Literally me. When I saw him for the first time in that gameplay bit I fucking LOST IT. I MISSED YOU BABY!!!
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My face when I saw Timothy... I love him
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Did somebody say more Timtam memes
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Is it just me, or did finding out Timothy Lawrence would be in the next dlc feel like we just found a cryptid or something?
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Everybody gtfo if you don’t want spoilers this is all I’m gonna talk about for the next decade holy shit
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m o o d
me, in class, vibrating at super sonic speed:
timothy timothy timothy timothy timothy timothy timothy timothy timothy timothy TIMOTHY!!!!!!!!
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Whumptober Day 30 - Recovery
Okay so this is short but I think it wraps up things pretty well. Rhys is safe, Jack and Tim are there for him, and he’s gonna recover just fine. I hope y’all enjoy this final part of the kidnapping story!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
A soft beeping guided Rhys out of a deep sleep, the sharp smell of antiseptic flooding his nostrils, and a weight held his left hand down when he tried to move it. Forcing his eyes open was a difficult task, the right still badly swollen from the beatings Rhys had endured.
Bright lights assaulted his vision and Rhys winced, hissing quietly when the expression made his facial wounds flare in pain. A gasp had him squinting down at his side, Jack was sitting by the bed, the weight was his hand resting over Rhys’.
Rhys could barely believe it, those were actual tears welling up in Handsome Jack’s eyes. He was so shocked that he didn’t realize he was crying too, at least until a calloused thumb gently swept over his cheek, wiping away the tears.
Smiling weakly at each other, Rhys took Jack’s hand again, clinging to him while cataloging his injuries. He had a wide swathe of bandages wrapped around his middle, supporting badly broken and fractured ribs. There were butterfly bandaids under his left eye for the last cut Dwight gave him, the damn thing still stung when curious metal fingers brushed over it.
His neck ached where he had been struck and had drugs injected. Rhys could feel the raised bumps in his skin where the punctures had become inflamed and possibly infected. Running his tongue over his lip, Rhys winced but took note that the split was properly scabbed over, he also noticed that the cut just below his hairline had been stitched up, Probably gonna scar...dammit...
Opening his mouth to ask Jack when he would be getting out of the hospital, Rhys was interrupted by the door swinging open and a familiar voice calling out as the intruder walked right in.
“Hey I got more coffee from down...the hall...R-Rhys…?” Timothy Lawrence stood in the doorway, two styrofoam cups in his hands that were unceremoniously dropped to the floor, coffee splashing over his boots as shaking legs rushed the doppelganger to Rhys’ side. “Y-you’re awake! I...I…”
Legs giving out, Tim dropped to his knees beside Jack, reaching out to tentatively take Rhys’ free hand in his, an identical calloused thumb stroking metal knuckles. “Th-thank god...We...I...fuck we were so worried.” 
Shaking his head, Tim brought Rhys’ hand to his lips, forgoing stumbling words to instead press a kiss to the metal plating, so soft and sweet that it had Rhys blushing brightly.
No matter how long he’d been dating Tim and Jack, they never failed to fluster Rhys. The drugs keeping his pain away only made it worse, a relaxed, happy haze settling over his mind. Hospitalized or not, Rhys felt at home. He was home. 
His home wasn’t a house or an apartment, it was two men. The two men that were currently at his bedside, staring at Rhys with undying love in their heterochromatic eyes. 
Leaning forward to kiss Jack and Tim hurt, the movement aggravating still-fresh wounds, but it was worth the pain. He was safe, he was finally safe. And he owed his freedom to his boyfriends. 
Lying back on the soft pillows, Rhys managed a tiny, wavering smile. “I love you. Both of you. Y-you guys saved my life...I...I love you...thank you…” Feeling the drugs overwhelming him again, Rhys managed an awkward wink before the black of sleep swallowed him.
He swore Jack winked back. And that. That. Is how he knew everything was gonna be okay.
