increases the presence of pollen grains within the air. This will trigger asthma attacks since pollen grains convince be allergens for those that have already got breathing problems. Avoid keeping plants inside the house, especially in your bedroom. attempt to stay indoors during the mornings when the presence of pollens within the air is at its peak. Likewise, during the monsoons your exposure to animal fur also manifolds as pets tend to remain indoors more so as to avoid getting wet. This triggers asthma in children more. Attempt to restrict your pet’s movement within the house to a specific area only. Apart from these precautions taken during season for asthma, don’t forget to take your asthma medications regularly. Keep yourself consider avoid catching a flu. Also, confine mind the standard measures like using blinders and window shades rather than curtains and keeping your home dust and clutter free.
 If you feel any breathing allergy or asthma symptoms do asthma or allergy test at Diagnostic centre in Pune or Pathology lab in Pune. 
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leodiagnostics · 4 years
Importance of early health check-ups for children
Well-youngster checkups are specialist's visits booked at explicit occasions in a kid's life where we can see their development and advancement and address approaches to keep them sound. As a pediatric inhabitant, I regularly observe youngsters in who have missed one to two well-kid checkups. We can generally get a catch up on vaccinations, however significantly more goes into a well-kid check than that. It is significant that the doctor checks the kids as per the schedule.
The American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidelines that suggest when a child should have regularly scheduled pediatric visits. These occur more frequently in the first two years of life and then decrease to annual visits. It is important to remember that these visits are in addition to any trip to the doctor your child may have for illnesses.
What are the components of a well-child check?
There are things you can expect every time you visit your pediatrician. These include:
·         Checking vital signs such as temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate
·         Checking height, weight and head circumference (in infants) and assessing growth curves
·         Questions about the child’s diet, elimination and sleeping habits
·         Assessing developmental milestones by asking parents about the child’s speech and motor skills
·         Full physical exam
·         Age-specific immunizations
·         Guidance regarding safety, nutrition, family dynamics and discipline
There are aspects of the well-child check that occur only at certain visits. These include:
·         Developmental screenings that occur at nine months,18 months and 24 months (and will be the focus of the remainder of this post)
·         Annual blood pressure screening, starting around three years of age
·         Anemia screening through evaluating hemoglobin levels at one and two years of age
·         Screening for lead toxicity at one and two years of age
·         Annual vision and hearing screening, starting around three years of age
·         Fluoride application, starting with first eruption of teeth until child is receiving routine dental visits (typically around four to five years old)
Developmental screening is a very important component of all pediatric visits because speech and motor delays can have lifelong implications for the child’s well-being and quality of life. It is important to catch those at risk and refer them to appropriate therapies as early as possible.
How is my child screened?
Modified checklist for autism in toddlers (MCHAT)
Performed at 18- and 24-month well-child visits, the MCHAT is a 20-question survey that looks at certain activities and developmental skills children should be doing based on their current age. This questionnaire aids in identifying those at risk of developing autism spectrum disorders including autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome and pervasive developmental disorders.
Based on the answers provided, children are classified as low-risk, medium-risk or high-risk. Medium-risk children should have a follow-up MCHAT administered, and those at high-risk should be immediately referred for further evaluation and early intervention.
Current prevalence of autism is about one in 68 children, with higher prevalence in boys. The average age of diagnosis is four years old. The aim of this screening tool is earlier diagnosis and intervention.
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
This is a screening tool that aids in identifying risk for developmental delays. It is estimated that developmental delays, learning disorders and behavioral or social/emotional problems affect one in six children. The aim of this tool is to identify children at risk for delays prior to school entry.
The screening evaluates the child’s skills in five categories:
·         Communication
·         Gross Motor
·         Fine Motor
·         Problem Solving
·         Personal-Social
Grading can be based on caregiver answers or observation of the child performing skills during a visit. Scores are converted into normal, at-risk or delayed categories. Those in the at-risk category should be provided home exercises and learning activities, and their doctor should follow up at their next visit. Those with obvious delays should be referred for further evaluation and treatment, which may include speech therapy, physical therapy or occupational therapy.
The screening is performed at 9-, 18- and 24-month well-child visits.
