lesbianinhaler · 1 month
alr im somebody who still likes THSC and has once been a fan of her (and suddenly moved on for whatsoever reason after a short while). Kinda funny I found out about this response yesterday (thanks to a friend) ever since I found out about the controversy soo
This is my opinion on this hilarious response from her and i'd love to share my thoughts as a victim of grooming. And yes, it's an old controversy. But I don't exactly care because it's supposed to be SOLVED, not left behind and uncomplete. There still isn't evidence she's innocent, not yet. Dunno if there is
Nick may have asked for whatever smutt you made for them, but you're fully aware they are a minor. I don't think you should have done as requested knowing you're an adult.
Lexi asked for the penis plushie picture, but again, she's a MINOR and you're an ADULT, it's a big difference. You shouldn't have shown it to her.
In conclusion: showing anything NSFW to minors as an adult is not okay and incredibly weird and blaming them for that whether they asked for it or not is completely brainless to do.
Another thing to add: you should be responding to the whole documentary, not just the few sentences you find easy to excuse. You cannot just move on and forget everything like nothing happened. You're in your 20's, be responsible, Dawn. Act mature and face your problems for once. You've groomed two or three kids. Even if it weren't true, it's still gross. All you did was silence them. I'm not sure if I should be reminding them that they can still speak about it.
Reminder that minors are dumb and curious, of course they want to see something they aren't supposed to see. You, an adult, aren't supposed to show that material, yet utterly failed.
You shouldn't be posting suggestive content in the first place in a fanbase with minors, but of course, you can't control who sees your content. You could've moved your suggestive content somewhere else. Or just keep it private, simple as that.
get the ukelele ooooohhhhhhh
You may go ahead and bash on me if you'd like to bring more attention to it ^_^
Dawn make sure to not int with minors ❤️
I apologize for this sudden thing, silly me...
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WARNING: Skip this post if you don't want to see grooming mentions
Read the document for the bullshit
....okay. I read the document from top to bottom. I never ONCE forced anyone to do anything. I NEVER made NSFW jokes in ROBLOX. Nick ASKED for the NSFW story, and Lexi literally asked to see the penis plushy.
And to top it all off, the penis drawn in Spray Paint WASN'T EVEN DRAWN BY ME. AND IT WASNT MY PRIVATE SERVER.
Lexi, you're taking things WAY too far, and I want you to stop. I already apologised for my actions, but you just nad to take things from 0 to 100 real fucking fast.
I'm very tired. Tired of you, and everyone that believes this bullshit.
My asks will be turned off and I will not be posting until further notice..
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lesbianinhaler · 1 month
hi guyd mb for not being active im mostly on disc
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lesbianinhaler · 4 months
happy month of the gays or also known as pride month
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lesbianinhaler · 4 months
wait guys have i posted these two vids
no? okay. you can find me on youtube too. lesbianinhaler
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lesbianinhaler · 4 months
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lesbianinhaler · 4 months
im not gonna lie i agree. i understand if it does make you uncomfortable, thats fine, i cant attack you for your own thougjts but can you please not complain all the time its kinda bothering us medhammer shippers the same way the ship bothers you too
i know, they hate eachother too but there is a dynamic called enemies to lovers and yeah we get it. ban hammer is a jerk but jerks can have a itsy bitsy crushy too. its just annoying. i get the flaws abt their relationship but i mean..toxic yaoi ig?
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(I know damn well I’m gonna get hate for this.. anyway, this is kinda Medkit centric I’m sorry abt that!)
I’m sorry, but people who cry about Medhammer’s 16 year age gap have probably never been outside in 7 years.
Yes the age gap might seem big, but they’re both consenting adults with serious jobs. AND they’re old as fuck, so why would they care?
Im pretty sure people use the age gap argument because they baby Medkit too much. He’s not a nine year-old, he’s a full grown adult. I sure he can make and determine his own decisions.
I’m not even into Medhammer that much, but this just bothers me.. 😭
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lesbianinhaler · 4 months
whoos hi tumblr sorry i forgot tumblr
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
So this is Jovi. He's based off the Jovial Jester's Staff..
Yeah he's masc presenting agender i forgot to put it in his info
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IM NOT REVEALING THE LORE JYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEH. Make theories. Become Mattpat (who's gone :( Sorry to the mattpat fans out there)
Yeah cool
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
guys have i???
have i introduce you, tumblr people to any of my phighting ocs??
I'll introduce you guys to the first phighting oc i made
meet Bladed Tutu (Or just Tutu) ::3, I made her since 6th of november so like. She has some old design. But hey im only showing you her CURRENT DESIGN!!!!
Tw for scars dunno if its necessary
funny thing. I made her get along with like. half of the phighters which is funny. Dunno what to say abt her and other characters ERMM!!!
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Wgat a silly fella. Not like she got kidnapped and got like kind of. Tortured. (by subfart). Subdpace wanted to experiment on her but like she could attack!! Idk. Uhhh. Well. And she tried to escape. Which explains um some of her scars. And her mouth that was kinda slit recovering.. And it also dxplains abt the wound on her waist. If you look st her relationship (As in interaction) with medkit, he healed her basically. I think subspace's crystals weren't so strong. Yeah...,....,... I dont think she kinda cares abt it anymore
Shes aware of the cult since she lives in Lost Temple and makes sure to avoid it..
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
Hi bogger hiii hiii you shall recognize me as the coolest creatoe of the oc i made, bladed tutu
hapty birthday Vine staff I love you
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
hapty birthday Vine staff I love you
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
hapty birthday Vine staff I love you
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
this is the funniest shit i made between medkit and ban hammer
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this is a referenfe to the human..i remember you're genocides thingaling
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
You should make zionists uncomfortable btw
Keep talking and bringing up Palestine
Advertise that you and everything about you is pro Palestine
Make sure nobody can even entertain the idea of ignoring Palestine
Are you part of a fandom? Draw pro palestinian fanart (and link resources)
Go to protests and wear pro Palestine pins (if it's safe for you to do so)
Buy and wear a keffiyah
Do not let genocide supporters find safe and comfortable spaces
Do not be a safe space for war criminals
Do not let people take comfort in your assumed neutrality
Do not allow people ignore genocide
- -
Edit: this is getting traction again so I wanna add a few resources to help you turn your anger into change
Daily click:
Free documentary about Gaza's Fight For Freedom:
I'm only going to link two since that's the limit for most people before they just scroll down and ignore it. Please give the documentary a watch whenever you have time
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
Honestly people are disgusting, using people who are going through hell's stories just to gain money? You're a filthy person.
@ougadyabudi is scamming people by stealing Haya Orouq's story! The profile picture is copied directly from Haya's Gofundme.
I spoke with Haya and she has confirmed that this is a scam!
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Haya Orouq's real Gofund me is THIS LINK HERE!!
Check out this post to find her other socials!
Please share this as much as possible and do NOT give @ougadyabudi any of your money!! Stay safe out there!
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lesbianinhaler · 6 months
So like
Transmasc subspace and transfem broker.
Super duper cool
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my artstyle is silly
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