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Give me two characters in my inbox
“vs.” for who I think would win a fight
“or” for who I like better
“+” for how I ship them (platonic, familial, romantic, not at all)
And I’ll give you my reasons for why!
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When Nisha starts telling stories
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My 2 remaining braincells trying to come up with ideas:
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I’ll tag @whatthefuckisasweep @violentcollisionofstars @fonulyn @moonprincessalex @oneofthemtheaternerds @sparkie96 (hope none of y’all mind me tagging you. Don’t know if you guys are doing NaNo but finding a gif that just portrays utter chaos is fun anyways)
Pre-NaNo Tag Game!!
Since NaNo is coming very soon let’s play a lil’ tag game
Describe how prepared/ready you are for NaNo with am image, video, or gif then tag some peeps!
I’ll go first;
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And I tag: @ezwriting​ @pens-swords-stuff​ @raven-is-weird​ @buckaroowrites​ @magicalmisstemi​ @mourningalleglory​ and anybody else who wants to join!
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Whumptober Day 27/28 - Ransom & Beaten
Part 3 of the kidnapping story is here!!
Part 1  Part 2
While Jack is planning his rescue, Rhys continues to suffer in the hands of his captors. It is all he can do to not break as he waits desperately for someone to save him.
Consciousness came back to Rhys in pieces, a low groan escaping him as he distantly registered being dragged across the ground. The sudden flare of pain in his arms was what finally shocked him awake, eyes flying wide with an agonized cry.
Cold chains had been wrapped around his wrists, threaded through a hook in the ceiling and pulled, dragging him up to hang limply in the center of the dark room. Rhys hated it, but couldn’t stop himself from leaning into the strangely gentle touch caressing his abused cheek, the broken skin a sickening black and blue. Tears welled up in his left eye, the other swollen shut.
“You’re a lucky man, Rhys. Jack decided to pay up! We’ll be moving you soon but first-”
A fist slammed into his already aching stomach, the force sending Rhys swinging, feet struggling to get purchase on the smooth floor. Laughter rang around the coughing hostage, the strenuous position constricting his chest and making it difficult to breathe.
Strong fingers grabbed his jaw, forcing Rhys to meet his tormentor’s gaze. BN smiled cruelly at him, grip on his jaw tightening to the point of pain. Cold steel trailed up his side, dancing lightly over his skin until it reached his cheek. Rhys couldn’t hold back his whimper of fear as the flat of the blade was tapped against already sore skin, staring pleadingly at BN.
The man chuckled darkly, twisting the blade so the tip pressed in just below his good eye, the gentle press growing in force until it just barely broke the skin. Rhys had gone deathly still, frozen in place as the knife cut in, not daring to shift and risk the dangerous point sinking into his eye.
Hot breath ghosted over Rhys’ cheek, a wet tongue poking out to drag up the side of his face, gathering up the few beads of blood that the tiny slice had produced. BN hummed to himself as he pulled bad, licking his lips and twirling the knife in his hand, “Taste as good as you look. Well, as good as you used to look.”
The door swung open so fast both BN and Rhys started, a scrawnier thug stepping in and locking eyes with the unbound man. “Dwight! There you are I’ve been looking for you!” Dwight turned and glared at his compatriot, obviously annoyed to have been interrupted, and perhaps on having his real name revealed. Rhys, on the other hand, couldn’t have been more relieved, slumping in his restraints the second the attention was off him. Though he wasn’t completely passive, snickering under his breath about what a wimpy name Dwight was. That earned him a jab to the ribs.
Worth it.
While tinier and (at least in Rhys’ book) less intimidating, the man stalked past Dwight with nothing more than a small huff in reaction to the bigger man’s glare. Rhys tried to turn and keep his eyes on the newcomer, but he disappeared behind him, his intentions became clear though when Rhys’ chain was released.
Without the support holding him up, Rhys collapsed immediately, just enough sense left to throw his bound hands out, stopping his head from hitting the ground. The sudden shift in position had his head spinning, a muffled argument happening above him as Rhys struggled to muster the strength to stand.