Your child’s well visits serve many purposes, but they are primarily an opportunity for your pediatrician to ensure your child is growing and developing properly. It is important to catch delays and disorders as early as possible to ensure children get the treatment necessary to help them function optimally.You can do healthcheckup of your child at Diagnostics centers in Wakad pune, Pathology labs in Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra, Blood test in Wakad, Pune, Fever profile testing in wakad
We are all human, and things come up in our schedules that cause us to miss appointments. However, it is vital that you call and reschedule. One missed checkup could mean a late diagnosis, and early intervention is key.
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leodiagnostics · 4 years
7 Things to Know About Personal Hygiene
Staying healthy it’s not just about eating a good diet and exercise consistently. It also has a lot to do with adopting hygienic and clean habits or routines. Here are some straightforward yet basic manners by which you can add to your cleanliness and become more advantageous.
Keep your hands clean to fend off ailments
Our hands contact dozen things every day and come into contact with a million germs. 26000 unique microscopic organisms can be discovered just on a solitary money note. That is the reason, constantly save at any rate 15 seconds to wash and rub your hands completely with cleanser and water before eating, in the wake of utilizing the latrine, in the wake of coming all the way back from open spots, and so forth. Drying your hands in the wake of washing is likewise significant. It expels the remaining germs all things considered.
Floss to improve oral cleanliness
Aside from brushing your teeth consistently, flossing is likewise required every day to evacuate the plaque between the teeth appropriately. Generally the odds of pit develop and gum ailments increment. Be that as it may, make a point to utilize the dental floss cautiously to maintain a strategic distance from gum harm.      
Normally perfect your Belly Button
Scientists have discovered that there could be 60 kinds of microorganisms living in an unclean navel. What's more, the navel is arranged at a touchy piece of the stomach area since it's exceptionally near the essential organs. That is the reason, to evade diseases it's important to expel the soil and sweat from it all the time. You could utilize cotton buds and soapy water to make your midsection button without germ. Remember to flush it with water toward the end. For obstinate earth, use oil to clean.
Sharing isn't continually minding
It may appear to be innocuous to utilize your companion's headphones when you have overlooked yours yet this can prompt middle ear contaminations, parasite development, swimmer's ear, and so on. Ear wax is clingy and clammy, accordingly making it an ideal spot for earth and germs to collect. Similarly, avoid sharing make-up products with others and reduce your chances of contracting oral herpes, conjunctivitis, rashes, etc.  Individuals may look sound yet can really have germs.
Your feet also need consideration
Change your socks day by day and sun your footwear every now and again. This will diminish the odds of contagious and bacterial development in them that can hurt your skin. Additionally, do absorb your feet warm water, when seven days, to dispose of poisons gathered in the pores. Include lemon juice or tea tree oil to the water for more advantages.
Keep up menstrual cleanliness
Have a different arrangement of panties to be utilized at that time. Wash blood recolored garments in warm water implanted with a disinfectant. Likewise, wash yourself appropriately every time you change your pads. These means can assist you with keeping contaminations under control.
Abstain from eating uncooked nourishment outside
Eating plates of mixed greens is sound however just if the leafy foods are washed appropriately. Else it can prompt stomach contaminations, loose bowels and food contamination. In addition, it's more secure to eat prepared nourishment outside since the warmth murders a ton of the germs however crude nourishments don't have this advantage.
Following these basic and simple advances can without a doubt get more cleanliness in your life. So remember to fuse these individual cleanliness tips for a solid future.
Like personal hygiene healthchekup is also important. To do healthchekups please visit Diagnostics centers in Wakad pune, Pathology labs in Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra, Blood test in Wakad, Pune, Fever profile testing in wakad, pune, fertility test in wakad,hormonal test in wakad
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leodiagnostics · 4 years
10 Surefire Signs Your Heart Is Super Strong
Keeping your heart healthy is of predominant importance as you age.Cardiovascular disease killed over 800,000 Americans in 2013 alone, or about 2,200 persons each day. And it’s not just the people over 65 who need to be worried, premature arterial illness hits up to 10% of men before age forty five, and today’s average 50-year-old has a roughly 50% risk of developing a heart disease as he gets older.
But you'll be able to drop that risk significantly, and add years to your life, by simply identifying the major indicators of poorly functioning heart and taking appropriate action.
According to the landmark Framingham Heart Study, which analyzed more than 3,500 men over several decades, men free of six big factors—high total cholesterol, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, high bloodpressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking—had solely a five-hitter probability of developing disorder by age ninety five.But if you hit two or more of those factors? Your chances of heart trouble jumps to a whopping 69%.