Whether he got that strength or not didn’t matter in the end as a hand hooked into the back of his shirt, dragging him across the floor and out into a dark hall. To his credit, Rhys did try to struggle at first, but he lacked the energy to keep it up for long. Eventually, he simply went limp, reluctantly allowing himself to be tugged along without resistance.
Somewhere along the line, he must’ve passed out, because when Rhys opened his eyes again it was to the sensation of being on his knees, hands retied behind his back, and a strip of duct-tape pressed over his mouth. Dwight stood to his right, a gun pressed to Rhys’ temple, while the tiny man from before stood on his left, arms crossed and foot tapping the ground like he was waiting for something.
It wasn’t just the two of them though, shuffling from behind alerted Rhys to the presence of at least 6 more thugs. Shifting uncomfortably on his knees, Rhys was rewarded with a cuff to the ear and a sharp order to be quiet and stay still. He complied if only to appease the men for the moment.
Hours seemed to pass before there was finally movement at the other end of what Rhys had realized was a landing bay on Helios. Around the corner came Handsome Jack himself, flanked by Nisha and Wilhelm, though they stayed at the edge of the bay while Jack alone walked up to the group. There was a briefcase in his hand, likely filled with the demanded 20 million, but Jack’s eyes never left Rhys.
Mismatched eyes swept over Rhys’ battered form, the rage in his eyes growing with every new injury he discovered. While Jack examined him, Rhys did the same back. He took note of all the little things, how there were the beginnings of bags under Jack’s eyes, visible even with the mask, how he winced a little with every step, how a slight limp had his right leg lagging behind, how his clothes were rumpled and his hair was unkempt.
Rhys noticed everything. His heart aching as he realized how worried and scared Jack truly was. Stopping a few feet away, Jack finally tore his eyes from Rhys, looking between Dwight and the scrawny man before setting the briefcase on the floor. “20 million.” His voice was rough, like he’d been screaming, or crying… “It’s all there. Now give him back.”
Dwight, the bastard, wagged a finger and smirked, “Ah ah ah! Show us it first.” The metal against Rhys’ skull pressed in harder, “Or I might have to skim a bit off the top. Maybe give him a new hairstyle? Do you think a buzz cut would suit him?”
Jack lifted his hands, sinking onto a knee to unlock the case, “Alright alright! I’ll open it, Jesus…” With the press of a few buttons and a grumbled insult, Jack opened the case, lifting the top to reveal it was filled to the literal brim with cash.
Dwight grinned wildly, a hand clamping down on the back of Rhys’ neck and hauling him to his feet. “Fuck yes! Close it and kick it over here, then you’ll get your twink.” Whimpering in pain, Rhys screwed his good eye shut, shaking weakly when the big man squeezed the back of his neck, almost massaging it in a way that had his stomach-churning.
He heard a kick and then he was being shoved forward, stumbling and tripping into warm waiting arms, a soothing voice whispering in his ear. “It’s okay, Rhys. It’s okay I’ve got you. You’re safe now, cupcake.” With a heavy, shuddering sigh of relief, Rhys slumped in Jack’s arms, almost missing it when the man hissed out an angry, but excited, “Now.”
Several shots rang out in succession, neat clean strikes that had body after body dropping quietly to the floor. In mere moments it was over, silence falling over the docking bay, bringing with it an air of finality.
It was over. It was over.
“Nice work, Tim. Give the room one last sweep then come on down.” Jack shifted the shaking man in his arms, just enough to slip his arms underneath him. Standing with a grunt of effort, Jack cradled Rhys in his arms bridal-style, smiling softly despite himself when the tired kid rested his head on Jack’s chest.
Nisha and Wilhelm gave him silent nods as he walked out of the room, making sure he got out safely before moving in to clean up the mess. Jack was barely 5 steps down the hall when Tim burst through a side door, practically sprinting to Jack, wide worried eyes fixed on Rhys.
“Is he?”
“He’ll be okay. At least physically..” Glancing down at the former hostage, Jack fought the urge to shudder when Rhys whimpered quietly. He had no idea what the bastards had done to his Rhysie, but he hoped they hadn’t done…. that.
They wouldn’t know until Rhys was cared for and conscious though, so the first priority was getting him to a hospital. For once, Jack didn’t care in the slightest that Tim was clearly visible next to him as they rushed through the halls. To hell with people knowing he had body doubles, Rhys needed medical attention.
Nurses and doctors greeted them almost the moment they stepped through the door, Wilhelm probably called ahead. Rhys was on a stretcher and being wheeled away in seconds, leaving Jack and Tim standing alone in the waiting room. For a moment they both stood in silence, unsure of what to do, then a hand took Jack’s, fingers knitting with his own as Tim led them to a secluded corner. He sat them down quietly, thumb rubbing over Jack’s knuckles, the man staring ahead, at and through the wall. A single thought filled his mind.
Please let him be okay.
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Whumptober Day 25 - Humiliation
Katagawa Jr. made defeating Atlas look easy, but what will he do with its former CEO now that his company is no more?
No better way to start then by breaking his spirit.
“You should’ve joined the family, Rhys.”
Sighing heavily, Rhys rolled his eyes, glaring up at Katagawa Jr. and trying to fight the rising panic from being trapped.
“I heard you the first 50 times, Katagawa. What do you think I’m deaf or something?” Sass was a coping mechanism that Rhys had used for years, he knew it often just made his situation worse, but at least it kept the panic at bay.
Scoffing, Katagawa simply stalked forward, closing in on the ex-CEO who was desperately trying to keep his hands from shaking. “Oh, Rhys Rhys Rhys...we could’ve been friends! Pals! Best buddies! But you just couldn’t swallow your damn pride could you?”
Stopping with barely a foot between them, Katagawa smirked and let his eyes drift to the ground briefly. “Get on your knees.”
“What?” Eyes blowing wide, Rhys went to take a step back but found he had already reached the wall. Gaze nervously turning back to Katagawa, Rhys tried not to cower as he shook his head, voice barely more than a whisper, “N-no.”
“No?” Tilting his head, the smirk dropped and Katagawa pressed forward, raising his sword to hover beside his captive’s neck. “I don’t think you understand your position, Rhys. You will kneel either way, the only question is whether or not you need to bleed first.”
The threat of injury had Rhys dropping before he could even think to stop himself. His knees met the hard floor with a thud, the pain from the impact uncomparable to the humiliation he felt as a laugh rang out above him.
Long fingers carded through his hair, Rhys shuddering at the touch, “See? That wasn’t so hard was it?” The defeated man didn’t even have to look to know that that smug smirk was back on Katagawa’s face. It took everything he had to fight the whimpers and tears that wanted to escape.
Those same cold fingers brushed along his jaw, tightening harshly on his chin and forcing Rhys’ to look up at his tormentor. The malicious glint in Katagawa’s eyes was the final straw, terror breaking through Rhys’ facade as he shook helplessly. 
“You’re going to join the family, Rhys. But don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you…”
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Whumptober Day 23/24 - Bleeding Out & Secret Injury
Jack and Rhys are always finding their way into and out of dangerous situations. Though, sometimes they can’t escape unscathed.
The bandits had attacked without warning. Ambushing the Hyperion convoy as it drove through a narrow pass. Gunfire rained down on the cars, psychos jumping down from the ridge to divebomb unsuspecting guards. 
Rhys and Jack felt it when the first grenades went off, explosions shaking their car and sending Rhys into a panic, while Jack just put his foot to the floor. He didn’t care about the soldiers he left behind as they raced away from the bandits, even if he knew Rhys would give him shit for it later. But just as they were starting to feel safe, the carnage fading into the distance, a scream pierced the air.
Diving through the car window, a psycho threw himself on Jack, forcing the car into a spin as the pissed CEO struggled to keep the buzz-axe away from his face. Not sure how to help, Rhys glanced to the side, eyes flying wide with a shouted curse. He scrambled for the wheel, wrenching it in the other direction, desperately trying to stop the car from careening over the cliff it was racing towards.