If you feel as though your ticker isn’t in top form, here’s how to “Build a Heart of Steel”.
1)Your Resting Heart Rate is On Target
The number a way to observe your heart and its strength is comparatively straightforward, especially with the abundance of fitness trackers and smart watches out there: check your heart rate.
If you have got a huntsman it’s straightforward to see it, just rest for 10–15 minutes (lying down is best) and then see what your wearable says.
DYIers will take 2 fingers and rest them on the within of your radiocarpal joint feeling for the vein and pulse.
Once you’ve got it, take a watch with a second hand and count the number of beats for 20 seconds and then multiply by three to get your rate.
For associate degree adult man, your resting vital sign ought to between sixty and a hundred beats per minute.
Well-trained athletes sometimes have a rate around forty to sixty beats per minute.
2)You Have Optimal Blood Pressure
Making sure your blood is hunt around your veins at the optimum force—to and from the heart—is another specific means you'll be able to register on however your ticker is doing.
The best thanks to resolve is once you attend your doctors for your physical, though most pharmacies have an automated machine that will tell you your pressure for free, or you can buy an electronic device to monitor yourself at home.
The most recent recommendations from 2014 say adults beneath sixty ought to post numbers that area unit but 140/90 pressure unit.
If you’re numbers are off, check out 10 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure.
3)Your EKG Gives You a Thumbs-Up
Next time you pop by your doctor’s office for an annual checkup, make sure you get an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG).
It’s not sometimes a part of a physical unless you have got symptoms of cardiovascular disease, however you'll be able to request one from your doctor.
This simple associate degreed painless check measures however long it takes an electrical wave to travel, which lets you know if your heartbeat is normal, slow, fast or irregular.
To get one you have to take your shirt off and then lie down on the table.
Several sticky electrodes are placed on your chest and on every arm and leg.
Then those area unit connected by wire to the EKG machine and can track your heartbeat whereas you lie still for a few minute.
If you want to learn more about talking to your doctor, don’t miss Best Life interview with Dr. Oz.
4)You’re Constantly Active and Energetic
A systematically sluggish and summing up feeling is an indication of one thing seriously wrong along with your heart.
When you are often fatigued, it may mean the heart isn’t able to pump enough blood to give your body the nutrients it needs possibly because of clogged or hardened arteries.
So as long as {you feel|you are feeling} spirited and on purpose most of the time (and aren’t depressed) your heart is perhaps pumping powerfully and also the blood vessel highways are free
of congestion—then learn How to Stay Lean for Life: The Workout.
5)Your Cholesterol Hits the Bullseye
These numbers will tell you loads regarding however your heart is acting therefore make certain to urge them checked a minimum of once each 5 years unless you have got a
major risk factor like heart disease, diabetes, kidney problems, or other conditions.
This is another check that you just ought to get at your physical, but intrepid and curious folks can buy home kits to find out where you stand—though most require you to prick your finger for a small amount of blood, so maybe wait until you see your doc unless you’ve already been diagnosed with high cholesterol.You can do blood test in wakad for accurate result.
Total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/dL with LDL, or “bad,” should be less than 100 mg/dL and HDL, or “good,” should be 60 mg/dL or higher.
For additional regarding taking management of your sterol, verify the last word Nutrition Secrets for Men.
6)You Ace the Stress Test
How well your heart will handle stress brought on by exercise may be measured merely at your doctor’s workplace with a treadmill and machines that monitor pulse rate, breathing, bloodpressure, EKG, and fatigue.The tasking check can verify however well your heart is functioning to pump blood through your body.
Testers will look at whether or not your blood pressure dips too low or goes too high, any arrhythmias, or heartbeat fluctuations, will be noted (though they usually aren’t of clinical significance), and you the workload you are able to stand will be record in “METS,” which is metabolic equivalents, or a physiological measure expressing the energy cost of exercise. If you reach 80% of the age-predicted maximum heart rate (220 – your age) during your test, that’s considered a good result, and 90% or better is considered excellent. If you’re numbers look good, check out the other 99 Ways to live to be 100 years-old. For a better result you can visit diagnostics centers in wakad pune.