The panicked yank succeeded, but in turn, caused the vehicle to roll. Head slamming into the dashboard, Rhys was plunged into darkness, an agonized scream the last thing he heard.
A pounding headache was what finally forced the battered cyborg awake. Twisting with a groan, he awkwardly wiggled his way out of the flipped car. Coarse sand stung at the scratches covering his arms, the pain not fun, but at least helping clear his head. 
Loud groans had Rhys spinning just as he’d made it to his feet. Jack… Rushing around to the other side of the car, Rhys kneeled down to find Jack struggling to drag himself out, the bandit’s crushed body blocking his way.
Immediately getting to work pulling to corpse out, Rhys couldn’t help but let his eyes flick over to Jack as he strained with the surprisingly heavy body, “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Please tell me you’re not gonna die on me.”
When all he got was another groan, Rhys was about to panic again, but finally, Jack managed a few weak words. “I’m f-fine, kiddo...just need to get the frig outta this damn car.”
Between Jack’s struggles and Rhys’ attempts to move the body, they managed to make things work. Jack collapsed into the sand once he was free, fighting to hide low groans of pain as he not so subtly pressed a hand to his shoulder.
“Jack…” Rhys stepped forward and crouched by the CEO, “What are you not telling me?” 
The man in question just grunted and waved a hand at him, “I told you- ‘m fine, cupcake..just fi-AH!” A guttural scream ripped out of Jack when Rhys rolled him over, revealing the deep gash in his shoulder, a parting gift from the now-dead psycho.
Frustration had Rhys grumbling as he pressed a hand to the wound to try and stifle the bleeding, “Goddammit Jack! You can’t hide this shit! I don’t care if you think it makes you any less manly dammit! One of these days it’ll get you killed!”
Despite obviously being in agony, Jack still managed a chuckle at Rhys’ outburst, “I’m a hero, baby. Heroes don’t die.” Pulling Jack into his lap as a pool of blood began to grow steadily around them, Rhys fought the urge to cry, panic squeezing his heart.
“T-they do i-if they’re i-idiots…”
Closing his eyes with a sigh, Jack let his head rest back against Rhys’ soft stomach, the sound of car engines rumbling in the distance as he smiled slightly.
“Well...good thing I’m a genius then…”
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Whumptober Day 22 - Hallucination
Life continues to be a bitch so yeah this is a day late. Hope y’all still enjoy I typed this out while tired as fuck.
Rhys is an idiot. Usually a lovable idiot, but sometimes...
Sometimes he was just plain stupid.
Why was everything spinning? Where was he? When did he sit down? Where did Jack go?
Those were the questions Rhys found himself thinking as he swayed in place on the dirty jungle floor. He and Jack were on a “vacation” to one of the Edens, damn his muddled brain, but he couldn’t remember which one.
What was supposed to be a relaxing week on the beach though quickly spiraled into chaos when their descending shuttle was hit by something massive. Jack swore he heard screeching as they plummeted to the ground and poor Rhys was too dazed to add anything.
By the time he had woken up, Jack had already pulled him out of the wreckage and scavenged anything useful. The man was in full survival mode, giving Rhys exactly 3 minutes to regain his senses before hauling the kid to his feet and getting them on their way.
To where? Jack didn’t have a clue, but anywhere was better than the crash site as the noise from their impact was bound to draw in some unwanted guests. Any other day the bloodthirsty former Vault Hunter would’ve loved to hang around and see what monsters the planet had for him to slaughter. But...with Rhys at his side and still so out of it, he couldn’t afford to put him in any more danger.
By midday they were exhausted from trekking through the dense foliage, taking a short break in a small clearing. That’s when Rhys’ stomach announced it’s emptiness and the miserable company man started searching for something to eat.
He was so damn hungry that when he found a bright pink fruit-like ball hanging from a nearby tree, the idiot didn’t even pause to scan it with his Echo-eye before digging in. Luckily the effects were instant, Rhys staggering backward as harsh coughs racked his body, the convulsions sending blood-flecked spittle flying across the clearing.
A warm presence was by the trembling cyborg’s side in seconds, big hands carefully lowering him to the ground as he fought to breathe, 
Jack didn’t want to leave Rhys’ side, but when his condition refused to improve, the older man went racing off into the forest, presumably heading back to the shuttle to see if he could find any Anshin in the wreck.
Left alone in the dark jungle, Rhys managed to drag his still quivering body over to a tree stump, propping himself up against the rough wood with a wet cough. His hands were covered by his own blood, the world continuing to spin relentlessly as the poison coursed through his system.
Colors exploded in his vision, like a firework show to celebrate his imminent demise. Maybe in another setting Rhys would’ve found it funny, but at the moment he just wanted Jack…
He wanted Jack so badly. Terror and pain brought tears to his eyes as he sat there, alone, helpless, dying. He was going to die before Jack got back, he just knew it. 
Did...did he just hear his mom? T-that sounded like his mom? Oh god was he hallucinating? Fuck he’d lost it, had to mean he was at the end right? 
Was this what everyone talked about? That bright light at the end of the tunnel? Hearing the voices of everyone you loved calling out to you? Telling you that it was okay and it was time to go? To join them?
If so then why didn’t he hear Jack’s voice? ...wait...wait there it was. But why? Why didn’t he sound like the others? He didn’t sound calm or at peace, he sounded...frantic. Panicked. Why did he-
A stabbing pain ripped through Rhys’ thigh, vision clearing with a loud gasp as the Anshin flowed through his system. Red, glazed eyes turned to the man at his side, a loopy smile tugging on his lips as a blood-stained hand raised to cup a defined cheek.
No. No he wasn’t dying. Not today. Today he was very much alive. And Rhys was going to stay that way.
They still had a vacation to enjoy right?
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A little Jack
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Whumptober Day 21 - Laced Drink
I’ve been waiting for this prompt since the list first came out. I knew, I just KNEW I could do something great for it and damn and I proud of what I came up with! 
Warning: Attempted Rape
Rhys just wants to have a fun night out with friends.
Can nothing go right in his personal life?
Since becoming Handsome Jack’s PA, Rhys had been swamped by work, unable to find much time to spend with Vaughn and Yvette. As much as he enjoyed being able to work directly alongside his hero, Rhys missed his friends.
So, when Jack told him he had earned a night off, Rhys didn’t hesitate to Echo Vaughn and Yvette. Plans for a night out at the club were made and soon Rhys was back at his apartment, swapping out his pristine work clothes for a more relaxed pair of jeans, sneakers, and a navy button-up.
Vaughn and Yvette beat him there of course and had already ordered the first round of drinks. Sliding into his spot at the booth they chose, Rhys grinned at his friends, “Bro, Vet, how you guys been?” He grabbed the beer Vaughn passed him and immediately took a swig, relishing in the feeling of the alcohol slithering down his throat. 
It’d been too long since he last had a drink, his work too important to get anything stronger than coffee. The first round went by fast, the trio settling back into their old rhythm with ease. Vaughn was the first to tap out, reluctantly heading home with the explanation that he had to go into the office early the next morning.
Rhys and Yvette drank more wildly without “Mom Friend” Vaughn there to keep them in check. By midnight they were definitely on the stronger side of buzzed, unable to contain their giggles as they downed glass after glass. 1 AM was just around the corner when Yvette finally left the club, patting Rhys on the shoulder and telling him to, “Be safe, idiot.” on her way out.
Buzzed or not Rhys never enjoyed drinking alone, especially holed up in a secluded booth. Standing on shaky legs, he more or less smoothly made his way to the bar, taking a seat on one of the stools and flagging down the bartender. “One Handsome Jack Me Up. Extra lemons.”