7)You Have Excellent Glucose Levels
Having diabetes or even just high glucose, or blood sugar, levels over time can cause damage to your nerves and blood vessels, which can lead to increased risk of having heart disease or getting a stroke.
To make positive you're within the right space, get checked once at pathology labs in wakad pune during your physical, and then every three years, after you are over age 45.
If you're to a fault involved regarding this range, there square measure straightforward glucose tests you'll get on-line that diabetics use everyday and square measure terribly correct, but again you will
have to prick your finger for a few drops of blood.
A normal result's a hundred mg/dL when eight hours of not feeding.
If your glucose is higher than you thought, here’s our primer for phasing sugar out of your life.
8)Your Levels of C-Reactive Protein
This protein, also called CRP, can be an early indicator of inflammation in your body, which if is in the arteries, could lead to heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. A recent study showed that high levels of CRP predicted a three-fold greater risk of having a heart attack. Figuring out levels of this protein is usually only done at your doctors if you are at high risk for heart disease and have a high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or are a smoker.
9)Your Max Heart Rate is High
For the fitness fanatics out there, you can really test your heart rate yourself on a treadmill, spin bike, or elliptical by exercising for as hard as you can for
three minutes, then check your heart rate.If it’s near to seventieth or eighty fifth of the Georgia home boy for your age (220 – your age), then you’re right on target.For our recs for the simplest cardio machines in any athletic facility, see here.
10)You Bounce Back Quickly
A strong and healthy heart implies that it will block quickly and swimmingly.
To test it, right when the foremost intense exercise you are doing, check your heart rate.Make a note and so stop exercise all, and check it again two minutes later.Numbers that square measure a minimum of eightieth or larger than your most pulse rate, or show that your pulse rate declined by sixty six or additional beats in those last 2minutes, mean you’re in great shape—and if you’re looking for a killer workout, here’s the single best one to Banish Your Belly… And Boredom.
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leodiagnostics · 4 years
5 Ways To Exercise While Working Around The House
Getting some activity is significant, yet frequently we can't set aside a few minutes for it. Yet, little did you know that house work can be an extraordinary method to consume calories. At the point when you don't have the opportunity to work out or hit the exercise center, these hacks will assist you with consuming calories and remain physically dynamic while doing the home tasks. Look at these activities that you can do at home without utilizing any gear.
Step Exercises
While you hang tight for your clothes washer to complete the last turn or the cooker to do its work, benefit as much as possible from the stairs to condition your leg muscles. Stroll here and there the stairs while you pause. In the event that you have a multi-storey house and need to truck things starting with one storey then onto the next, take not many things one after another, rather than taking every one of the things at one go. Along these lines you'll have the option to finish the work and furthermore invest some more energy conditioning your legs.
Extending will in general relax and alleviate the muscles. This activity helps increment your adaptability and lessens the danger of strong wounds. While doing the clothing, keep the clothing bushel on the floor when you're pressing. That way you'll continually need to twist and stretch to arrive at the garments. You can likewise divider push-ups or kitchen counter push-ups while you trust that your tea will bubble or while your dish is stews.
Arms and Shoulders Exercise
It might be simpler and enticing to clean your floor with a handle mop yet jumping on your hindquarters and giving the floor a decent scour with a hand mop has double points of interest. Your floor will be a great deal cleaner and, above all, you'll have the option to practice your arms and shoulders. Make sure to change arms while cleaning to profit both your upper appendages similarly.
Sit Ups
Sit ups should be possible whenever, while sitting in front of the TV, hanging tight for a download to finish on your PC, and so forth. Doing sit ups is a fast method to fortify your stomach muscles which can in the end assist you with getting that sculpted body. "Building your stomach muscles expands your capacity to consume more calories which implies progressively fat consumed"
Walking is a misjudged type of activity however it does something amazing to manage circulatory strain, avoid osteoarthritis and keep dementia under control. Plan your housework in such a way, that you always need to move around the house. Rather than home conveyance, choose go for a walk and stroll down to the café to gather your package. Another option is to walk the discussion for example walk while chatting on the telephone. You could likewise, walk your nourishment down in light of the fact that there is no better method to process your nourishment than taking a walk around a dinner.
These activities are valuable and simple as well as reasonable for fledglings. The best part about these exercises is that you don't need to slow down your work to remain fit. So feel free to make these activities a daily schedule from today itself and you'll see and feel the outcomes by simply placing in some additional exertion.