There was a chuckle at his side and Rhys glanced over to see a stunningly handsome man smiling at him. He was holding a half-empty beer in his hands and shifted subtly to move a bit closer to Rhys. “Not many people can handle one of those so late into the night.” Leaning in closer, he looked at Rhys through dark lashes, “What’s your name, gorgeous? Or should I just keep calling you, gorgeous?”
Giggling nervously, Rhys rubbed the back of his neck, ducking his head a bit to hide the growing blush on his cheeks, “R-Rhys...w-what about you?” The bartender set his drink down and he took a sip of it to help calm himself down. 
Humming in thought, the man inched in closer, sliding a hand down Rhys’ flesh arm and leaning in to whisper in his ear, blocking the company man’s view of his drink. “You can call me, daddy, gorgeous.”
Shuddering, Rhys jerked back and lifted his drink to quivering lips, “Y-Y’know I’m good...probably should be heading home anyways..my boss will want me back at work early tomorrow..n-nice meeting you!” Downing the rest of the drink in a few quick gulps, Rhys staggered to his feet, tossing a, “Put it on Vaughn’s tab!” over his shoulder as he stumbled to the door.
He barely made it outside before a wave of vertigo washed over him, making the cyborg stumble and lean hard against the wall to stay upright. What the hell? I shouldn’t...I shouldn’t be this drunk..why..I can’t...I can’t feel my legs..
Slumping forward, Rhys felt hands grasp him and pulled an arm up over someone’s tall shoulder, helping him stumble forward. “Wh-what? Who-who’s there?” The world was fading in and out, but a familiar chuckle rumbling in his ear broke Rhys out of his stupor. 
“Don’t worry, gorgeous. I’m gonna take good care of you.”
No..no NO! Let GO!! Jerking out of the man’s grasp, Rhys tried to run but his legs refused to cooperate, knees buckling and sending him crashing to the ground. Head slamming hard into the floor, Rhys swore he could feel something crack as he moaned in pain, rolling onto his stomach and trying weakly to drag himself away. 
Footsteps thundered behind him, sounding louder than they should to his drug-addled brain. A hand grasped his ankle, pulling Rhys back as he cried out and struggled. In an act of desperation, he activated his Echo-eye, sending a frantic message to the only person he could think of before something slammed into the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.
Consciousness came back to Rhys slowly. First, he felt the soft sheets underneath him, then the cool air chilling his bare skin...bare skin! Eyes shooting open, Rhys twisted weakly against the rough ropes binding his hands above his head and his feet to the footboard of the bed. 
“Hello!” He cried out, arching up and thrashing wildly, rage starting to replace fear, “Let me go dammit!! Let me go!!” Familiar footsteps sounded outside the room, Rhys’ struggles stilling as the door was thrown open, the man from the club striding in with an all too gleeful smile on his face.
“Rhys! Glad to see you’re awake, gorgeous!” He barely bothered to kick his shoes off, the bed dipping under his weight as he crawled on top of Rhys. Eyes wide and terrified once more, Rhys squirmed beneath him, realizing with a start exactly what the man had planned. “No no no NO!! Let me go, please! I-I’m Handsome Jack’s PA! I-I can p-pay you? Or s-someth-thing? P-please just d-d-don’t do this..”
Fingers caressed his chest, tracing the blue ink of his tattoo all the way down his arm, Rhys shuddering at the warm touch, “P-please…” Laughing softly, all of the kind charm from the night before was gone as the man sunk longer, pressing harsh biting kisses to Rhys’ throat, not even acknowledging the younger’s begging.
Oh god oh god this can’t be happening this caN’T BE HAPPENING!!!
Wandering fingers brushed over the button of his jeans and Rhys squeezed his eyes shut tight, steeling himself for what he knew would come next. Those fingers delved in, the tips just skimming over the waistband of his boxers when-
Rhys screamed, the man’s head exploding into itty bitty pieces above him. Eyes flying up and around the room as the body dropped onto his chest, Rhys could’ve cried when he spotted his savior.
Handsome goddamn Jack himself was striding across the room, yanking the dead body off Rhys with ease. The CEO was uncharacteristically silent as he freed Rhys’ hands and feet, only speaking when he kneeled in front of his stunned PA, “Rhys…” One big hand reached out, gently wiping away his tears and brushing the hair out of his eyes, “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you much, did he? I got here in time?”
Rhys gave him a small nod, cybernetic hand coming up to keep Jack’s hand where it was, pressed against his cheek. “I-I’m okay, Jack...he...he got close but...but you made it…” As the realization hit of how close he had come to being raped, Rhys’ tears started anew and he threw himself into Jack’s arms. The older man accepted the hug without hesitation, holding Rhys close and stroking his back to comfort him as best he could.
“It’s okay, Rhysie. It’s okay, I’ve got you. I won’t let anyone touch you like that ever again I promise. You’re safe now, Rhys. You’re safe…”
Shaking with the force of his sobs, Rhys hid his face in Jack’s neck, stuttering and melting into the warmth of the embrace. “Th-thank you, Jack..”
“Thank you…”
“Always, kiddo.”
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Whumptober Day 20 - Trembling
Everything turned out okay. Rhys convinced Jack to back down, Helios didn’t crash, Vallory got her ass-kicked and Gortys got all the help she needed the first time.
So why was Rhys plagued with dreams of it all going wrong?
It started as just some twitching of his fingers, then his breathing got panicky, he started writhing in the sheets, a cold sweat broke out. In less than a minute Rhys was trapped in the grasp of a full-on night terror.
Fear flashed through him, restraints clamping down on his wrists as he thrashed, begging, pleading for Jack to let him go. Saw blades and lasers crept closer and closer, bringing with them the very real promise of horrible pain and eventual death.
He screamed, fighting and fighting until he broke free, tumbling out of the gaudy yellow chair. The world shifted rapidly around the terrified cyborg, sending him into a downward spiral that ended with a hard slam into torn metal.
Pushing himself up with a groan, Rhys shook his head and looked up, mouth hanging open and eyes flying wide as he took in the burning wreckage of Helios. What the hell is-
“You’re not getting out of this alive, Rhysie.”
Rhys spun and barely had a heartbeat to recognize the glowing blue of Jack’s hologram before his own cybernetic hand was wrapped around his throat. No, it wasn’t his anymore, it was Jack’s to use, and he was currently using it to squeeze the life out of poor Rhys.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Rhys recognized the feeling of satin sheets tangling around his legs as he twisted and turned, that same cybernetic hand on his sleeping throat. Distantly he heard someone calling for him to wake up, but the pressure on his throat dragged him back into his dream.
The malicious AI laughed as he stood over Rhys, the helpless man’s knees hitting the ground with a hard thud. Darkness crept in at the edges of his vision, that laugh never-ending, following him down as the dark swallowed him whole…
Torn out of the dark, Rhys shot up with a desperate gasp, frantically pulling air back into his lungs. Chest heaving for breath, his eyes darted around the room, settling on the terrified face of Jack. The man’s eyes were wide, staring at Rhys as his whole body shook, hands, wait-hand, trembling uncontrollably.
His cybernetic arm had been tossed aside, having been disconnected by Jack to stop it from strangling Rhys to death. A big hand stroked Rhys’ cheek, cupping his chin to turn his head from side to side, concerned eyes inspecting the abused flesh of the cyborg’s throat.
“Rhys...are you okay?”
Gazes meeting again, Rhys and Jack stared at each other silently, the former giving a tiny nod, but his fragile calm didn’t last long, tears bursting free with a hiccuped sob. Slumping into the bigger man’s arms, Rhys curled up against Jack’s broad, warm chest, trembling arm clinging to his waist.
A kiss was pressed to his messy bedhead, a soft tune filling the air, Jack humming softly as he held Rhys close, gently rocking the shaken man. “It’s okay, kiddo...I’ve got ya…”
“...I got ya, Rhysie…”
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