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leodiagnostics · 5 years
5 Foods You Must Eat If You Have Irregular Periods
The average gap between two periods is around 28 days. If your periods are frequently deferred by over seven days, at that point you could be experiencing oligomenorrhea. This is the medicinal term for the normal state of unpredictable periods.The causes for for unpredictable periods can be many – thyroid issue, stress, travel, unreasonable utilization of liquor or caffeine, and so forth. Here are a few nourishments that can enable you to treat unpredictable periods.
1.  Ginger
From disposing of cold to improving digestion, ginger is by all accounts the main wellbeing zest. In any case, this Vitamin C and magnesium-rich nourishment can act the hero if there should be an occurrence of irregular periods too. Everyday enjoy some ginger tea, if snacking on ginger is too hard an undertaking. It helps getting the uterus which encourages in kick-beginning the period. Include a touch of jaggery as a sugar to your ginger tea for better outcomes.
2.  Papaya
Eating papaya all the time also helps in getting the uterus muscles. Aside from creating heat in the body, the natural product contains carotene. This substance stimulates or manages that estrogen hormone levels in the body. Normally, this incites periods or menses all the more as often as possible. No big surprise, it is encouraged to refrain from this meaty natural product during pregnancy.
3.  Pineapple
Dr Vandana Khanijo, Vimannagar , Pune opines, "Aside from flushing out unfertilized eggs, menstrual blood is principally the consequence of the uterus divider shedding. That is the reason eating nourishments that help shed the uterus lining or mellow it are fundamental." Pineapple is one such organic product as it contains the catalyst bromelain. Besides, this tart organic product additionally helps in the age of red and white platelets. This suggests an improved blood stream.
4.  Parsley
This herb might be fundamentally the same as coriander however has somewhat various properties. Since ages parsley has been utilized as an emmenagogue for example a herb that builds the abundance of blood stream in the pelvic area.Don't neglect to incorporate bubbled parsley water or parsley tea to your every day fluid eating regimen.
5.  Carom seeds
By and by, aside from clearing your entrails, this is one more zest that can work supernatural occurrences with your menstrual cycle. Swallowing down a glass of bubbled water with carom seeds or ajwain, animates the uterus successfully. Best of all, its enemy of uncontrollable characteristics help in avoiding menstrual issues and agonies also.
Aside from receiving these powerful, simple and locally situated strategies, it is constantly fitting to counsel a specialist. Getting medicinal treatment from a specialist according to your remarkable body type and condition is indispensable. Also, the issue is half tackled just when the underlying driver of the issue is analyzed. Which is the reason we prescribe you visit a prestigious gynecologist at Apollo Clinic for all issues or uncertainty you may have with respect to periods.
Diagnostics centers in Wakad pune, Pathology labs in Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra, Blood test in Wakad, Pune, Fever profile testing in wakad, pune, fertility test in wakad,hormonal test in wakad
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leodiagnostics · 5 years
10 Most Common Diseases that affects both children and adults
 There are a few diseases that can affect both the adults and children. Well, not few there are a lot but today I will tell you about the 10 most common diseases that affects both the children and the adults. 
 1. Sore Throat 
 Sore throats square measure common in kids and may be painful.However, an inflammatory disease that's caused by an endemic doesn't like antibiotics.In those cases, no specific medication is needed, and your child should get better in seven to ten days.In different cases, an inflammatory disease might be caused by associate infection known as streptococci (strep throat).Strep can't be accurately diagnosed by merely viewing the throat.A science laboratory take a look at or in-office fast strep take a look at, which has a fast swab of the throat, is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of strep.If positive for strep, your pediatrician can impose associate antibiotic.It's very necessary that your kid take the antibiotic for the total course, as prescribed, even if the symptoms get better or go away.Steroid medicines (such as prednisone) aren't associate applicable treatment for many cases of inflammatory disease.Babies and toddlers seldom catch on infection, however they're a lot of probably to become infected by strep bacteria if they're in kid care or if associate older relationhas the illness.Although strep spreads principally through coughs and sneezes, your child can also get it by touching a toy that an infected child has played with. 
 2. Ear Pain 
Ear pain is common in children and can have many causes—including ear infection (otitis media), swimmer's ear (infection of the skin in the ear canal), pressure from a cold or sinus infection, teeth pain radiating up the jaw to the ear, and others. To tell the distinction, your pediatricianhas to examine your child's ear. In fact, associate in-office communicating remains the most effective method for your pediatrician to create associate correct identification.If your child's ear pain is in the midst of a high fever, involves each ears, or if your kid has different signs of ill health, your pediatrician may decide that anantibiotic is the best treatment.Amoxicillin is that the most popular associate antibiotic for tympanum infections—except once there's an hypersensitivity reaction to antibiotic drug or chronic or continual infections.Many true ear infections are caused by viruses and do not require antibiotics.If your pediatrician suspects your child's ear infection could also be from an endemic, he or she is going to speak with you concerning the most effective ways in which to assist relieve your child'sear pain until the virus runs its course. 
3. Urinary Tract Infection 
 Bladder infections, also called urinary tract infections or UTIs, occur when ¬bacteria build up in the urinary tract.A UTI will be found in kids from infancy through the teenager years and into adulthood.Symptoms of a UTI embrace pain or burning throughout micturition, the need to urinate frequently or urgently, bedwetting or accidents by a child who knows to use the toilet,abdominal pain, or side or back pain.Your child's doctor can ask for urine sample to check for a UTI before deciding treatment.Your doctor could modify the treatment betting on that microorganism is found in your child's urine. 
 4. Skin Infection 
 In most youngsters with skin infections, a skin test (culture or swab) may be needed to determine the most-appropriate treatment.Tell your doctor if your child has a history of MRSA, staph infection, or other resistant bacteria or if he or she has been exposed to other family members or contacts with resistant bacteria.      
5. Bronchitis 
 Chronic bronchitis is associate infection of the larger, a lot of central airways within the lungs and is a lot of usually seen in adults.Often the word "bronchitis" is employed to explain a chest virus and doesn't need antibiotics. 
 6. Bronchiolitis 
 Bronchiolitis is common in infants and young kids throughout the cold and grippe season.Your doctor could hear "wheezing" once your kid breathes.Bronchiolitis is most often caused by a virus, which does not require antibiotics. Instead, most treatment recommendations are geared toward making your child comfortable with close monitoring for any difficulty in breathing, eating, or signs of dehydration.Medicines used for patients with asthma attack (such as bronchodilator or steroids) aren't counseled for many infants and young kids with bronchitis.Children United Nations agency were born untimely or have underlying health issues might have totally different treatment plans. 
 7. Pain 
 The best medicines for pain relief for youngsters square measure Panadol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.Talk to your pediatrician about how much to give your child, as it should be based on your child's weight.Narcotic pain medications aren't applicable for youngsters with common injuries or complaints like sprained articulatioplana, ear pain, or sore throats.Codeine ought to never be used {for kids|foryoungsters|for kids} as it has been related to severe metastasis issues and even death in children.    
 8. Common Cold 
 Colds are caused by viruses in the upper respiratory tract.Many young children—especially those in child care—can get five to eight colds each year.Symptoms of a chilly (including fluid nose, congestion, and cough) may last for up to ten days.However, if a sinus infection is suspected, your doctor will carefully decide whether antibiotics are the best choice based on your child's symptoms and a physical exam.
 9. Bacterial Sinusitis 
 Bacterial rubor is caused by microorganism cornered within the sinuses.Sinusitis is suspected once cold-like symptoms like nasal discharge, daytime cough, or both last over ten days without improvement.Antibiotics could also be required if this condition is in the midst of thick yellow nasal discharge and a fever for a minimum of three or four days during a row. 
 10. Cough 
 Coughs square measure sometimes caused by viruses and don't typically need antibiotics.Cough medication isn't suggested for youngsters four years getting on and younger, or for youngsters four to six years getting on unless suggested by your doctor.Studies have systematically shown that cough medicines don't add the 4-years-and-younger cohort and have the potential for serious aspect effects.Cough medicines with narcotics—such as codeine—should not be utilized in kids. 
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leodiagnostics · 5 years
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Diagnostics centers in Wakad pune, Pathology labs in Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra, Blood test in Wakad, Pune, Fever profile testing in wakad, pune, fertility test in wakad,hormonal test in wakad
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leodiagnostics · 5 years
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A correct diagnosis is three-fourths the remedy.
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